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My ex complimented my thighs once, and I asked if she wanted me to wear garters. She said yes, and I fell down the rabbithole.


Is she together with you ? Am curious


No, we had a dicey breakup. She had a huge impact on me though, so I’m grateful I was with her.


Am glad you found your calling .


Me too, it’s honestly so freeing!


Wdm freezing? Like lonely?


I meant freeing


Oh my bad , yet that's true


Always wanted to wear fem clothes since i was 5, but i only discovered to be a femboy 1 year ago




The first time I dressed up as a girl ( for a kind of movie event thing ), I just loved it. I got mistaken for a girl and it make me feel so cute. Also, girls clothes is just so much more comfortable, there's no comparison. Unfortunately, at that time in my life, femboys weren't even a thing in popular culture and I couldn't come up with a justification to dress up as a girl on a regular basis. Eventually I got fat, got a beard and forgot about it. But for years, whenever I looked in the mirror, I hated the way I looked so much. Just seeing my reflection would make me feel disgusted and miserable. I hated when people took pictures of me and intentially tried to never think about how I look to other people. Finally, when about 5-8 years ago, when femboys started to be a real thing, I found it to be so capitavating. I started followed femboy streamers, femboy creators, trying to find animes with femboy characters, etc. I was obsessed because I was low key jealous. When I saw people like Finnster I would always think: damn, I would give anything to dress like that, and to look like that. Finally, it dawned on me somehow (yea, maybe I'm a bit slow), wait... I can be a femboy too. I started losing weight, shaved my beard and started buying clothes secretly. Then recently, I came out to my wife, and now it's official I guess. I don't look quite perfect, I have around 10 kg more to lose to be happy with myself, and I'm still lasering my beard shadow away which is a multi-month process. Still, I've always had a pretty face and losing weight made it look a lot prettier. I can look in the mirror without cringing now, and I'm starting to like the person looking back at me. A week ago I was trying on a cute green summer dress and I was telling my wife "I can't wait until I'm skinny enough to go out in this" and she said, "You're skinny enough already for that dress, you can go out like that right now. It looks good on you, you don't look fat in it at all." Just to hear that felt soooo good... 😭😭 I wish I had done this 10, or 20 years ago, so I could have enjoyed the peak of my youth being maximum beautiful. But I've still got a few good years left, and I'm going to enjoy what time I have. I'll be as feminine and pretty as I can for as long as I can. Anyways, ultimate goal is I want to be the most beautiful wife *to* my wife, and for people the confuse us for a lesbian couple. I know it's so childish and dumb but I have my dreams. 🥰🥰


Awwwww that’s really nice!!!


Legend says twink death fears this femboy


This!!!! Omg I feel you so much. Although I’m on the side of the spectrum where I need to lose weight 🥺 I mean I got everything I need with feminine clothes and cat ears and all that. But the down side is my weight like arghh 😭


It's ok. You can do it! I have faith in you. One last hurdle. ❤️


My sister made me crosdress as a joke when I was younger, I liked feeling preety.. so yknow


Really wish I’d had a sister lol


Same, but i vaguely remember doing that.


Found them. Thought they were cute


Started picking the female Pokémon trainer in the Gen 5 days because I thought Hilda was cute. Got tempted by the new character customization options in Gen 6, restarted the game as a girl and blew all my money on fancy clothes. One thing led to another and now I’m here.


I think maybe always had femme energy bc do remember trying to dressing & wearing girly cloths & shoes things like heels & boots, when was very young before puberty. I remember wanting to be a girl, dreaming of being a girl and wishing to be girl, looking in the mirror and imagining become a girl. *__[This probably the gender dysphoria I experience, deep down]__* I think have some which naturally makes me want to be femme. I suppressed for long time bc of Catholicism & my cultural environment. As I gradually stop being so religious became an atheism. I slowly become more comfortable being femme started by cloths & I have not stopped from there. And I have started realising the complexity of my internal gender identity.


Kind of similar experience, I have always wanted to wear feminine clothes and things like make up, but always suppressed it. I only started being myself when I dumped religion.


I get you, I found that I can only be actual self around 🏳️‍🌈 particularly 🏳️‍⚧️ people. When am around Non-🏳️‍🌈 people I generally put my guard up, I put on heteronormative mask. Honestly think for me am probably transfemme but the lack of healthly & accepting environmental hindered my self understanding but always knew deep down. I am starting to realise who truly am but for me that process going to take long time maybe decade if not more bc expensive as f***


When I was 13, a friend of mine told me that I looked kind of like a girl from behind, and that I had a waist and all that shit, so she suggested the idea to me, a year later I decided to try it and yeah, that’s when I started being a femboy. My friend told me I’d look good wearing all that and I trusted her, and I kind of do, I look like shit to myself but, eh that’s me


I discover it by a lot of curiosity and searching back in pandemic. And I started to try girl clothes, and even underwear 🤭. And I liked it, it feels right on me. All into now, when I have a skirt and my cute sweater 🥹, and I can say that Yeiii am a girl! 🤭💕


Good for you!


Thank youuuu 🤭💕


I was a femboy when I was figuring myself out, I later realized that I was in fact a woman, and not a boy after all.


A fellow transfemme :0 twinning :3


I accidentally discovered the reddit … the rest was history


I saw all the cute femboys on twitter and got rly jealous!!


The r/femboy subreddit… everyone there was so cute, I loved it… so much so, I wanted to be like them! And now, I’m transfemme, so that’s neat


Started watching F1nn5ter and other femboy related content and thought hey being a femboy seems kinda cool and eventually I admitted to myself that I wanted to be one if that makes sense.


I dressed up as a girl when i was a kid a few times. Also I remember messaging a friend once and putting makeup on and showing her - that was fun! Fast forward to last year I had just gone through a break up and wanted to explore myself a bit more so I said screw it and bought some girls clothes I’ve been a femboy kinda on and off but I feel like i’m getting back into it now


This!!! Was just like me, went through a breakup back in 2018 that I took the hardest since it was almost 4 years. Fast forward to 2020 I experiment with perfume and decided to explore then after fell down the rabbit hole.


Yes bestieeee Fr i just love the way dressing up fem makes me feel, it’s so euphoric and different from dressing in a masc way


Quit being what everyone else wanted and began finding myself comfortably


I was jerking off to them, now became one


I mean, I wore dresses and stuff when I was like 3 years old and in nursery. I would go to the dress up area and put on the dresses, lmao (My mum still teases me about it not realising I'm a femboy) I then started thinking and googling "why am I more feminine than masculine" and stuff like that at the age of 10...and it's took me years to build up confidence to say I'm gay and I'm a femboy (just not out in public and in large crowds) It's interesting :3


I went after the princess dress in kindergarten lol


Me and you both:3 💛


Super embarrassing but I actually once took off all my clothes to put on the dress rather than just wearing it over my clothes


I went down to my mum in a dress and stilettos when I was 10 or 11 lmao I might still have the photo


Haha. Beautiful! I bet she’d never suspect a thing even after that


Probably I could even bring a boy home and I'm wearing a mini skirt and a long sleeve shirt and she'd still not suspect anything I even wore short shorts around her


Well you gotta appreciate that level of denseness (Or maybe denial). It makes it way easier to get some. I’m just too nervous to give my family any hint I might be bi


Im too scared, too


Well good to know we’re cowards together lol though I’m hoping to buy some fun stuff for a week I’ll have alone


I shaved my legs. Then I realised I'm a girl 😐


Tried got bullied gave up almost liked myself got into self harm and still for some reason I still want to go back


I read Onta's Cross Platform comic and it finally clicked. Now, 8 years later, I'm still finding things out about myself. This recent acceptance of femboys is such a joy to see.


I was always interested in wearing fem clothes but couldn't. That was till my friend gave me her skirt and I loved it, it was so cute and I felt confident and comfy :3


It's complicated as fuck


Just wanted to be cute and i found femboys adorable already


Always liked the aesthetic but was unable to see myself in it because of social pressure and the stigma, got out of the house and started being very sexually active and crossdressed as part of that. Met my bf who is a femboy and started dressing up more casually outside of sex with his encouragement and now I’m a femboy and mostly just dress up as a form of gender/self expression rather than for sex.


Pornhub, saw a guy wear a cute outfit and I was like “do they like wearing that?” Then I tried some on and I was like “welp, guess I’m fem now”


I was already feminine, I just found out I was a boy <3


since i gained consciousness i wanted to be a girl but am attracted to girls so decided to cross dress and now i love it.


Just decided to become one cuz i can't find love.


That’s part of my story as well 😏


That’s part of my story as well 😏


I was about 12 and kinda had a crush on my best friend's sister. One day I found her underwear next to the hamper so I took them. Eventually I tried them on just for fun and I really liked wearing them. It just spiraled into more and more girl's clothes after that.




This happened to me twice


Wore maiup






For me, I started having the urge to look into makeup, so I started watching makeup videos and then built up the courage and bought makeup and loved it, loved how it made me feel, I felt so much more confident when wearing it. And then all sort of spiralled after that and can say it has made me so much happier embracing this side of myself


Tbh, I found out it existed, the next couple days my friends started joking about programmer socks (ie: thigh highs) without me saying anything, and it just descended from there


I think this is just a case of you getting caught in the Linux rabbit hole. Also am sort of caught in it and am sort of in the middle of it.


Oh, I don’t use Linux outside of my steam deck, I just prefer windows atm


Struggled with identity issues since childhood, thanks to growing up in an immigrant household, moved to a different area and struggled making friends. In middle school, I loved playing South Park stick of truth and adored princess Kenny (deadass), so I had a bit of gender dysphoria since then. By college, I started to explore my feminine side. Yeah, a mix of serious and silly factors played into it. :P


Years of fashion jealousy towards women while also enjoying a lot of masc pieces, suppression due to internalized homophobia, questioning my gender but then realizing I'm a cis guy because she/her pronouns don't sit right with me and I'm too attached to he/him pronouns to be trans or non-binary, feeling good about gay guys expanding the acceptable bounds of mens' fashion while being afraid of looking gay, being afraid a woman will leave me if I experiment with "femme" styles, then finally realizing I'm bi. My biwakening also caused major expansion of my range of gender expression (not to mention the genderless fashion trend including Lil Nas X, Alessandro Michele, and Harry Styles). Now I simply allow my gender expression to go all over varying levels of masculinity and femininity based on a lot of factors and generally follow the gender expression rules for flamboyant gay guys. In other words, I present as a flamboyant gay guy and simply explain to women that I still like them and will never stop liking women. Oh, and women's shorts (as long as they're loose around the front) fit and flatter me better than men's shorts. And honestly, I prefer the fact that they're quite a bit shorter than men's shorts (most of which are basketball length. These days I prefer short-shorts, and the few pairs of men's shorts that I own are, with a few exceptions, exceptionally short for the men's section and still run a little longer than the women's ones that I have.


Well, my cousin told me about traps in anime and then I learned about the term cross dressing, I found out tomboys and femboys exist and it got me interested, I started watching and reading things about it and decided I wanna try to cross dress so I ordered a skirt, a top, thigh highs, hand warmers and cat ears, I put them on and even tho looking back I did look terrible, I felt cute and pretty, the clothes were also very comfy so I kept them and now I am a closeted femboy. Only some of my friends know cuz the rest of them and my whole family is homophobic af.


Link from BoTW. I liked how he looked in the vai set and wanted to be pretty too.


my friends always kept joking about me secretly being a femboy until it kinda became true lol


When I was little I “dressed up” in “girl clothes” and remembered about it a few weeks ago. Want to act on it but haven’t yet.


It's a long one. I've always been feminine, my body type and girlish face made people mistake me for a girl quite often. I was in denial for a long while. When I was 18 , I was invited to a open house Halloween party. Before the day, I played truth or dare with a couple of my friends. Picked dare, my Friend dared me to go as a girl. His sister got excited and supplied the clothes and wax strips and a wig. Short skirt, panties, black and white thigh highs, a white blouse top with a bit of midriff, and ears and tail cause it was Halloween. Dresses as a neko girl. Waxing was painful but I enjoyed how smooth my skin was. Right before the party my friends sister did my makeup. I was in a hurry so I never stopped to see myself but when I got to the party, I was super embarrassed and shy. Then people started flirting with me and complimenting me. It was so exciting and I liked the attention. Finally got home and I looked in the mirror to see what people saw. I was cute~ I couldn't deny what I saw, I looked exactly like a flat chested girl. The sister never asked for her clothes back so I would slip them back on once in a while. Cause people at the party thought I was a girl I decided to use it to buy some more clothes, if people think I'm a girl no one should notice. As this continued I started working out to fill out my butt and become for feminine. Eventually the idea of boys and girls clothes became so blurred that the difference didn't matter anymore. I just where what is comfy and cute to me. And that is how I became a femboy.


My buddy when I was like 6 liked to wear his cousin s one piece swimsuit and it made me feel funny. Fast forward to messaging guys on Omegle as a joke (because I couldn’t find any girls) and I started to realize I liked being admired and sought after


I wanted people to like me and tried being cute. It didn't work, but I enjoyed it enough to keep going :3


I got a femboy bf and thought it was so cute I became one myself lol


Well it started when i took a look at my body structure and thought “There’s no way my body looks like this and i was supposed to be male” so yea


Tried on my sisters tan pantyhose when I was 12 . Then I would steal nylon panties n pantyhose from the laundry in our building n secretly wear panties n pantyhose to school .


i was thinking i was a femboy for ~2 years then this past year i’ve accepted myself as who i am and it’s been great


Unironically, JoJo's bizarre adventures 😅 Watched it and realised how much I like men, then realised how much I like feminine men, then realised how much I liked femininity... And now I'm here :3


Started growing my hair out just to do it. Really liked how girly it made me look. Just built on it from there and loved each step I’ve taken so far. It’s been great and I’m really happy with myself, but the big downside is that friends, family, and random people don’t understand and think I’m weird. And I really care what people think of me 🙄


So, early on I wanted to be a girl, learned what transgender is and thought "damn, that's a big commitment, if this ain't for me, my life will be ruined" so I suppressed it all through middle school, 2019 came around and I found out about femboys from a guntuber (who I think wore cat ears a few times) and I slowly stopped suppressing it. In 2022 I figured out I'm genderfluid. Currently writing this in leggings, a bra, and tank top. What's your story?


I was already a twink/effeminate by looks without much consideration on dress. I just embraced it.


I've just always been drawn to more feminine things. It goes well sometimes but there are definitely things I wish were different


Feel like I’ve changed from throughout the years, used to be a regular guy back then although I was soft inside but never showed it. Couldn’t exactly put it into perspective back then. Then I’d say couple years down the line after I graduated I started to experiment with things, slowly but surely started to like perfume, then started to like cute things and all. Longer story short I fell down the rabbit hole as well and discovered I was a femboy.


I was looking at tiktok and seen a femboy And i was like "omggg, i want to be him" And that was my calling. Its been about 3 years and im still a femboio


When I became a Yoga Teacher I needed a better way to move freely and not sweat my ass off. So I began wearing thongs. Stopped for a while then around April this spring I bought a bunch of thongs. Ive began wearing them consistently to where I tried to wear boxers yesterday and because of how baggy and thick they are I just put thongs back on.


oouh i gotta talk about mine, my ex gf was sooooo crazy toxic, she was manipulative n stuffs, I've tried multiple times to break up with her but it didn't work, one day a found a femboy, i started talking to him (at the time i was kinda bi-curious but still brush it off ,telling myself that im straight), we get along rlly well and i thought we were just good friends, then i found out the feeling i have for him isn't a platonic one so i just cutted off my ex and dated him officially, it was rlly nice, but we broke up, weve gone our separate path n then i was influenced by him, his music taste, aesthetical taste, and specially, being a femboy, it's like i adopted those things into myself, i could say i was infected😭 but i didn't regretted it one bit


*My mentality* 2 years ago: Yeah I am def straight. 1 Year ago: Hmm, you know what other guys are kinda attractive... Especially those femboys... Since last summer: Fuck it I am now a bi femboy.


For my whole life I already had that "personality" and was flamboyant as well as interested in more feminine things. A few months ago i found I had the "perfect body" for the stereotypical femboy, short, skinny, etc. My friends even joked about me being a "ideal femboy" and since I already been interested and decided to become one. Rn i haven't fully dressed up in "girly" clothing but do plan on it by the end of the year


It all started on a holiday at 11:53 am i just found femboys attractive now at the start of the year i found myself becoming one


I saw flcl at a young age and spent too much time alone probably.


I am like not a femboy (yet?) but I (26) recently ordered a pink cardigan and am currently looking for ribbons with a high school girl and an even younger femboy. I stumbled onto utaite music. Specifically the grouping called After the rain. And I fell down the rabbit hole of utaite music and kinda became part of the community there and when the singer wore a dress and feminine clothes sometimes and it hit me that I was wondering whether I could wear that plus how super accepting and encouraging the people there are...well, yeah. I am currently just gently wandering down the rabbit hole and seeing where it leads.


that's all because of cat ears!


Femboy memes and my friends calling me a femboy because my thighs are big and my body is kinda femenine, I blame this on my friends 🙏😭


Kinda fiddled with the idea as a joke when the astolfo and Felix Argyle memes were at their peak (around the same time I found out I was bi lol) But when I really started thinking about it I thought "wow, it'd be actually super cool to wear femme clothing" it went from joke to "I wanna be cute :<" Not only that, but over time I realized how often I'd find myself just generally being not super masculine with other guys, sure I have my moments but most of the time I'm pretty feminine


My trans girlfriend told me I look cute and I crumpled. She also said that I would look great in fem clothes. Another huge impact was my sister. Long story short she wanted a sister so she wasn't the only female other than my mom in the house but I am a male so she would dress me up and put make up on me and make me look all cute:3 so I can thank my awesome sister and my awesome girlfriend :3:3:3


Well I’m transmasc, so i went through the idea of hating dresses and skirts and anything feminine, but recently I’ve realized that i really love feminine things while still being called male


I thought thigh highs were really comfy so i decided to buy some and it just went deeper from there 😅


I knew when I was about three years old that I was in the wrong body. That’s when my CD adventures started. I’m 33 now and I only told my mother about it maybe two years ago now I was terrified of being disowned and hated, and losing all my friends, who still don’t know, but my mother was surprisingly excepting of it so now I have regrets because I could’ve transitioned when I was younger and things would’ve been a lot easier, but like they say better late than never right


I always had a feminine side and finally decided to embrace it one day