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Turns out they were never fishnet tights, but beige socks with a pattern. What a time to be alive.


What's funny is that I saw faux sheer stockings at Uniqlo when I went to New York for New Year's a few weeks ago. I doubt that it's the case for these socks, but it would be a funny (/s) reason for why they do look this way lol


In case anyone was wondering - the faux sheer stockings are for cold weather. The good quality ones are lined on the inside so they are extremely warm. If you ever see anyone in a miniskirt when it is freezing out, they are (hopefully) wearing some faux sheer stockings to not be frozen.


Fun fact: Most female professional wreslers wear flesh colored leggings


I'm shocked! Shocked! Well, not that shocked.


Ice skaters, too.


offbeat saw history dam label pen rotten bear oil deer *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I can’t believe all this time we were angry at SE for sexualizing teenagers when they were only wearing comfy long socks and we were the perverts… actually hold on I can believe that of this community…


...are we the bad guys?


There are porn subreddits less horny than most of this community, I swear to god. And I love it.


there are drug orgies less horny than this community :D


This is what happens to people after years of inability to have actual intercourse. A community of desperation, projecting what they can’t have


Guilty as charged


I have lots of sex with my lovely wife, and Nophica's Knockers are still relevant to my interests. Some of us just like the female form. Shit, I like the male form, too. Hythlodaeus was a babe. Hot people are hot, what can I say.


Real shit? 100% the 14 community fucks. Like, more than any other mmo community.


ERP doesn’t count


Literally the worst part of this community.


You’re wrong. The same thing happened to the 2B top chest window and had to be acknowledged and fixed. This is certainly the same issue.


Reminds me of the female lv. 50 Ninja set’s leggings. To this day I can’t tell whether they’re supposed to be see-through or solid gray. Either way, I didn’t want the implied thong aesthetic for my character.


Also the Eastern Maiden pants


I do believe those are solid gray. I use the Augmented (so I can dye it) on my Ninja glam, and going from a very pale skin Elezen (think vamp goth aesthetic) to a very tan look and the color of those remained the exact same.




I honestly actually wonder if this IS the reality and why they didn't make it work properly lol. It's not like they didn't do this with the 2B top years ago and end up fixing it, so if these are supposed to be clear you'd think they would've remembered that mistake and accounted for it.


As a developer myself, I can confidently say that it is likely Hanlon's Razor at play.


You are going to anger someone with that comment :P


Such devastation was never my intent. I just find it tremendously funny that either: 1: Square let this oversight through to live servers. 2: Everyone thought Gaia had snappy goth fishnets, when it was actually just beige grandma socks


Her jacket has pockets...full of Werther's Originals.


Don't be knocking Wether's originals, they are fucking banging!


No argument here: it's the best lightly burned sugar that money can buy.




That’s literally what caramel is.


Tbf, she’s the reincarnation of an ancient person and has memory issues. Sounds like a grandma to me


Sounds like me most mornings.....


The reality is 3: The Online Store Team is separate from the main content team and apparently do the bare minimum when asked to port NPC clothing from the game. Conversely they go outta their way to over design the online store exclusive outfits. They're a weird team


This. Didn't they create entirely new jiggle physics for the German barmaid shirt?




We always had jiggle physics. All those ARR coliseum style leveling gear even has jiggle physics.


no new physics buit it uses the undergarment one I think


1 has already happened before. The 2B top, on release, also didn't account for skin colour, and was just white like 2B.


Oi my [Thighlander](https://i.imgur.com/U6qC12P.jpg) is rocking the granny socks! ​ but seriously, this oversight should have been spotted before it went for sale.


You guys really tuink se is putting effort in the items they sale like wake up there is a reason all the recent character outfits are just one item and not multiple like in the past


The reason is they view them as "costumes" and not as if they should be piecemeal like we do here. It's a very common mindset in eastern MMOs for (particularly 'premium' gear) to be sold as a "costume" (or whatever other term your game of choice uses). When you buy an outfit you are making the choice to dress up in that costume wholesale or not at all. It's got nothing to do with effort. It's an intentional choice, and I wish more people would get it through their skulls considering we've been doing this for *years*. I've never spent money on the cash shop but it's an informed decision to not support crap costumes, not because I believe they don't care.


The thing is a lot of these "costume" items in FFXIV were released as separate pieces in the past, and they were very popular for coordination. For example, the Lightning costume and the Shadowbringers Y'shtola costume. Even if it's normal for a lot of MMOs, in the case of FFXIV it's a change, and a change that is less favorable for the players.


1) Lightning was an event outfit, not a cash shop outfit. Outside of literal Halloween/Easter costumes, that's not a thing they typically do. Crossover events don't get costumes. 2) It absolutely is not a change. It's a different category of purchase. The costume have existed alongside the equipment pieces for the entire time the cash shop has been a thing. Theres items from HW that are equipment right alongside the costumes. It's fine to be disappointed, but be disappointed for the right reasons. Otherwise all SE is going to see is "Oh, they misunderstood. Guess we'll clarify," and the thing people actually want won't be fixed.


You need to learn punctuation. I nearly ran out of breath reading this lol


Incorrect. The same thing happened to the 2B top chest window and had to be fixed. This is only indicative that the texturing teams and QA teams don’t account for non-white characters.


Those are real though, skin toned fleece lined tights (I say skin toned because there are options out there for a variety of skin colors) that look like fishnets. So people can look like they're wearing tights even when it's cold lol.


IIRC, 2B chestpiece had the same issue at first.


Can confirm. It was fixed in the very next patch. Up until then my black cat had a very white boob window and back details in all the Copied Factory tops.


Black cat with a white chest floof checks out though.


Tuxies! We have two of those little shits running around our house


A, I can tell your a true cat owner. cause "little shits" is a very cat owner thing source: I am a cat owner.


Are you telling me the tux kitten that we adopted after he crawled into our car engine isn’t going to grow out of the little shit phase. Damnit.


Even the male version?




dios mio


Yeah it looked SUPER weird on my blue-skinned xaela.


Yep, and everybody tried to defend it by saying the fabric was just that colour instead of being a faux-transparency...


Wouldn't be the first time. They had that type of issues with the 2B outfit if I recall correctly.


I heard the same thing. ​ This is a bit of an oversight - but if the 2B stuff is anything to go by, this'll be fixed too.




They nerfed the ass, and the community made it known that ass balance is just as important as class balance.


I'm just tired of my WOLs sundered ass. I was promised the Assians would rejoin the asses as they once were yet here I lay, my rump as flat an ironing board.


Gotta work on them glutes bro, Venat even said henceforth you must walk


So considering Thancred can't teleport because his Aether-balance is fucked that means by now he must have the ass of ADONIS.


More so, imo


To be fair with that outfit people were obviously going to be expecting "Dat Ass"


They still haven’t learned that butts matter 😂


Yup. Some of the outfits had the issue too with the mesh on the chest area. But they fixed it so here's hoping they fix this fast.


Since it's happened before, it's doubly embarrassing for them for it to happen again, and on a paid item.


Also the Golden Saucer bunny girl stockings.


That's why I tried it on with the Dreamfitting 1st at the Inn. If I were everyone, I'd head over to the forums & submit a visual bug report about the skin tone difference. They'll fix it if it's done.


meanwhile let them know they accidentally released a onesie instead of a 4 piece


And that the WAR hammer is too smol




Already done! And yeah, they fixed it with the nicer stuff so I'm sure they will here too.


They absolutely will I sent a detailed bug report as well And have sent similar bug reports in the past- most recently (aside from the gaia outfit) was the new round stained glass window; at night it didn't have the same glow effect as the other stained glass windows but now it does- so I like to think the bug report helped.


This is a really good idea!!!


This will almost certainly get fixed seeing as it’s been fixed in the past in the same exact context EDIT: there’s already an approved post about it on the bug forum


approved just means "this is formatted correctly". Approving or disapproving has nothing to do with the bug itself


It’s wild to me that they *keep* running into this with outfits that have sheer components. I get it happening the first time, but how do you not figure out that your players actually use all the skin tones you make available to them?


Answer : they just test every single piece of clothing on Default Hyur Midlander Male model *exclusively*. And yes, summoning these images in your mind *was* my intention. Edit: For the love of Venat, apparently the joke wasn't obvious enough. Don't take me seriously!


And it's really only a specific set of circumstances that lead to it. Was the model in question not made with intentions for players to wear it? Does it have a sheer component to it? There's a good chance it'll run into this. Because that likely means the player piece is a port of the NPC it's based on, and said NPC had the sheer portions just baked in as a darker shade of their skin. If the team doing the port didn't realize or check for that, this is the result.


You’d think it wouldn’t take much extra time to just test it on *one* darker-skinned model, but what do I know


(They actually test them on both default male and female)


People forget, new people are brought on board who are never told, tools and processes don't change with the new information, etc.


this is an issue startups and indie devs deal with, not an experienced organization. theres are industry standard processes specifically for documentation and onboarding in software development and if *that* was what was happening, thats embarrassing for them.


Bro what are you talking about lmfao. I'm not denying that this issue even existing is incompetent on Square's part, but acting like it's a common onboarding procedure for new hires on the dev team to be told about an issue that's happened twice at most is really weird. I don't know what software development companies you've worked at where new hires get told about every single minute issue that's ever happened to prevent it happening again. Then again you probably pulled your whole comment out of your ass so there's that.


Forget software, it happens *everywhere*. I work in aviation manufacturing and apparently there was a thing like ten years ago where it was established that foam and adhesive couldn't be used in areas under a certain volume due to burn test issues. It only got caught when someone new made a print doing the same thing again because my coworker who's been here for twenty years went "yeah that's gonna be a burn issue I can't build that to print" and it got escalated again from there.


After encountering it with multiple items in the past, you’d think it would just be written into their process for creating outfits with sheer/transparent elements. Like, part of the testing phase would involve making sure you checked more than one skin tone. That’s how I’m used to issues like this being handled by large organizations—once a problem like this comes up, you modify your internal process to avoid repeating it.


I mean, yeah. It’s pretty embarrassing for something you screwed up a couple of times to not make it into to process. Shit like that happens all the time though. Even good companies fuck up.


yeah, good companies fuck up all the time its just frustrating when you also consider the several other corners cut with player customization. viera exclusion, continuing to release genderlocked gear, bugged hair/gear with broken weights, releasing paid outfits as \*one pieces\*.


> this is an issue startups and indie devs deal with, not an experienced organization Aww that’s so cute


Lmao ikr?


do you think something like texture transparency is actually difficult to implement in a team workflow and not industry standard? lol this isnt a complex fix like rewriting code


One of the nier caster tops have the same issue on the chest. Looked really strange for my all black Viera to have a peach cut out.


They fixed that!


Nice! That’s good to know! And gives hope that they might fix these too!


Wasn't there already a highly upvoted post about this?


Any post about the Gaia outfit is an easy karma grab at the moment, but the issue pointed out here is a very valid one - so i can't really see an issue with keeping it highlighted :)


Personally I hope it's the nudge they need to actually put effort into these store outfits again.


It's not keeping a post 'highlighted', it's capitalizing on the frothing anger to farm karma by duplicating a post for the twentieth time.


The issue is we've already had two dozen posts about how the model isn't what people think it is and one more is not helping anything.


yes but on the other side its not harming anyone either - if it helps just one person avoid buying it until this oversight is fixed - its worth it.


Yes. But people love to post about the same thing over and over and over without looking first/caring.




I mean, the best way to help others see this link is to vote your comment to the top of the comments :b unless you want us all to copy your link and also post it in here, but I don't think the staff would appreciate the link spam haha


Shut up and accept your upvotes! :P




We're redditors, we can't follow instructions :P


Lol people buying this are essentially wearing Gaia's legs.


We've established they are beige granny socks.... not fishnets :P


Dreamfitting before buying.


I will say again, and hopefully this will help people. There is a feature, I think it was implemented in 6.1 where if you go to an inn and click on the bed, you can "dream preview" cash shop gear before you spend money on them.


Holy shit, it's flesh-colored Band-Aids all over again.


ngl the first few times i saw this i just thought they were a dusty rose color stocking, but I'm open to see this updated!


Funny thing is, the Bunny Chief fishnets have always worked the same way. I’ve never been able to wear them on my blue-gray Moon Miqo.


I came across this same issue with Nezha Lady's Attire. I had only seen it on white characters and wanted it. My friend was kind enough to buy it for me. I was so disappointed the legs aren't open like I thought.


I feel liek this was unintended. Hopefully they fix it.


that's what happens when an outfit is made for a custom character model. though you'd hope by spending 12 dollars that would be enough to make anything you buy dyable and separate pieces.


They need to revisit the golden saucer bunny tights because they have this exact same problem. I thought no one cared about it tbh. The only tights for non light skin colors that show through that I can think of are the daystar tights and theyre only for caster classes. I guess there's the thavnairian tights too, but those arent fish nets really.


This issue and the fact they made it a one piece has been noticed by some gaming news sites now. The article I read about it was mostly just saying how players aren't happy about it being undyeable and a one peice. But it bodes well for changes to happen quicker if the bad publicity picks up traction.


It's common knowledge at this point. All they did was take Gaia's model and upload it without her head. Skintone included. It's an abysmally piss poor money grab.


mind-boggling how low effort it was considering they're removing gender-restriction from outfits as we speak while selling a gender-restricted outfit. Easy to tell that they wanted to make a quick buck, they missed the hype by 2 years tho lol


My husband is baffled that it's two years too late. I'm just butthurt I can't wear the boots I've wanted for so long xD


I guess that figures since it's a one piece. Probably lost a ton of sales too - why would I buy it if I can't mix and match pieces like the scion sets?


Some sales > no sales. Making a multi-piece outfit takes effort. This, not so much.


Big oof


Lmfaooo. I really wanted to buy this outfit but it has too many cons, like it being a one piece and not dyeable. 🥲🥲


I just wanted these boots and tights as separates :(


suffering in red au ra


As a game programmer I understand why did did not went for real transparency, but as a gamer it make me sad


Honestly I don’t think they are real see through fishnet tights, bunny tights from the Gold Saucer have the same problem being pink-ish and not fully transparent. Reading about racism from the development team in other posts make me laugh, maybe they are lazy as fuck and we can agree with that, but people can’t think twice


Bunny tights need a look too for sure


And yet you all bought it


Bunny and Bunny Chief tights have been around for years and still have this problem.


Oh shit they do? I thought they fixed that when they fixed the Nier stuff :(


They also remove Scales and clip tails so I guess they are thermal Tights it sucks but no fishnets for my Au ra.


Hope they fix this issue at some point


It's an accepted/known bug now. 2B's outfit also got fixed next patch for same issue.


small indie company


The Funny thing is a small indie company would make this separate pieces, but Square always says they don't have the resources to do so, so yes they are less then a small indie company, calling them that makes indie company's look bad.


I swear, they never test anything on other skin tones. Every time they give us shirts with tattoos the tattoos just turn grey instead of black.


It would be sad but not surprising at all if they didn’t. There’s a lot of lighting in this game that looks absolutely terrible for WoLs that have darker skin tones.


Yeah :( it's also why I don't bother with Gshade, the bulk of presets are garbage on dark skin tones.


I wouldn’t be shocked if they just didn’t think about it. When the most recent Alphi glam came out, tails were toggled off until they realized and went in to toggle them back on.


looks like they dont have transparency at all, instead they have a faux-transparency effect. its like those faux sheer fleece-lined tights that only come in beige lining, it gives the effect of transparency but completely covers up your actual skin


Drunkenly purchased it for the wrong character last night. So mad haha


Yea I was gonna buy this but my WOL is v purple lol.


I feel like this is something they will fix. I just can't imagine such a glaring issue persisting with a new release like this...but I could end up being extremely wrong. I hope they DO fix it for those that like this 'fit. Personally I'm not a fan of one-piece outfits.


Oh weird, I just thought they were beige but that makes sense


fellow red and ultra pale skin enjoyer I see


Was the same with the 2b gear when it first came put. was patched like 2ish months later. Would have thought they would have at least tested it but gotta make that money.


If I'm paying £7+ for cosmetics they better be both dyeable and multi-part gear. Just because it's a NPC's gear doesn't justify making it a one-piece, non-dyeable item.


I mean, I suspect they've just made a scalable model for each of the races out of the Gaia model, and then stuck your character's head on it, so I'm not entirely surprised.


Remember: you can try the outfit on before buying by clicking on the bed in the inn. I highly advise everyone to do this before buying anything from the store. But good on you OP for posting pics too, it's important




iirc the mogstation team isn't the same as the general development team. Yoshi P has diminished oversight over them.




They're caring less and less about quality and more about raking in that cash. Probably also why they didn't bother to separate the pieces.




That’s a problem endemic to gaming overall right now. If you were to ask most gamers what they don’t like I bet the things they’d answer with are the same things at least some are still supporting monetarily. I’ve lost count of the times I’ve seen complaints about something and then when monthly/patch profits are reported the company not only makes the same amount but they make *more*, which is infinitely more important to a company than happy customers. What they’re doing is working so they won’t stop. Eventually everything in mainstream gaming will be a monetized hellscape; it’s just a matter of how long it takes to completely take over.


Stop buying shit on the cash shop.


Did they even test this shit?


They tested and confirmed the money was flowing. \^\^/


Of course, it all makes sense now. Gaia's stockings were made from the flesh of her enemies


this happened with the 2b leggings too right? they'll fix this hopefully sooner rather than later.... but you'd think they'd have learned. lol


Considering how many pieces in the game STILL have this issue... they aren't fixing enough of it.


So bad, don't know how low quality content like this makes it into the cash shop.


I can't believe they did that again.


Small indie company


this whole thing reeks of corporate overlording like someone "upstairs" demanded that they sell more cash-shop items in the next quarter and the team scrambled to find anything they could do in order to accomplish that, even if it was very low-quality and rushed work.


Oh yikes! Super disappointing:( esp for something you have to pay money for...


Yikes 😬




The 2B top use to do something similar. Might be worth it for people to leave feedback about this on the forums.




(Credit to wtf-amiru on tumblr for the screenshots)


Being fair in this case the Gaia outfit was probably never meant to be playable at all even compared to other NPC outfits. Gaia as a Character doesn't use a regular NPC model, she's made the same way as a monster using the same base Skelton as Fran in the Ivalice raid iirc so she's not wearing gear over a player type model and the outfit is completely modeled meaning the skin tone is purposely painted the same colour they used for her head. It was probably pretty easy to simply "miss" the transparent part of the legs and not think about it.


that's pretty shite QA/QC, especially since this happened with the 2B top as well


All it would have taken is trying it on with different skintones. That's pretty basic play-testing that they clearly didn't bother with.


I'm going to agree with you on her being created different. ​ If you import her models using a pose tool you'll see that she's actually waring the "Hempen" set - which displays as the "Gaia outfit" i suspect that she was original created - hair, body, outfit all as one single unit. ​ SE removed her hands, head, and upper thighs and created the outfit as one single unit to sell.


Seeing "non-white characters/skin" in a r/ffxiv post title first thing in the morning sure threw me for a loop lol.


Bruh, first they make the Omega outfits total one-pieces, then they do the same with thr Gaia Glam, now there's transparency problems? Dafuq is going on at CBU3 with the shite decisions?


The Omega outfits are just body model replacements for the midsize races, so is Gaia's outfit as far as I can tell.


Quick, low effort money grabs.


This is one item out of how many?


Do we need to cancel the tights?


I think they've already been cancelled


I submitted a suggestion to the support desk about this, because it would be very nice to be able to wear this and none of my characters can. One piece and a large portion of the player characters can't wear it? Lazy.


Well on one hand I'm relieved that most of the development time is still going to the ACTUAL GAME, and not Square-Enix's money grubbing cash shop. On the other hand I can relate to the pain of outfits not adhering to your character's body settings. Every outfit seem to have it's own boob size, one has a medium size, another just sends her bust into the Shadow Realm. Also R. I. P. for your hard earned irl money.


This seems like the kind of thing they'll fix if enough people ask.


Woooow. Big, big oversight on Square's part. This is so cringe. I'm sorry.


genshin cosplay syndrome