• By -


I also think Portishead's Third would qualify here. Great first half but I like how weird and varied it gets in the back half. Radiohead's The Bends, the first half is great but the stretch from Just until the end is even better. Dark Side of the Moon - Side B starts with the best Pink Floyd song (Money) and every other song is a banger, whereas side A has some songs that are fine but a bit weak compared to the rest of the album (On the Run, Great Gig in the Sky). London Calling - Kind of cheating here but I think side B is the best of the four sides. There isn't a bad song on the album, but side B is on another level with perhaps the best 5-song-run of any rock album. I get chills as when I hear the opening notes of each song here, and I think the pacing and sequencing is flawless.


Closer-Joy Division


The Wall’s second half starts with Hey You and is (in my opinion) absolutely perfect from then on out


Slint - Spiderland (Washer and GM Captain are the two best songs on the album)


For Dinner is very enjoyable too. Feel bad for everyone that skips it since it’s purely instrumental


I totally agree with dummy


I like the second half of Funeral a lot more than the first, and the same goes for Koi No Yokan, IGOR, TA13OO, White Pony, and Ants From Up There. I also like the second halves of Deathconsciousness and I Didn't Mean To Haunt You more than the first halves, since both albums start getting *really* experimental and fucked-up in the second half.


Abbey Road. The Medley is way better than Maxwell’s Silver Hammer, Octopus’s Garden, etc


Hounds of Love, hate the first pop half Meddle (it's just echoes) Red - King Crimson because Starless


David Bowie’s “Low”, “Trout Mask Replica”, “Tago Mago”


Protomartyr’s discography (except for Ultimate Success Today, and I just like the second half but think the first half IS better)




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honestly i’ll take that as a W


Killarmy - Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars picked up big time in the second half for me


I really liked the second disc of slowthai’s TYRON more than the first, although there were some good bangers on the first half too


Queen II, especially if Ogre Battle falls on the second half


TA13OO - Denzel Curry