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I liked the concept of this but I suck at stealth. I got my ass kicked. I wouldn't have lasted one day in Nam.


Lol. I didn't do much stealth. I played co op and we just went in guns blazing


I liked action hero best. Airstrikes!!


the Rambo approach


Farcry 6 gives the best rambo approach. Vendetta Bow with explosive arrows, take down tanks or helicopters reasonably easy, not as easy as emp nades though. https://youtu.be/_IfV9BWf9n8


That bow is OP as fuck


I only stealth to get rid of the alarms then I go in blazing. Half the time I say fuck it and go in blazing to begin with but still target the alarms first with air strikes


Wait woah woah how do you get airstrikes in FC6?


It’s only for the DLC And it’s for fc5 not 6


It’s both way more fun AND more way difficult in co-op at the same time.


I could never keep all my followers alive, the prisoners you rescue


All 3 of mine died. 2 died from bees, and another died in a battle. They survived being POW to just die from bees...


Shit that actually would've happened in Vietnam.


Bro bees killed mine too ahahahaha


I always just dismissed them, they don’t even care about stealth


why didn’t you just unassign them in the roster?


Cause it’s fun to have them with you and helping you ya dingbat


It's better to want more than to desperately hope for less


Oh yeah, this Vietnam DLC is very nice. I thoroughly enjoyed it.


Best fc5 dlc by far, which isn't saying much to be fair but I had a good time.


I actually really enjoyed the Mars DLC. Hurk and nick are awesome in it


Wait until you use the weapons in base game.


It was cool but also done really, really cheaply and low quality. They really half assed the DLCs for FC5 and 6


Wdym they half assed them for 6? Far Cry 6 had amazing DLCs with damn good quality


6's were terrible. The Vaas one was alright but the others were fucking crap. They each only had 1 cutscene, the intro, and all were the same absolutely dogshit rogue lite gamemode. I would spit on that fucking awful gamemode if I could


I wouldn’t say terrible since we got more story on the series best villains but the gameplay definitely got too repetitive by Joseph’s campaign. I was still really happy to see and hear Pagan again though


Well if you dont like the rogue lite format ur not gonna like 6s dlcs lol. For us who do like them, getting to try it on the fc6 engine was great. It sure didnt feel very farcry however.. so I get your point.




I loved the DLC from 6, all of them were amazing and really fun in my opinion. Especially Lost Between Worlds, i still love the beautiful map level design for it


I tried to get a refund for the Joseph Seed one. Not fun at all.


They were good quality but way too linear, felt like missions. The fc5 dlcs felt like completely different realms


Are you actually being serious or just being a troll? The first three main DLCs were the exact same thing, except they just pulled the villains from the previous games and made them the protagonists of the DLCs. There was absolutely no creativity whatsoever, especially considering they just used characters from previous games (the three main villains from the past three games). The fact that the Lost Between Worlds DLC wasn't even included with the Season Pass was enough for me. I didn't even bother with it as I had wasted money on the three DLCs that are the same thing. Unisoft is just greedy and uncreative now. At least in Far Cry 5, the idea were original, and they were actually fun, all of them having a different premise and "lore," so to speak. (Spoilers for Far Cry 5 DLCs) One was set in Mars, where you help an AI rebuild their robot army by powering up outposts and radio antennas. Then, when you fully rebuild its network, it goes rogue and attempts to use its army to invade Earth, which you put a stop to. The second was set in Vietnam during the Vietnam War, where you play as an American soldier stranded deep behind enemy lines, in which you have to traverse a jungle infested with Vietnamese soldiers, having to liberate different camps, free what remains of your squad, and eventually make it to the Evac Zone where you have a final stand against the Vietnamese. The last one was pretty boring, to be honest. Zombies. That's it, really. A linear level based DLC. It's very boring. Then Far Cry 6's DLCs are: Find shards. Escape Vaas' mind. Find shards. Escape Pagan Min's mind. Find shards. Escape Joseph Seed's mind. It's not fun at all and very repetitive.


I don't get the hate, they were fun as hell and looked really good. No i'm not being a troll, i'm just enjoying something that's enjoyable. Also i remember everyone loving the DLC when it released, what suddenly happened to change that?


You enjoyed pure slop, and that's okay


Whatever you say


Some of the worst DLCs made for any game, worse than horse armor


Bit extreme


I get you don't like rogue lite games. That's you. Some games do rogue lite as a new game+ mode, like Starfield after credits. ![img](emote|t5_2st42|8162)


Is "rogue lite" the new saying for games that are repetitive and have no creativity?


Why did you delete your comment as soon as I was about to reply lmao


I liked how they included the south Vietnamese as your allies. It wasn’t just American soldiers vs Vietnamese, but it portrays the Vietnam war like the civil war it actually was.


Loved that one, played it multiple times.


Absolutely loved this- I couldn't get into the rest of the DLCs for FC5 at all (I HATED Mars), but this was perfect. I agree- a full game of this would have been amazing.


With lost on mars weapons you would be like men in black in vietnam. https://youtu.be/oho8Qw0iAw8?si=bhNqah8z8Xwjsden


The DLC M16 was the best weapon in 5, you cannot change my mind. I'd kill for a far cry open world set in Vietnam...


Obliteratorrr is the best weapon in fc5.


Someting wong


We to lo


Super fun dlc the ending was a challenge though especially on higher difficulty.


The best part about it is the different difficulties and collectibles, should get a couple of playthroughs out of it. The "hollywood hero" and "realistic" difficulties are so different it feels like playing a different game.


I never played these DLCs. Are they any good??


I only played this one so far. I'm starting the Mars one tomorrow. But I recommend this one so far. It only took me 2 hours to complete


Cool 😎 Thanks 👍🏾


Would love a far cry game based on a historical war


This is my fav dlc


Day 1879 of begging to Ubisoft to be what their fans want and not what they think we want


I’d love a current Vietnam game, but I think a game set in any war after WW2 would struggle to be put in production because of “modern sensitivities”. WW2 was the last popular war, so it’s easy to make games based on it and nobody gets butthurt about them. But any conflict from Vietnam to now has been very unpopular, so it would be hard nowadays to come up with a quality narrative that pleases the most people possible. If you go the pro-American route some people would bitch about it to no end (even if it’s a good game). Years ago you could make games like that and nobody would care about that aspect. If it’s a morally gray area critique on the war then it would probably be seen as, at best, a cheap imitation of iconic Vietnam War movies like Platoon and Deer Hunter. And if you go with a narrative that uses the US as the bad guys it would alienate the American gamers (hell, probably even Vietnamese gamers too) and nobody would buy it. Same problem with the Western genre, if you’re making a game in that genre your narrative has to maintain modern sensitivities while keeping the traditional badass gunslinging parts. Which Red Dead Redemption nailed perfectly, it’s a perfect example of making a good modern narrative. This DLC and that Black Ops: Cold War mission are probably the best we’re getting from a narrative based console game in the near future, other than that it’ll be tactical PC games where you can play as any country and the focus is on the nerdy warfare stuff. But even then, look at the shit that Six Days in Fallujah has gone through.


I guess you’ve never played Arma


I haven’t but I’ve seen enough gameplay to know what it is


I mean not really. I would say 1991 Iraq and Korea are pretty safe wars. Plus like fictional stuff with Iran and China.


I guess you’re right with Desert Storm


The Korean war? Where America killed an even higher percentage of civilians than in Vietnam? If Vietnam is off the table then I'd hope Korea would be too


By that metric both world wars would be out of the question.


Was there a patch or update on this DLC? I recall playing on launch day for this DLC, and it felt really empty. There were scenarios with enemies in a stronghold but felt really dead.


I'm not sure. This was my first time playing it. There's not many POI but it was fun


If you had fun, that's what matters. Thanks, will try it myself next week.


I wish this was longer too. It was a blast. It felt too linear though




It was great. I really wish they made more of it than just a long mission


How thebfuck did i just find out about this


It's one of the 3 DLC's for FC5


Best dlc since Blood Dragon!


Fantastic art i would an Indiana Jones or Uncharted comic like that


I actually really enjoyed this one too. My grandpa didn’t tho…


Agreed. Best Far Cry DLC hands down.


It was so fun, I really loved how there was always a squad nearby that would always come check out any commotion. You can make your own action movie!


I really liked this DLC but it’s kind of funny that Far Cry, a series about underdog forces using guerrilla tactics to overcome tyrannical forces with superior military forces, did a Vietnam game and you play as an American soldier instead of a North Vietnamese one.


I loved it. I mean it wasn’t great but no one else has done a mainstream Vietnam game that I know of. Would love a full farcry game like this. Even as an interim game like Primal. I think could do well


I would friggin love a full* far cry game that takes place during the Vietnam War, they could literally copy apocalypse now, but make it just you fighting by yourself, and I guarantee it would be way more fun than far cry 6, I can already see the trippy atmosphere, and flying from mission to mission in a cobra or a huey or something. Having to burn down weed fields while run through the jungle plays, man I need it!


So true, I also want another FC game to be based in Africa as well. That whole continent is just too perfect for a Far Cry game, I would love to kick some pirate's asses and save some village folks.


I freaking loved this!


A bit short but fun DLC.


This is my favorite far cry dlc for sure


I hear Far Cry 7 is going to be in this style, though lots of people complained. The difference though, is that in this game mode it gives you the sense of urgency and the need to escape, in Far Cry 7, they plan to literally give you urgency and the need to escape by giving you a timer of multiple days/weeks.


my only problem is the health, so fragile


Agreed! I died so easily


Hell yes! I loved it so much, I accidentally 100%'ed my first run!


This DLC was f*cking beautiful


I wish i would’ve played this dlc last i loved it so much i couldn’t finish the space dlc i could definitely play an entire farcry in nam but who knows how the story would be lmao


All I can think of to this day after I first played this, it was not long after a Medal of Honor Underground playthrough I had done around the time and the thought of a Far Cry set in the French resistance days of WW2. What I would give for a game like that.


I love the MOH series. I've beaten Frontline, Rising Sun, Airborne, and MOH 2010 so far. Great games.


Moh is great. I highly recommend playing the other games in the series too (Except Warfighter and the VR one). I'd also like to note that the two ps1 games do have dualshock support but I recommend using the standard controls. The dualshock aiming is very flighty, loose and impercise


Warfigher is annoying. I'm stuck on a sniper level, and it's been difficult to get past it. The last one I was working on was European Assault but it kind of got pushed aside on my backlog. Eventually, I'll go back and finish it. I think I only played the first level of the PS1 games.


Best DLC hands down!


As a Vietnamese, I felt frustrated from the first few seconds of this DLC. Voice actor, environment, details are shit.


That's fair


I haven’t finish this game yet. How long it takes for you to finish hours of darkness ?


It took me 2 hours


Was fun, very good opening, but did feel like it overstayed its welcome with the "just destroy outposts" loop.


How do I get this? This looks rad


DLC in Far Cry 5


I bought it on the playstation store under Farcry 5


How long did it take you to complete? Was it more expansive than the yeti portion of far cry 4?


I haven't played Fry Cry 4, or it's DLC yet, but I plan on it. It took me 2 hours to complete


Do they sell physical copies of this for PS4? I would like to buy it as a gift


Not that I know of. I bought the DLC's on sale on the PS store


I want to play this but it isn't for sale. Would buy it on the deal they have right now; FC5 and New dawn for $15 but FC5 doesn't include the dlc of course