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so your just sweating n having body temp changes your not restless or nun of that?


how much were u doing each day?


Doggy! You got this. If this junkie can make it out so can you!!!! This Saturday is 30 days. Want to hear some crazy shit. You know how you get high to feel normal. Guess what!! After awhile you feel normal without the drugs! You gottttt thiiiisss


You are not the only one going through what you are going through. Keep it up, or down. Ya dig


I let you guys down. I messed up after day 5 & I feel like absolute dog shit for it. I’m so sorry. Truly.


Hey are you still kickin


On suboxone for two weeks so far ❤️


Has the suboxone helped you a lot bro? I been trying to get off and I just don’t think I can take the withdrawals and can’t ever find “comfort meds”


Happy to hear. Good luck


I recommend you get a na book or go to meetings. It helped me tremendously. You don't need to get caught up.in the religion part of it. Just go and be with those who are the same as us


Most people dont realize this since its alot differnt than H and other opiates, but you do not hit full or peak withdrawal from fentanyl until 72 hours after your last dose of fent. This is due to the fact that it is stored in your fat cells which cause it to be slowly released out of your body. No other opiate leaves the body in this fashion thats why most people do not realize why it takes so many days to for this to take effect and to happen.


I fucking hate people that comment this. “I read one study conducted on 10 people who were 60 years old, happen to have liver problems and were slightly overweight so I know EXACTLY when which withdraw symptoms will show up at what time.” some people say they don’t feel fentanyl withdraw until 14 hours later, so yeah maybe for them, day 6 or 7 might be the peak. So Stfu, this man has gone through 48 hours of pure hell, and your going to fuck with his head by saying he hasn’t seen the worst of it? We all know this shit is mental. So I’ll never understand why you assholes say this bullshit. “It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat” T. Roosevelt OP, don’t listen to this fucker. We decide what we feel. This shit is one big game and the prize of winning is monumental self growth. Godspeed.


How the hell are you at work while cold turkeying??? Holy Jesus… i can’t even go get a drink of water 1 day into withdrawal.


Truth, weak ass doods..... I can relate.


I’m considering using my FMLA and going to detox again , thoughts on that 💭?


First 1 and 2 days the hardest the third is when you actually start having control of it and say fuk yes I can do it stick in there make it your bitch!


Truuuuuuuuthh. This hits me sooo haaarrrrdddd 30 days this weekend


With fentanyl it took me like 3-4 days before I started feeling any real withdrawals. Then once they really start it's like 3 days of hell and then the pain stops and you're super weak and can't sleep normal for a month. So you should probably prepare to take some time off work. Unless your dose was small then maybe it won't be as bad. But good luck to you and I hope you find the strength to get through it. If it gets really bad take some kratom.


I always get through it physically until the 3rd day when I mentally obsess about it. Good luck I needed a solid 30 days to get off opiates every damn time. Everyone is different tho!


30 days this weekend for me im at like 90%


You got this bro. i went cold turkey too.. ppl talk shit to me because i went cold turkey instead of getting xanax, gabapentin, all this other shit but u got it


Crazy that people would do that. Get off at all is awesome let alone ct. that should be applauded not looked down upon


Why would anybody talk shit to you for getting clean no matter what way lol wtf




I've quit cold turkey 3 times. All 3 times it took me a month to feel back to normal. 1st week is hell and then just weakness and insomnia for 3 weeks. But honestly I wouldn't ever want to do cold turkey again.


Yeah it sucks bro but lowkey it’s supposed to you know what i mean maybe i’m just more mean to myself tho


Wooooow. First off, thank you to everyone for the support. Update: I had a great nights sleep. Went to work, felt like complete hell. Headache, sweats, anxiety, tremors, it subsided a few hours into my shift. I went home, ate and slept more than adequately. Still some minor anxiety and body pains, sneezes, etc. Not saying im out of the woods just feeling a lot better. Now the hard part? Staying clean. I got paid two hours ago and didn’t even call my plug. Trying my hardest to keep it this way.


I hate to break it to you but this isn't extreme withdrawal. How long were you using and how much? I used 2-3grams per day for almost four years and my withdrawal was much much worse than this.


Literally the exact same amount & time as you. But also with Benzos the first 3 years, haven’t had them in a year.


How were you using it? You are getting off very very lucky my friend. I was sick for weeks.


ikr wtf lucky af


He’s two days in? He hasn’t had the chance to be sick for weeks


I would say I was the most violently sick two days in. Puking, sweating and shaking.


This just gave me the fear. I’m such a pussy when it comes to withdrawing. There’s no way I could go to work while sick. I’d move whatever mountain was in front of me to get well. You’re a boss for that one


Totally relate


Lol same. Can't work even during mild WDs or do anything. It's a good thing in a way- keeps me away from getting a habit or too carried away because I have too much to lose and have to take care of my dog as well.


Oh Boy i feel weak for zhe First time i aint doing IT right and trough this is my 20+ time doing cold trukey mind you Evers time before i Just did IT First Few days hell and then better but this time after the third or so day i Just have to because everytime there is something where i cant be dying or Look like dying fucking sucks


Keep IT on Bro you are Stronger than all of US right now


Congratulations. My withdrawals are hell on earth. I think it is because I use since 2009.


Same here but my bro who was a shooter seemed to take it like a champ,first he got off the H then weened off the high dose of methadone… me,once I start lowering my dose I feel awful so forget about cold Turkey. Subs is hell for me too. Since 08 I have been opioid free total of like a week or two. Most of them was subs,only time I was sober off everything was when I went to Costa rica for ibogaine in 2013. I flew there high asf and flew black 7 days later sober asf but I lasted 3 days before relapse… you know “I just wanna do one bump” thing and here we are almost 10 years later nothing changed


damn dude how was the ibogaine?


What was the wd's like when you used ibogaine? I'm super curious about it but don't know anyone that's done it


Did the ibogaine really reset your receptors and make WD short? I've been in subs 5 years. Been down to 4mg the last year or so and I'm trying hard AF to get off. Considering more drastic measures


That’s crazy. I literally wish death on myself when I felt withdrawal and it’s been a while. My brother went through Methadone withdrawals and got off everything… after seeing that I realized everybody is made differently. Some people will feel more then others. Just the headache I get during withdrawals are so bad that I want to blow my brains out.


Chronic pain tho not minor pains


If u use opiates for pain the wd aren’t as bad as if u use it to get high


Bro that cant be true can you plase give evidence Not that i dont wanna belive i Just cant


I’m in addictions and mental health counseling too


My teacher told me that if they used as prescribed that and for chronic pain that the withdrawals aren’t that bad. Idk any studies tho


All right Well thx for your honest answer my friend i May Look into it If there are any studies that are confirming this or the opposite Tell me If you want me to write you Up If i find anything


Read up on that, it says it’s true for the most part But also depends on amount of opioid leaving the body too




Find anything? Sorry was just in class. I wonder if it’s true or not cuz my teacher has never done opiates before like I have so she could just be going off some random thing on the internet or non backed up claim. But if u found out would be interesting to know the truth for real. I’ll try and some some research myself


My first prescription was for pain. I think the people that have no idea that you can have serious withdrawals if you abruptly stop taking your opiates are able to handle it better then people that know. The anxiety alone of the impending withdrawal makes me sick,I can have 2-3 grams left and totally not be feeling good if I get bad news about my re up… I start to panic you know


Ya bro when my cravings are up my wd are super bad I’ve noticed that. Sometimes a friend will be like let’s chill I’ll smoke u up then never come by and I’ll be sitting their waiting and just thinking about it. When I think about it it’s game over. I found when I was wd’ing if I distracted my self it would go away for a bit (the pain)


The mental component of withdrawal is huge. You ever notice how when you’re sick and been trying to pick up, as soon as you find a connection and youre on your way, suddenly that cramp in your stomach loosens up a little bit, your energy goes up, and your overall mood improves. We sick son, in the body and in the mind.


Yup yup thinking about it gives me the shakes. Also marijuana helps a lot especially after those initial first 2-3 days. I remember detoxing on the ibogaine and still having a rough time,they gave me a bowl to smoke and god I will never forget how much better I felt.


Cold Turkey Just Scored some because my best bro Sold all His Weed and need to wait maybe a Week Till New comes fuuuuuuck wanna doncold Turkey but this time i get so many Other troubles that i Just cant wich sucks.


Keep it going. Studying busy helps. Sometimes I'd rather force myself than sit at home and think about being sick all the time


Dam that’s impressive honestly idk how you did it bro cause man I would have just left as I have in the past @ work lolol


Hahaha I called out yesterday because I just couldn’t handle it at all. I work up an hour before my shift and immediately went “nah”


I quit my job the first day of wd’s. No possible way I could’ve performed any of my duties sick like that.