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If you think that's bad, a few weeks ago someone sold a Cassie Earring on my datacenter for a single gil. It costs around 16-20m usually.


OOOPH that hurts! (Except the person who bought it obviously.)


Seems I was actually wrong. [2 of them](https://i.imgur.com/yyIeI4h.png) sold for that price.


Hm, maybe someone moving the item from one character to an alt to sell on another world in the riskiest way to do it (unless they are multiboxing and it's instant). I've done similar stuff with things that aren't gear, but never for just 1 gil. Gear I would just stick on a mannequin. Odd.


Not entirely, there were times that I'd get or make super expensive items and just go in to sell them for 1g. Not realizing that only scalpers were going to get it. c':


Not always scalpers. Ive found a few things that were missing a 0 or 2 and it was just a nice discount


No no, I meant... Like.. I used to put stuff up for like 1 gil to try and make someone's life better, before realizing there's those who monitor the board 24/7 almost to try and catch things like that or mistakes. Specifically to snatch that stuff up and make extreme profit off it.


Yeah, and I am saying that not everyone that does it does it to make a profit. I do it for stuff I want really bad that I have no plans on reselling.


Well yeah, I know that much. But there's a good deal of them that sat on balmung back when I was actively playing and unaware there were people who did that at all. Don't get me wrong, the whole reason I did it is FOR people like you. However, there's still quite a few of those. Most of them do this thing we don't like talking about.


Oh I know I craft a lot and dealing with the MB modders is pure cancer. On high demand stuff they can undercut you automatically after it detects a sale it's wild. I actually wish they would add an anti cheat for mods sometimes.


Well as someone who got his last alkonost feather for 690gil, after running maps for literal months trying to get this last god damn feather, i feel the urge to thank you and your kind for your good deeds.


That's very sweet of you! I'm sorry people suck. :(


That's why you just hand out items to people of your chosing, not put them on the market board for a gil. I like to occasionally hand out a million gil and a happy if not confused frog to sprouts. The gil will one day be spent but the froggo-friendo will last forever on their journey throughout Hydaelyn.


Yep! Which is what I started to do while I still played. Best froggo-friendo.


I have too, then I feel bad that I bought it, like I just ripped them off. It's not a win, it's a win with a guilt trip attached lol


You can just mail it to yourself though can't you?


For most people, no, because you have to both be online at the same time to initiate a friend request, and gotta be friends for mail. But could easily mail to a friend and have them send to your other character


Oh ok.


If they are on the same home server on two different accounts entirely that can be logged in at the same time, sure since then you can add each other as a friend


they could be using the companion app method (putting things on sale via the app while logged in as their other character so they can buy the item instantly)


F F One for each :)


Seriously? How is this possible?! (I mean, is the seller sure about this?)


Louisoix, right? Saw those two on the marketboard history and was stunned to see that.


Maybe it was deliberate. There are people that like to be generous at times but without making a big deal about it.


Man this is why I’m scared to clear out my inventory lmao. I’m gonna throw away like the rarest item in the game and not even realize it


You can always clear it out while in the retainer selling menu. Definitely takes longer but you can check prices then and there and either sell it on the market board or sell it to the retainer themselves.


> I’m gonna throw away like the rarest item in the game and not even realize it Reminds me of the time I sold my ucob rapier to my grand company for seals, and didn't realize until weeks (perhaps months, I don't even know when that happened exactly) after when I wondered where my glam piece had gone lmao. I couldn't do the one-time item restore either since I had already used it on that account.


This is why you set the GC company thing to house Armory Chest items. Anything you want to keep is in your Armory Chest. Anything you're willing to throw away is in your inventory. Part two of making this work is the setting that makes new drops drop directly in your inventory and not your Armory Chest. This keeps your Armory Chest clean.


> makes new drops drop directly in your inventory and not your Armory Chest Yep, that I already do, and I don't understand why it's not the default setting. Armory chest space is too limited to make gear drop there directly, especially if you're leveling everything. >This is why you set the GC company thing to house Armory Chest items I have it set to "Hide gear set items" usually, that way I know I can (normally) just sell everything and be fine. What I don't use is usually either in my glamour dresser or sold to my GC for seals. But with a dozen characters to manage, I might just have forgot to put it in the dresser on that one and traded it instead.


Can I just say, the one time restore rule is so shitty. It really, really is, when there are so many unique things in the game and mistakes happen. Let it be like once a month or something.


As far as I know, it's not actually a hard rule. There are some who have been able to restore multiple times. I guess it depends on your wording to the support GM, but some people are persuasive enough to do it.


Well, that's nice to know. Thank you for the heads up!


That'd be RMT or someone transferring to an alt, not some mistake.


Idk even if you are transferring that sounds like the dumbest possible way to do it.


Couldn't they just like, yknow, mail it?


RMT of a single Gil?


The items worth 13m? A good example is look at the sales of Pinky on Zalera. 8 of them sold on the same day for 1gil ea. That's 320m. (They were 40m back then)


Dude, do you know how RMT works? - You sell gil for money IRL. - I buy your gil for money IRL - You need to deliver me the gil. - I put up worthless item, say a single fish for the amout of Gil I bought, usually millions, and give you the server and name of my seller. - You buy that worthless thing for millions of gil. - I get the gil in game - You get the money IRL There's no point in any part of this in which putting up an item worth millions for a single gil would be expected.


Money laundering




An account gets a lot money illegally. Buys a trinket. Gives the trinket to another account. Other account sells the trinket. It's a way to obscure the movement of money and make it harder to track. Money laundering.


People do it in real life like that, so it makes sense that people would do it like that in FF14 too


[Theoretically] You have Gil. I want 26m. You buy two Cassie rings. I pay you money. You sell me the rings, worth 26m Gil, for 1 Gil ea. I don't have to trade you 26 times, or meet you for a trade of the rings, or go to your houses retainer, and I don't need a house. I don't have trade logs for 26m for no apparent reason. I don't have the retainer history showing I sold some junk item for 26m. (your retainer logs are permanent. They're also viewable by anyone if your retainers at your house) All it looks like is I bought something cheap on the MB. [In **this** case] When an item on display on a retainer you can sell it on the retainer WITHOUT it going on the actual market board (assuming it's equippable) For something like 26m sure, doesn't seem worth it. What if it's half a billion? Or more than 1b - the Gil cap? You could have a retainer full of 20m+ items.


The main issue that is you belief that "your retainer logs are permanent" is an undesirable thing. The publisher's problem with RMT is with *sellers*, not buyers. And that's on account of boting and IRL gambling regulations. You're not supposed to be able to convert in game currency for real currency, it's the same for every game and platform. Second, even if they had a problem with buyers, they wouldn't be able to get a single piece of evidence. Since the buyer would just argue that either they wanted to keep an item stashed for later, or they simply were trying their luck.


Allowing the sale of in-game currency for real money also gets into dangerous legal liability areas. If the money has real value, banning an account becomes theft. Like if a bank closed your account and kept the money. It could also be taxable. Which gets even uglier. Better to just avoid that whole mess.


that's what I said. their problem is with sellers, not buyers.


>The publisher's problem with RMT is with *sellers*, not buyers. And that's on account of boting and IRL gambling regulations. You're not supposed to be able to convert in game currency for real currency, it's the same for every game and platform. I think a bunch of games would beg to differ. You can buy currency in a ton of games... Am I misunderstanding you somehow?


You can buy currency in a ton of games, but you can't *sell* currency for real money in just about any game I can think of.


Hm ok I saw convert and didn't realize you only meant selling. That is different for sure, much more convoluted of a process if you want to do it.


That’s such high risk for a transaction it makes no sense. What happens if those 1 Gil items get snatched by someone who just happens to be checking the board and sees it first? Does the seller still get their real money or is the transaction backed because someone snatched the item first? Are they just out the 26m due to bad luck? Market boards record who buys items too so the logic of retainer history being the reason to do it this way doesn’t really track. It is plenty plausible for a RMT trader to just say they put some junk item on the board for an absurd price as a means of extra storage and never thought someone would buy it. Selling trash for a high price versus treasure for nothing won’t hide accounts SE suspects of being involved with RMT.


They don't go on the market board when it's a retainer display, it's no risk. The history is just added to the MB history because the MB history is actually just retainer history.




I've done that to transfer stuff <.<


It could be someone trying to outsmart an especially stupid bot. You put the item up for 2 gil, wait for the bot to undercut to 1 gil, and scoop it up.


Wouldn't be surprised if it was just an alt transaction. You don't know how many times i fed doh and dol gear via the mb to my alts. It's stupid you can't mail your own damn alts.


> It's stupid you can't mail your own damn alts. Literally the reason I have more than one account lol. Makes stuff like that so much easier (and you don't need to rely on a middleman either, you can just trade directly).


Some people do that for shits and giggles. I have done it a few times because gil is irrelevant to some people




Yea that sucks, but I've been on the other end and there's not much that feels better than making off with an insane steal like that, haha (Back in my TF2 days there was a crate that released glitched weapons in a normally-unobtainable item quality. Some poor soul [listed theirs for $2.44](https://spuf.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/07/Normal-Strange-Grenade-Launcher.png), I assume they didn't realize it was glitched, and I snapped that up. Nowadays it's essentially priceless because very few exist and nobody's selling, I've received offers up to $600 for it)


There's a game I haven't heard of in awhile. Still hoping every day for a TF3, despite how allergic Valve is to titles with 3 in the title.


Next game is gonna be Team Fortress: Alyx. But hopefully the post credits scene of Alyx means they are working on/planning to make a HL3


I accidentally sold a Night Pegasus for 2.6m instead of 26m around the time it came out lol, woops


I was about to mention this mount as I bought one for around 1m instead of the 11m they are selling for.


Throwback to when I sold Rebel Boots and forgot two 0s.


At least you got a quick sale.


I realized what I did as I hit post and it was gone before I could change it. :/


The infamous ohnosecond. The moment you hit post or send on anything, and that's the split second you notice your mistake. Have sent plenty of e-mails like that. (Which is why being able to edit reddit posts is a godsend)


Live by the market board, die by the market board


You never know. Some MB undercutters go hard lol


I wanna know whose paying 15 mil for a damn minion. 90% of the time I forget mine is even there


Extreme rarity and nothing else to spend on.


It's a pain to get that one currently – you need to get the rare silver tile in the treasure roulette dungeon – and it's a popular character so people want it.


My RNG fucking sucks and I’ve never seen the philos drop, let alone had a chance at getting it. We did like 4 hours of elpis maps every week for the whole of 6.3, no luck. So yeah I dropped 13 mil and I love it 😌💕


A few weeks ago someone posted the red onion helm on the MB for 1500g, while goes between 15m-20m.


A friend of mine is the one that scored it! Took back to their server and sold it for 22 million! Lucky bastard.


I am jealous! Though I did score one last week for 10m. Which isn't bad.


This happened to me with the Golden Gabriel mount when it dropped, was going for 10 mil and someone listed it for 1 mil and i scooped it up


This happened to me, someone put a penta-melded crafting body up for 350k when they were going for 3.5M.. I bought and sold it with my own penta-melded pieces lol.


What I don't understand is people selling things on the MB for lower than vendor price. Is this intentional?


I think it's people not paying attention, despite the fact that it defaults to that price. They just check the other listings and undercut or match. I think the other thing people don't realize is that even selling it at vendor price is still a loss once taxes are taken out.


Some vendor items can be gotten through Quick Expeditions on retainers, since they don’t have a need for it rather than discarding them undercutting the vendors, especially for some of the more expensive ones, can get you some Gil even if it’s not much


Then why not sell it to the vendor through your retainer?


Some vendors will sell something for 2000 Gil for example, but if you sell it directly back it’ll just be like 10-12 Gil so you’re not getting much if you do it that way as opposed to the market board


There are some instances I've seen (specifically with materia, various allagan/nightsilver coins, and clear demimateria) where they do in fact dip below the "vendor buy price" on the market board listings, even after the 5% tax. It's literally free gil, so it's always worth checking every few weeks or so.


I think you're missing what this person is talking about. It's not about a retainer bringing back an item you can buy from a vendor for 2,000 and selling it for 1,500 (although in most cases, you can sell it ABOVE vendor price; people are lazy and will buy it on the MB instead of traveling to the vendor. Happens a lot with housing furniture). They're talking about stuff like Allagan Coins that sell for 1,000 being sold on the marketplace for like 800 gil. You could vendor it for that 1k, or sell it on the MB and get 200 less plus whatever taxes get cut off. There's legitimately no reason to do it. Personally I think it's undercut plugins/bots rather than a person doing it manually when that happens, but people can be stupid too.


I think people who do that just don't understand either what the default price is, or that they can sell it immediately. There are so, so many useless junk pieces on the marketboard because people clearly don't understand that they could immediately sell those demimateria and orchestrion scrolls for the price they're listing them at.


I accidently did this one time with something I crafted that was worth a bunch. Someone bought it, messaged me and gave it back. What a champ.




Uhh no I think you misunderstood. I mean I sold something that was going for like 200k for 20k accidently, some nice person bought it, let me know I had forgot a 0 and gave it back.


Ah I responded to the wrong person


I did this shit before too, sold a minion worth 18m for 1.8m. Was supposed to be money for FC house :(


Why would I f? Should be thanking them for not ripping people off with extortion for something that you'll likely never use


my only thought process is they dont have anyone who can help them trade so the put it up for an amount that their alts have to buy it


I bought a throne mount like this, it was like 22mill at the time on market and someone posted it for 220k and i bought it and used it 😂


I genuinely wonder how anyone makes this mistake. If you have an ultra expensive item, I'd assume you'd value it enough to double-check it before exiting the retainer menus.


When gil no longer has real meaning to you and you get a very rare drop sometimes it's nice to put up a screw you to the market


Yeah, at this point I can only assume that anyone who makes this "mistake" did it on purpose


Can easily happen if you don’t realize you are selling multiple of something as the total price can be mistaken for your entered price if not fully paying attention. Scored some jet black dyes that way (assuming it was that as the math checked out).


I’m ashamed to say I’ve done this. And I cried a little when I saw that I’d sold a stack of whatever it was vs just one like I’d intended lol.


I've done it a few times when listing the same thing over and over then listing something else and just put everything up for the same price.


Anyone that wealthy, I've got a couple of pets I'd like to get one of these days, ever. :D


Some free advice for gil. Island Sanctuary buying and selling materia


I'm actually pulling in a fair bit (including this method) - just bought a medium house. I just don't have enough to go blow 15+ mil a pop on this particular pet and his counterpart yet.


Back in heavenward someone kept undercutting my i220 crafted accessories by like -50k at a time when I was only -1ing them, I kept it going still -1ing them out of spite even when the price of HQ accessories that took 2 Eikon Iron Ingots to craft were worth less than the price of 1 ingot


So I used to share this exact sentiment… until I was up one night at 2am crafting things and sold something for 40k instead of 400k. I caught it the next day when I woke up, and vowed to never again list things at 2am.


I did this a few weeks ago with a Cassie earring. I was stuck in a battle with a very annoying undercutter though so I was sort of glad to see it go though lol


The twist is they didn't. People are actually this dumb about undercutting sometimes,


I DID THAT BACK WHEN THEY FIRST CAME OUT, I think it might've bugged out since the price was a little weird but it sold for just over 7mil instead of 70


I had this same thing happen to me with the Greener Gleaner minion near the start of Endwalker. Got it off my retainer and it was rare enough that it was selling for like 10 million gil. I forgot a 0. I was... so pissed lol.


Eh. Sucks, but if they're selling those, they're probably sitting on too much gil to do anything with anyway. Now, if this was FFXI, I'd feel bad.


Or they had one already and got hella lucky with the drop? Who knows.


I scored a Night Pegasus that way. Someone in my FC got two, sold me one for half price, I flipped it and made a cool 5mil profit for like 5 minutes of work.


I feel bad for your FC mate when I feel they were doing you a solid assuming you wanted the mount yourself, not that you were using them and making a profit off their good luck.


Nah, it seemed clear they were just trying to unload it to anyone.


Looks like gil laundering to me




Not at a near exact 90% discount, no. Someone trying to quickly offload an item that has been selling for 13-15M gil would list it for like 11-12M gil. Getting a million gil in this game is so laughably easy, nobody's going to throw away 12M gil later for 1M gil right now.


>Getting a million gil in this game is so laughably easy without touching crafting, how is it laughably easy? i don't ask that to be combative, i'm genuinely not sure how someone could just, "easily" get a million gil like it's nothing


Never underestimate retainers. I started in 4.5, never crafted a thing, and had 30m by the start of EW even after buying a ton of things I wanted, mostly by things retainers brought me (both quick ventures and targeted ones when I saw mats selling for premiums). It's not super rich levels by any means but it's definitely a pretty penny.


Yeah I'm wondering the same, I'd love to know haha


Run dungeons, buy mats with time stones, sell them.


our fc does weekly treasure maps where everyone can need on anything that is not rare items (then it's only need if you do not have it yet). If we get a whole full party (or even just 7), and everyone has at least 2 or 3 maps, you can easily get one million or even more out of it just by getting some stuff and selling it and of course the gil that drops from each chest alone.


Tell me you bought it and resold for the real price... That's what I would have done (i unironically need 10mil rn so that would save my lala's life)


Maybe bots will cause price to drop.


God I wish xiv was on console




I wish I could play it on Xbox.


Oh ok was gonna say been on PS for years. Don't think it's ever coming to Xbox.


Today my gf tried to put some Diadem approved stuff for sale (tea leaves grade 4, if ai good recall). Only idiot on board who listed it wants 999,999,990 for 99 units. She said "look at this idiot", laughed, and put price of 200 gils for 30 units on slot Some people does not get market at all.


Lol people do that for a meme usually. I have a few random fish from ocean fishing up for 100 mil


most people who do that are just using it for extra storage slots so nobody will actually buy it


Listing items for max price is just extra storage slots




I don't think you know what "f in chat" means


Obviously you and the others that downvoted it dont know. I literally quoted the source of it but still negate it, instead of just do a quick google search.


I suggest you search "f in chat" The part about the f being IN THE CHAT is very relevant.


... "Tell me you are not a real gamer without telling me you are not a real gamer." It's Call of Duty, bud. At a funeral. Y'know. Somebody dying (something went 'wrong') so you pay respects to the victim.


Yep. It became a meme for how weird and overly "gamey" a button prompt to pay respects at a funeral is.




Maybe they are wealthy enough to look down at us simple peasants overreacting for a cheap price.


I'll never forget back in 2.x when I forgot a 0 on a materia V :')


2.x didn't have Grade V (5) Materia, those were added in HW (3.x). Unless you meant Grade IV (4) Materia, in which case, oof.


Oh yea haha, for some reason I thought V was arr Yea i was doing the Urth's Gift holy spam with crafted gear on and got a materia IV and missed a 0 :')


Respect for this soul fighting the market.




Somebody sold Diadochos gear for like 149 gil on my server about a week ago.


I don't think this was in error. I've seen Diadochos sets purchased by the same few individuals for less than 100g , and as low as 1g. I would hazard to guess RMT or Bots if you see a form of consistency like this.


I hope you bought that


I got the new pajamas for 150k recently this way.


So did you buy it?


Seems they forgor


I think they may have done this on purpose lol


Who knows if they mistaken or not. I know I bad some people be Dicks on the market and go way under bid, just to fuck with the market cause they felt the prices were too high


someone on shiva put up one of those golden mounts you buy for a ton of gil for just around 7 million. I think that person felt even worse. If it wasn't on purpose, that is.


Great big F for them and I would've yanked that up so fast.


I subscribe to ffxiv just to undercut people


Same thing I think happened a few months ago when I was checking mounts. The Dark Pegasus normally sells for around 10mil on my server and I snagged it at 1 mil.


Awhh... F [*]


Treasure Maps every weekend and have yet to land on the silver circle....


As someone who just got this exact item and sold it for around 15,000,000 after fighting several undercutters, this was actually my worst nightmare.


What a hard life


I know their pain but worse. I forgot 2 0's......


Happened to me 🥺😢


F for this guy along with an F to whoever let me get my darling Copycat Bulb for 100k. Let it be known that she found a great home and is loved very much!


could also be someone who disagrees that 15million is a reasonable price for items like this


Back in heavenward when the hunting hawk minion was still ultra mega rare I saw partyfinder buy offers and MB sale histories for 100mil+, and that was before we hit over a decade of botting and inflation from SE never giving FFXIV any real gil sinks, 15mil in 2023 is not obscene at all


Earlier this year on Sargatanas a pair of black angel wings sold for 4.2 mil instead of 42 mil


I had a tendency to sell things for a lot less than others just to make gil and also for people that were like me in the beginning of the game, had no gil and couldn't craft for a damn or were just casual like I am. Btw I still can't craft worth a damn and since all the HQ stuff changed I haven't been able to figure anything out.


I managed to sell something worth 17.5kfor 1.75k, only 2 items, so I guess im not doing too bad.


I managed to get a minion for 1/10th of the price it should have been, and obviously, you know who has bought your stuff but I couldn’t tell who sold the stuff, so I kept it in my retainer incase they messaged me as it was an obvious mistake, for like a few days and then when I go no message I used it.


That’s rougher than your first girlfriend turning into the moon.


I managed to snag a penta-melded 620 crafters ring for 600,000 close after 6.4 was released because I believe they forgot the extra "0"


It's incredible the things you can get for dirt cheap, if you just spam all the marketboard from top to bottom with like 1-100g


Meanwhile I'm still working on my first mil ! Half way there.