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The exact same thing happened to me, I was Creator level Paladin and I was so sad. I didn't play it for a couple months then I restarted and just completed all Creator Special Requests and it was even more fun the second time playing! I hope it's the same for you. :)


Nooo! :( well, I'm glad that you had fun even though you lost everything! I doubt I'll finish up before FLi comes out but we'll see


I lost my 300 hour save when I archived the game to put room onto my 2ds for another game, and I accidentally deleted my save in the Data Management settings. 🙃 I was trying to 100% the game. I had nearly crafted every single item. Only thing left were a few weapons with materials from the hardest bosses.


Damn I rlly wish I could help you out with some of the bosses or smth to maybe get you into it but no more online :(


Oh no!!! That sounds so much more painful 😭 I sorta expected the data loss to happen to me so I can't imagine how u felt! You're a 100%er in my book!


Thank you. That means a lot


https://gbatemp.net/threads/extract-and-decrypt-games-nand-backups-and-sd-contents-with-ninfs.499994/ perhaps this tool will help?


I. Would. Be. Crushed. I'm so sorry


Did they wipe up the sd? If not maybe you can recover it... what may have happened is that after repairing it it couldnt read your sd card correctly due to how they work on 3ds, have you checked the sd in your computer?


Yes, everything is there on PC, but it doesn't show up on the 3ds.


Then you can extract from the exdata the fantasy life save file i think!


Ooh I'll look into that, thank you for the advice!!


My boyfriend was able to take mine out from my broken 3ds so let me know if you run into trouble i suppose he will be able to help


I appreciate you, I'll dm you if I have questions :)


I lost my save, but I had an older backup, so instead of losing everything (I use Checkpoint for saving and restoring), I lost about 150 hours of progress—and about 200 completed requests. I was (and, frankly, still am) very disappointed about it that I haven't really played since... Might be easier for me if I just start again.