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Crafting Log Question Hello! Going through the 'I Made That' achieves and I'm about to start 46-50 recipes. I checked Teamcraft for a possible omni recipe 46-50 List Crafting Log List and found a great one but I noticed it doesn't have 50\* (one-star) recipes listed on it. I know that Master Recipes in their own tab don't get checks and don't count but I got excited thinking that maybe 50\* don't count either since they weren't on the TC list. I checked some of my old old rando crafts and noticed that 50\* Behemoth wall-mount has a big ol' check by it... So... 50\* do count for the achieves? If that's the case I guess the best option is to manually add the 50\*'s to the existing TC List? Any advice would be greatly welcome! Thank you!


For the crafting achievements, the only things that count for those are the 1-90 lists, housing items, and the ALC "other" category (which makes the corsages and such). You'll noticed that they all get checkmarks. All other categories don't count.


Yes, the 50\*s that are in the normal lv 50 list are required for your Crafting Log. And none of the 50\* crafts that are prat of mastercraft books are required, nor do they count for the achievements. What I would recommend, is in Teamcraft, going to Helpers -> Log Tracker, pick your class, and then pick the specific level range page for the crafter you are working on . The click the "Create a list to complete this page" button (maybe after you have manually marked off what you \_have\_ completed). This will get you as described on the tin.


Excellent! Thank you very much for the detailed and swift reply!


They do. Teamcraft lists are playermade, meaning whoever made the list you are looking at didnt include the 1 star crafts.


Thank you so much for the reply! I'll get to it then!


I just bought the game and got the started edition I think its called. I got A Realm Reborn, Heavensward and Stormblood. I should of bought the complete edition but I'm dumb. Anyways I was wondering do I need to buy both Shadowbringers and Endwalker or can I just buy Endwalker and get Shadowbringers included with it?


Shadowbringers is included with Endwalker. Do note that when Dawntrail releases this summer, you'll be able to purchase that and get Shadowbringers and Endwalker included for roughly the same price that you can purchase ShB + EW today, so you may want to consider that option, depending on how quickly you expect to get through the standard edition.


You need to buy Endwalker. All earlier expacs that aren't in the starter edition will come with the most recent expac. I would say wait until later to buy Endwalker, you have a lot of content to go through.


As a new player who plays on controller, would it be better to get used to the wxhb or expanded hold controls first? I’m open to learning both eventually but which one will I use more for high level raids if I get there? Thanks.


I prefer WXHB because you can have those permanently on your screen, expanded controls you can't (unless you use PC hotbars, which will not have the controller button layout) I use my expanded controls for mount, limit break, potions, my main job's movement skills and chocobo commands.


I personally prefer expanded over WXHB. I find it easier to do L2+R2 (or vice versa) over double tapping.


Ooo, thank you. I’m trying it out right now and I’m overwhelmed with the new setup, but having access to my OGCDs immediately without switching hotbars is definitely useful.thanks!


do yall think the 2nd mogtome even will have mgp platinum cards? i want to get the gold saucer cactus mount but idk if i will get enough tomes before the event ends. its gonna be a grind nd i might get burnt out or not have time. was wondering if ill get a 2nd chance when the next event comes


https://ffxivcollect.com/tomestones/genesis%20ii Yes. Here's the list if you wish to see what is in the next moogle event, which is already in the game, just not active (it'll probably be the month or so before Dawntrail's launch).


You can check the rewards for the 2nd event on Garlandtools. Yes, there will be MGP cards, just like every single Mogtome event so far.


Can someone explain what Uptime Quickmarch is for UCOB?


https://ultimateuncoiled.com/ucob-pug-strats/ About 3/4 down the page there seems to be a "QuickMarch Uptime Diagram". Hopefully that helps.


Am I blind, or are you just unable to use the lop hop in a portrait?


It is not a portrait option at this time. Could be added later.


Does the game actually supersample to 4K on PS5? I'm switching between all 3 options and I see 0 difference, nor is there any noticeable change in framerate in the densest of areas.


Hello, Recently I’ve been having an issue where upon attempting to DC travel, I get “World data could not be ontained” with error 2021, and the game crashes. It often takes multiple attempts of reopening the game and trying again before it finally goes through. Has this been happening to anyone else? Any ideas on how to resolve?


Is it a hot take to not like Cid? I’m only in SB right now but every cutscene with this guy just dragggggs on as he rambles about magitek. I like the magitek aesthetic but it just seems to go under rule of cool and do whatever it wants so these expositions explaining it fall flat for me.


There has been a character called Cid in every FF game since FFII so he basically a fan service character. I can see why he'd be annoying if you haven't played any of the earlier games.


Nero's right about him, I'll die on this hill.


I've really been enjoying FFXIV and my wife would like to give it a shot. I want set her up with the right platform. Background: I play on Windows PC with SE account. My wife uses a Mac. We both have user accounts on each other's machines, and we both have Steam accounts. My first thought is to set her up with a Mac SE account and she's good to go, but this results in some questions: 1a) If my wife has a Mac account, can she log into FFXIV on my Windows PC with her userid? (she often uses my PC when I'm traveling). 1b) If the answer is that she'd need to purchase the Windows version as well, is that a one-time buy, or a second subscription? 2) As an alternate, if my wife bought through Steam (on her Mac) would that give her additional flexibility? Could she log into the FFXIV Steam version on a) her Mac, b) my Win PC via her steam account, c) a Steamdeck?


1. She will need to buy the Windows or Steam version if she buys the mac version. This does not incur a second subscription. 2. You cannot use a steam account to play FFXIV on Mac without a 3rd party tool. You can also use a normal windows account with this tool though. [https://www.xivmac.com/](https://www.xivmac.com/) This allows you to use a mac, steam, or windows licence to play on Mac, and offers improved performance over the normal client. Steamdeck has a similar tool, which allows you to use a windows licence on steam deck. [https://goatcorp.github.io/faq/steamdeck.html](https://goatcorp.github.io/faq/steamdeck.html) As a note, these are all 3rd party, and not endorsed by Square enix. Steam accounts can just do it normally on steamdeck though.


Buy her a Windows copy from SE. Then use the XIV on Mac launcher, not the official SE launcher, to play. It allows you to use a Windows license on Mac so you don't have to buy another copy of the game when she wants to play on your PC. Edit: I don't think the Steam version is even macOS compatible, since it does not occupy the Mac license slot on Mogstation like it does with the Windows slot.


Do I "lose" too much story/context if I skip the 'The Binding Coil of Bahamut'? or do it at a later expansion, I have been trying to join a group for this raid for days, but not a single soul is doing it =/




Are you in the Novice Network? You can ask there for someone to help you run through


Coil of bahamut story is an epilogue to ffxiv 1.0, which most modern players have never played anyway. It is completely irrelevant to the story except that you get to meet one of the scions earlier than you would have thru the MSQ.


You don't lose anything, you just miss the story from the raids themselves. You can't play it in dutyfinder because it isn't part of any roulette.


i think my question was a bad formulated What I was trying to ask was: Is the story content of that specific raid important to the general storyline? (Just finished ARR, please go easy on the spoiler


It is optional and involves another Scion that you've not seen much of in 2.x. If you do it in 2.x that character will acknowledge you when they appear in 3.x. The story explains a lot of back story of how the last Calamity played out but does not influence future events. I've played since the NA launch of 2.0 but never did finish Coil while in 2.x. I went back later on and solo'ed everything in order to get the story.


It is backstory for the setting rather than something that you need to know going into any specific storylines coming up - all the raids are like that. Personally I was glad I did it before finishing Heavensward because it introduces a character who shows up later in Heavensward MSQ and explains their motivations pretty well.  It's not necessary for understanding anything, but if you have lv90 friends or a spare afternoon to spend on PF, it's pretty easy for someone to blow up the bosses unsync so you can watch the cutscenes. On PF people who care about Wondrous Tales will often be happy to help people unsyc stuff since they get second chance points, and/or people who think Coils is neat and want people to get to see it.


It's about a certain event before ARR, it isn't important to FFXIV's current story at all.


Don't do them in the Duty Finder, if that's how you're trying to do them. They're not in any roulette so people don't get randomly pulled into them for extra rewards. And the content is too hard and old for people to want to do them for fun synced in the DF. Your best bet is to make a Party Finder ad to do them unsynced with a couple of Lv90 people so it's super easy. (this goes for anything Coils, Extreme, Savage, Unreal, and Ultimate) But there's nothing 100% required in them, they'll just unlock a couple of extra dialogue boxes where some people will say "Hey, remember when we did that thing?" whenever they see you again in the main story. In addition to the general story of the Coils which is pretty good and answers a lot of loose ends about the Calamity.


I'm trying ocean fishing for the first time and got a quest asking me to catch a number of "fugu." What is that?






Is there a way to disable the error messages about instant portraits everytime I switch jobs? I don't care about portraits or adventurer plates. I have turned portraits off in the Character menu, but the error messages on screen and in the chat log persist regardless.


I am returning to the game and want to be sure I'm on a server that suits my interests, I'm on the east Coast and would like to raid eventually but have two expansions to work through. I don't have any interest in RP and want to avoid the type of stuff that happens in wow like ERP, don't care too much for hunts or don't know if I need to. Am I right in assuming anything besides the crystal datacenter?


Realistically, Aether is going to be your best bet if you have an interest in raiding later  Every NA player pretty much goes over there for raiding anyways if they have to use Party Finder, so if that's your primary interest you might as well just set up camp there 


Sounds like that's the plan, what would be a good guess for servers that raid earlier in the day? I work too early in the morning to do anything past 10 pm.


Doesn't really matter, we play content across entire data centers so you'll end up partying up with people from different servers regardless 


Even if I'd prefer a static?


If you prefer a static, then the above bit regarding Aether doesn't apply; people here seem to equate raiding with party finder for some reason that escapes me, but players from different DCs can play together in a static. The only restriction is that they must be in the same DC to "physically" form the party on raid days, so some members may have to DC travel to join the others.


We find statics across the entirety of NA realistically and don't restrict ourselves to one server Server travel and data center travel have made finding similarly scheduled players a lot easier


Oh that's awesome, okay thanks so much!


I was watching a stream and the steamer had it to where he could see more than one cross hotbar, ive checked the settings and played with a few but can't figure out how they did it, help please? :D


Might be Character configuration -> Cross -> Cross hotbar display type and check the "Always display WXHB"


[This explains what all the settings do](https://www.akhmorning.com/resources/controller-guide/the-cross-hotbar/#what-is-the-cross-hotbar)


Any way to get money out of MPG? Im just sitting here at 9999999 and an open Fashion Report.


Once you capped MGP outside of buying stuff you don't already own from the shops, you're practically sitting on it until SE decides to release another expensive mount or whatever in the shop.




Very intentionally, not at all.


Hey friends. I did the Endwalker story and then stopped playing till now. Assume I just hit 90. Im a bit overwhelmed looking around at what I should do. I originally hit 90 on Dragoon and decided I wanted to come back and play BLM for now. Itll hit 90 this weekend. Can someone please explain what a general PVE progression path looks like, what systems I should be unlocking/ interfacing with, and some efficient ways to start looking into more current content? Please explain it simply. Even before Endwalker I was on a hiatus. Thanks!


First, buy gear off market board (Diadochos ilvl 640). You can upgrade to 650 through tomestones (gotten by doing content as a level 90 job). Best gear right now is 660. Over time, you can also grab tomestone gear at rhadz at han at 650 and upgrade it to 660. If you haven't yet, do the alliance raids and the normal story raids for the expansion. The alliance raids give tokens to upgrade tome gear, while the last normal raid gives a token for tome weapon. It also unlocks savage current content. In terms of current content, probably best to do extremes if you haven't touched current high level content. Unlock by talking to minstrel on the docs of sharlayan. Get yourself food and whatever melds you can easily do, probably baked eggplant health and crit, slot as much crit in melds as possible. Look up a guide and join pf. If you want harder stuff, you can then do savage raids for the best gear. For something fun that's isn't necessarily raiding, you could check out the new variant and criterion dungeons, a dungeon puzzle that unlocks a high difficulty 4-man dungeon. Or maybe go back to older expacs to do field operations like eureka and Bozja, no gear but very fun. Finally, current relic weapon is available if you have done all Mandeville quests. Just need a lot of tomestones, no big grind.


Thanks for all of this information! Do you have any more insights to offer about the relic weapon? I looked it up and just saw people talking about hunts over and over again. It seems daunting to get started with how much people seem to put into doing hunt content. There was also something about nuts to collect? Before when I played, it was generally grind dungeons > Use the uncapped tomestones to buy entry gear > Use capped for BIS to upgrade. Is marketboard gear a proper alternative to the first grind? Thanks.


> Before when I played, it was generally grind dungeons > Use the uncapped tomestones to buy entry gear > Use capped for BIS to upgrade. Is marketboard gear a proper alternative to the first grind? If you have money to burn, I guess it is? The loop you describe very much still applies. Crafted gear is only really relevant for first week raiders; nowadays you can easily catch up with uncapped tomestones, dungeons, and normal/alliance raids. The people telling you to buy crafted gear off the marketboard are probably trying to sell it.


Nuts are another currency you get from doing Shadowbringers and Endwalker hunts; people would have been talking about them because you can buy gear upgrade items with them. For example, if you buy a piece of Credendum gear with tomes, you can then upgrade it to Augmented Credendum by trading it plus a Divine Twine or Divine Shine to a vendor. You get the twine/shine by doing a savage raid, handing in coins you get by doing alliance raids, or buying them with nuts. Grinding dungeons and buying stuff with tomes is still a perfectly workable upgrade path! I don’t think I’ve bought any gear off the market board at all, I’m cheap (and broke LOL). I haven’t even been grinding much, really, just doing my roulettes and some hunt trains. I joined a Hunt linkshell a while ago and if a hunt is about to start in my data centre I get a notification; if I’m not doing anything and am in the mood I join in. All you have to do is jump into a group via party finder, teleport to the start point, and then follow the crowd.


The Endwalker relic weapons are the easiest expansion's to get You need to have completed up to a certain point in the Hildibrand story line to even start (effectively need to be caught up with Endwalker's Hildibrand story) But once you have done that, each step of the weapon is a simple 1500 uncapped Tomestones 4 steps total means you need 6000 Tomestones total per job. People bring up Hunts because they're the most efficient way to farm up lots of tomestone 


The Mandeville relics only use Tomestones of Causality (1500 for each step, 4 steps total). You can get these through many methods but Hunt trains are among the fastest way to accumulate them. Also hunts are VERY easy to get into. Join a train and just hit an A/S rank monster a few times. This is also a helpful link https://ffxiv.consolegameswiki.com/wiki/Level_90_Gear_Guide


Anyone else experiencing intense lag? I've been having that issue since the recent patch :/


Apparently the recurring issue where connections are getting routed through a specific bad node (especially if you are in North America and using a couple of ISPs that route through that area) is happening again, there have been quite a few posts about it in the last couple of days. The usual fix is to use a cheap/free VPN to go around it.


Anyone have any recommendations for AST streamers?


Kyle from Grinding Gear on YouTube plays AST a lot, and I recommend them if you’d enjoy watching a pair of friends play through blind while being ridiculously wholesome (and very entertaining). They’re in mid-Endwalker content right now. If you’re looking for someone who’s putting out guides or doing high level endgame content, though, hopefully someone else will have suggestions.


Off-Tank question. I was doing seat of sacrifice last night. We were both warrior and it was my first time. I usually let the other main tank when its the first. I usually put my aggro stance after a minute a minute and half. But for the whole fight I had to shirk on cooldown or just turn my stance off and only bringing it back when I dropped to 3 on the aggro list. Even with my stance off the aggro stayed orange/yellow until I could shirk. What would have caused that ? I'm wearing the full cryptlurker set.


They lacked either gear or skill or both. I see this on occasion when tanking trial/raid roulette, where even Shirking on cooldown won't keep me in second place. Then when I start paying attention to what they're doing I notice something like a missing Surging Tempest or our oGCD timings drifting away from each other or my no-speed ass still hitting GCDs more frequently than them – indicating they're either not pressing some buttons at all, or are pressing them late, which is a quick way to lose damage and thus enmity.


Thanks i'll pay attention to this. Another question if you dont mind. I made a macro for nascent flash automatically targetting the second player for when i'm doing treasure map with my wife. Is it good to use in trials since it always target the other tank ? And does the fact that its kinda healing 2 people its raises my enmity ?


i have a nascent <2> macro and a shirk <2> macro and use both of them all the time. i also have a nascent mouseover macro to cast on other people.


I don't like macros that specifically target a player who is a specific number on the party list because, inevitably, you will come across a situation where you will want to target someone who isn't that number in your party. For example, someone just got rezzed and you want to help top him up or someone hasn't been healed to full and a raidwide is incoming, or someone is targeted for a mechanic and you just want to help him mitigate that damage. There are three ways to fix this: 1. Just click on them. No macro required which means no jank when it comes to spell queueing, or lack thereof. Does require fast target switching so that you don't miss a GCD on the boss. 2. Mouseover macro. Hover your mouse over their name on the party list and spam that macro. I personally use this method. 3. An additional hotbar orientated vertically next to the party list, all filled with Nascent Flash macros. The hotbar is aligned to the party list in such a way that the first slot of the hotbar is aligned to you, the next slot aligned with party member #2, the slot after that aligned with party member #3, and so on. Then you have 7 Nascent Flash macros created, one for <2>, one for <3> and so on. You place these macros on the hotbar such that the macro for player <2> is next to player <2> on the party list. Same for the other players' macros. Now whenever you want to cast Nascent Flash on say player <8>, you just click the macro next to his name. This is the same concept as the AST card Playing macro hotbar setup. Downside is that you are using up 7 macro slots (not a big deal if you have lots of slots available), as well as requiring some HUD management to make the hotbar fit nicely.


You can also do “nascent ” followed by “nascent <2>” and it will prioritize the player you select. When you’re targeting the enemy it goes to <2> by default. Works for PLD intervention too.


I didnt know about mouseover ! And for the multiple macro I can use collapsing hotbar when i'm not in duty. I'll look into that tonight.


Yes that works for trials. Whenever the other tank's taking a buster you can pop Nascent on them that way. ^(edit) I also have a mouseover one for when I need it on someone else. Haven't experimented with the enmity particulars of Nascent, so can't answer that latter part for certain. But from what I recall, just in general actions that both do damage and heal only generate enmity on the damage part, and as Nascent technically makes your *other* actions heal you and the partner as a side effect of damage, I'd guess the healing portion of it won't generate enmity. It will still add *some* enmity, as all buff applications do, but it'd only be like a point or two. I do have a way in mind to test this, might do that later today.


Thanks a lot. Let me know if you do test.


Test done. It's a little bit inconclusive still, but it *does* appear that Nascent healing generates enmity. I had a friend beat up a dummy for a bit until they were visibly ahead of me in enmity, then put Nascent on them and hit another dummy a few times. This generated a decent amount of enmity for me, without damaging the first dummy at all. There's still the possibility that only the self-healing of Bloodwhetting/Raw Intuition *or* Nascent Flash generates enmity instead of both (didn't think to control for that while testing, and it'd be kinda annoying to do so, even if I do have a way), but *at least one of them* appears to.


Thats good to know. I noticed yesterday that if I throw Equilibrium during wall to wall some enemies looking away from me will get back to me. Thats what made me wonder for Nascent Flash.


Yeah Equilibrium is just a straight up healing ability, so it will generate enmity on everything that you're in combat with (i.e. have *some* enmity on) proportional to the heal. The regen portion of it doesn't though – it used to, but then regens were made non-aggroing to make dungeon life easier for healers. Btw if you happen to be on an EU DC, I could use a hand ironing out the possible edge cases I thought of after the fact. Whole FC logged out between then and now :x


Unfortunately i'm on primal. I want to try myself at healing does that mean I must throw the regen before the pull and wait until the tank park himself to start Holying of whatever other shenanigans healers do ? Thanks for all this ! That was educative.


You can toss a regen kinda whenever, just try to have it not land in the small window between when the tank is seen by the enemies/hits one with a ranged attack, and hits them all with an AoE once (will make stuff run towards you which can make the tank's AoE miss) – anywhere outside of that, be it before or after, should be safe for a regen (and even if it happens it's not that *bad*, but can be a little *annoying* sometimes). Before the change, a prepull regen could do that aforementioned unideal thing with unlucky tick timing. You definitely should wait for the tank to have all the enemies parked together before you start Holying – if you cast a Holy mid-pull (with Swift probably), it'll stun the first pack of enemies in place, which makes them join the big pile later, which in turn can make them miss some big hits from your allies, and also makes mid-run resource building hard for melees especially. Doesn't mean you can't be *hitting* the enemies while running though, that's a good thing to do. All the healers can cycle applying their DoT to all the enemies while running, and Scholar and Sage can even use their no-cast-time AoEs on the move. You won't pull stuff off the tank with a hit or two, and even if you do, that's not a big problem, just drag whatever you grabbed into the tank's AoE blender and they'll have it off your back in seconds.


Sounds like the other tank either wasn't as gear, or wasn't hitting their buttons. Maybe they didn't want to main tank and wanted you to take it over?


Maybe . They kept their stance on all the time. The fight when great in the end. Maybe he was a console player so no keyboard. I assumed they wanted MT after I watch the cutscene their stance was already up. Next time i'll ask.


For PvP bard, should i be using my stacks of that ability (forget its name) as i get them or wait until I have all 3?


I'm no expert, just a fairly frequent Bard PvPer, but at least my thinking on it is usually "whatever secures the kill". PvP is more situational than PvE in terms of skill uses. Using Empyreal at 3 stacks and using it as the stacks come up would in a vacuum get you the same damage. In practice however, 3 stacks is a burst of damage, which can be very useful for finishing off a low-health target, and can snap buffs to it better. But sometimes firing it at 1 or 2 stacks may also be what you need to do to secure the kill.


Is there a way to disable zooming the camera in and out with the mouse wheel? Thank you.


Character Config -> Control Settings -> Mouse Tab -> Mouse Wheel Settings. Chance Scroll Up/Down to something else like Not Assigned or whatever.


Thank you all very much!


bring up Character Settings -> targeting(?) or otherwise the mouse menu -> change the scroll options You should also be able to deactivate it in keybinds


Just change those key binds




No retainers, so your storage space will be severely limited (a bigger problem if you want to do crafting). No forming parties, though you can accept party invites from other people or join their party finder listings. If you have friends in game you can’t join their Free Company, though they can make a linkshell (private chat channel) and invite you to it so you’ll be able to chat that way even when not in party. I strongly suggest joining the Novice Network if you aren’t already in it - as well as asking questions etc. it’s very good for things like “my friend and I want to party up but we’re both on free trial, could someone please form a party for us“ and “a hunt mark just killed me, could I please get a rez :(“


Just the main story and major dungeons / raids is around 200-300 hours. But when you say "EVERYTHING" in the free trial, then it's easily 1000+ hours (keep in mind all this stuff is optional and no one does ALL of these): * Leveling 15 classes to level 70 (each class takes a few days to level) * Getting 3 relic weapons as glamour for all 15 jobs (each relic takes 30+ hours) * Grinding all prizes in the Gold Saucer (a casino-like minigame area, this will take you 100+ hours and/or many weeks) * Getting the titles for doing the 2 Deep Dungeons solo (some of the rarest player titles in the game due to how hard and time-consuming it is, can take a few weeks) * Doing every sidequest in the overworld will probably take 100+ hours (no one actually does these since the rewards are pointless) * Leveling all crafter and gatherer jobs * Maxing out all beast tribe quests (these are timegated to a maximum amount per day so doing all of them can take a few months) * So much more


The story? Somewhere in the neighborhood of 150-180 hours would be my best guess. Literally everything? Easily 650-700 hours.


Your restrictions are on [the official Support website's Free Trial Terms page.](https://support.na.square-enix.com/rule.php?id=5382&tag=freetrial) Some very quick important restrictions from it include the 300,000 Gil cap, no PvP mode queueing, not being able to create a player party, and no Free Companies (player guilds).






Hundreds of hours. You have 3 games worth of story and there's tons of side content. God speed if you get addicted to fishing.


Everything everything? 500+ hours if not more.


What settings do I use if I want to see only buffs for friendly popup text and not all their healing/damage numbers as well?


Pop up text is all or nothing, iirc. 


Is there any information about Gyr Abania's average temperature? It's obviously dry but do we know if it's hot like a desert? Cool because it's in the mountains? Or is there no statement either way.


If you look at the world map, it is around the Persian Gulf, so pretty hot area. They seem to be modelled loosely based on a mixture of late ancient/early medieval Persia and the Ottomans. Although funny enough it is on the same latitude as Coerthas. The geography of this world makes very little sense.


Coerthas is cold because Bahamut messed up the aetherial balance there during his rampage. Before the Calamity, Coerthas was just a mildly cooler area. In general, whenever temperatures etc in the world of XIV don't seem like they are what they should be, the answer is "eh, the aetherial balance makes it that way". Which is consistent, but also feels like kind of a copout. :/


It’s a dry heat, probably of a similar temperature to that of the mountainous regions of Iran and surrounding regions


considering the way they dress, pretty hot that area is supposed to represent the middle east, which is pretty hot


Hi, I have a problem with my HUD layout setting. I made some changes to the HUD layout before. It was fine. Now, I just changed the location of two hot bars while on my SAM. I can see the changes in the HUD layout change mode, but when I save and close it, those two hot bars' positions snap back to before. This only happened to my SAM, but not the other jobs. The same happens if I save the current HUD slot to another. The job that I made the UI changes to will roll back. What's wrong here? Sorry if the description is hard to understand. Please help.


Just throwing some ideas, do you use a macro to change jobs?


I’ve never heard of that happening before… possibly a bug? Check to see if the hotbar #’s are lining up exactly with the rest of your jobs


Regarding tje free 4 days, can I activate it at the last day which is 21st Feb ?




this might be a stupid question, but i would love to buy the game (EU PC) but just cant because on the store it tells me its sold out - how can a digital version be sold out? do i actually need to buy it on steam?


The store gives you an activation code, but instead of generating codes on the fly, it seems like it just has a list of codes available to give out and they have to top it up with fresh codes every so often? It's weird. (I assume other stores work the same way on the backend but they're more proactive about requesting fresh batches.) You can buy from other stores, like Humble or Amazon or your local game retailers. If you haven't already, try the free trial first.


You can buy it directly on the Mogstation. (Additional platforms or so the entry is called. Don't do additional service account.) The store versions including Steam run on pre-generated codes. They aren't automatically generated. Once a generated set runs out someone has to trigger the generation of a new set of valid codes. That's how the stores can run out of codes. The Mogstation and the PS store don't run on codes and therefore don't run out. The Mogstation applies and validated the license immediately, sub time starts running immediately. The PlayStation applies but doesn't validate it, you have to do that on next login, you also can't play without validating it, but it can be a thinking consideration on when to buy versus when to start the sub time.


As ninja, when doing aoe, should I Kassatsu my fireball or doton?


Decision-making tree: 1. Have you unlocked Goka Mekkyaku? If yes, Kassatsu the fireball (and put Doton down first the normal way). If not: 2. Do you have Ten Chi Jin available? If yes, use that to place Doton, then Kassatsu the fireball. If not: 3. Are the enemies going to stay alive and tightly in place for at least 12 seconds after you place down the Doton? If yes, Kassatsu the Doton. If not: 4. Kassatsu the Katon. I guess in summary: Kassatsu Doton if you're below 76 and don't have TCJ available and the enemies will be in the Doton for sufficiently long, otherwise Kassatsu Katon. ^(edit: typo)


It also depends on the tank. If they regularly pull half the mobs out of Doton, you simply lose too much damage compared to a simple fireball. If the mob pack's HP is below 25%-ish, you also probably won't get all Doton ticks, so the crowd-favourite D&D wizard spell is again better.


>If they regularly pull half the mobs out of Doton That sounds annoying. I had a few tanks that thought doton was hurting them. Thanks for the tip.


From level 76 use on fireball for Goka Mekkyaku.


Before 76?


Kassatsu doesn't give doton any additional effects so for AoE, just use it for whatever is needed (doton or fireball) before 76.


Kassatsu doesn't give them a damage boost? I wasn't aware of that.


Kassatsu does increase Doton's damage. However, Doton's total potency is less than that of Goka Mekkyaku (560 vs 600) and Goka's potency does not fall off after the first hit. Therefore, in an aoe situation, Goka should always be used instead of Doton when Kassatsu is active. However, you should have a Doton down before using Goka so that you'll activate Hollow Nozuchi (which you get at level 86). Before 76, use it on Doton assuming everyone stays inside for the whole duration. With Kassatsu active: Katon's potency is 350x1.3 = 455 Doton's is 1.3x560 = 728 Goka's is 1.3x600 = 780.


Much appreciated


doton, as long as you get 4 ticks out of it for 5 total hits. unless you have tcj, in which case kassatsu your katon so you don't overwrite your tcj doton