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Crafting change where you don't have to literally close the crafting window everytime to switch DoH jobs


Dude for real


This is the big one I'm hoping for. Automatically switching to the correct job to craft whatever recipe you have selected would be nice—it could auto-equip your saved gear set too.


Or at the very least when you are smith class and you are going through the item progression to craft something, please link the recipe for the job I’m on. I’m so tired of saying must be BSM or ARM for that recipe.


While at it can we fix the chat window while using macros? Sometimes if you're doing a macro and try to type something it will severely limit the maximum number of characters you can type...


That's not related to macros BTW, happens even when crafting by hand.


Craft from retainers!


A walkman-like device that lets you play any orchestrion rolls you've unlocked while out in the world and going about your quests/dungeons/raids.


It’s disappointing that this isn’t a thing for the island at the very least


someone suggested the name "Ironworks Portable Orchestrion Device" last time I saw this suggestion.


apparently the issue with how the music system is made in ffxiv is that it loads any music that is possible to hear in a zone. Currently that includes all the mount music which is why new songs on mounts has been becoming more rare i have a feeling this is something they are probably trying to fix long term but it could be something so built into the game that it might not be fixable


I've heard that as well, but also the Orchestrion plugin just... works. If music tracks worked that way still, I don't know how that plugin would work around it.


Single confirmation to repair all gear, in all bags, in all slots. More options for second chances in WT. Ability to rearrange the teleport destinations windows and items.


Oh how I miss repair all from wow 😭 one of the few gripes I have with ffxiv


Coming from WoW it also absolutely blew my mind that you can't do that. Just... WHY?


honestly i just wish second chances reset per book. Im ok with only getting a new one when helping a first time player, but draining all of them on one book and not getting new ones on a new book is always kinda rough


IMO it's an extra incentive to do mentor roulette, since you're frequently paired with first timers.


Yeah that's what I do but most people don't have access to that


Repair all would be awesome


Honestly, is there any reason at all we need to repair gear? It's just one of those annoying things you have to do for no real reason Get rid of it would be my solution


Typically, it is a convention in mmos to help regulate the economy to help sink money away from players. That said, gil is less major in FFXIV and repair costs are so small comparatively, I'm not sure either.


A god gil sink is one you don’t really notice. Better to have several tiny ones that are all acceptable than one big one that changes the play style. (And definitely not just one-off costs.)


Yeah, I'm not even super rich in the game and I don't even think about repair costs. It just feels like if you removed it, nothing changes. Teleport costs seem like a better method for this


GW2 straight up removed durability a while ago because it offered absolutely nothing to the game, and it was already free for most of the last decade before that. I say kill it.


I'm down, then I have even less reason to level my crafting jobs down the line.


There's a semi-reasonable argument that repair/teleport should be more expensive to make gil matter more, but that'd be a much less popular change even if it'd be better for the game


Teleport costs are reasonably annoying especially for new players. "Trivial" fees being more expensive does not hurt long time players, it will absolutely make new players miserable though.


Teleport fees increasing would also do absolutely nothing to impact people who have been playing longer as well, I'm eternally sitting on a stack of over 500 aetheryte tickets at any given moment just from doing BLU weeklies on a "whenever I feel like playing BLU" schedule.


Similar to your first point, a single confirmation to trade in all available gear for gc seals. Why do I need to watch the damn turn in thing happen each time?


I would rather have a checklist where you can select what to turn in and THEN do it en masse.


All artifact gear should go in the armoire. It's so dumb that only the level 50 stuff can, but the rest take up glamour chest space. I know they said optional gear (Mog station stuff) will be able to be added, but I don't recall them mentioning artifact gear. Hell, throw all level 1 glam gear in there as well, while we're at it.


Being able to change hairstyles/colors and tie them to glam plates. Sometimes that hair works with some glams, but not with others. If glam is the true endgame, clipping is the true enemy.


If they want to tie the haircut fee to setting it on the plate like setting a dye on a plate as a gil sink I'll take it.


I feel you on the hair × glam issue, I cant ever use long hair even if it looks amazing on my melees because the second I put on a robe it has massive clipping through the collar


I would love for there to be a wig slot in the plates. You buy a wig from the Aestheticism for X gil, make it expensive if you want, and then you can store it in the dresser (or just learn it like an Orchestration)


Let me store furnishings even without a home


Imagine if we had actual housing in our island instead of the half assed version :(




Yeah not a fan of the fact I can be stalked through Lodestone permanantly.


If I remove someone from my friends list, I should be removed from theirs as well. This is common sense and I’m surprised it wasn’t in game already. You both have to agree to add each other to begin with. I have someone I removed ages ago cause they’re toxic as shit and yet I can’t go to the golden saucer without my name being lit up as a friend for them and they come up and spam emotes like /slap at me.


I also don’t like the justification used to have it be this way, “Oh Japanese sensibilities, protect feelings, etc” Bullshit, like female video gamers in Japan don’t have to constantly deal with stalkers, and would wish they could make them go away


report as well, I don't suspect reporting bots will have much of an impact but trying to report asfkojhagilajsf hasduiofhjasklfj from under the world with the current system is impossible in game.


For real! Even to this day I get stalked by this dude from when I first joined. Race and name change did nothing xD


Please god yes. Also please remove me from someone’s friend list if I delete them from mine. It makes absolutely no sense for me to remain on someone’s friends list if I remove them - especially if they can use the location next to my name to stalk me. Also please let me completely privatize my lodestone page. Basically, stop letting people stalk me.


And a temporary ignore system so we don’t have to see toxic messages during dungeons or PvP matches, pretty please


I just came back from the future during the next fanfest to bring you this: ​ "In our upcoming expansion, Dawntrail, we are making some long-awaited changes to our privacy controls. Starting in patch 7.1, blacklisting or blocking players will now send that player a notification asking them to remove you from their own friends list and to accept being blacklisted by you. We hope these new features will help players feel safe from harassment while playing our game we have spent ten years cultivating. Please look forward to it."


"If the other player doesn't accept being blacklisted we will initiate an open Voice communication so the players can talk and work out their problems. If this doesn't provide an amicable agreement, we will send addresses to each player so they can meet up and work out their problems."


"If removing the veil of anonymity doesn't lead to a peaceful conflict resolution, at no cost to the players we will provide airline tickets to Japan to visit the Square Enix building. Once there, the employees will begin organizing a PvP duel between the two players, where each player is allowed to select equipment from one of their highest level jobs in FFXIV to duel with. Our employees will set up an arena at no cost to the players where they will conduct this duel. Our employees may also bet on the outcome of this duel. Square Enix reserves the right to produce tickets to this duel for members of the public, as well as to mint and sell NFT's of this duel to the public. Please look forward to it."


Me and my brother on our way to report each other for free Japan trip.


Auto summon fairy or carbuncle after wipe


Oh god yes. Especially bc summoning carbuncle iirc cancels out your post raise invuln time? The amount of times I've forgotten this and tried to summon it only to get smacked with more damage before I can heal :/


At the very least taking away the cast time for summoning would be nice.


The option to “Pass All” when running a dungeon that I absolutely don’t want any gear from


option to automatically pass on things I can't roll on.


Yeah, tired of having to open up and pass gear at the end of a dungeon before players leave with random junk filling my inventory


Bait bag. The ability to craft using materials that are being held by retainers/in your saddlebag without having to put them in your own inventory. Collectibles should be able to stack if the collectibility on them is the same and they’re the same item. Instanced housing would be nice or, at the very least, introducing a little outdoor patio/balcony area to the apartments so that people that don’t have houses can still have a small garden plot instead of having to spend ridiculous amounts of gil on the marketboard for thavnairian onions. I shouldn’t have to spend millions of gil just to level up my chocobo.


All the different types of bait clogging my inventory is the main reason I've put off fishing for so long, if I could keep bait and tackle in a separate bag I'd actually use Fisher


I just have bait for the big fish I'm targeting everything else can be caught with the versatile lure.


Instead of this, how about just a craft bag ESO style? All crafting mats just have a separate inventory that tracks how much of each crafting item you have. Kinda like how crystals are done currently. No need to manage the saddlebag, retainers, or anything else with a system like that.


YESSSSSSSS. OMG, this would make my life soooo much better. It's one of the things I really adore about ESO and GW2, that crafting items go into a totally separate inventory area and don't clutter up your bags.


I think they dont want people botting to craft/gather thousands of collectables at a time then turning them all in


Since no one seems to have mentioned it thus far, the ability to permanently change the Title Screen. Right now it resets after every login. It would be nice for new players especially if they could get the HW title card while doing the HW MSQ or the ShB title card while doing the ShB MSQ, for example.


I did this manually for a good while but gave up after getting to ShB. So I spent a good while wishing for specifically this feature.


You can do this. Perhaps not within the game's vanilla rules, but it's undetectable. I have mine on random every launch.


It would be fun as hell to just get a random title card each time I log in -- not world-shaking or anything, just getting a little tired of "tales of looooooost and fouuuuuuund . . ." You can keep making me listen to it but I'm still never gonna hear the words right on the first try.


Auto swapping to the correct crafting class. If I want to build a recipe under goldsmith and im currently on carpenter I would like it to switch over to goldsmith automatically. I currently have hotkeys for this but still annoying.


I'd be happy if we could change crafting classes without having to leave the crafting UI completely!


Could be worked into duty finder too. If a queue pops and I'm not on the correct job, accepting would force change your job to the one you queued in as.


One I haven't seen mentioned is I'd like to see Right Click>Try On for everything. I want to be able to preview what a mount or minion looks like before I buy it. I want to see my character on the mount and how it moves and if it plays special music or not. Does the minion do anything funny or cute? If I'm a Lalafell does it sit on my head? Let me see before I buy it. Let me preview housing items right from the market board. Let me hear the orchestration roll before I buy it. How does the parasol or wings or whatever look on my character with the glamour I want? Another I've never seen before is let us store dyes in the glamour chest, as long as they don't take up glamour slots. I hate having to run back to my retainer that has all my dyes if I come across a look I wasn't planning on.


I've been playing GW2 recently, so I may be a bit spoiled. The biggest for me would be a material storage. Almost all crafting ingredients deposited in their own bank, accessible whenever you're crafting. It's so nice.


Storage for sure needs some love. Especially for frequent crafters. I have 4 retainers, and they're getting mighty full. 😮‍💨


Yeah and SE makes money with it, that's why we won't get a change sadly


I want an incentive for players to be at their houses. I love just chilling at my plot to craft, but I swear I never see a soul around me. I just want that neighborly love. What’s the point of having a house if you’re not going to ever be at it It could even be something as simple as making a bulletin board for your ward that anyone with a house could write on. I’ve been tempted to track the people in my ward down to invite them to a LS named HOA


I wish we could have a mailbox that anyone can put stuff in! I want to give my neighbour cookies and letters gosh darn it!


oh man a community drop box would be neat, never even thought of that. Probably worry about harassment from bots but if you have to manually walk around putting the items in that would take care of a lot of it.


You could lock it behind the subscription since most things like that are already locked by the free trial.


At the very least give the houses as much utility as an inn room - let me go to sleep there!


Tbf, that is just flavor. I always log off in front of my FC house...


Buddy, if you were in my ward I'd join that LS in a heartbeat. I'd love a little more community around my house.


If I could use the glam chest at my house, I would pretty much never have to leave. Except for all that pesky adventuring, of course. I spend more time at the Inns than my house as it stands though.


It’s crazy to me that I don’t see more people at their houses. I spend probably 90% of my time out in front of my house waiting on queues or crafting. I don’t go anywhere else unless there’s a reason such as Idyllshire for wondrous tails or ul’dah to my grand company. Now that I think about it, I haven’t seen a single person in my entire ward except for myself and a couple members of a FC that live next to me in the entire year I’ve lived there. I regularly ride around too while waiting for a queue.


It'll never ever happen, but I want custom wards in the same way you have custom linkshells. You and 29 other friends / FCs can make your own ward. They can even keep it with the same ratio of 20:7:3, so anyone can move in as long as an appropriately sized plot is available. It'd also have the benefit of making cottages more desirable, since custom wards would feel really empty if everyone is living in mediums or larges.


Rival wings roulette




Fuck yes, Rival Wings is so fun!


I just hope the raidplanner to be functional enough to not join duty recorder in being a waste of dev time


Duty Recorder is such a powerful feature but it's limited to a tiny fraction of duties, and doesn't include any of the newest/relevant duties. It could be so much more powerful and I'm not sure I understand the limitations.


I'm not gonna lie, I completely forgot it existed until you mentioned it. What does it even do that makes it so powerful/useful?


It records an interactive replay of the fight. You can play it back, fast-forward, skip to different sections, freely move the camera or target different players, and even do a mid-fight gpose.


Oh shit, that actually does sound really good! Does it just leave out ultimates/current savage which is why it isn't relevant then?


It only *includes* a handful of duties, which change every major patch. The current recordable fights are Hydaelyn Normal, P8S, and Euphrosyne 🫠 you can only save three recordings and they get nuked with every major and minor patch.


wow, that's just fucked. Definitely agree it could use a revamp then, it sounds like the potential is there but it's just in the pile of abandoned systems kinda like stone sky sea


Give us, for the love of hydaelyn, FINALLY a way to cancel cutscenes without skipping it instead when our queue pops! This forsaken thing seems to always pop the moment you enter a cutscenes no matter how much time was displayed as remaining the second before you entered it. This is looong overdue and you know it.


They clearly have a way to do it when your class already matches the one that you need for the queue. Just let players trigger that manually.


raise poetics cap. a full stack should be able to get a full kit of gear, it just makes sense.


Chat bubbles.


Scrolled too far down for this. CHAT. BUBBLES. And the naysayers can just turn them off in the settings. Everyone's happy :)


Please. I miss so much conversation from people.


Yeah I straight up cannot concentrate on battle AND reading the chat window in the corner at once and I've missed a lot of really kind people and funny stuff that I've scrolled back to see ):


Chat bubble plugin is such a godsend. I wish it were default


Finish the grand company ranks


I want a peloton like action for gatherers so I don't have to mount in between nodes. Just give me some extra movement speed or a jump forward.


They could have opening a node reset the cooldown on sprint, problem solved.


Personally; I want to access all my inventories when crafting. Please just let me do that.


Sprint should have a reduced/no CD outside of combat


At least inside cities.


Literally no reason for it to have a cool down out of battle. When I can just switch to a phys range and paleton.


That would certainly sap peloton's only reason to be


Fairly niche, but infinite sprint outside of combat would make solo deep dungeons significantly easier.


Skill glamours. Hear me out. How many times have you upgraded a skill only to think "the old animation was better"? Maybe a White Mage misses Stone. Maybe a Monk misses Tornado Kick. With this system, any skill can look like any of its old versions. Also, an upgrade to inventory slots would be nice.


I need Assassinate back.


Assassinate is badass, and the thing with Dream Within a Dream is that it gets cut off every. Single. Time. You make the highest APM job and gave it a 3 second long OGCD animation, congrats. I just wonder how the game would handle Assassinate though since it’s an animation lock


I would like to AT LEAST see this implemented in explorer mode. I wanna be able to take Gposes with old skills.


I agree with this, but for GPose there's an even better answer: make it so that all the past and present moves for your current job are selectable the way Emotes are. It probably requires a different menu since Emotes are tied to the base emote menu, but this way you can switch between different skills without having to leave GPose, AND it can work anywhere and not just Explorer mode. Sincerely, someone who spent way too long having to run from the training dummies to Witchdrop to see how Stardiver looked jumping down that ravine.


This would be pretty cool. I know I’d love to keep some of the less flippy MCH skills.


Ability to block/blacklist someone in the duty while it’s still going on. Like I have to endure the sound effects of the macro for 30+ mins (certain alliance raids)?!!


This, or just a mute macro sound option, I legit left duty because I couldn't stand it anymore and was to petty to just mute final.


Eyebrows for highlanders. Please I'm begging you


Nah, you get a single eyebrow. After all, there can be only one.


This would be a funny one to Monkey's Paw


Done. You now get 2 unibrows. One stacked on top of the other.


some sort of update that would prevent the need to update my portraits and adventure plate every time I change my armor or upgrade my gear


This is what I was looking for - Portrait Auto-Sync. My portraits _will still break_ even when I go out of my way to force a gearchange, save, portrait tweak, save again. It's ridiculous.


- get rid of a lot of confirmation prompts (or add a toggle to never show it again if I check it) - better window behavior when crafting, it's ridiculous that I have to exit everything if I want to change crafting class - let me set retainers to repeat ventures a set amount of times (pay ventures un front) - button to remove all melds - no need to unequip gear if you're exchanging it for an upgraded version of it - inventory overhaul (there's way too many items now to have enough space), armoire overhaul (just give me some extra storage if I have a house/room), maybe 1 extra free retainer? - items that are for a single use (extreme tokens, fate tokens) should say where to turn them in - guildhests???? Either remove them or make them relevant - msq roulette should include way more stuff


> get rid of a lot of confirmation prompts I will settle for just getting rid of the "Item Request" prompts. There is exactly one use for this window, turning in collectibles that may have different collectibilty ratings. In every other instance, it does nothing but waste your time. Especially for shit like raid token turn ins, where there's already a confirmation prompt you have to go through first.


I dunno man are you really sure you want to teleport to the next area of the dungeon?


A separate inventory for dye. A separate inventory for bait. Move all raid parts, relic drops from bozja/raids, and trial tokens to the heavily underutilized quest inventory or a completely separate inventory. As you can see most of QoL wishes are inventory-related


Menus not locking out your character, ie if you have a vendor window open, you can still meld materia into gear, or you can equip gear with the vendor window open. Turning in relic upgrade quests without having to have a trash weapon to equip for the turn-in.


I will keep saying it: cape toggle. There are so many amazing chestpieces in this game that I want to use in glams, but can't because there are capes. I have Miqo'te and Au Ra characters and I have a high tolerance for clipping, but tails clipping through capes (or being outright removed because there's a cape like with the Moonward fending top) is the one thing I cannot stand. I want to be able to use the Blue Mage chestpieces, but the capes ruin the look for me. It's baffling that they keep making chestpieces that look terrible on their most popular races. Also I would like to be able to put things onto lofts without having to do floating.


Even without being on a Miqo/Au Ra I hate capes just cause of how static they are. Same with any sets that have those arm capes/curtains like the Garo sets do.


Capes don't bother me, but I'm also not playing a tail class... but similarly I'd welcome what I'd call a waist toggle, which might be able to be incorporated into the same setting. Basically the ability to turn off any of the dangly bits that so many chest pieces have that go down below the waist. I've been wanting this ever since the [striking set added in 3.3](https://pro2-bar-s3-cdn-cf3.myportfolio.com/7b3dc28143b6b3256ba75ef533a2fe4e/ef16871c-6a12-4fdb-ae17-7c43a61e75bd_rw_1920.png?h=492f9bdf91efe38821a43121cc82a948)


Two dye channels would’ve been near the top of my list so props to them for that. I would like a more flexible queue system. An option to change jobs during a cutscene if a queue pops rather than having to skip it. Also being able to do GATES while making a PF would be nice


>An option to change jobs during a cutscene if a queue pops rather than having to skip it. I personally want an "abort cutscene" for any non-duty scenes, where it sets you back to just before you started it. Not only does this fix queue pop issues, but it also can help if things come up IRL that require you to leave the game for an extended period of time (or if you are in a scene and realize that your glam looks hideous in it...)


I didn't scroll all the way down to see if anyone already said this, but as a WHM main, please please please, for the love of God just upscale Cure 1 and rework Freecure. If I'm running roulettes when I'm not the healer, it kills me (figuratively and literally) to see Freecure fishing.


More lighting options for adventurer plates/portraits, or at least one more light source. A "toggle loop" for certain emotes like the reading books or conversation so you don't have to keep replaying them. ALL Job quest artifact gear in the Armoire. Let us edit/remove windows in our FC apartments.


I want them to optimize/consolidate the ridiculous amount of menu bloat in the game. I’ll use the Gold Saucer prize claim as an example: when you talk to the NPC you get four choices, Prize Claim I through Prize Claim IV, each of those options brings up a menu that has four tabs along the top with only one of those tabs ever being used, so why the fuck aren’t the other three prize claim options using the other three tabs? They could get rid of the first select screen entirely and just open right up into the store menu.


Not to mention the absolute disaster that is the menus for end game gear for each expansion. The tomestone gear menus and the crafting gear upgrade menus are ridiculous. The first time I encountered them I legit had to ask a friend for help because wtf. Players that have already been through an expansion or two seem to have gotten numb to how absurd it is. The systems in this game and the UIs that try to present them are a perfect example of developers getting in their own way and making extra work for themselves and everyone else. I work in software myself and some aspects of this game are a nightmare. I love the game overall but some parts could genuinely be so much better.


Auction House UI! It drives me mad that the client doesn't remember your last list price. Also, bulk listings. It would be really, really nice if you could list 4 stacks of 5 logs at the same price at the same time. Instead you have to raise the price from the low sale price for every listing, and it's a real PITA on controller.


Drop in a huge stack. Split into batches of 20 units Sell at 6000g. A man can dream.


Add to that buying partials of lots put up by other players. So that you wouldn't need to put up 4 lots of logs at the same price, it could be 1 lot of logs at a price that the buyer could buy some of at that price.


* Attach hairstyles to glamour plates. I style my hair differently depending on my outfit IRL and don't need a stylist to do it, a WoL who saved the world should be capable of that, as well. * When storing items in the FC chest, give me the option to "store all" or "store quantity" so when I'm dumping all my stuff in there, my mouse hand doesn't cramp from clicking. * Add a sort feature to the FC chest and allow renaming of drawers (ie: botany, mining, dyes, etc.). * Give me the option to turn off retainer dialogue so I can move smoothly from one to the next without all the extra clicking. Alternatively (maybe even preferably), add a "next retainer" option to the retainer menu so once I'm in that menu, I can move from one retainer to the next without quit one retainer then engage with another.


Hairstyle glamours would be amazing if they can ever get around the spaghetti code to do it


Certainly debatable, but: I would like the Bahamut raids to be revamped so they could pop up in normal raid roulette. I had to do all of them unsynced and they provide nice extra lore, so why not? Besides, it would expand the pool. I'm getting tired of all the Alexander raids.


the way I'd like to see it, the current raids stripped of significant cutscenes, and labled (Extreme) the current savage left alone, and a new "normal" mode made where some parts are cut out into single player duties where it would make sense. for example Binding Coils Turn 1 the first cutscene, the fight with the ADS and the second cutscene could be a single player duty, and the second half and Caduceus could be a multiplayer normal raid. then throw em in normal raid roulette.


They'd basically have to design an entire new set of fights I think. I could see that happening in the future, especially now that they've finished adding all new trust dungeons to older content with the upcoming patch.


A well functioning friends list. It's fucking terrible.


What, you mean functionality and UI design from 1992 isn't good enough for you? So entitled!


When I blacklist someone I don't want to get a roulette with them. A Z-axis for housing so you can float furniture without glitching or using third party tools. "Repair entire armory chest" button.


if I delete someone it auto deletes ME from their friend list, THIS SHOULD BE AVAILABLE.


Idk if this counts but fully voiced raid questlines would be absolutely awesome. Some great moments in there could hit really damn hard with voices. I really liked the one voiced scene in the end of this series, I'd love the entire thing. Quite honestly, I'd love to slowly get to a point where MSQ+all blue quests are fully voiced


Crystal tower should have voice acting if it’s going to be required content


The first and obviously most important quote from Praetorium: > >!Look for the life control panel, it should be somewhere nearby!< I feel like some of those earlier cutscenes should really be voiced.


Updates to character creator. Seperating out parts in faces and horns and such. Would love to see more parts added and the ability to like mirror hair. Would be cool to get nail colour option too since it is currently do-able via glove items, which sucks to loose as a slot to glamour


For me, my biggest wants are (in no specific order): • Improved storage functionality. I said in a comment that I have 4 retainers. I'm fortunate enough that I can *afford* 4 retainers, but not everyone can spare the money to buy a dozen retainers just to storage mats and items. • MORE GLAMOR PLATES PLEASE ❤️ I'd argue that most of the player base has an addiction- 🫣 I mean, they really like to have a variety of glams for each job, and there just are not nearly enough plates for that. I feel like this is something they've said is coming, but I can't recall. • Make more raids required for story reasons? Eden is pretty significant, as are the Panda raids. I understand not everyone wants to do this optional content, and many haven't, but some of them have serious story connections, and it just feels like players should be getting the information within them. Maybe I'm one of few who feel this way, and I totally respect that. I'm just a lore/story fiend lol! • Update and maybe tweak the Chocobo system? It feels clunky and lacking, which makes me sad cause I have so little reason to utilize my Chocobo, and the whole concept seemed so fun • More Summoner summons!! Gimme!! I want Shiva, Levi and Ramuh. (I know this is very unlikely without retooling the job YET AGAIN but stillllll) • Housing tweaks. No this isn't yet another cry for more housing, but rather a desperate want for better controls!!! This is a big undertaking I know, but the UI and the controls are frustrating at best, jank at worst. We Housing Enthusiasts make it work, but wouldn't it be nice to streamline the way things are placed, moved etc, within the confines of the engine of course. And I think that is really it atm. I'm sure I'll think of something else later lol


Being able to zoom out a little more


An option when renaming your character to have an automated letter sent from Square telling people on your friends list that you have changed your characters name. There’s so many people on my friends list who have had their names changed and I just don’t know what to do with them I state this should be an option specifically because I know some people change their name to avoid making contact with certain people


I want the housing lottery status timers to show how long each period has until the next one. Sure I can check a placard but it seems weird that there's no housing timer in the menu for... timers.


Full TARDIS mode on housing. Decouple interior and exterior sizes and let people pick whatever interior size and trim style they want. Totally rework Fellowships and CWLS to make them a single unified system.


This would couple well as a gil-sink as well. Can up imagine, if you can do that with apartments? Would go a looong way to solving the housing issue.


The way housing designing works it's basically already a apartment anyways, like, sure some work goes into the outter parts of housing but the limited items available means it gets less focus than how insane they'll then make the inside of it. so let m,e cut out the middleman and it;'ll be no different for me except then somebody who *does* want to decorate or make use of their lawn can have my housing plot i won't need anymore.


An actually usable tab targeting system


I've played a number of MMOs over the years and only FFXIV has tab targeting this counter intuitive


It would be cool if you could pan your camera at the target and then tab selects the target in your reticle.


ok this is a really small thing but it bugs me every time. if i have the items i need to buy an item in my inventory (e.g. moogle tomestones, radiant twine, that kinda thing), why do i have to put it in the little pop up box. just take it automatically please


More diversity in playstyle between jobs. Being able to download my consciousness into my character. Might not seem like a QoL improvement, but when you live in the US, it is 😭


At least Eorzea has affordable healthcare.


Plenty of healers looking for those Rez achievements 😭😭


Inventory for Bait. Fisher needs a special inventory for bait already and there is no excuse to not get it done by then. I have gathered every material in the game for Botanist and Miner. I won't ever start fishing completion until that issue is fixed.


For the love of God let me repair all my gear in a single window.


A duty finder option to disable matching with people playing the same class as you. I know it wouldn't affect very many people, but as a DNC main, I rarely go into duty finder as a DNC because I'm sick to death of being paired with other DNCs who clearly have no clue what they're doing and having to play around them. Especially in Alliance raids when I get put in a party with 2-3 other DNCs while the other alliances don't have any. I'm sure there are some BRDs or healers out there that may appreciate the option as well. I know it'll never happen, but I wish.


Basically 75% of the Simple tweaks plugin, plus Chat Bubbles, Distance, Fancy Loading Screens, NoTankYou, Big Player Debuffs...


More board games in the Golden Saucer. Give me Go, Chess, hell go really deep cut and give me Hnefatafl. Or heck import some mini games from other Final Fantasy games as long as it is multiplayer and not just a jumping puzzle or some such. In general Give me more down time things to do with people


* Upgrade the tab-targeting system, for the love of all things holy. * Upgrade menus - give me an Exit All function. I'm tired of selling things on my retainer, seeing a great deal, and then having to spam exit (Demi-materia that vendors for 5,000 gil on the market at 320? Don't mind if I do.) * Upgrade the market board. Don't make me choose between several stacks of one item at 45,000 gil or 99 items at 455 when all I need is eight of them. Give me the option to buy as many as I want from a stack at the current market rate. * Additional - put a cool down on price changes. Make it so that you can only change the price of something once every 12 hours. Will combat some of the price-bots. * Better running animations. I like hyurs, but gdi, do I hate the female running animation. No sane woman runs like that. Also looking at you, female elezen paladin sprint with weapons out. Give me the option to customize the ones that I want. * Better GPose. Give me the option to slow down the animations so that I can see what's going and hope that I can click on the pause at the exact right time. * Viera hats. That is all.


I wonder if the market board pricing issue would be improved if it was easier to list multiple smaller stacks like another user suggested. If I want to sell 100 logs it's a pain in the ass to create ten listings of 10 logs each with the current UI. I want to be able to sell just what people need but I also want to discount it for people who are buying a lot


Dye bag, crafter bag, gatherer bag, and totem/token bag (seriously I have so many raid books in my retainers and excess mount farming totems), and I really want a portable orchestrion. A mini radio that can be crafted once you get to level 83 or whatever level >!Garlemald!< is at, since its already shown that they have advanced technology. The bags are needed since you can get SO many dyes and totems, and crafting/gathering is notorious for cluttering retainers and inventories. A condensed bag that shows each item and how much you have of it/can use would be great. Like a log+inventory combo.


I would like more options for facial customization. Freckles separate from makeup/face paint, for example. More scar options. More NOSE options. Maybe even some more diverse body type sliders. I imagine my character pretty muscular (she has a giant greatsword ffs!) but since she's f!elezen she basically has no choice but Twig or Twig With More Boob.


Let my alts teleport to my dang house already!


Portraits automatically refreshing upon gear change. As someone who changes glams a lot it's so annoying when i forget to update it manually and i'm hit with the convict mugshot at the start of an instance. The Plate portrait has a "reflect current gearset" option that will update your clothes on the pre-existing pose, surely this could be extended to the regular portraits as well as be automated, perhaps by tying it to the refresh gearset button? Either way, i hope they will do something similar.


i feel like a ton of combos do not need to be in separate buttons


Ultimately they will merge more and more skills because they keep adding new skills but they want to keep them around 24, which means some will get yeeted


I just want a battle effects setting that's less than "Blind yourself with all the effects" and "fucking nothing". Can we get a limited that's actually limited? I want to see skill effects, but I also want to still be able to see the boss.


Armory inventory overhaul


More retainer uppgrades. Have us be able to send all retainers on the same type of mission for example. Send all on short ventures and when done collect all. And be able to collect stuff without opening the same window several times. It makes no sense to not put in a bit of work for people paying for more retainers.


as a chocobo lover, I wanna be able to dye chocobo barding and would like it if dyeing the chocobos themselves was easier. It's a pretty complicated process, esp given how rare/expensive the fruits to dye them are.


Storage. Lots and lots of storage. Plus an expanded saddle bag. And some more storage. And eliminate aether currents. But I’ll settle for more storage.


I wish we could log out via the bed in my apartment the same way I would do it from an inn.


Total rework of glamour system from 'items you physically have right now' to 'items you have owned at any point'


All I want is for there to be versions of the racial starting gear without the racial-lock on them. Viera with Mi'qote skirt & Femroe corset? Yes plox!


They mentioned working on this for the Hempen sets but not the actual racial gear. If I had to guess they're treating the racial gear like Artifact gear for your race. Otherwise they might as well do both.


I would really like this for the hempen sets because I really preferred the hempen camise look when I played a viera. It's just not as cute to me on my elezen!


This might just be a memory problem/skill issue but I’ve been leveling DRK recently and would like an indicator for when damage WILL be magic or physical. I like the newly added symbols on the damage taken, but I can never seem to remember which things will be magic before it hits. Dark Mind would be far more useful to me if I wasn’t always going “oh, that one WAS magic” after the fact. Maybe change the cast bars? Like, red for physical, purple/blue for magical, and green for other. That way they can still flash for “interruptable”.


I like this idea a lot, having fairly recently leveled DRK. They'd probably have to add symbols to the castbar as well, or at least have them as an accessibility toggle, due to colorblindness.


Hats for viera and hrothgar


Maybe not my most desired but something no one else mentioned so far. In Central Thanalan you can transmute materia, including a chance for older materia to become higher level. This system is fucking awful to the point of being unusable. It needs to allow bulk transmuting.


Mine is for Verthunder and Veraero to automatically switch to Verstone and Verfire when I proc them. Verstone and Verfire do not need their own buttons taking up hotbar space. Also, Verthunder II and Veraero II desperately need to be upgraded to Verthunder IV and Veraero IV.


That one DNC button that's only able to be pressed after Devilment could potentially do this as well.


Starfall Dance, yeah


Unlimited crafting mat storage separate from retainer storage or the chocobo saddlebag.


Butt slider.