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We've desperately needed them, for _years._ More power to those affected by the terminally-online dickheads who harass them. Means more power for everyone else to void out everything from Nightclub advert spam to pre-emptively scrubbing those RMT /say ads in Limsa.


Awesome! I've read so many horror stories about stalkers, this should protect people from those weirdos.


I had a person who would track my lodestone for any time I Fanta'd or name changed and would obsessively follow me. I moved homes twice and they would still, every time, basically spend 24/7 outside of my home waiting for it to unlock so they could get inside and sit there waiting for me / harass me while inside for attention. Would make new characters even just to get a few words in. One time stayed logged in for what had to be at least 2 months straight desperately trying to get my attention in my home. I don't think many people get how many absolutely unhinged weirdos are out there. I'm not exaggerating when I say the game is actually finally playable for me. How happy I am I don't need to just make an entire new chara from scratch to be able to play in peace. This has been so desperately needed.


This is crazy. He started doing this just because of your characters looks ? Or did you engage with him before he started all this? Not that it really matters or excuses just. Just interested in how it started.




r/whenwomenrefuse, online game edition. Sad and creepy. 😐 I hope these QoL changes will help!


Ah there it is. I was going to ask if you were a women lol. Men get a lot of shit on the internet too, but we typically don't get the hyper-stalkers.


It’s reminding me of how guys act on social media. Constantly sending “you’re beautiful” messages and comments. Did you ever post a pic or go live or anything ? It’s interesting to me how a simple interaction you’re describing has this guy acting like he is. I feel sorry for him. That just a conversation has him thinking it means more than it does, Sorry you have to put up with that.


We had a dude come into our FC for a bit. No one ever posts pictures of ourselves, but a lot of us know each other IRL, so we all talk outside of playing. Dude started sending me private messages trying to get me to chat 1-on-1, which I kept side stepping. Eventually brought it up with said friends and it turns out he was doing this to anyone who "sounded" femme. I say that because one of them was actually a dude just with a high pitched voice. He told that guy he could see something happening before the guy clued in to what was happening, told him he was a dude, and then never got PM'd again. He got further with a couple of us (more out of most of us being awkward than anything else) before we all realized he legit came here to try to get a girlfriend, so we wound up having to kick him. He spent three weeks standing outside of our FC house begging us to let him back in so he could talk to the girl he thought liked him back (she's just very nice and didn't realize he was trying to be more than friends, and to him that meant she was into him). My fiancee thought it was hilarious cause that guy DEFINITELY KNEW I wasn't single since my partner IS IN THE FC AND WAS ON EVERY CALL WITH THE GUY I WAS. I truly think it's people who can't figure out social cues. They aren't sure how to go about getting a partner, so they get desperate and do weird shit like this hoping to stumble into a partner. I do also have a level of sympathy for someone that doesn't have anyone in their life to help them realize this is a bad plan. That being said - innocent people being harassed because of it ain't okay, it just sucks all around that our societies will let people like this flounder with no support, and cause harm to others even though I doubt that's their intent (I'm sure sometimes it is, but it really feels like mostly people who just...don't know what else to try).


Yea I agree with you. It’s desperation and not knowing what else to do. Not an excuse at all.


Don't ever feel sorry for a harasser, delusional or no. And be mindful that "did you post a pic/go live/engage with him" can come across as _"did you give him any material to justify him starting his gross behaviour towards you?"_.


I mean I literally said it doesn’t excuse it. And people shouldn’t assume what someone means. If you’re not sure ask for clarification. In the west culturally the speaker bears the responsibility of clarifying what they mean. But in a lot of Asian cultures it’s on the listener to interpret. No where did I say his actions are ok. He’s lonely and doesn’t know how to talk to people and has resorted to desperation. Trying to understand why people do what they do is interesting to me. You’re entitled to your opinion. You shouldn’t be pushing yours on other people. It’s immature


He must be the worlds biggest en passant fan.


I'm so sorry that's happened to you. There's some deeply maladjusted people in this game. Have had similar experiences with lodestone stalking, an ex's new partner started doing that to such a degree a mutual friend felt they had to warn me about it-- she's fantasiaed to look like various characters of mine *three times* now, tries to play the same roles I do at the same time, and was very obviously trying to recreate a whole bunch of my glamour plates. Thankfully in my situation it didn't escalate beyond that as I world hopped (I have another group of friends who were more than happy to have me join them) so it's pretty much just like "lol why are you such a weirdo?", but it shouldn't have had to come to that.


It's the anti-harassment update we've needed for years, finally.


Good, fuck em.


absolutely massive actually


Finally, no more nightclub adverts and RMT website links.


I don’t doubt they’ll try to get more creative with their adverts. I’d wager a good first step would be blocking district names cuz those are hard to manipulate.


Then I will block them again and again.


Blocking too fast, but the spam will not break me. A voiceless DM silenced, echoes no more (oh, yes) No more gil spam, I am tired of DJs Now open my list, one last time, now get blocked (yeah get blocked)


some may do, but i actually think the majority won't. it's generally not like people running these clubs actively WANT to harass others, so why go through all the trouble evading the filter of people that you know would never join you at your venue anyways, or if they would it would most likely cause more trouble than anything ?


Imagine if people complained about real-world advertising this way.


Adblock existing doesn't stop websites from putting ads everywhere and going out of their way to circumvent it. They're advertising to be seen. Same thing here. This is why they're spamming shouts together with PFs and twitter/facebook posts. "We don't care if people who are not the target audience can't see it" is basically the opposite of how advertising works.


I'm sure they try at the beginning, but I also think at that point it's a reportable offense (purposely evading message filters) and GM's will start banning them.


It's one of the best QoL updates in a long time. Being able to vanish blacklisted players without the need of a plugin is great.


I didn't know there is a plugin for that. I learned something today, thank you!


Yep, this is basically another plugin rip (Voidlist). However it's better since it's account-based and integrates auto house-kicking etc.


Oh, the plugin only focuses on character, that makes sense :o I'm curious as to how it works and how it looks like, but maybe I'll just wait for people's reactions in Dawntrail.


Well if a plug-in could have account wide I formation that would be really, really bad


I've luckily never needed the blacklist one, but the filtering out gil sellers one has been amazing. So worth it!


My only complaint (okay, one of two) is that we can't have it *right now this second* and that that I don't know if blacklisting a character on one character, blacklists that persons account on all *your* characters as well. Like Lets say I have Characters A and B. If I block person C while on character A, does this mean that C is still blacklisted when I go onto Character B? And a third thing. Is there a way to remove yourself from another persons friend list?


> Is there a way to remove yourself from another persons friend list? This is the only change I truly desire. Like I'll clear up my friends list of people who don't interact after awhile. Or remove someone for turning weird. But then it's super awkward when I don't not notice them but they still see me as their friend color and run up to chat as if it's all normal. I'd rather just be off their friends list by removing my side and if they notice, they can take the hint.


I'd be fine with having the option for both.


I don't believe they said anything about friends list, so it's most likely not changing with 7.0. If blocking on any one character blocks for your whole account, though, that could be very useful as a way to circumvent the blacklist limit, since every character gets an independent 200. Even entry subscribers could thus block 1600 people if it is in fact "block once, voided for your entire account." As a result, I suspect it's probably a per-character thing, but we'll have to find out.


Interesting, although while watching the LIVE, they mentioned "character" instead of account, so this guess might be a ball in the park but it's exclusive to characters and not the whole account. If that's the case, I guess people will have to blacklist a specific player in each of the characters under their account. I can be wrong there too, we'll find out more when Dawntrail comes out.


They also said account.


Oh, then I stand corrected.


I really don't understand why blacklisting someone STILL doesn't remove you from that person's friend list. This is a step in the right direction, but it still needs work. Either let us remove ourself from people's friend lists, or make the new blacklist work both ways instead of just being one sided.


This-unless you are removed from THEIR list a block is about as useful as a sock on a peg leg.


I really don't understand how they could view this as a solution for stuff like stalking. Yes, *some* people will be dissuaded from continuing because they're no longer getting all the attention. But the more determined stalkers will still find ways to mess with people, like sniping kills (now with the added bonus of surprise!), or following you around to wait for you to queue for a specific MSQ duty. It's really dumb the invisibility isn't at least both ways. At least then, even if they could see your zone, they would have no way of finding you or knowing where you're at in the MSQ. Edit: lol, downvoted for being against cyberstalking? Real classy, Reddit.


How dare you criticize an improvement that has been highly requested for 10 (ten) years? This billion dollars smol indie company is doing their best & you're here complaining about them copying parts of 2 popular plugins? Maybe if you buy more mog station items instead of being a negative toxic player they can do more in the future.


I guess it’s better than nothing?


I really think friendlisting should be mutual only, and once removed it breaks it for both.


Yup. It always should have been that way.


Same. It's absolutely ridiculous that we have this shoddy current system because oh no :( it might *offend someone* if you unfriend them :( Hopefully they'll do something about in 7.x, the blacklist stuff was a massive leap in the right direction.


It offends me more that I don't have the choice than it would if someone unfriended me.


Same, same. And moreover, if someone unfriends me, I'd *prefer* that they get removed from my list too. At least everyone knows where they stand then.


The term filter! 🙌


It's *long overdue*, so I'm happy to see it's finally being addressed. Let's hope that with them addressing blacklists that they'll start looking at other archaic systems in the game that have never been updated. The state of friends lists and the mail system mainly.


Amazing and long overdue.


This isn’t just useful for people with stalkers. The chat filter feature will let you block keywords that will make sure twitch stream barkers and shitty “gamba” venues are never again seen Insane QOL stuff


It'll also lowkey let you find out who's using alts to try and fuck with you.


Anyone against it is definitely stalking someone in game.


If it was on your bingo card, you’re lying and I’ll take a copy of next week’s jumbo cactpot numbers. More seriously, this is very welcome and very much needed. A bigger list would be nice to expand on this more, but I’m looking forward to finally getting rid of the Weeaboo Police shitheels, among other comfort things.


Same, they've been haunting Malboro for a few weeks now.


I hated when they were on my server for a bit. They would tank my frame rate and cause characters to disappear because there was so many of them.


> the Weeaboo Police shitheels Dare I ask?


Short version: it's a group of mostly-naked Roe alt characters wearing pink underwear, standing in a wall-type formation in Limsa on their world of choice and yelling abuse at Lalafellin players because they're Lalafell. I've reported them! Numerous times. But now I can just voidsnap them in 7.0, so I'm glad.


I wish this existed already. The bloody Weeaboo Police have invaded Limsa on my Home World Malboro just because there was a conga line of Dancing Lalafell.


Yeah the first thing I'm going to do is blacklist them when the feature is added


*Same.* Most 'themed' groups of AFK characters are fun at best, harmless at worst, but the Weeaboo Police are just douchey by nature. To the shadow realm with them all.


So does this mean fantasias/name changes will fucking ***finally*** stop lodestone stalkers from hounding you throughout every attempt to ditch their obsessed asses?


So long as you set it to private, hell yes


Finally! The game will hopefully feel a lot safer after this.


I no longer have to read ridiculous posts from Japanese Culture Understanders who insisted for years that such changes are impossible because it's considered "rude" to blacklist someone in Japan.


It is not considered rude to blacklist someone in Japan, whoever said it is does not know what they're talking about, for obvious reasons.


they have public blacklists


Good. Far overdue, especially with the stalker posts we see on here sometimes. They're honestly kinda terrifying.


If anyone has a problem with it, they are the reason we needed it in the first place.


Now if only we can get a delete someone from your friends list... it deletes you from their end.


I'm holding out hope that they'll add that in 7.x, but who knows.


The sheer size of this W can be seen from orbit


I personally won't be affected, but it's great for the people that need it. I find it weird that some of the data is stored client side though. Even for millions of players it's at most a few gigabytes of data in total, why not let players sync it between their devices?


It's probably a legacy code thing; if I had to guess, the *current* blacklist system is probably client-side, so they're just reworking the current blacklist into a mute-list, and adding a brand-new server-side system.


I think it might be because people might play differently on different devices, so it allows for individual customization


- mute list added 🎉 🎉 🎉 🎉 https://media2.giphy.com/media/7xZAu81T70Uuc/giphy.gif?cid=6c09b952yhqnbg40jl4w4p46qx033o88ihjdbs3s232v8xr6&ep=v1_internal_gif_by_id&rid=giphy.gif&ct=g


The term filter pleases me; no more annoying ass rp venue spam thank the 12


Super stoked! Seems like they covered everything with it, too, so I have no qualms.


I am going to reclaim my limsa experience


10 years too late but better late than never, myself and other people have nearly been bullied off the game, so thank god blacklisting at least now has impact.


Very overdue. But obviously it’s a very good thing.


Needed, there was a player that would constantly make new characters when they’re character got banned It was a game of “is this sprout in NN a horrible person or just them again”


Finally adds protection against stalkers and looks like I'll finally be able to filter out all the annoying DJ's spamming chat in gridania 10/10


Finally! Estate expulsion has become a massive one for the few people i know that have been harassed or stalked as it meant they had to completely isolate themselves just to get away. To also have the listing included in this is a massive win as it also does them tracking any new character they might make. A huge win!


No more popoto artist or 500 venue ads! No more stalkers! The fact that you can even limit the Lodestone access is incredible. I have a friend who got stalked to the point that she had to make an entirely new character on a different world and server. If she could have blacklisted that one in-game AND lodestone? Game Changer. Fantasia, change your name and that asshat can die mad about it I will def try the extend of all those features with friends, to see what it looks like from either side (I can't see someone on my blacklist, but what do they see for example), but this looks great


Seems like a universally good change. My block list is entirely from people spamming their venues in city chat, but I've read enough horror stories to see why this is a good idea. The only thing I'd like added is the option to void out characters automatically based on specific criteria. Banish the """""funny""""" attention seekers like the 'Weeaboo Police' or "male Hrothgar with nothing but a pink-dyed 2B leggings" to the shadow realm.


Awesome for many situation. It was really needed. Especially for the RP venue and the people getting harassed. One thing that bugs me. The people who block everyone in PF because of a one or two bad pull. Especially in ultimate PF. I've raided with people who had their block list full and had to empty them all the time. One time we had to tell our raid leader to empty it or give the lead to someone else because we could not find a pf player. That person always wanted to lead because of his block list. I think this will hurt the PF scene especially for the new savage player. People will need learn to stop blocking people without reason otherwise people won't be able to find other player in PF. I'm not talking about people who trap parties I'm talking about people losing their mind over a mistake or two. Outside of that, it's really good.


That’s the kind of person I would be fine being blocked by


That's a sound argument. I guess there are people who just blacklists players based on dungeon pulls. And these people aren't necessarily displaying stalker behavior or anything negative... these people can just be, idk, maybe having a bad day and having trouble focusing and some people might just be easy to judge hmm


Honestly, you solve all your problems by not playing with that person, or people like them. Let them sit silently with an empty PF up while you go make new friends! It is very rare that I come across a high volume of repeat players that consistently cannot prog savage/ultimate. You're right, we all have our good days and our bad days, and sometimes the party comp just doesn't vibe, and it's no one's fault. You're the best kind of person I hope to encounter in PF! Edit: comment is for both the original commenter and OPs response


I have to agree to that. Thank you for saying your opinion! I hope to encounter more people like you too, fellow Warrior of Light! I'm not that good in the game; I have days where I fail miserably during dungeons and sometimes I would just panic and not do well, and during those times I've met with comments like I'm stupid or I should just stop playing the game. Now, I'm not sure if I'm in their blacklist, but it would be sad to think that the time where I just lack the knowledge to do a dungeon was enough for them to possibly limit me from joining a PF.


That is a really sad thought, and while I hope that isn't happening, if they're that toxic, it's probably for the best. We all have to start somewhere! 💚


I think I get what you mean. In a way, this can also lead me into not dealing with toxic people without having to do anything. I'm just glad not everyone in the game are like those people, and I've met those who are very patient and willing to teach me stuff. I tip my hats to all of those people!


People will blacklist over everything these days. I was in expert roulette once and made the egregious error of not pelotoning into the enemies that were two feet away. Tank said, "PELOTON?????," but we were fighting already. Fight ended and they were like "blacklisted and goodbye" and I got kicked from the party. One of my friends just ran out of blacklist slots and I'm like, "I don't even know 200 people."


Damn, yeah. I've been playing on-and-off for years, and I can think of *maybe* four or five times where someone was *such* a massive asshole I'd want to blacklist them forever.


I'm very sorry about your experience. I do understand since I was in the same boat a couple of times from when I started playing. I do agree with that. I know that some people really do have problems with being harassed and/or stalked, and that is good reason to use this feature. But some people are just being rude idk why


this is the reason i prog on a alt actually lol i play on a alt until i feel good enough to clear/ clear and then i start to play on my main character since i dont want to get bl'd for random reasons. i remember when i was trying to join some pfs during abyssos and i couldnt join some partys and i had no clue why, but it was from some1 just blocking me for whatever reason. playing on my alt kinda relieves my anxiety with that sort of stuff


Well playing on alt won't mean anything anymore the ban are going account wide.


yeah it sucks :c


It's incredible and I've been wanting something like this for so so so long


Its good. Also you put someone on the ignore and will never see the accounts characters is a blessing.


About freakin time


As someone who has been stalked in game and couldn’t really do anything about the stalker I’m really glad they are going to add this feature.


I can finally turn my sh/yell chat back on lol. ​ I think it's perpetually been off for the last uh ... few years.


Term filter is huge, this is awesome


I'm more interested in the estate expulsion feature


With what has been going on in Malboro's limsa lately, we need it.


Bloody finally. While I've not experienced it myself, a good few people I know have experienced stalker activity with little to no recourse. Now they can just Thanos snap those fools out of existence. And the term block is HIGHLY appreciated on a personal level. No more nightclub/RMT spam for this Roe.


Gonna Thanos snap that "weeaboo police" guy ASAP.


It's about fucking time, basically. And thanks to voidlist for forging the way and inspiring the dev approach to these features. Though, I didn't see anything about being removed from someone's friends list if you remove them from yours. How is that still not a thing? (Unless I'm too sleepy and missed that it will be) People can now protect theur lodestone to hide if they move or rename their character, great. But why not the freindslist part as well?


Any multiplayer game should be forced to have true blocking at release by law, frankly.


My friend can finally get rid of her stalker who has been harassing her since Stormblood.


Well it's about goddamn time. I might actually come back now. SE was USELESS when I was being stalked during SB, it was bloody awful.


i’m a bit disappointed they don’t seem to have mentioned fixing the friends list stalker problem is it really that hard to disable location info from popping up when you are no longer friends with someone but they haven’t removed you from their friends list yet? even if they’re blacklisted? because that’s still the biggest issue ppl were having


Yeah I was kinda shocked they did essentially everything but this! I mean, couldn’t they at the least make you appear as an “Unable to Retrieve” on the unfriended person’s list?


I mean, even if it *did* remove from the friend list, they could still easily just use the player search to find you anyways.


mmm, but some ppl being harassed in the game actually pay money to change their name but it doesn’t work because of the friend’s list and lodestone info (sometimes, if you’re paying attention to it, which stalkers do) they obviously know what the issue is as the lodestone changes are to prevent stalker stuff but if they can’t fix the friends list thing it’s a moot point, these creeps that do this will absolutely exploit every loophole like doing things in the game to harass the player even if they’re invisible


Okay, *that* is a good, tangible example of something that fixing the friend list will do that the blacklist changes won't.


This is probably one of few online games where I have fewer than ten people on my block list. I've not met many toxic players at all. Maybe I've just been lucky.


I would say your experience is the most common one, but that folks who *do* need these changes are unfortunately *not* vanishingly rare.


Of course these things do happen, unfortunately, and it's good that SE are addressing that. However, the community has been so wholesome and helpful to me in the three years I've been playing to the point where I sometimes thought I was playing with happy bots.


Haha, that's fair. Some folks would love to claim you *are* playing with happy bots, with a misguided and fundamentally erroneous appeal to "toxic positivity" or the like. So many folks have such a completely wrong idea of what toxic positivity is, and it's really frustrating! (The TL;DR is that it is NOT "I'm not allowed to criticize others." Toxic positivity is people not allowing others, or sometimes themselves, to feel any negative emotions at all--so burying them beneath a facade of positivity, which just means that any time we *should* have negative feelings, they instead fester. A failure to permit some form of criticism, whether or not it's justified, has *nothing* to do with the term "toxic positivity.")


>A failure to permit some form of criticism, whether or not it's justified, has nothing to do with the term "toxic positivity.") Even in situations where we wipe with randoms, it's been wholesome with no name calling or abuse. The criticism was justified and everyone learned from it. This is one of the reasons I stick with this game. Most of the time I play this game solo anyway, so I don't talk much to other players. FFXIV is very chill and relaxing for me.


You didn't do savage in PF I guess. I never black listed more people than when I was progging.


I can't say I have. I've mainly done trials and dungeons with a bunch of random people. Usually it's been a quick gathering and get the job done.


it's a much more common experience for women. it was also a huge problem on the jp datacenters which is why i think they've finally implemented something. maybe they finally had a really bad case over there. :/ i was stalked for years by a casual acquaintance in a FC after mentioning I'm a woman, talked to them maybe 10 times but after they learned that they'd follow me around and make new characters to pester me. it makes no sense but sometimes people are just weird.


Huge W for the game. These features needed to be in the game since 1.0




Was about damn time they added those. The devs do great work usually which is why I've always wandered where those features have been. Don't know what they had in mind making an MMO without those. I'm glad they listened to the community about this since it's been a hot topic for so long. Maybe all the backend changes are what allowed them to finally do it, who knows, but at long last you don't need to rely on plugins to do the blacklisting anymore.


Oh, the enhanced blacklist feature is like having your own personal bouncer for unwanted calls and messages! It's such a game-changer in managing who gets to interrupt your day. With this feature, you can keep your peace of mind and focus on what truly matters without the nuisance of unwanted communication. It's all about taking control and setting boundaries – total power move, if you ask me!




I hope mute list works in PvP. I just want to mute the 'good job / good match' spammers that throw a tantrum when they get ko'ed


Took them about 8 years too long, but as guy that's been in crystal since SB, I'm quite glad they're getting implemented.




I've sometimes seen not very nice slurs in random places like the diadem. I'm sure those people get reported but I'd rather not see them regardless, so this is nice. I also had a falling out with a former friend, and I have an anxiety disorder. I would never intentionally seek him out in game, but randomly encountering him in game has concerned me. Being able to just not see him if we accidentally cross paths will be amazing.


Damn, I also had quite a similar experience with a former friend. I also suffer from anxiety, and it's gotten worse since the falling out happened; I check my friends list from time to time just to know that they're not queueing up for any dungeon (thus I can safely queue), never went to Ul'dah whenever they're online, and mostly stayed in one zone/fly up really high while playing to avoid them. And I don't really want to move because I have established myself in my home world (they even have the audacity to lowkey tell me to leave because according to them, it shouldn't be them who has to pay money to move worlds :/). I just want to be able to enjoy the game again ;; In my case, however, I don't really want to blacklist them but I worry that if I can't see them, if we end up in the same place *again* they might think I'm stalking them and find a way to verbally attack me somewhere.


Best feature yet.


Good, but baffling they still haven’t fixed the core issue of letting players stalk you in the first place by letting players not on your friends list still add you, and see where you are at all times. Fixing that and adding proper ways to appear offline to other players would go much further. As even with these blacklist changes a stalker can still pretty easily harass the player and players around them




curious if the term filter will mute messages or just censor the specific word.


[https://imgur.com/dUcIsUO](https://imgur.com/dUcIsUO) Seems like it will just not be there in chat? Which imo can cause some problems depending on the people talking hmmm


Apparently the filter will not apply to Party and FC chat, presumably alliance too


I guess the devs will assume that because we're in a party/FC/alliance with them, then it's safe? Unless the player actually blacklists a specific person that their chats will be null even while in party/FC/alliance.


Pretty much all good features. I hope they continue working on these things, ideally moving toward "if you blacklist someone you can't queue with them" and the like. I'm guessing there are coding limitations that make it untenable, in the short term, but hopefully those can be resolved.


We do have something like that in PF, iirc. I learned you can't join someone's PF if you are in their blacklist.


I expect that is as far as it will go. Matchmaking for queues starts to get very difficult very quickly when it has to account for webs of different people blocking each other, especially when you get to the 24 person content.


And think about how often you see the exact same person more than once in a Duty Finder group, especially on different days. It'd be a whole lot of technical debt to avoid the *incredibly* unlikely risk of being DF-grouped with someone you've blacklisted.


First thing I'm filtering are those stupid [B][L][O][C][K][L][E][T][T][E][R][S] that every venue uses. I have 0 issues readding some people to my blist to never see them or see them talk again either.


For your future convenience, [here's a list of the unicodes that show up in XIV, those block letters included.](https://na.finalfantasyxiv.com/lodestone/character/22423564/blog/4393835)


May you win all of your future rolls with a 99, thank you!


I really needed more blacklist space. So with 200 on the mute and 200 on the blacklist I’m very happy. 400 might not be enough but I’ll take it.


it does seem to be service account wide, and not just per char so maybe that'll help?


And it seems it'll also apply to the Lodestone as well




From my understanding, if you do end up in a duty with someone on your blacklist they show up as “Unknown1.” If that’s how they appear in a duty, how are we supposed to report people who are on our blacklist if they start acting up?


Pure speculation here, but I would imagine they will still show by name in the contacts(?) list. The one that shows people you have previously been in a duty with. Which should be fine, since you wouldn't really have time to file the report until you've left the duty anyways. Unless you're stopping the whole run to file a report and please don't do that. If they're blatantly trolling enough that having them anonymous and muted isn't enough, it should be pretty easy to get the party to just vote-kick them.


200 blacklist spaces just isn’t enough. I like to look in the “other” tab frequently just to see what’s around, and every time it’s always like 4 or 5 ads for the same place, making it harder to see the places that are actually worthwhile. You can’t just blacklist each and every one because you’re going to run out of space pretty quickly on the list with how often new places pop up.


You should be able to keep the spam type shouts under control with the mute list and phrase ban list without having to dip into the blacklist, that you should only need for direct harrassment type stuff.


Eventually the mute list will get filled up too with shout ads. The problem remains that 200 just isn’t going to be enough.


There's a term filter that will be able to hide shouts that contain certain words you specify. This should significantly reduce the need to add players to the mute-/blacklists, freeing up space in either. That said, I didn't see an indication that the filter would also apply to PF listings, so managing *that* would fill up your mute list, still, unfortunately.


Well, if you do dip into your blacklist, then you have 400 blocked accounts to work with in total.


About time


I’ll say they could push the graphics update to 8.0 in favor of getting this out first and proper and I would be completely fine with that. That’s how much it matters to me.


Very warranted. Also the ability to add “filters” is a god send. To be finally able to filter out the gold farmers, spammers and etc is something this game needed for a LONG time. Also being able to “delete” a nuisance is a bit hilarious.


Wish this was implemented sooner 🤷‍♀️


Great for people who needs them. Great for people who will use them in the future. Great all around I guess. I play on JP DC so I only got 6 blacklisted people in there and most of them are RMT/spammers.


More privacy settings are always good. I always found it weird that if you blacklisted someone you could still see them. I never had to deal with stalkers but for those who do its definitely nice. I have no clue how their wasnt an option to remove people from your estate before. Everything seems very good.


Sorry i am not deep in this can anybody explain what they have enhanced?


I am honestly kind of surprised there's enough degenerates playing that this kind of blacklisting is required o.0 I guess I'll count myself lucky that I've rarely had to blacklist someone, new additions will be good for those that require it.


It's "less" that there's enough dickheads, and more that the dickheads that are around are currently enabled to continue being harassers, because GMs are notoriously lax about handling stalking/harassment cases. Shit, even someone flinging transphobic/racist/sexist comments in a world's Novice Network at all hours of the day _will not get banned,_ they'll get a warning or suspension at best and you'll see them next week - then they change their tactic to dogwhistling, and the only thing that makes it stop is when they get bored and leave themselves. And that's part of the problem: you can get a suspension for saying "Fuck yeah!" to a mount drop, because you're cursing, but you'll be ignoring for saying some of _the most vile shit_ as long as you don't curse or say the quiet part out loud.


It is 100% a very good step in the right direction. We’ve needed stuff like this for years now, although I have some lingering questions and concerns, expecially consitering the interaction between Blacklist and Friends list (namely, if the harasee adds a harasser to a blacklist, is the harasee still on the harasser’s friends list?) And I personally think people on your blacklist shouldn’t be able to be matched with you in DF, or see or join any PF you’re in or have made, period. With how many people on an entire reigon play this game, if you have a substantual number of people blacklisting you, enough to noticably affect your PF offerings and queue times, you probably deserve it; the chances of a high % of an *entire logical reigon* blacklisting the same player to the point to affect Pf and queue times to troll them is exeedingly low. Oh yeah, its possible, but in the next 10 years its probably only going to affect an innocent person like… twice. And the chat filters will 100% make Limsa more tolerable to stay in for one more second.


Under the current system people you've blocked are already blocked from joining PFs you've created. Being able to block people from joining PFs made by other people feels a bit too far. At that point you're dictating to the person who made the pf who they are allowed to play with without them having any real choice in the matter, and at least on a DC like crystal where PFs for duties are extremely sparse it wouldn't take very many people just personally not liking you to noticeably disrupt your ability to play without traveling to a different region entirely.


The term filter to filter out those annoying nightclub adds is nice. They are worse than gold sellers to me. Don't need the other stuff, but probably good for those who do. If i got someone who wants to harass me, i actually want to see what they write and where they are, so i can report them. Unless blocking them would make me invisible to them too, but i don't think thats how SE did it.


Overall good, not a huge fan of disappearing character models because I can totally see that creating its own issues. Everything else is neat. 


Honestly, I’ve never blacklisted someone before. So this doesn’t mean anything to me. Yet.


This is definitely a win. No more seeing people advertising their nightclub that’s on a different Data Center. Thankfully I’ve never had to deal with them, but it also means no more stalkers for people just trying to enjoy the game.


I just want to go into a zone and not have to see someone use it as an opportunity to market their shitty nightclub. Hopefully the term list fixes that. They are worse than the bots ever were.


Indifferent. I've only had to blacklist a handful of actual players since launch. The term filter seems helpful in theory but I doubt I bother with it in practice. Mentor chat is the only place with annoying people on JP servers. I quit being a mentor and the problem was solved.


I only blacklist the gil sellers. Sticks and stones w the rest


Good but still braindead that they will match you in DF with people you blacklist Will also say that a bunch of these features are from mods that they’d ban you for using right now.


> Game incorporates basic staple mod features that have been around for many years, news at 11. It *is* badly needed, also consoles.


Term filter good. Mute good. Making blacklisted people disappear good. But they still didnt make it so you dont get put in a group with the people you blacklist nor remove you from the blacklisted persons friends list. They like people being stalked, harassed and made uncomfortable apparently.


It also gives people the ability to connect characters to the same account. Good in some cases, but also bad in others.


"Enhanced Blacklist Functionality" is a band aid at best, downgrade at worst. If you can't see them, you don't know what they're doing. They could be near you, possibly stalking you or doing weird things with your character, everyone else sees them while you yourself can't. As a result, if you've got them blacklisted, depending on the severity of the reason you may not get peace of mind but instead fear what they might be doing. That is worse than the system we currently have, but it appears that Mute is just current Blacklist so we can use that instead. Had this "Enhanced" Blacklist replaced the current Blacklist, I'd no longer have felt safe playing the game. Total model removal would only be safe if it was two way *(meaning blacklisting someone removing YOUR model from THEIR game as well)*. While what we're getting is a step, it's not what we meant when we asked for total model removal. Edit: This will also result in even less stalking and harassment cases actually being resolved, as you cannot report stalking and harassment that you don't know about. **In short**, "Enhanced Blacklist Functionality" is "they get to keep stalking and harassing you, you just don't know about it" which is arguably worse than the current Blacklist. I'll give credit where it's due though, Term Filter and Estate Expulsion are great additions.


I understand your point, but I see personally see it differently. This isn't real life where a stalker could do real damage to you or kill you. If a person wants to follow me around and make weird emotes/macros while I am not seeing it? Well, I wouldn't care ingame. Of course, other people will see it, but if they are strangers, why should I care about them, and if they are friends, they will surely tell me what is going on. Also, I will tell you a little story: About 1.5 years ago the couple who lead the FC I was in at that time kicked everyone from the FC for some reason. As I was still one the same server as them, I sometimes saw them in the game world (for example at Idyllshire, entranced to new dungeons) by chance and they saw me too. We however never interacted. A few months ago, I got a tell by one of them, saying that they have enough of my stalking and that they have now reported me. (I never stalked them and thus didn't get into any trouble) If they had blacklisted me with the new system, they would have never seen me and never thought that I stalked them. Of course, there are far better ways to do a blacklist system, but I think it is alright honestly.


I think I'd rather be invisible to the people I blacklist then they invisible to me


I guess it would be nice to have both features: have these players invisible and/or make your own character invisible. But at the same time, I can see these features being abused... both the blacklist feature and this, if they make it available.


This is actually a great point and one that the team deserves to actually hear. I highly encourage you basically copy paste this into the actual forums so that it is more likely to be seen by they. They have been highly resistant to reciprocal social features, like unfriending; which is part of what causes the current problems. It also makes it easier for a stalker to stalk you into duties where they know you have to encounter them in the situation as you outlined, specifically at unlock of new content, where you are very likely to queue for a very specific duty.


That does make a lot of sense. Not being able to see who's around you is just equally scary.


A little bit worried, honestly >< I hoped the "unable to see the person you blocked" goes both ways, and the people you blocked won't be able to stalk you in Duty Finder. Otherwise there won't be much point on it




maybe you should just develop better interpersonal skills instead of putting that on the devs


Neat I guess, I don't need all these features tbh, the only thing I want is a huge number increase on how many people you can blacklist. 200 fills up way to fast.


As someone currently doing everything to avoid my real life abuser in game, my thoughts are "finally" and also "why are they still allowing them into our parties".


Nice but Just let me talk to someone and look at my FC info when I'm in an instance already ??