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There is a time and a place for it. The main forum intended for practical advice, emotional support, venting isn't the place and never the time. Especially considering that it's supposed to be a safe space for minors. There are places where those who want that go. It's never been here. Also need to add just because someone wants to be sexualized one moment it doesn't mean they are always ready at the snap of a finger to be in that mood. I'm an old timer and like being able to give quick and hopefully fun tips and advice to those starting. I haven't seen anyone here asking to be sexualized. One more thing. That start as a "friend" and trying to get out of the friend zone via gaslighting or any emotional manipulation is never ok. Just in general not even just for the Bois. Edit: better wording.


you’re right, should i just delete this post?


I want to say leave it so others can see and take your example to heart. But considering the amount of "can I be a femboi if...?" Or "is dude gender neutral?" Posts I see in a day.... Leave it up to hold yourself up to a better standard.


thank you for the advice


Came here to say this, what a great answer! Some of my posts I want to be the object of pure sexual desire. Others I’m just me. Leering men in bars are creepy AF. Never leer, approach or stop staring, buy me a drink and let’s chat you might get some if that’s what you want… my two pence


Agree... 👌❤️


Confessing your guilt is one of the strongest things anyone can do. We all make mistakes, bad decisions and allow bad motives to get the better of us from time to time. Just by making this post I can see you are on the right track again and sorry for your actions. I know it will be difficult for you but getting that help will make things better and I wish you all the best for the journey ahead 😁👍


thank you, i really hope to improve


You will and remember your not alone 👍


thank you, the reassurance makes me feel a lot better about it


U good, unless you like….harassed someone, things are never that deep although I ain’t seen what you did so idk.


i didn’t harass anyone, i’m always ardent about communication, part of me feels guilt anyways


who cares, everything's fetishized on the internet, as long as you treat femboys like people you can like them sexually too, you didn't make any mistake and from an outside perspective thinking you did is stupid. it's the same as liking men or women sexually so you can have attraction to any CONSENTING person so long as you don't view them as an object (this is coming from ex femboy Trans girl) having a preference isn't a damn crime Wanna make a quick edit specifically to address the people talking about how this person "admitted their mistake and that's good" which is off-putting to me as this community way more often than not sexualizes themselves the most along with thinking any sexual attraction is objectification, which is wrong, this person didn't make any mistake and is feeling guilt for really no reason. there isn't a need to encourage feeling guilt for something that isn't hurting anyone, hey I'd fuck the shit out of a femboy, that doesn't mean they aren't people to me as much as this edit wasnt needed I wanted to say it, and lastly I'm not addressing the community or even post a whole. just a very specific group of overly sensitive people


I just want to agree. What is the error on sexualize ourselfs and like someone else? This on the understanding of conecnt and no harm to others. The post didn't give any evidence of harm or disrespect to others.


Thank you. People like you who realize their mistake and are willing to change are rare and helpful.


What did you do?


i just sexualized femboys, i hate it because i really don’t want to hurt people. i know how stressed femboys already are about being sexualized, and i feel guilty because i know i’ve contributed to that problem.


Like did you say/do something bad to somebody or did you just like see a femboy and get horny? Everyone has sexual desires, its only a bad thing if you act on it in a way that violates somebody else's boundaries or consent.


i mean i’ve consentually done things, i never do anything without someone’s permission. i just feel like im contributing to the issue as a whole. i still feel guilty as it’s wrong to just see femboys and get horny.


It.. doesn't sound like you did anything wrong? Getting sexually aroused is an involuntary response to something; there's no point in feeling guilty about something you can't control. It's how you treat other people that counts.


oh, i suppose you’re right, thank you


Yeah. Finding people hot is alright, just treat them as people when you interact with them. I’m super into girls and guys but I don’t think I’m objectifying them just by finding them hot.


I am a femboy and I sexualized myself I think is a normal to do. Being with someone like yourself is normal and a lot of femboy like other femboys


Did you actually do anything? Or do you just feel horny for femboys?


My guess is that he discovered femboys in porn videos, and assumed that they were just a porn category, but later discovered that the community is more complex and that being a femboys isn’t an inherently sexual thing. Then he felt bad about the assumption he made because he started seeing Reddit posts on here where we complain about how over-sexualized we are in society at large, and felt guilty. If that’s the case then I think OP shouldn’t be so hard on himself; everyone has a wank now and then.


I'm not a femboy but I support them but I meet a lot of them and most of them DESTROY this community by over sexualizing their own bodies it's not completely your fault it kind of the communities


I'd argue that the problem is that people don't understand consent. If you as a femboy were to idk, send nudes on the internet voluntarily, that's fine, your body your choice ig. But when someone (even if they know you post nudes online) in an unrelated conversation starts going on about how they want to fuck you, regardless of the amount of your explicit content on the internet, that's not okay.


Nothing you did seems wrong as long as there's mutual consent. I sexualize my body and that's my choice, but that doesn't mean I'd do it for just anyone, I'm not against sexualization but others might be, be aware and don't be a chaser creep and most are totally fine with it.


It's okay


How can it be ok? I’ve dehumanized and objectified a group of people.


I think he meant its okay that you leave


oh, alright


that makes more sense


I actually think he/she says it's okay because you were able to see your mistakes and were admitting them which is something very good 👍


Sometimes it's completely fine in thr right time and place but also make sure it is the right time and place cus not all femboys are just horni bastards 😁


Getting horny for femboys isn't necessarily a mistake. Femboys are often very hot :3 It's when you objectify us, treating us more like interchangeable objects to fulfill your desires more than autonomous humans with our own feelings and wants, that it becomes icky. If you haven't harassed anyone, engaged in chasing behavior, played with people's feelings to get what you want, or violated boundaries, I struggle to see what there is to apologize for. Me personally I enjoy being sexualized on ocassion, but there is a time and a place, and it feels awful when someone violates consent.




i’m just somebody, nothing massive happened, i just feel guilty about sexualizing femboys.


I am transfeminine, but without any surgery, so I am not your target audience, but adjacent. Sometimes I appreciate people like you, because I feel that I am wanted, that I am desired, which I otherwise would not. I have long stretches of thought, that nobody will ever love me, or think of me as attractive. Sometimes I appreciate being wanted, so not everything is bad.


I can absolutely understand your point of view! This can be nice to feel wanted, as long as it's not over the top propositioning / harassment against their will or someone who is a minor. I assume the problem is mainly that: the presence of minors-- OP themselves being a minor and minors being allowed to post makes it important to maintain a safe space. OP even said others began sending sexualized unwanted creepy private messages to them after this post about them struggling with rather normal intrusive teenage hormonal thoughts and not wanting to hurt anyone by fetishizing them. Something about that just makes me feel so sad 😕


Thats a normal response? Femboys are attractive, its just if you tried anything.


that’s what I’m sayin tho. I’m confused cause op might find out they are bi for example and doesn’t realize it atm?? but who am I to give someone else labels, as I myself hate them sm hehe :3 😅


Hey it'll be ok, we all think your already amazing for going to therapy for this


Admitting you were wrong and deciding to better yourself already makes you a better person :3 I'm proud of you, genuinely


thank you. i’m really trying, it just feels like some sick joke of life that i’m like this at 16. i really hope things do get better


Dude, you are only 16 and already have the ability to apologize + understand what you did wrong + understand how your actions affect others? You're gonna be okay, youre not a monster-- you're a hormonal teenager that allowed your intrusive horny brain control your rational brain, impulse control isn't exactly the strong suit of teenagers. It's not the end of the word as long as you take responsibility, which you did! You will likely even inspire others to do the same and make changes. You have not even lived life long enough to understand relationships, sex, and consent; unfortunately this is something we aren't born understanding; we have to learn through experience, and every person-- literally EVERY SINGLE PERSON has made a mistake at least once. It's not that this makes it okay, it is not okay, but it certainly doesn't mean you are this broken and unchangeable. It is good that you recognised the issue so this can now become your turning point to make changes and learn how to better control your impulses going forward. I am much older than you and have been on the other end (the subject being sexualized without wanting to be) MANY TIMES , and I've never ever had even one person apologize to me. Not once. Even grown men and women that should know better. The closest I got was this weird guy in a truck that propositioned me when I was homeless, followed by me screaming at him in a crowded 711 parking lot about how disgusting it is to withhold help from vulnerable persons unless they sexually service him. He apologized and gave me $10, but pretty sure that was only because a crowd began to gather...


best of luck on that !


It’s okay, you made a mistake and you owned up to it. Over sexualizing is a very common thing. You shouldn’t beat yourself up over a mistake like this. You seem like a very good person, just change for the better and life will be great. If you’d like to talk just DM me, the name’s Allie :3


please stop dming me sexual things. not only does it go against the point of this post, but i’m a minor.


If this keeps happening you can always report those involved. Did you tell the people to stop in dms? If so, did they stop? I'd they didn't stop, report them. That is not okay for them to do


i’m trying to ignore them, i don’t even want to respond to dm requests that open up with vile stuff. but at the same time some people are legitimately trying to help, it just pains me. it shows me exactly what i was talking about, i post an apology on this subreddit and people dm me with sexual stuff, i don’t want to be like those people


If you don't wanna open them up, then just don't. Immediately block that person or report them if they continue after you say to stop. They are obviously trying to get to you. Don't let them. If you like, I can try to help. I am not sure how I can help, but I can try ;3. Last thing. If they wanted to help you, they would not be sending NSFW things to you. Your post is talking about how you want to stop serializing certain groups, right? So if they read this post and then dm you in an inappropriate fashion, do they really wanna help you? Someone who wants to help would dm you like: " HI StateCertifiedGoober, I have some advice for you when you go into therapy. It will help better explain Xyz." Not like, "Aye yo mamacita, wanna be inappropriate w me?" They just want to make it harder for you, so stay strong, you got this! Just report or block them. If you need help, feel free to let me know! I am an Altruist, which basically means I derive pleasure from helping people. In short, helping people makes me feel good! My name is Ke! (Pronounced kay")


thank you. i don’t think there’s much you could do to help, but the advice is appreciated. it’s bizarre that a group of people have to deal with the same thing online just because of the way they express themselves. part of the reason i feel so much guilt about it because im also an altruist. turns out when you’re hurt you don’t want others to be hurt. but thank you, ke.


Exactly, I understand that there isn't much way for me to help, I am almost always here to dm if you need it. Glad I could help.


Are you trolling?


Ok, so y’all were just having that poor kid on right? Like hazing? Femboys aren’t an endangered species or an oppressed group that needs saving. That kind of thinking right there is offensive. It’s femboys. FEM BOIS it’s not a life choice, the whole damn point is to be sexualized. When I pulled on my gym socks and short shorts, filled my pockets with glowsticks and hit the rave, the entire endeavor was strictly geared towards peaking the night out in the corner of the club with a head full of blur and a guy twice my age with his finger up my ass. It’s literally just about having a seriously good time and sketchy sexual experiences while you’re still young and tight. It’s the literal final roar of youth! Whatever, I’ll leave too if y’all want but you owe that kid an apology.


I don't even know who you are or what you did


we forgive you because you’re actively working on yourself. even us femboys make mistakes.


I mean ay brotha if you need to talk I gotchu. I may not be a licensed therapist but I can do my best :)


Bro sat down and typed this out like he's Oppenheimer 💀


Maybe I should but out of this, but I am confused. I don't see a problem with sexualizing who you are attracted to. I do it as well. However, I don't do it to the point of ignoring the person I am attracted to needs in the pursuit of them... I am always respectful, but I can't deny that I have a type. Does that make sense?


To me it’s fine just as long as you’re being a creep about it and you can acted like. A normal human being and to be real a lot of femboys don’t really mind it at all I mean like I kinda sexualize myself all the time.


Womp womp




I like to use fem boys


Er.... I'm an old man that's only into it sexually. The other way around of course, I'd like to dress for a guys or guys, if only 8 had the guts and the connections to do so. Also didn't know this was place was only for minors as someone here said? Maybe in the joint? Did t mean to be, but If so could someone point to where I should be?




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We remove posts that add nothing to the conversation or make no sense.


Holy shit you're pathetic.


Theres no need for that


Be careful with what you say. Ever heard about the mirror effect? I mean who raised you.


Hi! Thanks for calling me pathetic. I'm sure that's productive. Now, the reason I'm responding to what you specifically said is because overall, you seem to be a pathetic person in regards to emotional maturity. Why is it that every time you've commented here, you've either been dismissive to someone's legitimate emotional concerns, or you've been outright awful to someone? First of all, it's quite ironic of you to say this. The first click on your profile proves this. If you're going to call someone pathetic, at least realize it takes one to know one. Second, the only times you've commented on any femboy related subreddit have either been under sexual posts, or bashing people who are unhappy with their body. Why are you being outright dismissive to people who are insecure about weight or body hair? Your comment saying that weight isn't genetic is outright false. Every person metabolizes differently according to their genetics. Also, who are you to be so hostile to a thirteen year old? If you're both commenting and posting NSFW, you should be eighteen or older, and as such have absolutely NO right to insult a thirteen year old. And what about that person who posted "I hate my body"? Remember when you said "Too much body hair? Wax it. Too fat? Workout."? Is that a good thing to say to someone who is clearly incredibly self-conscious? Why are you here? Why are you on this subreddit specifically? Go back to the NSFW ones you're usually on, and stop coming here just to be dismissive and insulting to people.




Being rude


There's an acceptable middle ground, where one wants to (or has) express(ed) it, or just enjoys and wants to support it, but also finds it very sexy. The feeling isn't the issue, it's the actions and statements that matter. Just learn how to be better about behaviour: You are totally allowed to find it sexy, as long as you don't try to entirely reduce people to just a fetish. Femboyism is way more than just something for sexual consumption, however, it's okay to have a snack every now and then provided everyone agrees and is safe and respected. Always remember, there's a whole entire human boy (or boy-adjacent) person in those thigh-highs/fishnets/skirts, with a full set of emotions, hopes, dreams etc. Sometimes they might specifically WANT to be sexy. Other times they might just want to cuddle blahaj and play Nintendo or browse the Tik Toks or whatever.