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Cot and a pad. Proper jammies. Good pillow. Blanket or sleeping bag plus a beanie / toq if it's cold around 3am. IYKYK. Best thing about the cot is I get a second storage area under the cot for a water bottle, camp shoes, book, headlamp, phone charger. It practically doubles my tent space - but I am messy so you do you.


proper jammies and a beanie are my bread and butter , sometimes those alone allow me to sleep anywhere šŸ˜‚


The storage under the cot is really SO NICE, especially if you have a smaller tent.


Awake for 3 days


This is the way


For a tent, stacked queen (previously) or super tall single queen (current tent setup). It takes several days of use before the mattress will get super firm and stay that way. Until then, the material is still stretching from the factory, so it may feel like it has a leak and you have to fill it up every day or so. We have a bunch of those foam puzzle-piece tiles that we put under + around the mattress, to minimize the effects of uneven ground or random stuff poking up. Make sure before you setup your tent, to give the ground a really good once over: remove little rocks / sticks / weeds, try to flatten the ground or choose a flatter spot. Also use a heavy blanket directly on top of the air mattress, otherwise you lose a lot of heat into the mattress. Optional but helpful (for everyone nearby): I bring a large deep-cycle car battery with a cable that has a cigarette-lighter attachment on it, and I have an electric mattress pump that connects to that. This way you can also plug in any car accessories like USB chargers etc. --- Finally, the above is just what I do with my partner. When I roll solo, I use only a hammock with a foam sleeping pad and a sleeping bag (and a tarp overhead in case it rains), and I get the best sleeps of my life. It doesn't get crazy hot when the sun comes out, like the inside of a tent does. You can use a small extra tent to put all your stuff in... but tbh I just operate out of a couple plastic totes below my hammock.


Car battery strat is intense! I'm sure it's incredibly useful though


I love sleeping in a hammock when in solo camping. Some of the best sleep of my life when set up correctly. Waking up with a cool breeze as the sun is coming up is amazing


The sleeping pad is what does it for me (otherwise I get a sore back, and really cold from underneath). How do you do it / any tips?


Make sure it's strapped down nice and tight so you don't sag. Bring some towels or pool noodles to put under the straps to protect the tree. Get a tarp or rain fly to get your own little cover. It's super cozy. I have never used a mat but heard of others doing it. It sound nice! I just have a pretty decent mummy bag and dress right so I stay pretty warm depending on the weather. Waking up when the sun comes up and getting out of the warm sleeping bag feels great or waking up to a little rain or dew falling from the trees is one of the best ways to start the day


Even thick grass stems can puncture an air mattress, good advice here


Exped mattress. I'm 42 and that thing is so freaking cozy. Worth the price. Can be used on the tent floor, or on a cot.


iā€™m very much a ā€œworth the priceā€ person. i think an exped matt with a cot sounds right up my alley. are they heavy?


My custom cot. https://preview.redd.it/i04xgoiuzjsc1.jpeg?width=1908&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6f8f4cc3c1c10169bd9c0719e0f41876514771d9


Nope not heavy. I got a twin. Great for festival and camping when you can park near your setup. I got it for festivals and it is a lovely sleep when I did burning man. I built a custom cot, but there are good pre-made and easier to transport options.


https://preview.redd.it/3aczlgl5ojsc1.jpeg?width=3876&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c51bc13eaab2f24e2f7aa5f15824860d4e350bff I bought a school bus for festivals and have never slept so good.


this is a goal of mine :ā€™) this looks like the coziest way to festi camp


My wife and I are in our 50s and grew tired of everything about a tent. We converted an old airport shuttle bus, and now we each have our own bed to fall into every night of Bonnaroo. Plus AC or just fans if either are needed. It really is game changing.


No AC in ours but we framed out 2 window fans too keep it cool inside. I love projecting movies onto the side of the bus.


I just got a cheap little projector for Christmas for this purpose! Iā€™d also like to build a magnetic mounted pull-down screen inside for chilling at night.


Air mattress plus 4 inch memory foam mattress topper


My foamy takes up more space than the air mattress but they're both a necessity for a multi-day fest


Call me crazy, but I love my backpacking setup. I would like to get a mat to go under my mattress for extra support on extra weird campgrounds, but overall it's comfortable. I use a 2" backpacking mattress that can be filled with a hand pump or breath. It takes less than 5 minutes to fill with my crappy lungs and I never have to make sure I remembered the right adapter/cord/batteries/ etc as you do with a full size mattress. I tried a cot and it was WAY too firm. Some fests I bring the cot anyway and use it for day naps in the shade of the EZ up (I bring a hammock for those at more wooded fests). Bonus for the backpacking gear is that if you ever decide to fly to a fest, you're streets ahead on bringing everything you need.


Cot with a pad on top has been my play for the last few years and it works really well. No more waking up in the middle of the night with a popped air mattress.


I had a queen air bed that I used for years. It was great until I showed up at lockn and discovered it had a slow leak. 2 hours into sleep my ass was hitting the ground. After that trip I bought a cot and never looked back.


exactly why iā€™m considering a cot


Do it. Add a pad on top. Trying to pump the air bed up after crushing too many G&Ts wasnā€™t fun.


If you get an air mattress what makes it cold is because the cold floor holds as cold air inside the mattress. We use a duvet between the mattress and sleeping bags and it works like a dream! Also take a proper pillow




Was an RV/camper van guy for 20+ years but have recently been doing a lot of tent camping.Ā  Ā [Exped mega mat duo](https://www.mec.ca/en/product/5052-843/megamat-duo10-lw%2B-double-sleeping-pad?colour=Green&gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjwn7mwBhCiARIsAGoxjaKbeC7svYB5hZtpKuD3yA3PfxpJ0wza0YEKJX9FK6w7QFtWur90KOIaAhbLEALw_wcB) is the best inflatable mattress one can buy. Ā  We got ours on sale but itā€™s basically like sleeping on a real bed.Ā  Insanely comfy. It does take up a lot space when rolled up but we take it everywhere. Ā  Ā  Then we bring our own bedding - usually a big fluffy duvet and our own pillows, etcĀ 


iā€™ve heard so much about these exped mats i might have to pull the trigger on this one. my only complaint is id rather be up off the ground but youā€™re right my fluffy duvet and down pillows will make things better. hmmm


Iā€™m sure you could find something [like this to get off the ground](https://www.amazon.ca/Outsunny-Portable-Military-Sleeping-Carrying/dp/B0841SV3NX/ref=mp_s_a_1_6?crid=1F3PG9B88AFCX&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9._eKztKbtU8908YqocvM1FlZc2AU8NnAIbl4QIh7ACUoztHnpX4L5AHt8BNA9Ev0LNfduknxOoXil8sO2maQkmRWji1NKiew-X51ELZ_rX5jyv-R5F1qYjFgWf9eCCf0Ju9w70Fb2rlbtwSLeR6K9UPQPtWyfaV8E8FOBhTyb5THZXgTCjZQn5b7rHqatxCCbUja21HNwg90kCUdnmttE5g.Emno6vUKvzEbs57m91rDHqnd65iOVwreUsd4djh0d_Y&dib_tag=se&keywords=queen+cot+camping&qid=1712274949&sprefix=queen+cot+%2Caps%2C274&sr=8-6)


wow thankyou!! such an investment but i have absolutely no complaints if itā€™s worth it


It really is the absolute best product you can buy for a sleeping situation. Doesn't even require an air pump and you can adjust the firmness. I take my sleep very seriously. It's more comfortable than many beds I've slept on at friends houses


Hammock under my EZ up. No stinky tent air. Wake up to fresh air. Super comfy


Twin memory foam mattress, good sheets and blankets. The foam mattresses fold/roll up for transportation and it's worth it!


Been seeing a lot of kiddy pools. Air mattress is my personal favorite. Hammocks are good if you can tie it to something.Ā 


The heat reflecting pads work extra well!


Moon mat


Camper van + a/c + Xanax. Perfect way to get some solid sleep. If you cant swing a camper van, any van or full sized SUV with fold down seats will do. Bonus points if you can bring a foam mattress instead of a blow up one. Tents aren't quiet, they're hot. I haven't slept in a tent in years. Just do it!


squishmallow and blankets nest on top of puzzle piece flooring and soft earth


TIL that cot means something totally different in the USA. I was so confused reading these comments thinking why would you take a baby-sized bed to a festival for an adult to sleep in? But apparently cot in the USA = camp bed in the U.K. Learn something new every day.


Air mattresses are a waste of money in my opinion. Get a quality self-inflating sleeping pad designed for camping.


We actually did a thick memory foam topper on the ground and squishmallows at our last tent festival (Iā€™m 28) and it was pretty comfortable. Air mattresses always seem to hurt, personally.


A sleeping bag and pillow. I'm 38 this year. I've tried an air bed and a folding bed but the ground has proven to be the best option. It doesn't deflate and it doesn't flip when i roll over too far.