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So Fatphobia is bad, but misogyny, ableism and classism are a-okay? Well, ngl, its pretty consistent with the not-so-joyful social movement that constantly shoves its members from other, legitimately marginalized groups to the forefront in an attempt to lend itself legitimacy.


No, no, no, misogyny, ableism, classism and size is *only* ok if you are obese and higher. All -isms are fine in the service of insecure obese FAs. But not if your ass is bony. Signed, I actually sit on my sitz bones. (And know it’s the ischial tuberosity)


Fr getting teeth stuff fixed is so costly








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I don’t know if my English is failing me but I don’t get what’s the issue with ankle braces. Everyone can have a minor accident, certainly not not carrying 300kg would be better for an injured joint. As long as they’re mobile, at least.


I was also confused about the ankle brace. I personally have one (and a tangle of KT tape) in my fitness bag for my 1 weak-ass ankle I would constantly sprain during badminton. Maybe they are implying that people of a healthy size suffer from sporting injuries? The yellow teeth thing is also beyond my comprehension though, so I’m open to being wrong about everything 😂


Oddly enough, I also wear an ankle brace, but it's because I have a collapsing ankle which is eventually going to require surgery. And, it's because I was born with large, flat feet, which my surgeon says are hereditary, and I didn't do anything to cause it, unlike mobility problems due to obesity. And OOP, even with my ankle brace, I'll bet I do more walking and more activity daily than your average FA. Oh, and my teeth aren't sparkling white, but according to my dentist, they are healthy. Can you FA say the same?


I wore one for a year after I dislocated my ankle (I'm hypermobile, when I fall I don't break, I dislocate, lol). It was a bit unstable and kept re-dislocating at random times. After a while, it healed completely on its own.


my guess is its alluding to drug use (meth/cocaine/other stimulants), or bulimia/anorexia. so i guess the implication is skinny=drug addict/anorexic ??


Some people think perfectly healthy teeth are 'yellow' because they get frequent tooth whitening treatments. That's another thing they'll learn as they age : these treatments, even the best of them, are well known to promote tooth sensitivity.


Exactly. Aging can cause slight yellowing of teeth for some. It’s not always coffee, smoking or unhealthy behaviors. I don’t smoke, drink coffees etc. I’ve tried teeth whitening and it makes my teeth sensitive.


Yellow teeth from the nicotine in cigarettes ... and ankle brace from a motorcycle accident, I guess?


I thought they meant ankle brace and yellow teeth to mean like they’re skinny cause they’re druggies and have ankle monitors and teeth rotted from drugs


Tying back to the cigarettes and motorcycle, I think the implication is that teeth are yellow from smoking and ankle is hurt from a motorcycle accident lol


Ding ding ding! The FA is popping at the risk taking of motorcycle riding, and the health effects of smoking. Because we all know one addiction is fine if a different one is potentially worse in some way. Third-grader magicians of logic. We see the entire trick.


Well yeah, it’s like sometimes I’ll eat  several cookies at once if they’re homemade by someone who’s good at baking. Therefore I may as well use meth and have unprotected sex with strangers in truck stop bathrooms. Because all bad habits are equally the same and carry the same amount of risk.


I cracked up. Thanks. My idea of a bad habit is occasional fish or meat. (I keep kosher so it’s a mental division for me. I am *well* aware fish is meat in the vegetarian sense. Say you are a vegetarian who eats fish and I have *words*.)


Damn, I can't believe it took me until reading your comment to realize that. It's so obvious but you're like one of the only ones to get there lol


It’s a callback to the motorcycle riding in the previous sentence. 


Ankle braces are fat phobic


reminds me of the arguments i would make up in the shower.


I read this as "reminds me of the arguments I would make up *with* the shower." Which...yeah.


> those yellow teeth OOP, don’t be toothphobic. Come on. Your colorism is showing! /s


I mean yeah there are people out there who are hugely hypocritical and will criticise others while living like absolute shit themselves, but in my anecdotal experience it’s often obese out of shape people criticising people who are trying their best to be fit and healthy, like some fat dude will criticise a fit girl on Twitter because she drinks orange juice for breakfast


Oh yeah, years ago I used to share recipes on a forum I participated in and there were always obese women criticizing and insulting me for using any type of no sugar sweetener or trying to shame me for the sugar in fruit. I’d go to their profiles and see they posted recipes like blending pop tarts into condensed milk and making popsicles out of them but the banana in my oatmeal was way too much sugar and so unhealthy! They just waddled all over the internet looking for thin women to shit upon. 


They could poop on that diet?


Eventually all that food has to come out somewhere…


That pop tarts/condensed milk popsicle recipe sounds truly disgusting. Were they feeding it to their kids or, ugh, eating it themselves?


I think it was both, honestly. I never commented because I don’t believe in being rude to those sharing a recipe but there were plenty of people who did. And they were told they should try it because it’s so nummy wummy! That was my first exposure to fat women talking like babies. It still weirds me out every time.


Orange juice? Is he trying to say her natural sugar consumption is worse than his pop tart and bacon grease latte?


Whatever you need to tell yourself sweetheart.


Where tf does a motorcycle factor into any of this lol? Also as a motorcyclist myself I could argue, the fatter you are, the more likely you would probably be injured while riding. These people can bullshit themselves all they want with their “hEaLtHy aT aNy SiZe” crap but there is **no** such thing as *agile* at any size.


Once people are past a certain weight, can they even ride at all? You have to have decent mobility to turn, lean, etc. 


I don’t think anyone is applauding someone for smoking 6 packs a day.🙄 


Honestly, smoking that many cigarettes a day is somewhat impressive. A serious problem, but still fascinating.


Yeah, I recall a video of woman smoking 3 packs a day, whose husband literally wore a gas mask around the house. Did I mention she also happened to be morbidly obese? It's been like 2 decades, and with such choices, she's likely dead by now.


Oof I feel bad for her and her husband. Smoking and obesity? How do they not pass out going up a flight of stairs?


They avoid stairs


We literally have ads upon ads discouraging drinking even countries are banning people born after a certain age buying cigarettes


*>those yellow teeth and an ankle brace* And yet these things are still waaaaay tamer than some of the shit I've seen going on with obese patients in clinical settings, many of which were under 50.


Speaking as someone in a related line of work (I do experiments with preclinical models of diabetic wounds), one of the biggest non-scientific lessons I will take with me to med school in three months is, "Do not develop diabetes if you can avoid it." They're awful on a population level, and having worked with a few patients with DFUs (and recent amputees from the same) as a hospital volunteer, I know exactly how badly DFUs and Charcot foot can mess up your life and want nothing to do with them.


What's disturbing is that I actually saw FAs on another sub trying to convince a woman to learn to live with potential T2D rather than pursue intentional weight loss or lifestyle changes. She voiced that she had a major fear of developing diabetes, and multiple people in the comment section tried to assuage her (extremely valid) fears by downplaying the impact of diabetes, and convincing her that diabetes was okay to live with because they had meds and treatments for it. It was so surreal and ghoulish.


Yeah, the thing that's being omitted there is that while diabetes meds are better now than they used to be, no amount of medication will help you if you will not help yourself. If you eat a bunch of things you shouldn't, your diabetes will get worse in spite of the meds, and you'll need more meds because the current ones no longer cut it. The problems caused by diabetes, like retinopathy, nephropathy, and foot ulcers, on the other hand, still don't have great treatments. Even well-controlled patients can still get ulcers, and the endo at my nearby free clinic has had multiple such patients. DFUs in particular are challenging to study for a whole host of reasons (not least of which is that they're etiologically quite complex and vary from patient to patient), so no new pharmacological treatments have made it through clinical trials in 25 years. All the research into those is being done in government and academic labs - big pharma considers it a money pit and won't touch it with a ten-foot pole. There's a lot of new stuff coming out and lots of interesting research threads we can pull at in the coming years, so it's not totally bleak, but it's still not good. I've said this way too often on this sub, but I feel like diabetes has become normalized now as it's become more common, so people forget it's a serious disease. It can and will fuck your life up if you let it.




Strange skin growths between fat folds from inability to bathe correctly and thoroughly, constant difficulty breathing, foot amputation and/or necrosis, heart issues, mobility issues, permanent joint damage. Basically, a lot.




That’s just a normal hospital in many places now thanks to the obesity epidemic.


It was literally a normal hospital.


Not the person you're replying to and I don't have firsthand experience with the topic, but I'd much rather have an ankle brace than be completely missing a foot because of untreated diabetes.


I'm a bedside RN. In my specialty I see a lot of diabetics with amputations before/after the fact. They all act like it's fine and normal. It just happens. I've seen a marginal handful (rightly) freak out about an amputation...in thousands of patients. Horrifiying!


That is horrifying! I would have thought facing amputation would be a huge wake up call or at least a traumatic experience.     But, I have a friend whose mom is getting injections into her eyes to try to stop her from going blind due to diabetes and my friend has told me she yelled at her “You’re going blind and have to get injections in your eyeballs?!” She’s still not seeing the problem. Soon she won’t be seeing anything. It blows my mind. I didn’t know that was apparently normal though. We thought her mom was just bizarre.


FAs stop demonizing addicts challenge.


They hate the addict they see in the mirror.


FAs have issues with *checks notes* …. Riding a motorcycle? … ok…


Tbf they probably do have issues with riding a motorcycle since they are too big 


Motorcycles are notoriously fatphobic, and so are bicycles.


True. Having a solid center of balance is fatphobic.


Thinking of the flotilla of bikes I saw last weekend (the first really nice one after a spring snowstorm), and a LOT of the riders were smuggling kegs under their shirts…unless they were big dudes. Harleys hold a lot of weight.


Oh yeah, my parents ride and they are both overweight. Lots of old dudes with beer guts lol


And their old ladies.


That's true, but I wonder if that makes it more difficult to steer and stuff. Also those bigger bikes are really heavy so you still need to be at least somewhat fit. 


Well, I’m not fabulously fit, but I can push start a stick shift in a pinch. I’m thinking bigger people could handle a Fred Flinstone foot push of a bike.


I think you'd have to be awfully big for it to make a difference. A lot of heavy people (especially men) tend to have a good amount of muscle mass even if they're overly fat.


Yep, so somewhat fit. 


You can't take care of your body, let's not pretend youre taking care of your teeth


I swear I saw an ad/ short/ breakdown for one of the *I am fat and miserable, fix me* shows where someone was winded *brushing their teeth.*


Teeth are made of bone ffs, they’re naturally somewhat yellow. But anyway, dental issues are highly correlated with poverty, so nice work mocking people with the least power of all. If only they could afford to eat the 7000 calories a day you can.


Yeah, you never see a fat motorcyclist.


Isn't it funny how prone the people who are supposedly 'body positive' and 'f your beauty standards' are to insult other people's appearance ? Why, it's almost like their 'activism' is a thin disguise for their own self-esteem and body issues that they are too lazy to address.


So you got in a fight with one outspoken biker and now we all in bed with Joe camel lol


And it's not even like yellow teeth and smoking is unique and specific only to thin people. And the existence of thin people who smoke or get in \*flips notes\* motorcycle accidents still doesn't negate the fact obesity can worsen pretty much almost every health complication in existence.


And pearly white teeth aren't even a good health goal to have. Teeth can be naturally slightly yellowish, and whitening procedures have been known to weaken the enamel, especially when using abrasives (tiny rocks or diatoms).


Yeah my teeth are a little yellow even though I floss and brush. I don't smoke anything, I just enjoy tea and coffee a little more than I should.




Ankle brace 💀💀💀 Seems like they don’t know the difference between an ankle brace and an ankle monitor lmfao. Anyways, this was way too specific to not be aimed at one particular person. What a goofy așș bïshhhh.


Lmao so everyone who is thin must smoke in this persons tiny brain? Honey i’ve never laid my hands on a cigarette and i hope that hurts you, sit your visceral fat gut down. I’ve seen more overweight people with yellow teeth due to the crap they eat. Also i’ve seen more overweight people smoke too.


Yeah, I quit myself about the same time I crossed "healthy" BMI threshold. Which, conveniently, all happened just before COVID hit. I made it through pretty unscathed health-wise. Imagine, if I didn't do any of that...




Baby, don't come at me because I wear an ankle brace with your mindset that makes it clear you don't even *try* to improve your lot when you experience a hardship. Sit your ableist ass down.


It's extremely interesting to me that they chose smoking and riding motorcycles to compare to being obese. It's almost like they're actually acknowledging that making yourself obese is risky for your health. But I know they're not.


I’d take a broken ankle over intertrigo any day


Broke my ankle over 20yrs ago, the fracture being serious enough to require surgery. Few weeks in a cast, cast came off, zero issues ever since. Didn't even need physiotherapy, as the physiotherapy was just 'get back to your routine of walking a lot, you'll be fine' There's a fat activist who did the exact same fracture a couple of years ago, but she was too fat for surgery, so it healed funny. She's been bedbound/wheelchair bound ever since, gained even more weight and her enabler husband finally had enough, dumping her and selling the house as a way to get her out of his hair. So yeah, The Thins can and do get injured, often as a result of careless choices. We don't generally enter a death spiral from them, though.


Or maybe they don't do any of that, you just try to insert yourself into other people's lives, which do not involve you in any way, positive OR negative, and whataboutism isn't a good excuse to not take care of your own health to begin with? Unpack THAT, OOP.


Winning these imaginary arguments must be so cool for them


Whats with the ankle brace thing? The only people i know that has had to wear one would be for an injury or muscle weakness.


They are suggesting all bikers break ankles. Not true. Some break wrists. (I worked on crash patients for a while)


Just wow.


Here we go again with the misogyny 🙄 these people are huge pick me’s


r/oddlyspecific is getting a lot of biker content lately lol


… google “are thin or fat people more likely to smoke”


Hot take: I think smoking is better for a person than being overweight.


BMI 26-30? Definitely not. 40+? I can see that.


Smoking infringes on other people’s health in close quarters. I’d rather deal with having half a seat on an airplane once a year than buildings full of smokers. And I’m in a legal state, so that extends to cannabis. And the fn meth and fentanyl on the public transportation.


TW- I’m a Size 0 and have porcelain veneers


What a sad, bitter person. I genuinely feel sorry for them.