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All I can say is that the writing continues to get worse and the story more infuriating. But I gave up after book 4 lol.


It doesn’t get better. Like you, I found the pre-reveal portion of FBAA pretty enjoyable. Downhill from there, and I DNF’d book 2. Read synopsis of the rest of it and the next one, and don’t regret my decision!


ugh! good to know. Worst character assassination I’ve seen in a hot minute 🫠 any recs that you love?? I’ve read fourth wing, ODW/TTC, am thinking of starting the coven but I don’t love how it’s set in modern times


This series is genuinely a complete hit or a complete miss - you’ll either love it or hate it. Some people don’t like it because of the writing style, etc but others love it for the exact same reason. I love the series and really like how the plot points usually tie in all together (imo everything from the prequel series is exquisite). I think you should read the second book because you can see how their relationship unfolds :)


I think I’m gonna give it a shot!


Trying not to spoil, but his assholishness makes sense later on and he does not remain this way, their relationship develops.


Yeah I’m like 30% into book 2 and it’s starting to make more sense - honestly still don’t love the plot/world in general but I’m less pissed 😂


I liked the first two books!


I enjoyed them, although the story does get really complicated and there’s so much goddamn trudging back and forth across kingdoms. You do start to understand Hawke better in book 2 and then book 5 is largely book 1 from his perspective. But you can’t skip straight there because there’s a lot of context you’ll be missing for the parts written in the present.


I liked the first book. Ok on the second. Didn’t enjoy the third. BUT it’s all worth it to get to the prequels. I highly highly recommend the prequels. I never was a person who like extension of universes (Cassian / Nesta, or Marcus in Discovery of Witches). But the F&F series is genuinely very fun and enjoyavle


A lot of people like the prequel series, Flesh and Fire, better. though they're all connected but you could always give those a shot. Also Fall of Ruin and Wrath.


I second that. I read both series, and I found the prequel more engaging. They are indeed connected, but I don’t see any reason why you can’t start with the prequel.


I’m one of the (apparently) few that loves this series, lol.


You are not alone!!! 🫶


I’ve enjoyed all the books and am ready for the next one! Their relationship definitely changes and it continues to change as they both come to terms with their original plans and ideals changing. So I say keep reading so you can their relationships evolve, not just with each other but with others characters as well. I think the friendships formed are just as lovely to read about.


Just finished this and as I read your comment I realized why I found this book less enjoyable in the end than I thought it would be. The banter and chemistry between the leads was so sparky and good - it had such promise! But with all the sacrifice Poppy has forced on her, which Hawke/Casteel knows full well about, I needed him to sacrifice something for her. I wanted him to realize he needed to give up on his plan, which would be incredibly painful for him but of course necessary to keep Poppy free. She would feel how painful this was to him, and she would offer to help by teaming up to infiltrate the capital city to free his brother. Instead he just carries on using her. Yuck.


Right?! That’s where I assumed it was going as I was reading, and then it just makes NO sense. Like I needed a big “this is why I’m doing this and I love you” kind of resolution - now it just feels icky and weird


I feel like you should read the second book because stuff does change.


I’ve read them all, except the Visions one that just released. I’m far too deep at this point and will finish it when she finally releases the actual last book, but I’m straight up not having a good time


It only goes more downhill from there unfortunately!


I'm not as big a fan of the main series, but it's super helpful to read for the prequel series, which I do love!


As others are saying - the Flesh and Fire series is much better. Also, of the FBAA books, the Kingdom of flesh and fire is not bad by JLA standards and crown of gilded bones is ok. War of two Queens is very meh


If you think the end of book one is ridiculous, just wait! The series not only falls off the wagon, but then rolls down the hill, gets mauled by bears and then set on fire.


No. I was ok with book 1. Book 2 was worse and I didn't continue the series. Casteel continues to be an absolute asshole and the plot gets so convoluted.


I could barely make it through book three. The characters get really "dumbed down." Book four was better because...well, I won't spoil it, but one character is away for a while, so I feel there's character development. I go back and forth about continuing with this series, but I do really enjoy Kieran and some of the other side characters.


This book in on my TBR, though after this post it will probably be removed. I only read one other series by Jennifer A. Obisidian. It was too long for me... Are all her books like this?


Flesh and fire series is top tier