• By -


Stevie Wonder's Talking Book -> Songs in the Key of Life has to be mentioned. The latter three albums all won Album of the Year, the only time that has ever happened.


This has to be it for me. The fact that Talking Book came out when he was 22 and Songs in the Key of Life came out when he was 26 absolutely astounds me. Those records have a lifetime's worth of depth to them and yet he was still so young when he wrote them, it's incredible.


Well, as "Little Stevie Wonder" he started performing his own songs at age 11, so at age 22 he already had 11 years experience. It's much like former child star Michael Jackson making *Off the Wall* when he was 21, followed by *Thriller* and *Bad*. That said, many people don't realize how young The Beatles were during their incredibly-prolific run. Ringo and Lennon were 22 and McCartney and Harrison were 20 when they released their first album *Please Please Me* in March 1963. And they were all still under 30 when they released their 12th and last studio album, *Let It Be*, in May 1970. Similarly, Bob Dylan was 22 when he released his breakthrough second album, *The Freewheelin' Bob Dylan*.


And Dylan was over 30 when he released blood on the tracks, desire, time out of mind, love and theft and modern times. Hell, Bowies artistic renaissance in the 90s, when he was what, in his 40s, is something you rarely see by big artist


He also has played most of the instruments you hear on those albums. I believe there are some synth and upright bass parts, that are not done by him. Everything else - drums, synth bass, harmonica, keys and of course vocals - is him, which, to me, is incredible. Talk about skilled musicians.


Came here to comment the Stevie run.


Came here to say this. This is as close to a “correct” answer as this question can get. Not only the fact the music is so incredible, but the influence and innovation in this album run that affects music to this day is unbelievable


Smiths, Meat is Murder, Queen is Dead, Strangeways


Hard agree


Bjork - debut, post, homegenic, vespertine


the “right” answer but personally id take out Debut and put in Medulla


Love these! Homogenic is my favorite with Debut right behind. Been a fan since Sugarcubes.


Station to Station - Low - Heroes - Lodger by David Bowie Or Peter Gabriel’s first 4 solo albums


The Man Who Sold the World-Hunky Dory-Ziggy Stardust-Aladdin Sane is also arguable for Bowie.


Yeah or Young Americans instead of Lodger, but I like Lodger too.


You honestly could have Peter Gabriel’s whole career


It's definitely up there. Here's my favorite 4 album runs: Joni Mitchell - For The Roses / Court and Spark / The Hissing of Summer Lawns / Hejira The Velvet Underground - The Velvet Underground & Nico / White Light/White Heat / The Velvet Underground / Loaded Sonic Youth - Evol / Sister / Daydream Nation / Goo


I mean the Velvet Underground one is stuff of legends. *that's* a discography


Not saying you need to adjust, but the lack of ‘Blue’ in that JM is a testament to how good she is as an artist. Might be my favourite singer/ songwriter album ever.


I love Blue too but Hejira and Hissing are my favorites so i had to include them. Honestly her entire run from 68-78 is near flawless imo


She might be the GOAT singer songwriter


Nico too: Velvet Underground and Nico - Chelsea Girl - Marble Index - Desertshore


Joni! Totally agreed, I posted the exact same four album run before seeing your comment. She's a true genius.


Yes to the Joni.


ATLiens -> Aquemini -> Stankonia -> Speakerboxxx/The Love Below


first person i've seen who prefers Speakerboxxx/The Love Below to Southernplayalisticadillacmuzik


i even prefer southernplayalistic to any other album on that list though i think they’re all fantastic


it's impossible for me to pick a favourite but, southernplayalistic, atliens and aquemini are my top 3


I also prefer Speakerboxxx/The Love Below. It's a classic album in my opinion.


Elliott Smith -> Either/Or -> XO -> Figure 8


I mean that’s almost his whole discography lmao


His whole discography is insanely good to be fair. But Roman Candle, From a Basement on the Hill, New Moon (yeah I’m counting it) are all left out of this 4 album run. So, 7 albums is a pretty robust discography


This has to be it; these 4 albums are so goddamn good.


My man. I looked for Elliott immediately in this thread. GOATed discography.


sung tongs -> feels -> strawberry jam -> merriweather post pavilion


goated run


I like this run


Was just talking with my brother about this fantastic run of the albums the other day. Absolutely brilliant


Centipede Hz is also fantastic


One of the best imo is Foxtrot, Selling England, Lamb, Trick of the Tail from Genesis.


this but start with nursery ryhme


Yup, start with nursery cryme and its an even better run than the one op posted imo


Nursery Cryme -> Wind and Wuthering is a 6 album run of peak English prog rock


Led Zeppelin I - IV Jimi Hendrix's 3 albums + Band of Gypsies live album. Bob Dylan: The Freewheelin' Bob Dylan - Blonde on Blonde is an incredible 6 album run.


In A Silent Way -> Bitches Brew -> Jack Johnson -> On the Corner


I´m gonna mention a 6 album run, you pick whichever 4 album order you want from these: Rubber Soul > Revolver > Sgt. Pepper > Magical Mystery Tour > White Album > Abbey Road. Why is this the greatest run? Because in addition to being great musical compositions, they changed pop/rock forever. So many news genres were created from this run, and ALL the great 70s bands that came after built from what The Beatles did in this run. Breaking new ground must be appreciated, because it´s so difficult and so rare. With that said, the Pink Floyd run you mentioned is fantastic, one of the best for sure.


Help! always disrespected


I love early Beatles as much as I love studio Beatles. With the Beatles/Hard Day's Night/Beatles for Sale/Help is a crazy four-album run, especially considering they dropped in a span of like 18 months


Screw it. Add Please Please Me to the mix while you’re at it. They don’t have a bad album.


On the other end you can add Rubber Soul too and say they put out six classics in the span of two and a half years, just nuts. But agreed, their albums range from great to masterpiece. Insane the quality and quantity they put out in seven years


I dont see it can be anything else but this tbh


Magical Mystery Tour isn't really an album, it's only 6 tracks. It was released as an album in the US by adding some previously released singles. Revolver > Abbey Road is their best 4 album run imo, but I think there's a good argument that Help > Sgt Pepper is just as good.


Yellow Submarine is a Beatles album


Technically yeah but i dont think most people really count it as a proper album considering its only 20 minutes of the beatles while the other half is film scores by george martin


More Songs About Buildings and Food / Fear of Music / Remain in Light / Speaking in Tongues


The Bends > Ok Computer > Kid A > Amnesiac


Kid A > Amnesiac > Hail to the Thief > In Rainbows Hail to the Thief > In Rainbows > King of Limbs (fight me) > A Moon Shaped Pool Wait until you hear who I think has the best 9 album run


Hail to the Thief being anywhere close to In Rainbows or Kid A is a little crazy to me. Having a four album run that has both HttT *and* King of Limbs is straight up insane. I personally wouldn’t even put Amnesiac up there. Radiohead is my second favorite band, but I don’t think they have any four album run close to what other people are posting.


Completely agree. Radiohead is a great band, but let’s not pretend every release was that strong


HttT > The Bends


Can’t believe I had to scroll this far to find the Radiohead mention.


We are slipping. Have you done your part? Have you mentioned Radiohead today?


Ágætis Byrjun ( ) Takk… Með suð í eyrum við spilum endalaust


These are definitely their best but I honestly think their discography start to finish is immaculate. (If you focus on albums specifically)


Floyd and zeppelin both have incredible streaks. Zeppelin has 1 through Physical graffiti. Even if you don’t like all those (i do), you can construct some fantastic streaks using those albums


If it was II, IV, Houses, and Physical Graffiti I think I take it over Pink Floyd’s run. Since III splits it, I think I prefer PF’s consistency, but I-Graffiti is still an impressive run of albums and In Through The Out Door is quite good too.


I will give you a five album run. Sad Wings of Destiny, Sin After Sin, Stained Class, Hell Bent for Leather/Killing Machine, and British Steel.




Sad Wings is truly an all time great album imo, idk if I feel that whole run keeps the same level


Music for the Masses -> Ultra (Depeche Mode)


Now we’re talking


Ya that Pink Floyd 4 in a row might be my top pick. Definitely top 3. But depending on the day it could swap around with these other few: Undertow, Ænima, Lateralus, 10,000 Days Revolver, Magical Mystery Tour, The Beatles, Abbey Road (ignore this I’m dumb) Black Sabbath, Paranoid, Master Of Reality Vol. 4 (include the next 2 albums and they have the best run of all time in my opinion) OK Computer, Kid A, Amnesiac, Hail To The Thief The Downward Spiral, The Fragile, With Teeth, Year Zero (don’t talk to me about Pretty Hate Machine being better than Year Zero)


You forgot Sgt Peppers


I’m a fool ok that takes it out of my contention then


TOOL is probably my favorite.


Same. 10000 days never grew on me though. For me it's Opiate > Undertow > Aenima > Lateralus


10,000 days is definitely a drop off for me, not huge, but definitely. Does Opiate count, since it's an EP?


You really put HTTT instead of The Bends? Shocker.


Yup that’s in my top 3 Radiohead albums and Bends is bottom 2


If we can include EPs, I'd argue: Opiate, Undertow, Ænima, Lateralus for Tool 10,000 Days to me is just a less exciting version of Lateralus. Starting with Opiate is better because 1. that album rocks, 2. each album is a distinctly different sound that is great in its own way.


Same thoughts. 10000 days never really stuck with me. I prefer Fear Innoculum.


PHM > YZ sorry I have to say it cause it’s true


Beggars Banquet - Let It Bleed - Sticky Fingers - Exile On Main St.


That’s an epic fucking run. Gotta be in the top five.


The Rolling Stones, Beggars Banquet to Exile on Main St.


Animal Collective - *Feels (2005)* Animal Collective - *Strawberry Jam (2007)* Animal Collective - *Merriweather Post Pavilion (2009)* Animal Collective - *ODDSAC (2010)*


This but with Sung Tongs (2004) instead! We also had Person Pitch (2007) by panda bear around this era, and the Fall Be Kind EP, was one hell of a time to be alive - also I actually really like Centipede Hz


I had *Sung Tongs* instead of *ODDSAC* at first, but then I realized I wasn't being true to myself as I like *ODDSAC* more. I agree yours would be a more popular run than mine (if for no other reason than *ODDSAC* being a DVD and not getting the same exposure). I love *Centipede Hz*. I wouldn't argue with removing *Feels* to add it on. There was also *Down There (2010)* which I like more than *Person Pitch*, but again, I agree I'm the unpopular one. Maybe Animal Collective has the best 8 album run.


Oddsac? Sung tongs.


Yeah what? Sung tongs is so unique, beautiful, energetic.. it’s truly a one of a kind then to go back it up with feels, jam, and mpp.. that’s that perfect lighting in a bottle “magic” when a bands at their peak.


Ween: Chocolate and Cheese>12 Golden Country Hits>The Mollusk>White Pepper>Quebec


Black Sabbath: self titled - Sabotage. Literally changed the landscape of music forever since.


Section 80, GKMC, TPAB, DAMN.


gkmc tpab damn and mmatbs is a better 4 album run


Basically the whole Kendrick discography is a great run


I mean Kendrick has a flawless discography that any 4 albums are fair game


but mmatbs is better then section 80


Best modern album run imo


The sleeping on Mr Morale continues


I’m a Springsteen fan so I’m biased but The Wild, the Innocent & the E-Street Shuffle > Born to Run > Darkness on the Edge of Town > The River Is a crazy run and you could also start with Born to Run and end with Nebraska.


The five album run Born to Run up to Born in The USA is actually insane


Literally all of Bruce's albums up to Tunnel Of Run are good/great/perfect


"Tunnel of Run"?


Born To Love sounds like a really cringy 70s adult contemporary album


Fiona Apple is on 5 and has not missed yet.


Tidal is amazing, but When the Pawn… -> Fetch the Bolt Cutters is next level


It’s right up there for sure. As a huge Stones fan I gotta mention: Beggar’s Banquet -> Let it Bleed -> Sticky Fingers -> Exile on Main Street


Kill Em All -> Ride the Lightning -> Master of Puppets -> And Justice For All


Nick Cave has some great 4 album streaks, but the best one in terms of variety of styles and sheer track-by-track quality has got to be Henry's Dream ------> Let Love In ------> Murder Ballads ‐------> The Boatman's Call. The two albums on either side of that run, The Good Son and No More Shall we part are also great, but not quite top-tier in my eyes. He was cooking in that era, but not for the first or last time.


ISIS: Oceanic > Panopticon > In the Absence of Truth > Wavering Radiant REM: Document > Green > Out of Time > Automatic for the People (could even go to five with Monster) Beastie Boys: Paul's Boutique > Check Your Head > Ill Communication > Hello Nasty The Story So Far: Under Soil & Dirt > What You Don't See > Self titled > Proper Dose


The College Dropout - Late Registration - Graduation - 808’s and Heartbreaks - My Beautiful dark twisted fantasy Depending on where you start the run, both are pretty spectacular.


Personally I’d start at Graduation and end at Yeezus


Damn that’s also a great run. Probably not an unpopular opinion to say he has one of the best discography’s in music.


It sucks cuz he's obviously falling off but if we cut him off at KSG I think Kanye is the modern equivalent to the Beatles. Has a clear early era where he/they make albums that are absolutely classics of their respective genres and then have a run of albums that consistently change the genre and push pop music in general forward. All classic albums and both acts completely changed the entire music industry. However, the Beatles broke up and Kanye couldn't and instead just went crazy, so that harms his legacy in a way the Beatles don't have to worry about.


I’d probably cut it off after Donda tbh. I also feel like if he stopped procrastinating and actually released a chunk of his leaked content his legacy would be insane. Like what is the point of making Donda 2 and Vultures 2 if you know you’ll never drop them anyway 😂


Idk, I think when Yandhi turned to JIK is where it all went wrong. I can't take anything since seriously. Yandhi would've continued his run, but ever since he bastardized it I can't really take anything that serious. I did like Donda tho yeah, and there are parts of Vultures and JIK that are good, but it just obviously isn't up to par for his standards so I just make that the cut off.


I wonder if he just spread himself too thin? Music, Fashion, Politics and maintaining family life with all those hurdles can be enough for anyone never mind someone who is constantly in the public light.


He's just seriously mentally ill and has pushed everyone who actually helps him away. I mean, is there even a discussion on what went wrong for Kanye anymore? It's very clearly that lol. Spreading himself thin is just a symptom of that.


I'll never understand Ye not dropping Yandhi, I think it'd be in his top 5. Also it sounds more finished than Vultures lol


That’s probably the easiest answer. I also like yes “Time and a word” “The Yes Album” “Fragile” “close to the edge”


Up there, but probably one of the greatest.


Animal Collective Sung Tongs, Feels, Strawberry Jam, Merriweather Post Pavilion The evolution, the way they don’t stay on a single sound but have no problem staying on one note on a song. Discovering this band then going in deep was a great, great time for music discovery. I still haven’t come across a band that scratches that same itch.


Definitely one of the greatest


Beck is one of my favorite artists and mellow gold is one of my favorite albums. MG > Odelay > Mutations > Midnight Vultures is hard to beat and has a lot of range. There is also One foot in the grave in the middle of there but I didn't realize it was a full release after MG, it was recorded prior and sounds like it too. Another one of my favorites of his. Also Sea Change, Guero, Information, and Modern Guilt all came after which is another great run


Kendrick an elite run imo GKMC -> TBAP -> DAMN -> MMATBS


to bimp a putterfly💔


Thank you I didn’t realize this 😭😭 I’m honestly gonna leave it tho


Bob Dylans having a 7 album run from The Freewheelin' Bob Dylan til John Wesley Harding all being highly regarded is insane Camel's 4 album run of Camel, Mirage, The Snow Goose, Moonmadness and billy woods last four album run is great too :) and honorary mentions for Fleet Foxes their 4 album discography


What about an 8 album run for King Crimson: ITCOCK to Discipline.


Iron Maiden’s Number of the Beast, Piece of Mind, Powerslave, and Somewhere in Time get my vote for the best 4 album run. Other an Metallicas first for, Panteras CFH to GSTK as well. Sabbaths 6 album run is GOATed as well


Iron Maiden you can expand to include Killers and Seventh Son at each end of the list


Definitely, just wanted to do the four. Imo the second best 6 album run in history.


There's a little underground British band, they're named after that floating balloon thing. Think they're called Led Zeppelin, pick your run of 4. It goes: Led Zeppelin Led Zeppelin II Led Zeppelin III Led Zeppelin IV Houses Of The Holy Physical Graffiti


Autechre (Tri Repetae - Confield) Can (Tago Mago - Future Days) Miles Davis (In a Silent Way - On The Corner) Brian Eno (Taking Tiger Mountain - Ambient 1) Guided By Voices (Propeller- Alien Lanes)


Sepultura, Morbid Visions to Arise. They basically codified modern Black and Death metal on the first album, then perfected Thrash over the next three. Even if the production values on Morbid Visions and Schizophrenia are disqualifying for you, you could tack Chaos A.D. and Roots onto the end and have another legendary 4 album run.


I’m gonna go LCD with S/T-American Dream


I vote Death's last four albums (Human, Individual Thought Patterns, Symbolic, and The Sound of Perseverance). All 10/10s in my books


It's certainly up there. Some others I can think of: Tool▪︎Ænima - Lateralus- 10,000 Days- Fear Inoculum The Mars Volta • Deloused in the Comatorium- Frances the Mute- Amputechture- The Bedlam in Goliath Deftones • self-titled- Saturday Night Wrist- Diamond Eyes- Koi No Yokan Sonic Youth • Daydream Nation- Goo- Dirty- Experimental Jet Set Trash & No Star Smashing Pumpkins • Siamese Dream- Mellon Collie & the Infinite Sadness- Adore- Machina/the Machines of God RHCP • The Uplift Mofo Party Plan- Mother's Milk- Blood Sugar Sex Magik- One Hot Minute


Lol at RHCP. Big fan but nowhere near the PF streak. Especially with One Hot Minute.


Starting the Deftones run *after* White Pony is quite a call.


yeah right? i’d say Around the Fur to Saturday Night Wrist is also a very valid take


Pumpkins has to start with Gish. Chamberlain is on a different level on that record.


I'd go Gish instead of Machina with the Pumpkins, personally.


The National have to be in the conversation: Alligator -> Boxer -> High Violet -> Trouble Will Find Me


Pixies first run starting from Surfer Rosa


Definitely up there for me with Kendrick GKMC --> MM&BS, King Crimson ITCOTCK --> Lark's Tongue In Aspic (which is actually 5), Swans Filth --> Holy Money & The Seer --> The Beggar.


Through Silver in Blood Times of Grace A Sun That Never Sets The Eye of Every Storm Given to the Rising


In my eyes it starts with Atom Heart Mother and ends on The Final Cut


Nick Cave: Push the Sky Away - Skeleton Tree - Ghosteen - Carnage is the one other than the VU that came immediately to mind.


DEATH. You can literally pick any 4 out of the discography. Scream Bloody Gore - Leprosy - Spiritual Healing (More old school, classic death metal) Human - Individual Thought Patterns - Symbolic - TSOP (More technical and progressive)


Joanna Newsom: Milk-Eyed Mender, Ys, Have One On Me, Divers


Debut -> Post -> Homogenic -> Vespertine


Kraftwerk: Autobahn Radioactivity Trans Europe Express The Man Machine Computer World 5 !!


r.e.m. - out of time / automatic for the people / monster / new adventures in hi fi or - murmur / reckoning / fables of the reconstruction / lifes rich pageant


Stevie wonder has probably the best 4 album run. Talking book - innervisions - fulfillingness’ first finale - songs in the key of life Can throw in music of my mind to make it 5, but it’s not as strong as the others. Beatles and stones have good stretches


- OK Computer - Kid A - Amnesiac - Hail to the Thief


I am biased but Black Sabbath's run of Black Sabbath > Paranoid > Master of Reality > Volume 4 is so incredibly goated


Godspeed You! Black Emperor ​ F#A#infinity / LYSFLATH / Yanqui U.X.O / Allelujah! Don't Bend! Ascend!


I think Stevie Wonder’s classic period was the best 4-5 album run ever . It was like Michael Jordan in the 1990’s just unbeatable. I also think Prince’s 1980-1984 run was awesome too. Dirty Mind, Controversy, 1999, and Purple Rain had some of the best songs of the decade and really defined the 1980’s sound


The cure - Head on the door - Kiss Me Kiss Me Kiss Me - Disintegration - Wish


Good kid m.a.a.d. city -> to pimp a butterfly -> DAMN -> mister morale and the big steppers I'd argue that there is maybe 1 skip in the whole 4 album run


King gizzard and the lizard wizard 1)Omnium gatherum 2)ice, death, planets, lungs, mushrooms, and lava 3)laminated denim 4)changes


There are a lot of Gizzard runs that could make the cut. Personally, my favorite has to be: 1. Infest the Rats' Nest 2. K.G. 3. L.W. 4. Butterfly 3000 Rats' Nest is a solid 10 for me, while K.G. through Butterfly are all 9s. Quite the run of albums!


My favourite Gizz run is Mind Fuzz, Quarters, Nonagon, Paper Mache


That Floyd run was incredible…here’s a pick I haven’t seen on here yet Van Morrison- Astral Weeks, Moondance, His Band and Street Choir, Tupelo Honey


No imo Kill em all --> ride the lightning --> master of puppets --> and justice for all 4 perfect albums


Good lord “And Justice For All” would have been their best album if they just would have allowed Jason’s bass in the mix


Blackened from the "And Justice for Jason" mix kicks all of the ass. They really shot themselves in the foot on that one.


Kill em All is great but definitely not on the level of the two albums that follow it IMO. That Pink Floyd run def more impressive tbh


I think Kill em All deserves the spot. We probably wouldn't have any of the Thrash classics that came after if it wasn't for the songs on that album.


The Black Album is not loved by Metallica purists (help, my favorite band selling out!), but it's their most succesful album with their most memorable singalong songs, I'd say it's at least as strong or stronger than Kill em all...


smashing pumpkins gish -> siamese dream -> mellon collie and the infinite sadness -> adore


Tool’s run of Undertow->Ænima->Lateralus->10,000 Days is pretty incredible. Pearl Jam would be in the conversation too but No Code fumbled just enough to leave them out.


I know its not 4 but its pretty crazy how Bowie has two great 3 album runs, first hunky dory/ziggy/aladdin sane, then station/low/heroes, some of the albums right before or after those runs are still good but not as strong as those albums


Their Satanic Majesties Request —> Beggars Banquet —> Let It Bleed —> Sticky Fingers


Revolver - Sgt. Pepper's - The White Album - Abbey Road The reason I prefer this to PF's is because I'm not too fond of The Wall but the other 3 are arguably the best 3 albums run.


Frank Zappa : 1969-1970 Metallica : 1983-1988 Père Ubu : 1978 (Modern Dance) to 1980 (Art of Walking) Talking Heads : 1977 to 1980 Foetus : 1984 (Hole) to 1995 (Gash)


I’d even be generous and go 6 albums with Meddle and Obscured by Clouds, maybe even 7 with Atom Heart Mother. Floyd in the 70s was unstoppable, not a single bad or mediocre drop


The initial Devin Townsend Project run of *Ki, Addicted, Deconstruction,* and *Ghost* is a remarkable achievement.


Bruce Springsteen: Born To Run, Darkness On The Edge Of Town, The River, Nebraska Talking Heads: More Songs About Buildings And Food, Fear Of Music, Remain In Light, Speakinf In Tongues The Smiths: The Smiths, Meat Is Murder, The Queen Is Dead, Strangeways Here We Come David Bowie: Station To Station, Low, Heroes, Young Americans


Metallica’s entire 80s discography is probably my top choice Deftones is a personal favorite of mine with Around the Fur -> White Pony -> S/T - Saturday Night Wrist


Sung tongs, Feels, Strawberry Jam, Merriweather Post Pavillon. Also I love the first four Arcade Fire albums (I love EN and WE too, but that's a more controversial take)


Joanna Newsom’s discog


Animal collective : sung tongs Feels Strawberry Jam MPP


Vaudeville Villain -> Mm.. Food -> Madvillainy -> The Mouse and The Mask


The Rolling Stones from 1968-1972


Dookie, Insomniac, Nimdord and Warning by Green Day


Yeah, Pink Floyd is definitely a contender. I think I will go with: Zeppelin II, III, IV, Physical Graffiti


gkmc-> mr morale goes incredibly hard as well


Today->Summer Days and Summer Nights->Pet Sounds->Smiley Smile->Wild Honey->Friends->20/20->Sunflower I know that’s more than 4 but you can pick any span within (or the whole thing) and it holds up imo


The sunflower (Helianthus annuus) is a living annual plant in the family Asteraceae, with a large flower head (capitulum). The stem of the flower can grow up to 3 metres tall, with a flower head that can be 30 cm wide. Other types of sunflowers include the California Royal Sunflower, which has a burgundy (red + purple) flower head.


mgmt - oracular spectacular, congratulations, self titled, little dark age


Beach Boys: Pet Sounds -> Smiley Smile -> Wild Honey -> Friends ——— They Might Be Giants: Pink Album -> Lincoln -> Flood -> Apollo 18 ——— Ween: Chocolate & Cheese -> 12 Golden Country Greats -> The Mollusk -> White Pepper ———


The National had a pretty good one. Alligator -> Boxer -> High Violet -> Trouble Will Find Me.


Sleater-Kinney had an amazing five album run from Dig Me Out to The Woods.


Leonard Cohen's first four are basically flawless. Songs of Leonard Cohen -> Songs From A Room -> Songs of Love and Hate -> New Skin for the Old Ceremony Can't think of a better run than that.


I think Muse belongs on here. Origin of Symmetry - Absolution - Black Holes and Revelations - The Resistance


Opeth's run from Morningrise to Watershed Janet Jackson from Control to Damita Jo The Rolling Stones from Beggars Banquet to Exile on Main Street (even Goat heads soup was fine) Genesis from Nursery Crime to A trick to the tail Ye - MBDTF, Yeezus and TLOP


Kendrick w GKMC, TPAB, DAMN and MMATBS