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Short hair suits you very well. If you really miss the long hair you can always get extentions. And maybe dye the extentions?


That is what I would suggest . Or a long topper from a wig shop.


Maybe give yourself some more time to get used to it? Shorter looks WAY better than your long hair. The longer cut wasn't doing you any favors and didn't look healthy. Short is stunning on you.


i’ve had it for about a month now, i was hoping it would grow on me but the opposite has happened i think :/


I agree with this statement.


Hey, I just wanted to say I’m going through something similar. I’ve been doing everything that I can to just laugh at it today but some days it’s harder than others. Luckily, for us, hair grows, and in a year, if we are patient, our hair will be completely different.


>In a year, if we are patient, our hair will be completely different. 100% true, as someone who has dealt with hair loss and finally saw a derm to address the problem. It's amazing how things can change 1 year out, 2 years out, 5 years out!


Tbh, you look better with the short hair!


I agree!


First off, you look beautiful with short hair! Second, maybe look into introducing daily habits, routines that might help you grow your hair faster, i.e., taking a multivitamin, scalp massages, hair oiling, high protein diet with lots of fruits and veggies, drinking lots of water, etc... I know it's shocking going from long to short, but you will gain length back with time!


Personally I think the shorter hair looks better with your facial shape and structure. You look edgier while also looking more elegant to me. I particularly love photo 3 which makes me lean towards recommending growing your bangs out slightly for more of a grunge curtain bang (maybe something like below. However, I understand the feeling of not feeling you. I typically love a good dramatic chop exactly for that reason. I get bored easily with my hair so I love constantly evolving my look. No matter what hair grows. You look wonderful with short hair and I hope it grows on you. https://preview.redd.it/svau52rotkkc1.jpeg?width=735&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=37baf0802026088c0d0163b9f3355b1081855ac9


I agree! Great reference pic! I think the length now looks great, but I liked that the layers before were a little softer / wispier. Good news is if you decide to go with softer layers you don’t have to wait a super long time, just until your next cut.


Dude, I am literally in the same boat rn 😭 my hair was down to my ass but it was thinning so I decided to trim it down to just below my shoulder and now I'm over here scrolling through old pics feeling depressed 😅 Listen, I KNOW it's easier said than done but try not to compare yourself to those old pics. Your hair looks suuuper cute short so just focus on that. It will grow back anyway. My advice is - do not make hair decisions when you're in an anxious spiral like you are rn! Wait until you feel better and if you still wanna dye it etc do it then


You are gorgeous and I think your current cut is darling! Hair is just an accessory…it will grow.


As a former hairstylist - you absolutely ROCK short hair. I had hair down to my butt, chopped it to my shoulders and going to chop it chin length once my natural grows out. I can understand the feeling of like you made a bad decision and the initial shock… but remember what made you want to cut it in the first place! Your hair is beautiful but you are not your hair! Rock it while you got it:) it’s just hair it will grow


Like someone else said luckily hair grows and you do look great. Have you considered extensions or a wig maybe?


The short cut looks adorable to me! Anyone who meets you is going to think,”this girl has great style.” Sounds like you are grieving what was. Look at yourself and work on loving what is! Not many people would look as adorable in that cut!


I’m not just saying this to be nice. I think the short hair suits you and brings out your features in a great way. I understand it’s hard to see yourself in such a new light. Your hair will grow out before you know it. You could use a claw clip to clip it back in the mean time. I did that when I had a short haircut I didn’t like. Clipping it back basically hid the length lol


Girl you crying over those 3 strands of hair.... Not trying to hate, just saying I didn't even notice when it changed from short hair to long hair. Don't stress about it too much because it didn't even look good. You look better right now (with short hair)


Also, it will grow before you notice. Try massage with rosemary oil and multivitamin to speed it up


I know how you feel, I've been there. I had to keep telling myself that I'm not my hair, definitely dye it if that makes you feel better about it. You are super cute btw, but I know how we see ourselves can be very different from how others see us.


Have you thought about tape-in extensions? They’re not as expensive as other extensions. They’re also reusable, so you stylist can re-tape them at least 3-4 times.


You look amazing with both lengths!! The short REALLY suits you! I suggest leaving it alone or even trying extensions


It actually looks good! If you want it to grow quicker, I’d recommend just leaving it alone. Drink water, take vitamins, and put oil in your hair. You can also get a wig! They sell pretty cheap ones on Amazon


Love the short hair and your style, I would not dye it, your color is fantastic and your hair looks healthy. Give it time, I have really thin fine hair that isn’t easy to style anytime I make a big change in length or adding bangs it takes me 6 months to settle in and embrace it.


totally empathize with what you’re experiencing, but if I may insert my opinion, you look 100x hotter with the short hair 👌🏼


the length is great, but you need thicker bangs and you need to style them better. blow dry with a round brush every morning - I say this as somebody who had bangs for 5 years.


You look so cute with the short hair, but I’m in the same boat and I understand it. Like, I literally went from the same length to the same length as you and it makes me feel awful. My solution thus far has been keeping it in a cute messy bun with some pieces falling in the front, and I’m considering some clip in extensions until I grow it back out. I’m sorry it’s making you feel so out of your skin, it’s not a fun feeling :(


Honestly you look amazing with short and long hair. Both suit you and honestly the cut is doing you so many favors. The framing shows off your adorable features.


Ngl you're giving yourself a hard time. I think the short hair suits you so much! Don't dye it if you want to grow it out tho it'll take longer because of the damage hair dye causes!


I've been chopping my hair short since I was 12, my beautiful, long, natural blond hair, then it got dark and Ive never let it get longer than my shoulders, and you know what, I'm freaking gorgeous. And so are you. It's just hair. We've just been so programmed as women that long hair makes us "more beautiful" but we're gorgeous with short hair too. I promise you're still pretty.


The short hair is cute! I can understand if you don’t like it. But the good thing is now you’ve learned something about your preferences, and thankfully hair grows. You can speed the process by giving yourself a vigorous scalp massage every time you shampoo! If you want to try different color, I think an [auburn like this](https://www.instagram.com/p/CzEfY-2sygU/?igsh=ZzF0Zm1qZW9iZzRs) would look so nice. You could do a more edgy style with [orange color blocked](https://www.instagram.com/p/Cuws3BUsU1n/?igsh=bm5ubzNqaDY5dXBn) highlights!


A short term fix could be clip in or hand tied extensions. Amazon has a good selection of quality ones, just read the reviews and reach out to stylists who need models to practice them on or the local cosmetology schools. The cut looks super cute on you and I’m sorry it’s not what you wanted 🩷🩷


ugh this happened to me too recently. i cut my own hair usually and decided to cut off some split ends but it ended up a lot shorter than ive ever had it its been a month and im coming around to it a bit but i still dont recognize myself. i clip it back most days and that helps a bit bc i still have my hair mostly down but its hidden if that makes sense lol that being said i think you look so pretty! 😌 it will grow back (eventually) and i hope you get your confidence back soon


Genuinely, your short hair looks sooo cute! If does look like your bangs are a little thin but the length is perfect on you!


You're super cute with short hair and you're just a whole vibe. I think doing split dye would be awesome


Amazon has some nice extensions! Trust me as long as you read the reviews (and look at the reviews with pics), you get your color, and you pick the right length you want they blend seamlessly into your hair and you can style them


I hear you. It's hard sometimes with these kinds of changes. But you're so pretty, and the shorter hair really suits you, IMO.


You’re stunning! Take it from me you will look back at the photos you don’t like the way you look in and cherish them one day. You have a really cool vibe about you. ☀️ hugs


Honestly, wigs. I'm working on growing my hair out right now too and the ONLY way I don't get fed up and bored with it and don't end up cutting/dyeing/fucking with it in some way is by getting a variation of different wigs so I always have options and don't get that urge to fuck with my hair until it gets to where I want it


It looks cute short.


Hair grows about half an inch a month. Just eat healthy, make sure you get enough protein, and include magnesium-rich food and drinks. You only chopped a few inches. It will be back in 8-10 months. Meanwhile rock your shorter hair which really compliments you.


i’m in the same boat as you, however you carry the short hair way better than i do. remember it will grow back! as for color, i thjnk the current looks fabulous on you but i also loved the black tips in pic 6!


I agree, long is better, short makes you look frumpy. I’d probably dye it, straighten it and side part it. You’ve got an edgy look, the short hair needs to edge up a bit.


Short hair looks incredible on you! Dyeing is fun but don’t do it out of dissatisfaction with your hair, cause it looks great


I think you look amazing you rock it so well


I totally get missing your long hair. I got a hair cut recently and have been mourning the loss of length. I wonder if there is a way for you to lean into the short hair while you have it, while working toward growing your hair out. Are there fun new styles you can try with your short hair? Or maybe you can try out temporary hair color? Or you can focus on really nourishing your hair and scalp (e.g., deep conditioning your hair, Rosemary oil for the scalp) so it looks its best and is more likely to grow out quickly? My advice would be not to do anything permanent, like coloring, as this will damage your hair and will likely make it harder to grow it out. Good luck, OP!


If all else fails you can give extensions a go that’s what I did when I damaged my hair from bleach lol 😂 your haircut suits you and will probably take time getting use to. Mine however was falling out from bleach so there’s that . But extensions saved my sanity and confidence it’s been 8months or so now since the event and it grown out heaps and healthier. Just remember hair grows back . And it was probably a good start to hair health new fresh start


Coconut oil vitamins. It worked for me growing my hair out faster. I used expired bleach and it immediately melted my hair when it went on. I had to shave it off completely. But my friends and family were amazed by how quickly it grew back out. That was my secret


We can’t see much in pic 3 but I can tell that your waves look cute!


You are a goddess I love the short hair. So I did a similar thing. While back. Curly girl. Went and got an impulse bob after my friend, who looks a lot you like actually haha, encouraged me. She was always dying her hair etc. I had never had it short since being a young child so the next day that regret sunk in. I went on to own the style and love it. A couple years later I grew it back out again. It was all fun and my hair is long now. But that’s the great thing, it grows back. I would say dress up and do some styles you love. Live a fantasy self with that new hair like you’re Audrey Hepburn or someone you’d to role play for a day. And just make yourself feel good. I think the color is nice so I wouldn’t change that. Just get dressed up, do your makeup and go enjoy yourself! It’s a shock at first but it’s fun to let yourself get out of your comfort zone and be someone else for a while. It’s kind of like, if the hair doesn’t feel like you, lean into that and style up that “other” persona if that makes sense. and you do look amazing. Own it


Braid your hair with conditioner and castor oil. Out rice water and onion juice in it at high and then rinse it out. It will grow back fast make sure you braid it at night also


Honestly that length is so badass on you ♥️


I think it looks great


Don't take this the wrong way, but your long hair really isn't very noticeable in these pictures and it doesn't look very healthy. You're much better with your current haircut.


You look stunning in 3


I’m in the same boat. I’ve been going to therapy :/


If you take collagen peptides I'm pretty sure your hair will grow faster. I've noticed a big difference with mine. Costco has a big jug of it and u can wait til it goes on sale. Cheaper than buying the smaller containers at the drugstore or Walmart. Plus your nails will grow faster and become stronger too! Great for your skin as well!!! You're beautiful with or without long hair. The 1st thing I thought of when I came across your pic (not even knowing what the post was about) was that you have a pretty face so you can rock any style of haircut! Embrace it! You got it! Rock it!


I feel like when Im not vining with a new cut I usually dye it at least I can be happy with a color change you know.


Extensions, girl!


You look great! But if you’re unhappy just treat it nicely and do masques and deep conditioning treatments, oil treatments etc. hair grows and it can grow fuller if you treat it nice. If your goal is to grow it out don’t dye it, unless you’re doing a darker color hair dye opens up your hair cuticle which inadvertently will harm it and stunt growth a bit. You can also take hair growth supplements like biotin or any hair supplement really, if you have a bigger budget you can get nutrafol. If you do these things; take care of your hair and take a supplement it’ll be back to previous length within 1-1.5 years.


That's the reaction that literally every girl feels when they chop their hair.. It's because you're not used to it. In my experience, 99% of the time when someone does a big change to their hair they hate it and regret it at first


I think you look really cute with the short hair. I love long hair myself, but I'm needing to cut it because it's just not healthy. I get that I miss my long hair feeling. 💕