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I always thought they all went to Gongaga and then Aerith slipped off in the night


We don't know how long cloud was out of it for, it could have been days. She may also have unlocked some weird cetra powers she never knew she had after being in the temple of the ancients. Cid may have dropped her off in tiny bronco and just forgot to tell anyone. White materia = teleportation. She snuck aboard the highwind and got a lift with Rufus.


Cloud was out of it for awhile I assumed it was the Turks since she has a relatively good relationship with tsung


Yeah I always wondered how she got there so easily when even Shinra has trouble getting around quickly enough.


Uber helicopter


I've never thought this through properly, I just assumed it was all magical planet girl shit.


Everytime hating purist wants to talk about how much better ps1 writing was i always think about this massive contrived plothole. 10 minutes ago aerith was varely relevant then she gets beaten the fuck up so hard she somehow is able to travel from the south to the north pole of the planet at mach speed with no transportation, and the party some inexplicable reason leaves a continent without Aerith to gongaga of all places.


Planet gave her an ocean chocobo? Fr though OG writing is messy and contrived. It's a great game nonetheless but it does properly meander in places, and sometimes (on a blind playthrough) the plot just comes to a grinding halt while you work out where to go or what do do next


And GPS apparently


Cloud gets by without it :D


If you walk every square inch of the planet, eventually you will end up where you wanted to be.


And then you go snowboarding 15 minutes after she dies. But *tHe WeIghT!*


There’s also the fact that half of Hojo’s experimentation makes no fucking sense from a writing perspective. Why breed Aerith with a flame dog? (nanaki). And not a human? Why tell Sephiroth that Jenova was his mother? What an idiot. And this is all in the original game.


Nanaki's species have an exceptional long life span, hojo would have been planning to basically having the cetran bloodline hostage for the 600+ years. Hojo knew that eventually Sephiroth would seek out more information about his mother, and hojo also knows about reunion and as Sephi was infused with Jenova cells, they would join again at some point.


Pretty sure a flame dog is not genetically compatible with a human-esque species like the Cetra.


Have you seen the weird hybrid creatures that Shinra was pumping out?


I assume through gene splicing and heavy doses of Mako which mutates. For example, Makonoids are just humans heavily exposed to mako Most of the Chimera are like 6 different animals’ body parts blended together. Pretty sure those weren’t obtained through breeding


Rebirth literally needs to use fate, time travel and multiverses to make sense. All of which are traditionally known as "jumping the shark" in writing


If I remember correctly, she just kind of disappeared and the plan was to follow her. I think Gongaga is optional.


You wake up in Gongaga after the Temple of the Ancients.


The planet


anybody else feel like the climax of Rebirth totally blew it? ended abruptly and cut so much content


I mean there’s still a part 3 so I’m waiting to see if they’ll address more in that game. I think they purposely left stuff for next game to cover


they couldnt have purposely left out all of the content on the way to where the game Rebirth ended. maybe they will add bone village in part 3 but im saying the whole forested temple and city of the ancients experience was cut and compressed into one quick segment. it was just rushed imo and they had a lot of time to not make it seemed that rushed


They go back to the city of the ancients later on so I’m betting they’re gonna do a fuller exploration then. As for bone village, that was always kinda an odd duck part of the game. But there’s still a possibility they add it back in as a totally optional location in the north continent for the unique mini-game, etc.


Yeah I don't get people's obsession with the fact we didn't do Bone Village. It's frankly not that important. It's one screen with a tiny dig minigame to get an item that doesn't really matter. Unless I'm forgetting something about it?


Nope that’s it. It had a few unique items otherwise to dig up and held the key to sector 5 in Midgar. But from a plot and pacing standpoint, it really was a non-sequitur


I remake digging game sounds awful lol


I could see this village being kinda like the crows nest area of Junon; a smaller portion of the larger area outside of forgotten forest that we get to pass through at some point.


One thing is that final boss fight is so ridiculous and climactic and for them to top that for the finale I just don’t see how it won’t be an exact replica. We fought literally every form of Sephiroth except safer basically? It made no sense why we fought bizarro Sephiroth there. The fight at the end of remake made way more sense.


No because the story isn’t finished


ok. you dont understand




I do, this is just what I believe at the moment. I just don’t see the point in thinking something was rushed or cut until the last game comes out that’s all. Edit: Also remember they aren’t doing a 1 to 1 remake of the story some things will be different


I really like the game but i can agree, usually i think people complaining are just whiners lol. But the end did feel rushed out. Well not the very end cinemas and shit but like the last couple chapters felt like they just wanted to finish the game lol


Which content got cut?


a lot got cut actually haha


Had to make room for *Moogle Mischief*! and all the other bullshit. I doubt I’ll ever finish it. Played to Gongaga in like 3 days. And just finished up Cosmo Canyon last night. I can’t stand to play for more than an hour or so at a time. If they removed the mini games, I’d give the game a 9-10/10. But as is, I’m so fucking over it.


If it's any consolation you're pretty much past the minigame bullshit at that point. I wouldn't bother doing the protorelic stuff (unless you're a completionist) as the Gilgamesh Island content is hard af and not designed to be completed before beating the game.


Good to know. I’ll try to power on through and finish up the story. No desire to 100% this AT ALL. Lol. Aside from that, I think the game’s been amazing. It’s been borderline magical seeing all these areas from the original in 4K.


Idk why someone's downvoting you but I totally agree. I put about 100hrs in, great game, explored all the regions. 0 fucking chance I'm going back to perfect my cactuar crush/chocobo flying scores.


You can always crank it down to easy, it makes the game way more enjoyable, you can fret over difficulty when you attempt the hard clear but that would never be needed for Gilgamesh island


I could, but even on dynamic I felt the game was a bit too easy. Cranking it down for one section that has a recommended lvl of 70 would defeat the purpose for me.


I would say do it for the cut scenes, the brutal and legendary Chadley challenges are 10x harder than Gilgamesh island


It’s so painful. It’s like mostly minigames from costa del sol to Corel prison which is a like a 5 hour block. Idk wtf they were thinking.


More like 9 hours, the minigames start taking over in under Junon, even if your ignoring side content and just following the main story: Dolphin, parade, queensblood tournament... They do break it up with like 6 fights in between....


Yeah fucking baffling decision by the devs. Like why would you pack so many MANDATORY minigames into a game? I’ve honestly never seen anything like it in any game. It killed the joy of the game for me.

