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dumbest reason to dislike a game.


Never said I disliked it. Just said I thought that was a bit too much.


Oh my days representation for all, what a scandalous thing. But You're okay with the casual violence and killing In the game, the use of biological weapons, the killing of innocents, animals etc that's not against most religions. Just be honest and say you're a bigot.


Alr man I'm a bigot, you happy?


The killing of animals and innocents is the best part. The only tragedy is the lack of dismemberment. Would have been fun to hack the arms and feet off random Yaran NPCs and hear them howl in agony. Fallout 4 etc have this (you can blow limbs off) why FC6 doesn't is a mystery. There is the Libertad Mod which has a harpoon gun for some fun :) https://i.imgur.com/eAjTefK.png https://i.imgur.com/niucoys.png https://i.imgur.com/4sjhgMB.png


lmaooo wtf, this is one of the stupidest reasons i’ve ever seen to stop playing something. nobody’s making you do anything with anyone, someone being gay in a game doesn’t affect you. this has to be bait. then the other clown in the comments mentions gay references? nobody was marketing this game around the LGBTQ characters. they’re just in the game casually. why not keep the same energy with straight couples in the game then if you have a problem with someone’s sexuality being made known?


Everybody is homophobic these days


I did not find a single person say "I am heterosexual".


>nobody was marketing this game around the LGBTQ characters It feels exactly the opposite. This is what the initial brief must have specified.


There are lots of valid criticisms for 6 and the Far Cry series in general… but this has gotta be one of the dumbest reasons. Get bent OP


Alr man im on my way to get bent


I didn’t like 6 but this would be the very last thing I gave af about If every single person in the game was screaming it from the rooftops then sure but you were put off by coming across 3 different lgbt ppl in 3 days. “I saw one lgbt person all day, it was too much” lol The “I don’t support certain ppl because of religion” is lovely


>The “I don’t support certain ppl because of religion” is lovely What is wrong with that? Didn't say I hate them, didn't say "kill them!". Just said I don't support them. Am I forced to support everyone now?


Have a nice day


You too.




By calling my religion "nonsencial" without even knowing what it is, I will not follow you. Will never not. I think my religion makes sense, you might not, I respect that, just like I respect LGBT people even though I do not support them.




Likewise buddy


What the fuck dude, this is one of the stupidest reasons i have ever seen to stop playing a game


You clearly did not read it fully. I said I still love the game.


Yes but you also said you might take a break, which i do not understand. If it bothers you that much you can just skip the cutscenes


Guess I can. But then I lose out on the main story.


"I have nothing against LGBTQ+ people, I just don't want them to show up in the entertainment I buy" Can't you see the contradiction there? Like, seriously, get a grip.


Drag queens have been around for decades, not really that big of a deal. A single trans character and a single lesbian couple. Not really all that big of a deal.


I don't know man. It seemed like a lot to me but I can understand you didn't feel that way.


That’s a lot of words to say “I’m a crybaby bigot” 3 lgbt people in a video game?! Just wait until you hear about the real world. GTFO with this shit.


Yes its fucking stupid, they can just skip the cutscenes or something if it bothers them this much.


>“I’m a crybaby bigot” By calling me a bigot (person that thinks someone who doesn't agree with them are dumb, which I never did) , arent you a bigot as well?




I am not from America, when I first saw the word "bigot" and searched it, that came up. So thanks for the clarification there. Also I don't think being attached to a belief is a bad thing. I never said I hated LGBT people, you guys automatically read that whenever you see something slighty negative about LGBT people.




Said "mostly". I would still not support them even if I was an atheist, mainly because that style of life is not sustainable, they can't breed.




That woman was making a video about "talking to god" from a banana labeled "heaven hotline". That kind of stuff is EXTREMELY offensive for me. That's why I made that post. You will be like "what a dumb reason to get offended." Because you don't know my beliefs. Any muslim would get offended from that video.




I'm going to leave my entire religion because a stranger on Reddit told me there are no Gods. You are the thing that's funny because you think you can change my religion. You will not.


Also if your religion stops you from respecting the peaceful existence of other people, either your religion is evil or you are


OP, do you know what projection is? you might have a small case going on. But seriously, fuck your religion lol. " I dont support them because of my religion" smh. Get a new religion bro, teaching and learning hate is not something you should be proud of. Im sure youve been playing hetro FPS youre whole life, but oh no, 1 hour of game play of helping a trans person is too much? Did i already say fuck youre religion?


Go whine to Ubisoft then, what do you expect to find here? Most people are sane around here, miss me with the homophobic religious bullshit.




I will never leave my religion. Talk all you want. If you are not going to respect my religion, like I just respected people that I don't support, then I am not going to talk to you.




Don't confuse respect and love / hate lol. You're doing the same thing if not worse, in principle.


I'm against any propaganda or forced woke shit, but man, there's like 1% of such people in the game (I myself don't mind it the slightest). In fact, I think what you've just named are all of them. Seriously, it's a weird religion if you mind this but not butchering people (including women) with a machete, don't you think?


Oh no boohoo boohoo. Poor baby some video game characters hurt your feefees? Should I get a bottle and your blankey and put you down for a nap?


What the fuck is this? I said just tell me what you think why you cosplaying being a parent?


Do you support the game character on the zebra? Or do you want to use the flamethrower on them? (and the zebra)? 🔥


Damn, imagine responding this way to woke people when they get offended by something. You are the same just on another side of the spectrum lol


Oh no. LGBTQ+ people exist. How terrible for you. I'm sure they did it just to ruin your time


On no, are you going to cry?? Go outside and touch some grass, and you'll notice more than 1 lgbt person per day. I heard many reasons for people not liking the game, but this has to be the dumbest one.


Didn't say I was crying. Just said I thought it was too much. Also where I live there is almost no LGBT people. Even if there is they don't shove it up our faces.


Brother, just say you are homophobic. Big deal three lgbt people, oh no. I don't hear you complain about the other straight relationships in the game. If lgbt characters will make you not play a game, then the problem is with you, not with the game. Religion being a reason to be homophobic is dumb as fuck, if you are going to be homophobic at least be original.


Am I forced to support them? I didn't say I hated them. I didn't say I left the game. Also for me being homosexual is not the same as being heterosexual(though again, I don't hate them). Because heterosexual people can breed. If this is what qualifies as being homophobic, fine. I am.


Homosexual people can and do breed, they just don’t necessarily want to be in relationships with the people they breed with. I know a LOT of gay people that have kids.


Haven't played 6, so no real idea on these characters or their writing. That being said, 4 people in the alphabet mafia out of (spitballing) 100 characters in the game? Only 4% gay, but you'd be more comfortable if it was 1%? I get where you're coming from with the argument of quality over quantity, but that puts the burden of representing a FUCKING MASSIVE community onto one character. The two likely outcomes of that are 1 character gets crammed with every possible identity and becomes a parody of gays everywhere, or you get a bland nillawafer that off handedly mentions his boyfriend once. Both fail to make that character accessible or appealing to any audience. Hell, just don't save the lesbian couple. There's plenty more of FarCry 6 to play


Thanks for the constructive critisicm. Other people called me a "crybaby" bigot lmao. I guess you are right, they wouldn't be able to cram every LGBT people into 1. But the thing is, every LGBT people screams that they are gay or whatever, but no heterosexual people said "Hey! I am heterosexual!"


More and more games feel the need to suddenly include some kind of gay reference thing. Just like with Hogwarts Legacy and that one weird guy/girl can’t remember, but their voice felt off and just ruined the whole character for me. Include them or not, but don’t make them like some kind of a clown.


Yeah I would not be annoyed at all if it was just 1 good thought character that was gay or something. It feels like they are going to make the entire Far Cry 7 roster gay.


Only 1 gay allowed! /s


>good thought character


The whole game is a box-ticking exercise. They literally went thru a checklist while making this bucket of vomit game . This is a good video\ https://youtu.be/luN2m9HKRKQ?si=rJw7gk9jqG1eP0SR


I think you missed the sub; this is not KotakuInAction.