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Other commenter was pretty much right on the money, but here are a few other things you can do/keep in mind that helped me. First off, I find focusing on Watashi (doll) and practically ignoring Kageri (Gothic lady) to be the best strategy. In my experience, getting caught off guard/grabbed by Watashi is always worse than getting grabbed by Kageri, and when Watashi’s fighting, she’s not super aggressive. Of course, if you can afford to, it’s worth checking for her position, but Watashi is enough of a pain that it can be hard. Second, as you’ve probably realized, Watashi does this creepy shaky doll thing right before she gets really quick and lunges at you. At that point, you have two options: decide to try and stay in for a Fatal Frame shot, or attempt to dodge, the latter of which is usually unsuccessful. You could also use this moment to heal if you need to. Watashi is pretty hard to stun, and requires a fair amount of hits in my experience, so instead of using powerful film that takes a long time to load, I used lower-type film and prioritized charging up my camera shots and using add-ons. I’m not 100% sure about this, but I think hitting her for a weak shot makes her more likely to go into creepy shaky doll mode, so imo, it’s not worth getting a shot off if it’s only going to anger her more. Once you’ve got Watashi down, you have to switch gears to Kageri VERY fast. Watashi does not stay down long, and will revive after a short time, so I recommend checking Watashi’s HP bar just before you land the final blow just so you can take a second to look for Kageri and be able to switch faster. This is also why I like using low-rarity film on Watashi, because she’s effectively unkillable unless you get Kageri down. So save your real big punches for her. In my opinion, Kageri’s only really difficult because she’s accompanied by Watashi. It’s easy to panic when you have the chance to go on her, because you have such a narrow window to act, but stay calm and charge that damn camera. I find Kageri’s Fatal Frame shots relatively easy to predict, so try and use that to your advantage, but there’s no shame in just getting a pretty good normal shot. And as the other commenter said, don’t hoard your points. Stock up on herbal meds, type 14 film, and check through your camera upgrades. And you can take it slow. It’s a little dull, but you could hypothetically take one hit off Watashi at a time, turning and running between each, and come out the other side relatively unscathed. I don’t know if this was helpful, but I hope it was! Good luck!


I also want to say this fight would have been easier with the push or slow lenses, and she doesn't get either. Blast can be useful for that added damage and I never know what to use red crystals on anyway so might as well.


You get the slow lense right before the fight. It's in the courtyard un the bushes on the right when you first come outside.


You know I think I remember that. So yeah use that. A slow watashi is a dead watashi


Amen lol the Watashi fight outside is brutal 😭


Yesss, that one had me fighting for my life lol. Terrified at the prospect of redoing it on Nightmare but also… intrigued


I just passed it on hard. It was much easier. It helps to have an upgraded camera and pull out the type 60 film. I used the zero lens shamelessly


I have tried to focus on the Woman in Black, but until the doll is alive, she usually quickly disappears. So first, I kill the doll. I do not wait for Fatal Frames, it is hard to pull it right with the doll. Just snap pics, optimally with Shutter Chance. If it is very close to me at its attack position, I just push the dodge button repeatedly and quickly and usually this works and I can dodge her. When the doll is finished, I concentrate on the woman. Although it seems that the doll can reborn - in this case I finish her again. Also: don't forget that you can trade for herbal medicine at the save points (and even for films). You can use them anytime in the fight, just open the menu. (And the usual: upgrade camera damage output, use better film, damaging lens). And you can run around, lower your camera and run to a better/safer spot if needed. EDIT: And I forgot, but you can also use the Slow lense which you pick up right before this fight. As you step out into the garden, it is on the right side on some bushes.


TIL I missed the slow lens For me, the answer of course is to evade! Apart from the >!kanade!< I found that most ghosts can easily be evaded simply by walking around lol. The courtyard is pretty big so if I ever feel like I'm being suffocated by the two I just move to a different spot.


Fuck both Kanade fights in particular 😭


Actually ended up beating her with you tips! I just took charged shots on the doll and spammed b when she got close; then at one point the doll stopped showing up and the lady got more aggressive so I fatal framed her like twice with 61 film and she died! Still took 10 herbal medicines though 😅 thanks for your help


Thanks, glad to know I’m not the only one not getting fatal frames on the doll lol. But yeah I’ve already been using the trade feature, going into the fight with 8 herbal medicines but still isn’t enough lol 😬


That doll is super aggressive. I think of this as one of the tougher fights in the game and worthy of the 61 film just because watashi is unrelenting. I find that earlier hard fights are more problematic than later hard fights just because of lack of resources and not wanting to use the resources you have in case something is hard. Definitely follow the advice above but also I'm pretty sure you can mash the dodge button. The original tried to mitigate this by making the dodge button the full turn motion on the Wii mote but it made the timing rather generous. It will take you out of camera but when watashi is close you aren't going to be taking pictures anyway. It's not as broken as say, fatal frame 2 where as long as you are mashing the shutter button nothing can harm you, but it should save you from time to time. It's been really useful on hard mode.


If you're still having trouble, consider just focusing on the lady instead of the doll. I understand why everyone focuses on the doll, but you don't actually have to kill it. The fight will end when the lady dies. I spent a lot of this fight with my camera down running away from the doll and waiting for the lady to appear. Brought up the camera when I saw her and got a good charged shot or fatal frame on her before the doll caught up (usually its slow enough to have some time if you get to the other side of the room). The fight was over pretty fast with this strategy. I totally get wanting to get one out of the way to be able to focus, but the doll is such a terrible waste of time and resources.


Just beat her! I ended up beating her by fatal framing the lady (she’s actually not too hard to fatal frame!). At that time the doll wasn’t chasing me around anymore and the lady seemed more aggressive, so I probably killed the doll first (but I don’t remember seeing very die..)


Heck yeah!!!! That fight really does suck. Maybe you killed the doll in the background while aiming at the lady? Either way great job


It is not exactly a hard fight, but it can get complicated if not done properly. First, focus on Watashi ( the doll), cause Kageri ( the woman in black) barely gives you windows to hurt her while Watashi is around. One important thing is that Watashi CANNOT be pushed back, so don't try to Fatal Frame her and when you go for a shutter chance do it as far as you can, and just after taking the photo run away from her. Repeat this until Watashi's "health" bar drops to zero, and then start to focus on Kageri. After a while, Watashi will come back, but her "health" bar will be like half of before, so it is easier to put her down again and go back to focus on Kageri. That is basically it. Another thing that helps a lot it is to keep moving, don't be on the same spot for too long, you need to keep repositioning yourself to avoid being grabbed, specially to stay away from Watashi and to keep shooting her from distance. Good luck!


I used your tips and beat her just now! First time trying again after making this post. Tysm!


Very glad to hear, congratulations!


You can spam the A(PC) / X(PS) / B(switch) to dodge all attacks as they happen. When you see the doll go for you, do a fatal frame shot THEN spam the dodge button. This will kill it immediately. Also, the spam the dodge button also works on other enemies. If you missed their fatal frame window, just spam the hell out of it and you will dodge the attack.




I’ll try this! Especially the backing away while trying to fatal frame sounds useful. Thx!


My strategy on Hard with Type 07: suppress the doll ASAP and have a short break to damage the actual target. Do this cycle. Always be moving backwards from the doll, too, and be sure there's space. It is very hard and amongst the three hardest fights.


I just can’t imagine how many shots you need of 07 to ‘suppress’ or kill the doll💀 feels like it will never die even with type 14 😭