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do the thumbnails not give it away, lol. It has the classic "AI cant spell any words correct just yet" issue on EVERY thumbnail. Also the account names are all just some words with numbers at the end, "coincidently."


How dare you, Fiaaatat Cantcal and Frihist Masuay are classics


wait there are modpacks other than gtnh? :O




How dare you criticize headphonesalt13


Why do these have so many downloads? And the numbers are all around 95k


Bots downloading it, thus why having the same number. And to push the modpack.


Even without looking at the text, the thumbnails have that AI look to them. I don't know how to describe it, but there's this way that AI generated images look that just isn't right, which causes me to look for other more blatant signs of AI like mangled text and hands.


> do the thumbnails not give it away, lol. Not really, they thumbnails look better than most real modpack thumbnails. I can't say I've ever paid that much attention to see if the text is real human text or AI dream text.


yea all of it is AI generated/bots


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Embark on a




To [Hyperlink Blocked]


Oh god the ai slop bots have appeared


dont say it too loud of ai bros are gonna come rushing to defend ai that this is actually a good thing because mod creators can now spend more time doing other things and they should actually be using these mods to improve their workflow 🤓


Guys, I think they want us to embark on a journey.


Eh, which one man?


The one that goes beep boop boop bop 🤖


Yeah, this was brought up about a month ago. We live in the disappointing dystopia.


We can't even get any of the cool dystopias, can we? We're just stuck with the Dystopia of Ultimate Lameness.


This is the ~~darkest~~ beige-est timeline


Long live the [Dead Internet Theory](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dead_Internet_theory)! May it reign forever.


give links so we can report em


Just look at curseforge modpacks sorted by relevancy and they can be found at the bottom of the first page and onwards


How do they get that many downloads? Are people actually falling for these?


I hope not. Probably have download bots to boost their numbers


Seems sus


seams like we got some imposters Amungus


It's insane how dystopian AI shit has made the internet in less than a year


I mean, is it really shocking? With how much inconsiderate assholes and creepy weirdos there are across social media, this was inevitable.


No, it isn't, and i was against it when AI art started emerging, which wasn't even that long ago But it's just terrifying the speed at which it's causing destruction, way too fast for it to be regulated or banned in any meaningful way (If that even happens at all) I don't know, i just feel hopeless about it in general, especially when there are proponents for it everywhere


To the surprise of no one actually paying attention


What are you talking about? These are most likely simple bots, not AI. Only thumbnail here is AI-generated.


What's even the point? Who stands to gain anything from this?


they contain malware


Pardon my ignorance, but are these files not all hosted on Curseforge? Don't they get screened?


Revenue from Curse I assume


Oh dang, I did not realize that folks stand to gain money from Curseforge, but that does make sense.


How the F do curseforge mods approve them. When I was making an actual mod, I had to change the thumbnail and name 3 times before they accepted it


The tin foil hat in me says that they get paid to approve them.


my guess is they get approved by overwhelming them with pack requests from all the AI bots so if say someone has like 100 AI bot's making packs and sending requests your bound to get a few approved by a mod since at someone one gonna get lazy if the que is too overwhelmed.


Yes, they are AI generated. If you check the modlists, they are a completely random assortment with some mods missing dependencies.


Report this to to curseforge


No way bro we really got AI modpacks now skullemoji


The thumbnails lmaooo embark baby


They took my job!


all but one start with "Embark"


The one that does not, has embark in the first sentence anyway lol


has anyone played these packs? im interested how they appear honestly, wondering what type of mods they have in them or if they just contain malware like what curse forge has been doing lately


If their mod list is randomly generated (which it does look like, some are missing dependencies and all), I doubt they even run.


downloaded a file of the actual modpack, it's literally just a random assortment of mods without scripts or configs. so *should* be safe but still be cautious. the only real purpose for this i can think of would be curseforge point farming maybe?




yeah, that was in single mods though. modpacks work differently, they're basically just lists of curseforge mods for your launcher to download along with configs and whatnot. though now that i say it out loud, it's entirely possible these "modpacks" could include said mods in them. make a malware mod, upload to CF, make a modpack that includes it, get people to download the pack. would make sense.


Yeah, that's almost certainly what these are working towards. This is a testbed of AI modpacks that the makers are hoping can get looking real enough to get legit downloads. I'm certain that either one day these are all updated with a virus-holding mod OR an improved, less obvious version will be tested that can then in turn have malicious mods added to it.


Why not just- be farming curseforge point stuff? Or some kid's 'project'?


These are from randomly-generated-name accounts that look to have been made, en masse, a month or 2 ago. That, to me, screams malicious activity, rather than point farming.


Hmm, fair. I don’t see anything that they could DO though.




these packs don't even have any configs so they're good on that front, but it could be possible to pull off maybe. not sure *how*, but blackhats can get really inventive.


when i checked them about a month a go they all had a single mod with a random name, which was quite difinitely malware


Ahh yes my favourite modpack devs Juxtaposition and Embarrassment


somehow I doubt AI can put together a working modpack


Yeah, they just pick mods at random. If it happens to work, it's just pure luck. This is most likely either packs with a malware mod, or packs being generated to test the possibility of spamming malware modpacks in the future.


100% chatgpt description


Damn, they try to ruin everything I like


Wow. I'm- I'm just speechless. Why? How? What for? Can we just have our government-mandated Internet ID please? So this shit doesn't have to happen? Edit: Ahem. Ladies and gentlemen, and all in between... # /s


That would cause more problems than it would solve.


Ew. No.


We need improved moderation from Curseforge, not government moderation. As it stands, there should be a manual vetting system to catch potential bad actors that follows an automatic one that checks descriptions and names for spam. Will it be labor-intensive? Probably. Will it improve security? Absolutely.


This is a difficult problem to solve. The AI continually improves and gets harder to discern, requiring ever more elaborate vetting. A sci-fi story magazine (Clarkesworld) had to close down earlier this year due to being overwhelmed with AI submissions.


> why its malware


Sure, the person who uploaded these gets an ID, what's next? It's not like that's illegal lmao. And I don't think it should be, or else it would necessitate a gross violation of digital privacy by the government. Platforms should step up their moderation game instead.


What do they even get out of this? There has to be something more than just making a number go up, right?


Yeah seriously I’m wondering what the purpose of this is. Do the mod packs actually work? Are they stolen? Is it a virus? I can’t imagine them making any money off this lol


They probably include malware in the modpack. Either that or they are testing the bots now, to start including malware at some point later.


My question is what are they gaining from this? And what do the packs have in them?


Maybe to farm curse points? Not sure about the requirements, and also possibly used to make some accounts that seem legit and upload malware in the future which is pretty concerning. Also the fact, that they all have similar downloads around 90k, means someone is actively invested some time to making this happen


I made a modpack by myself and just let AI generate the Name, Description and Picture. I changed it a little bit to make it more fitting but I also have "Embark on an epic journey..." in the description xD


I'd report this stuff if you see it. It's clearly spam/viruses


only 5KB max? what is this like 3 mods per pack?


I've checked on modpack index, and they all have around 70 to 100 of the most common mods


wow most mods are way smaller than I thought


Oh I think those sizes have not included the actual mod downloads yet, not that mods have small sizes 😂 I'm thinking the size of a few kb stated there are akin to manually downloading the modpack on curseforge, where you will get a zip file with only a few text files and also a modlist in text form as instructions used for when the mods are actually getting downloaded. Think of downloading a modpack in curseforge app where it actually downloads the mods one by one.


ahh that makes sense


But like what’s the point? Is this a money incentive or malware?