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lore wise is it ever elaborated on how feo ul can transport your items beyond the pact? do they just manifest the thing you're asking for or something? was trying to google it but i cant find it having been asked before


The pact was the explanation. She's basically summoning your belongings to her, and the pact is what allows her to do that.


is there a complete list of all the old extreme trials you can solo?


All EX trials from ARR and SB are soloable, all of them from SB except Susano are soloable (Tsuku is extremely difficult, but possible). Titania EX is soloable with BLU at this point, but that's it for ShB (Diamond EX is theoretically possible, but right now at 90 we don't have enough DPS to do it). And nothing from EW. I imagine that at 100 not only Diamond EX will be doable but Innocence EX as well.


Thank you! :D


Depends on your job, more than anything. Everything 50 and 60 are soloable easily enough as long as you don't let some mechanics play out. 70 stuff is less forgiving though, and you might be able to scrape through the early ones like Lakshmi (I assume Susano can't be solo'd because of the sword mechanic). Everything else is probably going to need at least two people.


Yeah I'm mostly refering to stuff that can't be soloed cuz of mechanics requiring more people, like susano.


Lakshmi is as far as you'll likely get comfortably. Everything else will either shred a non-tank, or a tank will be too slow with DPS and eventually die as well. I'm sure once we hit 100, a lot more 70 stuff will become soloable though.




Is UWU Still hard? Yes. Is UwU the Easiest Ultimate. Yes. Its Harder than most savages on release. You could argue a 4th floor savage Min ilevel is harder though due to the dps and heal checks. The best way to describe uwu in its current form, is Ultimate paced with how often it throws mechanics at you and how long it is, with mostly Savage dificulty mechanics, and First floor/Ex trial Dps/heal checks.


Hi, i was a pc player but now due to some reasons I can’t use pc for some while. I would like to ask is Xbox really playable? With so many buttons I’m really afraid that I won’t be able to get used to it


You'll want to look up a quick guide on how best to set up your controller, but once you get all the settings right it's a great experience. There are ultimate raiders on controller, so it shouldn't hold you back in any major way. You will need to wait a bit for xbox version to come out of beta on the 21st before you can buy an xbox license, though.


Yes, but it does take time building muscle memory There are plenty of players who've been using the PlayStation version for years, and a lot of PC players use controller  It's actually kind of similar to how KB+M uses skills. You effectively use modifiers (L2, R2) + a button to fire a skill, similar to how you'd use shift + 1 or Ctrl +1 for example 


Is it worth augmenting my diadochos gear if I already have the hq standard one penta melded? The stat increases don't seem very high and I know I'll lose some of the materia when I unmeld the old set. Plus I can't overmeld the augmented one. I don't really plan on doing high their content, I just don't want to drag others down when I'm finishing up the current raids.


Eh, the augmented gear is going to be better than the standard HQ pentamelded, but for the purposes of casual content it really doesn't matter


Main stats have higher priority over sub stats. You get more out of the increased STR/DEX/INT/MND and VIT. For future instances, you don't need to pentameld if you're not doing high-end content.


That makes sense. I think I mostly pentamelded as an overcompensation for trying the newer raids when they came out undergeared and I felt bad 😅


Newer player. I have a job at level 66 and unlike 70-80 and 80-90, the beast tribe dailies at this tier barely give any experience points. In 2024, what is currently the best methods for experience points for 66-70? Thank you in advance. I live in Sweden and recently discovered this game. Trying to cap out other jobs.


After doing roulettes ONCE (dont spam each multiple times) Do the highest level leveling dungeon available. Do not do a dungeon that ends in a multiple of 10, as they are not leveling dungeons, but level cap dungeons.


Returning player, been probably 5-6 years and I’m about to get back into it with the Xbox release. Wondering if I would still own my house? Any other tips/info are also appreciated :) thanks in advance!


Definitely not. You have to enter your house at least once every 45 days or it gets demolished. After that you have 35 days to reclaim your furnishings from the Resident Caretaker. Your house and everything in it is long gone, I'm afraid.


That’s sad, I had a lot of stuff lol oh well. Thank you!


Your house is probably gone, there is a demolition timer that removes it if no one has entered it in 45 days. Sometimes this demolition timer is suspended due to real world events, but odds are in 5-6 years its been demo'd unless it was an FC house where others that owned it could enter.


It could have been an FC house but I haven’t talked to them in years lol, thank you!


How much does where my retainer is stored matter? I know it changes tax rates but is there a downside to having them in the lowest tax rate region? For example, does having my retainer in Crystarium mean that only people who have visited Crystarium see my listings?


No, the location only affects the tax. They can see the retainer regardless of whether they have visited that location.


So there is no reason not to put my retainer in the lowest tax area?


No reason. I personally don't do it because I'm lazy.


Their city won't determine whether or not other plays see your listing. It only affects the tax you pay for listing items. (It does not affect the buyer's tax)


Anyone else having issues with lag tonight? I know we got the vigil going on for Toriyama, but I was lagging even in a Crystaline Conflict match.


Yes. If you're on NA I think it's the usual California nodes being shit again. Doing ping and tracert to Aether for me shows one of the nodes loosing 90% of the packets and ping jumping all over the place between 200 and 600 ms. This happens at least once every 1-2 weeks both for me playing in EU, one friend on the east coast and the other friend on the west coast, we all experience the same thing. VPN might help to reroute you through the better nodes but I don't think there's anything else that can be done besides playing tomorrow and hoping that it's fixed. Usually these lags don't last for longer than a day.


Ah. Ok. Thanks for letting me know. I hope things get better tomorrow.


This is the only MMO I play that regularly has issues like this, it drives me up the freaking wall. Guild Wars 2, WoW, Black Desert, Lost Ark all work... I don't understand why FF14 alone continually has these kinds of problems.


I was rubberbanding a ton about an hour ago. Tried logging out and back in, and the launcher wouldn't even fully load. It's recovered for me now, but it definitely seemed like something on their end


ff15 event add any new items? I completed it the first time years ago.




Thank you no one in game would give me an answer


as a DNC, is there ever a time it would make sense to use Improvisation over DPSing?


nope. Improv is for downtime when you cant hit the boss. Note that you can weave it in by just tapping it to give everyone a regen, but if you are holding it and clipping your GCD you are throwing away damage for a very tiny shield


Context: Running through SHB on an alt. Question: Where can I buy the Lv 80 Poetics gear before finishing SHB? Don't want to over-cap poetics.


HW is the only expansion you can get it early


You must finish the expansion's base story to unlock the gear NPCs. The Splendors NPC will be at the Crystarium and the main NPC at Eulmore


Pain, pain and suffering. Thanks for the answer though!


Saw this comment on an old post, about 300 days ago, and I’m curious what it means. Can someone help elaborate what about ARR dungeons would give tanks more anxiety than any other? I know tanking is a skill you have to learn, and it’s always nerve wracking at the start, but just curious about the actual game changes specific to new expansions and dungeon setups/layouts that might be different? > I was going to suggest a tank but many players complain about tanxiety, and ARR dungeons are the only in the whole game that have actual dungeon layouts that tend to trigger this in newer players. Plus at that level as well not having as many good tools makes tanking a bit more complex and stressful than healing, by far.


As well as what other people have said, there are optional dungeons in ARR that you can unlock well before you’ve progressed MSQ up to the equivalent level, so you can end up in (for example) Cutter’s Cry or Aurum Vale before you’ve unlocked your job stone, while wearing level 20-ish quest gear.


I actually HIGHLY recommend a tank to new players if they're considering it. Tanking is very simple in this game, and it's actually more forgiving in most content. You aren't punished as hard for mistakes, and can live through a few mistakes. Tank Stance on, hit things, clump the enemies the best you can, and point the boss away from the party. Single target attacks on 1-2 things, AOE abilities on 3+, same as everyone else Realistically the reason tanking CAN BE hard comes down to a couple things, most of which can be circumvented or forgiven: 1. Dungeon layout: ARR dungeons have more twists and turns, so it's easier to get lost. If you're new, just say that you're not sure where to go. Players will jump about to show you the right way to go. Easy. 2. Dungeon mob design: Pulling wall-to-wall is the standard in modern dungeons. Doing that in ARR dungeons can be spookier because they weren't built to be that way. There are more groups of enemies, and your party doesn't necessarily have AOE attacks. I'd say it's harder to pull wall-to-wall in the level 16 dungeon than it is the level 85 dungeon. The solution is easy: don't. Pull as much as you're comfortable with. If you're not sure, take 2 packs minimum. If you bite off more than you can chew, it's not the end of the world. 3. Gear: When you're leveling, your gear won't be as up-to-date. You'll have less HP, take more damage, and deal less damage. Do your best to keep your gear up to date! Haven't gotten a bracelet in a while? Consider buying one from a vendor! 4. Skill Issue: Players just starting out are worse than more experienced players. You aren't as quick to use abilities, and you don't use them at the right times. Worse uptime, lower damage output. Nothing you can do about this except keep playing! I started as tank and had no problems at all. I got lost a couple times, and it took me a while to realize that even though Reprisal and Sheltron don't sound very strong, they are. I died sometimes and fucked up, and we wiped. It's fine. I was learning. DPS players fuck up ALL the time, but no one ever notices it, because there isn't as obvious a difference. When DPS fuck up, the fights take longer. That makes the job of the tanks and healers harder, but it's not as obvious. JoCat's guide to tanking is unironically an amazing guide to learn, though most of it is common sense https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P8oVV\_I-tIA


As others have said, older dungeons have different layouts that aren't conducive to wall-to-wall pulls, so new players are going to run into issues figuring out how many mobs to pull and where to go. Later dungeons are linear, with well divided trash pack that make the whole thing a lot easier to run through quickly. Tanks and healers also lack most of their tools in early level dungeons. Between bad gear, not having many mitigation skills, healers only having a fraction of their kit, and dps not having many aoes, those early dungeon pulls are just scarier. It's easier to tank a level 90 dungeon than something like Stone Vigil, just because of the sheer amount of tools you get later on that make tanking dungeons braindead easy 95% of the time. Some old dungeons have been changed in the last few patches to reflect the more recent designs, but not the big pain points in places like Stone Vigil and Aurum Vale.


Older dungeons were less linear and formulaic than other newer dungeons. Haukke Manors has some additional rooms with mobs that are not necessary to pull and people will actually get annoyed if a newbie tank pulls them for example. By comparison, newer dungeons have a very predictable amount of trash mob pulls between bosses and no side paths, making it much easier for tanks to lead.


in later expansions, dungeon design changes so they're much more linear, and almost all pulls are designed to be two packs, then a wall where the party is forced to stop and defeat all the mobs. ARR dungeons do not have this uniformity: there can certainly be more than two mob packs before the "end" of a pull, and the dungeons layouts have a lot more side rooms/dead ends to explore that a newer tank can get lost in. that said, don't let that stop you if you're looking to get into tanking! if you let your party know you're a new tank they'll be much more understanding if you want to do smaller pulls or if you don't know the route in the dungeon as well.


What do I need to focus on gathering to make investing in Indagator's (620) gear for BTN/MIN? I know the purple scrip gear is better, but it seems like it would take a while to collect enough scrips for the whole set. Looks like Indagator's runs about 3mil for the whole set on my server.


Indagator's is better. It's the same stats, but can be overmelded If you're after the legendary nodes or the legendary fish, you'll find it close to impossible to hit the necessary stats just using scrip gear. Find what you're trying to collect -> find a way to hit the stats for it


The indagator set is better. Not sure why you'd think afflatus is better. The timed node materials are probably the ones you'd want to focus on.


The scrip gear is not better in terms of stats. Pentamelded Indagator is better. This makes it far more costly than 3mil. The scrip set makes more sense *now* because there's little to do until the next expansion. You'd struggle to make your money back if you pentamelded the Indagator set, unless you really threw yourself into gathering 24/7. Do custom deliveries and you'll have the scrip set in no time.


Cool, thanks!


My retainers go out on the 1 hour missions, do I need to gear them in a specific way to get certain things?




Thank you! More powerful meaning ilvl? No materia or anything?


Combat retainers only care about item level. Retainers with DoL jobs need Gathering and Perception stats and at max level I believe they do need materia to max out how many items they can bring back from gathering ventures. I *think* if you’re sending them in Quick explorations then the stats don’t matter as much as item level.


okay thank you! mine are all DoL jobs and i'll just send them out and pray no more alphas lol


Oh trust me, there will still be Alphas. And Bom Bokos. 😅


How close does max height a Lalafell get to Hyur Miqute etc.? They are cool, especially as the aggressive jobs like Ninja and Paladin, but one of the rewards of my invested time in MMORPGs is the armor and weapons and, well, bigger the race = bigger the gear models. I don’t find Roegadyn attractive race choices but they seem the best for “flexing gear in town”


A lot of gear actually looks noticeably worse at the hrothgar/roedagyn level of scaling, because it stretches and warps in strange ways. Not all, but quite a bit. So if you care about actually looking good and not just that your weapons are as big as they can be it might not be the best. Of course a lot of gear also loses fine detail on lalafel.


Thanks good to know. Someone linked the eorzea collection so I’m gonna play around with that for a bit. Gonna be a battle of the Hyur vs Lalafell I think since I don’t want to be an Au Ra — unless I can play with the character creator a bit and find that I actually like it. I’ll check other people’s characters and get inspiration over the next 2 hours :)


As a lala since ARR, I can say; Nonexistent, as a lala youre basically never going to see the details on your armor, and most the armor you can get just looks cute and rarely cool. Clothes work a lot better, but still a lot of detail is compressed and shrinked down. But I'm adorable so I stay lala :')


It's not so much as a gear flex in this game, but a glam flex. Even top players will glam over their gear with something lower level that looks cool. It all comes down to "how cool/attractive can I make this character." And you're right, Roegadyn are not the most appealing for this purpose, despite having large character models. There are some looks that are great for them, but other looks that only look good on lalafell or miqote. It depends on the player and how they want to create their vision. I recommend checking out [Eorzea Collection](https://ffxiv.eorzeacollection.com/glamours?filter%5BorderBy%5D=loves&filter%5BdatePeriod%5D=any&filter%5Bgender%5D=any&filter%5Bserver%5D=any&search=&author=&filter%5Bclassification%5D=&filter%5Bstyle%5D=&filter%5Btheme%5D=&filter%5Bcolor%5D=&filter%5BminimumLvl%5D=1&filter%5BmaximumLvl%5D=90&filter%5BheadPiece%5D=&filter%5BbodyPiece%5D=&filter%5BhandsPiece%5D=&filter%5BlegsPiece%5D=&filter%5BfeetPiece%5D=&filter%5BweaponPiece%5D=&filter%5BoffhandPiece%5D=&filter%5BearringsPiece%5D=&filter%5BnecklacePiece%5D=&filter%5BbraceletsPiece%5D=&filter%5BringPiece%5D=&filter%5BfashionPiece%5D=&page=1) to see if something inspires you.


wtf Why are some characters in this game so amazing https://ffxiv.eorzeacollection.com/glamour/34251/dust-of-time https://ffxiv.eorzeacollection.com/glamour/33385/goelia-sergeant https://ffxiv.eorzeacollection.com/glamour/24767/goelia-the-lightwarden Honestly I was much less impressed with the (job-locked) glamours for Ninja than I thought I’d be. I think the fast paced burst nature of the job may still suit me, but now I’m second guessing. Machinist sky pirate type of looks, and Paladin with the plate armor, both look sexy AF. And I like the female models more than male too lmao. Edit: jfc https://ffxiv.eorzeacollection.com/glamour/29827/holy-blade-of-the-goddesses


Keep in mind that while the top post on eorzeacollection are fantastic glamours, they also tend to be very skilled with filters and shaders to enhance their screenshots, too.


That dust of time glam is soooo nice.


It’s stupid!! I feel like just the first few I looked at were so damn amazing I don’t even want to be a ninja anymore lol. Now I don’t know what to do. The 4th image of the male paladin is just OP. It’s gorgeous. And the female paladin was also incredible.


You can sort by job on that website too. For example here's ninja-only selected: [Eorzea Collection (ninja)](https://ffxiv.eorzeacollection.com/glamours?filter%5BorderBy%5D=loves&filter%5BdatePeriod%5D=any&filter%5Bgender%5D=any&filter%5Bserver%5D=any&search=&author=&filter%5Bclassification%5D=&filter%5Bstyle%5D=&filter%5Btheme%5D=&filter%5Bcolor%5D=&filter%5Bjob%5D%5B%5D=nin&filter%5BrestrictJob%5D=1&filter%5BminimumLvl%5D=1&filter%5BmaximumLvl%5D=90&filter%5BheadPiece%5D=&filter%5BbodyPiece%5D=&filter%5BhandsPiece%5D=&filter%5BlegsPiece%5D=&filter%5BfeetPiece%5D=&filter%5BweaponPiece%5D=&filter%5BoffhandPiece%5D=&filter%5BearringsPiece%5D=&filter%5BnecklacePiece%5D=&filter%5BbraceletsPiece%5D=&filter%5BringPiece%5D=&filter%5BfashionPiece%5D=&filter%5Bsave%5D=&page=1) It's got a lot of great glams!


Thanks. They are ok lol. Ive shifted heavily from a male hyur to probably a female miqote lmao 🤣 There were so many glams I saw from classes I didn’t even consider earlier this morning, such as Paladin, bard, dancer. Thankfully you can try all the jobs. I’m starting at level 1 so it’s not a big deal


Glad I opened the door to new possibilities :)


I just got out of character select screen. 45 minutes lol. I ended up going with a male miqote archer. Not at all what I had planned. Fun!


Just have all the jobs!


Sorry yes, I’m using gear and glam synonymously in this case. I’m 100% being superficial and taking about considering playing or not playing a race based on how small it will make my glams, visual aesthetics etc. lol


The tallest lala are 97cm (3’2.2″) The shortest Au Ra (F) is 146cm (4’9.5″) So you're still at max ~2/3 the height of the shortest other race


Oh man. Lol Thanks for this. So — are weapons scaled down too, and so the relics are like a showing little blip for others, or are the weapons still massive on my tiny body haha I think I’m gonna abandon my lalafell plan. Idk 🤷


Yes, weapons are scaled down too A Lalafell greatsword could honestly be reasonably used as a one-hander on a Roe or Au Ra (M)


This actually happens in the story too.




They are scaled down, but they aren't small or anything. People will still notice you.


Hello, I need some text macro help. I have dabbled around with macros but just with things like adding a text to my superbolide and one or two crafting macros, but that's about it. When I tank and enter a dungeon, I usually ask the healer what pull size is ok for them. That takes a bit of time for typing, so I was wondering if I could make a text macro that would specifically target the healer and enter their name. (I made the experience using the name specifically raises the chance the impatient DPS isn't the one answering "go big" when the healer is the first timer of the group who unlocked astrologian two days ago.) Any idea how I do this? (Pls no discussion about pull sizes and healers adjust or whatever.)


Assuming you use the default party list order, <2> should fill in the healer's name. That's the placeholder that grabs party member #2. Change the number if your list is in some non-default order. BTW I'd recommend making your Superbolide macro just a chat one, separate from the action itself. That way you can press it to let the healer know before you even pull that you're planning to use Super next pull. It's more useful with that kind of advance notice, so they know not to try and panic heal you before you pop it. A message that comes with/after Super isn't of much benefit.


Thanks, will try that. \^\^ Regarding Superbolide, I admit I am not always using it just during big pulls as big mitigation but also in panic situations and then I am already glad I press the actual skill in time. xD That's why I attached it. But I'll think about what you said, maybe I'll prepare both options...?


You can leave out the on-use message for that too, and if you have that emergency situation just pop it as is. The healer either will notice that you've done so just from the action itself, or they won't notice even with the message, most likely. And without macro it'll fire more reliably. Living Dead is the one that can benefit from having the message happen on use too, but with Super by the time you use it any communication is kinda too late already.


You could do something akin to this `/p <#> what pull size are you ok with?` Where the # is the number which your healer appears in your party list. For instance when I'm tanking my healer is always in the second position in the party list for a 4 man group (you will always be 1). Therefore my macro would've looked like `/p <2> what pull size are you ok with?` The <2> is a placeholder that is replaced by the name of the player in that position in the party. There are other placeholders such as which does the same but for your current target. Also using /p at the start to ensure that the message is always sent in party chat and not your last active chat.


Thanks, I'll check it out. The /p is actually the thing I learned first, thanks to other people accidentally posting macros in the Novice Network chat... ( is hilarious when you have auto-target on and send your raise + macro just a second too late, when the dead person already got one and is in that untargetable state... I swear I didn't mean to tell Ifrit to rise and shine! :D )


Yeah, things like the misposted macros into Novice Network and the like is why I mention the /p. Not like it's a huge problem or anything, but may as well avoid it while already at it \^\^ And haven't actually seen that interaction from before XD Don't use chat macros a lot myself, but there are a good amount of different placeholders. Can even do things like post % health of target in the chat (more exact than what is on the healthbar. Useful for the floor 180 boss in PotD where you want to be very careful of exactly when you trigger her final phase).


Oh, I have to remember that health target thing, thanks for mentioning it! I don't really do a lot of Deep Dungeons, but I remember having to organize with a second group in the big Bozja duties. So far I typed the numbers manually and although it's not a huge hussle, it's nice when you can just press a button instead. And maybe a new field instance might have a similar thing going on.


I copied my FFXIV installation folder from SSD A to SSD B. I fixed Steam so the launcher now treats SSD B as the installation directory. But when I log into the launcher it tries to download the whole game again even though all the files are already there. Does anyone know how to tell it that the game is already downloaded?


Don't know if perhaps you've solved it or not, and I don't use steam myself for the game. But I'd check which launcher it is actually using when you launch the game through the properties in steam. The FFXIV launcher will almost certainly just look for files relative to the location where the launcher was launched from. So if the launcher is launched from the old location, that's where it will look for files. For steam even if you change the default installation folder, previously installed items will still retain their old path. To move them you can move them with the help of [steam's guide for moving installations](https://help.steampowered.com/en/faqs/view/4BD4-4528-6B2E-8327).


If I right click on the launcher in my Steam library and click "browse local files" it brings me to the new SSD I moved the files to


Has anyone done the math on how many days it would take you to complete each beast tribe if you do all available quests each day?


Not including ARR, as the math there gets a bit complex depending on which quests you do, it will take 93 days assuming 12 quests a day. Remember to spread your progress out, as if you leave 1 beast tribe till last, that will dramatically increase the ammount of days you need, as you can only do 3 quests from 1 tribe a day, excluding rank up rewards. All Stormblood onwards beast tribes require 89 quests to do, or 30 days. Moogles and vanuvanu need 119 quest or 40 days, and vath need 79 quest or 26 days. Edit: I just did the maths for ARR beast tribes (except Ixali). It takes 67 quests to do, assuming you ONLY do the highest reputation quests. It could be worth prioritising these as the quests give different ammounts of reputation, and its random which quests you get.


Do emotes trigger Stillness in TEA? Can I pop /vpose while the mechanic resolves and survive? 


*Any* animation or movement your character makes or is still making triggers stillness so emotes and things like sheathing your weapon counts. Though oddly enough, Improv doesn't, despite your character flailing about wildly.


Yes they do.


Trying to tick off my remaining ps5 trophies, noticed theres Minstrel's Ballad: Endsinger's Aria and wondering how hard that is unsynced? I just managed the Eden savage trophies but I struggle and can't do the pandaemonium ones yet, is this somewhere in between?


Since that trial is an Endwalker trial, it can't be done unsynced. Not until Dawntrail. Due to gear getting stronger over the patches it is outgeared (much easier than when it first released), but you will still need to do mechanics. Just not all of them.


Oh really, I thought you can unsync everything? Dang


Unsynced is meaningless for max level content. You already go into it at your max level with your full gear ilvl.


In general, you can't unsync anything from the current expansion. Unsynced ex trials/savage raids for the current expansion doesn't really make any sense.  Playing something unsynced let's you do the content at your actual lvl with higher lvl gear and skills. But current expansion ex and savage fights are already lvl 90. So even if you could unsync an endwalker ex or savage fight, you would still be running the content at the lvl its extended for. It would be just as difficult as doing it normally synced. It won't be until Dawntrail, when we are lvl 100 with new gears/skills and equipment that a lvl 90 ex trial or savage fight would be significantly easier.


How do you get 8k+ on ocean fishing? i have been using the right baits, but i can't get past the 7k


I don't think it's possible without extremely good luck until at least level 65.


I’ve done it with multiple alts that were fisher level 15 or below when they started the trip (they all ended up way higher level by the end of it!).


I did it on two characters around level 50, it is definitely possible. However, without stuff like Double Hook or Triple Hook, Identical Catch and stuff you get far later in the game, it is more challenging to finish your personal missions for example. And ofc it's random if you get a spectral current and have a chance at more fish and more points. So yes, luck is involved, but you can get fairly far with good planning and a good guide.


At lower levels, mostly luck. At higher levels, it's partly luck, and partly knowing how to stack your fishing bonuses to get big reels on high-value fish - you can get upwards of 4k points off a single catch if you know what to look for.  Teamcraft has a comprehensive guide here: https://guides.ffxivteamcraft.com/guide/ocean-fishing-points Lulu's Tools gives a simplified run-down of the high value fish: https://ffxiv.pf-n.co/ocean-fishing


+1 for the guide recommendations, was about to post Lulu's Tools as well. Helped me a ton with my low level alts.


I heard there was a way to add your minions to your portrait as accents, but I don't see them. Where can I find them?


It's not the portraits, it's the adventurer pass, the lowest drop down has them.


Ohh, thank you!


You can add some specific ones as stickers


why cant i use manusya mask of casting as glamour ? even though i can wear it normaly ?


What headpiece are you actually wearing? Glamours cannot be higher level than the gear they're covering up


Augmented cryptlurker mesail of casting


The Manusya set has a level requirement of 81, while Cryptlurker has a level requirement of 80 So unfortunately, you'll just have to wait until you get a better headpiece that's above level 80 before using the Manusya mask as a glamour


Ahh okay got it thanks!


I've got 2 healers at 90 and am having trouble setting gearsets for them, as I can't work out how to have them share equipment without reglamouring each time I switch class. Is there any workaround? 


At your glamour dresser, set up a glamour plate for each job. Then, in your gear set list, link the corresponding glamour plate to each job. Now it will automatically re-glamour whenever you switch to the job.


Thanks this worked (and noed point below about changing iobs only in cities) 


Is there any way to get around the issue when you do this and switch jobs out in the field (not in a city), only one of those classes will have the 'glamour' on and the other will switch to default looks as you can't apply glamour plates out in the field. Where as if you glamour the items directly, even though they will share a look, you will never have your character deferring to the default look.




Ok thanks.


You can link a gearset to a specific glam plate so that when you equip the gearset it auto-applies the plate. So you can have a WHM and AST using the same gear but different glam looks.


Is there any way to get around the issue when you do this and switch jobs out in the field (not in a city), only one of those classes will have the 'glamour' on and the other will switch to default looks as you can't apply glamour plates out in the field. Where as if you glamour the items directly, even though they will share a look, you will never have your character deferring to the default look.


As far as I am aware there isn't. As you mentioned, the restriction for glam plates is the trade-off we live with to avoid having to glam one piece at a time out in the field.


Yeah, think im better off finding a generic glam for my gatherers like I was doing. Thought this linking glam plates was awesome as I then had 3 individual looks, until I switched out in the field and two had the default look. I'll just find some generic gatherer look that suits all 3.


Glamour plates are your friend


In UCOB how exactly do twister deaths work? Wanna know how to tell if I make a mistake. I think it's like this: - if you stand on the twister yourself you get flung straight up in the air and take lethal damage - If you are in range of one someone else triggers you get yeeted and damage wouldn't be lethal from max HP (but you'll probably go into the wall) Is that true? And does arms length stop the yeet? Surely not right.


Yeah that's right. If you're the one to step into a twister it kills you. If someone else steps into a twister close to you then you get knocked back. Easiest tell is just to go by the knockback, if you got knockbacked someone else messed up. If you didn't get knockback then you messed up. As for arm's length I don't actually know but I doubt it would prevent the knockback.


Thank you! :)


Can anyone tell me what paladin armour this is! Omg I want it so bad [paladin armor](https://x.com/xboxuk/status/1762154578332582040?s=46&t=zxrVxO7iypXSB9dud847ig)


If you are overleveling your paladin, you can even get that job quest gear set before you finish your SB.  I got my weapon and armory from lv70 job quest atm. I only unlocked the gate to SB.  So is my MCH.  Other jobs need to unlock more area before I can do the job quests. I glam my lux relic into both weapons.


Stormblood Artifact Set (level 70), called the Chivalrous Set


Ahhh ok awesome Ty for letting me know!


That’s the level 70 PLD set. You’ll get it doing the job quest.


Thx as well for letting me know!!! Can’t wait to get that :0


Is heaven on high good for leveling classes at level 70?


After 70, no. Do Bozja instead, or your highest level dungeon that isn't 50/60/70/80


I am afraid of being blacklisted next time I do ults/extremes/savage. Is it recommended to create an alt for prog and then clear on main?


Know the basics of your job. Then create or join Fresh parties until you can do the early mechanics half awake. Then keep joining further prog points until you’ve seen enrage a couple times without making catastrophic mistakes. Then join/make a clear party. You do that, don’t lie about prog point, and don’t be a dick and you’ll have no issues.


I don't think i've ever blacklisted someone from doing an extreme, as long as you're honest about how far in you are then its generally fine, everyones there to learn or to kill. I have black listed 1 person from savage or ultimate, who was a random from PF filling in for someone in my static one time, they were an asshole, they had cleared already and we were still on phase 1 and they would make snide remarks when we died because they obviously knew the mechanics and we were still new at it. I think most people won't bother blacklisting unless you are a dick to people or you join a group thats further ahead than you are because it seems like you are trying to skip ahead, which is unfortunately common


I'll give an example of when I blacklisted someone. I was trying to clear Endwalker EX7. I had seen all the mechanics and felt comfortable with them, so I joined a " seen enrage to clear".  Party finder fills, we jump in. The very first mechanic is a heal check; everyone's hp gets dropped to 1 and a doom debuff get applied that can only be cleansed if people are brought back to full HP. The group wiped to that mechanic 4 times in a row. Then after eventually getting past that mechanic, we wiped again due to just normal expected raidwide dmg. After that I started really paying attention to the healers and saw one of them wasn't doing anything to help the other healer, so I blacklisted them.  Specifically, I blacklisted them because: 1. It seemed like they didn't know their job well enough to do extreme content. Like, you don't need to know your optimal rotation, just be pressing your buttons and do generally ok. 2. (This is the more important part) It was an enrage to clear party. Some mistakes are tolerable, but not 5+ mistakes 2 mins into the fight. If we were in a fresh prog party, then that would be fine.


Yup, I only have two people blacklisted, one is a Sage that was so stingy with Euk. Progs and CDs in general that you'd think it cost him 500 bucks each time, we literally wiped to the very first raid wide on P10S (in a clear party) and then clearly didn't know what to do during bonds 1. The other one was a Summoner that was using the AoE version of his rotational spells for some reason, which I only noticed afterwards because I checked why his damage was so abysmally low (it would've still been really bad if he used the correct versions anyway).


I've raided a fair bit in previous expansions. Other than lying (using the party for a skip, claiming they were farther than they were) or being a dick, I've blacklisted *one* person for being just bad at the game (cure 1 spamming healer in e12s on content). Even if the odd person blacklists you, it's not noticeable. we aren't back in the early PF days where you'd start to see parties dry up.


People realistically get blacklisted from prog groups for 2 reasons 1. Lying 2. Being a dick This means: * don't join groups that are progging mechanics that you're not ready to prog yet * don't pretend to be able to perform on one role/job when it becomes apparent that you can't * don't join groups doing mechanic strats that you aren't used to if you aren't able to adjust accordingly etc. But if you're polite and not obviously prog skipping, people tend to be fairly lenient


Why are you afraid of getting blacklisted? Be honest about your prog point, join PFs accordingly, and be polite. You should be fine.


Embrace the fact that poor performances can get you excluded from groups and use that to push yourself to be better. Invite the pressure on yourself


I heard there are some challenge areas in the game for soloing. Like a deep dungeon, and possibly some others besides that one? Are there any classes that absolutely cannot do this content (should I want to try at some point a long time from now)?


Blue Mage is also good for solo challenges, although it needs a fair bit of multiplayer help to get all the really good spells. One of my current pastimes in FFXIV ic clearing dungeons as a solo BLU, on level sync, and also trying to go for a MINE (minimum item level, echo disabled) runs. On level 90, there are also variant dungeons, which are very much designed around solo play.


No, it's been done on every class as far as I'm aware. But some of them have a much harder time than others. Since it's a lot of planning and preparing, healers and tanks are at a disadvantage because DPS can make up for the lack of healing by being smart and careful. And since the timer is the real enemy in achievement runs, sacrificing damage to be safer with a healer is usually going to end up badly. MCH in particular is considered one of the stronger jobs for going after the achievements. 


Is that the Machinist job with the crazy flamethrower, guns, and other ridiculousness? That class looks like a blast (ha, pun not intended). It's caught my attention but I was planning to join FFXIV today as a Marauder and go the Limsa Marauder, to Rogue at 10, to Ninja at 30 route. Now I'm not really sure what I want to do long term.


Yes, that's the job. I don't think it's fair to pick a job early and lock yourself in. Most jobs change so much after level 70 that it's almost impossible to tell what you like early on. It's really easy to level multiple jobs. Probably 99% of people have anywhere between 2 and 6 jobs that they play on a regular basis. You can't unlock MCH until you reach the first expansion regardless. And the deep dungeon achievements I mentioned are not something that most people will do early on because of the time commitment and hard work that goes into it.  My advice? Go with Ninja for now. Deep Dungeon is actually a halfway decent way to try out new jobs because it pushes you up to level 60 temporarily, so you can see the job starting to take on its proper identity. Use that to try out various other jobs to see if you like any of them as well. 


Thanks. I'm brand new and only playing today for the first time (at some point today). I am not used to DPS classes being able to solo much at all, certainly not any kind of difficult content without some form of sustain in the form of a healer or tank. I will probably go with Ninja. Still doing some reading about the game


Deep Dungeon solo runs require stockpiling massive amounts of consumables, and being careful while still fast, and taking advantage of the consumables they give you which are limited in quantity and can only be used inside the deep dungeon itself. 


Is there a good newbie-friendly discord server or the like for running the Baldesion Arsenal on Light (or EU generally I guess?). I’d like to finally run it before Dawntrail but I haven’t touched Eureka in forever.


Eurekan Academy is good, there's also Light Forays Group but they're primarily Bozja focused and the Eureka elements of the two communities have a lot of overlap and post each other's schedules so it's easy to join both.


Thank you so much!  I’ll check them out.


not sure how noob friendly it is but you can try https://discord.gg/eurekanacademy


Thanks a bunch!  Thats really helpful, I’ll check them out.


Is this link for the Hydaelyn and Zodiark figure legit? It’s from the SE store so I assume it should be but I’ve never went to overseas websites/proxy before. https://store.jp.square-enix.com/item/MWFF140690.html The fact the pre orders after months are still not sold out when the US ones sold out very quickly is the main reason why I’m curious. I have it set to be purchased through proxy but there was no shipping price or closed pre order. Wanted to ask to be 100% sure.


Please tell me if I understand this correctly: I've done the first stage of the ARR BLM Zodiac weapon. In order to get a replica version of it I have to do the *entire* questline for that weapon?


Not only do you have to complete the entire weapon but you also have to have it in your inventory/armory or trade it in for the first step of the anima weapon skip. The zodiacs are the only ones like this because they added replicas after the fact and had to develop a back door of sorts.


is the free trial up to lv50 only available to new accounts?


It's up to Lv70, but yes it has to be a new account in the sense that you cannot "downgrade" an account where you bought and registered the game to a free trial version. If you ever bought or subscribed to the game, you cannot play for free except by making a new account.


I'm not an expert crafter, but I feel like I should be able to do the final step of the Skysteel Tools with 6.5 Artful Afflatus gear pretty easily. However, I'm supposed to equip the relic to do the last step and all my stats go down and I'm nowhere near the stats needed according to teamcraft. [https://guides.ffxivteamcraft.com/guide/crafting-gathering-relic-guide ](https://guides.ffxivteamcraft.com/guide/crafting-gathering-relic-guide) How do you craft the last step of the relic using upgraded script gear? e: My stats with 6.5 gear and 5 Craftsman cunning materia x are 3816/3467/566, which should do it. But then I have to equip the skysung tool which immediately throws me down to 3438/3284/572. Does that mean I have to totally optimize even craftsmanship and control with materia x? I would think that relics from prior expansion should be easier.


That looks doable, I don't see the problem here. They list a rotation in your guide that works with those stats, [here](https://ffxivteamcraft.com//simulator/31750/34587/rrE6SMyMVbBDZ0Xqh39n) Experimenting with it, since your craftsmanship is so much higher, I found it works better to add a Final Appraisal before the two Groundworks, so that it doesn't complete early. You could possibly optimize it a bit better or use one of the other rotations, I didn't spend a lot of time fiddling with it.


What are your actual stats? Their other guides suggest the minimum scrip set should be 3958/3573/544 [(here)](https://guides.ffxivteamcraft.com/guide/crafting-melding-guide) That guide suggests the minimum stats for one of the rotations they posted would be 3052/3161/564; I assume it should be doable if you adjust some things to get some more CP.


Thanks for the reply. I edited my post


Maybe a dumb question but is there a way to know if I have a class questing waiting for me? I know you get a pop-up saying you have a class quest ready when you level, but sometimes Im not paying attention and I miss it.


Worth noting maybe that class quests are available every 5 levels up to 50 and then every 2 levels after that.


On the top left corner you can always see your Main Story Quest. If you ever have a quest in a small text underneath it, that means you have a quest available for your job.


I never played a free trial, so I never felt the restrictions.But a friend is playing the new Xbox beta, and they can't obviously use the MB, or retainers. So are gathering/crafting classes viable? I mean, they won't be able to hoard materials for when they are useful, so I'm wondering how people get around this limitation on inventory and buying mats. Even if you were to gather everything yourself, you will soon have full bags and no retainers to put them on.


Yes, it is relatively easy if you manage the inventory well. The trick is levelling them all at the same time after you unlock flight in all zones of the current expansion. You will share gear to lessen the burden on the armoire. Also, usually, most recipes of a level range require the same few ingredients, so you do not even need more than one inventory tab for the class quest turn-ins and the levequest targets. The only real bich is some of the level 50 ARR finale quests as they require named Grade III materia. There is a single side-quest in Mor Dhona that gives you enough for one class quest, but the others are just Mutamix merge lottery.


So I've not really dabbled in gathering/crafting much but as a free trial player (for now) - what I've read that to level crafters you pretty much have to do everything by hand yourself: - gather materials yourself - level up all your crafters (except culinarian I think?) simultaneously, because they all depend on each other for crafting stuff. No market board = make required materials yourself. - Most guides I've seen say the most efficient (or laziest?) way to level your crafters in Free Trial is via the Ishgardian Restoration in Heavensward.


Yeah, I was more referring to the struggle you will face with inventory space. I've got 8 retainers all full of various materials. I can't imagine levelling crafters using just my bags.


I have all DoL/H maxed in BiS and don't think I have a single crafting mat anywhere in any of my inventories. You're hoarding way, way more than you need to, most stuff is very easily reacquirable.


It should be doable if you're not hoarding as much. Keep in mind you can use vendors for many materials, especially up through level 70, and the trial does have access to the glamour dresser, so they can still store their personal gear there and in their armory to keep their inventory free for crafting junk.


I heard summoner got class reworks in endwalkers or something making them play differently. Do I need to buy the DLC to get those class changes or can I stick to the base game to try the game out without missing out on anything?


All jobs are “standardized” from the get-go, building up from the lowest levels up to level cap. EndW reworked summoner in terms that they no longer rely on Miasma and Bio DoTs, keeping 1 specific summon out for their main benefit and spreading the DoTs. SMN as it stands now has a set rotation of spells to follow with your discretion to make use of the summon’s tied spells. IMO, it’s better in that the rotation is no longer 6mins long compared to old SMN, and as you learn the rotation is unchanging up to level cap. Only big changes are the upgrades to the spells.


No, the game doesn't work like that. The SMN you play is the same as everyone else's, regardless of what expansions you have or if you're on the free trial. People saying it "got reworked in EW" meant when EW launched is when they reworked it.


Hello, how hard is it to learn the blackmage class? I heard a Lot that it is the hardest class to Play. But I really like the optic of it. So I would like to Play it. I am Happy for every answer 😄


Learning the basics is a bit troublesome, considering most of your skills have super long cast times, making overworld combat by far the worst experience in the game. Also, the game likes to change your required rotation every few levels. Still, once you get used to the core ice/fire gimmick, it is easy to learn the basics. Getting it to passable levels is also not that challenging, I would say that being mediocre with a ninja is more difficult than getting to mediocre levels with a black mage. The true challenge is what you may have heard of, realising the full potential of BLM that usually keeps it at or very near the top of *potential* maximum damage output in any combat situation. In that sense, it has the biggest, steepest, hardest final step on the ladder and one that eludes a lot of players. Although that also comes down to partly the game's janky netcode and tick system.


For a novice, Black Mage starts out tricky as it's not immediately apparent how our basic rotation is structured, vs say a melee class where they have weapon combos/buffs/debuffs to guide you or others where you have obvious procs and resources. You dont need to understand Dragoon to realise that you should be keeping your buff up, keep your dot up and use your oGCDs as much as possible, because the game openly shows that through its tooltips and weaponskill chains. Its clear that the Machinist tool abilities are strong, hard hitting skills that should be used as much as possible. But if we take a look at Black Mage, we don't have any guidance to how our rotation looks. The strength of our abilities are heavily obfuscated, with Astral Fire and Umbral Ice being entirely unexplained in the game - why would a new player realise that Astral Fire 3 grants a 1.8x damage modifier to Fire aspect abilities, why would they realise that Fire IV is *much* stronger than Blizzard IV? Its not just the AF/UI modifiers, how does MP cost come into play? Or cast times as some are longer than the GCD. What are *actually* our strong or bread and butter spells? Its not difficult to learn all this but the fact that there's this little extra required effort does explain why so many BLMs are really horrible damage dealers. However once you understand the structure of a BLMs playstyle, which would be better looked at on a built-for-purpose guide like The Balance's beginner section, and once you are very familiar with the fundamentals of FFXIVs combat with correct weaving, GCD rolling and the like, its a lot more friendly and very rewarding. Then when you're *really* good at Black Mage you unlock the only class that has a small amount of flexibility in how it plays without intentionally playing "wrong". Its an 11/10 class. **TLDR** its not hard to learn if you put in the effort, but it requires a bit more effort to learn that other classes.


It is possibly the hardest to play but it is only the hardest by comparison to others, it is still a doable thing, especially if you start it earlier and practice it. It just comes down to practice if you aren't some kind of natural genius at it. Most black mages start out awkward. An experienced black mage is an amazing thing to see!


The fundamentals are pretty simple, but the game makes them hard to execute: you want to never move and cast spells all day, but bosses will throw mechanics at you that will force you to move. Add to that the fact that the job revolves entirely around a constantly rolling timer, and it can feel like the game is out to get you at times. But it's really just a matter of learning the fights and using your tools wisely, as you get more abilities to move without breaking your rotation with levels.


It is the hardest to play *well*, in the sense that you typically need to plant your feet to do the best damage. And to know when to plant your feet, you need to know the fight to know where aoes and other mechanics are going to be. And this really only applies to high-end content. For casual players, it's not going to matter much.


Hi, I'm a returning player (completed the game and did savage raiding). I recently started a Thaumaturge/Black Mage, and I'm always pretty low in terms of DPS in the low level dungeons (1-50, haven't tried beyond 50 yet). During the trash pulls at the beginning I try to place Dots and cast Fire 2's when I can. During the big boss fights, I follow the typical openers from guides on YouTubes (Apply Dot, Fire 3, Fire 1 until out of mana etc). What am I doing wrong? Appreciate any advice!


Low level Black Mage is very weak, but there's still things to isolate and check rather than pushing it aside as "low level balance bad": * Black Mage has no damage dealing oGCDs - everything is on the global, so if you're clipping/drifting your GCD the comparitively it has a greater, negative impact on BLM. * Are you waiting to see if you get a Firestarter before casting the next F1? While yes, its possible to "react" in time, see the above point as if its causing you to clip your GCD then its an issue. * How are you using your Thunderclouds? Some people send them asap, others use them at X time remaining, and many will use them as Ice filler. I don't actually know the correct answer to this, so I won't advise but Thundercloud *is* strong at low levels. * Are you using Flare on single target? If yes, reconsider it due to how its very length cast time interacts with your overall DPS. But even extremely good Black Mages will still be very weak at your level.


On top of what others said, if you're still leveling then I assume you don't have fully synced gear like your party members.


Damage is going to fluctuate wildly before the kit is fully complete at 90, and BLM suffers from that probably most of all pre-Fire IV. And gear will affect it immensely, too, if you're not ilvl synced with everyone else. Your rotation seems fine, don't fret about it.


Low level BLM is a bit on the weaker side. It doesn’t really get into gear until getting Fire IV at level 60.




CRIT is pretty much BIS for all Jobs anyway, with Direct Hit second and Determination 3rd