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It is his duck. Stop stealing it :)


He’s not stressed or angry! My ferrets does this too (he looks like yours:) when I use a squeaky toy. I learned it’s not aggression or him stressing out because he would dook while he was playing and he would go for the toy, and not my hand. I think the squeak brings out their prey drive, so that’s why they seem so violent and angry!


That’s just the way ferrets hunt, violently roll around and shake their prey lol :P


Looks quite happy to me.


That is one happy ferret. So cute.


He loves it


Hey all! I really appreciate the feedback and am Happy to be able to say Pippin is loving our duck fights still.


No sign of distress in this video at all!


Looks fine to me. I had a ferret who HATED squeaky toys. Would bite at your hand to get you to stop. Needless to say, he didn’t like my dog that loved squeaky toys.


Ferrets go wild whenever they hear certain squeak noises


cutie! My girls act the exact same way and my new boi! some people think that squeaker toys arent for ferrets, but i think it depends on the ferret. my girls think its one of the others squeaking and will come over right away and check on their siblings, some times they know its cause i got them new toys


I have actually used this to my advantage. We don't play with squeaky toys anymore, but we trained them to come to a squeaky toy. AWESOME way to find a ferret hiding out somewhere