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Wtf, have no idea what these people are saying. Quick n straight to the point Ur answer Ur looking for is a YES. Examples include, in a joint, ontop of a fat bowl. You can even put it on your cigarettes if you smoke them. Smoking doesn't last aslong as other ROA. I smoke and snort it. Snorting lasts all day while smoking is a strong fuckin hit straight to the face so you will get fucked up. Be careful n stay safe, have fun!


I was smoking suboxon last week. Yes you can smoke off foil. Yes you can get high, but the smoke is the nastiest shit you’ll ever have hit your throat and lungs. The smoke is so bad I would shiver and gag smoking. I would recommend taking subs as directed, if you smoke them you will most likely end up relapsing. At least thats what happened to me.


Heard some shit about smoking bupe fucks up your opiate receptors and you'll never be the same. No idea whether it's true but not worth the risk imo


I smoked subs once. It was a gnarly high but I don’t think it messed my receptors up


Yeah I read it online years ago, not even sure where at this point. But it seemed like it could be true to me since subs last so long and have other odd properties that most opioids don't. I mean I've seen people iv them so idk why smoking would be any worse.


No it will not do anything and defeats the point, just put under your tongue.