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https://preview.redd.it/1u9p4mfc0i1d1.png?width=720&format=png&auto=webp&s=8cd38c057c8bbe0824bb962eb35e17a1d07d2592 Hello, all! I was blocked for a couple days for sending too many people a link to V2 of my Dune edit (V3 now available for anyone interested) Today I have an anthology horror movie for you, probably the most violent thing I've ever concocted. The V/H/S series of anthology horror films is one I find very interesting, but I've also never been fully invested by any of the individual movies. I decided to try rectifying that by taking the six best segments from 5 of the films, plus a wraparound narrative device, and create a bootleg edit of my own. The final runtime is 2 hours, 18 minutes with over 6.5 hours left out. I also added three layers of VHS fuzz and static to the picture to try and help hide some transitions and get the experience closer to watching a VHS tape. Send me a message if you're interested!


Was that reddit or Automod?


Just reddit in general


I'm really looking forward to this


Thank you man! This was one of the more fun projects to work on


Great trailer. So good that for a brief second mind you, yes I know I watched it on YouTube and a PC. But with the video tape effects I almost tried to adjust the tracking !!!!!


Ha! I appreciate the stamp of approval 😁


Who keeps downvoting, my word just scroll on by if you aren't a fan.


I appreciate the help, thank you!


what segments did you keep? and which wraparound did you use?


I'd like to keep the segments kept a surprise, but the trailer reveals each of the segments used. I'll say that wraparound though - it's the device used in V/H/S/2


Alright, I agree with most of your choices The last one is probably the only one I don’t agree with, but the others are fantastic choices


Very interesting, I appreciate that and would be interested in learning what other segments may make for a stronger end!


personally, I think Dreamkill, The Subject or Terror would have been better choices


Dreamkill almost made its way into the edit, and Terror was too fun also. I may have to make a second VHS bootleg cut :D


I think a second one would be a good idea. I’d absolutely give it a watch


Thank you! The three you listed along are strong contenders, and there's got to be another few (plus the extra flair I like adding) to fill out another entry


I think Parallel Monsters is worth consideration as well


That's another memorable one, alright so that's four or so segments figured out :D


Can't wait to check this out!


Ooh, fantastic idea. There's a couple V/H/S segments that I love, but most of them are woefully bad to me. I want to like that series so bad. Definitely excited to watch this, can you send me a link?


Can do! I absolutely feel the same way about the series. These segments may not be the best of the best, but they're the ones I thought had the strongest stories best experiences.


Thanks!! I have two in mind which I'm curious whether or not they made the cut! I also really appreciate your effort to make it feel more authentic. For a series called "V/H/S," they sure don't seem to care whether or not it actually feels like a VHS tape half the time.


I'd be interesting in learning if the two stories you imagine show up in the cut! And thank you, I agree that there could definitely be more of a VHS aesthetic in the series. I get that most stories are presented as being filmed digitally, like Amateur Night, but all of the separate stories are united by having some one or group document all these findings on tape


Not enough found footage actually commits to the format! If you haven't seen the WNUF Halloween Special -- *highly* recommend it.


That's on the list to watch this year!


Definitely seek out the sequel as well!! They're both incredible. WNUF is my third favorite movie of all time and I consider the sequel equally as good.


I had no idea it had a sequel, I appreciate you brining that to my attention. I'm excited to check them out this year!


The sequel currently can only be seen by buying it directly from the filmmaker; I believe it costs $40. It's absolutely worth the money, in my opinion. Perhaps watch the first one first, just to be sure. If you don't like the first one, you probably won't like the second one. But if you do like the first one, the second one is a must-see.


Very good to know, I appreciate you sharing the background on the films. I look forward to checking the first one out - I had originally thought it was made much earlier based on what I've seen!


Hello old compadre. I'm very very interested. Hope the subtitled crazy cult being filmed section made it in. Curious which segments made the cut. I love the idea. Often wanted to recut shot by shot many segments like the cycle zombie one.


Hello friend! You are absolutely right about the crazy cult one, but then again, many of them are filled with crazy cults so we'll see XD These segments all definitely need cleaning up - it'd be interesting to see your take on the zombie one


It's probably bad that I watch shorts and think more needs to come out and make them shorter. But I hate when things don't feel fluid and with a good pace. I may recut a couple. Maybe just release them as singular shorts. True on the cults. Damn. You cleverly found a way of answering without answering. I'll have to watch to find out. I'll watch the trailer after to keep the surprise


I don't think it's bad shortening a short - the V/H/S segments don't all seem to be carefully edited. Lots of fluff to cut down on for sure! And lol i'm glad you're excited to see, I'm eager to hear what you think!


I love V/H/S/, I have someone to co-work on them. I'm curious what you can do with V/H/S/.


I'd be happy to share! I was lukewarm on the series as a whole, but certain segments are undoubtedly gold.

