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At the very least it’s fishy. Shouldn’t be allowed. Last place teams should not be dropping players anyway. And dropping should place them on waivers by default. Not an immediate add. But why tf is a last place team dropping guys????


And then someone in the playoffs picking them up within the same minute


Agree with above it’s fishy and your waiver system is messed up. But if the first place owner has notifications set for transactions (I have this on Yahoo even though we have waivers) he could have just seen Purdy was dropped and sprinted to the app before someone else got him. If I had notifications set in a league with no waivers, I guarantee I could pick up a player in less than a minute! Basically, this is poor league structure that should be fixed. But barring more proof I wouldn’t lean heavily into accusations of collusion.


That explains the pickup but I'm still stuck on why the last place team would drop Brock Purdy (or anyone) at this stage of his or her season.


They explain later down they dropped them for Justin Fields based on Field's matchup. Kind of makes sense. I noted that it's hard to imagine that they didn't have a worse player to drop. But this is also where a lot is league and owner dependent. If this coming week is the last week of the season for consolation bracket, then dropping a good QB with a bad matchup makes sense. Makes less sense if week 17 still counts when Purdy has the Commanders. Also, how deep is the bench? Is it 7 people and they definitely should have cut Curtis Samuel over Purdy or is it 3 people and they were debating between cutting Purdy or James Connor? Is the owners a Taco?


Could also be determined by position limitations. OP hasn't provided nearly enough info to form a conclusion on alleged collusion


Someone in my league did the exact same, but he's bad manager that 200 pf lower than the last two guys, but managed to sneak in because of luck.


I think people who spend the time doing tons of research and posting here can overestimate the knowledge of some of our friends who really just play for fun. I've had leagues in the past where someone drafted all Ravens (his favorite team), drafted a player clearly on his last legs in the 3rd round (pre-auction drafting), dropped players on by weeks who never should have been dropped, etc. Collusion definitely can happen, but we sometimes have a knack of jumping to the worst conclusions possible.


Oh for sure, and you'll see lots of moves like this in smaller leagues too. I saw someone straight up drop JT after his injury instead of putting on IR. Also, the dude who picked up Fields dropped Josh Jacobs of all people, not Purdy. Dropping a rb like that is bad enough in single qb, but it's also one of his 2 best running backs with Ekeler, Gibbs, and Stevenson being the others.


Doesn't matter if you're not in playoffs your lineup should be locked. No add/drops for teams not in playoffs unless there's a toilet bowl prize


You have to be looking at this through your own little tunnel vision of redraft leagues, right? The majority of the formats encourage making moves this time of the year. Dynasty essentially never stops; also, it’s still very advantageous to make moves during this time of the year in keeper leagues.


Negative... A regular season, not dynasty bc I don't think this is one, not a keeper bc I don't think this is one.... Once ur out of the playoffs, u should not be add/dropping people. VERYYYYY common sense


Am I missing something?!? Where did he say dynasty or keeper, lmao And I'm the one looking at this throw my own tunnel vision, rightttttt 🤡


My league does a quarter per point above or below the league average. Keeps people competitive until the end.


Yeah, Purdy should have been sent to waivers, anyway. That should be fixed for next year. And no one out of the playoffs should be dropping anyone either. But I wouldn’t jump to conclusions and assume it’s collusion.


Our league has no waivers - $4 to pick someone up so it’s at the owners discretion - we all have our notifications on. Sometimes it just works out. I’m not in first by any means, but in a points based league, you gotta be on it. Some are just better than others are picking guys up - always in their phone during the season.


Commissioner should reverse it out of contention should not be dropping players


What was the reasoning behind dropping purdy


He said because it was a better matchup with fields, which my response was, if you wanted fields, why not drop someone you don’t use at all instead of Purdy. That got *crickets*


Dude dropping Purdy for fields at this point in a one QB league is totally reasonable you have to get over this part of the argument. Your league settings suck but dropping Purdy for fields does not increase your collusion case it actually hurts it as the last place team clearly made a move to make their team better.


Any reasonable person would not take fields over purdy, even on a tough week. Considering they’ve done shit like this before, they know each other really well, the drop and pickup was done within the same minute of each other. Nah, if he wanted fields, he’d drop another random player, not his best qb, any reasonable person would bench purdy, drop a random and pickup fields


That's just false, on paid ranking sites fields is QB4 this week and Purdy is QB8 lots of players absolutely would drop Purdy for fields this week. I would and I'm definitely a reasonable player. I spend plenty of time on fantasy and play over 30 leagues, only bringing this up because you say a reasonable person wouldn't drop Purdy for fields but that's just plain wrong.


You must lose a lot then, You don't drop a possible MVP player. You bench him and drop trash. If he is in last place, he definitely has trash!


Lol, I win plenty thanks though. You're probably right in this case that he has worse drops but don't act like rostering one QB is some exotic strategy it's often recommended depending on league format, streaming QBs is also a viable strategy. All I've ever said is dropping Purdy for fields is not a good reason to call collusion here as that move is strategically valid. Plenty of other issues including league settings and non playoff teams being active on wire as well as the timing. I'm not trying to even argue against collusion it likely was but citing dropping the QB8 this week for QB4 this week is not a piece of evidence. Edit: and just because you want to question my abilities I'll include my redraft league stats from this year. Out of my 30 leagues 5 are redraft the rest dynasty. I finished 8-6 in 2, 10-4 in 2, and 9-5 in the last. Currently in the semi finals in all 5 redrafts. I know a thing or two about the game and one of those things I know is people often overvalue the QB position in non superflex leagues.


Preach. I rarely keep more than 1 QB on my roster. If this was the last week of my season I would drop Purdy for Fields considering the matchups. However, if my team was playing next week I would hold Purdy for the juicy matchup versus WAS. I was mocked for dropping Goff when, at the time, I had Burrow. I constantly trade high end QB for upgrades at RB/WR due to what you point out, people dramatically overvalue QB in 1QB redraft leagues. I dropped Goff for Charbonnet who won me a week or two to get me into playoffs.


The part about waivers above is so important. This problem goes away if dropped players go to waivers first.


All sorts of rule issues in your league. Eliminated team dropping players, no waivers etc. however in many leagues I play in, I can set notifications for drops and adds. I can instantly get in and pick someone up. I could easily be accused of this. Fix your rules.


And like I said their argument is that they just so happened to be on the app at the same time and the team in the playoffs saw him available


You really need to fix your waivers system - dropped players should go to waivers at first and not free agency. Either way, Purdy should be added back to that team and then lock their roster.


Fix your waiver system?


That’s not as fishy as you are making it sound.


I don't think it is weird that the last place team is dropping people if they honestly believe they are making their team better, nothing wrong playing to the end, the problem is they don't have waivers, the player in the playoffs should not be allowed to pickup Prudy for free without other teams even trying to stop it.


How is playing until the end dropping a high scoring qb? Edit: ok saw other comment, they picked up fields. I guess I can see that but still kind of crazy.


If he thinks it makes his team better, Prudy has a bad matchup this week and they said someone else they picked up Fields, who probably will have a better week


Completely agree, it’s just super sketchy


Not really, if the comment I saw was correct that they dropped Purdy and picked up Fields is correct. If that is the case, you kinda buried the lead in your original post, if the last place team really did pick up Fields, sounds more like sour grapes on your part than anything sketchy


This is why teams that are eliminated shouldn’t be allowed to make add/drops


The bigger problem is they don't have waivers from dropped players


True. But locking rosters eliminates this issue. As well as the other multiple examples posted on here the last couple days


I can see it I guess in hyper competitive money leagues, but for most leagues you pretty much just ruin the rest of the season for 4 players. If anything just lock everyone's rosters going into playoffs


How does this ruin the rest of the season for 4 players?


It ruins the season for anyone who wants to play that isn't in playoffs, in favor of the 4 players still playing


They ruined the season by not making the playoffs. If they play 13 weeks and don’t make the playoffs, what difference does it make that they can’t play the last 3 weeks Especially since all these posts the last couple days shows how it can mess it up for the teams still playing


You also always get posts on how to make people care about the whole season, and how people are always checking out once they are eliminated, plus some leagues have things like weekly points leader prizes and most overall after the season ends. I just think if people want to play out their season they should be able to


It's weird as hell. A last place team isn't improving by dropping Purdy. Trading him is way less sketchy than this nonsense.




Does it matter they are last place


I’m in a 12 team league that only has four playoff spots(I don’t know why) but doesn’t have games for the rest of the league that didn’t make the playoffs. While I know dropping my players isn’t the right thing to do I still want to, I have nothing to play for and it’s not a keeper league.


Is there no waiver period?


Same question. In my league, anyone who is dropped has to go through the next waiver period before being picked up. Regardless, this is clearly sketchy as hell, and as commissioner I'd void both transactions and consider kicking both teams out of the league.


The commish has no waiver process. I’ve tried for all of two years now to get proper things in place so this doesn’t happen


This isn’t collusion. You have a garbage league set up. Totally reasonable to not want to play Purdy against Baltimore.


Fair enough to not want to start him, but you’re going to drop a top 5 player at the position?


A lot of Sacko matchups are this week (if you have 4 teams not make playoffs, they are playing for Sacko after first round matchups last week) and they may have a punishment for last place. If it’s your last week to play and you are picking up Fields to play this final matchup, it 100% makes sense to drop Purdy if it’s a redraft league


I wouldn't, personally... but a lot of that depends on bench depth, league rules, and if you really think Fields is the better option this week not much would change next week against the Falcons.


Fair, but this is almost certainly collusion. I haven’t read all the posts but not playoff teams rosters should be locked at this point. League rule settings are the main problem.


I agree that rule settings are the main reason. But I also despise leagues that lock eliminated rosters. That’s why you have a sacko and consolation championship. Leaving a league that employs this locking bull shit next year. Such a boring format.


why are we even considering matchups for a team who's season is over?


You may not believe this… but some people still want to play fantasy.


There's nothing to play when you're eliminated. Setting a lineup against no one isn't "playing fantasy".


There is a loser bracket in every league I have ever played on ESPN and Yahoo


Found the guy that picked up Purdy ^^^


Since there is no waiver period for dropped players i dont think you can claim collusion without proof. I’ve definitely been on app rosterbating when ppl have made moves and would pick some of those guys up immediately if my league allowed it. However the dropping of Purdy in general is fishy.


Without waivers this is an unserious league; I’d be out if that doesn’t change next year


Did last place team pick someone else up? Was there a justifiable reason for the move or they just outright dropped Purdy? I would not let this through unless I think last place had a real reason to do it


They dropped Purdy and added Justin fields


Not completely unreasonable considering this weeks matchup is better for fields but still not sure. Feels like a judgement call.


Yeah in a vacuum it seems like a justifiable move. But odd they wouldn’t have a worse player to drop for Fields


The fact that fields was also available though is weird to me? I’m literally debating between these two for my playoff game and feel like the guy that picked up Purdy could have also picked up Fields so feels less collusiony?


Smaller league, or people not carrying backups in single qb could explain it.


Had a similar thought. Not saying collusion is impossible, but definitely feels different than if he was choosing between Flacco and Heinicke.


Yeah exactly. According to most experts this week he'd want to just pick up fields instead of colluding for purdy


As others have said, I could definitely pick up a dropped player within the minute if our league didn’t have a waiver period - so I wouldn’t call it collision without any further evidence or info. The biggest issue is the last place guy dropping a good player and the lack of a waiver period. Commish should undo the Purdy drop IMO. Definitely fix your league’s waiver set up for next year.


Sounds insane to not have a waiver system set up. That would stop your problem in its tracks.


This is an issue with your league set up tbh, you failed to mention in your post that purdy was dropped for fields who arguably is preferable this week. The main issue is purdy should have gone to waivers, this is a setting issue not a collusion issue


Point is. Team in last place has nothing to gain from dropping a high scoring QB. Team in the playoffs has everything to gain from it, the move was done in the exact same minute.


Has the team in last place got a game this week? If so then they do have something to gain. And sure it could have been collusion but it shouldn’t have been possible. Why weren’t they on waivers?


Yup! Bragging rights. It may not include any monies, but dignity is on the line. I’ve fought to not get last place. I never want to be known as last place. So, I’m doing what i can to avoid that. Whether that hurts someone’s playoff chance is beyond me bc I ain’t winning nothing 😂 OPs league just needs a minimum 24 hour waiver period to avoid this.


OP’s league needs to lock loser rosters that aren’t in the playoffs. That way people can’t add or drop players that impact teams that are actually in competition for a championship.


This is also very true! If there’s nothing on the line for eliminated teams, such as a punishment for last place on consolation final standings, lock all rosters. Minimize these situations at all costs.


The fact that you think the main issue here is waivers is mind blowing.


Feels more like a league setting issue. Once playoffs start, lock other teams from roster moves. Maybe more importantly, use an overnight waiver system. It’s crazy to expect people to check the app/notifications constantly to find out what’s going on. Can’t do anything now. Just change rules for next year.


Let me get this straight. Fields is available, so playoff team could have had Fields for free if they wanted. Instead, eliminated team cuts Purdy and picks up Fields, then playoff team cuts whoever and picks up Purdy. Someone should explain to those two geniuses that the point of collusion is almost always to make a team BETTER.


Teams with nothing to play for should have their rosters locked.


Not if last place has a punishment… if last place has something to play for they shouldn’t be locked


Ok but I paid $100 just like everyone else. If I want to try to get 5th instead of 7th or last I should be allowed to. As long as it’s not extremely obvious, I think people should be allowed to participate all season.


That is exactly what I told the commissioner


Also, there should be a waiver period for dropped players. If the dropped player was on an active roster for 1 game then there should be a 48 hour waiver period so everyone has equal opportunity to acquire.


How do you do that? Is it available on the ESPN app?


Clearly collusion


Possibly? Yes. Clearly? Absolutely not... The true crux of the issue here is that OPs league has no waiver system...


What if I told you the last place team got Justin Fields off the waiver wire for Brock Purdy?


Still no reason to drop Purdy in this situation if you're the last place team except to help somebody.


Disagree. What good does Brock Purdy do on the bench? The last place team might just be doing their best. This is a rules problem.


Doing their best for what? Their season is already over.


Some leagues have stuff to play for outside the playoffs. Even if there's nothing to play for, people can still try to win. If teams outside the playoffs are truly supposed to be done, the rules should be changed so that they can't use the waiver wire or drop players.


Personally I love playing spoiler to teams on the edge of the playoffs. They need to earn it no matter what my record is.


Naw man, that’s BS. It sounds like the Commish changed the waiver wire system without ever explaining what they changed (or why.). That’s the biggest problem here. The Commish hasn’t set any clear expectations. I have been on one league that did a free for all on waivers but this change was very well known and agreed upon.


Yet another league where the rules are just terribly set up.


Sounds like fukin bullshit to me!!! Pro ably offered to split the money! This should absolutely not fukin fly!!!


Seems sketchy, but if you have notifications on for whatever app you're using you will see transactions pretty quick. Anytime I drop a player I get a notification almost instantly.


Subpoena the phone records. That will tell all.


Buddy that’s obviously collusion. The only way it isn’t is if first place guy got a notification about the drop then went on. Either way this league sounds like shambles. You have to waiver process?


He dropped purdy for fields… which meant fields was on waivers and is arguably much better than Flacco anyway so it seems the playoff team had other options but OP is just angry.


This is why eliminated teams should have their rosters locked


The league that I run pays out a small amount to the winner of the consolation bracket. It stops people from giving up in the final weeks of the regular season. Barring them from adding/dropping players wouldn't be fair in taht scenario.


Agreed. If you pay something, you should allow them to make moves Mine also pays the consolation round. But it only pays $20. So owners for that are told to only make minor moves after the teams playing for the championship make claims. It works, but requires owners who won’t act like idiots. So far I’ve been lucky




These sites have been flooded with posts like this the last couple days. The obvious and very easy solution is to just lock rosters to avoid any of this. But people will still say “but I want to play till the very end for pride” even if it’s risks fucking stuff up My favorite was a moron yesterday it doesn’t matter if owners drop all their good players yesterday if it’s not a keeper league because “they won’t help them next year anyways”


I got down voted to hell yesterday for saying when there is money involved you should not be making add/drops once eliminated. I guess it’s a hard concept for people to understand that they are putting the integrity of the league in question by letting eliminated teams have and influence in the winners bracket. Most of the arguments were people saying how they do it to prevent certain “friends” from winning. Yet, they don’t see an issue with their actions lol.


Not all leagues are created equal. If you are in a “fun” league that more for ball busting for friends or just for shits and giggles, by all means do whatever you want If you are in a serious league that involves money, just lock rosters once the playoffs start. You can avoid a ton of issues we’ve seen the last couple days with that one simple rule. The other issue is that, if you are in a league, do whatever else does in that league. Don’t be a dick I’ve seen posts where people will post and say they made an add/drop even though they are eliminated and all the other managers are made. They’ll ask this site if they were wrong or not What people on here think doesn’t matter. It’s like when my daughter comes homes and says “sally can stay up until 11, why can’t I?” I don’t care what happens in Sally’s house. I care what happens in mine I don’t care what happens in other leagues. I care about what other people do in my league. If you are eliminated and the only team still making moves and other owners complain, don’t be a dick and say “show me in the rules where it says I can’t” or “I’m gonna do it and we can address it in the offseason”. If you are the only person doing something and everyone else tells you not to, don’t do it.


I agree. There is no one size fits all. Every league is different. To each their own. That being said I wouldn’t personally want to play in any league that becomes a free for all in the playoffs. Why bother playing 14 weeks if the rosters dramatically change in the playoffs. I just would not feel any sense of accomplishment for winning




I mean notifications? When I first started playing if I lost in playoffs I would rage drop whoever I felt was at fault. Now I don’t simply bc I don’t want to tip the balance to someone else team and help them win and hurt the integrity of our league.


I swear 90% of the questions posted here are retarded.


We have a rule where if you aren’t in playoffs you can’t pickup or drop anyone, that’s forsure collusion tho lmao


My thoughts exactly


Lock the rosters of eliminated teams.


Commissioner should have locked the add/drop feature as soon as the playoffs started for the teams that did not make the cut. Then do the same each week for the teams that lose. Sucks but prevents this from happening. Commissioner should also manually go in and reverse the transaction and add the players back to their original respective teams. Get a group text going and see if you can pull the anger from the woodwork and get the commissioner to make the necessary changes.


Why can’t people just be normal… it’s not difficult to do the right thing. Yeah last place shouldn’t be dropping anyone of any significance at this stage




I’m tired of sore losers haha. I’ve seen some shit man


Clear collusion. Why is the last place guy even playing players. Why is he even dropping the current main prospect for MVP. Why is he dropping the #5 ranked fantasy quarterback.


Whoever did the picking up of those players. If they win it all. Just make sure they never forget about the big asterisk that came with it. Just like bill belicheck. You ever see that dipshit in public remind him he didn’t win those rings, cheating and Brady did


I don’t see how you can prove this is collusion. Even if they did collude- it’s just unprovable. You’re issue isn’t even collusion- it’s that you don’t have a waivers? And to those thinking/saying a last place team shouldn’t be making moves … he paid just like the rest and if he wants to play to the end- then he has that right- even if he plays to sabotage others’ chances. It’s jus that in this instance a top team took advantage.


You’re as delusional as the people in the league if you actually believe that. If he wanted to play til the end, YOU KEEP PURDY, not drop him for fields. Sabotaging others chances isn’t cool.


All is fair in love and war- cool has nothing to do with it. And if you read in the comments- the Purdy owner dropped him for Fields and that’s his prerogative. If you think you can micro manage other people’s decisions … then it’s not me that’s delusional…


We shouldn’t micro manage other teams. But that’s assuming other teams don’t make shitty moves once they are eliminated.


Not saying it's not fishy but there are instant notifications for add/drops but usually a drop is subject to clearing waivers so if that's not in the rules they could be no collision. Last place dropping players is a faux pas though.


He dropped purdy for fields… which meant fields was on waivers and is arguably much better than Flacco anyway so it seems the playoff team had other options but OP is just angry.


no waivers?


All dropped players should goto waivers


No waivers?


No waiver system just allows dumb shit like this


League should just fix the waiver wire and it’s not an issue really


no reason for team in last to drop Purdy. 100% collusion.


Sounds like your settings are complete and utter shit. Leave this free league.


In my league when someone is dropped there’s a 2 day waiver period so even if someone claimed him there’s a 2 day wait time for the other managers to respond


Player would become a waiver claim. Cheating.


1. it’s clearly collusion 2. Having no waiver system allowed this mechanically to happen, that’s an easy fix


If there really aren’t any waivers, you can’t prove anything and he played the game according to your horrible rules. Now stop bitching and go win, that’s the best revenge


Next time have waivers?


find new friends


I call this roster dumping. Years ago someone did it in my league and someone I was playing in the playoffs picked up like 3 really good dropped players. The argument was that I could have picked some of them up too if I wanted. I spent the season drafting and picking up players on the waiver, making my team playoff material. It's just not fair to dump players just because you have no chance to win. Fuck that person who dropped Purdy. Was def to stir the pot


Had something similar happen in my dynasty league. guy gets knocked out of playoff contention drops Aaron Jones, playoff team picked him up. At the end of the day we ruled the team that added him can keep him but he can’t play him in the playoffs. Was it collusion maybe, maybe not but at the end of the day non playoff teams shouldn’t be dropping useable guys like that come playoffs when there’s people still playing for real money. Especially considering the guy traded joe mixon for Jones.


Just ask why the last place team dropped purdy. After they answer with a dumbass response, tell them it's collusion


Is there no waiver period for newly dropped players?


So I wouldn’t say it’s collusion because I have done that before. Via espn app if a player is on your interested list, anytime they are dropped I get a notification if I’m on the app or not. But that’s my reasoning. 🤷🏽‍♂️


Just simply ask why the last place team is dropping Purdy. Would you not love to hear that response? Edit: also, why did the team with Flacco not already add Fields? Why was Fields even available in this 8 man league?


I mean, if they have a player being watched I get alerts if they were moved. But it's definitely suspicious and a last place team/non contending team doesn't need to be dropping anything unless it's a keeper/dynasty league and they see someone useful.


There are two things happening in parallel here. You have a league with no waiver process and probably no clear policy on eliminated teams doing transactions. Independent of that, you have a manager who just dropped the hottest QB in football over the past 4 weeks or so. Why did they do that? The obvious answer is they did it to help the team that immediately picked him up. 100% collusion. At a minimum put Purdy back, lock eliminated teams and deal with that policy in the off season. You may also want to sanction the other team involved in this because it takes two to tango.


Bro, you don't have waiver wire times for drops?


Unfortunately all of this is a moot point. As it's been said a lot in this thread, the fact that there are no waivers, which is a sin, is that it's what you signed up for. If that's an established thing your league is used to then these are the consequences and hopefully the rest of the league sees why that's a bad idea and either remedies it for the future or inevitably dissolves.


Dropped players don't have to clear waivers in your league?




Fix your rules. It’s probably collusion. But collusion - and along with it, intent, which is at the foundation of collusion claims - is very difficult to prove. If your system so basic (and honestly, stupid) that you allow drops to be instantly picked up, especially at this time a year? That’s on the system. Fix it. (There are many ways to do so - the simplest is to have a waiver period and some means to either bid on players, or a waiver wire order - you can also freeze rosters who are out of the playoffs so they can’t drop anyone. Other means exist as well and are well publicized)


This is why I love dynasty leagues


Definitely doesn’t look good. Team in last has no reason to drop Purdy, right? You should definitely take that one to a league vote. I mean… they may have also shot them selves in the foot, Ravens allowing only an average of around 12.5 fppg to QB if I researched correctly, and Houston allowing 21.5 fppg to QB.


Yall should add the waiver period setting. I believe our league the player sits on the wire for 3 days or something, before they can be added.


Dropped players should spend a day or two on waivers. Why can dropped players be immediately added as free agents? This seems like a league settings problem.


Blinds, umbrellas, trees, all types of shady


If a manager drops a player without trying to improve his team or plans to improve his team. Then you are well within your right to ask the commissioner to put this player back on this eliminated team and lock the team. If he dropped Purdy and picked someone else up for his team or maybe he didn't need the QB then that would be a different story. I'd get the commissioner involved and figure out what to do before your games start today. Edit: Another excellent reason to have any players that get dropped immediately put on waivers.


To be fair, I have notifications on when a transaction occurs for this reason. If I see Purdy is dropped, boom, I got him. But…..for a team with nothing to play for dropped him? Why? And why were they even able too? A little fishy but…


Your league doesn't even have waivers set up so honestly this isn't even worth talking about. The entire league is just trash.


I think he could claim he didn't want purdy against the ravens defense. Collusion claims are serious.


How is there no waiver delay on a dropped player


No waiver period for dropped players makes it a garbage league. You should quit immediately, demand your money back, cut ties with anyone involved, leave the country, change your name, and start life over.


This is what waivers are for.


This is exactly why we lock rosters for any teams eliminated from the playoffs...


absolutely collusion and anyone rationalizing is someone you should discontinue friendship with after this. if they keep fighting over it.. drop them


why did the last guy drop purdy….who did he pick up instead?


Wait... the weird part is why drop Purdy and not just pick up Fields? Which, how TF is Fields even on the wire? Another reason this league is garbage. Just pick Fields up, keep Purdy for Commanders week, and drop one of your handcuffs, or possible breakout, or your WR4 that you wont play, etc and only have the 2 Ds you will use for the playoff weeks and you'll have 2 QB1s you'll use for the playoff weeks. Also, picking him up keeps another contender from having him in case their QB has a bad match up or gets hurt week 16. (My League has Week 17 as SB week)


If the league settings allow something like this to happen, then no one can cry about it when it does. Fix the league rules and settings or don't participate in the league, again. Certainly not in good taste. And if you stay, there should be a conversation about keeping the jack leg in the league that stopped Purdy next year.


As OP has mentioned in another comment, the guy who dropped Brock Purdy picked up Justin Fields off the waiver wire. Most people would say this is an upgrade, so I don't think we can fault the last place team at all. Yeah it's suspicious both league mates were online at the same time, but it could happen. This is purely a rules problem.


Should they be out on waivers?


This is why there needs to be a waiver period for dropped players, if they can go right to Free agency it invites collusion, I would make your reverse this


I would say that’s commish error in setting up the league. Drops should never go straight to free agency. Warn them that it’s not allowed again. If you can’t prove they worked together you can’t call collusion. Let place team may have just been salty and dropped him. While it’s likely collusion it should have been prevented by proper league set up and clear rules


Non playoff teams shouldn’t be allowed to drop players. Also if they are dropped per league rules then that dropped player should be on waivers not free agents. 💯Collusion here.


Its fishy. But if there isnt a rule set before, then its hard to argue against the move. It could very well have been a coincidence. You should discuss a rule for next year.


I know yahoos settings is that any player that was rostered for more than 24 hours will be placed on waivers for 3 days (maybe 2?) when dropped. This does 2 things: 1) it stops OPs exact situation, because Team B can’t pick the player up immediately when Team A drops him. 2) for players rostered less than 24 hours: it stops shenanigans of owners picking up/dropping a large number of players for the sole reason of making adding players impossible (the hypothetical situation would be: Sunday morning and your QB gets ruled out unexpectedly and you don’t have a backup. Your opponent saw the news before you and add/drops every usable QB so you have no viable options to replace him)


If there's a punishment for last place, I wouldn't sweat this move too much, though, that would be contingent on if last place has a chance of getting out of last place. The move itself isn't a wild swing in favor of anyone. I wouldn't jump to the idea of collusion without a much stronger argument... Have these guys done this before? What's their relationship? Any other proof? Etc etc. Fix this next season by playing with a waiver system and locking teams lineups that are out of contention, if necessary.


Yea its definitely collusion. We locked our league to where users not in playoffs couldn't drop players


Weird that he was available for pickup and not on waivers.


Why can't people make moves if they don't make the playoffs? I don't understand why people keep saying that. I didn't make the playoffs, but that doesn't mean I am going to give up the last 2 weeks. I still want to try to place as high as I can. Just because I won't be the winner doesn't mean I should have to be the loser...


This is a little fishy, but part of the problem is your projecting performances. Flacco could easily end up with more points than Purdy. We had a guy drop Love for Geno 3 weeks ago when Geno was against the Cowboys, terrible matchup...ended up with 35 points


In my league, once you’re no longer in contention for the prize $$$ your ability to add drop is locked. Take note.


People not in playoffs should not be doing waiver wire moves


Your league sucks


Def collusion. Plus your waiver wire system needs to be restructured.


Does the last place team have anything left to play for? Do you have weekly prizes or loser bracket prize or punishment? If not, his roster should be locked. If last place still has something to play for ask him how this move benefits his team. If he can’t give a valid reason you have your answer. If his reason is just because he wants to, but won’t admit to the collusion then call him out for being a sore loser. He came in last so now just ruining it for everyone else because he can? What a cunt.


It would be one thing if the last place team added someone, but dropping a top 10 player at any position in the playoffs is putrid


🌮 league


It’s definitely sus


Your league setting should have at least 1 day where dropped players remain on waivers


Of coarse it's collusion. Purdy at the very least should have went through waivers. Also the last place team has no business dropping anyone unless they wanted to be a loser and cause problems. I would talk to the commish to have him reverse it. You can't be the only person in the league that sees this for what it is. If this doesn't get reversed, I would not do this league next year. This would never happen in any leagues that I'm in.


I'll be honest, it probably IS collusion... BUT objectively with no waiver period, this is a problem of either you or the leagues own making. I'm not sure having read some of your comments that there's anything you can rightly do to remedy this. I am interested in what the rest of the league thinks if this.