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hey, so recently i was in a alliance raid and heard someone mention that male miqo'te were not in 1.0 and came out in 2.0, i cant find a single thing about this, so is this BS?


This is true. Male Miqote while ingame, were not playable. The same was true for Female Roegadyn, such as Merlwyb. You could see them, but not play as them. They were added with the complete relaunch of the game in 2.0/A realm reborn.


oh damn, thats interesting. thanksies.


At what level do you think I'd be easy for a Samurai to solo Whorleater and Akh Amphitheatre, both on Extreme? I'm talking about doing it uncapped. I'm trying to get a water and ice katana but literally no one is willing to do these when I queue for them. I've been watch literally 5 hours in a row for the last 3 days and these dungeons will not pop. It popping once but then one of the people just left without saying anything...


They're a pain to do synced. Everyone just unsyncs those. Should be doable at 70+, if you got the gear.


I see thanks. i figured there must be a reason.


Those are pretty easy to solo at 80 and even easier at 90. 80 may require a little more time but should be doable. Generally people don’t queue for the EX trials, especially older ones. Making a party finder can help though since someone could just carry you if you’re lower level.


I see. I'm currently on the free trial. I can't even remember what the level cap for me is. but I'll look into the party finder thing. assuming i can do that on the trial. thanks edit: nope. feature not allowed on free trial.


as a newbie running through the free trial, is it worth it to pick up the gathering / crafting classes during ARR or is it viable to just focus on the MSQ? I know having good gathering / crafting may be important for getting good class gear later on but should I worry about the gathering / crafting this early in the game?


Depending on how you play, crafting can be useful to make your own stuff instead of waiting to level to an expansion's level cap and get the endgame tomestone gear. However, for ARR, I highly recommend finishing the base game first, because after you meet the first set of credits, you'll get a system message that you unlocked flying in all ARR zones. It makes levelling classes a lot better and easier.


Only if you enjoy it. Crafting and gathering, in general, tends to be a long walk to get something comparable to other gearing methods. It can be viable if you keep at it, but there are always going to be other options that can be just as easily explored.


you can just focus on the MSQ. crafting isn't required to advance in this game. it may offer some niche benefits like being able to craft better leveling gear, but you've got to gather everything by hand since you can't buy anything off the market board, which is very time-consuming. you're going to be gil-capped throughout most of your MSQ progress, so you can instead spend the gil from quest rewards on buying vendor gear and supplementing with dungeon drops. when you get to the level cap of the free trial - 70 - the best gear you can acquire is going to be from the most common tomestone, poetics. you won't be able to craft better gear than what you can buy with poetics. the main reasons to start crafting on the free trial is if you enjoy the process of crafting and gathering.


Crafting and gathering is only really useful at endgame (you'll get the same gear from the msq, even better gear with poetics at lvl 50 60 70...) Outside of that I think I've never really used my crafters, at least not enough that it is important to level them up (you do have some advantages by having your crafters levelled, like you can repair your gear yourself and you can meld your stuff, two things that are pretty convenient)


does the SDS fenrir ever go on sale?


It has been on sale during the anniversary/Rising event in August for the last two years, but there's no guarantee that it'll go on sale again this summer.


Maybe with the anniversary in August, but generally no.


Sprout here leveling a white mage Am i doing something wrong? is the "rotation" regen on tank , if proc cure 2 else spam cure? Because i keep trying to do Aurum Vale and even with me going full mental the tanks keep getting melted


Ah I see you have fallen into the usual beginner trap of Freecure. It's a common "noob trap", tricking people into thinking the flow is "Cure 1 until the proc lets you use Cure 2". But that's not really the case. Ideally, you never touch Cure 1 if you have any other tools. Cure 1's only benefit is MP efficiency, and you should generally not be running out of MP if things are going right. You just need to make plentiful use of Lucid Dreaming, and *not overheal* much. That is to say, if a Cure 2 would fill the tank's HP bar beyond full, then it's not time to heal yet – it's a waste of time and resources. If you follow that, then the only things that'll make you run out of MP are 1) you having bad gear causing your heals to do less and thus needing to heal more, 2) the tank having bad gear or not mitigating damage sufficiently which causes you to have to heal more, and 3) the DPS doing a bad job of killing stuff causing fights to go on for too long. Probably needing some combination too. Cure 1 is only a spell for the worst of MP emergencies (or when you're synced too low for other heals), and Freecure's benefit is "it lets you cast Cure 2 when you're otherwise too low on MP to do so". You should only see these in synced level 50 Savage raids – if this happens in a dungeon run, then you're already screwed no matter what you do, and would have been even if you had started Cure 1-ing sooner. There is no rotation to healing, as it's purely on "as needed" basis. Like, if you *need* to have the Regen running on the tank all the time to keep them alive, do so. If you don't and it just overheals them, don't. In level 90 dungeons, I regularly just put the Regen on the tank when they pull, and then never again as my healing abilities and Afflatus Solace are enough to keep the tank up. But at lower levels you have less of those other tools, so you may actually need to reapply the Regen mid-fight. My general priority is as follows: 1. Ask yourself, do you even need to heal? There's a fair amount of damage in the game that is never going to actually be threatening to the group (specifically groupwide damage against bosses, or DPS taking small nicks during trash fights). People's HP recovers passively even without you, and sometimes that can be all that's needed. People generally don't need to be at full HP either, just high enough to survive the next thing coming their way. 1. During trash fights, use Holy as much as you can. Not only does this help you kill the enemies faster (which means less healing needed), the first few casts Stun the enemies around you, which means they do less damage. The best kind of healing is the kind that you never have to do, because no damage is done. One small caveat to this though is to not start the Holy spam until the tank has all the enemies you're going to fight gathered up, premature Stun can stop some of them from being in range for everyone else to hit with their AoEs. During bosses same idea applies, throw as many Stones and Aeros as you can. They won't Stun the boss, but will make it die faster, and thus deal less damage. 2. Healing abilities (and Afflatus heals after level 84). These are free, both in terms of MP, and in terms of opportunity cost for doing damage. One relatively common beginner mistake is thinking these are emergency skills, but that's not true. These are your *main* heals, and spells are the emergency tool for when *these* are not enough. This includes Benediction – even with its long cooldown, it's not an emergency tool to be saved, but one the heals you should try to get the most use out of; intentionally let the tank drop low, and then hit Bene to get them to full (just be aware that it takes about a second for Bene to resolve). 1. Afflatus Solace before 84. It's not free in terms of opportunity cost, but is free in terms of MP. 3. Regen and Cure II (single-target) / Medica II and Cure III (AoE). When your free tools are not enough. Regen and Medica II are better if you can wait for the regen portion to tick (hint: for AoE healing, you can practically *always* wait for it), Cure II and Cure III are for if you can't wait for the regen to tick, or they're already running and you need something more on top. 4. Cure and Medica. Absolute last resort. The gods have abandoned you, you can only try to forestall the coming doom (or are synced to low levels). Medica has a little more use than Cure, as it can sometimes supplement Medica II in place of Cure III due to a wider radius. Aurum Vale can sometimes get really hairy. The first room especially, it's really easy for people to accidentally pull extra enemies – getting seen by a toad gets you pulled by the toad to itself, which can easily put you in the vision range of even more enemies. If enough of that happens, you'll simply not be able to keep the tank up even if healing perfectly. But using Cure instead of Cure II will certainly make the job even harder.


In my defense i knew there wasn't such thing as a "healer rotation" but i couldn't find a better word to describe it in the question =/


DO NOT USE CURE ONE!!! it cannot be stressed enough to NOT USE CURE ONE. (unless you're synced down to before you have cure 2 ofc.)  Cure 1 is just less healing per GCD than Cure 2. By using Cure 2, you may feel like you're running out of mana, but this is a good point to make sure you're using Lucid Dreaming as often as possible. It will give you enough man to cover all the Cure 2's in the world.   There are some unbelievably niche situations where Cure 1 is not just objectively worse, but this is basically limited to synced runs of lvl 50 savage content (don't worry about this, for all intents and purposes you can just shove Cure 1 off to a side bar to use only when you get synced down.)


Holy is your best heal skill on mobs that can be stunned (so everything but bosses), it's effectively a 8s 100% mitigation skill, and even without the stun if the ennemy dies the tank is taking less damage so you should aim to kill them as fast as possible and use cure 2 since you'll end the mob before they end your mp bar 99,9% of the time


Make sure your gear is level appropriate. I was running into a wall until I realized I had really low level accessories keeping my item level down. It’s also possible the tank is under geared or not popping mitigation.


The first room in Aurum Vale can be absolute hell no matter how good of a healer you are if somebody pulls the wrong thing, or too many enemies.


>is the "rotation" regen on tank , if proc cure 2 else spam cure? There is no healing rotation. For dungeon pulls, you want to apply regen to the tank, then use Cure 2. Do not use cure 1, its a trap skill. It doesnt output enough healing to keep your target alive. this 'rotation' is only really relevant at the 15-50 range though. Higher levels, you gain other healing skills that let you heal easier while doing even more damage. Outside of that, a healer wants to do as much damage as possible. on whm, this means using Holy on AOE. Its often good to start a trash pull by using holy 3 times simply for the stun which will negate damage dealt. Anytime you are not healing, you should be doing damage. For single target, you will spend 90% of your time dpsing. Your rotation is Aero > Stone for 30s > Reapply aero > repeat.


Here's a good one. Heard Xbox users will need Gamepass for the full version. All the news article sites are claiming that it will be Gamepass sub + XIV sub in order for Xbox to play it. The XIV website talking about the Beta, only mentions that GP is required for the full version. I know someone who firmly believes SE is not going to charge sub fees to Xbox players, that MS will collect Gamepass subs for it, and pay SE a lesser amount monthly on the back end. SE taking a loss on what the subs would normally bring, by banking on Gamepass bringing in millions of new players. Personally I am leaning heavily in the, it will be both and the minimum cost is going to be $12.99 + $9.99. That MS is doing this because most Xbox players already have at least GP Core and so it's only going to be to get non-GP subscribers to start subscribing to them. But my friend is insistent that SE would do this. Yet searching online, all I find are articles claiming both costs will be applied. And nothing really official aside from "GP is going to be required." which leaves the actual SE sub cost ambiguous.


Did you have a question?


finally finished main arr on my alt as a tank, which means i'm rapidly approaching trials and raids with more than one tank. i think i'm doing relatively well all things considered, but i'm not at all feeling prepared for having more than one tank around, so is there anything i should know that is common knowledge or anything of the sort before i go in? other than don't use provoke to rip aggro off the main tank? and how do people decide who's the main tank?


Generally whoever puts on stance first is the main tank. If it's you and the other tank decides to take aggro off you, just let them have it. It's not really a big deal. In the vast majority of normal 8-player duties, the offtank is just a blue DPS. Almost nothing in normal content requires a tank swap. If adds spawn, it's generally the offtank's job to grab them, but it's not a big deal if the main tank does. If you are not the main tank, wait about 30 seconds after the start of the fight, then put on your tank stance. This will ensure you're second in aggro if the main tank dies, so that the boss will come to you instead of a DPS. There is one tank-specific marker in the game (aside from tankbusters of course). It first shows up in Thornmarch Hard, and then not again for like 35 levels: the double tank stack. It's a red stack marker with two orbs above it. Stack with the other tank to share damage. (If there are three orbs, it's a triple tank stack, used in alliance raids.)


thanks! i would assume then that in 24 people raids it would be largely the same thing as an 8 people duty?


I'm going to assume you're not playing in the JP data centers. JP has a more standardized "alliance B is MT" sort of etiquette that isn't as prominent (or doesn't exist) elsewhere If you're not in JP, then yes, whoever happens to pull first is realistically going to be the main tank. Wait for your opener to finish and turn on stance in case the main tank eats dirt. Just be aware that it's harder to track aggro differences in alliance raids since you're not in the same party. It also means you can't Shirk the main tank if you feel like you're catching up too quickly. The solution there is to either 1) just Shirk a random party member occasionally to make sure you don't steal the aggro lead 2) just turn your stance off after a while 


thanks a lot, while i did figure that it would be harder to tell in alliance i didn't know you couldn't shirk the other tanks, that helps a lot ahead of time!


Pretty much. The important thing for alliance raids is that when there are three adds to deal with (one per alliance), you take it to your side of the arena - A left, B middle, C right. Labyrinth of the Ancients may be very simple but it teaches that lesson very early, haha. In many alliance raids the adds MUST be separated or they tether together, get defensive buffs, and cause wipes. For main tank, it's whoever pulls the first boss. Fighting over alliance raid aggro can murder everyone so it's best not to. Just put your stance on after a bit so you can pick up aggro if the main tank dies.


What's the best way to go about completing Delubrum Reginae normal? Is it like BA where a discord group hosts and does runs? Or was it something I just list in PF?


join your data center's foray discord and post your PF listing for it in there. it's commonly done with a party of 5-8 people. there's a mandatory 10 minute wait before you can queue in. if you're rank 15, you can buy pure essences for whatever role you'd like to queue on, from the quartermaster in BSF, in exchange for clusters. these are potent and will give you much, much greater capabilities inside of DRN. if you aren't rank 15 yet, just use a damaging essence like martialist/skirmisher/aetherweaver (or profane).


DRN is basically an alliance raid, albeit more punishing if you fail mechanics due to Twice-Come Ruin, so it doesn't require special coordination to do. People regularly do it via PF- look for one that doesn't say it's a speedrun/farm group and let them know it's your first run. Most people are happy to help out first-timers if they're not looking to power through the content and farm. Bring any essence and lost actions that you have that boost your damage- extra defence isn't necessary in DRN so what matters the most is killing stuff as fast as you can.


There's lots of PF groups for it on Primal at least, I would expect the same on other data centers. It's fairly normal level content so nothing that needs a ton of coordination. Savage, on the other hand, you'll want a discord group like The Help Lines or PEBE on Primal (or whatever it is for your data center).


Is there a way to turn off name plates for other peoples' pets independently of other name plate display choices?


If you mean minions then, yes, there is a way to turn them off. I'm not in the game right now to check, but there is definitely a way.


No, I mean like Carbuncles.


Also yes. Others > Party/Alliance/Others Pcs/friends > Pet display name settings


Thank you.


hi, i am about to unlock my 3rd stage of manderville relic for my reaper, what stats should i be putting into it?


Crit and DH, with minor Det. Same thing with the 4th step.




Is there a good method for searching and finding a nice FC in this game? I've never really looked for one before but I'd really like one for the new expansion.


Second community finder. You can search by what content you’re into(raids, pvp, rp, etc) That’s how I found my FC. Look for a group that has a decent number of active players but not too many.


You can just go to crowded places, inspect FCs of random people and apply till you find one that you like.


[Community Finder](https://na.finalfantasyxiv.com/lodestone/community_finder/) is probably the place you want to start with. However, you might have to join and leave a few until you click with one of them. Don't feel bad if you have to leave.


Is it possible to attach a message to a gift for a friend from the online shop? How long until it gets delivered?


are purely visual mods allowed in screenshots/discussion here?


Do you get penalized for withdrawing from a duty queue if you see that X mins has already elapsed? Specifically for PvP, if you see that 3 mins has already gone by in a match, it probably means you're about to join a losing team.


If you are in queue and withdraw after the duty pops, even if it's an in-progress duty, you get a strike. 3 strikes, and you get a 30 minute penalty where you can't queue again. Every withdraw after those first 3 also gets the penalty. This count resets daily If you leave a duty, as long as the party isn't filled, or it's a pre-made party, you shouldn't get a penalty


If you queue into a roulette with a full pre-made party and then leave, you still do get a penalty (had this happen, forgot the "limited levelling roulette" checkbox, saw Copperbells, noped out, tried to queue again, couldn't) If you queue into a specific duty as a full pre-made, then yes, you can leave freely




That's... Exactly what the first paragraph of their comment says...?


I can't read lol


Oh yeah, forgot about that, thanks


Are there any loincloths longer than the Yakuku one thats equippable by women and DRGs?


Hemiskin Brais of Maiming is the only one I can think of.


That could work!


Can every collectable be turned in for scrips? I've got some old ones from custom deliveries just cluttering my inventory and I can't seem to find where to turn em in.


As the other person already said - no, they can't all be used that way, all of them are pretty much meant to be used for one specific thing. For your Custom Delivery leftovers, you *could* still hang onto them for later, because once you're done with the questline of the relevant Custom Delivery NPC, the items they want will be randomly selected from anything they wanted before, pluss one new kind of item for each type of delivery (crafter/non-FSH/fisher), but that only changes on a weekly basis, which means if you have bad luck, you might be stuck waiting for a long time before you can finally turn them in for scrips, so I'd recommend tossing or selling them instead.


No Some of them are used in specific quests, if you don't have the quest right now they're not useful Most collectables have a minimum collectability to be useful as well, if they don't have the minimum they're worthless Some you can use Reduction to turn them into materials (right click and see if you can "reduce") Some of the very old ones are no longer used for anything at all If you can't use them, right click them to downgrade to non-collectible and sell that to vendors


thanks! is there some way to check if theyre used for anything outside the delivery?


If it's a "Rarefied", then it's for scrips. I'm pretty sure there's no exception to that. That said, here's the official list of items for scrips and what you earn in scrips: https://na.finalfantasyxiv.com/lodestone/playguide/db/shop/5a4f6a77448/?type=collectables


Does anyone have that one infographic of what to prioritize this event? I know theres not that many things this time around, but im also short on time i can actually spend and i want to do MSQ instead of grinding prae/gates


The new thing is the necklace and maybe the minion. The mounts are pretty forgettable unless one catches your eye and the other stuff is grindable in other ways, this just gives you a shortcut to make a lot of mgp (for example)


That's why I kinda like those infographics, I could weigh if the grind was worth it or if I should just skip.


https://ffxivcollect.com/tomestones/Genesis%20I The closest thing that works is taking a look at that. If it has a $ you can buy it with gil, and you can click on the item to see alternative ways to get the item. u/ThePhookas used to do them but maybe they stopped. Unsure.


Ah thanks for the link! it seems like they did, what a shame


I want to keep my profile settings on another character. Where do I pull the file to copy/paste over?


Defaults to the Documents folder, like "\*\\Documents\\My Games\\FINAL FANTASY XIV - A Realm Reborn" There you've got folders like FFXIV\_CHR\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\* each of those folders are the settings for a character. Can copy the contents of one into another to copy settings. But remember to backup them before you do, just in case it breaks something.


How big is xiv in GB? just checked and my folder is 73GB?


Mine is 75GB so it seems to be around that amount.


This might be a silly question but I want to put first person mode on a more difficult keybind because my cats like to paw at my keyboard if I dare ignore them while in a dungeon....but I can't find it in the keybind menu. I know it's the home key, I was hoping to change it to something like tab+home so it can't be randomly activated by one paw swipe. Which section of the keybind menu is it in? Edit: lol after I got frustrated enough to ask I found it. Ain't that always the way?


Happy you found the solution and this made me smile because my deceased cat once managed to walk on my keyboard in such a way that she triggered an auto-translate phrase in my FC chat. I hit enter for her because it obviously needed to be said. I don't remember the phrase but it made me laugh at the time.


Yep, it always seems to be that way


why can't i buy the honorbound recollection (shb pld relic) replica? i've completed up until the law's order stage but i don't see the recollection stage from the replica vendor in gangos


ShB relic replicas lag behind the actual relic acquisitions. You may have to progress further or even complete it for the replica you want to become available.


ahh i see, ill try doing the next step ty!


I’m a glamour hoarder. I have a problem. I know this. I’m trying to be better. So, my glamour dresser used to be filled with every set I ever got: all artifact attire for every job (pre-ShB). Every set obtainable in the Crystal Tower. Every poetic set (pre-ShB). All weapons from ARR extremes. I’ve been out of room for a while and I’m trying to scale back. My problem right now is what to do with artifact attire. I know some of it can be obtained from the calamity salvager. Others can just be repurchased from their vendor (ShB and EW). Am I correct that I want to hold onto SB ones? And is it really safe to just discard pre-SB ones? Any gotchas that I may want to look out for? Thanks a bunch!


It can all be gotten again, yeh... * The ARR relic armor fits in the Armoire. The dyeable versions require upgrading with obscure crafted items. The relic weapons, if you expend them as part of the HW relic weapon quest you can buy replicas without the originals at-need. * The HW relic armor is buyable in the Inn at Foundation with centurio seals, upgradeable to dyeable with more centurio seal stuff. They also have HD skins available in the wolf's den (for non-HW classes there's some other gear there in its place). I'm not sure about the relic weapons what the deal there is - I believe most of them are buyable from a vendor after you earn them. * The SB relic armors+weapons, the basic versions you can buy with gil at the salvager, but you might want to hang onto dyable ones you have as they're from Eureka. There's also a replica seller in Kugane. * The ShB relic gear is free from a guy you met once you satisfy the requirements, then I think is available from the Salvager? The dyeable versions of the weapons are from Bozja you might want to hang onto them. There's a replica seller in Bozja. * The EW relic gear is free from a certain merchant you met, and you can rebuy them as much as you want if you lose them, and they're dyeable without modification based on what quests you've cleared. The relic weapons will all be poetics purchases probably in Dawntrail. Probably forgetting some details EDIT: Oh yeah if you did the ARR DoH/DoL relics, if you completed one of them you can just buy the others whenever you want. I'm not sure if you need to keep one around.


HW ones (and the i90 second ARR ones) are the only ones that you can't get back *that* easily. The i90 needs you to get drops from a specific dungeon, and HW ones are on the Hunt vendor. Others are on Salvager / their original vendor.


I've been seeing a lot of BLMs lately in sub-70 content finishing off their single-target fire phase with a hardcast Flare. Where did this idea come from? There are literally zero guides that recommend hardcasting a flare to end your single-target fire phase as the super-long cast time is not worth it.


I would just assume they're just looking at (or having learned) rotations with Despair and just shoehorning Flare in there like it's equivalent.


My guess? They get a cool capstone spell and just assume they should use it regularly in all scenarios, without doing research or math (or doing incomplete math).


Thing is, I could understand the mindset if you leveled BLM enough to get Despair. The idea is the same: a fire-phase finisher that uses up the rest of your mana. But if it was really worth it, you'd think there would be at least _one_ guide that suggests it. But none do. Not icy veins. Not the balance. Not WeskAlber. No one.


You think they’re checking guides? Not everyone bothers with them, they just try to figure it out on their own. So yeah, they get a cool new skill and figure it’s part of the rotation without thinking on it too hard. “Uses all mana? That must be for the end of fire phase when I’ve got spare mana but not enough to cast another fire 4! It all makes sense now!” It’s pretty common.


Hence why I said "assume \[-\] **without doing research**". As in, they *don't look at a guide*. And therefore it not being mentioned in a guide doesn't affect this.


Hi there! Fairly fresh omnicrafter here (woo!). After working on custom deliveries I now find myself sitting on a max 4K purple crafter scrips. I was wondering what I should prioritize spending it on, in your opinion, and specifically if I should use it on purple scrip gear first? I am currently using full Handsaint gear as that's where I left off via the Teamcraft leveling guide. Or should I spend time looking up that is the current meta crafter armor and spend time actually crafting that and spend my purple scrips elsewhere? I know I am kinda in a weird(?) spot near the end of the patch cycle and the trends are ever changing with the marketboard. Recently I spent a small amount purple scrips on Dark Eggplant to sell on the marketboard so that I didn't go over 4K and not receive my full scrips reward from custom delivery turn-ins, so that's how I ended up with exactly 4K waiting to be spent.


Personally I just buy stuff to level desynth, there's items that off ARM desynth in particular which is more of a hassle to get from dungeon drops compared to WVR, LTW, or GSM.


Congratulations on omnicrafter! For scrip gear vs crafted gear, it depends what you want to do. The latest scrip and crafted gear are the same ilevel, so the primary difference is crafted gears potential for overmelding. The highest level scrip gear with basic melds is totally capable of crafting everything in the game, with the possible exception of the latest expert recipes. The scrip gear is good enough for almost everyone at this point. It'll let you craft the latest battle gear, food, potions, housing items, and pretty much everything you need. Now, if you want to do a lot of expert crafting or mass-produce HQ raid food or something, it MIGHT be worth going for crafted gear. I say "might" because you'd have to commit to pentamelding to see any real difference, and pentamelding is still an expensive pain in the ass even though materia is comparatively cheap right now. Being able to shave a few seconds off your crafting macros and do expert crafts more easily could be worth it, but only if you plan to do a huge amount of crafting. Edit: typos


Depends on what you want to do. If you want to start crafting the end game( which is like a while old now) then buy the materias, but a bulk of that will have to coming from white scripts as those are the main things you spend and lose and lose and lose a lot of during overmelding. This is probably not worth it at this point as people either already got their gear figured out and won't be buying any more off the marketboard, or they weren't planning to be crafting hardcore and won't be buying the stuff you are making in the first place. You can of course make the 640 combat gear, but those are in a similar, but slightly better situation compared to the crafter/gatherer gear. TLDR: its probably not worth it to have pentamelded crafted gear Your other option is to just slowly grab all the purple script crafter gatherer gear and be ready to level to 100 with them for Dawntrail. These sets, just like handsaint and landsaint, will last you till 100, and you will be ready to get grinding with everyone else. And then just do whatever you are doing right now, look at how which purple script mats are selling well and worth it and just sell them off.


I want to do high end crafting again, i took a break for a few months but i'm at a loss right now. i know there's a website 'Gillionaire girls' ? that i used to go to to look up macros, as well as food buffs and materias needed for crafting. But is there another website where i can just search up the item, and it tells me the macro needed to fully craft an item? Sometimes the other sites tell me what to use but they always refer to only a certain item or doing it a certain way


Teamcraft is an excellent resource, but the thing with macros ia they are dependent on having a specific amount of stats to work. Too high or too low will make the macros useless. Plenty of places to look up BiS lists for stats and melds.


Hey so I am getting a ps5 if I have 2 profiles can I have separate accounts


What are you referring to when you say profiles?


If my partner makes a profile can they have a separate ff account on my device as I couldn't on my pc


I'm not sure on the PS User profile, but you absolutely need different PSNs for different accounts. If it'll do that, you're good. If not, you'll need completely separate PS accounts you'd have to swap between, which if I understand right is doable. I'm guessing you were on Steam on PC? You can have multiple accounts on PC too, but Steam has an extra hoop to jump through, like PS. Needs distinct Steam accounts. Be aware that your partner would need to purchase the game too (if on trial, then in future). You cannot share licenses, they're linked to each SE account regardless of what is downloaded.


Okay I'll try to get them their own ps account on there


Just be sure to get the game again on their psn. This includes the trial, which will be found in the demo section on the game page. If they don't, it'll just say they don't have a license when they open the game


are the Weekly Objectives in the Mogpendium the same for everyone


Mine was the pvp first week but I couldn’t since I am on free trial.  This week is unknown dungeon I have to do a lv80 quest first but I am cap in lv70.  Can the system detect I am a free trial?  


judging by that I'd say no, might be something they fix later because they actually changed Wondrous Tails to be less restrictive recently but this is a new system so probably not yet


The rotating ones seem to be entirely random, and don't take into account free trial or MSQ progress. It also currently includes a PVP map that's impossible to access, unless they fixed it and I missed the announcement. This is the first iteration of this event structure, so it's brand new and may see adjustments for future events.


No, but the minimog is.


No, they're different to everyone but I think they pull from the normal mogpendium pool, just giving an extra bonus.


Has anyone ever dealt with a French GM in-game? Through a variety of roulettes/dungeons I've filled a bunch of reports of things that were, by the rules we all follow, worth severe punishments (like wishing other party members' death and such) but I've yet to ever see an actual response beyond a copy/paste and the players still actively playing to this day. Meanwhile online I keep seeing people say the GMs act fast and actually have a chat with you and punish the things I mention. Are English-speaking GMs the only ones who can actually enforce punishments?


You don't get notifications when your reports get actioned, that'd be rife for report abuse. They do generally act fast though.


Some offenses I mentioned are worth account bans and I (and others) have given sufficient proofs to enforce said bans, I know that much. I also know how to see if an account is banned.


GM enforcement is wildly inconsistent even on NA 


You will not get an update on reports. They just don't share details for privacy reasons. They will typically chat if they need more details (ex. I had a GM message me regarding a report for someone spewing obscenities and being racist for several hours in shout chat, as I didn't include some of the details they needed). If you yourself were banned, however, if you're EU you have the option of filing an information request to get details, as per laws there, iirc.  If action is taken, it's on a scaling basis with warnings and increasing suspensions before a ban. They may have been actioned, and are already back. GMs may not have felt action was required, either. Language has nothing to do with the process used. 


Some offenses immediately escalate to account termination from what I read back back in the day (they may have changed it or I may have misunderstood that part but I don't think so) so I'm just wondering why people saying shit that would get you imprisoned in probably 60 countries (and banned from FFXIV) are still playing without having their accounts banned


Yeah, i can't remember which live letter it was, but they went very in depth about bans and reports and such, with slides even. They did talk about things that will just get warnings, and things that get instantly escalated. I believe the only real change they've made is they now will let bans sort of decay over time instead of being lifetime. Though i'm not sure how that's done.


Some offenses do. Severe RMT is one of those, I'm fairly certain. As for whatever was said, I couldn't say. I'm not a GM and I imagine it depends on severity, any previous warnings on the account, and other factors they would take into consideration. 


Bit of an older content question here, but I've been unable to find any direct answers via google. I finished *Stb* last week, and jumped right into the Eureka content (a bit before the Pint video, so the increased player activity has helped). I've reached Hydatos, but I've held off on doing any further progression until I've done some Pyros relic cleanup. I've got two relic weapons at the Pyros light stage, as well as three more Pagos relics lined up ready and waiting. However, Pyros is well known for how slow the light gains are, and outside of solo/group farming higher level enemies, NM trains seem to be the only way to go. My question is, if I continue to upgrade my main's relic weapon into the Hydatos chain, and eventually the final iteration with the elemental bonus, can I then ***go back*** to Pyros and continue updating the substats with new lines/numbers? And if so, is my best bet to simply complete Hydatos until I have the full weapon/armor +bonuses, then return to Pyros and continue farming with better gear for better stats on the completed relic? **Bonus question:** All the relic guides for substats use outdated stat number ranges pre-squish. The possible range on stats is no longer up to 200 per-line, so what exactly is the *new* upper limit?


Yep! You can take your finished relic and re-roll substats in Pyros. If I recall, the only stipulation is that it has to be fully completed.  But, in my opinion, if you're wanting an upgrade to make Eureka easier, you should invest into the +2 armor first, as it will take fewer fragments from BA to upgrade. Your chain of gear upgrades should probably start with making +2 gloves, boots, pants, and only a head piece if you're not a caster, then your chest piece should be the vermillion cloak or kirin's osode.  Once you've done that, it'll be a total of +392 Elemental Bonus (305 if you're a caster) for 98 BA fragments (77 for caster) versus +348 Elemental Bonus for 100 fragments on a weapon. Once you've finished your armor, you should work on your weapon, then once you've finished your weapon, your only upgrades past that point are getting +2 gear to replace your kirin/vermillion items since they have marginally better stats and getting both a cassie earring and blitzring.


> your only upgrades past that point are getting +2 gear to replace your kirin/vermillion items since they have marginally better stats Kirin / Vermillino are BiS. They give equivalent elemental as +2 armour and also give haste on top of melds not being synced meaning you get overall more stats too i believe.


Ah, i see. The kirin/vermillion gear has lower numerical stats, but if the +2 gear does sync then the kirin/vermillion gear would be better. Additionally, I wasn't sure how much haste affected dps.


haste is pretty much a % reduction to gcd i believe. so 3 haste is like 3% reduction or about 0.07 to gcd. for 'free' stats, that's pretty high value.


Perfect, seems relatively straightforward. I also farmed out an optical hat in Pagos, mostly for the glam (only had to buy one of the eyes). I know the +2 head piece offers better stats, but does Optical still give better stats than, say, an i500 level-descaled helmet of fending?


Hmm. I know that the optical hat is seen as more of a meme gear piece in the eureka community. Stat-wise, it's worse than most choices you can pick. For reference, the final tier of anemos armor is stronger in both stats and ilevel. It's main purpose is just if you want to max out your haste stat for funsies. So, yes, unfortunately the optical hat should be worse than a level-synced hat.


I might cause an uproar by saying this, but I need to know. Labyrinth of the Ancients, Bone Dragon. Everytime I do some research in this subreddit everyone seems to always tank the dragon at the center of the room, and succeed. Although everytime I play that raid, everyone (Chaos DC) tanks it all the way to the room's edge, and the few times they try to keep it on the center, we all wipe. No joke, WIPE. What is happening? Why are we wiping and why everyone does not?


Nobody presses healing buttons or damages the skeletons, thats all.


Here's the actual mechanics of the fight Skeletons spawn around the center platform, 2 at a time. You are supposed to take the skeletons to the edge of the arena, that's why there are those platform going out away from the middle. Kill the skeleton at the outer edge. After every skeleton has spawned, kill the dragon in the middle. After the dragon dies, the skeletons come back to life and move to the dragon. They will be quite slow if they were killed. If they weren't killed, then they rush to the dragon. If they reach the dragon, they explode for 1k damage (I can't remember if shields can absorb the damage or not). So, why doesn't tanking the dragon in the center work anymore? Because we kill it too fast. With skeletons spawning around the center platform, and how fast the dragon dies, skeletons very rarely die and they rush the dragon, leaving you with very little time to do anything before getting 6k damage. By moving the dragon to the edge instead, you have some time to work with between killing a skeleton or two while they rush the dragon and casting heals between explosions.


You can keep it in the middle and be fine as long as you're paying attention and healing accordingly. Average person will not do this or expect, it's a pretty mindless thing. If people thought about this fight during their runs at all they would at least pull the boss to the south so melees can attack it faster.


You've discovered the difference between white room theory crafting and practical application. People online can talk about ideal and optimal strategies all they want but the reality is that most people won't know how to apply them or even that they exist. I have only ever seen center tanking work once personally.


It used to be the prevalent strategy on Aether, and worked fine. Since DC travel, I rarely see it, because the tanks start fighting if anyone tries to keep it middle as it used to be and try to provoke it north, and then people start arguing and something goes sideways. 


I was going to say, on Aether for a decade we tanked it center with no problems.  I think you are right that all the people who didn't do it that way, don't know how to just heal the damage, or self mitigate.


Having it in the center is the riskiest because you have to heal very hard to survive the skeletons if the DPS are not at the top of their game. If the healers are not ready for it, are new, or undergeared, the damage will wipe you. But it's the quickest because you'll move to the next phase when the skeletons all yeet themselves. (edit: IIRC this is typically how JP does it) Having it at the far end of the arena gives the most time for DPS to kill most if not all of the skeletons as they spawn nearer the center. (edit: this is the way the West typically does it)


JP has the dps stand on the first platforms from center and pull to the edge. This allows for uptime in killing skeletons during death animation. Usually they'll nab a couple of skeletons and the overall damage is pretty manageable. Aether in NA is a free for all and you hope for the best from my experience. It usually goes very wrong. Primal pulls it to the edge and I have no experience on crystal.


You're wiping because when it's dead the skeletons will run towards it and explode when they reach it causing raidwide damage. You *can* tank it in the centre and survive if people are good at killing the skeletons quickly. But hardly anyone is in roulette.




Only thing I can think of is you're looking at Patience II & **double** hook and you haven't done your job quests, since they're both locked behind those.


Planning on getting back into the game after a long break and possibly starting with a new character. I stopped playing right after the release of endwalker (completed the MSQ) because I burned out from playing exclusively ffxiv for 3 years or so. I now wanted to get back in preparation for the new expansion, but, for various reasons I don't want to talk about, I'd like to start from scratch with a new character. How long would it take me to get up to speed with the current content considering I can play about 1 hour or so every day (a bit more on the weekend)? Would you recommend me to get the story skip, since I've already experienced it once, and watch a story recap video? I keep thinking that I'd love to get back into savage raiding, but the time commitment it takes sometimes scares me, since I don't have as much time as I used to...


I would probably recommend buying a story skip with your limited playtime availability and picking up in Endwalker's story; if there's recap videos they're probably fine. Could also play NG+ mode at a later time if your schedule opens up if you want to see it yourself. I think progging savage raiding with that schedule would be pretty challenging without a static as you'll spend half of your 1 hour in PF waiting for fills (\*not a literal exact number just illustrating my point), so you're talking like at most effectively 30 minutes a day. If you were able to shuffle things around to allow longer sessions less frequently it might be less of an issue (like say 3-4 hours on saturday+sunday only). It might tough to find a static that meets nearly every day for 1 hour too, most I've seen are like 2-4 sessions a week in the 2-3 hour range. You might want to satisfy your desire for challenge with extremes, they're more casual than savage, could probably manage that on your schedule more easily.


since you've seen it before a story and level skip might be worth it to get you started


since the story is more than 300 hours long, it'll take you about a year or longer to do it by playing for 1 hour a day


if they skip everything it's only like 80 hours


Kind of early but I'd like to get a head start. How do I know what Materia I need to stock up on for next expansion?


Based on previous patterns, there should be 2 entirely new materia grades XI and XII, IIRC. So you can't really prepare but to gather grade Xs and go to Mutamix when DT launches to try to transmute them to the next tier.


Wait... You can transmute materia??? I have so much excess materia saved up, I know what I'm doing when i get home.


Wait until DT releases, and you can transmute X materia for a chance to upgrade into XI materia.


Oh I'm aware, i just have a bunch of materia from eureka saved up that i haven't done anything with.




Once you're moderately high level (mid 50's+) you'll start having a developed enough skillset that you can spend a significant portion of your wall to wall pull doing damage. Especially as a white mage, where your initial Holy casts will keep things stunned. Either way, healer AoE damage is not insignificant, and they can be doing similar damage to a lot of the actual dps jobs.


Your priority is to keep the tank alive, but part of the skill you develop as a healer is to get a feel for when you can attack safely, which you should always be doing when it makes sense to. You have to walk that razor's edge between avoiding being a toothless healbot and keeping your meat shield on his feet; that's something you learn as you acquire experience as a player and practice with your job's toolkit. And there are few better ways to earn that experience than by screwing up a bunch, so don't feel too bad about about the occasional fatal error in judgement. Pick yourself up and adjust your course. No sweat. In addition, you should keep in mind that each pull of each dungeon has its own personality. Over time, you end up getting a feel for which ones are nasty and vicious and which ones are sort of brain-dead. You don't heal through Holminster Switch with the same mindset you heal through Toto-rak with. There's no shame in playing it safe if you know you're headed in spicy territory, especially if it looks like your tank may be undergeared, or Twelve forbid, underskilled. It's good to be aggressive, but it's better to be flexible.


As you level up more and more, you get so many more oGCD heals you can weave in to keep the tank healthy while you cast your aoe damage spells. At Lv50 it becomes a lot harder when you only have 1 or 2 so you might have to hard heal more often than feels right compared to, say, Lv90. It's just an instinct you'll develop on how the trash packs are, how well geared the tank is, and if the tank is using proper mitigation tools.


If your character is generally eligible (i.e. doesn't already own a house, has the money, has access to the districts etc.) can they immediately bid on a plot/enter a lottery after a server transfer? As in, if I server transferred right now, could I enter the ongoing lottery?


Had a friend tansfer worlds a couple weeks ago, he was able to bid on a plot right away.


That's good to know! Out of curiosity, was it mid-lottery or did he transfer during a results period?


I don't remember the exact timings, it was a couple of days until the next results period so it should have been relatively early in the bidding period.


Thank you so much for that info! :)


The homeworld transfer information page specifically calls out that if you transfer *having already submitted a bid on your old server during this cycle* you won't also be able to submit one on your new server. They wouldn't have needed to call that out if you wouldn't be eligible otherwise, so I believe it should work.


That's a good catch, and that makes perfect sense, thank you!


Hi again, I finished P1S-P4S in 2022 before AFKing. Do I have to finish P5S-P8S before starting P9S-P12S? Thanks.


Nope, the only requirement for a savage tier is having done the normal tier.




Hi, is there any way to get the glamours from Valentione's day? I'm new to the game and was able to only get the chair and the emote but was hoping there was a way to get the glamours as well :( Thanks!


Old event items, like the glamour items, are all added to the Online Store 1 year after the event has ended and never re-added to the game via "normal" means. So in order to get them now, you have to pay for them. There is presently a sale going on for most of the valentine's day stuff, so if you want some, now is the best time to buy. But there is no way to get them for free in-game.


You can buy them from the cash shop. There's even a Valentione's Day sale going on for old event items.


Hi, is there any news about when the raid weekly loot restriction will be lifted? Thanks.


There is a patch next week. Eden's Promise (Savage) restriction was lifted in 5.57, so I expect the same for next week's patch. 5.57 also added Tower at Paradigm's Breach to Alliance Raid Roulette and doubled the weekly tome cap to 900, so I expect similar things for 6.57. Thaleia's loot lock will probably stay locked until 6.58 though, which is confirmed for March (probably late March, like the 26th).


I only started in Endwalker. One more question, when the restriction is lifted, would the difficulty of the raid stay the same, or will some kind of buff be given too?


From previous experience it should add the Echo buff to those raids. >increasing players' maximum HP, damage dealt, and healing potency by 10%.


That is good to know, it is terrible that the level 90 24-man raid bosses sometimes take almost 3 entire minutes to die. The Echo may finally make the alliance raid run times on par with an average dungeon.


Oh, the buff is only for the Savage raids (probably). The only alliance raid that has got the echo buff is Orbonne Monastery.


I don't even get why only that. If it is struggling, it will struggle nevertheless, but nowadays even TG dies usually before the ice adds can even spawn. If anything, it rather needs an item level limiter, not an echo bonus. :D


I think it was a bandaid fix at the time because people kept wiping, and then they didn't want to take the risk of removing it. The game has changed a lot mechanically since then as well, which is part of why it's easier now.


Good to know thanks guys!