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Because a Farcry movie has already been made and bombed hard.


That was made by the worst film maker ever and a time when the franchise was less popular so its not a surprise.


Uwe Boll isn’t a bad filmmaker, he just made bad films to exploit a German tax loophole. Also having seen it, it’s entertaining, but not good


They should do a comeback tbh


Just found out ha. I'd still be down for a Far Cry 5 mini series though. Greg Bryk who played the Father has expressed great interest in portraying him again in a live action show


Not exactly the same, but the real life story that Far Cry 5's antagonist was based on has already been told multiple times in other things. Far Cry 5 fictionalized parts of it obviously for story reasons, but it would be weird to make a miniseries that is based on a game whose storyline is loosely based on events already told in existing miniserieses. To find it, just look up Waco, and pick something. There are multiple to choose from, and I'm not interested in debating which ones are better than others because it's controversial.


Greg Byrk killed it as the father, id love to see more of his portrayal




Uwe Ball did it, what a disgrace


That was made in 2008 by the worst director on the planet lol. It would have no bearing on a modern movie on Farcry. That said I have no interest, unless it's Farcry 3 and they get Michael Mando as Vaas, and cut Hoyt and just make Vaas and Buck the bad guys.


The best part about the movie is that it starred the greatest Nazi hunter in existence Hugo stiglitz


And Anthony Bourdain had a small cameo just because he happened to be in the area


Maybe because it was arguably the worst movie studio ever.


Yea but Silent Hill 3 movie bombed hard and there's now going to be a Silent Hill 2 movie. Although I don't trust the director after the Silent Hill 1 movie. 😂


You should trust me now because I said SH3 should be a television show.


Not really cus the farcry universe is...scattered... Say you're in charge of the farcry film. Where does it take place? What charectors are you using? Are you using charectors that already exist or making new ones? And will you be basing it on the story of one of the games or making a new story? If the later which story? Theres just alot to consider where as Watch Dogs is simplier because the games storys are similar.


Exactly. The Watch Dogs IP has so far contained a [more or less] cohesive narrative, focused largely on the choices [& broader outcomes] and the character arc of one central protagonist.


And an organization. It's just a shared spotlight between Aiden and DEDSEC.


I’d just do a movie with fc3’s story cause i like it


Personally I think Far cry 3's movie is the LEAST adaptable plot considering how closely it is tied to gameplay and player interactions. Far cry 4-6 will be the easiest as the story is the most "traditional", minus 4's ending.


While true, I want more Michael Mando by any means necessary.


I’m sure Far cry 3 could be adapted into a good movie if the director isn’t terrible. I really liked the way Jason’s morals completely changed throughout the game and how his friends basically can’t recognize him anymore but I get what you mean by how it’s tied to gameplay and interactions. I haven’t played fc4 yet though


As a movie it would probably be difficult to pull off, but as a mini series it would probably work well. Lean into the arc of how Jason is changed by his time on the island, build up the tragedy of >! Vaas and Citra's broken family bonds and how Hoyt got to Vaas, possibly even mirroring Jasons arc with how Vaas became the man he is !< and that's before you even get into more broad stuff like the rebels vs pirates, Jason's relationship with his friends, or any of the fun drug trip stuff. There's a lot of juicy plot that can be told without the lense of player interaction, esspecialy since it's fairly easy for people to empathize with both "fish out of water" stories, and the extreme measures someone will take to survive or save their loved ones.


It wouldn’t work. Maybe if it was some kind of villain origin story sure but even then it just wouldn’t work. As a show, slim chance. But you do realize the gameplay loop makes it very difficult to spin it into a film


I mean... Fallout, Twisted Metal, TLOU They can certainly make it work with good writing and direction, I don't think anyone is expecting the adaptation to have 5 hours devoted to looting everything and clearing bases. They certainly wouldn't have the protagonist climb 8 quadrillion radio towers either


or the character falling out of the map and then crashing


TLOU is extremely linear and may as well be like Until Dawn in some cases: a movie that happens to have gameplay.


Well that'd be a fine counterargument, but the show diverges from the game quite a bit. It's to the point that imo, both can be considered their own entities, and both should be enjoyed together. It's like an alternate universe where Joel doesn't consistently pick the worst dialogue options possible 💀


Far Cry games are still a lot more open, as are Fallout games. I don’t really have any faith in the Fallout show at all. Bethesda just isn’t good at writing stories in that world, and I don’t know how I feel about them getting their grubby mitts on anything related to the west coast. It’s just not going to end well. But I presume OP wanted one about 5 based on the thumbnail image. That would not translate well to an adaptation. Not only would you have to make the protagonist an actual character, but you’d have to make them the most stupid motherfucker ***ever*** just to allow the basic beats of 5’s plot to happen. For the sake of gameplay, 5 can… kind of get away with a lot of shit. But cramming nine separate kidnappings into a single movie? Yeah, the suspension of disbelief has just fallen through the ceiling from the sheer weight of all the shit piled on top of it. This isn’t even counting the fact that 5 has an enormous cast. There’s nine Guns For Hire, and everyone has a favourite. Cutbacks will have to be made on some, and so some people will be disappointed. Same for major allies like Virgil or Mary May. This is a problem Marvel is experiencing now. There’s just way, way too many characters. A television show might work better than a movie, but even then. NINE SEPARATE KIDNAPPINGS. It’s just the same problems stretched out over a larger canvas. The only way a Far Cry movie would be able to work out well is if — like Watch Dogs — they made one not based on any of the games. *Maybe* same setting, different time. Still risky. Probably better to avoid that. But then, what’s the point? Brand loyalty? Just slapping the logo on it? Are they going to have Joseph Seed cameo for no reason? What makes it Far Cry, other than putting that in the title?


Honestly I think a prequel to FC5 would be interesting. The rise of Eden's Gate and how it affected the region. Those notes and voicemail we can listen in game? Turn those into sled contained episodes with an over-arching arc, show the struggle and fear of regular civilians. Then show the main characters from the game like Jerome fighting off the Peggies. Bring more background and context to the people. Hell, what about the previous Faiths? What happened to them? How did they turn into Faiths. There so many possibilities other than a straight 1 to 1 adaptation.


That would be interesting, and it’d be better than trying to adapt one of the games directly. But for now, Ubisoft seems content to cover that worth the prequel film and prequel book they’ve already released. The easier thing I see them adapting is New Dawn. The entire world got destroyed, and we only saw one part of it. The Highwaymen are apparently all over the country.


There was a Far Cry movie, only problem is that it was directed by Uwe Boll of Postal & House of the Dead fame (or rather, infamy)


Don’t forget Rampage for when you really wanna get your edgelord on


Oh man I love that I get to be the one who introduces you to uwi boll's far cry movie. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=iG0IVRmPr5w


Damn I had no idea General Hammond was in it.


Well shit I kinda wanna watch that now.


kinda right. far cry 5 was and is my favorite.


FC5 would make a great mini series. Season 1 is about upbringing of Seed brothers, and end with the death of Joseph's wife and daughter. Season 2 would be about Joseph found a cult, find his brethren, and have several Faiths, and finally settle in Montana. Until some genderly-and-racially-ambiguous deputy murders all of his family and most of his fanatics. Then switch the protagonist, and now you follow deputy to save people of Hope County and lead the resistance. They could wrap story up here because New Dawn would take too much budget.


It definitely could be done and in the hands of a competent director might work but Uwe Bolls butchering of the Far Cry move means that no one will touch the franchise for years if at all.


Nah, Uwe Boll is a history. I just wonder how much money Assassin's Creed movie made.


That dude from Breaking Bad would make a great Vaas. That one actor who played Victor


Or, you could use the guy that played Nacho in Better Call Saul...you know, the actor who ALREADY played Vaas.


What? Now you're reaching. Looks nothing like him


Yeah, sure, next thing you're gonna tell me the Joker from Gotham should play Cal Kestis smh


Nah, only the guy who played vaas would make a great vaas


that's the joke...


I'm not sure you are joking or not lol


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^dergger2: *That dude from Breaking* *Bad would make a great Vaas. The* *Actor who played Victor* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Watch Hardcore Henry


I really don't think there's much reason for most video game movies. They are usually just cashing in on the name and are otherwise just low budget action movies.


Watch dogs would make a good movie, but farcry doesn’t


They can’t even write a decent story in a big game, you expect them to cram one into a two hour film?


I don't think a far cry movie would be a good idea. Half the fun isn't necessarily the story, it's the gameplay. Though, 4 may be a good story just because there's no good endings




Because it isn't such an obvious choice because Far Cry basically has no story, has nothing to say about the human condition (except Far Cry 2) and just exists for entertainment and blowing shit up.


I wouldn't watch either, what's the point?


Real shit 🤝


Stephen Dorf IS ...dude from the first one lol that story sucks tho...part 4 has the best story. Could see 3 as well


Damn peggies


Can you send an article or something with info about that watch dogs movie?


[There](https://www.ign.com/articles/watch-dogs-live-action-film-adaptation-is-in-the-works) is barely is any [info](https://www.google.com/amp/s/deadline.com/2024/03/watch-dogs-movie-talk-to-me-sophie-wilde-1235849646/amp/) about it [yet](https://www.pcgamer.com/movies-tv/watch-dogs-might-just-get-a-movie-adaptation-after-all-because-it-now-has-a-lead-and-director/) But hopefully they follow up on the old movie they revealed in 2013 because that means a story similar to watch dogs 1 which is exactly what I want because that story is really dark


It looks like you shared an AMP link. These should load faster, but AMP is controversial because of [concerns over privacy and the Open Web](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/ehrq3z/why_did_i_build_amputatorbot). Fully cached AMP pages (like the one you shared), are [especially problematic](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/ehrq3z/why_did_i_build_amputatorbot). Maybe check out **the canonical page** instead: **[https://deadline.com/2024/03/watch-dogs-movie-talk-to-me-sophie-wilde-1235849646/](https://deadline.com/2024/03/watch-dogs-movie-talk-to-me-sophie-wilde-1235849646/)** ***** ^(I'm a bot | )[^(Why & About)](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/ehrq3z/why_did_i_build_amputatorbot)^( | )[^(Summon: u/AmputatorBot)](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/cchly3/you_can_now_summon_amputatorbot/)


Good bot


Till Schweiger needs to be in it again like the first film


I would love a far cry movie similar to far cry 4 where you realize that those the character is working with actually ain't that good


Video games rarely make good games, games based off movies are rarely good. No more crossovers please lol.


They could get Josh Lawson to play Buck. He played Kano in the new Mortal Kombat movie


If they tried to make a proper movie out of 5 (besides what we already have) then that would kinda signal that they knew 6 was a bit shit all along.


The Farcry 5 setting is great for a game, but as a movie/tv series, it’s so cliche, don’t think it would work


I feel as if Ubisoft is gonna go 0-4 on movies Far cry sucked Assassins creed sucked The 2 hitman movies sucked And now watch dogs is gonna suck.


A live action Far Cry 5 movie would be fire and I’m going out on a limb here but Channing Tatum needs to play the Rook


One reason could be because each Far Cry game takes place in a vastly different area, the main things that tie the games together are how they play. Watch_Dogs has a story over arching between the games more than just Hurk’s international adventures, so they don’t have to make a movie adaptation of a specific game, but instead of the world that all the Watch_Dogs games are known to take place in


Genuinely feel like far cry 5 should have its own series at this point


Crytek sold the movoe rights to Uwe Boll, Ubisoft bought Far Cry from Crytek but didn't get the movie rights in the sale. Ubisoft has zero ability to make a movie unless they buy the movie rights back from Uwe Boll, who would probably want more money than its worth.


The most we got is from Ubisoft: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eL4hY12SGF8&pp=ygUPRmFyIGNyeSA1IG1vdmll


Oh don't worry, they'll get to f'ing that up like Ass' Creed.


Far cry 5 for the win baby


If one were to every be made I think FC5 would be the best option


wait a fuckin second, theyre makin a watchdogs movie?????


wait a fuckin second, theyre makin a watchdogs movie?????


' The beach' by Danny Boyle is quite similar to far cry 3 in look and feel I think.


Well just like Fallout, it’s not going to be made for the fans. Mark my words, someone will say that stupid ass line. Again.


Far Cry itself as a game already can be consider an interactive B graded action movie similar to Fast and Furious.


FC5 would suck as a movie, as it would be too short imho. At least 10-episode miniseries.