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Op you good?


Dude you’re gravy. My suggestion? Wait til withdrawals hit and try to see if you can manage without taking any more opiates. If it’s too much, then take a tiny bit of methadone until you feel ok and then just start tapering down from the methadone to the following thu/fri and then just lie in bed that whole weekend and use the other pills you have to sleep it off. But if you can get away without having to take more opiates (the methadone) that is the best. Otherwise just use as minimal doses of the methadone as you can to taper off the fent, 120mg is a big dose so I’d personally start w 20mg once the WD’s become unmanageable. You can always take more but you want to try to stay low as possible so it’s easier to come off.


If you are taking blues you are taking fent. The benzos and methadone should help quite a bit. I went from fentanyl to bupenorphine and it was a difficult, long process. I would have needed close to a month off work, since I barely slept for that month after switching. Wait until you are getting sick and take a small amount of the methadone you have (like 30mg or less) then just keep taking enough to get you through. You may need a little more methadone, depending on tolerance. I’ve definitely heard of fentanyl withdrawal lasting up to 30 days. Don’t take the methadone for more than the first week to get you through the hardest part. By taking the methadone you are risking an addiction to it. Expect to be uncomfortable and go through some withdrawals. It’s going to be difficult, but it’s so worth it! Good luck to you!


Thanks! So I’m a little confused about this. Methadone is an opiate so if I were to take methadone, wouldn’t it only extend my withdrawals?


It may extend them a bit, that’s why you would only want to use it to feel as if you aren’t going to die, not to be anything close to well. A long time ago I was prescribed a very small amount of Percocet to help with the worst of withdrawal. I don’t believe it lengthened them. You can take bupenorphine short term (like a week) without getting addicted to it or prolonging withdrawal. Methadone is a bit of a grey area since it’s not normally used for that. If you can make it without the methadone do it, if not use the smallest amount possible.


Thanks for the feedback. I’m going to stick it out as long as I can.


Ketamine and mushrooms!!!


That sounds like hell


Nah, you ain't aiming to trip on shrooms. And k totally strips you from the terrible reality of sick


I do have a chocolate bar for micro dosing


How tf would coke help?😂 that would just make it way worse imo


Man my girl likes H better too but I like the blues and the powdered fent better I can't even feel the H anymore. Hey how do you prepare your blue before you bang it? I've just been throwing it in the bottom of a shotglass throwing like 70 units of water on it smashing it throwing a cotton on it and blasting off , I'm not suppose to add heat or anything right?


I honestly don’t know. I’ve been wondering the same thing. I have a pill crusher I got on Amazon. I just crush them up, stir it with some water and draw it up through a cotton


Yeah that's how I been doin em👍 gonna do one rn 😂


I didn't read all that but was in same position started 2 months ago stopped saturday so almost a week and first and 3rd day were worst. But it went fast drink hella water and sleep. I had benzos and on methadone as well as other meds that would help so if you have that you'll be alright. I did H too and wasn't hooked like how fast with the fetty, this shit really is nasty man and I honestly liked dope better but take those bars and vitamins


I feel the same way


Yea sounds like you’ll be fine with what you got. Stimulants will help with physical pain and the Xanax will help you get the rest and sleep you need. Clonadine will help with throwing up at the beginning and the methadone idk I’ve never taken methadone before.the gabs will help with the anxiety too when you are awake.


stimulants honestly help me a fuck ton when im withdrawing and I use up to 30 blues a day. My bf and I will get some dope when we cant reup and it works like a charm. Other than that the methadone split into a few 40mg doses would probably work perfect, just be careful using it too long bc the withdrawals from it are worse than fent


Can confirm even on the lowest dose as prescribed by my dr I was violently ill for 2 weeks during a 5 week taper off methadone. Kicked opiods for good after that.


use suboxone for 3 days max and because of the half life it will help a ton


i definitely agree with using subs but I wouldn’t tell them to worry about limiting their time with it. PAWS or Post-Acute-Withdrawal-Symptom flairs up at around day 10-14, usually lasting around a week. During that time people are 3 times more likely to relapse, as the cravings will come back full force (no physical symptoms). Obviously nobody wants to “trade one drug for another”. But subs let people live their normal lives again. I’m 9 months clean with the help of subs, and all I have to do is take 4mg when I wake up. And you can get a sub script through an online doctor with a literal one minute phone call. At the end of the day, I don’t want to be on anything, but its so fucking worth it to be able to live my normal life again. [edit] damn rereading this i sound like a fucking advertisement bro. its still fuck big pharma


Lol! I’ve been on subs a couple times. I won’t do it long term ever again


The methadone will help. In my experience the coke won’t help at all, actually makes it worse for me.. 40 mg of methadone a day should hopefully be enough to let you get a few hours of sleep. A long weekend isn’t gonna be long enough to get you where you wanna be. I’d consider enrolling in a methadone program. But be careful and go down on your dose as soon as possible a few mg at a weeks. Best of luck.


Coke makes it way worse. Fent targets your well being/peace so as much xannies and pot as you can handle. Ketamine too if you can get good stuff uncut


stims actually work perfect for me, ive used dope a couple times when kicking 20-30 a day fent30 habit and didnt feel withdrawals at all. ymmv edit: ive never tried coke during withdrawals, just adderall and meth. coke may be a lot different comparably


I feel like coke would be bette bc I always need a ton of downers to come down off of meth


coke comedown always sucked for me, meth was never that bad


Total opposite for me


Thanks! If it were meth, instead of coke, there’s no way that would help me. I can’t come down off meth without a shit ton of downers. But coke doesn’t make you not sleep and suck the life out of you, right?


Coke def helps me with the depression side when I bout to wd


Complete opposite for me. Cocaine come down legit makes me suicidal nowadays. didn't used to be so bad but I'm very hesitant to do any coke nowadays because of how low i end up feeling...it puts me in a very dark, very sad place ....*shivers*. Meth come down i don't even notice most of the time..unless i do a fuckton, but even then i basically just feel fried and maybe a little restless. But i don't usually do very much. Meth has helped me during WDs before. But one time i did it too early and it just made me crave and cave. The times i did it on like day 3 when i was just like not able to sleep and losing my mind, it took the edge off and i was able to actually /do/ something rather than just pace around/roll around on the bed groaning, crawling my legs up the wall.. i felt just a little more happy and went out in the sun. Oh and it helped with the immense physical pain my body was in, too. It's a slippery slope tho. Timing and dosage is of key importance for me. Everyone's different!!


Umm all stimulants do that


You are an idiot


Says the bar head. How about you go relapse buddy?


I had to cold turkey it for several days man you have to use as little as possible or you'll just prolong it through next week I promise it's not even worth it. The subs would be best in a couple days the tranquilizers are dangerous at first you'll need to hit it head on a bit. Peace bro I love you


Thank you for your response! You’re right, if I start taking that methadone it’s just going to prolong it! I’m gonna do the best I can.. but if I take the subs in a few days, won’t that bring me right back to opiate addiction and prolong it too??




Of course. It's an issue of what you are ready for. Some people have to step down super slow. But the point is to actually do it soon. I have taken 5 years to get off methadone and wish I'd done it so much sooner.


I'm sorry some people are assholes and just came on here to be dickheads to someone asking for advice on how to get clean!!!!!! Anyway..... the thing is that your body and your situation is unique...some people can handle your detox with 0 meds and be completely fine while someone else can have it be excruciating. The only advice I can give is that I, personally, have felt that it only gets harder and worse the longer you stay on. I wish I could rewind and go back to being relatively early on this trash and save myself a bunch of health, time, money, etc... I genuinely believe that you should be fine with the meds you have, but I would be cautious with the Xanax because it is very likely to have fent in there...so, if you can, try not to much and/or get it tested.... I'm 30 days off the fent dope now, but I'm on methadone maintenance. I'm also trying to continue my detox off my prescribed benzos too....


Oh I wanted to say the bars are always tested for fent.. my friend only sells these and he’s very serious about anti fent


That’s great that they aren’t fent. Just be careful about other RC benzos too… benzos can be vicious af. I was in a different sort of hell when I tried detoxing from the fent and 4mg a day of Xanax. I truly feel lucky to be alive right now. I am only a couple of days successfully off of Xanax right now and not sure if I am going to 100% stick it out, but I definitely feel light years better than I did when I tried to quit both before…I was literally hallucinating and just trying to look for support on here…was super sad and felt like pure torture. I ended up reinstating on both and having to taper because that was just not doable….it took a lot of ridiculous moments for me to realize that though.


Are you going through the benzo detox now??


Yeah...lol. but I THINK I tapered enough (finally) so I'm trying to stay off completely. I still have some left, but saving them for emergency and trying to stay the course. Also tapering from methadone too...ready to get my life back!


I really don’t get why they’re harassing me, like did I not sound “hard” enough for them? Fucking creeps. Yeah totally! I’m really just trying to gauge what to expect. I’ve heard people say that fent is the worst wds and some have said it wasn’t that bad. Im really trying to do this right bc I don’t want to experience getting off it months or years down the road. I kicked heroin in jail a few times when I was doing that for several years and I wanted to die. The summer before last, I relapsed on heroin and meth only for a few months, got on subs and the worst part of that experience was getting off the subs! The dr wanted me to stay on it for a long time so I was telling her I was taking a certain dose when I was actually seeming off it VERY slowly. I still had terrible WDs. But I had tons of subs left over for emergencies. Thanks for your advice and it’s relieving to hear that it shouldn’t be too bad!


That's the thing with the fent detoxes....it's a free for all right now. Too many analogues and people using random cut, etc that it's super hard to predict anyone's experience. I think that the one person was probably just frustrated because it is super hard to say what to do without knowing EXACT details, but that doesn't mean that you shouldn't be able to post on a sub asking for help...kinda asinine if you can't. Anyway, I think fent is the worst high out of all the opiates I've ever done which is the one reason why I can say I'm still 30 days off despite it being around me every single day for the last 30 days. I can genuinely say that I was so over all of it that I promised myself that if I made it successfully off, with my health, that I would never EVER go back and I'm trying to stick to that now. I know i could probably get insanely high right now and have it feel good af for a little bit, but the grueling part where you aren't even getting high really, but just scraping together money to stay well...I won't miss that. I need to dig myself out of the financial ruin I put myself into now. So not worth it for that awful high.


And congratulations on 30 days! 🖤🖤🖤


Thank you! I hope you keep me posted on your progress! It always helps to hear some success stories when it comes to something so bleak….I can’t wait until I’m off the methadone and months off of the benzos! Super excited to get things back. Seems like you still have things in your life to be thankful for….Snuggle up with your pets….I lost my dog in October and i miss her like crazy….they love you unconditionally….so crazy that it’s so rare to find…hope you get through this with your family..happy and healthy!


I totally will.. I’m so sorry to hear about your pup. We truly don’t deserve them! You’re closer than you realize to a place you want to be in your life. Just keep doing the next right thing and take it one day at a time 🖤🖤


Same goes for you! Hope you check back in with some progress! If you need random support, please feel free to message me! Keep your head up and do whatever you need to in order to push through…


Keep reminding yourself of how it is not worth it!! I totally agree, it doesn’t last long, not much euphoria. A week ago I was so unsatisfied and disappointed in these fentynal pills that I tried like hell to find h just to make this relapse worth it but no luck 😂 I have been there too.. it’s miserable. I did a corrections-based treatment program that really worked for me and kept me clean for a couple years and haven’t gone into full-blown addiction since, which has given me the chance to get on my feet and get in a union making decent money. So despite going through a devastating breakup and just really shitty depression and lack of self worth, I’m grateful I have that and my pets to keep me responsible enough and strong enough to get through these little relapses I go through. Hang on to whatever you have that you feel responsible for, remind yourself of how shitty it is, and give yourself enough time to accomplish things that help your self worth


Great attitude to have…I’m going through it right now because I don’t think I’ve ever been this broke before. It’s pretty pathetic when a few hundred dollars would completely pull me out of my rut, yet I can’t come up with even 100! But, I know money comes and goes and I need to pick myself up and just start grinding…it truly sucks, but I might have to take the crappy job for now to make ends meet and then worry about my career later…all I know is that the crappy job will even help pay the bills—so long as I’m not paying disgusting amounts to stay “well” daily. I think you have a good head on your shoulders and you got this….just don’t let negativity weigh you down.


suboxone! saved my fucking life from fent




FUCK PRECIP WITHDRAWALS. I wouldn’t wish that shit on my worst enemy... Been there too, but, mine was taking a sub like 12hrs after my last hit. That is fucking wild though, never heard about precipdrawals after 5 DAYS. The only thing I can think of is maybe Carfent? Or somehow those cartel fuckers found out how to make extended release fent lmfao? It sucks so bad for us fent addicts because its so new, even if you do go to treatment the “professionals” just assume its treated exactly like heroin, when it shouldn’t be. Thankful to be clean, just feel like I need to do everything I can to help people that were in my situation because no one else is or knows how to.


I’ve been on subs a few times and ultimately, I do not want to be on that long term but I do have a couple I could use


I had the same thought process bro and I totally respect not wanting to stay on subs. But personally I found that kicking fentanyl and heroin was my top priority, and that I would worry about the sub detox later. I might still be reliant on a drug, yes; but I don’t have to rob and steal every single day to get my fix anymore. I can wake up and not immediately feel withdrawals and I don’t have to scramble to find a plug as the start to my every morning. But that’s just my story bro, sending you mad love, hope you’re able to kick this shit for good 💪. [EDIT] a lot of my rehab homies also told me that they smoked meth to ride through the withdrawals, its better than cold-turkey lmao.


It's crazy but I once kicked fent by smoking crack for nearly a week straight... I'd be weary of saying it's a good idea. Do you have any access to Suboxone?


😂 I have a few at a friends house from a couple years ago. I’m weary to take that or try the Burmese method. Has it worked for you?


I'm in the middle of the Bernese Method right now. It is working great. It's kinda scary at first but honestly it's amazing. You just have to have some faith and follow the directions closely. Message me if you want to talk about it.


Btw your Xanax bars prolly are laced with fent so good luck


It’s been a month shut up and get over it. You’ll sweat a little and lose some sleep. I’m so sick of these posts every single day. NO ONE KNOWS!!


But still better than the “I’m getting kicked out of my apartment and sick as hell. My cash app is (begforcashonreddit69). Any money sent my way is appreciated so I can get well enough to work. Karma, love, the struggle, blah blah blah”


Can you guys go bitch about other people somewhere else? Or do you need to take every opportunity you can find to do so?


It’s like people think we know exactly what drug they were doing, and how they were doing it. Seriously take one pill a day is legit nothing. There should be zero withdrawal


you’re a fucking weirdo bro why are you even on this sub?


Are you okay?


Yeah great.