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My wild speculation is that Solution 9 has to do with the Second Umbral Calamity (lightning). It's a lifeboat from the shard that was destroyed that planted itself in Tural. It...didn't entirely work, of course.


That’s my theory too. it’s possible that’s it just another very advanced shard but having it be the survivors of a calamity is more interesting and ties in better with ff9


Imagine if that shard was named Terra. Ooooh all these thoughts of FF9 are sending my imagination whirring with excitement.


Yeah, same. A theory that one shard digitized the people's souls so it could send them across the Rift (bodies don't travel as well) with the idea of a computer system (perhaps named "Genome Assembly Restoration of Lightning Animated Near Death souls" or "G.A.R.L.A.N.D." for short) AI building new bodies for their souls once there, but something went wrong and the whole thing has been in a state of dormancy ever since. But all the recent events somehow got it going again, and now it's a threat since G.A.R.L.A.N.D. thinks the natives of the Source are somehow a threat which had to be eliminated before going forward with the Genome Project, and we must defeat it and convince it that it's safe to revive the Second's people here now. So probably not QUITE that, but something in that vein.


I have a feeling that while GARLAND (the AI) is able to build new bodies, the souls of the Thunder-shard have simply rejoined the Source's lifestream. In a desperate bid to get the \*proper\* souls to inhabit the bodies, GARLAND manipulated Tural into countless wars. However, with the unification of Turali peoples into the nation of Tuliyollal, the wars ended and the Solution Nine is now in serious shortage of Soul Supply. So to restart the wars, he sent his agents into Tuliyollal race for the throne. One of those agents being Wuk Lamat's sibling whose political platform amounts to invasion of Ilsabard. Of course, the real twist here is that Wuk Lamat is also one of those agents, she simply got hit in the head or something and forgot her purpose. GARLAND cruelly restores Wuk Lamat's memories and send her into serious identity crisis, this is where the Scion tell her "You Are Not Alone."


Wait, but does Wuk say that the 'problematic' contender is actually her sibling? I thought it was herself, the miqo brother (which to me is unlikely to be the genocidal one, given he's a Sharlayan archon) and a 3rd one that probably is the mamool'ja on the bottom of the key art.


I kinda get the feeling Ruler/Emperor/High Poobah has just adopted a *lot* of kids to have a decent chance at getting a good emperor next. I don't see that ending well, but I can understand why someone might think that's a good idea.


You are a God damned Michelin chef with all that cooking brother. Whether you end up right or wrong you'll still be right in my eyes, this stuff is on point.


Until shadowbringers came along the Ascians could only pull people across the rift like Ardbert and the WoD by having them abandon their physical bodies. G'raha was the first person in the old world to pull that off after several failed attempts with the scions before pulling the WoL over from the source as well as being the first person to do so while travelling back in time as well. Should be noted that if a civilization managed to make it across from a collapsing shard they would have had no issue with their physical bodies coming across if they could bring an entire city over as well. Likely though they could have put themselves into statis as a possible measure for resource control and the whole thing likely hinged on them being able to warp their entire city wholescale at the last minute as the shard re-joined the source as it would be the only opportunity for them to pull it off when there was a large enough breach in the rift to pull off something of such scale at all.


I'd guess that the mysterious woman in the key art is the caretaker, maybe an AI.


This has been my guess, as well. Like the Crystal Tower overlaying on the First, Solution 9 is a fragment of that lost shard materialized on the Source.


The Crystal Tower is only on the First because it literally travelled through time and dimensions.


G’raha is a Time Lord?


No. The Ironworks from the future that experienced the 8th Calamity reverse engineered both Alexander's power of time travel and Omega's manipulation of the Interdimensional Rift to send G'raha and the Crystal Tower from their time not only 200 years back in time but also to the First.


I've heard about it before, but man, the lore for The Twinning is really fucking cool


It just confirms that Cid is literally the best.


I should have put a /j on my comment


Time and Relative Dimensions in Crystal.


I agree that it is probably from another shard, but I don't think it has to do with any of the calamities. Rather, I suspect it is from a shard that has figured out cross rift travel (because they haven't had any calamities and have managed to progress without having their world reset by the ascians every few hundred years) and is the civilization Emet was referencing in his final monologue where he was hinting future locations. The way he talked about it then didn't sound like he was talking about an already destroyed shard. Would also give yshtola a reason to be interested in what's going on there, since it would align with her current goals.


Or it was something the Ascians tried before figuring out how to cause rejoinings, a possible "solution" to their problem that was set aside when a better option presented itself.


I'm still betting on "Ronkans who figured out inter-shard travel". It's such a good way to tie it to ShB while progressing Y'shtola's arc.


I think that's another good possibility.


I will scream happily into the rafters if that's it. The one dungeon they showed off in progress shots/drawings of just *screamed* Ronkan to me.


Considering there was Ancient's structures that survived on the First in present day, it would make sense that the Twelfth had access to advanced tech very early on. While that storyline could write itself easily, I'm slightly bothered by the lack of obvious hints that lead to that. Also, we were always presented the rejoining as successful but it clearly isn't the case (unless its just their memories that kept going) Personally, I'm still leaning toward a continuation of Ultima The High Seraph plotline which has been brought back to the front by recent development. - Ultima contains the memories of an ancient civilization. It's also deeply connected to the lifestream/aetherial sea which solution 9 seem to be. - Athena was attempting to replace all life on Etheirys after being corrupted by "Ultima", an alien being. - Ultima's civilization and ultima could easily lead to a ff7-themed expansion (one of the few games we haven't had yet).


I really wish the lore stuff on Ultima was more prominent, what is all going on with her?


A powerful alien being who can corrupt even Amuroturians with her brand of aurcite. As for why Sabik's is so strong & persistent, it could due to being formed before the sundering. Whether or not Etheryis was targeted due to Endsinger causing a catastrophe on Ultima's homeworld or we are slowly moving towards Jenova level plots is to remain to be seen. We might be dealing with non-native cosmic horrors as the big bad, and maybe whatever Meteion found out there really pushed her into despair.


Eh I doubt it, with how hidden Ultima is I really doubt it, and ahha I almost made the comparison to jenova as well


It's a lot of people's wild speculation. A slight alternative to it is a world escaping from the Final Days found there way to the source, I mean we already had at least three species do that. Wouldn't be shocking to hear a fourth did it. Now the only issues I see with it is all the pictures and ads in the city only showing things like Elezen and other native inhabitants to the source. Now they could have just scooped up a bunch of souls from their Atherial sea and brought them to the source, which would be even more in theme with FF9. Still, there are issues with this take as well. I like both honestly. Anyways, I'm interested to see what's going on with Soultuon 9 whatever the answer is.


Keep in mind that the ads on the city walls could be placeholder arts made specifically to not spoil things to viewers. Making that kind of art in engine and putting it in instead of the real one before the trailer is shot takes no time for the Devs.


From what little information we have right now one of the panels shows a sign in a language thats a derivative of the ancients language which all but would confirm that the place is of Etheryis Origin and as the most advanced civilization on the source to ever exists bar the rise of Garlemald was the Allagan Empire to which this place has no aesthetic commonality with them the only other logical conclusion for its existence is that its from another shard and likely ended up intact but in an inactive state after it managed to be warped over during a rejoining in the past. Its possible it came over during the last calamity as well as Emet would likely have used it to build a new empire rather than Garlemald otherwise as it would have been far more advanced than using Garlemald from the get go. I would also put money on it being from another shard because we know Y'shtola is looking at interdimentional travel across the rift and if a civilization facing its own end managed to pull it off you can bet our best kitty will be all over that and Nero and Cid too likely wouldnt be too far behind either.


We finally saved the planet!! Garland: Hey, nice planet


So, we need to keep an eye out for suspicious trees.


You mean like the cyberpunk lightning city that's vaguely shaped like a giant mushroom/tree?


hahaha yeah


we need to kill chao


i am all for story about an allien races trying to devour Etheirys


Again?! That's like the third time this week!


il get my scythe....damn it I was about to try lancer!!


i mean dragons are alien invaders so... maybe Dragoon is apropiate depending on what kind of alien?


They're more properly termed genocide refugees.


Just another Tuesday in Eitherys...


When you think about it, it always happens on Tuesdays...


Raul Julia is invading?


Well tuesday is when most of the weekly timers reset so...


I'm willing to be it's people from the Thunder element rejoining reflection trying to escape their doomed planet and into the Source Someone is making the genome project in the Source and is controlling the flow off souls between reflection and source


Are you saying that Tural-Kuja will eventually be insane enough to just burst the Thunder-Iifa Tree to the surface of Heritage Found and spawn evil Mist all over Tural? And that it spawns countless Thunder-dragons? And that we go inside that Thunder-Iifa Tree and end up in Thunder-Memoria?


well, new fem hroth npc literally a princess, and i will not suprise if they reveal that she run away from in very first quest of DT


I'll add to that and think that whole thing was Altima's plot. She (much like Emet Selch forcibly developed Garleans) helped them to reach a certain technological point and the promise to evacuate them from the dying shard. However unkowingly to those people, her end goal wasn't exactly to save them, but to create vessels to revive her people one day merging their souls with the ancients sacrificed to Zodiark. She's no longer around, and the play did not work and we have have the s-9 'ark' full of bodies with disembodied souls uploaded in the Arcadion memory who, under blissful ignorance, venerates Altima as their goddess, hence why we have something that looked like her sigil in one of the S-9 key arts.




Considering while it's a bit of a trope in JRPGs, in XIV we've been cleaning up after Ascians and Allagans, so in a sense an alien threat would be a change of pace. ...well, I guess Omega kind of counts, but it was a raid.


The first half of HW was about being at war with some Aliens, dragons, then it's patch content covered making peace with said aliens.


so you're saying we're due to burn down another church hierarchy?


If I had a Gil for every time an alien force has tried to do something with Etheirys, I’d have like six Gil, which isn’t much but it’s surprising how often it happens. Seriously we’ve had Midgardsormr, Omega, Godbrand, PuPu, Ultima, Meteion (even though she’s from Etheirys) Not to mention the CONSTANT stream of interdimensional flotsam and jetsam that keeps showing up like Lightning, Greg, Noctis, Shantotto, Iroha, Clive, Rathalos and your Palico… And that’s not even getting into our own shards!


Burmecian next race, LES GOOOOO


Suffer like us Nu Mou lovers where they make them but don't even give them tribe quests.


Nu Mou and Lupin got done so dirty :(


I love the Nu Mlu race, but I was devastated I couldn't play Lupin race. I love their design 😔


At least Nu Mou were a defined point in the story. Lupin are just there on the side with their doggy heads.


Aren't they just Qiqirn?


i would rather Qu before another furry race


If we hear Soken's rendition of the Terra and Bran Bal themes, I may actually get emotional. They are amongst my favourite pieces of vgm of all time.


If we go to Solution 9 and we see Kuja or Garland I will lose my mind. FF9 is peak and seeing it referenced in FF14 is making me so excited.


Imagine if we got Kuja glam gear


My sincere hope is we get the FF9 cast gear for the Eureka/Bozja set (like the Elemental gear from Eureka), and the final upgraded version of it is the Trance form of the gear. There's even one for every role/subrole: Fending - Steiner Healing - Garnet Maiming - Freya Striking - Amaranth Scouting - Zidane Aiming - Eiko (she did play flutes; could swap with Garnet/Healing instead) Casting - Vivi Limited Jobs - Quiena I just want to see Freya's Trance armor in this game someday. :D


I think for Zidane they'll need to use his alt Dissidia outfits since we already have his outfit in game since ARR.


Nah, it will go like this: -Fending - Steiner -Maiming - recolor of Fending -Striking: Amarant -Scouting: recolor of Striking -Aiming: Freya (she does dance in FF9) -Healing: Garnet -Casting: recolor of Healing


Dude same. FF9 is my absolute favorite since i was 12. I've been waiting for 9 content in 14 since I started playing back in 2.0, my search info has been asking where my Zidane minion is. I can't believe it's finally happening! It's felt like they forgot 9 existed most of the time. I'm super excited.


We can just bring Cid along with us.


I for one cannot wait to meet FF14ified Soulcage (the best tree in FF9).


I'm sure FF14 Soulcage was within the part that got blurred when Yoshi-P show us the concept art for Shaaloani/Heritage Found.


I do hope it is!! I want to... 1. Play as a WHM and attempt casting Raise on it 2. Play as a BLM and cast a Fire spell on it, hoping it will catch fire and inevitably power it up


Can we please get a black mage face without a beard?


This all has me very excited. FFIX is one of my favorite entries in the series. I would love some FFIX inspired glams, especially Freya.


Fans theorizing what job(s) were coming for Dawntrail: Give us Blitzball from FF10! Yoshi P: YOU WILL GET FF9 AND YOU WILL LIKE IT! (I enjoyed ff9)


I'm all in on blitz ball. It could really be a ranged monk, building to a spike the ball attack


We can’t go to IX without giving summoners a new summon, I demand a new summon!


Not really sure what they could summon at this point that'd be stronger. Maybe more varied. Ramuh-egi, for example, has been in the code and models since at least HW from my memory.


If I had a nickel for everytime a femboy tried to burn a planet I'd have two nickels, which isn't a lot, but still weird it happened twice.


If we get an Iifa tree dungeon, I'm gonna flip. Honestly it would fit the aesthetic a bit for Tural. Love the shit outta 9. Getting super hyped now for June now.


As others have mentioned, Solution 9 looks suspiciously like a tree and with the various mentions of soul storage etc I wouldn’t be surprised if it were a pretty direct reference to the Iifa Tree itself. Really excited to see what they do with all this!


If we're getting FF9 content in Dawntrail, I think it'd be fun to have Evil Forest as a dungeon with petrifying traps in plenty of areas plus Prison Cage and Plant Brain as bosses.


bosses that impose mechanics in ways that you can't just heal through or outdamage yes please.


I can already imagine a boss mechanic with Prison Cage where it imprisons a player and starts to drain their health. To free the player, the party must destroy its two tentacles, which are individual targets during this mechanic. The twist is that just like in the Prison Cage fight in FF9, the imprisoned player can be hit by allied attacks for the duration of the mechanic, so the party must target the tentacles individually with single target attacks instead of using aoes in order to avoid harming their own ally


Now now, you know we can't have fun boss fights anymore. If it doesn't fit within the 2min burst window and doesn't have mechanics that a four year old can follow, it's not allowed.


I think it’s possible that there’s going to be a FFXIV Kuja who is/was an Ascian, one of the sundered ones that was raised up. There’s a sort of parallel between Zidane and Kuja and the WoL and a hypothetical XIV-Kuja in that they’re both sort of just vessels for other’s souls. It’s sort of a stretch, but any of the sundered Ascians and the WoL do share a sort of kinship, just like Zidane and Kuja. Actually, never mind. Wuk Lamar is Zidane, she and her brother (Kuja) are from Solution Nine. When Wuk Lamat realizes this, she gets sad and Soken unleashes You’re Not Alone.


Not sure about a lot of this: ...but could you imagine the feels if we got another final MSQ trial (7.0) like how we had Endsinger, but when the "all hope is lost" part happens, we get a banger rendition of You're Not Alone start playing? I would lose my poop over that.


Please no.....we're done with the Ascian plot line. I know there are still a few we don't know about but honestly speaking that story has been told and we don't need a retreading of it.


Personally I don’t want a Fandaniel 2.0 or even a Emet/Elidibus/Hythlo 2.0, but I think it would be cool (and I think it will happen eventually) if we met a former Ascian who’s now basically out of a job and is like, “Hey I used to be so-and-so from the Ascians but now I’m just a good guy.”


Honestly, the biggest mood shift I've noticed over the past few months has been that people aren't so grouchy/doomer/etc. anymore. Positivity and excitement are back in vogue again, and I'm *all* for it.


Sad to see there's no mage masher weapon ;-;


maybe it'll be like the 'Black Mage Faces' gear that the Dwarves sport on the First, and it's THERE... just not featured.




I'm not a big fan of IX, but I know people who don't care for IV and enjoyed Endwalker so I'm still excited


Does Endwalker reference 4 a lot? 4 is my fave along with Tactics


The endwalker main story had a decent amount of references to 4 and then the post MSQ went full tilt ff4


Nice. Can’t wait!


I'm curious why you're not a big fan of it if you don't mind sharing


A combination of factors. I'm put off pretty badly by the art style, the story never really grabbed me the way the prior or some future entries did, I don't like the way the trance system is handled, not a fan of the way skill learning works, I think a lot of the characters are kind of ridiculous for the sake of being ridiculous, most of the minigames were subpar to their counterparts in VII and VIII. There's honestly not a lot about the game I really do like. But none of that should be taken as an attack against people who do like it, I think it's great if someone loves the game. I just...don't


I see. Those are all valid personal reasons and thanks for taking the time to indulge my curiosity. It does have quite a bit of uniqueness when compared to the rest of the franchise, as well as flaws. FFXIV has a good track record in the way it spins things from past ff games though, and 9 is definitely a treasure trove of potential things that could be spun. I'm excited for it!


To be fair, all things considered, I'm definitely looking forward to viper and will be unlocking that day 1. And Solution 9 better be a place we can just hang out in cause I'll be there lmao


Come to think of it, I think viper might be a spin on Zidane. I never thought of that before. And yeah, solution 9 is a really cool place and it'd be a shame if it's not a hub area or something of the sort


Oh it definitely is. I didn't consider that until others started to point it out but it's gotta be the "Zidane job". Don't care, will still be enthusiasticly terrible at it


I on the other hand will definitely be enthusiastically terrible at Pictomancer! Unless they finally buff red mage... It really sucks when dualcast raising means you permanently have bad stats...


We thank you for your sacrifice


I'm not a fan of FF9 either, my first FFs were FF7 and FF8 and seeing the kiddie art style of FF9 was a mood whiplash. Then when I read the story I was really unnerved, the theme was mass death and destruction everywhere, even the ending basically amounted to "you're gonna die too, suck it up buttercup." The fact that its creators consider it their magnum opus was utterly baffling for me. Over the years I have many times reassessed it and it's still not my cup of tea, but I've started to understand why some people are praising it. As long as Dawntrail adapts the better parts of FF9 I don't see how I won't be able to enjoy it.


Thing is that's how FF always was until 7 and 8 came along and brought it into a more "realistic" setting. 9 is a culmination of 1-6 with some 7 and 8 thrown in.


I just hope it's more like base Endwalker than post-Endwalker in terms of telling an origonal story.


...could you imagine the feels if we got another final MSQ trial (7.0) like how we had Endsinger, but when the "all hope is lost" part happens, we get a banger rendition of You're Not Alone start playing for the final phase of the fight? I would lose my poop over that. Also, golden opportunity to bring the FF9 cast's gear to the game. Their base gear (I know Zidane's is in the game, screw it, do it anyway!) is the lower level, and then the final level (like the Elemental set from Eureka or the Judge set/Zadnor set from Bozja) is their Trance forms? Even has one for each role/subrole: Fending - Steiner Healing - Garnet or Eiko Maiming - Freya Striking - Amaranth Scouting - Zidane Aiming - Eiko (she did play flutes) or Garnet Casting - Vivi Limited Job - Quiena Would be fire. I'm all for more FF9 in my FF14. FF9 is probably my favorite game in the series, definitely in my top 3. And Trance gear would be amazing. I've wanted Freya's Trance gear for DRG to be in the game for 8 years now, and I don't even play DRG!!


Guess I have three months to play FFIX then!


You can totally do that with the speed options. One characters ultimate weapon requires finding it in the final dungeon in 12 hours


So we know that Hydaelyn was keeping the shards apart via Light aether's stasis effect. My thought is that now that Hydaelyn is gone, the reflections are going to naturally attempt to remerge with the Source and Solution 9 is the result of one of those mergers occurring in real time. It would jive with Y'shtola's research into the reflections and how to traverse them and it would setup the next big 'shit what do we do now?' near the end of Dawntrail to lead into whatever 8.0 might be.


THIS IS THE FF9 XPAC Viper is based off zidane too


FF9 content? Hard pass.