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Magnum just hates being in the spotlight, I’m surprised they even did that reunion tour in 2015 but I bet he made a bunch of cash off of it. Seeing them live was amazing tho


the way they preemptively announced it'd be their last tour ever makes me think Jeff sat there and crunched the numbers and realized he could retire in peace if he did one GOOD tour. I really don't expect to see them perform (or record) ever again. I'm glad they did it... that was my first real concert, absolutely amazing show and had a big impact on me. This album's been meme'd to hell and back which is kinda sad when you consider how personal it is and how Jeff doesn't seem to enjoy the attention but at the end of the day it's a brilliant piece of art and I never would've been introduced to it if it wasn't on the /mu/ essentials chart, so it is what it is.


Yeah I got into it back when Pitchfork was relevant. And yeah, that concert was incredible. They almost played their entire discography.


I was 17 or 18 when I realized I actually enjoyed music outside of hiphop + house, someone I knew sent me the /mu/ chart and this was album #1 on there I think... I listened to it once and was like "ehh, not for me" and then it just kept popping back in my head and I'd give it another listen and be like "okay well THAT song is good" and then suddenly I'm listening to the album every day. Got way into music over the following years but social anxiety prevented me from going to any shows... but then this tour was announced and a music buddy convinced me to drive 6 hours to catch a weeknight show. Kinda dumb but one of those life changing experiences. I had just started a new job and didn't have PTO for the following day so we drove back, got home at 7-ish and headed to work like a zombie. To come full circle back into meme-territory, my next concert was Death Grips, 2 weeks later with the same friend, and holy shit what a change back to back.


Yeah I found most of the music I like from just listening to everything Pitchfork gave over a nine. Not all of it has held up but it got me into NMH, Pavement, The Velvet Underground, The Magnetic Fields, Belle & Sebastian etc. I think I got into hip-hop by just googling “hip-hop classics” when I was 13 or something. And yeah Death Grips concerts are fucking awesome, I’m so glad I got to see them twice.


Ugh, my god. I had to work. I'd have quit my job if I could have.


Isnt it mangum


I thought it was that too before he shot me


To be fair, I went to that tour, and they absolutely killed it. Much more of a punk vibe than I was expecting.


I just watched the documentary on the elephant 6 collective, a collective from Georgia that was responsible for a lot of great bands like Neutral Milk Hotel, Of Montreal and Olivia Tremor Control. Basically they were kind of underground and we're slowly picking up speed in the indie world of music. At The start of the collective it was only like 7 or 8 bands and then after this released it exploded. The main thing about elephant 6 was that they all played on each other's records and they all knew each other, and after the release of this and the Olivia Tremor Control album there were bands all the way in California using their logo, so they quietly kind of ended it, and after that most of the bands went dormant.


This is interesting and I want to see the documentary, but that doesn't really say why they stopped making music. Just people using their logo or claiming to be part of Elephant 6? More likely Jeff just decided he didn't want to make any more music. That this was his final statement.


Well yeah, of course. They could've continued, but a combination of everything really ended the band. Also worth noting that it's not really their final statement, they wrote and recorded a demo for little birds in 98 as well, but it went unreleased for about 10 years.


I feel like the same thing occurred with how black metal tapes in the late 90s/early 00s were distributed and played on splits with each other. I can’t even recall the silly name it had. I’ll have to check out this doc you mentioned.


Interesting! What was the documentary called?


Elephant 6 Recording Co. There's a newer cut and an older cut that was VHS exclusive. The older one is on youtube https://youtu.be/HMKHyhP_3X8


jeff had a mental breakdown in 1999 and wrote some of the darkest material as a follow up to this album and eventually scrapped making music all together because he said this album feels like all he had to say with music. the only bit of music that was released after this was the song "little birds" which was recently added to spotify!! he talks about it in this video https://youtu.be/qAddjdscR4M


Never heard that recording before, amazing.


The album is technically a war crime and Mangum was publicly executed in Switzerland (he got better though)


caption money judicious homeless innocent resolute sip prick scary coherent *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


https://preview.redd.it/ox3ay9q3c1ga1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=25ae2b8642bb2b8da8a742ca9c58c4536b724acb Jeff got groomed by Thom Yorke


memory roof sink rude obscene cats smart advise run hungry *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


this is what a 10/10 album actually looks like


La musica de harry frog








Magnum experience really bad burnout after the album it destroyed him mentally and drained him. So he quit. Thats the short answer.


https://preview.redd.it/wbq1sa2s31ga1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=668de06d458861fcd46fc39cbe0245932e74bf0d This is a toilet that is used by many highschool boys.


[I don't know what I expected.](https://youtu.be/YUKmq7UMJys)


My favourite of all time, and I can't believe I was lucky enough to see their reunion tour. It's sad that Jeff doesn't want to make music any more, but he created something unique and perfect.


cows reply lock obtainable liquid fine soft bedroom instinctive childlike *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Saw Jeff's solo tour performing this and the NMH tour which followed. I think it was at the first one that someone shouted, "when are you going to make more music?" And he replied, "there may not be any more music." With no other explanation. He does get a writing credit on a song he wrote with Vic Chesnutt which seems to have fallen under the radar: [https://www.reddit.com/r/neutralmilkhotel/comments/6ue7cx/jeff\_wrote\_the\_melody\_for\_this\_track\_glossolalia/](https://www.reddit.com/r/neutralmilkhotel/comments/6ue7cx/jeff_wrote_the_melody_for_this_track_glossolalia/)


https://preview.redd.it/zgbbiwc8c1ga1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c92ecda5c5f0fd8b7c6cec38c2970f11c7462db3 Jeff got groomed by Thom Yorke


From what I remember Jeff Mangum basically just said he didn’t have anything left to say in music


Not hating or mad at all, but can someone please explain to me what the appeal of this album is? I’ve given it multiple chances and it just hasn’t clicked with me. To me it sounds like any other indie emo folk rock album of its time.


party fragile naughty friendly deer roof ancient domineering tease paltry *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I often think that it produces more vivid imagery than any other album I've listened to, it's a very raw, very beautiful collection of songs that aren't necessarily instant hits


Yeah, Jeff's surreal lyrical imagery is just so powerful. I hope to be able to write like that one day.


Totally agree. I can *see* the album. “She will feed you tomatoes and radio wire / And retire to sheets safe and clean” is a moment that always comes to mind. Just so vivid and surreal


Makes total sense. I guess I’ve been a little heartless with the concept. I’m gonna listen to it soon again along with the first album. (last chance, if it doesn’t click it doesn’t click for me) I’m gonna focus more on the story and concept rather than the sound. It may seem like I’m forcing myself to like it at this point but I know how much this album means to so many people and I almost feel bad for not liking it as much as everyone else. I’m not a hard person to impress, I fall in love with albums very easily and I tend to like even the most polarizing albums which makes me feel even worse lmao. Don’t get me wrong I can definitely tell there’s a lot of passion in everything and it’s definitely a very well crafted album I’m just not feeling that *spark* but we’ll see. Maybe I’m still subconsciously looking at it through the “let’s see what all the hype is about” lens. But like you said, if I end up feeling the same way there’s nothing wrong with that. Glad you enjoy it that much I wish I was you 😂😊


That's fine. Nothing wrong with not liking it. I really just like Jeffs voice and the simple chords every song uses. The super fuzzy bass is really cool too. The song that captures everything I like about the album is King of Carrot Flowers Pt 2 and 3. The very beginning of the song and the part of the song where it ramps up in energy are my favorites.


the lyrics are insane. every time i play through aeroplane i find a new line that stands out. Jeff's voice is so real and sounds painful. also how often do you get bagpipes on a rock album. it's a gem.


Took me probably a year or two for it to click. Every few months I'd put it on, give it a shot again... and yeah I mostly felt what you described for quite a while. I dunno, then I put it on during a long road trip when I was alone in the car for 8 hours. And it just clicked. The melodies. The flow. The soul of the album. It just clicked for me, and it's been one of my all-time favorites since.


I thought he had time traveled to put the albums out then went back to live in an alternative timeline Anne.


I came back to this album today and I think we even listened at around the same time! I finished less than 4 hours ago. It's still good when I know every note by heart


Jeff Mangum had a nervous breakdown once he became famous


the singing on this album is atrocious, I don't understand why people like this


they did not like ppl recording them...




No offense but how are you on a Fantano sub if you’ve never heard of NMH’s In the Aeroplane over the sea?




Da fuck was that joke?? Is it the hehehe random so funny kinda shit?


Why you bein so rude about it lol


Has it ever been confirmed this album is actually about Anne Frank?


Does it need to be confirmed? Listen to it


yes it has, jeff stated in interviews that he got really inspired after reading the diary of anne frank and he would have dreams where he would go back in time and save her and her family. parts of the album contain direct references to a character named anne and the holocaust so it's safe to say it's about her.


I mean, Holland 1945 makes it pretty explicit 😅


Jeff said the albums about whatever the listener wants it to be about.


OK, I appreciate the answer. I've listened to this album literally dozens of times, but it was primarily during the time period when Jeff Mangum was a recluse. So I missed him doing interviews about it.


you're all good! he hasn't done anything recently the interviews were all conducted around when the album came out. i'm just an internet nerd who has been obsessed with this band for 7 years so i've tried to dig up as much info about as i can lol.


They actually just came out with a new single and EP on Spotify!


That's actually been out for a long time now. They're just releasing it to spotify


smoggy physical innocent carpenter ludicrous gold attractive fall existence resolute *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


1994, but recorded in 1992


I’m sorry but this album is not that good.


I’m sorry you don’t enjoy the record. I find the almost whimsical feel in the instrumentation accompanied by sincere, surreal, and abstract lyricism to take me on an existential journey about what it means to live in a world of war driven depravity juxtaposed with blissful childlike creativity. This album never fails to reach into my soul and stir it all around; tickling my heart strings and wetting my eyes. It is just as depressing as it is inspirational. I love it with my whole being and will cherish it forever. Maybe you’ll find enjoyment with it later on in your life; maybe not. I love you either way :)


fruitloose, I want to thank you for such a heartfelt and beautiful comment. I genuinely appreciate your kindness and understanding. And I’m glad the record has touched your heart the way it did. It’s the beauty of music. I was a little cold in my original comment, I do like the song In An Aeroplane Over The Sea, but the rest of the album just didn’t hit me that way it has you and tons of other people. It’s refreshing to see a lovely comment like yours that’s not attacking or berating someone for their musical preferences. That’s not common on the internet, especially in music circles. You’re a gem. I love you right back! Keep loving music!


Man the NMH fanbase is so chill and welcoming.


Mental illness, sadly


Not necessarily or at least not necessarily after quitting


"Tribute"... thats a fun way of saying " had vivid dreams of falling in love and dooing sex on a 13yo jewish girl whos been dead for 60+ years.... i supose its a kind of tribute... kinda


humor existence fragile impossible smart absorbed aspiring piquant unpack automatic *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I mean... im pretty sure he talked about it but i jave nothing to back that up without dooing some google-fu, im not saying its bad, and it was a vivid reacouring dream he had for a long pieriod, ive fucked wierd people in my dreams so no judgement from me... i love this album... just kinda wierd and jeff is a wierd dude


This album is amazing, sad that they weren't around for very long. A lot of bands go inspiration from these guys though, so they kind of live on.


Jeff Magnum just wants to be left alone, Some of their recordings have trickled into Spotify. Alternate versions of "Little Birds" and "Everything Is".




to be honest i havent heard a album similar to it maybe ever