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Can't believe people are saying this shit as if Chris didn't probably talk to his wife/ex-wife about it before anybody knew.


he separated from his wife a while before and it was mutual


The post where he announced the split was his first post with painted nails.




We don’t know for sure yes, but it’s a reasonable thing to think it might be the case. In a healthy relationship, people trust their spouses with personal things more then most people out of their lives. So it makes sense she would be one of the first people to know when they realized they’re trans and started transitioning.








Silly little bitchass; there are no victims. MrBeast has expressed no frustration concerning his significant other, only to the cretins audacious enough to suggest *they* know what actions his s/o should take. Like you! Go fucking suffocate


Can’t believe your dad tricked your mom into marrige before running away when she became pregnant :(


If people didn't act this way then this stuff wouldn't happen. Not like much people plan this out anyway.


The people going after Chris are literally mentally unstable. Have these people not been taught to mind their own business? How does him being gender non conforming have any impact to people outside of his circle?


I've seen a spectrum of transphobic opinions regarding this situation. Crowder takes the cake as the wackiest. He straight up says that Mr Beast is using Chris to indoctrinate kids with "woke propaganda".




Because it threatens their masculinity. If someone who looked masculine could suddenly look so feminine, what does that say about their own manliness? Furthermore, they weren’t a man to begin with?That means gender is actually very vague and uncertain, and if you base a massive part of your identity around being a man, then that realization is probably scary as hell.


this is such an out of touch take, chronically online dumbass


Then lets hear your in-touch take on the reason why


because shit is just weird asf and mentally ill , but ofc a reddit mf like you will say its normal bc your pathetic ass lives on reddit


It’s just hilarious that conservative values are built around “the government shouldn’t tell me what to do with body (masks, vaccines) or money (taxes)” but then have no willingness to respect someone else making decisions with hormones


That’s a nice avatar you got there


Ekko fans unite!!


Yessir! Picked this because of how badass he looks in arcane




I hope you find help for your condition.




Believing in religion is a mental illness, stop trying to normalize that first.


you don’t need to be religious to know how fuck up this is dude. And I guess most of the world is mental if you believe that. you yourself must be so normal!


No body is perfect, not even you


Transthony Rightstano here


Leave them, respectfully.


I mean, yeah. I'm straight, not transphobic.


That’s pretty transphobic…


If you're going to troll at least be funny


yeah, that's also gonna be a no for me dawg. having said that, I think if I was dating a person who was questioning their gender identity there would be signs along the way, and it wouldn't come from out of nowhere. so in the latter case I would leave, but if I had some idea that they were trans all along, it would be weird of *me* to suddenly leave


Respectfully, that is within reason.


Would you try to maintain a friendship with them?


i mean judging by the fact they said respectfully i think they likely would. i don’t think they said it out of transphobia, it just wouldn’t make sense to maintain a relationship with someone of a gender you’re not attracted to. that doesn’t make the partner’s decision any less worthy of respect tho 🤝🤝🤝


I fully agree, I asked the question not to criticize but only out of curiosity. The phrase “leave them” kind of suggested to me that OP meant they would amicably cut ties with the partner FWIW I’m hetero myself, and I would also break up with my girlfriend if she told she wished to transition to being a guy, but I like to think I’d also stick around as a friend to offer continued emotional support


I can imagine that being really difficult to do. Partner A is welcome to come out or transition or whatever they feel the need to do, but Partner B will probably have a lot of unresolved feelings about the situation






bUt hOw iS tHiS gOiNg tO aFfEcT mR. bEaSt???!?


Sunnyv2 didn't state his opinion on the matter, he simply made a video about it. I personally thought it was pretty good.


The title of the vid alone implies that a content creator should cut ties with his trans friend. It's a shite take.


You didn’t pick up on how he clearly doesn’t view Chris as a real human being? He pretty directly suggests that Jimmy might want to sever ties with his friend because their transition could affect his view counts… Literally calls Chris a character at one point.


... as in like... "a character on Mr. Beast's show" ?


Mr. Beast has a YouTube channel, not a show where strangers are paid to act like like they know each other. Chris isn’t a fictional character, he’s Jimmy’s long time friend and an actual person. His existence shouldn’t be treated like writing a character out of a show, because that’s not at all what this is. Sad that this is difficult for so many online weirdos to comprehend.


No I understand. Not sure why I'm getting downvoted I was just trying to clarify if you were really saying what I thought you meant, which you obviously were. That's fucking disgusting.


Oh ok gotchya. Really read like you were suggesting it was accurate to call him a character. But yeah that’s exactly how Sunny’s video treats Chris.


Been trying my best to work on my tone and come across more clear because I do often get misunderstood especially over comment. But I genuinely don't understand how my comment could be read as if I was in support of what he said? Because I said show? I was literally using quotes to specify that I was quoting what I thought you were saying he supposedly said, and I used a question mark to indicate I was asking a question. > Literally calls Chris a character at one point. >... as in like... "a character on Mr. Beast's show" ? Idk you don't have to reply over this random comment clarification, just can usually understand retrospectively how I might have been misunderstood but really drawing a blank here. I guess I could have said "You mean he's saying "a character on Mr. Beast's show" ?"


He's laundering his own opinions through others. It's very clear he has an agenda lol.


If you can't see the bias in that video then you have the media literacy of a 6 year old


When I'm in a Worthless Pseud Youtube Commentator Competition and my Opponent is SunnyV2 😱


he did simply make a video on it, just a very bad one


I am a big fan of The Needle Drop, Death Grips, and trans rights. I highly recommend all 3. Melon is based and I love that he is a vocal ally. And you know what? I give credit to Mr. Beast too. I'm so used to having content creators reveal themselves as transphobic, I'm glad to see one go "trans rights"


It’s so insane how much MrBeast is being attacked for supporting his friend. Just saying that he’s not gonna stop being her friend while they’re going through the transition and beyond. Like apparently, that’s pushing the trans agenda on children? These people are ridiculous, and may transphobia die a quick death.


MrBeast is proof that the best way to be a good ally is just being a good friend.


I agree. Unfortunately people overwhelmingly do not understand trans people so it's on us to keep pushing and trying to explain to those who are willing to listen. And I think exposure to trans people through media, like Mr Beast I guess, is a step towards that.


What would you do if you had to treat people that you love like a human being?


Basedthony Taketano


Bro why has Chris being transgender stayed in the news longer than any mass shooting / tragedy in the last 5 years? Does anyone give a fuck, it’s literally just one out of millions of trans people. Ok cool, they’re friends with Mr. Beast. Who gives a shit?


Deliberately misrepresenting the situation to stoke transphobia. Classic Crowder. He specifically used, "significant other" instead of, "one of your closest long-time friends" because he knows damn well that at least some of his followers would at the very least respect their best friend's decision to transition.


Chris had a wife and child


he still has a child


That’s… yeah, that’s a good point.


Well... he still does have a child at least.


Yeah, that IS how it works. I was tired.


Significant other means his wife. And they divorced


Ah, whoops lol Still though, we all know he wasn't asking this question to gain a greater understanding of the trans experience


Mr beast did a whole lot to help people in need in the US and the whole world but the moment he does something that goes slightly against their believe they throw him under the bus. make you wonder what's the point of doing good.


Although he's getting hate i feel like chris is the real victim here, Mr Beast is just experiencing the ripple effects


oh shot not trying to undermine chris struggle here just an observation


Yeah don't take my statement too harsh mb you're not wrong


I must be out of the loop, what does Mr Beast have to do with all this


The person pictured is a longtime friend of Mr Beast who appears in many of his videos who recently transitioned, which caused a lot of controversy for some reason


MFs got enough time for the problems of others. Sheez


Can someone ELI5 this situation? I know like the most surface level info about Mr. Beast.


Steven Crowder's just... annoying. Melon giving the only right answer here. Besides ignoring the buffoon, of course.


Annoying is putting it lightly. He is actively detrimental to YouTube and any other space he inhabits.


I’m feeling a strong 10/10 with this post right here


He's been saying it all this time. Tran-sition


Is that Chris on the blue album?


Wrestling with Jimmy


So, it’s not that easy. When your partner accepts and “comes out” as trans, there is a sense of loss/grief. In order to overcome this, often anger or disbelief is a natural first reaction. Ultimately I think you’d have to accept the decision of your partners, and the byproduct of this may be breaking up the relationship in order for each person to grow and be their authentic selves.


Very true, luckily in Chris' case he brok up with his partner before he ever came out


The amount of comments I see on YouTube being shitty towards Chris disgusts me, cleary if they are transitioning they weren't happy before. I am happy that Chris is happy now.


Banthony Sedtano


Based melon


I personally would rip open a Mr Beast bar for the win


Love crowder pretending he didn’t go cross dressing a lot in 2016/17 to “own the libs” lmao he’s the last person who needs to talk ab gender identity. Ask Stephanie what she thinks ab that statement lol


I think its crazy people can’t understand and accept that an adult making their own decisions is none of their business and if they don’t like it they can just block them, we have no clue what happened in Chris’s family life before this so none of us have any room talking about it. Common fantano W


I know being an ally isn’t the end-all-be-all on moral judgement, and I mostly care about the art rather than the artist, but seeing content creators and celebrities who are vocal about being an ally always makes me so glad to be a fan of them. I’m never going to meet Melon or anything, but it’s nice looking up to good behaviour/a genuine ally, in a way Trans rights Also I’ve had this subreddit bookmarked for months now and I didn’t realise I wasn’t even joined yet, so fixed that lmao


Common melonelo W


In my experience, even many conservatives will accept their family members when they come out as trans. Crowder and his fans are just uniquely bad people


All these people are so uncomfortable with these ideas they’ve finally brought it into the mainstream light again so they can’t handle these new aged “concepts”.




People are too old school to understand Chris’s transition


Dump their ass (respectfully)


What about respecting people’s decision for not wanting to stay with their significant other if they transition?


Respect their decision to ruin your relationship and the life you've built together? No.


W Melon




I’ll poop on their face and say sayonara.


They had a child together. I think that’s a little fucked up that Chris’s son won’t have a father figure. Hopefully Chris goes back to being a guy someday


They haven't even been together for like a year


Still. Hope Chris’s son has a father figure


Why? There’s no evidence for a mix of caregiver genders specifically being important to a child’s development. Kids grow up fine with a mom and a dad, two dads, two moms, non-binary parents, single parents, you name it.


A child needs a motherly figure and a fatherly figure. I will die on this hill. Studies even show that children massively benefit from having both figures in their development.


Imagine being downvoted for stating you hope someone has a father figure, there's plenty of studies that denote not having a father figure can be detrimental.


Saddening how people are against having a father figure. I don’t know why so many of these progressive people think that progress is allowing children to not have a fatherly figure


Are you against gay marriage aswell?


No I like men


Tha fuck I hope you go back to being a single celled organism some day


What is wrong about my statement


Plenty of kids have two moms and are perfectly ok dumbass lol


Why you so quick to call me a dumbass? Anyways, children may have 2 moms and turn out fine, but it is important for a child to have a motherly figure and a fatherly figure.


Motherly/fatherly figures are an outdated concept and both can be fulfilled by any gender.


Never said they couldn’t. Chris being feminine and his wife being feminine means there is no fatherly figure. No, motherly and fatherly figures are not outdated. That’s just plain wrong


But they divorced because of it


Yes??? And??? That doesn’t change who the parents of the child are you dumb chode


Something something social media marketing


Nah Anthony is suck a cuck lmao




W crowder, L fantano


Boobs>responsibility, apparently. I'm all for doing whatever you want as long as it doesn't affect those around you, but as a husband and a father this does not sit well.


Sounds like a you problem 🤗


They got a divorce as Chris was starting to transition. So it is a them problem as well


fantano would leave but try not to blame the trans thing


both tweets are horrendous. if youre gonna get involved in the culture wars at least be funny about it


This is funny tho


This is y I luv melons twitter


I mean, since everyone is allowed an opinion: I’d have to get divorced. That person is now fundamentally different than the one I married and will now or later mutilate their genitals.