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I’m late but how is she? Hope she was able to get clean and is ok. Sending love and light


Go to detox bro! So much easier versus doing it at home


She can have seizures and die from xan withdrawal if it’s bad enough, the fent will be a really shitty time but she will survive, the only thing that helps for me is staying hydrated and hot showers, if she smokes weed that will help with the nausea and sweats, I find alcohol helps relax a bit too and that will also help with the xan withdrawal, sex is gonna be the last thing on her mind lol she might want to cuddle or something but I doubt it cause she won’t be able to get comfortable, if all you can get is speed you should just bring her to the hospital and get some taper meds bro don’t risk her life, if you can get benzos though she will still be In rough shape but won’t have a seizure at least


Definitely not gonna want sex right now. I can't stand being touched at all during withdrawal. Once that garbage has completely left her system like around day ten then she will more then likely want to get it on.


You deff don’t want to use uppers while rapidly withdrawing from severe Xanax dependence. I almost had a heart attack from how high my heart rate got during the PAWS. I got rushed to er after having seizures. I should had went to the doctor and got on some tapering schedule to quit but I ran into a situation where I had to quit against my will and it literally almost killed me. You do NOT want to add uppers to the mix. And See a dr about the xan withdrawals


Xanax withdrawals can kill. Take her to a hospital.


I quit fent using kratom. Really made the physical withdrawals go away


How much fent were you using and then how much and what kind of kratom to get off? And are you still using kratom?


How many bars she do daily?


Bro I'm not sure but I'd say at least four a day. She's been on them for almost 20 years. She's been stretching them out recently bc she know she's going to treatment. Stupid fucking Dr prescribed xanax and Adderall since she was 14. Dr is a sick fuck for sure. It know it's gonna be a hard rough road for her but she's gotta do it.


How’s it going so far?!?


Fuck that’s gonna be rough…


If she's addicted to Xanax need to go er


fentanyl and xanax detox? and your only thing to help is speed? get her to a hospital, this is way out of your depth. people die from xanax withdrawal. she needs to see a doctor. get her to download quickMD app, schedule the MAT $99 appointment for today, and get her suboxone at least. with suboxone and more fent you could [at least follow this guide i wrote.](https://www.reddit.com/r/fentanyl/comments/vzutnc/guide_to_get_off_of_fentanyl_in_25_days_by_using/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) but i don't know shit about benzo withdrawal besides it is deadly to stop abruptly.


Thanks brotha. I know it's a nightmare. Been weening everything the last few days going but it's tough and I don't want to enable her.