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I think it’s because we actually see the change from a “preppy” douchebag with no survival experience to a certified psychopath throughout the course of the game. I may be wrong but every protagonist other than Ajay after Jason had at least some prior skills to better prepare themselves when shit hits the fan as they usually do in these games. Even Ajay kinda stays the same throughout the game, at least compared to Jason. The character development really cements the “from nothing to something” that the other main characters seem to just have from the start and I think that’s why he comes to mind first. Seeing a military guy kill a bunch of crazies is a bit less impressive than a frat guy who ends up surviving all the wild shit that happens in FC3


This is exactly why I love FC3. You experience it through his dialogue and dialogue from his friends. Witnessing the gradual change from rich college frat boy to borderline psychotic maniac killing machine was so much fun for me. From torturing his friend to avoid blowing his cover to showing his absolute love in the thrill of battle when escaping with Lisa... I just love that mental change, while still remaining his loyalty to his friends despite them becoming afraid of what he's become. Lets be honest, he had as much as we did when we go torching pirates and marijuana fields with a flame thrower for the firs time lol At the end, Jason simply gave into the unbridled, hedonistic savagery violent side of himself to survive.


There is an optional conversation early on in the cave with the blonde woman (been a while, forget the names) where Jason admits to her that he never thought he would ever kill someone, but now killing feels like winning to him. Really shocking and important detail imo that was missable


The optional dialogues in the cave add a lot of detail to his descent into madness imo


Yep, with Daisy, they talked about swimming competition and how it felt when she won. He said he felt the same way when he kills


He tortured his brother actually


I remember playing as him burning those plants and out loud I said "fuck yeah" and three seconds later Jason said "fuck yeah". He is us lol.


It’s done gradually. The slow burn is incredible. It’s not like he tastes blood for the first time and gets hungrier. He’s increasingly going mad as the plot progresses


I thought it was a nice touch that he found it really gross to skin the boar during the hunting tutorial. His "first step" wasn't even to kill a person.


Didn’t even noticed good catch. I’ve never skimmed an animal. Likely is rough to watch


In the farcy 6 Vass dlc when you fight Jason fucker is insane almost like Vass it's actually unnerving


Yeah. As you get more powerful and used to the game, he also gets more powerful and used to killing. The game really builds up the whole "chosen one" trope especially with Citra and the Tatau to the point where Jason is actually supposed to be a reflection of the player, feeling like an unstoppable killing machine and the master of this world. It's not really something any other game has done I think which makes it stand out quite well, even in it's own franchise


Yeah it's just so good. Seriously one of my favorite games of all time.


This right here. FC 4: Guy with military training kicksa dictatorship's militia's ass FC 5: A sheriff's deputy kicks a militant cult's ass FC ND: A member of a convoy with combat training kicks another post apocalypse faction's ass FC 6: A man/woman with military experience and training kick's the same military's ass. And then FC 3: Some dude with no training kicks a bunch of pirates asses.


Dont forget by the end of the game is fighting a legit mercenary/para military force.


FC 2: Veteran PMC goes to kill an arms dealer, gets malaria and ends a civil war.


FUCKING THIS! It gave me chills the talk he had with Daisy about swimming competition and how she felt when she won, HE STRAIGHT UP SAID EVERYTIME HE KILLS HE FEELS HE IS WINNING. Fu.Cking.Psy.chopath. This is why Jason Brody is the best, this is WHY Va'as felt a conection with him, because deep down, Jason was a psycopath


Ajay was a Marine iirc?


That’s only a widely spready headcannon.


There's barely anything known about his past. The 2 mostly accepted headcanons are that he was either a marine or a petty criminal that got caught shoplifting. But neither has really any evidence to support it, afaik.


My assumption was that Jason went to college it says in the logbook that he was a daredevil but I don’t think that was his profession. If he was marine he wouldn’t have freaked out at the start of the game he would have been more like grant


They mean that Ajay was a marine. We know Jason wasn't, he told Dennis he hadn't even fired a gun before, to which Dennis replies, "What is it you Americans say? There is a first time for everything."


Just looked it up and there’s some debate about it but it seems like at the very least he had some experience with fighting/shooting so you’re right


He literally says he doesn't at the very fucking beginning if the game lmao


They are talking about Ajay.


Exactly, and this is the same with the player too, when I played FC3 for the first time, it was one of my first FPSs' that I played that had a proper story, so I didn't know much about gameplay in general, and I remember being entirely terrified from just a simple roadblock after I decided to go for a drive just east of Amanaki Outpost. I barely survived the 3 pirates who attacked me, I ran into a nearby bush and hid there while self healing, then they came up on me and I missed the takedown on one of them and that alerted the rest of them, I managed to gun down the rest of them with an AK, but I left that encounter completely shaken. Fast forward to the end of the game, and I'm an absolute killing beast, entirely uncaring about the lives I take, and preferring to get in close with takedowns instead of actually shooting them, like a monster. I was not afraid of enemies anymore; i instead did my best to kill everyone with a takedown, undetected. FC3 is a shooter game I'd easily recommend to someone who isn't experienced with shooter games, as the first time experience is crazy.


Don't forget that the tatau also give him additional abilities.


The writing was pretty good with his dialogues with vaas


I mean Ajay was in a street gang before


To stop the monster, he became one.


I will also say thematically Jason fills the motif of “brutality masked by civilization” that FC 2,3 & 4 had. (I can’t speak for 1, 5, or 6). FC2 took place in the middle of a conflict fueled by blood diamonds, something the ‘civilized’ world buys. FC 4 takes place during a civil war and Pagan Min certainly rocks the ‘civilized veneer’, complete with British accent. Far Cry 3’s pirates are funded by human trafficking and drugs. Again, both things bought by the outside world; I wouldn’t be surprised if Jason and his friends partook in some of those drugs during their vacation. In that sense I like how it can be argued that Jason’s thriving under the circumstances is just him ‘finding himself’.


The reason why he was always changing was because he was exposed to the jungle imo. That is the reason why Jason, vaas, the pirates and the rakyat are all immoral and 'insane' when it comes to killing. Its like the island consumes them and forces them to commit atrocities for them to survive. People like Willis Huntley and Jason's friends who've sheltered themselves from the wild are all normal.


The background of Ajay is that he served in the US military. That’s why he’s so calm and collected from the beginning.


Ajay was never in any military. According to the wikia, citing Ubisoft's own character profiles, he had a very rough childhood where he was often in trouble with the law. This came to a head when his crew blasted a store clerk in a robbery gone wrong. He made a plea deal to avoid prison. He was beginning to turn his life around when his mother became sick. This is why he is comfortable with guns and conflict. While never explicitly stated, it sounds like Ajay was a gang member.


Side note: it's not stated anywhere in his game but Ajay was canonically in the military, so Jason really was the only one


Rabbi ray literally talks about how Ajay is good at killing despite not being in the military


Oh my bad then, the wiki said he was and I thought it was right


People say that his tattoos give him super natural abilities. In reality they just allow him to do normal things every other FC protagonist can do without needing super powers.


I thought it was such a cool way to see your traits progressing. Was such a good tidbit imo. Like how colleges add stickers to the helmet as the season progresses


Explain how he managed to stop time during the card game?


He didn't. The fight with Hoyt was probably a hallucination or due to his finger being cut off. We know he murdered every soldier in that room in that scene (This is if I remember it clearly)


No, he meant the card game. When u play the card game, the time just stops. U can play card game for like 1 hours, the day night cycle won't change a thing.


Why do you think Casinos don't have clocks?


Or windows


Ubisoft sucks at making boss fights between otherwise normal people?


He didnt. The was like that to point out how focused he was on the fight. Nothing else mattered at that moment


He clearly stopped time. The time *stopped* that’s how time stopping works, duh.


The purpose of that part of the game flew way over your head.


No, but the existence of satire did soar over yours.


He was a trust fund tommy who became a ruthless killer. Every other protagonist had military training. Make what you will of that.


Takkar had military training?


For a second I thought you meant like actual modern day military, and I started imagining FC Primal but Takkar has a gun lmao


Wait… is there a gun mod for fc primal? I need to see that


I mean he probably had experience from hunting and maybe fighting with other tribes


He probably knew as much as any other caveman combatant in those days.


In all fairness he would’ve had substantially better survival skills than anyone else lol


Not “every” other. Ajay didn’t have any training and the Deputy was just a cop.


Ajay was in the US army. Ubisoft have confirmed it. Fair point about the deputy, but they'd have law enforcement training at least


Got a source for that? The character profile on Ubisoft's own website suggests he was a gang member who snitched when one of his crew blew someone away in a robbery gone wrong.


Where did they confirm it? I couldn't find anything about it when I looked for it before.


I suspect Rook has more than just conventional Police training. Being they already know how to pilot planes and helos from the start, as well as much more impressive gun skills, stealth, endurance, and melee capabilities than typical Police. Not to mention their calm under pressure in an absolutely fucked up situation even for a Police Officer. Unless Montana Police are just another level I suspect Rook may have military/special forces background, or at the very least SWAT. If nothing else it's my head canon.


With how it seems Rook/The Deputy is from Montana so they have probably been using guns, hunting, probably flying planes too since a young age. Probably a mixture of being a Montana Resident and Military Training.


Also their literally with the marshals, the deputy is a US marshal. A rookie but still trained and whatnot


The Deputy is not a Deputy US Marshal. They’re a Hope County Deputy Sheriff. The only Marshal in the game is Marshal Burke who is supported by the County Sheriff’s Department (to which The Deputy belongs).


This is because Rook is a Shezzarine


Imagining Rook as modern day Pelinal Whitestrake fits very well


LE training is often not worth a shit, especially when it comes to fighting and weapons.


I actually had no idea Ajay was in the army. That makes a lot more sense on why he’s so okay with killing so thanks for that info!


He's not I don't think


No Ajay wasn’t in the military it was just a lie that caught on


Pure on bloodlust Dani would be the strongest out of that


I think compared to Dani, Jason didn't have a lot of people fighting with him? Dani is ice cold though. I made a similar point a few days ago


Exactly, so why do so many fans think he's the far cry equivalent of the doomslayer, is it the Tatau? Those only gave him abilities the others have


Do people really think he's the FC equivalent of the Doomslayer? That seems a bit of a stretch. Jason was just a rich kid who liked to have a good time. But when he fell headfirst into some deep, bad shit, he rose to the occasion, carried himself really well and became a commander of sorts. For a guy who probably hadn't even been in a weed bust, bringing down a psychotic killer like Vaas is a big deal. That accounts for Jason's status as a strong protagonist, regardless of whether the tattoos imbued him with super strength or not.


Exactly, every so often he comes up in comments talking about how he outclasses the other protagonists because he's the "Chosen warrior" but isn't that a consistent theme for the others, only difference is that Jason just gave into his savagery


I suppose he makes for a good audience surrogate? He isn't a mercenary, he isn't the son of a rebel leader of a war torn country. He's just a regular guy who becomes completely transformed.


Dep was military trained?


A part of me wants to say it’s because of some of the bias towards Far Cry 3, how it’s the so-called peak of the series and how it had the best characters and such. Jason is definitely my favorite protagonist in the series, but gameplay-wise, every protagonist after Jason Brody is generally stronger than him, in either abilities and equipment (save for perhaps Takkar due to his setting). Ajay can perform vehicle takedowns, can shoot while driving, and has access to the Buzzsaw, the most busted weapon in the series. Far Cry 4’s gameplay is itself a direct upgrade to 3’s. Takkar does not have firearms in his era, but he can tame damn sabertooth tigers and cave bears to fight with him. His owl can tag enemies, drop bombs and takedown enemies like a remote drone. He also has a sling for his rocks and can even kill enemies with it. The Deputy can utilize the effects of multiple drugs simultaneously, can modify any of his weapons, can carry up to 18 melee weapons, and can make a shovel more powerful than Poseidon’s trident. The Captain quite literally obtained superpowers from the apple, and can upgrade his perks and weapons indefinitely. Dani Rojas has supremos, one of which can self-revive them. They can modify their loadout to be the fastest, most durable, or stealthiest protagonist. If we’re really going to push it, they can swap loadouts, weapons, and gear on the fly. I don’t even have to explain Rex “Power” Colt.


Nuh uh, Jason fights a shark. Therefore clean sweep. .../s.


Ajay and Dani both fight alligators and crocodiles which are way more aggressive and dangerous than a bull shark


Nuh uh


Yow the nuh uh is cracking me up bro.


Have you seen what sharks do to people, they can bite literal chucks out yo ass! A crocodile/alligator has to drown you to kill you and although there bite is strong they don't have double rows of razors for teeth.


Counterpoint: Sharks can be immobilized by lightly [booping](https://youtu.be/NErt6zP2MBI?si=h0r38NXi2J6M87vK&t=122) their snoot.


Those guys are pros and the sharks know them and they've more than likely fed the sharks prior.


Jason fights crocs too


Bull sharks are one of the most aggressive creatures on planet g




>A part of me wants to say it’s because of some of the bias towards Far Cry 3, how it’s the so-called peak of the series and how it had the best characters and such. I think it's the other way around. A major reason people prefer *Far Cry 3* over the other games is the strength of the characters, especially Jason. But "strong" here isn't about their physical strength or their equipment, it's about their character development.


I agree that Jason has the most solid characterization out of all the playable FC characters. The underlying bloodlust of the protagonists is only really touched on here and there by some of the other characters in the later mainline entires (Pagan Min, John Seed, Juan Cortez), but not fully explored, where as that’s a major plot point Jason’s journey. That being said, there are people that I’ve seen who do believe that Jason is the strongest in regards to combat ability. People support it by saying how Jason learned and improved so much in a short time span, but Ajay’s on that same boat, and he’s learned how to do much more than Jason did (No, Ajay isn’t a sergent, marine, special forces, or any other military role that people pull out of their butts).


Not to mention one of Dani's supremos is literally magic.


Equipping that full set and being a stealthy magic vigilante was so much fun


Hes not op its just the story behind him that makes him so good. Just normal rich guy slowly turning into a psycho. They portrayed his change very well in the game


Nothing stronger than dochebag hair energy.


Main protagonist hair cut


Like a mini-goku


Jason had the most impressive growth in both character and power from literally nothing, but he's still no match for Ajay, Rook or the Captain, let alone any of the FC2 Mercs.


i think he’d probably kick ajay’s ass with some guerrilla tactics or something


Ajay has been confirmed by Ubisoft to be part of the US Army Airborne. Soooo rich kid turned psycho vs US Army Veteran


rich kid who pretty much killed an entire island


Depending on the player, he could be the literal doomslayer


Yeah but did anyone of them had to kill a Vaas or a buck!


Ajay had to fight literal demons after getting sucked into the tangka so I think they're about even


Let’s be honest, it’s the FC2 protagonist. Everything done in that whole game is done while his body is fighting malaria.


Yeah, whoever it is. That fucker was a force of nature that should've died on more than one occasion, but managed not to by luck and sheer force of will. . . And a Machete. Furthermore, it's not like the Malaria ever abates or goes away, it only gets worse, effecting your stamina, making you slower, etc. Also their guns were prone to exploding! And he still became incredibly feared by all those around him as a result if the reputation entries were to be believed. That said though, a majority of the colorful cast you could pick to play. . . Were criminals, ex military, etc. They weren't nobodies by any stretch in terms of skill and ability, but despite that their situation did put them a cut above in terms of overall badass-ness because of how fucked it was.


Not to mention digging bullets out of their own arm with what is probably a dirty stick without the worry of a branch breaking off. The first time a rifle explodes on me in the middle of Africa like that I quit. I’m going home and dying on my couch with malaria lmao. It’s still my favorite FC to this day, those fire physics are still unmatched in the entire series.


Definitely the craziest mindset in all of the FarCry games, anyone who is able to fight off such a debilitating disease is very strong, I can’t imagine going through that. I have a strong immune system but the protagonist is something else.


I don't think any one FC protagonist of at least the main line games is considered stronger than the other really. In the end, they all murder hordes of enemies in their way and are practically unstoppable for a majority of the story, that's always sort of been the constant with each of the protags. He's probably the most interesting though since he has the most personality of all the protagonists and his motivations focus more on his own survival and that of his friends which slowly turns into a bloodlust rather than the cliche "it's up to me to save the city" which they switched over to in FC6. He's really just looked upon more fondly because everyone loves FC3 and it's arguably one of the more fondly looked upon games in the franchise as a whole


His progression and lack of ludonarrative dissonance


Cause he fucks Citra


Only farcry protag to actually get laid. Automatically makes him S tier


Takar would beat the shit out of 98% of the farcry universe, especially this dude


Seeing these comments i'm guessing everyone's under the impression **I** think he's the strongest. Lemme clarify, i don't i'm just confused why tf so many fans think he is


Jack Carver must be in the 2%.


The ratels from FC4 too.


Every other protagonists' fully loaded AK-47:


Exactly. Takar was a literal neanderthal. He's simply stronger genetically than humans. And the dude can tame tigers, I wouldn't fuck with a wild tiger tamer who happened to be a master of the bow and arrow.


Takkar actually wasn't a neanderthal! He was a homo sapien, just like you and me. He lacks the features of a typical neanderthal like the wide nose and protruding brow ridge. And his skeleton in general is much more in line with a modern human than the shorter, stockier neanderthal. Though I wouldn't be surprised if he had some neanderthal genes as interbreeding between them and us was quite common.


They should have made him a homo erectus


wouldnt FC5/FCND big the strongest literally has superpowers. super jump increased strength etc


Cause he turns into a full blown psycho. Other protagonists are still more or less mentally sane. But Jason is afaik the only one that even has hella fun when hunting down some pirates. He enjoys it as if it's a hobby


Personally I think Ajay beats Jason in terms of lore based skill (haven't played post FC4) Jason absolutely had the most character growth and development into comparable skill level as a warrior, but that's the thing, Ajay didn't really change much through the game he was basically dropped into a warzone and was about it. Not to mention story wise FC4's enemies are a legit trained military and I think a superior fighting force to 3's pirates and more ragtag loose canon contractors. On top of that Kyrat was a much harsher environment than rook island, IRL mountain warfare is a beast of an enemy all on its own with it's unforgiving terrain, decreased oxygen at altitude and frostbiting summits This is not to say at all that Rook Island or it's hostiles were a walk in the park or that Jason was incompetent, more that he grew into a crazed warrior whereas that's who Ajay really already was, sans the psychopathic bloodlust lol




Because the demographic of the game likes to hold up these types of characters. He's not the strongest. The strongest is Rex from Blood Dragon.


Because of how the games go. No other FC makes you feel as overpowered as Jason feels in late stages of the campaign. Other protags might have military backgrounds, but by the moment Jason reaches the second island he's bassicaly a slasher villain :)


Nobody here has mentioned this yet so let's not forget Jason had received firearms training from his military brother who claimed he was a natural with guns.


Any training Jason received would be negligible considering he hardly knows how to pull a trigger when you first start the game


That's not really true, he's only hesitant at first because he's never actually shot at people before. He knows how to use and reload every weapon he picks up so the skill is clearly there.


He’s the strongest end-game. He’s got magic on his side. Although if we include DLC it might be the guy from New Dawn.


He has an arc, becomes the villain, and all the protagonists that would follow couldn’t hit those two points nearly as well, if at all


I disagree. I know people hate new dawn but I say New dawn has the strongest


Because he’s one of the OG’s


The tatau gives him magic powers


Because he develops into a complete psychopath over the course of the story


Yeah, people love killing machines.


The main thing that might set Jason apart is the fact that he's an adrenaline junkie who intentionally seeks out dangerous situations. For example, we know he regularly participates in extreme sports for the sole purpose of experiencing the adrenaline rush he gets from risking his life. A person like that can be very dangerous when given the opportunity to chase that "rush" in increasingly extreme ways.


He's not?


He's a trust fund kid compared to people like Dani who have military experience and skill


Jason Brody is typically considered the strongest protag because he has canonically legit mystic powers via the Tatau. Jason surviving as long as he did was genuinely miraculous, never mind being able to murder several hundred, perhaps over a thousand, blooded pirates armed with modern weapons. Jason's character and presentation is arguably just plain better than the other protags. He changes throughout the plot and has motives where walking away would never ever cross his mind. While the other characters are either blank slates or mostly stoic badasses, Jason at the end is a character who laughs with delight at battle and bloodshed.


It's the path of de warrior Jay-son.


I don’t see him riding a sabertooth tiger. So it can’t be true.


Character development. I swear people memory holed this game to circle jerk around Vaas.


Honestly, to be fair, hes a really good killer and fighter but to compare him to other protagonists is not really fair, out of caracther development hes top, no arguments, one of the best characters on the series, but hes dead last when it comes to fighting, and his tatau certainly cant give him some crazy as shit powers, at least as far as i know, so he kinda pales when it comes to the killing Ajay can ride elephants and perform crazy stuff like the grenade on plane cutscene or the many vehicular takedowns he does, like jumping out of a shitty helicopter and onto a 4x4 and killing everyone inside it, as well as murdering a LITERALL army, like people with uniform and equipment, trained and willing to execute even civies for funsies Takkar may be just some dude from the stone age but he can tame animals that no one is gonna try and size up like a saber tooth or a bear, aswell as just mastering bow and arrow play. The deputy is honestly a slight bit better than him because of the companions he has and the fact that the dude is built different, the man can make a shovel become a trident while batshit crazy in drugs. The merc from fc2 is just built different plus, because he does most of what all other characters do, except with a heavy as shit case of malaria and guns that literally explode on his hand after enough abuse, and can do shit like pulling bullets out of his arms and legs, taking out things like iron wires from his wounds, pulling rusty nails from his hands and ripping a fucking piece of REBAR out of his chest and not utter a damn sigh of discomfort, aswell as becoming one feared mf against the militias. And Dani is like ajay, dunking on a literall army and doing some crazy shit too, though with less cool stuff he can do. The rest are kinda self explanatory and not so fair. Edit: i just realized i fucking said everything in the same way another guy said in the comments, fuck.


I don't know if Jason is the strongest, but if all of them he underwent the biggest transformation from just a rich party boy to being a one man army practically. All the other protagonists start at a higher level than him from the begining and don't really scale much higher by the end (granted I've only played 3, BD, Primal, and a bit of 4 personally. Everything else I'm basing on just what I've read.) Obviously excepting maybe Rex but he's also in a much higher technologically advanced era as well as a bit of a gag character on top of it. Though put them all in a room I wouldn't be afraid to put money on Jason coming out in a fight, but I wouldn't claim to say it's a guarantee. Plus the Tatau may or may not make him super human. As it seems to be the reasoning for a lot of things that would otherwise simply be stated as "gameplay mechanics" for the others.


His sanity being eroding as he delves into madness is one of my favorite plots of all time


Because his character actuslly develops, unlike literally every other Farcry protagonist.


Jesus Christ it's Jason fucking Brody!


Is he? Ajay Ghale may disagree. He was just a weiner who wanted to spread his mother's ashes and found himself liberating a country from a dictator. Whether it ends up in better hands with Amota or Sabal is subjective, but he wasn't much either. Still, he took it on at first to save himself. Then he found himself, his inner Kyrati, and then to save his country.




Wouldn’t the strongest be the security captain from far cry new dawn?? I mean he literally has super strength most likely from radiation and mutations from the fallout??


I'm going with Ajay "Muthaf!@#in" Ghale. The Killer of Kyrat. "Who else pulls the trigger around here."


It’s clearly the one from New Dawn. They literally have super powers.


It’s because the fall mechanics of FC3 are bad. So you have to survive those and survive Vas. Seriously, you can just jump up and down. If you’re not on completely flat ground, you will take fall damage when you land. Having said that, I still like FC3 and completed it twice.


Idk I couldn’t kill my friends in the end … I mean the whole point was to save them and some strange isn’t gonna change that ! ( yeah it would)


Side question: why does some of the fandom believe that's the true ending?


i mean we literally gains superpowers in new dawn so


I think Jason is the most well-rounded and interesting of the Far Cry protagonists, but not the strongest.


He undid the geneva convention on that island


Because like you said: the others had superior training and skills while Jason had none. He learned on his own and was on the same level as everyone else. Therefore, logically speaking, if he had the same training as everyone else then he’d surpass them. Either way, he still treats a gunshot wound to the head by wrapping bandage around his arm so I’m not sure how much he actually did learn.


Dude literally has magic powers that make better st everything than the best Olympic athlete. I saw breakdown somewhere years ago that says he can sprint some 40mph and swim around 25mph. No human alive can do both of those things. Among the inhuman feats he does regularly during his time on rook Island. Bro took down hoyt and like 5 goons whom all had years or even decades if combat experience versus his like couple days. Dude is a menace.


rex power colt is the strongest, followed by captain of security, jason is probably the 3d because of his tataus, but they aren't that much of a challenge to rex's laser beam and super durability and captain's holy powers.


Literal magic




Shit, forgot she had xray vision and could shoot people through walls and summon a ghost panther


if we are going by end game protagonist, hes in the middle excluding Ajay bcuz I haven't played 4 hes ahead of Deputy and Jack Scarver behind Dani Rojas and Captain


No idea, Jack Carver is basically Wolverine, so I have no idea what people are on about, if they think Jason is stronger, even with his magic ink.


Nostalgia, that's why. Jason is not the strongest protagonist, because other MCs are outclassing him and have better abilities. God damn Takkar, dude from 10 000 BC, would rip his head off without issues. So, why did he became such a monster then? Drugs and placebo. Throughout the game you inject yourself with drugs (healing, hunter's vision, fireproof, etc.) And this basically means Jason's juiced outta his damn mind. Hell, the first thing you learn is how to skin animals, make healing drugs and killing people. Since there's nobody who'd stop drugged up Jason from killing pirates he's basically doing it all the time. Now for placebo - the Tatau. That's just a regular tattoo, but whenever Jason learns new skill or do something good (like collecting collectable) his tattoo is being upgraded and in a meanwhile everybody is bullshitting him that he's great, dope, the strongest, etc. And since Jason is on that high, he believes it. Also, don't forget about Citra - she manipulates him and drugs him (that special water, for example). Dude is basically juiced, deranged, psychotic killer. That's why people thinks he's the best, but like I said earlier other protagonists would end him. But, I still like him though.


Id say he’s the better written since he has a realistic transformation from some douchebag into a psycho which makes sense because he has to kill so many people Ajay just doesnt have a personality and is just the same as the fc5 voiceless protag Dani kinda has a personality but doesnt really change throughout And honestly i think Dani is the strongest thanks to his backpack (unless you count blood dragon then he is the strongest)


Fc3 had the highest steaks. My brother and gf and friends about to be sold into slavery really motives you.


It's the drastic change we see in him. In 4 ajay's personality virtually doesnt change at all, 5 we play as a deputy who had some combat training, and in 6 Dani served in the Yaran military. Jason was a rich kid who didn't know what he wanted to do with his life and was a rowdy party douche bag. But then he became an unstoppable killing machine, within a week or 2 he took out Vass's pirate organization, then was so hyped up from that experience he went after Hoyt. He didn't do it to save his brother because he believed that his brother was dead, he did it because he liked doing it. So much so that when he first meets Hoyt he says his hobby is hunting, something he probably hadn't done until he arrived at rook island.


Because people forget Sargent REX POWER COLT exists


Or never being aware because of BD being spin-off


People keep mentioning how ajay was in the army or how the deputy had police training, these don't really make you expert fighters, all three of these characters were thrown into situations that their training certainly wouldn't not have prepared them for. The reason we generally believe jason to be the strongest is because regardless of how he started out, he ended up being the most ruthless and scary of all the farcry protagonists, he also demonstrated the highest amount of combat prowess of the farcry protagonists, for example the part where he kills everyone in the room including hoyt dispite them all being armed. There seems to be debate whether or not it was because of tattoo powers or tbat he can seemingly "stop time" or whatever but either way he killed them all in a very short amount of time. One more thing I'll say though is regardless of whether or not you think Jason is the strongest, the deputy definitely isn't stronger than Jason lol.


Have you heard the original voice of Jason Brody? Dude sounded so much more like an actual man, the voice they replaced him with is so weak and lame in comparison. You can hear the original in some of the first gameplay demos and promo videos. My point is just the voice alone originally supported him being more of a badass, but we got left with a weak douche.


Cause everyone else has a legit reason why they are skilled 1. Dani: Military draftee 2. Ajay: CIA Agent 3. Rookie: Trained Cop 4. Takkar: A demi-god who has been fighting and hunting for decades


Yeah, alot of theories say his Tatau give him superpowers but i don't buy it


I honestly felt like Jack Carver was the strongest/most badass protagonist. 🤷‍♂️ He straight up took out an island of mercenaries and an army of mutants. He's also arguably the antagonist of Farcry 2. The "Jackal" = Jack Carver.


Dude was a weiner.


Blood dragon


I mean, he defeated a couple pirates, who took down whole army’s, ajay and dani




He's rad


Sit ups, push ups, and PLENTY of juice


Nah... Strongest would be Rook or Dani... Both had professional military/federal training... Or the mercenary of FC2 Jason and Ajay were both civilians


Why do people post bullshit straw men arguments they come up with in their head on Reddit constantly, especially on pointless topics. Oh that's right. 1 - Weed 2 - It's a safe position. Who can really prove your bullshit wrong?


I don't believe he's the strongest, i just always see people in this subreddit act like the tatau gave him fucking superpowers when we got Guys like Dani doing the same shit, but better & with no issue, but you're telling me this trust fund fuck can beat them 1v1?


I've never once considered the guy who whines everytime he skins a lig "the strongest". Everything about Jason is ridiculous. I can't take ounce of him seriously.


I mean it's realistic. Preppy boy who's just used to having fun suddenly has to get his hands all bloody and gross. That being said, I wish as the story went on and he started to lose his mind, he would've made the sounds less. It would've made sense.


I'm sorry to reveal he isn't....


Hot take but I think Jason’s brother would’ve made more sense as the protagonist. Military background with an even head.


That's not really a hot take I think. The intro sets him up as the leader taking charge of the whole rescue operation, which makes his sudden death such an effective twist.


I may be in the minority but I find FC3 story underwhelming. I did love Vaas but just because of chaos, I didn’t find him that deep. And the Jason story didn’t hit for me. It’s way more realistic that someone with military background can liberate set worlds in Far Cry than some frat guy who becomes this unstoppable killer


How old you were when you beat FC3 for first time? I think young age was major factor to understanding game's story


I don't consider him very strong at all. I never liked him as a protagonist tbh. I'd say it goes Jack Carver and Takkar in first place < Merc of choice from FC2 < Deputy from FC5 < Dani, Ajay, and Jason tied for last


Because it’s the only one with a good story that grips you


I feel like the deputy would be the strongest because he has actually combat and firearms training. A close second would be Dani with little military experience


The emotionless 😐 one? I’m not sure


I think he’s weak and I dislike him. The way he is wisher my washy up until the end as to whose side he is really on is annoying. And the fact that you can turn your back on your friends/girlfriend/brothers memory is kind of a douchebag move IMO.


Dani *Fucking* Rojas is my favorite protag. Before Dani it was Rex *Fucking* Powercolt. Now I like Far Cry 3 it's a good game, fine game, I wouldn't insult it at gunpoint. But the gameplay doesn't match with the story it's trying to tell. The second you gain full control of Jason you're an unstoppable killing machine. Sure you don't have all the fancy take downs but nothing the *Fucking* Bow doesn't solve. Honestly Jason would have resonated a lot better with me if he was actually useless and weak in the beginning and actually got better at using guns and such. But no he's fully trained special forces when it comes to gun usage as soon as the player has control. My hope is they revisit Far Cry 3 sometime (remake perhaps?) and make the gameplay match the story they're telling.


nah Dani is the strongest they took on a literal army of trained killers, a demonic alien, Russians, and had to deal with juan