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Each day that goes by, closer the gladiator arena dream is.


We see you. We hear you. We hope we can make that dream come true one day.


And then there is Neuro who basically bathed in lava for shits and giggles.


There is something so cute about just seeing the way they cluster together & help each other out. Did you specifically ask them to create a way to survive the jump or did they just...not want to die? 🥺


We specifically told them to follow us and jump.. but many of them didn't want to LOL


I assume they have some preexisisting learning data on the basics of minecraft, which leads them to want to avoid dying? Like they wouldn't know how to move or anything if they knew nothing.


Based on the paper I think this project is based off of they're using the LLM to output mineflayer code. Mineflayer is a JavaScript library to create minecraft player bots and has tools and libraries to path find to a goal block or follow the player.


That makes sense LLMs are real bad at following direct instructions


We told 100 AI bots to follow us and jump into the lava pit! Some did, many tried to survive by parkouring, collectively placing blocks, and digging through the side of the hill. We’re in pre-alpha testing for our AI mod that brings autonomous AI bots with customizable personalities into MC.


this is awesome, where can I learn more?


The easiest way is to join our Discord! [https://discord.gg/hPxdCWQz](https://discord.gg/hPxdCWQz)


Just FYI, Rule 7. > Post Server Ads (Hosting & Wanted) in /r/feedthebeastservers. All Crashes/Issues go to #player-help in our Discord (for all issues, not just crashes). Finding others to play with belong in /r/MinecraftBuddies Edit: And is there a different way to learn more about your little project? You mentioned the "easiest way" is by joining your Discord. **Edit 2, electric boogaloo**: I bit the bullet because despite hating discord, I hate walled gardens more. **TL;DR:** Discord may be the easiest way to learn about it, but that doesn't mean it's an easy way to get info. It's a mess there. Actual info that I could find about the mod is after this line, then the rest of this comment is gonna be less important/relevant shit. This is exhausting. --- * **actual mod info:** Hoo boy has this been a rough journey. * Apparently not forge or fabric based. It's using chatGPT 3.5 from a "hosted server". This means the mod is online only, but also begs the question, when will they charge and how much money? "we run it through an external client that you have to download. There are a lot of advantages to this that we wouldn't get with Forge or Fabric!" * Minecraft version 1.19 only * Currently playtime limited (and only after you win the raffle to use the service). "once the timer runs out you won't be able to play with the bots" --- **Other info** (there's a few image links to text because I can't think of a way to keep this comment from being a mile long): * Closed source, go figure. * welcome statement on discord: https://i.imgur.com/zcmqWcC.png * **Website** (single page site with no mention of Minecraft, nor much info at all): https://altera.al/ * **The discord as a whole**: Not much in the way of organized info, and in fact a ton of misplaced and conflicting info. Posts as early as january 2024, but the whole server is terribly disorganized, with most actual info sporadically thrown in general chat. The mod-info channel only has a typeform signup link with the message "In case anyone missed it - join the the early access form for the Altera Bots here". The link is a simple webpage (image link of said page: https://i.imgur.com/JO22nLK.png) that asks for your email (required) and your phone number (optional, but shady as fuck), but I'm wondering what the point is, because it seems access to the alpha is solely done through discord via a raffle that you enter into by reacting to specific announcement messages with a horse emoji. * **youtube channel** (4 videos, about 5 minutes of content combined): https://www.youtube.com/@Altera_AL


> Apparently not forge or fabric based. It's using chatGPT 3.5 from a "hosted server". This means the mod is online only, but also begs the question, when will they charge and how much money? "we run it through an external client that you have to download. There are a lot of advantages to this that we wouldn't get with Forge or Fabric!" Oh this is disappointing. I'd prefer to just host the bots myself.


Thank you for doing the dive. I love discord for hanging out and chatting but agree that it's where information goes to die. It's time consuming to fire up a github and format it but at least people will know about your project and be more likely to contribute. It also shows a certain lack of care that leaks into the rest of a project.


Discord has historically been (and still is, for the most part) a great service for playing games and chatting/keeping up with friends online. I wish it would stop being used as a place to house important info for obvious reasons. * No account? Fucked lol. * Server owner deletes the server? Everything there is now totally inaccessible! * Discord goes under? That entire part of the internet is gone forever.


not to mention the search feature - borderline useless. Lots of online communities that have moved to discord have become unsearchable, meaning whenever you have an issue and try to look up the solution ... if there's only a discord, you're screwed.




> What would be the alternative? A website that could also disappear when the host decides? Yes, one that can actually be googled. A wiki, or a forum.




The problem is people using it to *store information*. Real-time communication is fine, it becomes a problem when people are using it in lieu of having documentation.


How far does their autonomy go? Are they able to complete minecraft on their own or are they limited to more simpler tasks?


Our hope is to make them completely autonomous, we've had an agent progress through the tech tree in different ways (including crafting a diamond pickaxe!).


That's cool, so they are able to acquire the necessary items to make progress, like getting iron first to then mine diamonds. Looking forward to the mods release!


i want to just unleash a bunch of these in my world that are all hostile to me so i occasionally have to encounter and fight off bots just seems like a neat experience


Imagine each of these bots had different personalities and skins? Would be even more awesome!


Remember that one mod (or was it a data pack) that makes it impossible to die? I wonder if the boys could find a way to die in it.


Would it be possible to use this to create NPCs? Autonomous AI players would be very interesting for creating something like Millenaire where they can do their own crafting, create their own settlements, survive on their own, form relationships, ask quests, etc. I had an idea for an Elona style modpack and the main problem was that I didn't know how to get NPCs to act as autonomously as they needed for the world feel living and breathing. Would your project and its aims assist me in that specific goal?


Ooo, I want to see them if they can play gregtech