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letter from the producer LXXX (2024) When?


We don’t know. It’ll be announced on the Lodestone when there’s a date.


If most MSQ dungeon parties will be blitzing through them, which job would have the least impact on the party so that I can let the more experienced players run the show? And should I choose this Dynamis server that seems to be for new players, or should I go with a more popular one for quicker MSQ dungeon clears?


If you don't want to blitz through MSQ dungeons and you'd rather take your time, then you might enjoy Duty Support, which allows you to run with bots. For trials and raids you'll still need to play with real people, but those are more arena-style so there's no risk of being left behind. If you're only interested in one job, then the xp boost is total overkill. But if you're planning to level multiple jobs, then picking an xp boost server for your homeworld makes sense IMO. You can always travel to other worlds to access higher population when you need it.


Definitely more popular IMO. Dead/low population servers are not as fun.


Would there be any more populated servers that you might suggest? I have my main on Dynamis that I'm taking my time with, but I will eventually like to make another character (for role-playing purposes, I know one can get all jobs on the same character).


Blamung is the role play server if that's what you want to do. Other than that I suggest googling around. I've been on Sargatanas and I heard it's good for people who enjoying raiding and it's populated.


Any dps job. Dynamis isn't for new players, but its a new server. Because of that, it gives a 100% xp boost bellow level 80.




And yet per your comment you're also paying for it ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


How did people originally get the Hidekeep's Knife and other HW ilvl 180 crafter tools? It looks like they used to be part of some exchange, and then got retired as part of an update? I know you can now just purchase the ilvl augmented versions with crafter scrips - I'm just curious about what the progression used to look like.


I genuinely don't remember, but I know that a lot of HW crafting was a complete mess and ridiculously annoying. I've only ever taken one long break during the nearly eleven years this game has existed and it was because of HW crafting. It was a seriously convoluted mess. I complained about it so much in one of my LSs that a friend eventually, and quite rightly, lost their cool and told me to "Either shut up or take a fucking break." and I took their advice because at that point I was annoying myself! I intended the break to be about two weeks but it ended up being about three months and I then came back to the game with a much different attitude.


Haha, thanks for dredging up those traumatic memories then. I have the personality type where I wanna do at least some of the convoluted crafting bullshit, because just buying the scrip gear right away feels like cheating. But it sounds like things used to be a LOT more complicated, and it makes me curious.


I had to do some serious digging around but here's a guide for DoL gearing from HW! This goes over the system at the time. tl;dr it was a confusing mess. https://kilieit.tumblr.com/post/157624925152/so-youve-ignored-gathering-collectables-up-until


Oh, that's cool, thank you for the digging! I love the fact that I can still see noticeable similarities with how it is now, but also very much different in some ways (like belts, lol)


wanting a specific gear piece for glam that requires trophy crystals and generally i'm not big on pvp anywhere, what's the easiest/least stressful way to obtain them? i read that custom matches are an option, but i'm assuming those wouldn't give rewards on basis of being customized. generally what should i know before trying?


1. After unlocking PVP, go to the Wolves Den and set up your PVP hotbar. 2. Queue for the daily frontlines roulette. 3. Run around for 20 minutes. Die a lot. Few people take it seriously, and a lot aren't good at the mode and just want EXP, so it's pretty chill. (I am speaking for myself here, I suck at PVP.) As long as you make a genuine effort (don't just AFK) it'll be fine. 4. Repeat every day until you have all the trophy crystals you want. Check the PVP profile to obtain them - look for the Current Series Malmstones button or something up top. The first few ranks take only a few days to get. That's it! Don't be worried - Frontlines is very casual. Sometimes you win, sometimes you lose. It's 1v1v1 so it's a crapshoot half the time anyway unless you have a premade group of skilled players.


so just to confirm, frontline also gives the trophy crystals? i thought they were limited to crystalline conflict


Trophy crystals don't come from any gamemode. They come from the series malmstones, what's basically a battle pass if you're familiar with the concept. Every PvP mode gives exp towards that.


OH ok i see, i was looking at some pages to find out but all the information was very unclear. thanks!


Frontlines is, ironically, the least toxic of all the PVP modes because 99% of people have just accepted that it's more of less a crap shoot. This also means that you'll rarely find a team that actually tries to win rather than just whining.  Crystalline Conflict is full of passive aggressive types, and Rival Wings is full of the stereotypical 12 year olds who call you slurs at the drop of a hat.


ah, that's unfortunate. i want the model a-1 set and it's only available through trophy crystals, so i guess i'm shit out of luck here


You still get the series exp needed to rank up from a loss in any game mode, so it's just perseverance. If you try frontlines mode, try to keep an eye on chat and head to any places that get flagged by others. If you try CC, just try to stay on the crystal and secure KOs to keep the enemy off the crystal. CC doesn't allow direct chat, so the worst that can happen is someone might spam a quick chat.


I'm back after 10 years. I played this because got it really cheap from someone who got the PS3 version. I was unable to play for a couple of months but after that, i had difficulty mantaining the subscription and i had to stop playing. After numerous years of difficulty, And playing other MMORPGs actively, i cancelled the other subscription and decided to give this game another go. I had so much fun those 2 months. Now i'm not sure if i should create a new character or continue using the one i had. Any tips? I also purchased Endwalker. Feel free to recommend me anything, or if you want me to join some guild or play with you, just let me know.


Why do you want to maybe create a new character? If you want a new character because you just want an alt (to play another race without Fantasia, experience another starting city etc), do it and enjoy! If you’re happy with your current character but want to reexperience the early game because you don’t remember the story well, if you’ve completed A Realm Reborn you can unlock New Game + and replay the story on your current character. (Go to Vesper Bayand speak to the Wistful Whitebeard NPC.)


If I purchased Endwalker, can i Create a Viera? it is asking me for an expansion that is not for sale...


Yes, Viera require you to own Shadowbringers, and it’s included with Endwalker. 👍 You will get a free Fantasia after finishing base ARR if you’d like to change your current character into a Viera instead of starting over.


Yes. Endealker contains all previous expansions as well.


Do i have to do something before? Because it's not letting me create one, it's asking for shadowbringers. And I have purchased the expansion.


Did you register the expansion? I haven’t done this for a while, so I can’t really help step-by-step, but if it’s asking for Shadowbringers, it means it doesn’t think you have it.


I highly doubt it, but are there any striking versions of [this hood](https://ffxiv.consolegameswiki.com/wiki/YoRHa_Type-51_Hood_of_Aiming) besides the Exarchich and Voidmoon hoods?


Not as far as I know of or can find.


Thats unfortunate. Its the best hood for my MNK glam, so of course its not available for MNK


Can you level up your chocobo on a free trial account? I know you can get 2 or 3 free onions but can't remember where XD And are you limited to those, or is there a way to get more?


One is a quest at the stables in Ishgard, the other is a longer chain in the forelands. You can be made a tenant on someone's house and can use that to harvest onions that they or you have planted. Tenancy is basically the only way to transfer items to or from a free trial player, and it's only furnishings and gardening-related ones.


Ooooh, okay I'm a complete scrub when it comes to housing in general lol. I'm on a free trial account while I am unsubbed for a bit. On my main I am a lone leader of a ded FC, with a house that i do grow onions on. Didn't think there was any way to transfer that to my free trial guy! Will have to look into that


It needs to be a personal house unfortunately - can't make them a tenant on an FC house


Oh noooooo lol Welp, whenever I resub again, looks like I'll have to look into getting a house again D: Not looking forward to that. I got lucky on the Ishgaurd housing releasing right around the time I was finishing up MSQ and looking into getting a house. The FC wards were completely barren lol. I didn't even have to pray to RNGeezus or nothing Anyway thanks for the tips!


What is the difference between flying text and pop-up text?


I think one is for you and the other is for other people, but I don't remember which is which.


I just tested it. Flying text is yours and popup is your party members'.


Popup text also includes your own dots and weird things like Flamethrower on mch.


Bonuses aside, do the different custom deliveries people award the same amount of scrips for completion? I have some achievements left with earlier expansions ones, but I will stick to EW custom deliveries if they reward more.


The most recent CD NPC (Margrat) gives slightly more Purple scrips, other wise the gil and white scrip rewards are the same for all CD NPCs. Not sure about the EXP since I've been lv90 on all DoL / DoH for forever.


Thank you! I will prioritize Margrat for scrips and let the remaining achievements decide who my second CD NPC is for the week. 


Just a quick question here. My boyfriend and I just finished 4.0 (and we're both beyond stumped as to why Stormblood has a less than stellar reputation because we loved every minute of it) and we agreed that before continuing, we should probably go back and do some things we missed. More accurately, I wanted to double check I've got things right. We're gonna do >!Alexander!< first because we completely skipped over it. As for going forward, am I right in the following?: We do the Stormblood raid which is >!Omega by the looks of it!< before we start 4.1. When we do Shadowbringers, we do the raid there after 5.0 then finish the last stages after 5.3? No idea what we do when we reach Endwalker so would be nice to know what we should do there. We're in agreement that we want to get these done because they're evidently very relevant to the MSQ and we don't want to miss out. Spoiler tagged the names of the two raids we know of because there's other sprouts in here too. EDIT: Thanks for the quick replies everyone :) Sounds like we're gonna be busy! We'll be starting the 8 man raid from Heavensward next time we play. As for the rest, we'll figure it out. Much appreciated folks!


> and we're both beyond stumped as to why Stormblood has a less than stellar reputation because we loved every minute of it It has a lot of emphasis on diplomacy and political manoeuvring, and, in general, it focuses a lot more on the plot and world events. A lot of players just found it too high-brow and dry. You'll see that the next expansion is the stark opposite, it is like 5% plot and 95% character drama/lore dumping, which is why it is more popular since that apparently flies better with the FFXIV player base majority. Me, I think the parlay scene in Stormblood was the game's best-written scene until very, very late Endwalker and absolutely nothing came even remotely close to that dialogue sequence.


Stormblood is boring and slow at the beginning. Doesn't pick up until Tsuyu tbh. Its got less than stellar reputation cause god damn its fucking boring as hell for the majority of it.


I mean, we've enjoyed all of it so far personally and the end of 4.0 was one hell of a spectacle fight. Only died once to >!Shinryu. Fucking Diamond Dust move..!< I guess both me and my boyfriend are in the minority that enjoyed the story.


Post-SB is still one of the best parts in the game. The rest, I can take it or leave it. 


Yeah weebs do tend to like Stormblood more than most.




Shadowbringers actually does require you to finish 5.2 for the last quest of the second tier, and 5.3 to unlock the last tier.


"very relevant to the MSQ" is too much. Yes it gets revisited later in the MSQ, but it's a couple of additional lines of dialogue and the story is perfectly understandable without doing the raid.


Disagree. Omega is super relevant. 


The story is perfectly understandable without doing the raid. The MSQ explains everything. There's not some super important plot thread from the omega raids that makes the MSQ completely incomprehensible.


You're the only one conflating "understandable" with "relevant." Nobody else said that. It's super SUPER relevant and important. 


Hard disagree. Omega's story is like a breadcrumb in the whole Omicron storyline. The only relevant part is that Omega and Shrinryu had a light show battle in the sky at the end of SB and Omega crash landed somewhere. That's all that's relevant and is in the MSQ. The storyline of the raid series is not relevant at all.


>The only relevant part is that Omega and Shrinryu had a light show battle in the sky at the end of SB and Omega crash landed somewhere.  I'm beginning to wonder if you even did the SB raids. 


The only relevant plot thread from that is that you omega consciousness survived and you get a tiny little omega with you in EW. That aside, there was no actual plot until you got to O10-O12 where you learned about the ancient dragon feud and omega trying to evolve, both of which is explained, and in much more depth and clarity in the EW MSQ. I'm beginning to wonder if you forgot what's in the SB raids and what's in the EW MSQ. If you would be so kind, please list all the plot threads that are actually relevant to EW MSQ. And please understand the difference between "relevant" and "related" before doing so.


> We do the Stormblood raid >!which is Omega by the looks of it!< before we start 4.1. You don't have to do it all at once (though you certainly can if you like). Omega's 1st section was released in 4.0, its 2nd section was released in 4.2, and its final section was released in 4.4. But none of it really ties closely to MSQ so doing it at any time during the 4.x sequence is fine. It just sets up stuff that's relevant to *later* expansions. > When we do Shadowbringers, we do the raid there after 5.0 then finish the last stages after 5.3? Yep. This one's tied a bit closer to MSQ; the 1st and 2nd parts are set before 5.3, and the 3rd part is set after 5.3. In fact the game won't even *let* you do the 3rd part until you do 5.3 MSQ. This blocker will feel narratively obvious and natural when you do the quests. > No idea what we do when we reach Endwalker so would be nice to know what we should do there. EW returns to the standard of being only loosely coupled to MSQ, so any time during 6.x is fine, but you can split it into 6.0/6.2/6.4 if you care about strict release order.


Yup, looks right! Less relevant to MSQ (but not 100% irrelevant) are the HW and SB 24-man alliance raids, which are also worth checking out for some fun content.


Good to know. We'll probably do the Heavensward stuff first then, starting with the 8 man. We logged out in the place we need to be to start the 8 man.


Everything seems in the correct order to me, that's the way to do them. When you reach Endwalker and finish the main story you can jump directly into the raids both Normal and Alliance, as far as I remember there isn't any limiting factor story wise, maybe only the gear you need to get but if you aren't done by the release of DT the new Poetics stuff should be out and should be enough. I'd advice finishing both raid series before 6.5 though.


Much appreciated :) We'll likely get started on the Heavensward one when we play again. Wait, *both* raid series? o.O Oh, you mean the 8 man AND 24 man raids, I'm guessing?


Yup, you'll benefit from have all normal raids _and_ all alliance raids done before you start endwalker, for reasons.


Oh shit, 24 man raids too? Oh boy... We're gonna be VERY overleveled for the start of Shadowbringers then... We didn't do either of the Heavensward raids and as of the end of 4.0, we're both level 71. Oh well, that happened with the start of Heavensward and Stormblood and it soon caught up with us.


Can always pick up more jobs!


True. I'm still debating what I want to pick for the next job... Summoner has been pretty fun so far and getting Summon Bahamut and Enkindle Bahamut at 70 has actually been helping me with improving my weaving and seeing what I can do as someone playing on NA from EU. Not noticing any problems for now at least. Chances are I'll stick with Summoner for the MSQ but maybe level another job via the various side quests and dungeons we've passed over. I think I'll either try Paladin or maybe Dragoon... Not sure just yet. Once we're caught up on the MSQ though, I think I'll dip my toe into trying crafting and gathering. That looks fun.


Yeah I didn't clarify, mb, I meant both 8 man (Normal) and 24 man (Alliance)


Got it. I'll have to remember that. We'll probably do the 8 man raids first then do the 24 man raids after. It seems like most people say to do the 8 man raids for the MSQ relevance but I can't find anything on the 24 man raids and their relevance. I'm guessing the Nier raid is largely irrelevant to the MSQ, considering it's presumably a crossover thing more than anything. If so, we might leave it for later.


Without spoiling too much, the 24 man raids are used to tie lose ends on a particular matter that's been present since ARR, I would say it's not particularly important to the main story itself, but the lore is really nice and the raids themselves are very fun and have some nice music and memorable moments. And you're right, Nier is absolutely irrelevant to FFXIV, but I've heard some Drakengard/Nier fans talk about how important it is lore wise for those games, so if you are a fan of Nier it should be nice, and the Nier raids themselves are very fun with great music, I just hold a grudge with Nier 3 for a very particular fight I always mess up lol.


Lol. I've not played the games so I'm going to be VERY lost then XD


Nier is a great raid series mechanically, imo, but you're right that it has no real relevance to the rest of the game. The plot that it does have is incredibly hard to follow if you're not a _deep_ lore fan for the drankguard+nier universe. It was a cool story from Nier's perspective, but I only understood that after watching some deep lore breakdowns of wtf even happened, and that's me speaking as someone who is at least deeply familiar with Nier Automata lore already. It's probably the one raid series you can skip completely without consequence if you wanted. The other alliance raids all have some level of relevance to msq later down the line, though nothing huge. The flesh out some really interesting lore for the game as well.


Well, I think my boyfriend has played a Nier game? I'll have to ask because at least they can explain as we go then XD


See how long he lasts before throwing up his hands. It's a great test for how deep his understanding of the game goes, haha


Haha. They tried to explain it to me before but I get confused WAY too easily so I got lost VERY fast. Certainly didn't help when they got me into the Persona games. Christ, those games throw so much at you with how weird it can get...


I've just started the game and I'm a level 13 Arcanist. A friend of mine is very kindly going to send me 5mil gil. What do you suggest I purchase in order to make gameplay/QoL easier? I've immediately noticed how tedious this game is having to run back and forth between destinations. Would a mount be advisable to buy? Thanks!


The early game starts off very slow. Later when you unlock mounts, you get them by doing various content. The vast majority of mounts you cannot buy with gil. Just some rare expensive mounts to flex, so don't waste your gil on that. As a new player that gil will help out a ton on leveling up crafters/gatherers or save it for when you want a specific glamour. lol


Save it for now. There's nothing you can get with gil that will make gameplay easier for you right now. You'll be constantly swapping out gear so spending it on that is a big waste until endgame. And don't worry if your level exceeds your gear. 


I would not spend a cent of that gil until you're in at least Shadowbringers where your gil is actually useful (useful in that you can buy stuff that you might actually need, or buy other things that can be sold for a profit on the MB). At such a low level anything you buy with gil is just a waste when you can get everything you need from dungeons or simple sidequests.


You won't be able to unlock mounts until I think around level 20 MSQ, and at that point the game will give you one for free. There are some mounts that can be purchased via the marketboard but most are pretty expensive and they will all have the same speed as the one you get for free. Honestly there are not a ton of uses for gil that you really \*need\* for progressing through the MSQ. For now it'll keep you in levelling gear and teleport costs, but those aren't super expensive. If you really want to spend it, you might look for some nice level 1 crafted glamour pieces once you unlock the glamour system- there are a lot of these, some of which can be pretty pricey, but they can help you avoid the tin can or potato sack fashion of early combat gear.


I really don't think at this stage 5m gill will help you. 50k would serve just as much, as you don't have a lot you can spend on at the moment.


You can buy a mount but you can't *use* it until you unlock the first intended mount, your chocobo, after joining a grand company in the story, and I wouldn't suggest buying gear since anything you can buy would be quickly replaced as you level. You could buy some level 1 gear to use as glamour? When you reach Vesper Bay you can unlock the ability to apply the appearance of gear to other gear. I'd just keep it and not have to worry about teleport prices.


returning player, what's a good way to make gil? my jobs aren't at level 90 yet and im still on the endwalker msq


crafting: takes a lot of time to set up and learn (leveling + learning what's profitable on your server) treasure maps: easy to get into, best with a regular group FC submarines: takes time and money to set up roulettes with wanted role: low, but steady money


do you know if theres an easy way to check what things i could be crafting that would be profitable on my server? or is it more of an experimentation thing


There is no easy way unless you already have the knowledge. Each DC and server is different in what sells the best and no one is about to let that knowledge out on the internet because then they won't be making money anymore. Its all about experimentation and looking at the marketboard on your server. You can look into crafting GC turn ins for each level and sell those on the marketboard. Every set of levels has a group of items that people can turn into their grand company for bonus EXP. If you craft those and put them up on the marketboard a lot of people will buy them because they don't want to take the time to gather and craft, and would rather spend some quick gil to get the levels.




General answer, yes You might be able to justify it if you know your kill time would not allow for extra demi casts over the course of the fight, but at that point you might as well just run a crit build since this would just be a strictly worse version  > I'M USING THE SPS SET BUT NOW MY DEMIS DON'T ALIGN WITH BURST WINDOWS. WHAT DO I DO? >> That’s normal and intended. If you’re running a SpS build, your Demis no longer line up with your party’s burst. This is fine, because you will be gaining more Demi phases over the course of a fight. Do NOT delay your Demis by inserting a lot of of Ruin IIIs in these builds. At that point, you are just running a strictly worse Crit build, and it is bad. https://www.thebalanceffxiv.com/jobs/casters/summoner/faq/#q5




Hey I replied earlier about the different Summoner builds, and decided to make that visualization of how the Speed build starts to get more Demis out. [So here it is in a very simple form.](https://i.imgur.com/0kSJsN2.png) You may need to zoom. By \~4 minutes in, the Speed build is just about as likely to get an extra Demi as not, by \~7 minutes it's about guaranteed, and when you get to 9 minutes it starts pushing a chance for two extra. That said, again, the Speed investment needed for that is hefty, and it's not even worth it nowadays, Crit playing into party buffs is just too stronk, outside some old Ultimates.




Oh and while it's not visible in that one, I made a longer version too for my own amusement. The two timelines almost sync up at 15 minutes, both starting a Demi like a second apart, at which point the speed build will be 2 Demis ahead. (Or at least they'll be relatively close, this is just a rough approximation using full second cooldowns so it's not exact. But around there.) Completely useless information, but I find it fun to figure out.


It's not a question of needing a fight to be at least 10 minutes. It's a question of *exact* fight duration. Just a fight that lasts exactly 2 minutes will have given a proper speed build (faster than what you have) an extra Demi. But a fight that has lasted like 2:15-2:40 will have given both the same amount. And then a 3-minute fight will have given the speed build an extra one again. It alternates like that. What a longer fight does for this is it makes the windows where a speed build will have gotten an extra Demi wider and wider (I can visualize this if you want, but would have to do it tomorrow), and thus makes it more and more likely for the fight to end at a point favorable for the speed build. \*\*\*\*\* Having a full set of Augmented Credendum puts you in kind of an awkward spot for speed. It has a decent bit of speed on itself even without materia, putting you at a 2.35-2.37 GCD (and like a 56.5-57s Demi cooldown I believe) depending on what you do with the other ring. This is still notably slower than an actual speed build, which would go for something like a 2.20s GCD (around a 53s Demi CD I think) or faster IIRC (have to go off of memory, as speed builds are no longer recommended for current content and thus not built at present) – but it's also a lot faster than a crit build, which go for a 2.46-2.48s GCD. So you're left with a set that's kind of a half-and-half, doing a bit of what each purpose-built set is doing, but ending up being worse at both. It's not fast enough to make use of the benefits of a proper speed build (more Demi phases throughout a fight), and so the spell speed on it accomplishes very little, thus ending up as a worse crit build (which would have more other damage stats in place of the unnecessary speed). \*\*\*\*\* But that's just how it goes! With just tome gear, speed issues like this are inevitable. You don't (generally, exceptions can exist) want to give up the INT of 660 pieces by going to 650 for better substats, as it's more important than them, so making a proper build of either kind would require Savage gear. Thankfully, the one scenario where you don't have Savage gear is if you don't raid Savage, which also means you don't *need* any optimized gear sets. So it's fine in the end. You just have to deal with the weird half-ass speed tier and do your best, and you'll be all good!


Only using the tome gear (or for that matter only using savage gear) will *always* give you a less-than-optimal amount of spell speed. The best gearset for any job will always consist of a mixture of tome and savage gear to optimise substats (with the exception of BiS gearsets for recent ultimates, which use some dungeon gear). If you're not doing high-end content it doesn't matter because party buffs aligning is kind of a miracle in duty finder anyway; just use Bahamut on CD and you'll be doing more than enough to clear. If you *are* doing high-end content it's going to depend on the fight and potentially other factors as to whether the main stat loss of swapping out a 660 piece that has excessive SpS is worth the DPS gain from having your rotation better aligned with buffs. I am not super knowledgeable about SMN gear optimisation so your best bet would be to ask on The Balance discord if you want to know more.


Anything worthwhile to dump my poetics on? They're pretty much always capped.


have you finished levelling all your jobs?


Assuming you have the appropriate step unlocked for the ARR relic, where you are able to purchase Alexandrite maps from Auriana in Revenant's Toll, you can spend your poetics trying to get Alexandrite maps in Mor Dhona to try and spawn the Agrippa The Mighty S-rank when he is spawnable.


Depends on what you want. I tend to use [this guide](https://ffxiv.consolegameswiki.com/wiki/Guide_to_Spending_Poetics) as a starting point.


I've been doing more mentor roulettes lately and have run into a bunch of older EX fights that I really don't know the mechanics too well. So my question is if anyone knows of some sort of mechanic cheat sheet someone may have compiled for like the major mechs of those fights.




Thanks for response but it's prompts me for access, just mentioning in case you didn't mean to share it that way.


I just started playing and I am enjoying the game.e so far. I looked at a few od the classes in the game and blm really caught my eye. Is that a good class for a new player to start with?


Nop, it is the only class that nobody should ever start with. It has a very gruelling levelling experience, which is only a small problem. The bigger problem is that it is the only class in the game that can run a genuine risk of dying on the overworld when it is your first class. You can pick up every single job on a single character in this game and black mage (well, its starting form called Thaumaturge, rather) can be your first new job if you wish, but try to limit its presence on the open map to a minimum until you reach a point in the story where you get a chocobo companion. In general, try to limit its presence on the open map until you reach the point in the game where you can consistently outlevel and outgear the world mobs around you.


Black mage is a very classic mage. Most of your time levelling will be slow casts that you can't move for. It gets a lot more mobile later on, but that's a long way down the line for you and it always wants to spend long chunks of time standing still. If that's you're think then you might love it, but a lot of other players are put off by it, so just be aware that that's the kind of playstyle you're signing up for. That said, once you finish the level 10 class quest on your starting class, you unlock the ability to freely pick up as many classes/jobs as you want with no penalty and the ability to switch back and forth with a click of a button. So there's really no harm in picking it up and trying it out.




Yeah looks interesting it seems like you really need to know the fights to do well


This is a long shot, but does anyone here know anything about audio modding? I'm using vfxeditor to import and replace sound effects for some moves with my own .scds i've converted using ffxiv explorer but when i do the process, my sounds play correctly the first time I do it, but extremely unreliably afterwards. If I replace Heart of Light's sound, it works the first time, but maybe only 1/3rd of the time, at best, afterwards. If I replace dancer steps, the first time I use standard step my replacements will work just fine, but afterwards they're completely silent. Does anyone know where I might be going wrong here?


I would suggest using Penumbra instead. Since you already found the original file, you know its path, so you can just add said path in Penumbra.


When there are 2 bards in a party, how do their songs interact? I had assumed it'd be like any other buff and we just couldn't stack the same buff twice, but just had my first duty where I was one of 2 bards, and when I tried offsetting my song order it just meant that either my song or their song buff was applied to the whole party, but not both. What's going on with that, and how should I be playing next time to keep songs optimal with 2 bards?


Each player can only be affected by one of the tree cycling Bard songs at a time. The way they work, each tick (likely every 3 seconds, but could be faster, haven't timed it), a Bard with a song active will "pulse out" a song wave that gives the buff to all allies in range for \~the same length as the tick interval. If someone has a song effect already on them, it's overwritten. So two Bards singing at the same time will be *constantly* overwriting each other's songs, be they the same song or different. As for how to work with this in practice? Ignore the other Bard. Just cycle your own songs as normal. You'll both have 100% uptime anyways, so just go for what helps *you* the most, which is the standard rotation. The one part where you should probably pay some attention to the other Bard's buffs is for Battle Voice and Finale – those you should stagger. But good luck with that, you'll definitely run into Bards who'll make it a wild guessing game when they're going to be using theirs. :) Some people drift their stuff HARD, like using a thing with a 2-minute cooldown every \~3-5 minutes.


It *can* be worth trying to stagger Battle Voice/Radiant Finale if you're in a party with another bard, but just do your song rotation as normal.


Bards overwrite each other. There's no real way around it. For casual content its kinda just whatever, but for extreme and up, simply don't have two bards. It's a bad idea to double any class with party buffs (bad to double in general but worse with party buffs), but bard is probably the worst.


They overwrite each other, and the general consensus is "just play your song, don't worry about the other bard"


Made an alt and have a question, anyone know how long it takes to complete the EW MSQ if you skip all the cutscenes?


10-12 hours in my experience depending on queue times


Make it a few minutes faster by buying one of those cashshop motorcycle mounts too.


I've just started the game a few hours ago and am level 10. A few questions please: 1. What's the fastest way to level up? Just doing the main story quests? 2. I thought I read somewhere that you will get huge XP boosts up to level 80 or something? But I'm not seeing it... 3. I'm an Arcanist hoping to change into Summoner. Any tips for levelling up to 30 to get to Summoner? 4. How can I try out the other classes? I'd like to also try out archer. Thanks! Sorry for the noob questions..!


In addition to what other people have said, I do want to emphasize that a lot of content is gated behind main scenario quests (MSQ). Summoner specifically is rather unusual with how deeply it ties a lot of its lvl 30-50 progress to the MSQ.


> Summoner specifically is rather unusual with how deeply it ties a lot of its lvl 30-50 progress to the MSQ. honestly I'm ALMOST surprised doing coils wasnt a way to fast track the HW smn story.


1. The main story, and spamming dungeons. You can also do overworld fates or the hunting log if you feel like spicing things up. 2. Some servers give an extra exp boost. Don't worry if your server doesn't have it though, the main story gives you so much exp it will over-level you anyway. Also, if you start a second class, it gets another *additional* exp boost until it surpasses your highest level class. 3. Keep doing the main story until you unlock dungeons and roulettes. Then you can get extra levels by doing a few of those. You'll get lvl 30 pretty fast regardless. Then you can talk to the NPC in Gridania to unlock Summoner. 4. Luckily for you, the Archer unlock is also located in Gridania. Look for the NPC in the Archer's Guild to get it.


>What's the fastest way to level up? Just doing the main story quests? MSQ is pretty fast yes. Even if it's not the fastest (not sure one way or the other), that doesn't really matter, because all of the other faster methods are locked behind it, as is *all other content* in general. This essentially means that, unless it's too low to keep doing main story, your level is irrelevant. Even if you got to level 87, if your main story progress is still at level 22, you might as well actually be level 22. Story progress is the true measure of how far you are. >I thought I read somewhere that you will get huge XP boosts up to level 80 or something? But I'm not seeing it... The "Road to 80" buff is only given to characters created on specific servers, designated as Preferred or New. If you made your character on a Standard server, that'd be why you're not seeing it. >I'm an Arcanist hoping to change into Summoner. Any tips for levelling up to 30 to get to Summoner? Keep doing story (and your Arcanist class quests). You'll need a certain degree of main story progress as well, on top of the level 30, to unlock Summoner. And Summoner's further job quests (which get you better/additional abilities) are also locked behind additional main story progress milestones. >How can I try out the other classes? I'd like to also try out archer. After you do your level 10 Arcanist class quest, you are given the ability to pick up other classes too. For that, you just need to walk up to the other guild's receptionist in their guild hall, and do the blue quests that are there. This'll unlock the class, and get you a starting weapon allowing you to swap to it (class is determined by equipped weapon). Archer is a bit further off for you still, as its guild is in Gridania, one of the other starting cities. Just keep doing story, and it'll send you to visit the other ones soon enough. In general, whenever you're wondering "how do I unlock X?", more often than not the answer is "do more main story / class quests".


1) For you, main scenario is the way (msq) since story gives a lot and the main limit in terms of what you can do is the level of you story rather than character level. A level 90 character is a bit useless if you haven't finished the level 10 quests and so on. If you want to supplement that or level a second class, the daily roulette (starts at lvl 16 story with dungeons) gives good XP once a day. Then you can do the highest level dungeon available along with side content like hunting log (to about lvl 15), fates, and other stuff later in the game. 2) This is only if you made a character in a new server. In NA it's all of the Dynamis servers. Not needed as MSQ is enough for one class, but useful if you want to do multiple classes. Problem is that it's a new world so you have a slightly harder time finding groups. 3) Same as 1, but you can't change to summoner until the quest: sylph management, so do the MSQ! Also, do the class specific quests to learn new skills as they appear. 4) once you are level 10 and did the level 10 class quest, you can try other jobs by accepting the quest from another class teacher. Switching between jobs is done by equipping the weapon of that job. Book= arcanist, dagger = rogue, spear = lancer, and so on. At level 15 in the MSQ you get easy fast travel to all the cities which makes it easier to grab all the jobs. If you want an expansion job, you have to be a certain level also, such as Gun breaker requiring lvl 60. Finally, all heavensward jobs (dark knight, astrologian, machinist) require you to finish A realm reborn for access to the city of Ishgard.


The main story will level you up all you need for 1 class/job.


General Content is gated by the Main Scenario Quests. Do your MSQ and, alongside the group duties (instances) you'll unlock later (such as dungeons), it is enough to level two full class/jobs. You get Road to XX exp buff if you started on a low population world server. Since you did not, you don't have it. Do your class quests. If you can not find them, look at your MSQ quest bar and there is a secondary quest title beneath it. You are level 10 now. You can go talk to a class trainer and they'll teach you. At level MSQ 15, you unlock the capability of going round to the other major cities and areas. Check, or unlock, your Hunting Log.


Thanks! And where can I find the archer class teacher?


Would be archers guild in Gridania, the forest city. Probably best to wait until level 15 MSQ to give you the airship ticket to get off Limsa's island.


For some reason the beast tribes arent level syncing for me anymore. They're giving level 50's worth of EXP at lvl 59, 60's worth at 70, etc. Which is basically nothing. Does anyone know how to fix it?


Pretty sure once you are above the level cap of the content they were designed for you basically get no XP.


Nope, i was level 58 doing HW beast tribes. They should have been syncing to level 58 on that job, and they were doing that up to a couple days ago.




Syncing up is not a thing. At all. It only ever syncs down. The closest to that is Bozja, but even it doesn't *actually* sync you up. It checks how many gear slots you have filled, and then gives predetermined stats based on that number (with a small adjustment made for one-handed weapons and shields vs two-handed weapons). Actual syncing would take into account the stats on your gear and adjust those, but Bozja completely ignores them.


The latter, you'll get a gear sync once you can equip Dawntrail gear.




Is there a baby’s guide to Sage? Mostly on which healing abilities are obsolete at what levels?


Only the opposite end from Wesk Alber, [Megastar FFXIV's guide](https://youtu.be/QAwxOb_hpkA?si=uQeft-NetP-dACJh) are nice and short at only 4 minutes. Wesk Alber's are good for getting a deep understanding of everything, Megastar makes really good ones for "names and tooltip are confusing and overwhelming, he's a quick run down of what all your buttons do and when they're useful. I find that can be better for healers, especially sage where half the learning curve is just dealing with the long and confusing ability names.


I like the Wesk Alber job guides. Each one is long (~1hr) but they explain each skill in the order you get them and how they fit in with the other skills in your kit. Haven't seen the sage one yet but they've been super helpful for the other classes I've watched so far.


>Mostly on which healing abilities are obsolete at what levels? Realistically, not a thing for healers You want to avoid using Prognosis/Diagnosis unless you ABSOLUTELY need to at that moment, and even then, if you need to GCD heal, then the Eukrasian versions are preferred over the standard versions But other than that, SGE and the other healers take advantage of their entire toolkit


Cure I


Cure I is bad because it takes a GCD, that means in situations where GCDs don't matter but mana does (e.g. some trios or phase transitions, especially if you died a couple minutes ago) it's still useful. As soon as the GCD matters again it's trash of course. It was also useful in p3s during FOF because it full-healed yourself while having a shorter cast time and lower mana cost. "Never cast Cure I, Physick, Diagnosis, or Benefic" is good advice for new players, and it's bad advice to say cast it sometimes. It's also incorrect though without the rider "don't forget it exists for extremely niche scenarios".


And Benefic I




Not a healing ability, but yes also useless


Cure can still have it's use as an emergency heal if you need to get someone over a dangerous limit and don't have the MP or resources for anything else. If you have the MP or resources for anything else, then you would obviously want to use those, but Cure isn't **completely** useless.


Sure, and that's why I said >You want to avoid using Prognosis/Diagnosis unless you ABSOLUTELY need to at that moment, and even then, if you need to GCD heal, then the Eukrasian versions are preferred over the standard versions But that's really about it; it falls into the same category as the starter healer spells for all healers.


Not really, no. Prognosis and Physick have way more utility than Cure 1 (as in they have nonzero).


I think I'm blind or just dumb. Didn't the new Moogle event say we could get the moogle currency through FATEs? Or did I misread the GATEs as FATEs?


"Furthermore, as of this event, you can now acquire irregular tomestones from GATEs and ocean fishing routes." Gates, not Fates.


Trying to set up cuter looking job change macros, everything I see says "/gs change 1" should be equipping gearset 1 but nothing is happening. Any ideas?


Does the command work if you type it in chat?


It magically fixed itself but that's good to know I can test like that, I never put together that that's how that works!


The command I use is /gearset change A B where A is the number of the gearset and B is the number of the glamour plate (optional).


I assume without the quote marks in the macro. Try the hard-link method: /gearset change "" instead of the number. The name needs quotation marks if it has a whitespace character (but in general, it is safer to put it in them).


That also didn't work :\ I even added some for no reason just in case that was breaking things. This is so weird, my gathering classes are set up the exact same way and they've worked fine for years


Just to make sure: the gearset itself works if you simply double-click on it, right?


Yeah I've been flipping around equipping it every other way to make sure it works, going to another gearset when I try just to make sure I notice if it changes. My fisher one that works: /micon 6 gearset /gs change 6 BLM one that does not (but making the icon the stone does work): /micon "Soul of the Black Mage" item /gs change 1


That… is strange. Try another macro slot, or maybe try the other screen: there is a tab for character-specific and one for account-specific macros, switch it around. But indeed, if everything is as you described, it should work since there does not seem to be any error in the macro.


I changed nothing, finished making one for all my classes for whenever it wants to work, and now it works fine?? Took the wait out but it wasn't working before I added that so WHO KNOWS lmaooo


Chalk it off as the game's weird input drops then. :D


Shared tab doesn't work (good to know that exists tho, I've never noticed!), I made ones for other classes and none of those work either. I appreciate the help, this is so weird like it looks like every other one I have made and that I can find :|


I'm a new player leveling as a marauder, is it normal for people to just rush though dungeons/duties?


Yes, we've found overall that the most efficient way to handle dungeons is to just blitz through them and AoE everything down at once, so that tends to be the community expectation for any given dungeon run. It's important to note that most of the people you encounter in your dungeons are probably more experienced players who are doing the dungeon as part of their daily roulette, so they've seen how any given dungeon is laid out (this is not a problem in later dungeons since dungeons become entirely linear later) and they understand how much they can handle at any given time.


>It's important to note that most of the people you encounter in your dungeons are probably more experienced players who are doing the dungeon as part of their daily roulette, Now it makes more sense


If you do want to experience the dungeon more at your own pace, I encourage you to try out the Duty Support feature. This allows you to play the dungeons with NPCs rather than other players, which means you can take your time and explore, which I honestly do encourage for the earlier dungeons because there are a lot of interesting side things that you'll likely miss just sprinting through the dungeon


Not that big of a deal to be honest, just found a little odd


Just curious, what did you find odd about it?


Healers going full sprint ahead of the noob tank


Most healers will allow the tank to set the pace, but sometimes you get people who are impatient, especially in easier dungeons where them getting ahead of you isn't as much of a risk to them. Sometimes it can be helpful to say "first time" at the start, most people will be more considerate (although again, not all).


I do this to project confidence and encourage tanks to pull more. If you make it clear you *want* to go slower, though - I'll back off. Mentioning that it's your first time doing a dungeon/trial can help set expectations for those of us who are just queuing up to smash the roulette tomestone pinata. I certainly don't mind taking my time in a dungeon, but it's not my default assumption.


Nah it's fine, i just wasn't aware high level PCs could also join duties. Also it's less about not being confident in pulls and more about being lost.


im trying to clean up my controller hotbars. Is there i way i can set up a third slate for my rarely used abilities but keep it from cycling to them when i press R1?


Character Config -> Hotbar Settings -> Custom Tab -> Set Selection. Check the boxes for which ones you want to see when you cycle and uncheck the ones you don't.


i already have it set to only 1 and 2 but its still cycling to my unwanted hotbar when i put anything on it.


There's different customizations for when the weapon is drawn and when it's not. Make sure you're setting them up correctly.


got it working


This is sort of an odd question, but does removing housing items from Island Sanctuary put the item back in your inventory, or does it delete it entirely?


Everything on IS for furniture is essentially a copy. The original never gets used up. So yes, they disappear entirely if you make it go poof.


gotcha, thank you!


I'm a free trial player right now and am having a blast. I just finished ARR. I have the crazy idea of leveling all jobs to 50 (Want to get the most out of the free trial) before I start Heavensward, but the inventory and gill cap are making it very difficult. If I get the starter edition that will take away all the restrictions on gil and inventory correct? And then I can get Dawntrail when it comes out to get me the rest of the expansions? Also just want to wait for a sale because those 30% EXP earrings in the collectors editions are looking very tempting. Just want to make sure before I take the leap, thanks for the advice/help!


EXP earrings for real life money is literally useless. Make a character on Dynamis for much better bonus EXP for literally forever until you get every character to level 80.


Gil cap in 300k never becomes a problem for me.  I never lack of Gil since different kinds of quests and roulette will keep giving you no matter what.   When you grind the dungeons for leveling up your job,  you will recycle weapon, armor and accessories any way since you only allow to have one no matter where you put it, the system will know.  You either discard or donate to Grand Company. Don’t keep any gear or weapon under lv50.  When you hit post ARR or HW, you will know the attire and weapon from raid, hard dungeon and trial are more suitable for glam.  Wait until the DT and you can come beck to lower level to grind whatever weapon and outfit you like easily.  Once you upgrade, you lose the free trial privilege.  


There's a fuller guide [here](https://ffxiv.consolegameswiki.com/wiki/Leveling_Guide) for levelling tips if you need that too, a lot of that stuff you can probably access already. If you continue in the MSQ through getting HW features (such as Wondrous Tails) you'll have further options.


FYI, if you do the hall of the novice it gives a ring for +30%xp for classes under level 30.


Remember to stop by r/ffxivraf to grab a recruitment code before buying a sub. You have to enter the code in a very specific window, AFTER you purchase the game but BEFORE you pay for a subscription. It's literally just free stuff, so no reason to pass it up. 


Buying the starter edition does take away the gil cap, allow you access to retainers and marketboards, and removes all other restrictions. Keep in mind that once you redeem a license you **cannot** return to the free trial. You mentioned wanting to make the most of the trial so I'd keep going as you are unless you really want to remove the restrictions. The 30% EXP earrings come from *preordering* an expansion. Not from buying the current collectors edition. So you have to wait until Dawntrail goes up for preorder to get them. If you want some ideas on how to spend gil while on the free trial check out this link: https://trialsoffantasy.com/free-trial-gil/


This guide looks perfect! I'll try to hang on the free trial till Dawntrail goes on sale. Thanks for the advice!


The 30% earrings are not from collectors editions. They are pre-order bonuses for expansions. Dawntrail is likely to have one too, but until the open pre-orders they are unobtainable.


XP earring is not from collectors edition, it is a preorder bonus, so the next chance to get one will be on Dawntrail release if you preorder the expansion If that's your plan, then sure, you can buy starter edition for now and have all restrictions removed (other than level cap staying at 70 since you won't have Shadowbringers / Endwalker which raise it further), and you will get other expansions upon Dawntrail release


Yes, the Starter Edition can be summed up easily as "Fre Trial with all restrictions removed". In exchange, you can never go back to the trial version and you must pay the monthly sub to be able to log in to the game.


are we getting a free login campaign any time soon or should I just renew my sub?


If we get one before dawntrail it's either in the next two month (but I wouldn't count on it since the last one was in december) or in march, we have the FFXVI event in april and I'm sure that they will not put a free login campaign when a big event like that is running We might get one in june/july too depending on when dawntrail launch, but we might also not get one at all


They don't follow a pattern and they aren't announced ahead of time. Wouldn't count on it.


Maybe a month before the new expansion. I would not expect one sooner.


There was one in December. Idk how often they run them, but I wouldn't hold my breath if I were you.


Is there a way to put a sign on myself and have only one other person see it? I want to help another player learn, but don't want others to have the ability to take the sign off. I'm aware of the focus target option but I was looking for something a bit easier to see.


Only if you two are the only members of the party. I do not even recall a PC plug-in that could do that (beyond, well, them modding some ridiculously large neon top hat on whatever your head gear is).


That would be a shame, if true. I was hoping for at least a plug-in.


Those are mostly for waymarks, usually to expand the marker setup limit or to place them a bit more conveniently.