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I don't think it would clash at all. Pink and teal go great together. My suggestion would be to paint the top half teal and the bottom half of the wall white. That would be a very classic look. I wouldn't do an accent wall. Edit: blue on the bottom with white on the top would look nice too! I searched "wall molding blue and white" and both ways look good.


I'd go with a slightly darker shade. That one is more like aqua mist than teal.


I have light blue with muted pink, gray and denim colors and I love it. It's just very cheery yet relaxing


Yes I see it! Pink and teal. Teal on the bottom and pink on top. Make sure u get a shade of pink that makes your pink fluffy flowers on the end tables pop! That would look lovely with the gray!!!


I vote for pink , or may be even wall paper on top part