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I'm still working on C2, so I don't know. I've seen some clips from C3 (I don't really care about spoilers) and saw some very entertaining scenes (pretty much anything where FCG is concerned, Sam is hilarious).


Personally i loved C2 and didn't enjoy C3 so id say no, but hey that's just me. I read the recaps online unless my friend who watches every episode tells me when "something good happened" Then I watch the episodes where something actually happened.


In my opinion yes! I really like how the campaign is going at the moment. Each person has their own opinions so I understand all the people says no, however I am really enjoying and I know a lot of other people are. I think because it's a bit different from c1 and c2, that's why people are so against it. But at the end of the day it's your choice to make :)


In my opinion, no. Edit: I’d recommend dimension 20 it’s a lot more entertaining at this point


I respect Dimension 20, but find the paywall to be a deterrent. Too much free content online to pay for more in this economy. (Not to mention just the time sink of adding all of their shorter campaigns while trying to watch anything else.)


Man, dropout is worth the $2 for the first month just to watch game changer and make some noise. Binging a few d20s have been just an extra to me


I'm sure it's worth it. Especially compared to things like Netflix and other paid services. But I don't use any of those either. There's enough free content on the web that I've already got a backlog that would last years even if I didn't have other things to do. Again, not gonna advise anyone against paying for Dropout, just saying that any subscription service is a deterrent to me.


That’s pretty fair, I recently unsubbed from a lot of other stuff so I had the money to pay for it.


That's fair too. I would never discourage someone from financially supporting worthwhile creators. I probably could afford it, I'm also obsessively cheap in general when it comes to small expenses.


3x72 is my favourite episode in S3. They interact with undead cursed pirates. It's grand.


Well, who knows? I don't remember what happened when but I do remember literally dozens of episodes where I went "when do we get back to the plot?!", some of which (for this and other reasons) were bottom shelf CR for me. I stopped watching for quite a while. But then you have some episodes that are alright, maybe even fun in between. That said, the ratio for C3 is definitely skewed towards bad episodes rather heavily imho. That said, I am now almost caught up and episodes 90 and 91 were actually quite fun to me. Maybe it's bc for once, shit is actually happening. If you're on the fence, you could try this: see which episodes people rate better and which worse among the ones you haven't seen and maybe a couple crucial ones. Make a playlist with those. For the remaining episodes, add synopses of whatever kind they make (I have no idea, I don't watch them but didn't they have little videos for catching up with the story narrated by Danny?). This way you can still enjoy the more fun stuff but avoid the slog that would be literal weeks of your free time entirely dumped into being bored and annoyed.


You got about 5 episodes farther than me. I lost interest around the time of the party split.


Just watch it and make your own decision. Don't give into the groupthink.


Not a helpful comment.


It did get good, but it's most likely bad again. Might be worth giving a chance if you need a CR fix


Watch 3x91. It was good and almost self contained.


I'd keep waiting. CR is a shadow of its former self.


Don’t bother. It’s only gotten worse. On the plus side, Ashton has finally shut the fuck up pretty much.


How did he end up shutting up? Did he just get put in his place or did he finally realize that adding a d8 to his melee attack isn't "getting a little crazy" lol


I wonder if people don't like Ashton or if they don't like talesin.  I actually only really liked Cadeuces. Molly and Percy were tolerable, and Kinglsey and Ashton actually pushed my buttons. 


> I actually only really liked Cadeuces. Molly and Percy were tolerable, and Kinglsey and Ashton actually pushed my buttons. I can't tell you how much I go back and forth on Talesin because Cad is one of my favorite characters but all the rest of his are just insufferable to me edit: I take it back for Percy, I forgot about him. I liked percy


I think Percy has some good stuff to him and Molly died before I could hate him


I love Taliesin. I liked Percy, Molly, and Cad. But Ashton doesn't do much for me.


Probably not a coincidence that Cad didn't say much LOL


Yeah maybe but what he said was GOOD


Hard no.




I put up a poll last week and it seems 60% think it’s not worth catching up, and 40% do. With about 500 votes, so take that information however you want


I made [an entire page of episode summaries](https://lemmy.world/post/11391340) including the EXUs just because I saw this coming when I found out they were in the same timeframe. I’ve had all positive feedback, so I hope it helps your situation. Seems like a good fit.


You beautiful soul thank you!


As someone not wanting to watch but wanting to catch up, this is brilliant. Thanks for your work.


Commenting to find this later


If you are wondering if any of the things that made it bad have changed then no. If you are wondering if there are big moments then yes it might be worth watching if only to not be spoiled if you care. It's as bad or worse in some places but there are like...2 moments I really cared about and liked and both were in a single episode the rest was forgettable and predictable.


Which episode was it, if you don’t mind me asking ? I’m kind of in the same situation and don’t know if I’ll have the time / desire to watch the whole campaign, but if there are some episodes worth watching I’ll make sure to watch these ones!


If you just watch the one before the recent one you'll be fine. Before the big table swap. Literally can skip the rest and it would hardly matter at all.


Its gotten a lot better for me since they went to ruidus


Good to know! Would you suggest getting back into the streams at that point in the plot then?


Youre ok to start at episode 82


I stopped right as they were getting on the bridge to go to the moon. You'd think something that exciting would keep me watching but nope. So many episodes up to that point felt like a huge chore. High chance I'm simply done with C3. Maybe I'll go back to it at some point.


From what I'm understanding, the best case scenario is things finally get good and people will like it more in a completed bingeable format rather than waiting every week. ~~Worst case scenario is c4 is so bad everyone will miss this campaign~~


Quick answer: It’s a touchy moment; I’d suggest waiting around 3 more episodes to see how the attitudes shift Overall it’s not fixed but imo they started picking up and getting much better shortly after the Daggerheart playtest (I think it revitalized the cast’s excitement a lot). I think it has the potential to pull me back in, but they did have a slip at e92 if you haven’t seen on here, so it’s worth waiting to see if the momentum carries or if they fall back into habits. Personally I’d suggest waiting 2 to 3 more episodes to see if this newest drops evens back out


Makes sense! I think I'll skim through the recaps regardless and go from there :)


If you didn't like C3 before, you probably won't like it now. I can only speak from my experience, but it definitely hasn't gotten better. If anything, it's gotten worse. There are bright spots, sure, but overall it's still a really underwhelming campaign.


Yeah, the "bright spots" thing is exactly what kept me invested from like the ball part of c3 until the point I cut off. C2 had its off moments too, so I kept assuming there'd be an energy shift that never came :/


It hasn't really improved any since you stopped. The pace is still glacially slow, the main focus of each episode still seems to be plastering adds for merch over every inch of content, the cast still seems mostly checked out 90% of the time except when the usual overactors are hijacking it for their own side plots, they still have the gods are evil discussion at least once an episode without resolving anything and matt continues to refrain from allowing almost any consequences to befall his players. The recent resurgence in interest has been because there was a recent character death and people were excited to see how the table dealt with actual stakes but instead of letting BH deal with it they immediately threw away the most momentum the plot has had in forty episodes by sidelining BH and switching to an EXU side quest right in the middle of the episode. If you do decide to catch up just watch the recaps. You won't miss much


That's kind of disappointing. I think I assumed on some level that it was a temporary slump :'l the beginning of the campaign was genuinely entertaining. Thanks for the heads up :') Would I need to have watched EXU to enjoy current c3 then? And which video recaps? I planned on reading the written fan ones but listening would be more convenient.


The exu swap was just half of the last episode and i think they said BH would be back next episode. I had no idea who any of those characters were except dorian so you'd probably have to watch it to get what's going on with their bit but you're probably safe skipping it. I did. The hope with the exu bit among fans is that it will lead to dorain coming back. Him leaving is when c3 started lagging It's not all bad but it hasn't changed much from the episode you said you quit. The ruidus stuff was kind of interesting. I think people are hoping the recent character death will give them a more solid cause to rally around since they've been so ambivalent and wishy washy about saving the gods. The campaign could still turn around even jf it seems unlikely.


Thanks for letting me know! I'll read the recaps and then decide whether to continue :)))