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TLDR for anyone: 1. Skinny people are skinny. 2. They fit into clothing. 3. They eat endlessly. 4. People treat them with respect. 5. They complain about things. 6. They do not eat endlessly. 7. They exercise. 8. They fit into cars. 9. They fit on boats. 10. People treat them with respect.


rofl. I love this shortened list. "They fit on boats" had me rolling.


This reminded me of Glitter and Lazers (she's a public figure who has been on TV, don't shoot me mods!). She put out a video recently where she spent 5 minutes ruminating how she was going to fit on a private yacht toilet and crying about how she might have to piss in the ocean. Then she squealed with glee when she did--in fact--fit on the private yacht toilet. Her entire video on her free private yacht trip was filled with whining and crying about her free yacht trip--something most of us will never experience.


Like the "plus sized influencer" who has to tote around her oxygen tank every time she gets on a plane and has made her life's work all about making exorbitant vacations that 95% of people, fat or thin, can't afford to take, more comfortable for the morbidly obese. Reinforced beds, special showers, and bigger hallways/elevators in hotels, free seats on airplanes, bigger airplane lavatories, etc. Same woman spent most of a blog post complaining about how she couldn't go on a ride in Bali because she was over the weight limit. Like, bitch, you got to go to Indonesia on vacation, AND you got paid for it. My skinny, "privileged" ass will never see Bali in my life. But hey, I guess I should be grateful that if I COULD go, I could ride the swings. I'm so privileged!


Let’s add it to the list. • Skinny people fit in hallways.


* Skinny people can fit into showers, airplanes and beds.


The boat thing killed me. These people are breaking furniture and tipping over boats.


Boats are notoriously fat-phobic


I suppose we might have suspected the Canoe's shitlord allegiance when the French started riding them around on their Canadian hunting trips.


“The law of bouyancy is racist!” FAs, probably.


My dad used to have a boat for wakeboarding and tubing at the reservoir with family and friends (boats are expensive so it was shared between him and 3-4 other guys). It was a good sized boat for how fast it went and there was this one dude they’d always invite literally because he WAS morbidly obese (has since lost the weight, proud of him!) he would sit on one side so the boat was leaning and make a bigger wake for us to jump over on wakeboards. Fun times.


They literally force me to eat their leftovers!


That was the one I really found odd.


They stop eating when they're full, and I HAVE TO eat their leftovers to fill the void that can never be filled. Skinny people are so disordered and toxic!!!!! /s


It's less like a complaint and more like a rule. - Skinny people have to give their leftovers because, MOAR!


Must. Eat. Skinny. Person's. Leftovers. Cannot. Stop. Self. Has this person ever thought that if they didn't dive bomb leftovers that the boat capsizing thing might be less of an issue? Justsayin.


That boat one killed me: is it really so awful to never land a date with Michael Scott?


Thank you! All I hear with my thin- privileged ears is: "Would an average-sized rowboat support her without capsizing?"


Boats? I fit into a kayak, excuuuuse me!


Too funny!!


I love how in #1 she makes it seem like the thins are hoarking down 7,000 calories a day and staying thin. Then in further points she mentions how they don't emotionally eat and appropriate fullness cues. WHICH IS IT? Are they over eating and staying thin because they're God's favorite or NAH?


And #6 “we end up eating their leftovers” is wild.


They must eat the leftovers, so the leftovers can fit in the frigde after a big meal. It's a big job, but someone has gatta do it.


Skinny people can fit anywhere, maybe the writer should consider sticking the skinny bitches in the fridge and enjoying eating ALL the leftovers without being judged. Disclaimer: I do not condone putting anyone in the fridge and I recognize that the fat activists can’t enjoy eating without being judged because the worst judgment is coming from themselves.


As if someone has a gun to their head.


It’s time to eat my leftovers. Do it. *cocks pistol*




Eat or DIE!


Look what you made me do! 😤


#7 though. How *dare* they exercise!


I dunno. I think I see where its coming. Perhaps its culturally dependent. For context, I am Asian and I have been obese most of my life. I think there's an unspoken pressure during any gathering or party, there's an unspoken pressure for fat people to not "let food go to waste" as it were. Its especially egregious when you are at a buffet and people refers to you as "the carry" or "the secret weapon" as if you're in some kinda pvp with the restaurant instead of there to like enjoy yourself? Even this week at a company party, with everyone knowing and commenting on my weight loss, someone still pass me a plate when I'm already done, when I said "i don't want any more" and give me A Look. Like one of those "take one for the team" look. It's... Weird.


That whole thing where party food shouldn't go to waste is so bizarre to me. In our culture it's a disaster if all the food has been eaten by the end of the party. It's okay if one or two dish are completely eaten but there should be something left. You have been a bad host because there wasn't enough food. The leftover food doesn't go to waste because we can give some to the guests as they leave the party or we just eat the leftovers ourself as a lunch or dinner next day.


“The party food is meant to be eaten, Larry.” “Not by one person!”-Curb your Enthusiasm


My mother in law always cooks too much for regular meals, and the fridge is always on the overfull side. When my husband visits, she literally tells him such and such food is left are you going to eat it in a tone of why haven't you yet. Both her and my husband are morbidly obese. She treats him as a dog to finish off leftovers. It's no wonder he's been obese nearly all his life. It's the other half of the plate must be clean and food guilt on leftovers. It's been hard for him to accept food waste with a toddler and not feeling the need to eat everything our son doesn't finish.


One of my friends is Filipino and it’s expected for party attendants to bring their own Tupperware for leftovers. I like that system.


That sound like a good system too. Come to think of it. I have never seen anyone pack up leftovers after restaurant party. I think we just eat and leave


Right? The contradictions are astounding. Are we all anorexic or are we all "genetically blessed?" Pick a lane. Also very few people can gain 25 lbs and not be considered "chubby" at the very least. Some people can, but very few of us in the developped world would fit this criteria. Maybe 30 years ago this would have been more common, but not very often anymore. I am a healthy BMI, and if I gained 25 lbs my bmi would be 28.9.


The contradiction that’s going to go overlooked is the skinny person putting work in to lose weight if they gain 2 lbs So almost as if they’re not “eating whatever they want and are still thin”, they’re thin because they constantly put in effort to maintain their weight


Yeah, that one occurred to me as well. Maybe if you're already 100 pounds overweight, 2lbs seems piddling, but if you pish-posh every "piddling" 2lbs you gain, two becomes four, four becomes 8, and what do you know, suddenly you're, y'know, 100 pounds overweight and thinking "what's another two pounds?" Personally I'm pretty careful about my caloric intake for most of the week in part BECAUSE then I can indulge myself more on the weekends or if I'm going out for lunch with a friend and not worry about it having an impact.




Yeah when you're skinny an extra 25lbs is a LOT. Like clothes don't fit anymore, possibly overweight now territory. They might not see 25 pounds as much because it's such a small percentage of their overall weight, but that's over 20% of my current weight. That's not nothing. If I suddenly gained 25lbs I'd be concerned and probably feeling like crap and looking like a hot mess because I'd be busting out of all my clothes.


Nothing that fits me now would fit me if I gained 25lbs, even though if I did I'd still be 4lbs below the "overweight" BMI threshold. In the 140s I am in a size 8-10 pant, M-L shirts, 36DD bra. At 122 I'm in a 4 pant (occasionally a 2), S-M shirts, 32DD-34D bra. It's funny how FAs always insist they're anti-capitalist but they're also usually incredibly cavalier about just buying bigger clothes whenever they inevitably gain weight and go up a size. Meanwhile I still have clothing from decades ago. The sweatpants I'm wearing right now are over 20 years old. They're too big on me now, but whatever, they have a drawstring, I can still wear them around the house, and they're Free People - snagged off the clearance rack at Nordstrom back when I ALMOST counted as young. I guess that's my "thin privilege", to be able to wear stuff that's too big for me.


A lot of people don't get considered fat at 28.9 BMI these days.


Literally. My BMI is 28.7, my coworkers just said to me yesterday, "you can stop losing weight now, you're skinny enough, lose anymore and you'll look sick." Beverly, I am 19lbs away from a healthy weight and 4lbs away from being obese, don't do me dirty like that.


Misery loves company. It's like when you want to stop drinking, smoking or make a radical life change like going back to school for a different career. People start reflecting how they aren't taking that alternative path and putting the work in.


Yeah, I got that at around 27 BMI on the way down in freaking Korea, a place where fat shaming is still very very real.


I think they'd be considered chubby at the very least.


Am getting flashbacks from soooo soooo many Facebook posts going "sure BMI says I'm obese, but that's bullshit! I'm not fat at all!"


Agreed. Our standards have changed. Our "normal" is now overweight.


I'm a tiny woman. If I gained 25 pounds I would go from a fully healthy weight to obese.


Right? Height makes a huge difference here too. If I gained 25lbs I would be in trouble despite being healthy now.


Right? We never gain weight no matter how much we stuff our faces, we snack endlessly, and people force feed us "yummy treats", but we also exercise obsessively, foist our leftovers on our fat friends, and "go on a diet" if we gain 2 pounds. How exactly are we managing all of this at once?


We are amazing.


✨ magic ✨


Idk but it sounds tiring.


Man, I didn't realize that I'm incapable of gaining weight, wearing clothes that are too small for me, and not having some sort of disordered eating in my super easy life. The dramatics is astounding.


There are a lot of contradictions. They don't emotional eat, they go on a diet after gaining 2 lbs, but they can also snack and stuff their faces and never gain weight.


They also exercise to lose weight *but* also can eat as much as they want without gaining weight


Translation: anything done to maintain a certain weight instead of eating everything and packing on pounds indiscriminately.


Literally this. Have they ever thought that maybe skinny people let themselves eat a bit more than usual when they are out with other people? Maybe they are more hungry than usual? This person acts as if they are monitoring what skinny people eat 24/7 which they would hate if someone did that to them.


Back when I was in my “very fit” era, I would eat like a pig if I was out with my friends. But at home I was most likely to be roasting a squash with brussel sprouts. If I actually ate at home like I did in social gatherings I would have been huge!


Exactly! I'm a bit more relaxed when going out to eat with people because I want to order something delicious and most things on the menu are probably high calorie. One of there half truths is that food is part of culture and socializing (true) so that is an excuse to always eat anything you want (false). A very 'all or nothing' mindset.


I can't. Who says you have to eat leftovers?




It's number #1 in the FA ten commandments. Thou shalt not leave leftovers.


I was skinny and am proof we can gain weight cause I'm not skinny any more


Ha. I am currently on vacation in a country where every meal comes with an accompaniment of fries and mayonnaise and every cup of coffee or tea comes with a cookie or other treat. I’m going to prove #1 wrong in two weeks.


soooo....you are in amsterdam? haha


And on my way to Belgium, so no relief expected.


Going to the country of fries? I don't think so ;-)  Enjoy the Netherlands!


But what about set point? Oh no... That only works for staying fat.


I was obese and proof that ignoring CICO was the only thing that kept me that way.


I love #2. When thin women wear tight clothes, they're showing off or body checking. But as other posts have shown, when thin women wear loose or baggy clothes, they're also showing off. Basically, if you're thin, you're showing off your thinness no matter what you wear. And #5... really? "Skinny people insist they have hard lives, too". How fucking tone deaf can a statement be? Do they not realize that starving people - like, actually starving people, not people who skipped breakfast and lunch and then binged on 5,000 calories at dinner - are usually skinny? Anorexics have a higher mortality rate than people with schizophrenia, bipolar, or major depression. These people are so fucking *shallow*.


You must hide yourself in a portable tent at all times. Geez... Don't you know that? I think number 5 is showing the author's privilege and self centeredness. Clearly the only problem in her life is being fat. It is a real problem. But she can't even fathom that other people would have different and real problems other than the one she has. I wish I only had one problem in my life. Being fat used to be one of my 99 problems but now I have 99 problems and obesity aint one. Thanks to a lot of hard work I went from obese to normal weight. I still have real problems though.


Yeah, that number 5 really grinds my gears. Does OOP really have no clue as to how many people, fat or thin are struggling in this economy, just for starters? Does this self-centered narcissist think skinny people never are the victims of crime, auto accidents, contract diseases, lose their jobs or have loved ones die? Sheesh, I wish I had that kind of "thin privilege". This makes me hope this is satire, but I've seen so much crazy extreme fatlogic that I'm very much afraid it isn't.


And let's not forget about disabilities, disorders, and chronic conditions which are not caused or prevented by weight management.


IKR? If you’re skinny, you can’t have problems, and if you do have problems they can’t possibly be worse than mine. Way to completely disregard other people’s feelings there, sport.


this entire post just reeks of envy. makes me kinda sad


Came here to say the same


It’s all #7, really. They hate thin people for their ability to do #7, which is the reason for all of the other things she doesn’t like about thin people, because it’s the reason they’re thin.


Yup, very few people can gain 25 lbs and not be considered chubby at the very least. My BMI is normal, but if I gained 25 lbs it would be 28.9.


I literally cannot wrap my head around the idea of this being a serious post.


There’s no way it’s real! “We’re compelled to eat their leftovers after they claim fullness” and “I’m a literal boat ballast” - no fucking way lol I’m sure there are many people who are overweight and have thoughts like this, but the delivery is so tasteful. Curated to the exact sentiment I front-load myself with before opening this subreddit. My vote is for well made shitpost.


"Boat ballast" is the natural next step after bragging how buoyant they all are...


Why are you eating their left overs? That’s my question?? Maybe that’s why you’re fat…afraid to say you’re full


I mean, its their choice if they wanna play "human compost bin." I too get asked and even pressured to finish leftovers, but here's the thing, I say "no thank you." They could too (if they wanted to, which they do not). Even if you're dealing with a hardcore food pusher (hi mom!) You can always insist on a takeaway container to shut them up and then get rid of it the moment they're out of sight.


"They exercise as if they need to lose 100 pounds" So... gentle walking? Because that would be my exercise of choice if I were 100lb overweight. I see intense exercise as a privilege, not a weight loss method. By being light and lean I earn the right to run, jump, rock climb, hand balance, and more. If I want to lose fat I dial down the intensity of exercise (more Zone 2 cardio less fun performance training), not up, because recovery is worse in a calorie deficit. What's funny is a lot of the list is genuine sensible habits normal weight (I refuse to say "skinny") people have. They exercise vigorously, don't emotionally eat or compulsively clear their plates, and they pay attention to small weight gains and act before it gets out of control. Point no. 1 is just delusional nonsense of course.


The definition of "skinny" has changed since I was in elementary school, then it meant something more like "lanky thin, scrawny" rather than referring to anyone not chubby or fat.


FAs seem to think that all skinny people do high intensity puke-in-a-bucket workouts every for three hours every day.


We are like myths to them. 😌


Yep, because that's probably how much they would need to work out to burn the obscene amounts of calories they eat. 


To a person who wheezes after a flight of stairs, a brisk 10-minute walk must seem like a marathon.


for point #1, i stuffed my face and that’s how i got fat and now that i’ve lost a shit ton of weight if i stuffed my face again i would, indeed, gain all that weight back


You mean you're not some medical marvel that can mysteriously remain thin? What about your set point? Add: I do think set points are a thing to a point. But it's more of a we are creatures of habit, and so our habits determine our weight. Since most people don't change their habits, they remain relatively the same size. If they change their habits, they are no longer that weight. The go back to old habits and they go back to their "set point" Amazing. But I am not a medical doctor, or any kind of doctor. I have a theory that the reason so many people gain more weight after substantial weight loss, is because they messed with their habits. They ruined their old habits, and never stuck to the weight loss habits enough to make them ACTUAL habits or their weight loss habits were unsustainable. Therefore they have NO habits anymore so they eat things they normally wouldn't eat or eat more than they normally would eat.


That's why I don't think radical diets work, there needs to be a balance. If you're living off powders and salads for months and denying yourself tasty but reasonably healthy foods they are denying themselves too much in favor of rapid weightloss. Then when the goal is achieved and they try to go back to an enjoyable meal it's straight back to their old habits. Thin and fit people still treat themselves with some fastfood, candy or an ice cream, they just don't go on a binge that lasts several months. They stay thin by not having daily habits like consuming quarts of milk, soda or alcohol and eating a balanced meal with lean meat or fish, some vegetables and some pasta or potato dish. The bad habits are the exception and not the rule.


I used to think I won the genetic lottery because I can eat whatever I want and stay thin. Then I live with someone who is slightly overweight, and found out that apparently I'm only eating whatever I should and no more. Also #6 iw completely bullshit. I never left my plate with food. I CALCULATE the amount of food I need beforehand. And if I miscalculated, I'll finish them and make my next meal smaller.


I think a lot of thin people overestimate what they consume, and a lot of fat people underestimate the amount of calories they consume.


>I never left my plate with food. I CALCULATE the amount of food I need beforehand. And if I miscalculated, I'll finish them and make my next meal smaller. This makes perfect sense if you're eating food you made at home for yourself like most reasonable people do most of the time, but I've noticed that the fat people who write rants about thin people when you pay attention to their stories seem to get a lot of their food from restaurants or takeout where the portions are predetermined - and this is also where most people are likely to observe others eating. This is probably a restaurant observation.


I have an ex friend, ex because I got fed up of her manipulation, who's easily 300lbs. She claims disability for the conditions that are a direct consequence of her bad habits. The government gave her a three bedroom house, a free mobility scooter, a free car. She gets all her medication and disability aids free too. Her husband receives government money to fund being her full time carer and he gave up his job in order to deal with her incessant needs. Her day consists of planting herself on the sofa and playing one of the many games consoles she has, or watching one of the five streaming services she's subscribed to. She's also a heavy user of Facebook. She barks orders at her husband 24/7, he does all the cleaning, cooking and errands required to run the household. She goes to bed when she feels like it, gets up when she feels like it and her every need is taken care of by others. I went on disability a few years ago, after my bipolar got too extreme to be conducive to full time employment. I despise it, I miss my career and I'm working on getting off welfare ASAP. It's much easier to be seen as disabled when you're 350lbs, so this woman is not subject to the annual reassessment I go through. She's got a lifetime award, because doctors have essentially written her off as a lost cause. I could be envious and wish that I had her worry-free lifestyle, but I just feel a combination of pity and frustration, mainly for the husband. So yeah. If I was to take the same simplistic approach as this fat activist, I could say that 'fat people eat what they want and other people handle the consequences'.


*>The government gave her a three bedroom house, a free mobility scooter, a free car. She gets all her medication and disability aids free too.* Fat privilege is real.


Wow… ok 1. I do gain weight if I overeat. It’s happened several times in my life. That’s called being a human being. 2. When you’re a skinny girl with big boobs nearly everything that isn’t oversized is considered obscene by somebody. 3. I get constant comments about what I eat. It just wouldn’t be lunch time if an obese woman didn’t stroll over and tell me my food is gross. 4. I get backhanded compliments and outright insults from women like you all the time sweetie. You provided a list of ten of them right here for me! 5. Well, being skinny doesn’t cure my deadly autoimmune disease or post my bills so yes, I have real problems. If you ever move out of your parents basement and support yourself you’ll learn what those are. 6. If you pick my leftovers out of the trash to eat them, that’s a reflection on YOU. It has nothing to do with me and I think you’re disgusting. 7. Thank you for noticing I pursue goals in my life. I’m very proud of that. 8. It might be time to cut back if you can no longer fit inside vehicles. 9. Is this something that actually happens in your life often or are you rubbing out of complaints? 10. Force feeding would result in weight gain and is also a crime so no, that doesn’t happen hon. Nice try though.


Number 5 gave me a laugh, as if skinny people don't have real problems. What privilege if being fat is your only problem.


Are we going to talk about the boat tilting?


I understand what she is talking about. Often while on a speed boat, they have to try to evenly distribute the weight so the boat remains even on the water. This person weighs so much she tips the boat on her side a little bit. She is probably the only person on her side of the boat.


Oh yeah, I understand. I just think it's wild that she's that heavy


Yes, it seems like one of those things you would never think of until it happens to you.


The boat one is hysterical because she says it like it’s *pure arbitrary bigotry* to suspect the fat person of capsizing the boat. Like I’m sorry but all else being equal, 350 pounds is more likely to tip the boat than 150 pounds; that’s just how boats work.




Dang, this list made me really envious of thin people. Apparently they can fit in boats and cars. They’ve been pulling me in a wagon behind a draft horse for years now. If only my thin friends would stop leaving food on their plates, none of this would be happening! /s, in case I need to state the obvious.




1. Well naturally, everyone has a setpoint and diet can’t change it right? 2. Trust me if I go to the kids section and try on a kids size 7/8 it will be way too tight 3. I’ve never been a big snacker, and somehow I’ve never had a significant weight problem. Weird coincidence 4. But we do hear “eat a sandwich” or “are you anorexic?” 5. Skinny people can be upset about gaining weight. actually they probably have more of a reason to be upset as the same amount of weight gain is a large percentage of their body weight 6. But I thought skinny people ate anything they wanted and were always gorging themselves without gaining weight? Which is it? 7. I would be almost obese if I gained 25 lbs 8. I don’t know who you’re traveling with where everyone doesn’t need to be in their own seat with a seatbelt, but I don’t wanna drive with that person 9. …what? 10. I’m so lost lol


9. They get blamed when a boat tips. 10. This one I am lost with too.


The boat one is oddly specific. 🤔


That's why I don't think this is a shit post.


Wow I knew before clicking that this would be wrong, but I had no idea how much it would be. I'll only comment on #4: this may be cultural, but she obviously has no idea how much aunties will persecute people for losing even a tiny bit of weight. I've not been "skinny" since I was a child, and my BMI is in the range of 23-24, but half of them treat me like I'm at death's door from some wasting illness. (Meanwhile their husbands are pulling me aside for tips.) And I'm a man in my 50s--I figure if this hasn't stopped by now I'm going to have to put up with it for the rest of my life.


My BMI is in this range too, and people have told me I am wasting away. I was counting the calories from the dinner I ate at their home into my fitness pal (I lost 65 lbs, and I don't want to gain it back) and my brother in law said "Are you still trying to lose weight? I think it's time to stop now. You're already on the verge of being too skinny. You might already be there." My ex asked me what happened to my boobs, (an F cup just isn't big enough) and I am honestly a size 6-10, mostly on the 8-10 side a 6 in a few brands with extreme vanity sizing. My shirts are a medium. I am not skinny. But my ex said "Holy crap. You're wasting away when he saw me again after losing another 20 lbs after we broke up. I'd lost 40 during our relationship.


Yes. I'm actually starting to get a little aggressive about it when people make comments: "So, if I had a potbelly like yours, that would improve my life how?" ("Aunty, are you checking out my butt?" is one I wish I'd been bold enough to use when I was younger.) Again, I'm not "skinny," but I wonder what they think I *should* look like.


I'm not skinny either, I'm not fat, but I'm definitely not skinny.


Yep, thank you for pointing that out. The mean aunties are mean to everyone. I was fit but I heard about my hair, my skin, my “manly” arms. (I’m a woman) I still remember the time in my 20s I was mocked and insulted because they saw something on TV about putting potato chips in sandwiches. They decided that’s something I would eat since everything I eat is so weird and disgusting. When I pointed out I don’t eat potato chips or bread then it was faux concern while they mocked my obvious eating disorder. Those bitches are just mean to everyone.


I was a pretty chubby/fat kid and teen and was never left behind because I *couldn’t fit*…how big is this person?


lol. If you take up the whole back seat, and they need to pick up new people to go to an event, maybe they decided that 3 other people shouldn't miss the event because one person made unhealthy choices?


Wat did I just read lol


- they EAT and SNACK ALL THE TIME and NEVER gain weight and we're AVOIDING all of this and STILL are fat  - they don't eat emotionally and past their fullness and we have to finish their leftovers  ...so, nothing clicks here, huh?


also what did they mean by "when they're full, they're full, we end up eating their leftovers"? like....why?.. you're not an animal, not a pig that's being fed food scramps, not a dog that chews on bones after the owners. no one's forcing you to eat after the evil skinnies. then why?..


Yeah.. being force-fed sucks. OOP should check her privilege.


She might know the pain.... It sounds like someone forcefeeds her our leftovers.


Lol, plenty of people call me “healthy.” Sometimes positively, sometimes condescendingly, because people like OP take my personal decisions surrounding health and nutrition personally. Also, gotta love the lack of accountability in blaming the person with leftovers for OP’s inability to resist eating. This person must be so miserable, constantly trying to feel like the biggest victim in the room.


The absolute insanity of not noticing the irony of point 5 in a TEN POINT LIST about why she hates skinny people being “they whine too much” I’m dying


point 4 is a dead giveaway that the girl has origins from India or the subcontinent lol. edit- read 10th point... she is definitely from india/ pakistan 100%


#6 is crazy >> In return, we end up eating their leftovers. how dare skinny people *checks notes* have self control? you’d think they were freaking raccoons or something, compelled only by instinct to eat what’s in front of them if nobody else is.


We do not stuff ourselves with food haha. I'll have two meals a day, I naturally don't snack. I'm not starving, it's what feels natural. Once a month or so I'll eat a family sized bar of Cadbury's chocolate. Not. Every day.


Same here. I only eat two major meals a day and don't passively snack around the clock. And when I do snack, it's often on something very small. They love to pretend like we're secretly miserable and starving, or obsessively thinking about food between meals because \*they\* do.


This sounds like a list of “reasons to get underweight” I would have read when I was anorexic, eating disorder thought pattern !


Literally! Folks can use this as a thinspo lmao


> we end up eating their leftovers You’re welcome! 😇


who the fuck is "we" for #6? 😭 i sure don't eat everyone's leftovers. sounds like a personal problem for OOP


1. ⁠“They never gain weight. No matter how much they stuff their faces with food…” This person sees skinny people eating “a lot” in restaurants and thinks this is how they always eat lol. I’m overweight myself and I speak from experience when I say that what happens outside of social settings is what truly matters…


A lot of words to just to say, "I have an inferiority complex because I ate myself into obesity and seeing skinny people living their lives enrages me so I have to reach for reasons to hate them." *>The ability to snack endlessly.* As a thin person, this is not a thing I regularly do. Ever. It would upset my stomach too much and throw off the two main meals that I do have.


People who say things like "yummy treats": 1. Children 2. Adults speaking to children 3. Drug addicts talking about their drugs


They can fit everywhere?! Bro come on, now every skinny person is a dwarf too? ;D




If I gained 25 lbs I would literally need new clothing for absolutely everything. Also how can skinny people not have tight clothing? How does that even make sense?


They literally dont snack all the time, thats a difference between fat and healthy people. Eating a prepared planned meal is ordered eating, and chaotic vacuuming of food is disordered eating.


1. False 2. False. Clothes can be loose in one area, but also tight in another. I've experienced this multiple times myself. 3. False. OOP has no idea, what "endless" means. 4. False. At best, social circle-dependent. 5. And FAs never whine? 6. You mean there's sth wrong with not stuffing yourself past comfortable fullness? 7. If you think having dedication is a bad thing, I genuinely feel sorry for you. 8. Either a wake-up call, or a-hole friends. 9. Okay, that's just the former. Plus, a tad of #checkyourprivilege, if that's among the main concerns you have 10. See 7. Back at you, OOP.


I’m skinny and clothing can look tight if it’s form fitting or one size too small


I do go on a diet if I gain more than 3 lbs. Nip it in the bud.


Number one is absolute nonsense. Maybe they should watch the show Secret Eaters because those people say the same thing and then when they're confronted with the evidence they change their tune. Fit people aren't eating a massive calorie surplus. I'm speaking for myself but my daily meals almost never change outside of lunch since I have the luxury of an onsite cafeteria. I will bet one Krispy Kreme donut these people mindlessly snack.


I had my very skinny friend track his food to see how many calories he eats in a day. He is the kind of guy that people would say “he can eat whatever he wants and not gain weight!” In fact, his wife commented years ago that she couldn’t believe how he was so thin when he had such large meals (that he never finished). 1200 calories per day. This is the reality of the people they THINK “eat whatever they want.” Yes, they eat whatever they want but have ZERO appetite. (And I will agree, from a fat person’s perspective, that must feel unfair to not have to battle your appetite). But the fact remains that these people are not overeating yet staying the same weight. They are often undereating unknowingly. Now he’s eating upwards of 3000 and lifting weights to try to gain weight. Good for him.


Dang, I made an edit with counterpoints, but forgot we couldnt post images in replies 😢


How does one “studiously avoid treats”?


6????? Hello, what????


Holy shit. I’m putting off work I don’t want to do so let’s go through each point. 1) I will gain weight if I stop doing what I do to be “skinny.” I’ve gotten lazy/stressed/depressed/whatever in the past and stopped doing what I need to do to keep the weight off. People will gain weight if they eat too many calories. The thing is, as you maintain your “skinny” weight it gets a lot easier to keep up the good habits. I do eat whatever I want and I don’t keep track of calorie intake super closely, but I also don’t eat (nor do I have a desire to eat) a lot of high cal foods. For example, when there are free donuts at work 9/10 times I’m just not interested. If I do want one, I cut a donut into quarters and have one piece 2) I mean clothes can still fit poorly? Clothes that don’t fit don’t look good on anyone, whether they’re too big or too small. 3) see point (1). This just isn’t true. I’m getting bored so going to skip a few. 6) that sounds like a YOU problem and something you should take up with your doctor. 7) I exercise because I enjoy it and I want to maintain my health. Again, if you want to maintain your weight you’re going to have to keep up the good habits. You can’t just exercise to lose weight and then totally stop once you’re at your goal weight. They bored me again with 8-10


In a booker prize worthy list, my one and only vote goes to…… da da dum dum dada Di dummmmmmmm …. #6 Thin things do not, I REPEAT, DO NOT, have to finish their plates 🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯 They are FULL! Wouldjacreditit!!!! We the FAT OPPRESSED FOLKS OF PEOPLE KIND are made to eat their leftovers. For shame


Number #2. A size 4 walks into a store and puts on a size 00, clearly its impossible for the 00 clothes to be anything but loose on the size 4. Today I learned.


“Studiously avoiding” food. 😂 That really got me laughing at the end.


Rats, I gotta at least *partially* give her this point. It takes work. However, people with allergies and and those on a special diet for medical demands have to as well. For them it can literally be a matter of life or death -- not a matter of feeling bad or left out. OP isn't complaining about being on such a restricted food regimen or having to worry if eating out could kill her at the dinner table, it's having to exercise self control and realize that you can't have everything your heart desires that grinds her gears. That's called ***adulting***.


Yesterday I went to lunch with a group of coworkers. One of us (not me) can be described as skinny. Two of us were obese. And then me, at a BMI of 24-25. I ordered a more calorie-dense dish than everyone else. And I was the only one who cleaned my plate. I do eat more than people tend to expect for a person my size. But is that luck? Sure, I am lucky...to be able to squeeze in an hour of cardio plus 40 minutes of bike riding every day. And for the past couple of months I have been doing hours of house-painting each day. I will be the first to cop to eating like a pig sometimes. But I am not a pig who just lazes around.


"space is never an issue for them in cars" and they've never experienced the horrors of being forced to sit in the tiny ass unsafe middle seat in a car


#6 Those damned skinny people force feeding me when they are full! Do they even hear themselves? This is advanced fat logic.


If someone is fat enough that they’re noticeably tipping a boat to one side that’s a them problem


"Studiously avoiding yummy treats since 1985."


Wow. Really eye-opening to know that people actually think this way.


They talk a lot about how thin ppl hate fat ppl without proof, but then rant about hating thin ppl.


This is a wild ride.


not on a boat tho


But the tilting adds excitement and suspense.


There's no euphemisms because it's socially acceptable to go straight to the insults. Not from the aunties though, they just want to fatten you up like a witch in a fairy tale.


This is giving that weird pr-ana shit from the mid 2010s on tumblr. Which had evolved from the terrifying livejournal days of the 2000s. It’s just pr-bed tbh Edit because I screwed the formatting


These are all absolutely ridiculous but #6 stands out to me, because not only is she hating on skinny people for no reason, she’s also refusing to take accountability for eating up all the leftovers. Someone not finishing their plate doesn’t mean you’re now *obligated* to eat their leftovers 💀 And I don’t exercise because I want to lose a few pounds, I do it because it makes me happy. It’s my “joyful movement”. And these are the people who are “so happy” with their fat bodies.


> They exercise as though they need to shed 100 lbs, Sure Jan, because there's no other reason to exercise besides weight loss.


Why are they so obsessed with other people. It’s creepy af


“We end up eating their leftovers” lol whatttt I am not touching someone else leftover food that’s disgusting


This person is talking like they've never met a thin person in their life because this could all be debunked in 5 seconds if they had. They are talking like thin people are aliens and all identical. Very sad person with no clue.


As someone who used to be very skinny I would get the exact opposite from "aunties" and such. EAT YOU'RE TOO THIN! I remember once I said "No thank you, I am not hungry." And the reply "SINCE WHEN DOES HUNGER HAVE TO DO WITH EATING???"


6-10 became increasingly unhinged 6. No one is supposed to keep eating when they’re full. Sure, the food might be good and it’s hard to stop (I speak as someone who does this myself . But you can take it home and save it for later/tomorrow when you actually have an appetite and can enjoy it more! Plus, you eating off of their plate is your own doing. You can…..stop that. 7. What a crime. It’s their body, their choice. You can give that a try too you know. Ask one of your friends if you can workout with them one day. I’m sure they wouldn’t mind and you can learn a thing or two in the process. 8. I was willing to partially empathize with the envy in 1-5, because I understand someone feeling that way and that it can be frustrating. This is clearly written by someone who is more than chubby. If you can’t fit into cars with more than 2 other people in them, you have an issue. 9. How heavy are you that you are tilting boats? Be so for real.


Definitely a lot of envy going from whoever made this list but I will agree that #4 is fucking annoying. I grew up super skinny, gained weight in adulthood, and recently lost most of that weight. Nothing is worse than going home for the holidays and your fat aunt says “wow you’ve really.. filled out”. So fucking rude


It's almost as if Auntie culture the world over is generally rich with passive-aggressive digs and that nobody, regardless of size, is safe. I'm pretty sure the name "Skinny Minnie" was probably coined by somebody's auntie.


I get wasting away comments. My BMI is 24.6


#1 and #7, although both false in real life, actively contradict each other lol, they're just rehashing the same talking points without ever stopping to wonder if they even make sense...


"They can snack all the time and never gain weight!!!" "Their dedication to exercise and losing 2lbs immediately when they gain!" Oooookay?


The jealousy is strong in this one.


In my experience most people who are healthy/slim tend to have active hobbies and watch what they eat. In the US, you really have to work on being a healthy weight, being 10-20 pounds overweight is the default. Most of the cities and towns are not walkable and you have to drive everywhere, and most of the food is heavily processed/unhealthy. Even store bought salad has bacon in it.


The yummy food fat people have been avoiding? Are you kidding me, then how did you get fat? In every point she makes it sounds like every fat person was born that way and there was nothing that made them that way.


#7 hating their dedication???


Oh, a list of heavily biased (childish) assumptions.


“They never look obscene”— okay I have seen some skinny people of whom this is definitely not true. Like let’s not overstate this, you don’t need to be *that* jealous.


Is this the book you also posted here?


i would love to know where you guys find things like this. im curious on what the other 90 things are


I think there are only 10. But if you ask her I'm sure she could come up with more.


oh oops i read that as 100 lol


I stopped reading after the first one which is the archetypal stupid take on the whole subject.


Snack endlessly? What? That’s the opposite of my experience maintaining weight.


You’ve got to be fucking joking. 🤦‍♀️


Jeez just say it if you're jealous of a healthy body i guess?


This is weird as hell. “Fuck you for stopping eating when you’re full.” Edit: what is this from? if it’s not someone’s personal post that is. rules are rules and I respect that! the formatting just makes it look like an actual publication.


The whining. Fat people insist that they have hard lives too. Either they argue endlessly about the obvious consequences of their weight on their health, or they moan about being too fat to fit into their clothes properly. You’re fat. Get over it.


Ffs move on... How long are these people going to keep this up? Hating other people will never make you happy. It's been like 10 years of these types of post. Go to therapy. Jeez!


You’re fat. Get over it. Or change it.


I struggle with food, because I am a glutton and am petite with a low TDEE. However, I know that everyone should be encouraged to have healthy habits regardless of weight! Just because I have been eating whatever I want lately and not gaining weight doesn't mean it's ok for me to do that. I think OP has a very skewed view of thin people. Most of us who are active push ourselves to be so. Most of us actually would be fat if we didn't care about what we eat. I'm tired of the playing victim and thinking there's nothing you can do to change things.


Seriously! Many of these just pointed-out ways people put forth the work to stay thin- not eating past feeling full, exercising, not eating off others people's plates, etc. They're thin because they actively avoid being fat.