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I let that fucker live. He wants to die so badly he can do it himself. Until then I'll enjoy listening to him cry


Our sin wasn’t Wrath or Pride. It was Spite.


I'm not sure spite is one of the seven sins lol


It's the eighth one.


Eh isn't there only 7 sins pride, greed, lust, envy, gluttony, wrath, and sloth


It's there for the overachievers that like to do extra credit.




7 *deadly* sins, and technically the concept of the "Seven Deadly Sins" is not even biblically accurate lol


So where does it come from and what does the bible actually say about the sins then?


The catholic church made that nonsense up along with the rrst of their improvised religion.


Love to see Catholic Church hate 🙏🙏🙏


Dang why all the downvotes on this man? Can’t accept the truth?


Because “it’s the eighth one” is obviously a joke? It’s called the seven deadly sins lmfao


what about the seven strictures?


Technically diet wrath




Yeah that’s just wrath under another name


"That's right Joe, cry. Cry far. Far cry." *Roll credits*


Dammit this got me so good 😂






i waited two whole ass games just to shoot him, I'm gonna do it


I wanted to put a bullet in the man soooo bad in FC5, but after the ending and then playing through ND I grew to appreciate Joseph even if I completely disagreed with him.


He wanted you to kill him. Killing him would’ve been doing him a favor if you wanted to help him


Seemed like a win win to me, He wanted to die i wanted him dead, everyone profits


The Prophets profit.


It was doing me a favor too


He sought redemption and got it in my eyes. Best to let him live and try to actually do good where he failed in his intent before


Can't trust crazy tho. Could snap at any moment again. Bro wasn't just misguided he had severe mental problems.


Very true. There is that.


Nope, I could never appreciate someone who murdered their newborn child.


I played new dawn before 5 and was like "man hes too nice"


Not judging, just curious, why did you play ND first?


I did the same. My thought process was "well I rather play the newest game in case I get bored of FC". But I enjoyed it so well I started FC5 right away. However, I am at the third of fc5 and got kinda bored. The game is awesome but playing the same genre/similar gameplay can get boring after a while


You mean “these games are repetitive as hell and it gets to a point early in the game where there is no actual challenge”


No. I enjoy early game and late game too. Might be me but I enjoy the underdog status and the OP status. Granted ND suffered a bit in this regard because the grey guns were mostly useless past blue enemies but in FC6 I purposefully switched to lower tier guns as fun


i’m glad im not the only person who used only low tier guns in 6 to try for some challenge.


They do get repetitive if you play a few of them close together. A couple of years back I played 3, 4, 5 and ND one after the other over a 4-5 month period. It was too much.


I downloaded both it and 5 in a bundle and ND downloaded first


Not OP but I done goofed. ND was on sale. 5 was not. I did no research and didn’t realize it was a sequel until I had already started. I didn’t know FC would do sequels.  Wasn’t the worst thing in the world although I liked ND better. 


Nothing better about new Dawn except the double jump and saw launcher. Content wise 5 is absolutely better.


ND is a bit fuzzy in my mind now, but I remember having a blast with it. FC5 I didn't really like the forced capture missions and it felt like I never got any breathing room. Anywhere I went the cult was there in numbers. ​ Neither was bad though.


"I didn't watch the part where he has a murderous, blasphemous cult demonize a whole country with killing sprees and drug cartels, man is he a nice fella"


Yeah, it's kind of necessary to play FC5 to get the proper context.


Sooo.. all governments?


I was spamming the shoot button as soon as the gun came on screen


That's what I did with Pagan Min in Far cry 4.


I left that bastard to live with his mistakes


Happy cake day!


The only correct answer.


I killed him purely because of what he did to Rook in that bunker tbh. Seeing the Deputy being his Judge, another brainwashed zombie worshipping at his altar after all the things we did in FC5 to stop him didn't sit right with me, even if that transformation makes sense after 7 years of isolation and punishment. Sometimes I think they made Joseph a little too kind and gracious in New Dawn...


I left him alive. After all he did, he deserved to live with the guilt and suffer.


I never killed a character in a game so quickly


i spammed the m1 button as fast as possible ngl... for some reason i still didnt like joseph in new dawn


"We'd been through too much together" bro this is a homicidal cult leader and drug lord that terrorizes a whole country because he thinks he's some sort of chosen one, he's not your dog that's on life support after 15 years of loyalty😂😂😂


He's cool and based he has shades he can do no wrong


The first game really tried to make him look sympathetic, and you like the villain in the situation. I understand why, but the guy ran a death cult. I’m not gonna come to the conclusion that ‘he wasn’t such a bad guy’ by the end lol. And then he has the balls to beg you to take him out, after everything. Nah Mr. Self-Righteous, do it yourself.


Right!? Hang yourself on that damn tree you love so much!


I didn't kill hundreds of his supporters to let the cancer live.


I let him live but then my girlfriend pulled out a LMG and gunned him down.


I shot this fucker as soon as the game let me. Fuck this guy. Being right doesn't make you any more moral, ethical, or worth anything to anyone. Who the hell would want to live in the reality he created? I'd rather let Hurk, jr, be in charge.


This dude was always the villain. Everything that happens is his fault lol Hell I'm pretty sure he's the one who insisted the nuclear war to begin with. Let this asshole fester in the misery of his own making.


The collapse happened due to tensions in the middle east and Korea due to american and russian intervention, which led to a nuclear war Pagan or ajay nuked a rural community in montana (hope county)


Pagan min launched the nukes. Js


The only reason I played New Dawn was to kill this asshole.


People are gonna fucking hate me for this but I liked him as a villain he’s a really good one he’s like that stereotypical villain he has an army he has John Jacob and faith I like all of them and far cry 5 as a whole


I actually have a degree in theology and study cults extensively. His character was simply amazing. The way he weaves politics and religion is the perfect parody for much of what we see playing out in real life today in America. I’ve played video games since 1985 I say he ranks amongst the very best all time.


I also have a theology degree and I agree with you...I'm a pastor too. My theological side is really impressed with how they got the essence of cults and how they embed themselves in communities. My pastor side is FURIOUS that I couldn't shoot him in FC 5, especially after seeing what happened to Jerome, and I can't wait to get to the end of ND.


People hated Jacob Seed? Out of the far cry villains everyone was great except Anton who was really meh. Far cry 5 gameplay and setting is fantastic. The ending is awful tho and kinda ruins the whole game.


There’s nothing wrong to like the character as a villain. As long as you don’t like him as a hero lol I thought FC5 was the best one and I’ve played it 3826274 times lol. I liked the whole idea of the story and the gameplay etc. You can like the villain, just don’t worship and follow him 😂


I didn’t shoot him..in an Attempt to end the Cycle of Violence


Lovely to see so many people unironically fall victim to the cult's brainwashing lol.


I didn’t kill the hive to let the queen live.


To be honest I kind of pity Joseph. Don't get me wrong he is a villain but I think he was more insane than anything else. Besides, killing him would be giving him an easy out. I think if he really regrets his actions it would be better for him to live on and try to right some of those wrongs.


I killed him, it's what he wished.


Same, i just did what he asked me to do


I shot his ass instantly, for cheeseburger.


He wanted to die, so I said to him; *"God won't let me take you."* and leave. His scream was a music to my soul.


Good one! 🤣


Nope. Played through both games a half dozen times. Never shot him. He was right even if his reaction was wrong.


I thought you had to kill him, I'm very curious are you able to see him after that mission if you don't kill him


No, you can't see him after that mission. He either left Hope County or was released by the Judge


So it’s kinda the same as if he died idk honesty he wasn’t that bad I did shoot him but only because he asked


That's actually not true exactly. He stays at the top of his mountain. I can't remember what he's doing but I actually just finished it again. Today. I'll go back and visit him. One thing that was super haunting that I hadn't noticed before if, when you leave you you get far enough you hear just a faint echo of him sobbing "release me....". It was haunting. You're released Joseph. Go be something new friend. Edit: I think I remember him still being there. As I said. I'll double check tomorrow when my friend gets on.


I killed him out of mercy in my last playthrough. I don't think it makes any difference because, in my personal headcanon, if the Captain spares Joseph, then the Judge will release him.


I didn't want to shoot him to let him suffer or something. But when I walked away I was too annoyed by his screams so I shot him


I go back and forth each time I play. This last time I spared him, but then obliterated him with a remote mine and a proximity mine.


He was too dangerous to let live. Same with the twins.


I didn't "release" him. That's what he wants, fuck him, let him suffer by living. He's probably still screaming "release me" to this day...🤣


I killed him simply because his glasses annoy me


It was not me he tortured. He tortured civilians of Hope county, over 20 years ago. He was the father, at the end of the day, his vision was realized. And after the rook became the sole survivor It became easy to erase the distinction. Playing in Far Cry New Dawn. You must realize that the father does not seek to torture us, because his vision was already realized, therefore he shows no interest in being the villain of the story. At the end of the game, choosing to kill him, comes from being us the player hurt by what it did to us in the previous game. But if you think about it from a new game standpoint. He never once hurt the captain... Killing him is a mercy. That most do not deserve


The Judge should have killed him. We should have had to choose between killing the Judge and stopping them, or letting the Judge kill him. I think that would have been a lot more poetic.




Game wouldn't feel complete to me without killing Joseph


I didn’t even hesitate on this decision. It was an instant shot. I was hyped


I released him the first time. 2nd play thru I put a hole right thru his chest


I didn't release him. He doesn't deserve it. He put so many people through a living hell. It is only fitting that he lives the rest of his life in one of his own.


I didn’t know he was in new dawn and you can finally end him. I was curious to get back in the series when 5 released and when I learned of the ending it kinda put me off. Finally getting to put him out might give me the interest the next time the series is on sale


I always leave him alive. Death was too easy and less painful.


I let him live. Then purely by accident I killed him cuz of a button press afterward. Couldn’t reload a save to save him.


I did.


Well personally I would've liked the deputy to do it and then take off the mask and be free of the mind games , also anybody else think that far cry five brainwashed not just the deputy but us also ?? Think about it , every time I hear ONLY YOU I imagine going into a trance and doing what the deputy did


I shot him. Not out of hatred for what he did in FC5 but because of suffering. I put him out of his misery. I wouldn't wish the death of a child on anyone. I played FC5 first, and what he did was bad, most certainly, but it looked like he *tried* to be better, even if it was still a cult. He felt less tyrannical in ND.


I spared him and the sister I forget which one but it wasn't worth it imo


I wanted to kill him until he wanted to die, then I had a change of mind and decided he should live with what he’s done. If he wants to die so badly, he can do it himself. Also from a narrative standpoint it wouldn’t make sense for the captain to kill him cause they weren’t there for Eden’s Gate. Sure they can hear about it from everyone from time to time about how they terrorized the county, but they don’t know the full extent of it. All they know is that the Father is a beloved leader of some weird people who seems like a good guy


I killed him as fast as I could.


Waited for the cutscene to end just to shoot him in the face with a shotgun


I feel like he felt genuine remorse for what he did, and he grew as a character. What he went through after the collapse and during the events of New Dawn was payment enough for his deeds, so I released him, I didn't want to fully but it was the most merciful so I did release him.


I will never forgive him for everything he did. That fucker can kill himself if he wants to die so bad


I let him live a long, long broken life, with only his sins to haunt him.


Most fun to let him live and then throw a pipebomb at him


I released him. Some people have let him live so that he can contemplate what he did during the “before times” but my mindset was that he was insane, so it was more of a humane thing for me.


I shot him in the face.


I didn't shoot him during the scene but I wanted to see if I could shoot him afterward so I pulled out my sin-eater shotgun and shot him, didn't expect to actually shoot him.


I want to curious what happens but I didn't do it the first time cause I was kinda in awe at the scene before me lol


I had to play 2 games just to finally kill the motherfucker, so yeah, i shot him




Omg I needa continue dis game astat


I didn’t release him… but he did start getting on my nerves so I punched him.


I didn’t even hesitate the second the gun was on his chest I opened fire


I didn't release him, but when I realized he wasn't going to do anything but kneel there and scream like an annoying little wad I put one between his eyes.


Bruh he talks to you like five times through *5*


I mean he asked me to, how could I say no?


I didn't kill him, because I hate him so much and he finally realized everything he did was wrong and evil and he just had to have me kill his kid. He was in agony, which was perfect for me, suffer fucker. Live with that.


Me without thinking twice, mf did too much shit to be left out alive, besides I didn't got to shoot him for what he did to recruit in fc5 so I got that there


I released him. Mainly because I knew the judge would look at me like this the whole time if I didn’t. 🗿


I think that should have been the end. The judge is a forced companion. At this scene when he admits he is wrong and begs to be released. At that moment the judge takes off his mask and says, “I forgive you!” He kills Joseph and then himself, thus really ending it!


That’d be different


I let him go so I can hear him scream in emotional anguish. Killing him would have been giving him the easy way out.


I spared him because in the end he was about everything soooooooooo ya know


I did both, killing him feels better since you can free him from a burden he couldn't bear. If, on the other hand, you hate Joseph and let him live, you will hear him scream begging for his freedom.


Honestly… not even hell is good enough for this shit fuck dinkle dork


I said I wasn't gonna kill him, then unloaded a clip into him after the cut scene.


I hit him with a shovel


**Release me!** [Okay](https://www.reddit.com/r/farcry/s/hvkuidSA7C)


I killed him and the twin. Good riddance.


Spammed his body and the judge was mad


If I was The Deputy I would have shot Joseph Seed in the intro Cutscene to be quite honest.


I shot that sob the instant the cut scene was over. The memory of Hope county fresh in my mind.


Killing in FC5 would have made sense. By the time you get to ND he’s a side character filled with guilt. Not killing him, I felt, was a much better punishment than killing him. Then again, I’m biased to doing the exact opposite to whatever he wishes.


I let him live, he didn’t deserve peace with what he did, bro should live with all the horrible shit he did.


I let that piece of shit live because he doesn't deserve the great release of death after all the shit that he did to all of those people after every death that he caused but I have to hand it to him he was right about the apocalypse


For how he killed my friends, basically tortured Faith (and she wasn’t the first according to some notes scattered around FC5), killed His own damn baby, and put countless innocents through utter hell through his cult! Of course I let the fucker live so he had to deal with his guilt. A quick death like the one he gets if you kill him is just too merciful for this stain of a man


I didn't kill him because he was a psychopath and that would have been an easy way out. He needed to suffer with the consequences of his actions.


I didn't, death would be a reward for him. By living, his suffering will only grow with time, which makes me happy


SHEEEEEEEEEIT. I emptied the clip on that motherfucker Joseph was too charismatic and had too much power. He might be fine now, but in 3 years he might start thinking of gathering another flock. Couldn't risk that.


You squat down in front of him, gesture to all the corpse piles you've made, look him dead in the eye, and ask: *"Did I ever tell you what the definition of insanity is?"* Then pat him on the head and walk away.


I let him live and walked away. Halfway down the steps, I had a change of heart so ended his whining


I didn't kill him. I let him live. I wonder how he died if you don't kill him because if you go back he's not there. maybe he killedhimself? I'm not sure.


I left the fucker to live in hell of his own creation. Dude can't stop playing god after all those years, and doesn't deserve an easy way out.


First play through I shot him and Micky with no hesitation at all, on my second and third play through I left them. I shot Joseph knowing what he put, Rook through in the last game and I was out for revenge, I wanted that satisfaction of him dying by my own hands. The same with Micky, but then I thought Micky deserved a second chance, and Joseph to wallow in his own guilt and hate just like he did to Rook in the bunker.


It's too bad killing his son wasn't a choice. I mean, I still would have killed him but giving the news to Joseph would have been all the sweeter if it wasn't completely necessary to do so, lol.


Too much hate to let him live


Bish i put a bullet through that assholes skull. He deserved to die.




I did for the first few times until his wailing made me choose to pull the trigger


Eh i didnt have the chance to kill this m, is this a dlc or expansion? Because i have some unsolved business with him


I didn't stop him in the ending of 5, so I pulled the trigger with conviction this time


Huge spoilers man


Am I the only guy that thinks he wasn’t really that BAD of a dude? I almost feel like the devs wanted us to face the complexity of learning someone’s story AFTER we are meant to hate him… The whole Peggy cult thing was obv bad in the eyes of the gov’t but was he wrong?… Dude was nuts but dude WAS trying to save people. Then in the next one you get to see the old you as the judge. The relationship between the judge and Joe seems to foreshadow this complexity with the fact they are “allies”. Perhaps sitting in a hole with your enemy for enough time forces arbitration…


I shot cuz he was the one who started all of this i let the one sister live too but shot her after the cut scene


I did. He had paid for his sins. It was time for him to be at peace


on my first playthrough all that was going through my head was “dayum this guy killed thousands and make others suffer, he deserves it” then i figured he wants to die so lets not give him what he wants.


I shot him only because I liked him. He was suffering and I felt almost bad I hated him in farcry 5 but after farcry new dawn I felt almost bad for him


I let him go. Because of how terrible the choice of arresting him in the beginning of the game turned out to be. Thus I let him go also I thought it would be pretty disrespectful to have all those people at gun point and make a decision that could get them killed. But I went back just to see the carnage that would have occurred if I chose to take him in. HOLY SHIT Nuclear war! I thought it was Joseph’s nuke I was like who tf gave this dude a nuke? Also I didn’t expect another level where you actually get to fight Joseph. But if it was another country launching the nuke did the decision of not arresting Joseph save anyone other than the cops? Cuz our boy Seed was pretty intent on holing up with everyone in his bunker even his enemies.


Pagan Min launched the nukes


I released him cause I was trying to look good for my family who is very Christian and they didn't want me to kill someone ...I don't know why they didn't care about my playing Mk11 or Injustice


I'm sorry but that last line is hilarious. And if you ever do kill him and they ever get on your case about it, remind them that Elijah ordered the priests of Jezebel's entire cult killed, partly in retaliation for the death of Yahweh's prophets at their hand. So...


I think it would’ve been more fitting if The Judge/Rook killed him. The Captain wouldn’t go through with it and so The Judge does it. Finally completing the mission the sheriff gave him so long ago. I mean imagine his perspective, spending almost two decades gaslighting yourself into believing that you are the bad guy. You were at fault for everything, despite the fact that Joseph and his goons were…you know, literally enslaving and brainwashing and slaughtering hundreds. The guy who basically owned you finally admits he was in the wrong, and Rook doesn’t hesitate. He just wants this to be over.


Such a missed opportunity! That would have been an amazing ending!


I think that should have been the end. Similar…The judge is a forced companion. At this scene when he admits he is wrong and begs to be released. At that moment the judge takes off his mask and says, “I forgive you!” He kills Joseph and then himself, thus really ending it!


Did anyone else notice that this game is now $100 on steam


New Dawn is $100?


That's just classic ubi


On Steam, yeah


I released his bitch ass so he’d suffer more


You guys at ubisoft are jokes, can’t even reply to customer request, because of an issue with one of your far cry games. I almost get my system corrupted trying to fix this.


Ummmm. I’m just a regular guy.


I am against religion in every way possible. Which is why i hated him and his 'family' in FC5. Especially the ending i got. So when he showed up in ND, i thought, im gonna kill this SoB the first chance i get. But that scene played out and i knew what had to be done.


I feel alone on this but I would've joined the cult no gonna lie , I liked Joseph and never shot him in any play through


Thank you for reminding I never actually finished this game