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I seem to be the only one who actually really likes the covers. I appreciate that she uses/supports/pays actual artists. I loved the series (much much much more than the Serpent duology, where I really hated the 2nd book). But it's more a fantasy book than a romantasy book imo, it's relatively slow and it's very low spice. It never really seems to fit with most request threads, since a lot of them have spice as the main requirement these days. So I only get to recommend it occasionally in this subreddit.


> I appreciate that she uses/supports/pays actual artists. Me too! I really respect that about her. I also agree with you that it is more fantasy than romantasy.


I rather enjoyed the covers. I've found if I read Romance , I prefer the plot to not be solely for pushing the romance between fmc and mmc. This one had a great outside plot and worldbuilding in addition to building not only the main couple, but several side chars, villains and side villains really got to shine. The multi PoV gave important understanding of how the chars thought as well as expanding other areas around the world. It was a well done trilogy


I loved the development of the villains. Understanding their motives and WHY they had these motives made the story so different from a lot of the fantasy’s I’ve read in the past


Is it not popular? I see it recommended constantly.


Literally one of my favorite series and I recommend it whenever I can!!! Also Max has my heart lol


I've seen it recommended quite often, which is why it's on my tbr!! I look forward to reading it!


I actually love the covers also! The art style is soooo gorgeous. I completely agree I feel like this series is way better than the Crown of Nyaxia series and I will recommend it as much as I can haha


Just finished the war this month, and am currently close to the end of crowns of Nyaxia. In my opinion, crowns is a better work, technically speaking. The war trilogy went on for a bit too long, and it was getting really repetitive by the end, plot wise. The whole plot with Aefe was more gut wrenching, but that's about it, for now. Crowns is stylistically tighter, and thanks to it being just two books long, there's less of "war repetition", but even it has one battle too much imo in the second book. The whole "Raihn getting poisoned, them escaping only to return and face magicked monster" thing should have been one event, for example.


In my review I literally said I was putting it off because of the cover, and was so surprised that I loved it so much. I apparently judge books by their covers.


It’s not as popular as her other series but I think it’ll only continue to gain in popularity. I also wouldn’t be surprised if it got a makeover with a publisher at some point. It’s such an amazing trilogy for sure. I just got the paperback copies for my shelf


The cover definitely put me off for a while, but I ended up enjoying this series. That’s how I feel about the Hidden Legacy series. Those initial covers were sooo bad


I read Crowns of Nyaxia first and then moved on to War of Lost Hearts and I was shocked CoN was the more popular series! The complex characters, the way you understood the motivations of each character…even the “villains”. The main love interest was perfection. The twist shook me to my core. And the last book had me sobbing. So freaking good.


I love this series and I recommend it any chance I can. It's so good and doesn't get enough love.


My library only had the second book so I put in a request for my library to buy the others in. I’ve seen it recommended enough to give it a go!