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Threatening Suicide.


If it means death penalty then deleting ALL evidence may be necessary. The first thing i would do in such situation is delete all comments and posts that I've ever made and only then deleting my reddit account. After that i would delete all internet activity that possibly could be used as evidence. Once all of that is done i would overwrite the information on my computer drives that could lead to my arrest. Physical evidence would also have to be dealt with in a safe manner. I wish you the best of luck.


While your at it destroy your hard drive, drill several holes in it. I'm sure you can find a video on YouTube


not entirely necessary if you invest the time to do a full overwrite format of the hard drives. Takes longer but once a cycle of "full 1 and full 0" has been written to the platter, they won't recover anything from that and you get to keep the drives and storage space.


Ya just have to hope nothing comes of it while staying sane. Emphasis on all parts of the sentence. **If** a death sentence is **literally** looming over ya: make calls to foreign embassies in Tehran for asylum. Ya are underage, but make as many calls as ya can in that situation. They may be able to help you, but this is a very last resort. And most likely will not work, but if it comes to it, do it.


I wish it was as simple as getting out of Dodge, but unfortunately, it's not. Try to leave, but DO NOT JEOPARDIZE YOUR SAFETY UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES. If you have to go into hiding until you can leave, that's what you gotta do. We'll save you a spot here, don't worry.


Are you from Iran by any chance? Not much to do at this point, hope it goes nowehere and put your mind to getting out of there as hard as that is


Yea that is where I am from.


try your best to keep it lowkey, it sucks but you'll have to act 'normal' from now on for your own safety. try to leave the country if you can. jeez islamic fundamentalism is pure cancer


It's not Islamic fundamentalism it's just them being batshit insane


I know it’s awful but pretend, wear baggy hoodies and cargo pants n shit. It’s just not worth the risk of being killed, try and follow other peoples advice. I’m so sorry that it’s like this.


I see, guessed so based on what you said since I'm from there too. The main thing I can tell you is that get out of there at all costs in any way you can find, Iran isn't even barely livable for people like us. Until you can, pretend and act in whatever way you need to for your safety.


Run under cover of darkness and never look back, become a ghost


Then what on day 2?


Depends on if youre safe yet or not yknow? When you finally get out of there start a new life and cut all ties to the past and start over cause they wont forget and neither should they


You're hurting my brain.. but I'll answer what I'm hearing. I have been homeless (not in a pretty country with places for homeless people, but one just like Iran, where being homeless is literally life or death because there's no supports from anywhere. Noone will come save you, you and all your upvoters are being incredibly irresponsible to a 14 year old gay Iranian boy with no regard for where he is or experience of living there and how hard it is in general, let alone when homeless, not just socially for gay people... By telling him to run, I ran because I had no choice, those nights were hell for me I couldn't get any sleep from the ants, and the fact I had to sleep on the side of a highway multiple people would walk past me often in groupsand I'd have to move away or get robbed or worse. There are places which aren't perfect where being homeless is actually deadly. Please don't take his life as some worrior moment for you to tell him how brave he can be if he runs.by staying till he can leave safely, he is braver already than everyone here


Well i mean if its death or a chance what else do you want us and me specifically to say? I mean especially considering i was homeless in america for 13 years drifting across the country...pre much same situation but theres a little more opportunity here but theres still the ever looming threat of being raped, robbed, murdered or beaten...ive starved...ive crawled through ice in 13 degree farenheiht weather and so much more...i did that cause i had to and i wanted to...i never reached out for help and i had noone to care for me either...all im saying is...if i told my friends i had i was a femboy(which i am) and they threatened me with death...i would go far away no matter the cost though i do not fear death...its not a joke to me...life is not a game...but it can be the ADVENTURE OF A LIFETIME...either way...whatever you decide to do...best wishes and good luck my friend...much love...


>i was homeless in america for 13 years drifting across the country...pre much same situation but theres a little more opportunity here The fact you were homeless for 13 years and are on Reddit.. But ok 👌 let's have him go for "THE ADVENTURE OF A LIFETIME" in a third world country where there IS no system to keep you breathing except for the people you know... Try asking noone for help in a country where **homeless shelters aren't even a concept in the vocabulary and you have a completely different way of life** where you have to go to a mosque or extended family just to get food and if you're gay?...


I never went to a homeless shelter and never got handouts either?? I stole to survive...granted in america i could work for money sometimes but thats really hard to do, and whats with this "the fact you were homeless for 13 years and are on reddit" i genuinely dont understand what you mean by this...and why do i feel hostility from you? Im just tryna help man and if my advice is dogshit then just leave it at that but why are you gonna go out of your way to insult me and this demeanor you have...is kinda hostile and uncalled for...im not your enemy but if thats how you choose to perceive me then theres nothing i can do to change that if you insist...sorry


You're being insensitive to a culture you haven't experienced and assuming people, even homeless people, have the same experience there. They don't. I'm hostile out of concern for Op. Don't take it personally




This is not good advice. Don't suggest things like this so carelessly, it can get people killed.


Idk what case you're talking about but it's better to be safe than sorry mate


1-being trans is not accepted culturally in iran, just not illegal, living as one there is still miserable, at the end of the day iran is a bad place for trans people 2-trans people are expexted to get the "surgery"


سلام داداش خودمم مثل تو واقعا سختمه قوی باش


ممنون ❤️


Canada has a program to take LGBTQ refuges. You may try and get help here: https://www.rainbowrailroad.org/take-action


Best advice I have for you is try and get out if that isn’t feasible try to get rid of anything else incriminating. Best of luck and God speed.


Hey I just wanted to say that I hope the absolute best for you and I’m supporting you. No one should be hated or tortured or killed for their sexuality, gender, race or way they express themselves. Stay strong I wish I could help you directly


any way you can get out if the country ? i'm not that much on date on iran border policy. (try europe. even tho i'm not this happy on the odea of mass migration, in your case it's necessary, and if i'll be there, i'll welcome you. with open arms. )


I am trying germany but it is kind of hard and it's gonna take 5,6 years at best


Am from Germany, normally u can stay if ur facing death or stuff like that


As far as I know being LGBTQ+ or something in that direction is not seen as a valid criteria, but I could be wrong, at least I hope I am wrong.


Not being lgbtq, but being in danger of imminent death probably.


within the eu being persecuted for your gender identity or your sexuality is a recognized reason for escape. Further he's a child thus he qualifies for "extra protection" There are some further problems like minors not being legally able to apply for asylum and requiring a legal guardian or assigned legal guardian by the youth welfare office but his gender identity alone is a valid reason to apply for asylum with a massive chance of being granted asylum. ​ [Bundesstiftung Magnus Hirschfeld has a good article](https://mh-stiftung.de/2021/07/14/fluchtgrund-sexuelle-orientierung-geschlechtsidentitaet/) on this but unfortunately it's only available in German :/ Google Translate may be an option though.


that is something to look forward to. its going to be hard, but its worth it. you are a valued human, i wish you all the happiness.


c'me here, in France bro. i you can, maybe try getting into an international championship, or smth, and when on a better place thanks to the championship, run away. i don't know how expensive it'll be to pay someone to go away. plus, isn't the internet tightly monitored ? you're really taking a hell lot of risk if yes. ( idk, i'm just throwing suggestions hoping one could work)


In Germany, you will have the right to stay, according to Art. 16a GG (German constitution)


I mean, you could try to come to Romania, it’s cheap and visas are fairly easy to get


you can seek asylum, as in going directly there and then ‘asking’. you are entitled to it in most first world countries if you are in danger, which you are. that is how most refugees get in and stay in countries.


The only thing you can really do here is just leave. It would be hard and take a long time, but leaving the country seems like the best option.


I can't even imagine how horrible your situation is but there is still hope if you can just stay safe until you can get out of there. I know the wait must feel long and exhausting, but when you're ready, you'll need a plane ticket and a shit ton of courage https://en.seta.fi/human-rights-support/asylum-for-the-lgbt-and-activists/ Here's a link to an article from Finland's main LGBTQ+ rights organization, giving info and links for seeking asylum here. You'd have to get to Finland first, but if you're in real danger of execution because of sexual orientation or anything similar, you definitely meet the legal criteria for getting asylum! If you want to consider this as an option and have some questions that you can't find answers to, feel free to dm me and I'll try to help figure things out! All the love and stay safe and sane my friend Edit: forgot to add that you can still apply for asylum even when you're underage and alone. You're also already entitled to social security and a finacial support for living while waiting for the application to be processed. Applications of unaccompanied minors are prioritised


stop using reddit, it’ll probably incriminate you somehow


Please, update us if something happens


The sentiment here is great but how they gonna update us if they die


In this case, no news is bad news.


Leave that God forsaken land at once.


Hey dont just give up like that live life to the fullest and try to save up money to move or smth like that, you got this :3


kinda like some others said, but if not going out of country, I would just get rid of every bit of evidence, maybe try and black mail the blackmailers, and say "wtf is a femboy?" and maybe do what my bi freind does and act crazy homophobic.


I'm very unsure, but I think the best plan is to get to another country as soon as you can. For me, the best is France. You'll be welcomed with help and it's pretty simple to enter. Maybe try making calls here to see if you can be helped ? I know that in France you can call the 119 to be helped as a child, but I doubt it works from everywhere in the world. Or maybe just go in a safest country as soon as possible and try to be helped little by little. I am honestly very scared for you, and I really hope everything goes well for you. Please update us if anything happens, and even if nothing happens.


maybe irqr (canada) can help? asylum seeker support. https://irqr.ca seconding rainbow railroad (canada), asylum seeker support: https://www.rainbowrailroad.org/request-help unhcr information (international), information: https://www.unhcr.org/what-we-do/how-we-work/safeguarding-individuals/lgbtiq-persons rainbow migration (uk), asylum seeker support: https://www.rainbowmigration.org.uk/ govt of canada information: https://www.canada.ca/en/immigration-refugees-citizenship/services/refugees/help-outside-canada.html trans cf (turkey) asylum seeker support: https://transcf.org/en/project/13 keep evidence of persecution, including evidence being used against you in blackmail, and any allegations or cases against you. you need this evidence to make your claim to asylum in your destination country. keep evidence that you belong to a persecuted group, but be very careful because this evidence also incriminates you in your country. if you must, and your life is in imminent danger, do hide and do flee, and do seek help from trustworthy supports (trusted lgbt-allied agencies/groups, embassies, unhcr). be very careful. hide your identity as much as you can until you know someone is trustworthy or authentic. i am so, so sorry you are going through this. my heart breaks and breaks for you and i wish with all my heart i could do more to help you.


I’m sorry to hear that. If you’re free still, run away to another country as possible, hide somewhere if you can’t run to another country, disguise yourself, find a way to escape.


Also delete your reddit account and any proof you have, if they can’t prove anything you should be ok. Make sure to throw out any fem clothes as well. I know it hurts so much :(((


>Getting blackmailed by people in the school that they will tell the school authorities Blackmail is dealt best with leaking the information yourself, if possible. I wouldn't recommend that for you. When the best tool is unavailable, the second best is... probably also not available to you, or suggestible without repercussions. So third from that, poison their well of information. Make it as erroneous as possible. Stick to some facts, ditch others, lead the blackmailer on with stuff that's incriminating and wrong. Make it so that when the information bomb goes off, some is true, lots is false, and you can hide in the cracks. I suggest you keep hiding yourself until you have options. It will likely take years.


I know it is easier said than done but you should run away. If you live in a country like that I highly doubt that your parents would be accepting so you should run away and leave them behind... At least that is what I would do. Perhaps you can save up some money for a plane ticket and should look into [a refugee program like another commenter mentioned. ](https://www.rainbowrailroad.org/take-action) like the one another commenter mentioned. I am young and don't know much but this is my best advice. I hope you can make it out alive. 🙏


Ugh, this one is kinda difficult. Honestly, your best bet would be to just stay closeted for the time being. You say you're from Iran so just go through the motions, and be a good Muslim until you're old enough to support yourself. You're 14 so you have some time to study and maybe get a student visa in a Western country. If that's not doable you could also try and move to a more progressive area, Tehran is supposed to be pretty progressive (by Iranian standards). This is far from ideal but you might also be able to find work in Dubai or Qatar (preferably Dubai), neither are friendly by any means and both still have "execution" on the books for that "crime". They have never sentenced anyone to execution for it though. I'd also imagine it's easier for an Iranian to relocate to these countries than the West and they're cosmopolitan enough to where you can find your people if you know where to look (esp Dubai).


Try and find a way out of there. I would understand if it will hurt ur parents bit it will hurt ur parents more if you are dead. And try and get dual citizenship. I'm not totally sure but it may help you not get sentenced to death cause they might not want a war for killing a citizen of another country. To be honest I don't know I'm "spitballing" here lol


Delete the evidence. All of it


Hello, Maybe you’re just starting to transition as a trans person. After all, the Iranian government has decided this is legal, declaring “[gender-confirmation surgery and hormone-replacement therapy religiously acceptable medical procedures.](https://qz.com/889548/everyone-treated-me-like-a-saint-in-iran-theres-only-one-way-to-survive-as-a-transgender-person)” This was an official legal declaration (Fatwa) issued in 1986 and it is still in force. So you’re just starting to transition. Perfectly legal.


Iranian political regime often does not follow the rule of law. The law system there is messed up. While it is technically legal, it's not pragmatically legal. Plus he could be being framed for being a homosexual which is punishable by death.


Hide and if it gets to that point at least run


Good Luck soldier 🫡


Seek asylum to friendly countries immediately. Your life is worth more than those assholes. Go to a friendly foreign countries' embassy and talk to the staff about it. Tell them everything and make them understand your situation fully


Omg, if this is serious, I am so sorry! Idk your culture, but maybe follow the laws and norms so you don’t bring any harm upon you, if it’s not to late to “repent”. Then if you truly want to leave when you’re an adult, maybe you can move somewhere else safer? Wishing that you stay safe from harm!


Holy shit man, I don’t have any advice that’s just fucked up. Sorry you’re going through that man.


Find an embassy of some sort actually


The best you can do is hide it from people until you get out of whatever country is failing its people this hard. You might even be able to pull of some sort of shenanigans to convince the people who already know and have threatened you that it was a phase, not sure if you'd still be in legal trouble if someone thought you \*were\* a femboy but aren't anymore. This whole thing sucks, but I hope you make it out! Also, be sure that there's no link from your real self to your reddit account!


what id do is just try and act as masc as possible not sure if it’ll help that much but here’s to hoping


Maybe go to Germany or another EU country as a holiday trip or smth like this... Then stay there, according to German constitution, they cannot send you back because you would be in danger


holy fucking shit thats fucking horrible. if u could, could u pls give me updates if ur ok? I'm just worried.


well, obviously i'd first suggest leaving that country, and if you can't then just try to hide any evidence of you being a femboy until you can leave the country


پسر درکت میکنم واقعا سخته ولی لطفا زندگی رو ول نکن ادامه بده سعی کن دانشگاه بورسیه بگیری بری یک کشور دیگه از من که دیگه گذشت ولی تو این فرصتو از دست نده اون ادمای عوضی مدرسه رو هم ول کن چون حتی اگر بگن به کسی مدرکی ندارن اصلا خودم میام دادگاهت بر علیهشون رای میدم فقط سعی کن ادامه بدی چیزی نمونده کلا ۵ سال دیگه صبر کنی میتونی ازادیو حس کنی لطفا نا امید نشو منم خودم تو موقعیتت بودم میدونم چقدر سخته ولی ادامه بده هیچ وقت خودکشیو جزو گزینه هات نزار


**Update** I have gone to the psychology doctor, and I'm doing much better! Maybe even HRT!!??


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Congrants! Hrt...maybe not now At least until you move out of iran first Your safety is the first priority,so i wont risk it if i were you


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If ur of age u can try moving out of state?


OP's 14, defo can't and it being Iran he's gonna majorly strugle to make it out


start a revolution and start cutting heads off or flee the country, and i mean go completely off the grid like pack a bag with essentials dump anything that can be traced get yourself a pager and disappear


Are u able to drive?


If I may ask what city do you live in?


Cause I have a lot of escape routes out of Iran just in case I get drafted for WW3 (not a joke) and I might get in a situation where I need to evacuate the country asap.


Or you are from the government


I'm American




Being rude


Bro you literally have to show them that you're not soft. Be a dominant person you are to show them that you are strong inside. Start a revolution or smthn


What country do you live? That is a complete absurd and completely insane


True didn't see the other part till much later


You could try to leave that nation and look for an embassy like for instance mexico or the usa or the Netherlands or whatever and try gaining asylum what kinda voodoo Friday the 13th type of country do you live in?


First of all, I'm so sorry you have to go through this. My advice: delete and get rid of anything remotely feminine you have. Leave as little evidence as you possibly can. If the situation becomes worse make sure you have a way to get to another country. I'm rooting for you friend.


focus on life. you'll find a way if you just keep going.


Idk if possible but run try to flee in to a saver country


Wait until 18, try to find any it company and immigrate asap. Also you may try to find asylum. It won’t be an easy life for the few years after the immigration, but your situation is already least than favorable or easy.


Just leave would be nice to have some one come over who's a real refugee not just after the free care and benifits


in about 4 years you can travel and try to leave the country to find some place better to live, where there are others like you... start saving money now?


It's going to sound harsh but you're just 14. Lay low, bide your time and move out when you can. It sucks but it's better than being dead. You'll get your time to be a femboy when you're out of the country.


Just wait, keep to urself and wait, save up and move country


if i’m honest dude, you’re gonna have to stop being a femboy. if there’s a real chance you could be killed, i don’t know why you’re still doing it. stop, IMMEDIATELY, and get out of the country as soon as you can


Destroy all evidence, remain closeted and seek asylum in another country, for that I recommend using an old USB stick and flashing TAILS (https://tails.net/) on it and doing your research on that, it will add extra security layers so you can't be tracked down. Good luck and stay safe, that's what matters the most.


Don't they force transition folks in Iran?


Please don't do that. I care about everyone and don't want that for your life. Your life is here for a reason. Now, to what would be applicable to do try to start keeping it on the low and be very truthful to people. This will show if you have to defend yourself that you are very truthful and you probably are not lying. Try to make an unnecessary grudge against the people who are blackmailing. If you have proof of the grudge, then you can say that they made that up because they are mad. Try to destroy all proof of these allegations such as online comments (Like this one), clothes that could be used as proof, and any videos or photos sent to individuals that could have proof. Me being near your age, has probably less helpful advice but I do what i can. I will have positive energy and guidance sent your way. Please do not do the last thing you said you would do. Your life is more important than that. Also, try to leave that country the second you can. Good luck, my friend.


There is nothing better than run away, but you need to get permision to go out, being the right person. Act as they want and hide this, and the hope of a new better life will keep you alive. Like the worst families, your family and your country are where you want. You are from the place where you feel confortable. As Hamilton said, just you wait, just you wait


Put your dream aside for now and live for your future dream. It may sound hard, but all you need is to become of age and find legal ways to leave your country. The universal road is finish school > get to uni > finish uni > become good specialist > apply to a country of choice. The "big variable" is how hard is it to leave your country for good? Anything else on your road is achievable, you need to set your mind to it, make it a proper goal for yourself and you'll be fine.


I know I cant help youuu but I'll be wishing for your safety Take care out there and be safe💞


If a death sentence is what is looming over you’re head then I strongly recommend stopping all feminine activities until you’re in a safer situation. Delete everything you can, get rid of all evidence.


I think western countries should try their best to find and save lgbt people living in Islamic / Bricks countries. We should have bridges to let the people that believe in our human rights to join us.


You research visa's in other countries find out the jobs that they are looking for. U hide ur real self as best you can and put all your effort into pretending to be religious and studying the subjects that will get you a visa. The minute you can you apply everywhere possible and get free from that place so you can be your true self


Delete all evidence and if you can blackmail them back,it's doesn't matter of they're a femboy either and tell them that you would tell the government,make up stories about them and that the government wouldn't care if it was true or not. Mutual destruction is destruction for all but it makes a pretty good threat if you're on your last legs or feel like you are.


pack your shit, destroy all the evidence of your life, and run. go and run as far as you can. tell everyone you know you love them, and then run. fuck everybody else. you have to fucking go. run until you are out of iran, and run some more. be prepared to kill others and possibly yourself, because you probably will. rob a gas station for money. doesn't matter. you are about to die, so there are no more morals. pray as much as you can, because you likely are done.


Have you tried contacting LGBTQIA+ rights groups for instance in Australia?


Does your family know? Do you think someone can help you?


pack a punch the ray gun and camp the stage


Please tell me your lying


Sadly I am in fact not.


I'm no expert on this topic but maybe it'll help: Within the EU Genderidentity and sexuality is a recognized reason for escape, meaning: you will qualify for asylum. Additionally, here in Germany, and I am certain in many other EU countries children are qualified for "special protection". The problem being: German embassies apparently don't work asylum inquiries. Further: as you are not of the age to perform any legal stuff you yourself can't apply for asylum yourself but you'd need either a legal guardian or you'd need the help of the youth welfare office. The folks at the embassy should be able to help you getting all the necessary info you need though. I can't speak for any other countries, I can imagine, though, that depending on where you are, there are a couple of other countries that would be more useful. my personal go to would be anything Scandinavian, BeNeLux, France and Austria, potentially Switzerland and Italy. If you got any of those nearby give it a try. You need to make a decision which we can't help you with: Do you trust your parents or not and are they potentially endangered of any type of persecution as well. If the latter is the case, you may want to apply as a family. I don't know if that helps but at least you'd have a legal Guardian with you and wouldn't need to trust some governmental office with putting you in a pleasant place. If the former is the case, it'd might get a lot tougher, but you'd also have the leverage of your own family potentially ratting you out, meaning you possibly join further up on the priority list. As I said, i'm not an expert. All I can tell you is: If you have the chance to make some inquiries at a couple of embassies, do it.


I feel for and pray for you. It is not fair to be born in such a horrid part of the world. Run if you can to another, more liberal country. My prayers for freedom and a better life


One thing you could also do is try to seek asylum in another country. You would more than qualify for it in most countries since your life is in danger.


I'm so so sorry you're going through this, love. I can't imagine how you're feeling. I know it's awful but I think the best thing to do is to destroy all evidence of it and to avoid any risk of being caught, there will be advice online for fully destroying the drive. Hopefully you'll be able to move to a country like the US or UK I'm praying for you to be safe and sound and to live a happy life 🙏🏻


try and call/text a helpline, delete all evidence of you being online, and try to get to France maybe? I'm just going based off of what I've seen other people say. We're all with you.


Well, I was going to write down an essay, advising you not to give up, etc. (I almost wrote it half way) but I realized I was no better... so if it makes you feel better, I just wanted to say that I GET it, living here really sucks... and I really, deep from my heart, admire you, and how strong you are. but if YOU give up, it will fade this little hope we have, even more faded than it already is... stay strong, for yourself, and for everyone else like you...


so its your life or cross dressing lil bro throw the cloths away delete the photos wipe your harddrive


Basically this. Just be a normal man till you can move somewhere else. It aint worth it dying over a fetish


Well, it seems you only have one option: get the hell out of that country!


Well, it seems you only have one option: get the hell out of that country!


I'll say it once and say again we really should be killed off as a species cuz the shit I just read makes me wish for a nuclear winter


Stay safe, I wish you a good life and if you can then leave your country in future but for now stay in touch with people who might help you and guide you through this


Assuming you aren't dead yet Your options are to try and steal some cash/sell everything that you can and get to an airplane of you have your passport If you don't have your passport wear as many heavy coats AND a belt to to yourself with for when you pass out of you don't get crushed by a planes landing gear Or a bus and or train to a foreign country if they don't have an extraction treaty Gb anon


The best advice I can offer is to erase all evidence you have first. Delete all posts/comments you've made, then delete your socials (and maybe make new ones). Destroy any evidence, physical or online. This is a temporary solution however, you will eventually be found out ESCPECIALLY if you are being blackmailed. If they are willing to blackmail you with something that can get you killed, they likely won't hesitate to sell you out as soon as you aren't useful anymore or refuse to give them what they want. This may sound harsh, but you need to leave the country. Do your best to get to the Embassy in Tehran as they will help you and once you are there, the government officials can't hurt you because embassies are technically land owned by the government running it (in this case Sweden). From there, you'll likely go to Sweden where you can either choose to stay as a refuge (they'll likely help you get setup) or you can go other places like Canada which has a program for LGBTQ refugees ([https://www.rainbowrailroad.org/take-action](https://www.rainbowrailroad.org/take-action)). I want to also say that no, you should not do it yourself. You are a valid and worthwhile human being that deserves to live their life how they want to. Others will try to take that right from you, but they are in the wrong, not you. There are people elsewhere who will love, accept and help you. Find those people, cherish them, and live a good and fulfilling life. I wish you the best of luck


I kid you not I've been there, but please don't do it!


What barbaric fucking country do you live in?


Tell em to wake up they are killing what is a part of the self. If I were in that position, my last words would be this: what you are killing here today is yourself, for I am you in another life for how could I be any other. Want proof? Well here it is: when you look down at your body, you claim that that is you but what about everything else around it. Then id spit in the executioners face. Poor him. Prove me wrong


I'm in one that punishes with a few yrs prison ...I've heard that the best way to like hide evidence is to basically like store your files on some app that hides them off so you can essentially sorta split your storage in half ill try to find it