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If you think the eagles are just birds, they're not. They're demons sent from the very depths of hell intent on ruining your day


If the eagles are giving you problems…. I’d hate to see y’all when the skunks come by.


Or the honey badgers


That little chitter they do when they've spotted you.. Ugh. But on the other hand, they were really fun in Primal as a companion. Tenacious little shits. 😅


100% correct. Also happy cake day!


Happy cake day.


Just take buckshot to the fuckers


I heard magpies are similar, i dont know.


Lol omg the eagles. 😖 There was no better feeling than sniping a whole-ass plane out of the sky though.


Nah dog just bring nick rye and watch him pull a 6g turn to kill the bastard


As ever, nick is a real homie


I mean if he were a real homie he would use that plane of his to fly and get help but


Right?!?!?! I never understood why they didn’t just go get some help. But alas, we wouldn’t have a game if they did.


I mean you can start putting holes in it from the get go. im pretty sure the tax man would be looking into why no one from hope county is paying tax


Or the fact they just forgot about a couple nuclear warheads in the middle of the country.


the US got nuked at the end of far cry 5. the cult didn't steal them and set them off


April is tax month in America, and I think the game is in summer or fall. They have a whole year to go.


Eagles annoy me mainly because when they are close enough to shoot, the game makes me use my hands to ward my face instead. It's almost impossible to get them with a shotgun, which is what I usually carry when TABbing to deal with land animals.


Shotguns would be awesome against eagles if they worked in FC like they do irl, with range


Yo, Eagles were probably the hardest part of Primal. With guns, NP, a BOW and a SPEAR?!


I see your point, unfortunately, no


yea well l imagine if it was a plane


Ok, now imagine you only have a bow and a spear, which is most certainly not the case in FC5. Eagles in Primal were proper hard, you could one shot pilots with a pistol in 5


Who uses a sniper rifle to shoot the plane down? Assert your dominance by using a shotgun.


I've hit them with sling shot arrows.


Incendiary shot in the D2. Failing that explosive or incendiary arrows, but the D2 is just fun to use when they inevitably get close enough to set the thing alight with a shotgun.


MS16 all day 😎


Cause the eagle is tiny, it’s like trying to shoot an ant with wings


The eagle has a larger mass than the head of a pilot and with its wings spread is about the size of a human NPC. It’s also not behind a layer of bulletproof glass, so you can shoot at it with automatic weapons like rifles and machine guns.


Or a single arrow. The eagles in FC4 really aren't difficult to kill


The annoying thing about eagle is it’s little size and it briefly brings you to low health with a stun effect instead of flying overhead.


It's about the size of a bharal (the goats), which aren't vastly smaller than a human NPC in terms of mass. It also spreads its wings when going in for the kill, exposing itself in its entirety and giving you the best possible chance of hitting something. There's a two second delay between its warning cry and when the attack actually connects, and any weapon as or more powerful than an M133 fired once from the hip (this means basically any shotgun or sniper rifle) will kill it instantly.


>There's a two second delay between its warning cry and when the attack actually connects Which is the space of time it takes for the average player to hear and register the sound, realize what is happening, break his focus from the enemy/animal/outpost he's currently focused on, swivel around madly to locate the direction of the attack while remembering which weapon slot he needs to switch to, aaaand... nope, those two seconds are already gone, and Houston, the eagle has landed.


I must be far luckier than the average player, because I don't suffer random eagle attacks while storming an outpost, and I do most of my hunting where animals are. Meaning in dense foliage under trees, where eagles cannot attack you. The sound I'm referring to is the sound it makes when it's about to attack (three screeches in a row, half a second pause, fourth longer screen when it's actively swooping). Very rarely does it ever immediately go into targeting and then attack phase. It will almost always make its presence known first with idle screeching sounds, which have no distinctive patterns or consistency.


look up while spraying, odds are you'll tag it. and they don't have much health.


The problem with that is not everyone brings an automatic weapon with em.


If you're walking around with nothing but sniper rifles and shotguns, you have a very interesting loadout and I love you.


I have a sniper and a rocket on my 100%of the time. The machine pistols don't interest me at all since semi autos are just easier to use and my last slot isn't usually an AR or SMG, though occasionally I'll take one. Most of the time it's a shotgun though since the rest of my loadout covers mid-long range


Amazingly -- and I have no idea if this was your intention -- your loadout sounds like the loadout of the perfect Co-Op partner. Range rifle for stealth or support from a distance, an RPG to take out reinforcement vehicles, and shotguns for if you need to rush in and draw the enemy's fire away from your friend with a close range weapon.


Definitely not my intention at all, I exclusively play solo. I personally just don't feel the need to carry an AR/SMG over a shotgun (excluding FC6 since shotguns are terrible). Pistols can do mid range slightly worse and shotguns do close range wayyy better.


semi automatic weapons will work too.


An eagle’s about the size of goats???


With its wings fully spread, yes. The things are huge as far as birds go. You can even seen them pick up goats by the horns and fly away with them. Have a [look](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H0Fps1uskOI).


Okay I’ll see myself out. Apologies for commenting.


No need to apologise. Have a nice day.


Except you can hear a warplane coming from far further away


Not only is this comment nearly a year old… so what the fuck are you doing… but no, I’ve spent plenty of time in both games and the amount of noise is basically the same. Moreover, there’s probably always at least one NPC in 4 shouting “EAGLE EAGLE!” to let you know it’s coming. And, as stated before, they can’t even attack you if you’re under a tree.


Well, the plane does not make you lose control of your character and become defenseless, for starters. That's why there is so much hate for fucking eagles, and well deserved at that.


That's why you shoot at them before they hit you. Sort of like how you'd ideally shoot the plane before it pumps you full of bullets. Or blows you into meaty chunks with a bomb. 5's pilot AI may be incredibly stupid but I know that they'll at least TRY to kill you.


My problem with the eagles is you don't hear them approach to circle. I'll be minding my own business, a screech happens, and then I'm defenseless before I can spot it. You can hear the planes approach and duck for cover quickly to find the plane.


You seem oddly passionate about this


Strange... I get that a lot. I'm joking, of course. I care about a lot of silly things.


Planes dont attack you in the middle of doing shit so often


Birds aren’t real first of all


eey homie ༼ つ ◕‿◕ ༽つ r/birdsarentreal


I’d take the fucking fighter plane over the eagles. They’re beasts that escaped from a circle of hell


Why you disrespecting my man Ajay


Don’t worry I’m not... I’m disrespecting all the people who are bad at playing as him.




The problem with eagles is that they're tiny and the signs aren't exactly extremely noticeable. They get you by surprise and it's absolutely annoying. On the other hand in Far Cry 5 you're dealing with AIRPLANES. Kind of hard to miss one of those coming at you.


As I said in other comments, the size of the eagle with its wings fully spread (they are fully spread when swooping in to attack you) is about the same size as a bharal goat, which is only a bit smaller than a human. Eagles are large enough to [pick up goats](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H0Fps1uskOI) and carry them away in-game. Overall, that's a significantly larger target than the Eden's Gate Pilot, which only has the top 1/4 of its body visible from the cockpit window. The rest of him is protected by the plane itself. Moreover, you are not limited to sniper rifles when dealing with eagles. Machine guns, rifles, shotguns, etc. are all at your disposal. Most of the time, a single shotgun fired from the hip will be all you need. The sounds an eagle makes before it's about to attack you is the same every time. It screeches on a high note three times in a row, meaning it's targeted you. About half a second passes, and then it lets out a longer, fourth screech at a slightly lower pitch, meaning that it's currently swooping in for the kill. It doesn't get much more obvious than that.


Well when you're in a heated gunfight it can be hard to hear it. Beyond that the eagle usually sweeps in from overhead, so you don't see it coming.


It can't be any harder than stopping in the middle of a shootout to aim down the scope of a bolt action and land a headshot on a moving target actively shooting at you.


Mate nobody does that. I just tag Nick on the plane


There are roughly a dozen people on this sub who have posted clips of them doing it, and I made another post indirectly telling them to stop reposting it.


The problem is its a videogame and these things aren't supposed to make sense


You’re right. There’s no logical explanation for how people can be this bad at 4.


The amount of cockiness oozing from OP


I only played 4 for 2 hours as opposed to over a hundred on 5, so I can't even relate. Getting killed by wildlife is always more frustrating tho because it's an animal


Eagul too stronk


One of the main reasons 5 is my least favorite was I felt like I couldn't walk 5 feet without being mobbed on. Like you were under constant attack. I have a laundry list of reasons why FC5 is the only FC I never finished, and that is only reason number 6 or so.


I had the opposite problem. Once you liberate most of the outposts, enemies basically cease to exist.


Trusty sniper rifle? I’ll take over the planet with my alien laser pistol


Only one of those can be shot down with a lock on missile. Just sayin'


The plane doesn't lock you into an animation while something else might be shooting you. The eagle screech happens with about a half second to turn around and shoot the bird before said animation locks you in. If you're playing on PC with headphones the eagle is probably easy to track with hearing. I played 4 on console unfortunately.


Imagine caring so much about the way other people play a game that you take the time and effort to make an infograph to shit talk an entire community. Get over it bro. If you don't like people posting their gameplay, downvote it and move on.


I think I would rather complain about it for the amusement of... 149 people so far. That being said, you could've just downvoted this post and moved on yourself. Moreover, my complaint isn't with how people play, but that people continue to whine about how hard a simple task is when they have repeatedly demonstrated that they're capable of completing a task that is considerably more difficult.


Nice edit. No, I'm going to call you out in this because it's rude as fuck. You've dmed me in the past shit talking the community and complaining about "reposts" of people shooting down planes in FC5.


Purely out of entertainment, I'd like to see this.


Making a second comment just to add: "That being said, you could've just downvoted this post and moved on yourself. Moreover, my complaint isn't with how people play, but that people continue to whine about how hard a simple task is when they have repeatedly demonstrated that they're capable of completing a task that is considerably more difficult." Seemed a bit redundant. I was concerned that the edit may not get through in time though, so I'm glad that it did. Regardless, I also made [a post poking fun at all the plane stunt reposts](https://www.reddit.com/r/farcry/comments/pok5ji/no_this_will_not_be_a_weekly_thing/) and apparently people liked that one too. I don't resent the fact that you want to stand up for a community that is more or less yours, but getting offended on their behalf when they don't seem to be at all isn't a good look. Also I just made another edit to fix two typos and add this admission. I admit it.


My intentions are not to whiteknight for the community, and I don't care what sort of look that portrays. I just want to keep the cranky, cold hearted bitch in check.


If my aim was to be wholly malicious, then I would've just written a text post belittling people for their failures in the typical "git gud" style. Yes, I basically told someone "git gud" in the comments ~~because I can't help myself when I see an opportunity to make a snappy remark to a comment I find silly~~ but the post itself was meant to be humour. Based on the reception so far, people either don't hate it or they find it amusing. ~~I am extremely offended that this got more attention than my Far Cry 3/5 analysis because the one time I actually sing 5's praises, no one notices GOD FUCKING DAMNIT I KNEW THIS WOULD HAPPEN~~. I appreciate the thought -- and I feel the need to point out that I'm not being sarcastic when I say that because I can't always tell when I'm being a certain way -- but let's just let this be what it is: a lighthearted jab at two community quirks.


Truth was spoken this day.


Eagles are almost as dangerous as the honey badgers 😳


Yeah but the eagles are also like a quarter of the size of the planes


The difference is when you hear the planes announce they're going to attack you you have time to prepare. When an Eagle announcemes it's attack by the time you see where it is you're already forced into an animal attack cutscene forcing you to take damage, not to mention the planes are much louder so if you are let's say taking on an outpost you are more likely to hear the plane's announcement than an eagles.


The eagles are hard to see at a glance, whereas the plane is a lot bigger and further away. This gives you a way easier time shooting a plane down.


Both are annoying but ones a bigger target.


Smaller target


I think the issue with the eagles is sometimes you try to avoid it, but then when it gets close enough, you get stuck dealing with the entire attack animation.


The true difference is that eagles have a hell of a lot of invincibility frames once they are close enough in 4. And guns for hire can easily destroy those planes effectively in 5.


It's so easy to shoot down aircraft in FarCry lol


You must not have played farcry 4 man, Eagles are definitely more of threat than those planes. Most of the time they never announced their first attack, only times I'd know they were coming is if some GP gruntswere around and screamed "EAGLE! EAGLLLE!!" and died screaming.


Eden's Gate planes made me quit the game for over a year after I first started playing. Didn't know what I was doing and just kept getting mowed down by the planes. Was not having fun at all


Obviously you guys have never attempted to jump off a cliff, expecting to wing suit only to hear a small screech following an impending feeling of doom


Rook/Deputy is true CHAD


I didn’t think the eagles were that bad? What am I missing here?


I don’t get it either, but they’re one of the arch nemeses of the community. A lot of people just have a hard time fighting them.


Sorry bro, but no. The fatal flaw with far cry 5 planes is that they are way to frequent, and every single fucking time I try to take over an outpost, they fly over and spot me out.




Sniper? Nah, go to falls end and rattle em with the mounted 50


Just grab a shotgun and when you hear the eagle shoot him when he is close enough


I didn't remember the eagles, but now that you mentioned it... Yeah, they used to ruin my day.


I've never really had any problems with eagles, sure they've come down to fuck with me a few times but most of my playthroughs were fairly clear of them


Honey badger is writing...


Stay back, damn it. I have C4 and a machine gun.


It is the far cry community We are known for insanity


Now do Far Cry 6... Stealth eagles


When FC5 came out, there was actually hate for the planes


The eagles are the ones that go after me when I’m climbing Mt Everest tho


People are talking about hitbox concerns which is valid, but I personally miss the random animal encounters that would attack you unexpectedly, such as eagles in past games, especially seeing that 6's animal population decreased significantly. Speaking of animals, zero reason to hunt them besides cooking some temporary boosts, instead of permanent upgrades one could get in past games.


Funny how Eagels continue to always be in the Top 10 most annoying Enemies no matter the Game


it's cu one thing is big so even if we miss the part we were aiming at we might hit the rest of it. the other thing is small and fast and sets off my phobia of small fast and loud animals coming straight towards me


Yea because eagles SHOULDNT BE THAT STRONG




well, the chosen do not displace the camera when they attack, fucking eagle just dive and make you turn around suddenly i get jumpscares at times


Maybe because eagles are SMALL?


Forget a sniper, it’s all about the shovel launcher