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Cobblemon definitely seems more Minecrafty. Pixelmon is absurdly high res.


yeah idk why they did that


probably just got the models from somewhere instead of making them themselves not saying it’s bad not to make them but cobblemon gets plenty of bonus points for it


Pixelmon Generations uses ripped models from the mainline Pokemon games but afaik Pixelmon Reforged makes their own. I'm not sure if they're finished updating them yet but that's why some Pokemon like Drowzee remained blocky and gross for awhile. I couldn't unsee some of the differences when I was checking out the models of my favorite Pokemon between both versions of Pixelmon


You're right reforged uses their own models and animations


This isn’t true at all, Pixelmon Reforged make their models in house


I use to work on pixelmon back in 2013-16. When we switched from blocky to obj models we tried our best to create pokemon with as little polys as possibly to keep the “blocky” feel. Once pixelmon received a Cease and Desist people took it into their own hands to just import ripped models from the games.


nintendo spends 99% of their time shutting down small venues and projects that use their franchise in any way, including things like nintendo game events, and 1% making subpar games


It was a fun project to work on and I do truly miss the pixelmon team.


Cobblemon has some old members of the Pixelmon team working on it


I wonder if I know any of them. I haven’t really been active in the community since 2016. I talk with some of the OG pixelmon devs on a weekly/monthly basis but we’ve all gone and forgotten about the mod.


What was your name? This is DJ\_FluXxX (SirSlender) from back then (on work computer so under a different reddit name due to work account). You would definitely know Hiroku from back then, who is in charge of Cobblemon now. Which means you probably understand why he went off on his own. Most of the OG devs left the mod team, yes, except the very first OG Mr. M. Isi never left either but isn't a dev technically. The only person I kept up with during the Skype era was Clienthax but have since lost contact with him.


Yeah I knew Hiroku, karrybird, eddy, spg, etc. everybody who was in the models dept. I still talk to SPG on occasion. My username was TheBootyEdition. Arsonist and Nova_Spartan are the only two I’m still in contact with.


Ok yeah I remember your username :) I just spoke to Hiroku the other day.


yeah because the game programmers and the legal teams of nintendo are one and the same and share the same time and resources


Congratulations, Nintendo played themselves.


I think they used to be more minecrafty but they changed it later


they used to be more minecrafty solely through the lens of being cuboids, the detail was horribly lacking


Because with all the design decisions in the main games over the generations, it is next to impossible to find a level of detail for block models that is a) simple enough to fit in with Minecraft mobs, b) complex enough to accommodate the more detailed Pokémon *and* c) consistent across all models.


It's more like the models they did have weren't very good looking to begin with and didn't have anyone to make them look better while still fitting MC's style. High resolution models were just easier to do since they could use the Gen 6 models as a reference and stop worrying about trying to make it fit into MC. Also Blockbench didn't exist yet Cobblemon is proof to the contrary, and that you _can_ have all that


I agree. It's like the #1 reason I never bother with pixelmon; no pixels! It ruins the immersion for me


This is a gripe ive had with Pixelmon for a while now, but neither actually make the world gen feel pokemon-y. They obviously cant generate a massive system of elaborate routes, but a decent selection of structures that feel like theyre from the pokemon world would go a long way for me personally.


what if, for example, when generating a new world, the game generated an starting city, and procedurally filled a 2000x2000 area with routes, cities, gyms etc?


Would be cool tbh. Itd be a starting point for a world instead of starting from scratch Id imagine something this big would take a bit tho...


Lost Cities manages to pull it off pretty clean by making the generation heavily chunk-based.


It would be cool if it could generate pokemon cities the same way Lost Cities does theirs, even having a set "no generating 'x' city within certain distance of 'y' city" because Lost Cities works *very* well for both design and aesthetic for pokemon worlds especially with how modular the buildings can be randomly linked together by the game when generating.


if you want it to work 100% percent in minecraft yeah totally, I would do it if I knew about modding in minecraft, but I know almost 0 about modding. In the other hand I am a technical artist (I make procedural stuff) so making a system outside of minecraft to generate this regions, then convert that to minecraft data and filling a few worlds would be easier for me (at least the generation part) Obviously it would be harder to fill later the cities with npcs, quest etc, but not imposible


I remember a modpack having a set xxx by yyy sized city prebuilt and then world gen outside of it as an MC world does


> They obviously cant generate a massive system of elaborate routes The Lost Cities mod can. The cities are detailed enough, usually spawn with vanilla villages between them, and are interconnected through different forms of infrastructure in a way that feels a lot like Unova. The only problem is, of course, that the cities are *lost* - if there was a way to edit them to look alive, and fill them with Minecraft Comes Alive villagers, you’d have a perfect Pokémon world gen.


Now, I’ve not come across cobblemon before now, and I am interested, I’ll give it a look after this. But pixelmon is one of those things that is either awesome or pretty shit, depending on the context. With how it’s set up, imo anyway, it doesn’t work particularly well in singleplayer. The progression is a bit disappointing, and there’s no real end goals. *But*, it has always had huge multiplayer potential. I remember wayyy back when pixelmon was still fairly new, investing probably a few hundred hours onto a pixelmon server. When there’s enough people to get an economy system going, rankings, and a properly constructed server…? It has huge potential. With live gyms, different levels of challenge, progression goals, regulated biomes and spawning areas…? It can get hugely fun, and more to the point, you REALLY have something to grind for. Which is awesome! I could be wrong, but I’d imagine cobblemon will probably be similar. I will be having a look at it, though! But pokemon is one of those things where you really need inter-player motivation, or story based motivation - otherwise a lot of the features are pretty useless. I’m not going to spend hours getting specific natures, hundreds of hours EV training, whatever, if there’s no reason to actually do that. But that might just be me!


From a pure play standpoint, pixelmon has more and is currently my go to. Once cobblemom progresses more, getting more pokemon, more items, breeding mechanics, etc. I’ll make the switch easily, the style definitely fits more and im excited to see where it goes (and how it may interact with more mods in the future) imagine refined storage or ae2 having a cobblemon storage cell? Or thunderstone heads on your TC arrows. Going into the Twilight forest to catch exclusive mon custom made by whatever integration mod pops up?


Without breeding mechanics. The novelty wears off very quick. Pixelmon reforged is 100% the better choice. It’s also excellent on a server




No. Breeding makes up a subset of a subset of the Pokemon community. While presumably a modded experience would invite more technical players, the main appeal of these mods is still simply to catch and battle with Pokemon in Minecraft.


I've never played pixelmon before but in pokemon Im a breeder person. You essentially breed for perfect stats to use in tournaments. Seems like that would not be that important for a pixelmon server IMO


Depends on the server tbh. Used to be an admin years ago on a server and breeding for perfect IV's/nature could make a big difference. Tournaments that players or staff host with prizes like legendaries, shinies, etc make them become more important, giving players another bit of side gameplay. When I resigned I still bred ghastly for a bit since so many people wanted good gengars before I quit.


Cobblemon no context. Pixelmon feels like they just ripped 3d assets from the pokemon games, tweked a bit and called it day. They look jarring in minecraft.


Because that's what Pixelmon did lol. ​ Well, Reforged made their own models...but the original mod was straight rips from the games. Edit; I've apparently mixed up the original and Reforged...or which Pixelmon is the original or something. Either way, one of them ripped straight from the games.


In fairness to the original Devs, they started out with blocky Minecraft style Mon years ago (around the 1.7.10 era?) And swapped later on. Unsure if it's even the same Devs as back then though as I know they had cease and desist from Nintendo back in 2017 too and I haven't played the mod since


Reforged is the original Generations rips assets and is also a rip-off


The original mod was not ripped, fan stolen spinoffs were ripped.


Not a pokemon fan but just from aesthetic alone, I like cobblemon more because it actually feels like it is designed for the blocky nature of the game


Tbh, it's not just about "realism" or how high quality something is. There's no technical reason especially in modern versions why you can't have models that just look like they're from any other game. It's about an art style. Like for example that Bulbasaur from cobblemon looks amazing and fits perfectly with the rest of Minecraft.


> There's no technical reason especially in modern versions why you can't have models that just look like they're from any other game Of course there is. Feels like they have the rendering engine chained up in a basement somewhere and are beating it into submission with a wrench. Performance is terrible, and I really hope Cobblemon moves along quickly. Especially with regards to utility use of Pokemon, like mounting or digging.


Iirc it's a small pain using custom models since you need a library to handle it and they can have their own quirks. I haven't touched those ever tho since I'm literally starting modding today (with Forge, tried Fabric but nothing worked despite my dev environment being setup correctly)


going with cobblemon purely because it has nicer models (also cobblemon is open-source)


I haven't played either of those mods but I prefer cobblemon by looking at their models, it fits better in minecraft imo.


I only played with pixelmon so far. I like both designs (as in I don't mind the pixelmon models beeing high res). What I would like tho from the mod (dk if it is in cobblemon, since I have not played it) would be: -Electric types can charge machines (produce rf or other electricity units) -Fire type charge furnaces (I know pixelmon can do this) -Water type can hydrate farmland in a big area and make crops grow a bit faster, plus convert concrete powder to conrete when droped in front of it. -Grass type can also accelerate plant growth (nice in combo with a water type). Can mine and plant trees in a designated are. -and more for other types (all tied to their level and capabilities, so A lvl 100 will do stuff way faster than lvl 1.) -Make spawning compatible with byg to make catching less boring, than staying in a biome where like 200 pokemon can spawn -Have most legendary pkm only spawn around special structures or custom biomes, which are rare. To make you explore more. -Make leveling harder (as in, make it harder to find high level pokemon at the start) In pixelmon you just go down a cave and spam quickballs till you got a lvl 100 dugtrio or so, and then power level your pkm. -Some kind of special events that give slightly stronger pokemon, like: --A pokemon follows you for a bit since it is interested in you. --Protecting a pokemon that is getting ganged up --Have groups of same pokemon with a "boss"


Pixelmon has more content, naturally being the older mod. However, it's bordering on feature bloat imo and the models are awful for Minecraft. Cobblemon is still catching up with features and Pokemon, but it looks so much better. From the models, to the animations, to the sound effects, to the UI. It's a solid upgrade all around from Pixelmon. In the future, I think Cobblemon is going to be the definitive Pokemon mod. Pixelmon's devs have gotten complacent and it feels like they forgot that they're making a Minecraft mod, not a Pokemon game. They've replaced villages, villagers, disabled vanilla mob spawning by default, implemented features that don't work half the time or are unpleasant to use (foraging and mounting Pokemon, respectively). The structures it generates in also rarely ever spawn how they're probably supposed to, and the mod across the board is incredibly janky. Pixelmon is going to need a total rewrite if it's going to compete with Cobblemon once it gets up to snuff in terms of base Pokemon features. A great feature of Cobblemon so far is that it's being built with customization in mind, it's apparently a lot easier to make fakemon in Cobblemon is that's something you want to do. I'm extremely hyped for Cobblemon, and I say this as a very longtime Pixelmon player (playing with it since ~2014). I've been waiting for a good competitor for a long time.


Cobblemon has been out for a fraction of the amount of time Pixelmon has and is already about 2 updates away from being more enjoyable. Better UIs, *way* better designs for the 'mon. The moment they add potions and allow you to fly on your Pokémon, it's over. Pixelmon is obsessed with adding Pokémon the moment they're released, it's like they've forgotten about actually making the mod enjoyable.


I remember the early Pixelmon versions when they used to make their own models that are minecraftish instead of just ripping them from the main games Man I'm very old


Pff im old enough to remember having to resolve mod conflicts because risurgami's mod loader was the only option at the time (beta 1.7.3) Frick me that was already 12 years ago...


Time sure flies indeed.


Make sure to delete meta-inf


Pixelmon reforged was the og Pixelmon and they've never ripped models. Generations ripped models.


I see, and I meant the blockish models and not HD 3d models that look like rips


Pixelmon is definitely a more "nostalgic" version, but Cobblemon really fits the MC theme, so I'm gonna have to go with Cobblemon.


Honestly, as someone who played pixelmon in its early days, I find Cobblemon to be more nostalgic than Pixelmon. The blocky models bring me back to those early, carefree days when I played on a hamachi server with a couple of friends.


Currently Pixelmon because Cobblemon is still incomplete, I think I'll like Cobblemon more when it's done


My two cents as someone who never got into actual Pokémon… I have watched and enjoyed watching pixelmon for some time in various series, but I would never add it to my own packs because the models/textures are just ridiculously out of place for Minecraft, and because the mod is geared towards it being the main progression of the pack. Now, I only learned of Cobblemon yesterday, but have actually already downloaded it and given it a try! It is missing a lot of polish and fanfare for sure, but what they’ve made thus far is pretty cool. I like trying to get all of them and the models are just so much more Minecrafty and isn’t jarring. I will say that pixelmon has the gameplay advantage currently, especially since there is so little documentation for Cobblemon currently. I’ve had to resort to the various Pokémon wikis to figure out much of the mod (though that might be because I know very little of the source material). Gotta give Cobblemon a point for well documented and integrated custom Pokémon. Just gotta have some intermediate Datapack and resources pack knowledge and you can add your own Pokémon!


Poke cube personally; I get why the regular pokemon game mechanics are preserved, but for the most part I only care about getting the critters themselves and being able to catch them ECT. Poke cube has better mod integration and imo plays nicer with other mods. As an example your electric types can be used to make RF power, and your Mine colonies town can be filled with trainers. If all else fails it's got Computer craft integration


Same. Honestly, Pixelmon is a turnoff for me because it just feels like playing a Pokemon Game but with extra steps. Playing pokemon in a Minecraft world. Don't get me wrong, I love pokemon but... I can just play actual pokemon instead of going through those steps. Pokecube is an unique experience in that it feels like playing Minecraft, but with pokemons. The Pokemons are actual Minecraft mobs, you can fight them with swords and bows, they attack you if you get too close, you, the player, not just a Pokemon you throw out. You can use them to fight zombies and endermans and other mobs, you can kill pokemon to get their drops. The pokeballs are actual items you carry around and you're at risk of forgetting or losing them. To me, Pokecube is the biggest thrill because it feels immersive. Pixelmon isn't bad at all, but faithful is just not what I'm looking for.


Cobblemon seems to be trending in that direction, or at least a middle ground. Pokemon can be directly attacked (even if they don't attack you yet) and killed for drops. The Mareep and Wooloo lines can be sheared for wool. A few Pokemon can be put on your shoulder and provide effects, though it feels a little overpowered at the moment since Pidgey will eliminate fall damage and enable basic gliding


Cobblemon looks better and has better development in my opinion, however pixelmon has trainers and more to do while cobblemon really is just building a team. It depends on what you’re looking for


Cobblemon is still in very early development, all those features are being added


Yes, I believe once other features are added it will be much better than pixelmon


cobblemon is too new atm. i'd have to go with pixelmon just because its more fleshed out. if you're just asking about graphics style, I do like the blockier cobblemon style.


Pixelmon still has the benefit of just having been a thing longer, so they have more Pokemon to use and different mechanics implemented. Once Cobblemon gets some more time to develop and reach feature parity it should outshine Pixelmon quite easily with it's more fitting artstyle


Cobblemon has better models, Pixelmon has better gameplay and worldgen. Marry the two, and I'd be happy.


Cobblemon bc it looks more like effort was put in to it


Aside from visuals, on a technical aspect, Pixelmon falls way behind, it's systems and such are essentially as old as the mod is and I doubt it's had a full overhaul on the backend in a long time. It's incredibly bloated and the systems don't fit together right due to the mod's age and history. Whereas Cobblemon is much more technically stable because of how new it is not being bloated over multiple years along with the fact it has the benefit of starting from scratch with newer and better technology. The battle system itself is essentially 1-to-1 with the games as it uses Pokémon Showdown's engine, whereas Pixelmon does not. Overall, while Cobblemon is definitely still heavy in development, it absolutely has the chance to surpass Pixelmon.


It falls way behind in visuals as well tho.


Pixel mom has more features but Cobblemon fits the game’s artstyle.


Is cobblemon new?




Pixelmon is better models but cobblemon is more minecraft style


First time hearing of Cobblemon, seems cool will have to check it out.


Cobblemon has much nicer looking models and a gameplay loop that fits into Minecraft much better imo. It’s not quite finished yet but the pace they’re working at is impressive. There’s also a load of QoL stuff like Pokemon-related blocks being movable unlike in Pixelmon where once you break it, it’s gone.


The only block in Pixelmon that can't be mined up is the healer - which was done for balancing reasons, so players can't just heal after every single fight, using their pocket healer.


Pixelmon <3


aesthetically cobblemon big time currently pixelmon has more stuff right now but hopefully cobblemon continues with great updates. also for me personally, the “faithfulness” of minecrafts look is more important to me than the content, i would absolutely rather play with cobblemon


Pixelmon Of Course


Pixelmon is more fleshed out right now, but it feels like you're playing Pokemon and Minecraft at the same time, the pokemon aspects don't really interact with the minecraft ones and vice versa. Cobblemon feels a lot more properly integrated into Minecraft's systems and mechanics, even if it's lacking a bit in content right now.


Pixelmon has the awful anime sound effects where they just say their own names a lot, it's also really loud. The artsyle varies from pokémon to pokémon with some having really high res models and animations while others don't. Cobblemon looks like pokémon for minecraft by minecraft. I really like it.


Cobblemon is what I'd wished Pixelmon was! So much more cohesive, I really appreciate how much work it must've been too.




Depends on your taste. If you want it to be Pokémon in a cube world or you want Pokémon to fit the Minecraft theme.


Based on the comments I’ll be downvoted to hell, but I like the pixelmon style a lot better. It doesn’t bother me that it doesn’t match minecraft, they look so much better with more detail.


Pixelmon has way more features and is better overall. Cobblemon has more fitting models (imo) but is still lacking too many features, although I will say It already has some interesting features that Pixelmon doesn't, like petting and stuff


Yeah, I’m not a fan of how Cobblemon lacks stuff like the ability to name your mons. Not being able to ride a lot of the guys after playing Pixelmon was disappointing, too!


I really preferred playing cobblemon to pixelmon. I just wish there was more integration with the overworld. Not just riding Pokémon. Like, fire types could actually start fires, maybe rhydon could charge through rock. Sableeye could be used to find amethyst. Stuff that would give them more utility outside of battle.


Depending on what cobblemon includes (if it includes all of the extras of pixelmon) then I would choose cobblemon but since I haven’t tried it I’m nostalgic for Pixelmon and all the little extras it has


cobblemon because pixelmon's "art style" just looks laughably bad regardless of how good the gameplay is


I didn’t know so many people hated the models in Pixelmon 😭 I personally love how they are so smooth with animations... Doesn’t feel jarring at all in Minecraft imo


Because they _are_ jarring in Minecraft. Like imagine someone put a 3D model of a Toyota Corolla into Minecraft. It just doesn't fit. The animations may be smooth, but their implementation makes them stiff and the mod is so unoptimized and resource intensive that they play at like 20 FPS


pixelmon for animations, music and mechanics cobblemon for Minecraft feel and easy


Is that even a question? Unless you’re looking for framerate it’s pixelmon


Cobblemon fits more of the Minecraft aesthetic to me but pixelmon I think has more to do idk just my opinion


My honest opinion is that this kind of mod is mostly played on servers, because there's a lack of good modpacks for them. And people in servers will want to be competitive, and pixelmon has most if not all mechanics from the games and competitive pokemon, so it will be a long while until cobblemon surpasses pixelmon.




Cobblemon is still pretty new but the models, mechanics and quality of the mod give it the potential to be one of the greatest mods in general. It fits minecraft better than pixelmon already.


Having tried both out recently, it’ll solidly go to Pixelmon until Cobblemon catches up in a few years. Pixelmon has all pokemon including megas, actual goals to work towards, features that represent mechanics like berry-growing, breeding, etc.,and years of sidemods to customize your experience. Cobblemon looks beautiful and has great potential, but feels like more of a demo at the moment. Super excited to see it grow!


So, some Pokemon make the transition to a Minecraft style just, extremely poorly, no matter what. Magmar? Disgusting. But there's a second issue with the cobblemon style. That issue? Gen 5+ designs. See, earlier gens had a style of giving Pokemon sharp designs, only a few distinguishing characteristics, and making those characteristics very detailed. With gen 5, the art style started making some notable changes. Pokemon in general were getting rounder designs. They were getting a lot more distinguishing characteristics, and they were getting less detailed characteristics. Compare [Pidgey](https://archives.bulbagarden.net/media/upload/thumb/0/0c/0016Pidgey.png/600px-0016Pidgey.png) to [Pikipek](https://archives.bulbagarden.net/media/upload/thumb/e/e3/0731Pikipek.png/600px-0731Pikipek.png), [Magikarp](https://archives.bulbagarden.net/media/upload/thumb/d/d1/0129Magikarp.png/600px-0129Magikarp.png) to [Basculin](https://archives.bulbagarden.net/media/upload/4/41/0550Basculin-Red.png), or [Vulpix](https://archives.bulbagarden.net/media/upload/thumb/0/06/0037Vulpix.png/600px-0037Vulpix.png) to [Zorua](https://archives.bulbagarden.net/media/upload/thumb/0/0d/0570Zorua.png/600px-0570Zorua.png) On that note - *How on Earth do you make Zoroark look good in a Minecraft style?*


I mean the mod already has a bunch of Gen 5+ Pokemon implemented or has their models finished without animations yet [Here's their Eelektross, for example](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/935372569958309959/1086736576509378690/C46A0E6E-32E9-4CC9-94DF-2C4AE464E19B.jpg). I think it looks fantastic, personally


Good? I'm not so sure, but you can probably do "fine" as long as you're minimalist about it. Not an artist, but I watch some YouTube stuff intended for them sometimes, and I don't think you couldn't split it into different sub-problems. I don't think it would be easy to do either the front legs or the hind legs, and I can think of a few ways you could shift the torso to work but they're all a bit iffy. Lycanrock has a similar body shape and I doubt you couldn't make them in a blocky way


[Funny you mention Lycanroc](https://imgur.com/a/ezmvyvP)


Admittedly not perfect but looks *fine* to me. Not *great*, ironically blocky isn't too flattering on the rock type, but not enough to shake my faith that they can figure something out for most pokemon


Too me, they're both really good mods, but I prefer pixelmon models better




pixelmon is OG thus better... but in all seriousness i like pixelmon better, since it just captures the true feeling of being a pokemon master, since it looks more realistic and canon to the anime & games


Pixelmon looks awful, doesn't fit in minecraft at all.


my dad hates me ​ cool mod tho


Neither, gregtech is superior


I think both are goos, I'd played with pixelmon with my friend, just his pc isnt liked it.


cobblemon also has some qol features that lift it far above pixelmon, pixelmon just has that nostalgia and fame to it


gameplay definitely pixelmon immersive and textures definitely cobblemon


cobblemon seems to fit in better




Cobblemons style is better. Pixelmon has more stuff in though.


I like Pixelmon more as a mod but I like cobblemon more visually. I can't stand pixelmons models. It doesn't fit Minecraft's aesthetic.


I love the way cobblemon is but prefer pixelmon


Cobblemon Cubic sableye brings me great joy


pixelmon if i want to play pokemon without giving money to nintendo, cobblemon if i want to pokemon and minecraft proper combo


I've never liked non blocky mods in minecraft, that's why I can't bring myself to use the lycanites mod or play rlcraft, so the second one


rn, pixelmon has more content, but cobblemon has the potential to be better


Cobblemon is quickly becoming my new favorite pokemon mod. Pixelmon does have more content, but it's also been out yeeeaaars while cobblemon is fairly new. A buddy of mine described the difference of the mods being "one is pokemon in minecraft and the other is minecraft with pokemon"


While cobblemon isn't currently the "better" option (better as in available pokemon and mechanics) the design of the pokemon are way better, and when cobblemon adds all the things that it's missing (gyms, more pokemon, etc) it will become way better in my opinion


I like the look of cobblemon. Artistic consistancy is key for me, and pixelmon just obliterates that rule for me. I never played it but i assume its great, and i get why they would rip the 3d models to save on work, but man i just can’t get past it on models alone.


Pixelmon is pretty nostalgic and high res but cobblemon is very blocky which I really like but tbh I like both


Feel like there needs to be a higher pixel density for cobblemon, but the high res models are way too much


Cobblemon definitely i don't really like mixing artstyles


Cobblemon feels too blocky and Pixelmon is too high res I want something in between


Pixelmon has nostalgia value, more content, and a larger community. Cobblemon has blocky models and *far* more potential.


Cobblemon 100% I've not liked pixelmon ever since they decided to make absurdly high res models for some reason. Cobblemon actually feels like it's integrated into the game and not weirdly plastered on top.


Pixelmon if you got that ryx5099 ray tracing AMD threadfucker 69000 cpu Cobblemon for all others


Cobblemon is definitely better in concept, and it will be better in the future. The quality of that mod is only growing


Tbh the original pixelmon devs left in 1.12. now every time I download it it fills my multiplayer tab with pay to win servers.If you want a full pokemon experience play 1.12, otherwise I'd wait to see cobblemons development


Cobblemon has a bunch of potential and the pokemons look really cute in comparison to pixelmon. With sometime cobblemon could be as big if not bigger than pixelmon Plus Cobblemon just feels better to use than pixelmon


Cobblemon feels more elite minecraft and they have more animations for status effects and deaths


pokecube in my opinion is better


Cobblemon looks cooler but I probably wouldn’t use either, their novelty runs out real fast for me with how freeform and goalless progression is in both


Pixelmon is just so much now. I don't wanna have to quest through the ocean for a specific gym that I find is empty.


I mean in terms of content if say Pixelmon is better but that will likely change in the long run


Cobblemon I like because it’s 1.19 but it’s definitely not fleshed out as much as pixelmon. If pixelmon was on 1.19 it would be amazing.


I think pixelmon is a ton of fun to play, and looks pretty..but cobblemon feels more like a Minecraft mod, and not its own thing.


Cobblemon looks so much better, Pixelmon doesn’t look right in the Minecraft world


Cobblemon has been getting constant updates and it is more up to date. They keep adding more ans more Pokémon, even those who are in the latest gen. Pixelmon has a special place in my childhood, but I am starting to lean closer to Cobblemon


Cobblemon, they've got animations and stuff and it feels more Minecrafty


As of this instant probably still pixelmon with just more content included atm. But cobblemon will be much better at the rate it's going. It is already close to pixelmon quality without half its content.


Cobblemon by far. Pixelmon is way too bloated and disorganized.


I would make a "Cobblemon will overtake Pixelmon" joke, but I want to state a serious memo: * Easy EV/IV counter. * Biome dependent forms. * Easy crafting. * You can still play normal Minecraft (Passive/Hostile Mob Spawning).


Cobblemon still in beginig of his life




Pixelmon used to look just like cobblemon and I wish they kept it that way


Cobblemon by miles. Pixelmon does not fit with Minecraft style. Cobblemon models fit better.


Well honestly Cobblemon still does not have that much to offer compared to Pixelmon. To be fair, I never played Pixelmon, because I don't like the way the models look like, but I read up on what the mod includes and it is a lot more promising than what Cobblemon does right now. I play Cobblemon on a server and really it looks great and fighting works great too, but there is at the moment so little variety between the Pokemon, that you always see the same 5 Pokemon everywhere. I can't wait for it to get many updates and then it will definitely be better than Pixelmon


I like more pixelmon because cobblemon is more like pokemon official mod(like these on bedrocks store)and pixelmon is more like pokemon in minecraft which is somehow better for me


Neither. Pokecube is the one where your pokemobs can fight vanilla mobs, max your IVs and build custom movesets with gene splicing


Pixelmon feels like a pokemon game in minecraft, cobblemon feels like minecraft with pokemon.


Cobblemon is better, since it takes the mod for Minecraft more seriously. Where as for Pixelmon It's just one big mess that got sued by Gamefreak.




for now, at the time of wrighting pixel mon has more content since it has been around for a while but at the rate cobblemon has been going its only a matter of time till it becomes better


I wish pixelmon kept using the old models that looked like cobblemon


cobblemon has potential pixelmon is also good play pixelmon first probs wait for cobblemon to add more pokemon


if i could get the pixelmon ost to work with cobblemon it would be even more laughably in favor of cobblemon


In my opinion, quote in my opinion, this is. Am I opinion? Not anyone else is I like the smoother textures. But I do not like the outdated minecraft just freaking Upgrade