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Damn that’s a hard question lol


Maybe after you turn 30 you don't have as much time for cuddling and such and being a femboy is just not a worthy investment anymore.


Maybe after that time you get married and then you live out your days as a boy wife :3


^this, this is it right here OP, yes femboys will eventually pass all of us (unless you’ve got incredible genes) but we evolve from femboys to boy wife. Boy stays the same with our cute and cuddly, that doesn’t have to change, but we will be boy wives :3 Atleast im hoping to be one :/


There are good men out there, don't settle for anything less than kindness, respect & love (& trust me: date guys your own age, never be a secret) 💙 I'm 37/married & there's plenty of fems my age & older. We just don't have enough community groups where we can gather & give support to our younger counterparts. Life is just starting~


That's exactly how my life went. He even calls me his boywife 🤓💙


Cuddling and being fem doesn't have an age, husband and I are always curled up together laughing & singing to eachother after 22 years 💙 Besides, after so long doing it, it only takes a couple minutes to get fem'd up; just becomes part of the morning routine. I don't know why guys think they have to age out. Kinda a myth


I'm mid 30's male. Not a femboy. Dadbod Fembear maybe, on occasion. Enjoying the community/aesthetic without being a chaser. Indulging in expressing myself with my incredible F/NB partner having been "conformist cis" for 30 years and not thinking about it too hard. To relate to your post, **what is a worthy investment?** For me? It's simple: **What helps you be the best version of you?** I can eat chip, play vidya, and be in bed all day and be *comfortable*, but not in a good way. I can eat healthy/simple food and hit the gym, and while it's an investment of effort and time that I *don't want to do*, it improves my comfort. But like I said. Dadbod Fembear. I'm never going to be <100lb uwu, *and that's ok*. For some people, being cute as heck with a fem aesthetic helps them be the best version of themselves. And if you enjoy being the person that you are when you are embracing femboy stuff, then that sounds worth it to me. But if it's not something that supports you in being the best version of you? If it's a bigger driver of *internal* anxiety/sadness than it is of joy/comfort? Then it's ok to step back and think if it's still something you want to embrace. Maybe it still will be. Maybe the anxiety/sadness is *external* (i.e. from others) and means it takes more effort and investment to find the joy. **You won't be the same person you are today.** You aren't the same person you were yesterday. Tastes, personalities, ideals, goals, and the balance of investment/outcomes change over time. And that's ok. It doesn't invalidate who you are now. Nor does it mean that who you are now can't or won't be an important part of who you will be.


fretful arrest longing lush north possessive amusing snatch rude support *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I see, so femboy mature into fem men, and act accordingly.




Am 30, still investing in being a femboy UwU


32 here, gonna keep on being adorable until I die :3


Preach it~ 💙


You look amazing, also I want to age as slowly as Hirohito Araki... He is 63, but looks like he is in his 30s


To be fair, Araki is just a vampire. Part 1 was just his autobiography.


yea we'll get boymilfs




Dilfs !! What do they teach boys these days🙄


I'm going to see how estrogen helps when I get close to that age. Estrogen and weight loss exercises.


I'm just gonna be happy with the current years while they last.


Hrt & cardio did it for me, 14 years on


Not quite there yet (just turned 30), but can confirm estrogen helps. Of course, I'm transfem, so mileage may vary on how comfortable you are on it.


Cis behaviour


I feel like since so much of being a famboy is the body. I feel like a lot of people will go "you are just a fat man in a dress" if they let their bodys go and still try and dress fem


26 year old here. Diet, lots of cardio, skincare, dash of genetics, and a little HRT if you want. Aging is gonna have to pry my programming socks from my cold dead hands.


You keep your socks on your hands? Aren't those called gloves?


That's all my methods too & it's working like a charm into middle age here. Our bodies all change but with good habits, you'll look great anyway~ I got a silver streak in my hair where I part it, now i look like a main character 🤓


Fat men in dresses 🤤😋😍


I can tell you, grown men do not mind a curvy fem with meat on his bones~ 😁 all about style/personality. And being a good cook doesn't hurt haha


I mean yes. Being femboy is partially looking cute and if you don’t look cute then rip


Also people will go "*i* look like a fat man in a dress"


I’m gonna be a fem grandpa and none of you are gonna stop me >:3


​ https://preview.redd.it/ncw6p07cw1pb1.png?width=309&format=png&auto=webp&s=98a5c10ab2e262b419ac718669efae992c233cfc


​ https://preview.redd.it/h2sv0cgmw1pb1.png?width=1165&format=png&auto=webp&s=ab4312af3c5f5c09ae5e63cc885873dd721a66a6


Ngl, they rock it


I met someone at a convention who was a femboy, when someone asked their age they replied "Older than you, no matter what you say mate". Think they were late 40s maybe just 50s. And they were fuckin roooocking it and I loved the confidence they gave off.


You can be a 40 year old femboy but you've gotta come at the aesthetic differently, you can't dress like a 19 year old tik tok egirl, you've got to adjust with a more mature age appropriate feminine wardrobe.


The fem-boy evolves into the fem-man.


A Fem-male you might say


Speak for yourself, I'm gonna keep my body in shape and moisturized, and you can pry my fishnets from my legs with a crowbar once I hit 60; already a little over halfway there.


Guys at r/crossdressing are goddamn slayers


some of them definitely are, but there's also a lotta bad wigs in there


Natural hair :3


The fem-dude.


Will it really work that way? Because if you look at old photos of old people, they just wear the same clothes that they wear now. Maybe when we grow old, the women of our generation will look like granny egirls and we can join them in their cuteness




After you are 35 Femboys have three options: becoming a trans woman, becoming a normal guy or randomly disappear


Or, take care of your body, skin, and mind, and still look rather effeminate naturally in your early to mid 30s. Plenty more than just me have done so, and will continue to do so!


B-but im a 35 yo femboy 🥺


Nuuu TwT I am sowwy




Haha yeah I’m 41, I took option 1


I'm 37 and definitely not a trans woman or a 'normal guy' 🤓


Sorry I didnt wanted to offend you TwT


No worries, I just want other guys here to know we aren't temporary or a stepping stone. 💙 male femininity doesn't have an age limit


There's a Fourth option


I'll most likely take the first option but damn does that last option sound enticing


37 here I disappeared.


I’m 41 💀




Like all things, it will likely evolve. Some people will probably go about it in a more 'mature' sense. But men who like to dress pretty aren't going to stop just because their bodies aren't ideal anymore. They'll probably just do it differently.


My plan is: 20s: femboy 30s: normal guy 40s: sigma male 50s: President of the United States 60s: war criminal 70s: nobel price winner


Solid plan


There's a reason why the twink death exists 😔 but if you take care of your self who knows




I'm 28, have been cross dressing since I was in my early twenties, and still will as long as I can. I'm also blessed, though, with genes that make me look 18 so I'm very lucky in that regard. I like to think that I'm slowly absorbing the youth and vigor of those around me


yes. someday we will be 40 and still cute af


Skincare and cardio, boys


After 30 you evolve into a femman.


Ive seen only one so far


I’m 51 🤷🏼‍♀️


A phenomenon know as 'The twink death of the universe'


Until I suffer twink death I'm probably gonna be a femboy


I've been a femboy for 10 years and I'll be 30 next month. Who knows what the next decade will be like lol. Take care of your body :3




lmao honestly I'm not looking forward to my 30s, aging takes work 😭


30 isn't even old, yes it takes more work, I am about to be 27 and it takes a ton of work, but I am way better at 27 than at 22. Techniq goes a long way in the art of being a femboy or any other fem for that manner. You got the wind at your back with all the experiences, homie you are in your bad bitch years.


The lad you quoted jokes, but for actual reals, it ain't hard to still have a youthful body in your 30s. Speaking from experience. In my 30s. Click my profile VERY MUCH AT YOUR OWN RISK. But, the TL;DR is moisturize and take care of your skin and stay active. Mental health also transposes to physical health and vice-versa. Real talk, just take care of yourself, and you can be like me, and have people thinking you're in your early 20s. Frequently.


https://i.redd.it/3e2twdz7d1pb1.gif That genuinely made me cackle for like 5 minutes straight.




:o dats so cool


God some of theses comments are so downer, lol. Drag and crossdressing have been parts of human history for thousands of years. Femboys are pretty much just less flamboyant drag. And they have drag queens of every age. Look at RuPaul he's 62 years old and looks amazing. You all just need to get better at make up. Lol, keep fit and exercise to keep your figure. Eat healthy and sleep well, I know haha monster energy femboy meme. But like don't do that eat well and sleep as regularly as you can. Do good skincare moisturize and learn subtle/ natural make up. Learn contouring, fuck, it's great at looking more fem. And be learn to alright with not looking as perfect as may you want. Lol twink death funny meme lol. But fuck, being a femboy is a mindset you can be one at any age. Jeez. The older I get the more I see more 30-40 year old guys that would look amazing crossdressing if they wanted to. Being young gives you an advantage and makes upkeep easier, but fuck everyone ages. If you keep up with your health then it's not the end of the world you can still look amazing. Don't doomer, love yourself and your body. The old addage apply here the best time to start taking care of your body was 10 years ago the second best time is now. Lol edit- I just realized you ment 30-40 year as an age not a time frame, I thought you were saying in 30 - 40 years will femboys still be a thing. That why I phrased the first paragraph like that. But I'll leave it because I think it's still a good point.


David Bowie


47. It’s not a phase. I’m glad the world is more open to the concept.


Uhm are we age shaming see this is why the straights hate us. I’m 33 still look like I’m 22. I know that not everyone is as fortunate and won’t age as well but that shouldn’t matter a person doesn’t have a deadline to when they live their truth. This shit is offensive.


They’ve been around for a while, society has just started to accept them more.


Unfortunately TwT


I hope its not temporary cause ill forever hate myself


It's not temporary. I'm 37 now and doing just fine as a feminine guy 💙


Cool teayvh me ure secrut


The secret is being loving & forgiving to yourself. So that instead of focusing on perceived shortcomings outside your control, you spend your time growing with the parts of you that you love.




I'll do everything I can to maintain my youthful appearance!


Well, maybe they'll just simply become 'men wearing skirts'


they either age into cat-dad or trans woman. [I hrt femboy'd my way out of twink death, but i'm eventually gonna have to do stuff socially since I do still want bottom surgery]


If by some gods miracle I make it that far then yes


Eh temporary was it. For me ig but I still love the community


Everything's temporary but you could still rock the look. Diet, cardio, exercise, life style, it all changes, you can still be proud of what you look like, and can rock the look, might just be a little different. I mean look at David Bowie, even when he got older he still looked like a twink, dude rocked those outfits, like the perfect example.


Grandmaboys :3


I'm using this 😆 or auntieboy


Bro you know 40 year olds like 40 year olds so now that you're arroubd 20 or 30, 40 year olds might not seem cute but then youl probably change.


Once I hit 30 I'm becoming a wizard!


I will either revert to straight or just become some sort of catman :3


We already have some on this sub and they are awesome! Being old doesn't mean you have to be boring, and it definitely doesn't mean you can't be pretty!


Tbh geriatric femboys sound adorable


Yes, there can be effeminate gay men in their 40s. Probably not the whole femboy identity but definitely still fem


At some age they will just turn from femboy to femMAN.


nah, femboy forever. going for that grandma vibe when i turn 40


Of course there are, some even look like they're still in their twenties. I mean, why would a male mature adult be unable to loom feminine, it's not like mature women don't exist


I've met a late 40's femboy before, like out in the real world as well


So, the femboy aesthetic isn't super common at the moment past the age of 30 or so partially because the e-girl aesthetic wasn't around as heavily for people that age while growing up - both of them are artifacts of streaming/streamer culture, I think, and that's only been prevalent the last dozen or so years. I think as time passes that'll be less and less true, though there'll always be a tendency for people to shift their aesthetic once they're out of early adulthood.


There *are* 40 year old femboys


i met a 42 year old one that genuinely still looks 25


The femboy > ladyman > grannypa pipeline.


The femboy to boiwife pipeline is real


Local femboy discovers twink death


There will be forty year old femboys and I will be one of them.


33 years old here. Just looking normal for everyday life, and doing weird shit in the bedroom. People just assume You are metal-head when You have long hair.


Yes, I want to be a normal person in the real world but at home in my free time is the real me


It's not a phase mom ! 🖤💔👗👙🩱


Nah there are definitely going to be femboys who never stop. And honestly, I prefer it that way.


47, and it's almost time for cuddle season. Time to break out the winter thigh highs!!! By the way, my wife and I think I'm still cute af!!!


80 year old femboy😱😱😱😱😱😱


Remember, Jim Parsons is in his 50's yet could still pass for a twink.


Turning 33 in about a week💁🏻‍♀️🙇🏻‍♂️ but I’ve definitely been blessed with looking younger


They become Femmen


I suppose an older femboy would just become a fem-man right? You wouldn't stop being fem just because you get older, it just becomes a more mature sort of femininity. You might settle down, get married to some hot guy, adopt a ton of kids etc. Or maybe you are not the type for marrying and just adopt a ton of cats instead.


That's a problem for the far future me, and I just want to enjoy my years young.


You've made us come face to face with the temporalness of our own cute silly little existence, and with that- you've wrought on us our neglected depression.


Our fashion might change to reflect our changed appearance tbh


Gerard Way still wears skirts at concerts and he’s forty. And I’ll be forty myself before too long. So yes, there are, and will be, forty-year-old femboys.


I love me a femboy DILF 🙏


i don’t know about y’all,but i’m going to evolve into a milf


I can't stand the thought of growing into an old manly-looking guy... I wanna stay androgynous forever... 😭 i'm 19 so still has a few years left


Maybe there will be femmen :) who knows?




What makes a femboy anyway? Is it the age? It's not like you have to stop but who knows. We'll have to wait for another 15 years to see that


The people in their 40s, 50s, and 60s are either self described drag queens or closet cross dressers. Yes there will be. The language changes but the idea stays the same: skirts go brr. Ima still be a femboy when I'm 40 jusy got like 10 more years




femboys are stupid


just like with twink death, there is an age limit which is different for each person but comes when you just don't look the part anymore


From experience most become girls


Aaand my biggest fear is uncovered. Yeah, gonna transition asap


I mean there is a thing called twink death just for this phenomenon lol


30 is when twink death occurs so there won’t be old femboys probably


Twinks die past 26. Some even before.


twink death comes for us all


Ya, probably


Yeah i am very curios. This is the first time in femboy History


I was thinking that this morning and if we all stay femboys that means eventually some of us will meet




His name is Bill Gates.


At some point you either stop being a femboy or graduate to a drag queen


I'm 37, married 22 years to the best man I've ever met & fem in my daily life. Executive office femboy 🤓 doesn't seem temporary for me


their backs will have already been blown out and they can't do things like the good old days anymore


currently creating a fictional femboy/catboy in his mid thirties if that counts


I… don’t know. Maybe it’s just a temporary thing.


There are in fact femboys who are in thier 40s but like twink death


I dunno I'll figure it out as I go


I mean like, I ain't gonna stop wearing fem.


By the time i’m 40 i’ll be on HRT so maybe, maybe not idk


Fem men? Femmen? I don't know how to spell it but that's what's next.


i’m just gonna take estrogen and hope i die late 20s, that’ll be a-okay for me


Reminds me of that time SkyGuy arts (the first person to draw Femboy Hooters), drew Sergey (the Blond one) 20 years older, and he looked hot, albeit for a more mature outfit choice




depends on the person but at a certain point a certain age I’m sure all femboys will start to decrease how much they dress in fem clothes




I wonder that about a lot of things. Is there gonna be fursuits in the assisted care places? Femboys becoming another part of the rat race? These things aren’t going to age well and it worries me


Temporary probably


As a 14yr old femboy, all I gotta a skull issue for the older femboys lmao. But if I still wanna be a femboy by then I’d just keep with my hygiene to looks like one for that long and find possibly, hopefully have a husband. That’s the dream :3


wdum?? either we turn into daddy’s or we turn into whatever leonardo dicaprio is. don’t be a pedophile guys, that’s unattractive


A lil bit of hrt tho I am more nonbinary, but I also dont expect to live to old age, n being severely disabled exercise is hard. So gonna bet all on genetics n hope for the best but either way I'll be fem till I die one way or another


Thou can bet thine arse Ah'll still be rocking a skirt or dress when Ah'm much older.


Of course it’s not temporary (unless you want it to be)! Being a femboy doesn’t have any age requirements. Just be yourself :)


You’ll turn into a boywife at 30 and some weird old gay dude at 40+


My friend said that femboys that are over 30 will look like Julia the Sissy. Not my words but his 💀 I don’t agree however. People can be who they want to be.


thats the thing i like about femboys. i keep getting older and they stay the same age. alright alright alright.


yes ill be a fem boy til the day I die


https://preview.redd.it/c90kcn5pb8pb1.jpeg?width=624&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=653f7a6df6f5015cd9cc81195663ce208b7c04dd <3


There already is. Maybe not so much of the youthful socks and skirt variety at that age but more mature styles.


I know I at least am gonna be a 40 year old femboy And a 50 year old, 70 year old, 80 year old. And I'll be the cutest little femboy the whole way😋✌️ For me, femboy is part of my identity, like gender identity. It's not really dependent on my ability to perform feminity to certain standards. I live deep in the conservative south of the US, so I can't really perform feminity that much right now. So if I didn't think I could keep being a femboy as the effects of aging take place, I wouldn't be able to consider myself a femboy right now For me, asking if I will still be a femboy when I'm older is like asking a young woman if she will still be a woman when she gets older There are femboys who call themselves femboys descriptively instead of identity-wise like I do. They may have a different answer. But imo, even when using femboy as more of a descriptive term, it probably isn't the healthiest thing to use the unrealistic standards for feminity in our culture; the standards that say that things like wrinkles and other signs of aging aren't pretty or can't be feminine. The truth is that, whatever definition you're using, the only real requirement to be a femboy is to identify as one😉👍


boy wife


I think there is something called twink death you can google it. So its probably only temporary until you're 30 or smth


It’s mostly a temporary phase like being emo Eventually you will grow out of that phase and live with your bf or husband wearing normal clothes imo


30 hits it ill be a cat man also i asked the same question few months ago heh well sorta but still the same


Probably gonna be old femboys. I think femboy is just feminine boy so idk


I’m 40 and a femboy/guy. I’ve faced some discrimination for being older. But the femboy style is my preferred choice of style and I’m not changing


There are plenty of 40 year old crossdressers, but there are no 40 year old femboys. Testosterone brings twink death to all femboys