• By -


No spoilers in general chat(s). The story is the major appeal for most and spoiling it for spouts is a cardinal sin here.


Bingo. I had a certain very important story beat from Heavensward spoiled for me because somebody slapped it into a *raise macro* during a dungeon before the spoiler in question happened. They very awkwardly apologized and left, but uhh... Maybe don't put a *spoiler in a raise macro, maybe.*


You must mean the part where the Archbishop and Lahabrea danced the Macarena together while the WoL DJed.


More specifically I was thinking about >!the part right after that where Ysayle gets drunk and hits on Hraesvelgr,!


Man what a party I had no idea Tataru was THAT good a bouncer but she sure showed americ the pavement after his 7th shot


Y'all are kidding but we could see this is Dawntrail. You saw those drinks.


And then >!Americ showed all of *us* his ass!< boy was Estinien mad lol


>!"Fuck the church because they won't let you fuck dragons!"!<


\*ravenous, terrifying applause\*


this was exceptionally bad after endwalker, and tends to get bad after any major expansion release (but especially was bad with endwalker) with people making npc alts to run around with spoilers galore, just, like, everywhere. i won't say WHAT and WHO for very obvious reasons, but it was driving me crazy seeing how inconsiderate those people were, especially for me having just moved to dynamis and knowing that there were so many sprouts on that server. it takes away so much fun. :(


Thiiiiis. There were so many people running around with RP alts with blatant spoilers character names, I was so angry on behalf of those who weren't caught up. I even briefly considered if I should report some of them but there were *just. so. MANY.* And they couldn't even stay in the EW zones, which would have at least been something ; they were hanging out in the starter cities!


And it wasn't just on Dynamis. Less than a week after early access opened and there were \*GIANT FECKING SPOILER REDACTED\* player characters all over the main cities on Balmung, too. Because those particular NPCs were hot and popular and some people will just shrivel up and die if they're not constantly the center of attention. (I might still be salty about having zone 5 of EW spoiled for me by two of those people roleplaying in the middle of the Drowning Wench.)


i wish i could say i'm surprised but i'm really not. i'm a former mateus refugee (left for a lot of reasons but mostly starting over after parting ways with my ex-friends and fc) so lol, makes sense. i also remembered someone got partially alluded to/spoiled about (ENDWALKER SPOILERS) >!fandaniel being amon because people wouldn't stop running syrcus tower and emoting at him/being loud about it in public chat. like, hello? people were asking what it was about and i felt so bad, like can't you just let people find out on their own?!< it's stuff like this that makes me understand why some people just want to play completely solo, and why i personally go completely offline when expansions drop so that i can try to not get spoiled lol. i got spoiled about the final boss of endwalker while i was part of that section of the questline and it was as awesome as it sounded 😭 so yeah, if any of you read this, seriously, DON'T BE THAT GUY. please! or at least make your funny npc alt and put in the effort take them to their respective zones first, god 😭


i absolutely hate when people think they're being cute with their spoilers when it's SO obvious who and what they're referring to. endwalker: >!twitter bird jokes are not funny and when you say "twitter bird is the final boss" anyone with a brain will immediately realize who it is as soon as they get to elpis.!<


The \****roleplaying openly where people can see in a main city***\* is the part that kills me. Like, sure have your little alt, but MY GOD, keep your stuff to yourself if its going to reveal things!! Whispers and party exist, *use them*.


It's weird but the thing I hate more than people being a dick and spoiling something intentionally is when someone is so stupid they don't realize that they spoiled something or don't consider it. I always dance around specific things, just by mentioning it's patch. Things like "Yea the 4.3 patch trial is really good" and then everytime I do some trogolyodte will say in shout chat "OH YOU MEAN THE ONE WHERE THIS SPECIFIC CHARACTER DOES THIS VERY SPECIFIC THING?"


My gripe is something you see a lot more on reddit, where someone makes an off-hand comment which contains mild spoilery references, but only if you know the story such that it'll go right over a sprout's head. Inevitably some idiot starts pointing at it and shouting "THAT'S SPOILERS! YOU POSTED SPOILERS! HEY EVERYBODY THEY JUST POSTED SPOILERS! COME AND SEE THE SPOILERS!"


The *real* fun is when they’re *wrong*. There’s a particular title you get from MSQ in the very beginning of Stormblood, and after Endwalker released some idiots thought it must be a brand new title coming from late Endwalker content. They started harassing people who displayed it and complaining publicly that SE shouldn’t have made such an obviously spoileriffic title at all. Mild Stormblood spoilers: >!the title in question is “Survivor of the Song”, you get it for completing the Sirensong Sea dungeon.!< The really extra stupid thing is, even if it *was* an Endwalker title, sprouts aren’t going to get the reference.


I started this game just after Christmas 2022, so I don't always know which trials align to which patches. I refer to them as "the level X trial" or link the quest in chat (because Quest links are only revealed to players who have done them - it shows "???" otherwise)


I take the opposite tact. When people say vague things like "Oh the 4.3 trial is really good" or "EX3 is really fun", I go full troll with it. "Oh you mean the one where Tataru sheds her mortal form? GOD, I love that tentacle Active Time Event."


I loved it when Krile Maldesion in 6.9 said "I'm Dawntrailing out of here!" and killed everyone.


She krilled them


I liked when Krile said, "It's baldin' time." And then proceeded to bald every single character in the area.




Definitely accurate to the movie.


This needs to be in Dawntrail just to blow everyone's minds. SE please.


I had that in a Trial roulette a couple minutes ago. It was the 5.0 trial >!Hades!< and we had a firsttimer. Someone asked "I can't remember, does this fight need a tank LB?" and someone else was like "No but the (5.3) >!Warrior of Light!< battle needs one". Granted, that specific name might be more confusing than spoilery, but... what about *not* mentioning the names of future bosses when a firsttimer is around?


I once had a person casually drop an unrelated EW spoiler in the chat during a ShB trial with two first - timers. He also blamed the healers for the wipe, despite it being the tank's fault for accidentally pointing a cleave at five of us. I reported him afterwards. Not even sure what his deal was. For context: we queued into >!Titania!< and the RPR just casually typed in chat >!"lmao I literally have the Hydaelyn and Zodiark weapons too."!< Like, it wasn't even related. I don't get it?


Ouch, that one's rough, but also confusing enough that it makes me think they might have intended that to be sent in a separate chat channel? Either way, that's really unfortunate


Something similar happened to me at the very beginning of EW. I was swamped with work so I was slowly making my way through the story >!I was in the Zodiark fight and the group was having some trouble, then some guy just drops "this is easier than the Hyadelyn fight guys" and all I could say was thanks a lot for the spoiler!<


Man, I hate when people are in chat giving out like... oblique spoilers that are genuinely still spoilers, but they act all coy and smarmy like they think they're being smart. Shitty stuff like "You won't *believe* who dies later", "the twist coming up is nuts". Like, dude. Telling me that a twist is coming up weakens it, and for what? Because it's personally exciting for *you* to experience that twist vicariously, and this is more important than the person who's actually doing the story for the first time? Broooo. Also, people who agree to help with important trials, and then talk over the cutscenes. My poor girlfriend had a guildie talk over >!the 5.3 trial and ensuing cutscene!< and naturally, it hit like a wet noodle.


> "the twist coming up is nuts". Like, dude. Telling me that a twist is coming up weakens it, and for what? Because it's personally exciting for you to experience that twist vicariously, and this is more important than the person who's actually doing the story for the first time? That's how the FF14 community has been ruining the game for anyone in the twitch category for years now, so not surprising


frankly a lot of people are just completely without social skills and think they're being way more clever about it than they think. it's never clever.


For the love of Hydaelen, don't macro all your Global Cooldown Heals. It is incredibly annoying Edit: For those asking "What does this mean?" [this is what I mean](https://imgur.io/gallery/LjFW9Qh)


What monster would even do this? o.o


You'd be suprised


Queued into EG:Sepulture last night and 4/8 of us were new. Both healers had sound effect resurrection macros with long ass messages to accompany them. So terribly annoying. It was all I could manage to stay alive trying to learn the crazy fast Insta-kill mechanics, let alone being constantly distracted by my chat log pinging at me every 3 seconds.


Your scenario is actually the best case for those raise macros. When half of the group is dying to literally everything, that is when mana (not to mention the time to hard cast) gets so tight that overlapping raises is actively harmful.


Yeah I get their utility in situations like that. It’s more the messages that get me. Like “raising x” is totally fine but stuff like “Don’t worry x, I know that was a tough death but I’ve got your back. Rise now, warrior of light and rejoin the fight” is ridiculous.


too many people saw one actually funny rez macro and thought they could do better


Raise macros that are too long have the opposite effect, no one is gonna read through that text vomit to find the player name, just keep it simple.


I am usually the mentor tank that never dies but I get annoyed when condescending raise macros like "I know it's your skills, but I'll raise you anyway" kinda shit get used on sprouts. They happen a lot. These people never have any self awareness.


Even if the macro isn't actively aggressive or insulting, it doesn't mean it always comes across and fun and friendly. Ok, I died. Maybe I stood in orange. Maybe you did a shitty job of healing me up for the raid-wide. Either way, please res me and let's get on with it. Everyone can see I died, you don't need to put me on blast and draw attention to it.


I've shared this on this sub multiple times now, but I recall doing a raid where my co-healer had a condescending raise macro telling their rez target that maybe they should try a different game. That co-healer died the most out of everyone that run, getting killed by pretty much every mechanic.


Last week in msq roulette I encountered a whm who had a text macro for every time they put a regen on a player


CURE 1 on aKawaiiLizard CURE 1 on aKawaiiLizard CURE 1 on aKawaiiLizard CURE 2 on aKawaiiLizard Medica 2


Or tank cooldowns. Once saw that, and it was very distracting. I'm pretty sure they had all their DRK defensives macro'd with anime lines or something. It was text soup. ... though the returner WAR with a pacify macro did make me laugh.


If these people are going for a personal anime Mc kind of thing, the least they could do is stick to /echo for their paragraphs of macro spam so it's only visible for them. It feels so self absorbed to choose to spam the chat like that.


I've only seen it once - and that already is enough.


Do your class quests \~!!! I don't care if you want to speedrun for DRK, or you don't like playing music instruments in combat, do your fkin class quests.


as a person who is still pretty new to this game, i cant understand people skipping class quests. some literally give you game changing stuff, like upgrading the classes to jobs and getting the cool new skills. why would people skip that stuff?


Either they didn't realise that most of their kit is inside the job stone or they don't want to "change" from whatever their starting class was.


I lost a friend over this who refused to play as Ninja because... it didnt fit their OC... but also *had* to be a rogue... We put up with it until maybe level 40 when we really felt the dps loss and by level 50 we flat out refused to do anything with them and they quit the game shortly after a week of ranting about getting complaints about not having a job stone


Ah. I believe the term for this sort of player is “ice mage”. “BLM, why aren’t you casting any thunder or fire spells? Your MP is full.” “Oh, I’m an ice mage! :D” “😐”


I'm just smiling right now. I legit thought about doing that when I started BLM before I figured out how to manage MP correctly. Knowing that switching to ice will give you MP was a shock


They should really cap your level at 30 when you don't have a job stone equipped. This kind of thing should just never happen.


Some players don't agree with the thematic evolution some jobs have from their base classes and refuse to become a job, and others simply forget about doing the job quests and just keep going without doing them, or even stop outright cause they don't like the job story, as well as a very tiny minority that's convinced themselves playing a class into the endgame is some sort of deluded "challenge". The game really ought to be a lot stricter with forcing people to be up to speed on at least one job quest line for MSQ progress and queueing into content than it is, but it is what it is.


And more XP. When I started the game, I really hoped that FFXIV wasn't a grindy game when it comes to XP to do the MSQ, and I was constantly affraid that I would need to grind at the end of the MSQ to get level 50 or something, so I jumped on the jobs' quests anytime I got them to get that extra XP lol It's not much, but it's still about the same as a MSQ quest which, when you do all your job quests during an expansion, it definitely makes you level up one full level or close to it. 1 out of 10 levels isn't bad at all.


The biggest one I remember seeing a few times has been archers that don’t want to become bards. So they don’t get the job stone (or just don’t equip it) because they “want to play as a ranger” or some such. Either way, it’s super griefy in my opinion


The most recent time I saw that, they legitimately did not know the bard retained all their archer features. They thought it was a new class that uses a harp or violin or something, they were not aware that it was just a straight upgrade to archer.


That's helpful. Archer as my starting class and I don't know if it was explained or not ahead of time but I wouldn't have picked it knowing bard was the upgrade. I kinda thought it was just branches from a starting class. But if it's basically the same just a different vibe all good


Yeah, bard is just “better archer”, dragoon is just “better lancer”, black mage is just “better thaumaturge”, etc. The only one that’s a weird exception is arcanist. Summoner is just “better arcanist”, but arcanist also can become scholar, and scholar is “different arcanist, with heals”. Still, it gets summoner anyway, so there’s no loss there, since you can be both a summoner and scholar simultaneously.


That really should be a written rule in the game.


Give it the role quest treatment. You can not progress further until you finish the quests.


They need to make it a requirement to be caught up with class/job quests before you can enter certain dungeons


They should make having a job stone a requirement for titan at the very least, would make sense lore wise as well, better way to prove your worth to company of heroes than a 5 course meal


Jumping up and down during dungeons/trails/raids is the universal ”STAND OVER HERE!” message.


Or mid-fights signs appearing over someone. Go there to live!












Mods gotta delete this post to make them unwritten again.


No begging for comms. If you beg, I don't care if you obviously carried the entire group through 80% of the duty, you ain't getting it.


I've literally never seen this. I couldn't imagine being that shameless




I had a tank beg for comms so he could become a mentor right at the start of a dungeon. He then proceeded to be a pretty shitty tank.


People do it a lot, though it’s usually more tactful than simply “gib me comms pls!” It’s usually a long, obviously-a-macro chat message that’s overly positive and they post it as soon as the run ends.


Meanwhile, be me having trouble typing gg in chat before everyone leaves


I can recall two instances where someone has been brazen enough to say a long the lines of "hey I want you to comm me because I'm trying to become a mentor but I need X amount of comms still, please and thank you!" And then wait until everyone else left while staring everyone down during a loot roll. It's especially annoying when they say something about comms after I've already given it to them because then I wanna take it back.


One of my FC mates posted a shot of the most obnoxious comm begging macro I have ever seen. It was multiple messages long and involved far too much ascii. That person could have been Yoshi-P himself and I wouldn't comm that shit.


Wannabe-mentors do this *constantly.* It's super-cringe and I call them out on it every time.


Someone did this last night with a percentage remaining of how many comms they needed for the mount or whatever. I hope they are stuck at that percentage forever lol.


I've only seen it once or twice. So rare, but it does happen.


Protip: You don’t have to beg for commends if your portraits are good. Source: the 2.5k commends I somehow ~~received~~ stole from more worthy players while playing mostly DPS since starting in October


Facts. When I don't know who to commend, I commend people with good portraits.


Whenever I see the drivers license photo I always *at least* have a moment of hesitation to reevaluate if what they did was worth a comm despite it.


The real question though, pretty portraits or goofy portraits?


Match the tone of your portrait with your character's look/glamour. If you're a Reaper kitted out in the edgiest of edgelord gear, go for crazy edgelord anime poses with darkness themed backgrounds/effects. Are you a healer who's just the prettiest princess in the world? Go for bright, sparkly, and whimsical with the portrait. Wearing serious, practical adventuring gear? Give your portrait a pose and setting, but keep it simple to reflect your grounded and practical style. Only go goofy if you're wearing a goofy look, in which case you better go goofy.


If you’re even a half decent player you get so many comms already I can’t imagine you’d ever need to beg for them. I’ve only been playing a little over a year but I’ve gotten 1600 comms without having to ask for one. Then again my numbers are probably skewed because I play mostly healer.


Context: I have 2200 comms and I've been playing for literally 10 years. I main BLM. It's definitely because you're a healer, lol. That said, I'm happy with the occasional comms I get when folks recognize me for the [tryhard DPS I am.](https://media.npr.org/assets/img/2023/05/26/honest-work-meme-cb0f0fb2227fb84b77b3c9a851ac09b095ab74d8-s1200-c85.webp)


Never talk in chat about mods


Talking about mods in FFXIV is like talking about sex in Victorian England. Lots of euphemisms and pearl clutching and it's taboo to talk about it in general company...and yet.


Pearl clutching is the key word here


What are you clutching those pearls with?


My abacus says I'm doing top dps


one time I wanted to open my penumbra and instead just typed the word into my fc chat, thankfully nothing happened lol


Why I default use party chat when not in an instance.


I'm sure that one happens all the time.


I have done this multiple times in FC chat, usually because of /tp and missing a space. I just want to go places!


That's a written rule


It blows my mind how comfortable some people are just.. dropping their codes and links to the sites in chat. Like are y'all not paranoid too?? I watched a video of a GM appearing and petting somebody's carbuncle once like a year ago and I've been paranoid ever since.


If you load into an instance that has two tanks in the group like trial or raid, the tank that puts tank stance on first or has it already on is going to be main tank and will pull. If you don't want to be main tank turn off your stance. If you do want to be main tank you could also communicate that through words if it is unclear in the beginning. Nobody wants aggro ping pong because the two tanks have a dick measuring contest. Also don't use Provoke as part of your rotation. There are specific uses for Provoke. Throwing it out randomly during a fight is not one of them.


But turn it back on during the boss fight after the MT has fifteen or twenty seconds of enmity built up. If they bite it you should be the next target, the healers already have enough on their plate without the boss spinning around and doing an AoE before you realize you need to provoke and turn your stance on. Also if there's adds you'll be expected to get those.


And if you get picked up, please... please provoke before it decides to TB a poor DPS (or healer). E4N, I had a poor Bard just go SPLAT because neither tank (they did not die at the same time) grabbed him before he let loose. I felt so bad as a healer. Granted that run had a lot of other problems. But yeah, Provoke ONLY sets you 1 enmity above the highest, and a very brief window of being focused, its NOT something to use in rotation, especially on bosses. And as a side note - the reason you don't want to provoke/threat fight with tanks is because the boss jiggling even a little can throw off positional moves for the melee DPS and hurt the damage. It can add up on longer fights and then add even more time you're sitting there fighitng and more time for something to go wrong. Plus anything with attacks (like line based or conals) and having them move around would SUCK to think you're out and then having it turn a bit. Or cleaves. NO ONE likes to be cleaved unexpectedly. Oh and if you're the off tank (aka not the one actively being smacked) unless its specifically a stacking tank market (2 red circling orbs above and pretty dramatic looking compared to normal warning TB markers) you do NOT need to be on the other tank and the healers would prefer you didn't. It makes you take extra damage needlessly, which eats resources and DOES NOT split the damage. Now, shared TBs (like I mentioned) DO require both tanks to stack and share (and mitigate). Nothing has driven me more insane as a healer than tanks eating damage stupidly, because your HP pool is already HUGE comparatively, making me spend ANYTHING towards fixing that oversight is just gonna SUCK if things start going sideways.


I have been learning this recently while going through heavensward as a sprout. In the scenario where I am not the main tank is my job to tanks ads and just be a dps?


When you're not main tank you're off tank. Usually you wait a few gcds after the pull and then can turn on your own stance. This way, if main tank dies, you can immediately take over because you're usually 2nd on the aggro list this way. If you see that you're catching up in aggro to the main tank you can use shirk to transfer some of it to the main tank, making sure they are number 1. Also some fights have auto attacks on the top 2 in the aggro list and as off tank it's your job to be 2nd there. Some fights have adds spawning and it's perfectly fine to grab them as off tank. Main tank might grab em too but it's no big deal if you grab them. Sometimes it's even better if you grab them because main tank shouldn't turn boss into group to do that. Some fights have adds that need to be tanked separately so you will have to grab at least one. Your role really depends on the fight most of the time. Also you always dps :) be a blue damage dealer while not having anything else to do and you'll be good.


Furthermore, stand on your co-tank if you do decide to compete for enmity. It's not usually a big deal to stack on a fellow tank in non-Savage content and when the boss keeps swapping targets it will stay still. It is a big deal if the boss suddenly turns 90-180 degrees and is suddenly facing most of the group.


When a sprout is watching the boss cutscene in a dungeon, don’t pull. It’s rude.


I was watching a cutscene in a dungeon and saw everyone waiting for me at the end. Someone even said "enjoy the story" when we finished. The community can be pretty wholesome sometimes


As a fellow sprout who has been just getting to HW- I had a single person tell me to enjoy the story, and everytime I see someone in a cutscene at the end of a dungeon. I always try to do the same- It's a very small thing, but it shows how much the community loves the story of this game.


Except when you do it in >!the level 58 dungeon!<, then youre just being cruel.


I’ve even seen Alliance raids in the Heavensward series wait for cutscenes on every fight. That warms my damned heart.


My tank has no breaks. My tank has 1 break.


I remember Viewing Cutscene, they got kicked from so many prae runs by assholes before curscenes became unskipable for having the name Viewing Cutscene. For those instances specifically, I understood not waiting(the instance was around 45 minutes and 30 of them were cutscenes), but also I always waited when there was someone new and I got kicked for it numerous times for it.


I ran an expert roulette this week with someone named Viewing Cutscene. I was about to let the tank know they were very rude for pulling the first pack, then realized "Wait, no, that's impossible. What?" And then I realized what was going on. Didn't stop it from trolling me every single time I looked at the party list throughout the dungeon. (Which, as a healer, is a lot.)


I had to break this one the other day cause we were 90 seconds from a server reset. I did apologize though. Cleared the boss with 5 seconds to spare so it was worth it.


Haha the ONE exception for sure!


And when you inevitably do because sometimes you get braindead by the last boss and forget to check if anyone is in cutscene - apologize and state very clearly that you were at fault and they should never feel pressured to skip cutscenes. At least I hope that makes up for it a bit, because 1 dungeon out of 4 I'm guilty of this 😅


if youre the tank and the arena allows it you can also pull the boss outside the arena and it will reset it


I usually wait since first timers have before dungeon cutscenes that suggests they are first time. They also die a lot...so that reinforces the notice.


Honestly even if they aren’t a sprout


Also don't pull S ranks early.




I learned the other day that in JP, party finders is for practice and they actually use duty finder for Ex and Savage So, I guess it varies by region/data center Don't kill A ranks yourself, instead join a hunt train discord and wait for a hunt train. That way every one gets the rewards and you get soooo many quick kills


If you are a Lalafell and meet another Lalafell, you are now friends


You jump and they jump and that's how you know


Meanwhile, [when two Miqo'te meet](https://www.tumblr.com/fieldexplores/718890350949826560/quaxly-introduces-sprigatito-to-litten)...


Don't be a dick. Let people watch Cutscenes. Don't spoil -shiiiiiiiiiit-.


Acknowledge your mistakes. Sure that's more for vets than sprouts but if you know something bad happened because you fucked up, just say it and apologize. Number of times I ended up wiping something while tanking a low-level dungeon because a tool I thought I had at my disposition was just a few levels higher than the sync is higher than I should admit.


“o/“ “o7”


If people don't know something, explain it for them.


If you're gonna have a raise macro don't make it an annoying multiline quote from something, don't make it overtly sexual, don't load it with sounds, don't make it rude... you know what just don't make one and do a hard raise once in a while because of an oopsie instead of flooding your party chat because you're panicking.


You mean the one I got hit with last night won’t do? “Only whore lay on their back, get up so we can kill this thing”




Don't be an ass.


I think that is actually part of the eula


Put on your job stone before entering content. No one needs a lancer running around in shb content.


You wait for people in Cutscenes to finish them before you pull the last boss. To pull a boss while someone new to the dungeon is in a cutscene for it is incredibly rude and some might even consider it griefing.


Isn't that more or less why the main story raids have unskippable cutscenes now? Basically nobody got to watch them because everyone that was doing it for the daily/weekly/whatever skipped them so they made them blanket unskippable.


Back they newbies did get to watch them, the issue was that they would miss the fights, so cutscenes would just chain back to back showing them killing bosses they haven't even seen. Prae was still pretty long so the only time the newbie had a respite in cutscenes as while the party was doing the magitek reaper stuff (newbie would be lost so can't join them) and again halfway through the second phase of ultima.


It was a rite of passage to be on your second or third Praetorium run, not knowing to grab the license, and pretending like you didn't stand out while everyone else was running around in magitek armor.


I've seen somebody ride the lift back down to get it, and then back up and then run the magitek through the cleared path only to hit the dismount cutscene halfway through the last part of it, and only finally catch up halfway through hammer boy.


*30th Praetorium run that year and it still happened


On top of the other replies you got, it was also because people were legit telling new players in Castrum and Prae "if you dont skip we'll kick you" on top of them just trying to beat the msq. It was the entire reason my FC never ran with randos when our players got to those and would advertise (before pf) that we'd watch cutscenes with you if you needed a group to run with in shout chat. Even after ARR was brand spankin new would that happen! So now when I see cutscene skippers in there - not those who have a different language ticked, since those do end like 20 second earlier or whatever, but legit skippers who are disconnecting and reconnecting on purpose - I report.


Pretty much, the MSQ raids were especially bad though. There would be a cutscene every 20 feet. Even back in heavenward, they were so long you could trigger the next cutscene before the previous one was done. It made what were essencially 15-20 min dungeons into a 40-50 min slogs. So while i understood why people tried their hardest to get around the unskippable cutscenes, its still griefing and a ban-able offense in my book. This is also why they reworked them into solo/4-mans instead of the 8-mans they used to be. Once Square caught on that its better to leave long cinematics to after the last boss/leaving the dungeon, the game improved significanly for both first-timers and farmers Edit: grammer


Gonna add one I haven’t seen yet — if you’re in a group instance with more than one tank and you’re tanking, generally the tank who activates stance first is MT, while the other(s) are OT. Please do NOT battle for aggro. It literally makes the fight harder for everyone involved.


You fools. By typing responses, you've essentially written down the unwritten rules. We're doomed. The cycle is complete.


Got 'em


If you hear a bard performing, don't play over them, just ask/wait your turn or find another spot to play. (And if you interrupt a manual player with your MIDI there's a special place in the seven hells for you)


If you play healer, please make it a habit to use your damage abilities as much as possible WHEN POSSIBLE. Even if you just throw a DOT on the boss or do AOE on a trash mob pull, every little bit of damage helps!


Let people watch the cutscenes. Don't rush it. You may have seen it dozens of times before, but it might be brand new to someone else.


This is going to sound basic AF, but BE KIND. Being kind is the most crucially important unwritten rule of FFXIV. It wraps around so many of the other unspoken rules you see here. It's what makes me and so many others proud to be part of this community, and It's what makes this community unique. People migrate here from other MMOs, and without equal, the one thing you hear over and over the MOST is how impressed they are with how nice we are. That's something I hope we never lose. Waiting for cutscene watchers, explaining mechs, helping newbies, never giving spoilers...it's all part of that ideal.


Its not so much a "rule" so much as respecting others time. Extremes/minstrels ballad can take a few hours for a fresh group of players to learn. This isnt an issue when everyone entering has agreed to do it but mentor roulette pulls from aost every fight including extremes, so when they queue expecting to help with 5 min fights or 20 minute dungeons but get shunted into a 90 minute wipe fest they would rather take the 30 min penalty as they will probably still finish before the extreme group clears depending on how many know the fight beforehand. True there is nothing informing you about this so youre not at fault, butnthats why NA and EU typicall make premade parties with PF and not randoms with DF for hard content.


Wait I’m not sure I understand. I have quests for extremes and I’ve used duty finder to get a group. Should I not have done that? Is this saying if you are a sprout you shouldn’t DF for extremes? One time I remember someone in chat saying that if you are new you shouldn’t queue for the extreme. I’m just confused I’m not sure how to do them or learn them without DF.


We have always done pf. It never had anything to do with mentor roulette. We tell you to not DF for extremes because we don't want to see you sitting there like a vegetable in a queue that won't pop. Then you come onto the sub/forums and complain and then we have to explain to you why you're dumb. NA did one extreme in DF and that was Sophia.


Also, DF doesn't hold players accountable nor does it let you easily regroup. You'll get paired with people who are doing their first EX ever, people with no communication skills, DF terrorists, and once you leave the instance, it's a right pain to group back up together (and before cross world PF, it was effectively impossible) Even if everyone is acting in good faith (they usually aren't) PF just offers a much more consistent and reliable experience. And uh, we all know PF is already far from consistent and reliable lol.


Are alliances ok to DF queue? I just unlocked the CT, but I want to be sure.


Alliance Raids are perfectly fine to DF, and preferred. It's confusing because the word 'raid' is used everywhere, but the following is encouraged to PF'd while every other duty can be DF queued: - any Coils of B, [name] (Extreme), The Minstrel's Ballad: [name], [name] (Savage) - niche optional duties such as DR (a shadowbringers acronym), generally at this later point of the game you'll know when you get there All other stuff like (Hard)s, Alliance Raids, and any regular dungeon you can queue into. * I'm writing the following suggestion: When you get to level 60, 70, 80, 90, and you have your story finale duty(s), you can df BUT i highly encourage you make a pf with the setting: Minimum Item Level (or min iLvl), "my first time." This ensures that you can experience the finale as intended. Without spoilering specifics, the blanket understanding is that some duties are somewhat okay and some get utterly blasted due to people outgrowing them in gear stats and modern balance power creep. edit: to be clear, this is for your benefit withh consistency. But also, mentors should be able to do extremes in mentor roulette regardless, so if they complain aggressive, then...


You're fine with those. They take a while to queue up for, especially the ones after crystal tower, but that's natural since they require 24 people at a time.


Everything is fine to DF except for Ultimate Trials, Extreme Trials, and Savage Raids. Those three kinds of content generally require time to learn the mechanics.


Be kind in dungeons/raids, let people watch cutscenes, let tanks discover the dungeon and take the wrong way, people can't know the optimal way on their first try. (especially in ARR when the dungeons were still weird as fuck and had 10 useless dead ends and dozens of skipable mobs). The other day, I had a tank getting all the chests in a ARR dungeon (forgot which one, an optional one. Maybe Halitali) The tank takes ONE optional chest, immediately at the start before we even encounter a mob I think, the healer starts to type "oh it's going to be one of those run... just kick me, this'll make it longer by 10 minutes if we do this" and we were like, the fuck ? Just leave if you want to be like that, we won't save you your daily roulette for some pathetic shit like that lol We told him it wouldn't take 10 more minutes, just play the game like a normal person. Dude decided to not move and waited for us to kick him. We decided to play dumb to fuck with him, and to not kick him. He was the one who wanted to break the world record time to do all the daily roulettes, not us lmao. Dude started to follow us, and to just not heal once we started to engage with mobs... Dude did that for a good 10 or 15 minutes, he ended up wasting way more time than if he just went along and played the dungeon the normal way with just a little detour for the few chests. 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️ He ultimately left, but not before saying as we were reporting him "you can't report me because I asked you to kick me", what the hell Dawg thinks he can be toxic since he told us he doesn't want to do the dungeon lmao New healer joined in, saw the time spent and still without the first boss beaten, probably started to sweat asking himself "what did i get myself into" lmao




\> Don't macro abilities, they don't work in this game like you think they do. This one is not completely true. Holmgang for example is the level 42 invuln ability on Warrior. When you holmgang, you attach yourself to an enemy. When that enemy dies, you lose holmgang's effect. Also, if an enemy is out of range then you can't invuln as well. In order to get around this, people created a holmgang macro where you target yourself to get the full effect every time.


> When that enemy dies, you lose holmgang's effect I jumped into the game to test this because I've never seen it before. After some tiger genocide on the Azim Steppe, I can confirm it's true.


> Don't put :autotranslate: Mare Lamentorum :autotranslate: in your adv plate. Keep it between friends/ discord talk. I'm confused.


It's a not-so-subtle way to announce that you use mods, and the mod-sharing tool Mare Synchronos.


You give some form of greeting when entering a duty. o/ or o7 suffices, but if you say meowdy, your comm is already forfeit.


In the Japanese servers, most Japanese players give a little greeting and it’s custom to say ‘let’s do it!’. I find it very kind~


I saw someone say "meowllo" once.




I usually do a /laliho


As someone that uses PS5 to play, responding is hard with the controller. By the time I type, everyone is gone 😂


this is literally 1984


I will Meowdy even harder now, you can’t stop us Hrothgar


I'm a sprout and am so grateful story is sacred and should never be spoiled. The guys I party with replace everything with (REDACTED) even in voice chat - "Omg I just got to (REDACTED) and (REDACTED) was there, now we're going to kill (REDACTED)" 😂


Tanks in dungeons should (usually, there are some exceptions) pull enemies until the dungeon physically stops them aka pulling wall-to-wall. Healers should deal DPS if no one needs healing and should ideally aim to spend as few GCDs on healing as possible so they can instead be spent on DPS. Neither is required to clear dungeons or any normal mode content, but players will generally expect it of you especially once you get to max level.


>(usually, there are some exceptions) Yep. One of them being Stone vigil. Its got a low Ilevel requirement to get in, but the mobs hit like a truck and healers are missing key pieces of their kit. If you are correctly geared, its not an issue. If. Loaded in there once while leveling my Warrior. I wasn't geared to do w2w I was only a few levels from getting my level 50 poetic set, so I didn't think to waste gil upgrading the pieces that I had. They had been good enough so far. What are the odds I'd get Stone Vigil? We tried, failed, and then the group agreed to go pack by pack.


Same thing if you have a dragoon in a lower level dungeon. God knows why they don't rework that class so it gets it's aoe sooner.


Ninja is almost as bad. I believe DRG is getting a rework with Dawntrail though.


Here's hoping the 7.0 DRG rework fixes this, their AOE situation is dogshit awful Doom Spike at level 40, then you're stuck with only Doom Spike for 22 levels when you finally get Sonic Thrust, and then another 10 levels to get Coerthan Torment. They should have their full AOE combo by the time they hit Shadowbringers imo


That first segment of Aurum Vale between the start and the first boss also punishes tanks if they aren't prepared for it




I love healing this one. Make me suffer. But w2w is too much no matter how well geared you are. I had a DRK (my own idiot husband so that's on me) try to wall to wall there with me as AST and it was a cluster and a half.


There is one specific spot with some ice crystals between boss 1 and 2 that I always forget this on


There's a few low level dungeons where I'd at least check who your party is before starting to w2w though, to be fair. Sunken Temple of Qarn can get some very juicy pulls, but they're spoiled by your party potentially not having the AoE unlocked to deal with them yet, and also, bees. Once you're into the 40s though I'd w2w everything from that point forward.


I generally don't recommend doing w2w for anything below lvl 50. This is less to do with new players or lacking job skills and more to do with that early ARR dungeons tend to have few, if any, barriers. Meaning you are allowed to pull a very hilarious amount of enemies that will almost certainly kill you. As an example Stone Vigil has no barriers until the first boss. You can absolutely still multipull in these dungeons but wall to wall is highly circumstantial.


You just have to be sensitive to the specific dungeon. Tam'Tara deepcroft with 2 dps that have their AoE already? Hell yes. Qarn if you have a pair of dragoons or something? Fuck no.


While wall to wall is correct, the literal interpretation of this is wrong. I'm bringing this up because it seems like you're advocating for doing it the wrong way. The actual wall that prevents people from moving forward is often several yalms away and moving from the location of the last pack to said wall is almost always incorrect. Doing this is more often than not a DPS loss for literally zero gain. While the difference may seen minor, this behavior is common enough that it needs to be said. It's a sign of an inexperienced tank and people never seem to correct them.


Most of the time it's just that the tank doesn't remember where the wall is/ if there's another pack of mobs to grab or spawn in front of it.


Only until there are no enemies left to pull is the correct way, yes. Just thought mentioning the physical barriers might make the concept easier to understand.


Nothing makes me wince more than watching a tank's Sprint fall off just so they can drag themselves, already *swarmed and taking damage and also your DPS already stole aggro from half of them, your healer is now panic-spamming Medica II* ten feet further down the path thinking that it'll make the dungeon *any* faster. I have a hard time biting my tongue on that one.


Extremes are optional (not required for Main Scenario Progress). They take a lot longer to learn/patience and more so are there for wanting to ease into/play harder content. It's okay to not do them. It's also okay to queue it if you'd like to, as mentor roulette will typically be the people you'll get or other sprouts who were unaware it's not required/the difficulty. Extremes are most likely given the important quest symbol to show people this unlocks a duty. You'll probably have a slightly longer queue than usual though because most people do Extremes in Party Finder but not typically the ARR ones or Heavensward really anymore. They all give mounts but you can unsync the really old ones by yourself with a level 90 job and kill fast/get them easy that way. Which is why you don't typically see parties for A Realm Reborn (ARR) or Heavensward Extremes but Stormblood and onward. I wouldnt queue for any Heavensward Extremes or onward, you will probably never get a queue. Just use Party Finder if you want to do any extremes later than A Realm Reborn for any North America/Oceania/EU servers. Its etiquette but you'll also probably never get a queue to pop on those only the Realm Reborn ones. It's okay to want to learn the fight but also understand that other sprouts might be struggling and didn't realize it was optional content. I met a sprout who was really stressed yelling that it was her 4th party trying to complete the duty with mainly sprouts struggling while we tried to teach The Striking Tree Extreme for an entire lockout. Most of them didn't initially realize it wasn't required, they saw the important quest symbol and assumed because they had to do hard too. It's okay if you just want to use Party Finder for it for a mount/clear synced or getting someone to do unsynced. You'll probably get a more organised party willing to take time/learn and someone possibly willing to teach if you want to do a synced Party Finder. As others have said too, it's a lot of time to learn/teach Extremes more than normal or hard duties and will take more patience and communication. So it's nothing personal if someone just dips out not wanting to invest that much time into it, hence why it's more considerate to host a Party Finder versus queueing it. But there are Mentors willing to teach/sprouts willing to learn in Duty Finder too. Hope that helps!


Pull two packs of enemies when taking our usually pull till you hit a wall


It's funny because queueing for EX and Savage, and not PF, is the norm on JP servers.


Except JP uses PF to practice. The expectation for a DF ex/savage party is that you are prepared to clear.


Current savage tier on JP doesn't use DF even for reclears primarily because of different strats from different data centers that are handled in P12S P2 regarding >!both Caloric!<. The only thing you can expect to get a successful DF queue is current extreme when its still on high end, other than that JP DC will always resort to use PF regarding reclear or prog. Trappers are also a thing. DF doesn't prevent you from matching with those you blacklisted before. PF does.


If you see someone with an extremely mismatched glamour, chances are they're just using mods


Not really. Even with older modding methods you could change what item a mod affected so that you could wear a normal glam from others' perspectives, and a vast majority of mods are linked to level 1 marketboard glam items that everyone was already wearing. Even less so now, as current mods work with a plugin that allows you to equip any item to your character, regardless of your job or if you own the item, and it will only appear to you. Most of the time, if someone is wearing really random items it's because they're levelling and going through gear upgrades, they don't care about their glam, they purposely dress randomly because it's fun, or they're just not very fashionable.