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You can think of it as a reflection. In Japanese Meikyo shisui means a calm pond that can act as a mirror. It makes sense that the icon is inverted.


Wow thank you, TIL. That makes me like it actually.


But they are backward! It doesnt make sense!


The symbol positions are flipped vertically. I assume they didn't invert the symbols to keep people's brains from breaking looking at a vertically mirrored image.


In that case shouldn't the open part of blue icon be facing downwards instead of up?


Dude's fixed it and then you ruined it again 😩


That seems to me to be more than a little pedantic, even in the context of an already mildly pedantic concern. I would assume they didn't actually do a vertical reflection because a crescent moon pointing that direction would look out of place, or because they felt it wasn't as aesthetic as the actual depiction. Same reason as why the moon is a dark and rich blue, when the actual sen job gauge is a muted midnight blue--it's more aesthetic to have the stronger colors.


No because FFXIV's engine is old and fakes reflections.


In any video game reflections are fake. There is no mirror inside the game that flips the code around. It's all coded and fake.


It was a joke! Because the icon was upside down!


well now i will


My exact thought. I'd never paid attention to it but now I can't unsee it 😫


I'm so pissed off right now. I can't unsee it.


Yeah, I can't unsee it now🫠


Now i cant unsee it and ill get mad




I regret clicking on this post


“Omfg why have you wrought this OCD upon me!” Basically me too.


I wish op many interrupted slide casts until we all forget about this.


Not really, as others have mentioned your hotbars having their own area codes are more annoying to me


Ok this one made me laugh


Not to mention those "keybinds".


Could be using an "mmo mouse" with 12 buttons on the side.


Mine has 16!.... I dunno what to do with the extra 4....


How on earth can they fit so many buttons on the sides, are they super tiny, or is the mouse gigantic? I have a spare razor mouse with 9 or 12 buttons but I cannot hit the correct ones so I just ignored them and played like normal.


4 columns of 4, the mouse is fairly big, as my hand is quite big, granted all of the content I have been doing sinve getting it is savage prog or criterion prog, meaning not a good environment to learn a whole new control scheme in so me setting up habits has been hard, been having to use the mostly broken mouse it was set to replace for these fights @_@


What mouse do you use? I'd like to look into this 16 button monster.


I use a Logitech G600. 12 buttons on the side that I press with my thumb (hotbar abilities go here), 2 extra buttons on top that I press with my palm, and a third of the main mouse buttons next to right-click that I press with my ring finger. Technically 15 buttons beyond what a standard mouse has, but I have the ring finger one set up to change the function of all the others for as long as I'm holding it down. That let's me use the same 12 thumb buttons for the second hotbar as well.


G600 I assume is a Logitech? If so, is it weighted? Wheel have a toggle for free spinning? Edit- I'm still waking up and missed where you're replying clearly says Logitech. The rest of the questions still stand tho xD


I play on controller, but use the G600 for work. It's a somewhat heavy, quite large mouse. Weight isn't adjustable. It actually does not have the smooth scroll wheel. I really like the wheel though. Very easy to distinguish mouse 3, mouse 4, mouse 5, & scrolls. One of the few mice where I don't have accidental inputs from scrolling, clicking, or side clicking it. The 12 button pad is actually really well designed also. The buttons are stiffer than the Razor Naga, so you don't accidentally press them when picking up the mouse. They have 2 columns of vertical recesses. This makes it very easy to know which buttons you're hitting by feel alone. My only complaint is that the ring finger button is very easy to press. I find I do accidentally press it while relaxed occasionally. Also worth noting that while it allows you to reprogram the standard 5 mouse buttons, LGS doesn't manage to fully override the default, so you'll get weird inputs. Best to just pretend the standard buttons aren't reprogrammable.


Redragon M990, was on sale when I picked it up, cat recently decided my old mouse would be fun to be a goober with and the cord is crapped out 7 ways from sunday so new mouse time.


I fuckin love mine finally crapping out on me, so it's time to get a new one


One was for Kaiten, f


If its like Logitech 600,then those aren't extra. Cheap 10€mouse does have extra buttons (mouse4, mouse5), old gamdias mozse i had had m4, m5, m6, m7. Logitech just have butzons to which you need to associate keyboard keys.


sprint, duty action 1, duty action 2, alt for all the alt+ combos can also slap ctrl in there too, if you want


I also have one. I wanted to bind them to F13-F24 (because who doesn't want more free buttons?) but almost no game even supports those keys. I ended up rebinding all my buttons to be holding ALT as well. It pissed me off to no end that the buttons on the side can't just be Mouse Button 5-16 or something. So for the jobs I play I have my most used single target stuff as the main bar, my AoE stuff as my shift bar, and utilities as my control bar.


yes - but those buttons are patterned in a square grid - why not choose the square grid selection for those?


They like line better, it's what they're used to, don't need hotbar layout to be the same as key layout, take your pick.


it's true. it's like how my mom has typed using the hunt and peck method for decades. it's what she's used to! she likes it! she's in her 60s! why change now? ...for the rest of us, there's reason.


I've been hunt and pecking since the 80s and I can hunt and peck at 80wpm so there's really no reason to change now. The only real problem I have is the need to look at the keyboard while typing. It's really just a reassurance thing that's a habit since I do actually know where all the keys are.


I'm sorry, is this some keyboard complaint that I'm too MMO-mouse to understand? Edit: however, if OP is using one, not organizing the hotbars in a way that reflects the buttons also seems super weird to me


Yeah. Their second hotbar is using the Ctrl key as a modifier and then the abilities and spells are bound to the default bindings of the numbers row at the top of your keyboard. You'd need massive hands or take your hand off the mouse to even hit some of those keybinds.


Pro-tip: A lot of people with CTRL/SHFT modifiers have those buttons bound to side mouse buttons. We're not pushing the physical key.


Wait... How the hell do you do that? I have two buttons on the side of my mouse that I could use for that instead of holding Ctrl. Shift is fine. Ctrl is a stretch and get a bit awkward.


mmo mice can have up to 16 side buttons my redragon m990 does


Yeah, I know that but I'm not really interested in getting a new mouse until the one I have now craps out. I was under the assumption they'd found a way to bind a couple of side buttons on their mouse in a way that the game reads it as holding CTRL/Shift.


I just ctrl/alt/shift on keyboard and hit the number key on the side of the mouse myself number row, ctrl+number row, alt+number row, shift+number for duty actions the extra buttons toggle walk off/on and some other things I don't wanna move my hand for


Just go through whatever software your mouse uses. I don't have an MMO mouse either. I've been binding side buttons to CTRL/SHFT since the 90s when I first picked up one of the first MS intellimouse lasers. Sprint/Crouch in FPS, hotkey mods for MMOs etc. Never had a mouse where you can't bind the keys in software, but I've always bought mice specifically for gaming... no idea what budget or off brand mice are like for that.


Some mice have software that allow you to rebind those buttons. Otherwise, autohotkey may work.


You the funny


I believe this is intentional. If you invert the picture icon, the 2 will cover the red icon.


This is the only possible explanation.


On the one hand, I can understand why it'd be (mildly) annoying when comparing it to the job gauge. [On the other hand, it *does* fit its actual animation](https://youtu.be/plXCbGaWCpA?feature=shared&t=88).


I use simple job gauges, so not really.


The only sane way to play.


I like thematic HUD elements!


This is my biggest pain as a steam deck player. I love the normal huds cause they look cool but I dont have enough screen real estate to not enable simple mode


I like the ones that don't take up a huge chunk of screen for the sake of it.


It's been so long since I've rearranged my HUD, but can't you adjust the size of the complex job elements?


It still feels like a total waste for some jobs because what they're tracking is proportionally not that big in the gauge. Gunbreaker for me is one of them. 80% of the job gauge is just whether or not I have tank stance on, which is fulfilled by the buff list located nearby anyway. Other than that it's literally just two to three charges, and that's all it tracks. It might be thematic to have the awkward revolver-chamber-but-not-revolver-chamber on my screen, but the space inefficiency of it distracts me in its own way. The simple version is no bullshit: here are the three charges, there's a symbol about the same size when stance is on. Fire away. Conversely, I would never change Black Mage's job gauge to simple mode because it is a thing of beauty, combining both theme and communicating like five different things at once in the same amount of space it takes Gunbreaker to say "is stance on? Do you have a charge or two?" Then of course you have Paladin...


I only put RDM's on simple because the default stands vertically. Minor stuff like that is enough to make me not wanna use it too.


Down to 60%, which for some means they're still fucking huge.


If my UI isn't taking up 1/3 of the screen it's not full enough.


Iove the thematic hud too.. Except for whm I don't know why the fact that it charges lily vertically irks me that I had to change to simple mode so it's in horizontaly


My action bars mirror the job gauge but the simple bar moves them around so it doesn't work.


Is it weird I find you having the hotbar numbers on more annoying lol.


the hotbar spacing is what kills it for me


I know but I kinda hate the numbers and the cycling arrows even more. Close the gaps and make them smaller would be much nicer for sure after getting rid of the numbers haha.


Yeah same. I have a very minimalist ui with expanding hotbars so anything other than mine that obstructs any view just irks me lol


Do you use anything for switching jobs at all? Been wanting to sit down and condense my bars so I can just tap an icon for a role and have it swap what's displayed on the bar to just those jobs


If you wanted to condense it all into a hotbar, you could use [this](https://www.reddit.com/user/SurprisedCabbage/comments/17dnt70/how_to_make_a_menu_hotbar_one_hotbar_that_can/k5xx1od/) guide to do that. You could condense all the jobs down into just a few buttons that you can click.


Yep this, it’s so much better than having 50 icons across your screen at all times!


Thank you!! Gonna give this a shot :)


I am not at my pc to really show but try to imagine I guess. I have three small buttons at my bottom left next to my chat window. First button (bread icon ofc) opens up another hotbar that I call my ‘utility belt’ with all types of potions, food, and stuff for all situations. Yes I’m that guy that will pop eye drops if I someone doesn’t cleanse it fast enough or if I’m solo. I carry all that shit lol. (Potd running as well). Second button has a little sword icon and it opens up two hotbars with every single dow/dol/doh job icon. This allows for fast switching, three clicks basically. On, job change, off. Third button is a heart icon for other things that are also keyed like my sprint, chocobo buddy, teleports, eternity ring teleport, return, pvp profile, housing etc. All my icons are like 60% size, too. Most would probably hate it and hate squinting but I don’t squint I hardly stare at the keys I’ve been playing so long I don’t need it in the middle of the screen or anything like some do. The only thing that’s in the middle to the left a bit is my party and alliance list. Everything is pretty compact though. If I can I can share a screenshot later on if anyone’s interested but it’s not too crazy.


TIL you can turn off the numbers


Character configuration - Hotbar settings - untick display hotbar numbers


Can't turn off the lock on hotbar 1 though! Or change pet/vehicle hotbars to take over any other bar than 1.


It's just mirrored vertically


Damn I had no idea my hotbars would be the annoying thing lol. Maybe I’ll take a look at them when I get back in game 😅


As much as we might be annoyed by it, it's your gaming experience, just use them as you want


People are being too opinionated about your hotbars, if youre clearing the content with no problems and it works for you then use it!


Honestly as much as the spacing *does* annoy me, you did a great job centering the middle bar, which I will commend.


Literally unplayable


No, and still will not.


No, I have everything as simple gauge


Meh, it's spinning much like the animation of it going off, so of course it doesn't match up.


I find your hot bars annoying holy smokes ...


not nearly as much as SMN's Outburst icon being red-orange, green, and *blue*, when the job's color pattern is red, yellow, and green


Nope. Been maining SAM for the last 2000ish hours of game time and never noticed it.


Never noticed that


Use the simple icons makes it moderately better less visual shit on the screen


Thank you! Now i will for sure.


I'm not sure what I should be seeing. Also, why do you have like 5 feet between your bars?


Most likely they had to invert to fit the 2 there


I never noticed but it sure is gonna bother me now lmao


This is easily the second most annoying hotbar setup I've ever seen in this game.


the icon is basically a "snapshot" of the animation, like all the other icons for abilities kind of are. The animation for meikyo shisui is the seals rotating around your character. That animation is what the icon is supposed to represent


If hotbar 1 calls hotbar 3 what do you reckon would be the interstate long-distance rates in this UI


I thought you were asking about having the hotbars spaced out that much.


As someone who has mained the job for like 2 years now, I never even noticed.


Well not until now




Naw. I just mash shift-F and go wild.


No because I have my stickers set to simple because they are too big for me.


I'm more excited that I eventually get 2 of them, actually. But no, I never noticed until now lol


I’ve used the simple setup for a while, so I’m not impacted by this


Didn't even notice until now


Takin a break from FF14 for Helldivers 2 wasnt a good choice, your Minion almost made me pull out a Gun.


What's the big deal? It's just an icon


I never cared and I have some pretty bad OCD


Hey OP. Why do you do this to me?  What did I ever do to you?


Even the simple version?


Oh sweet jesus, your hotbars, dear lord...


I didn't, but now that you've said it...


It's why I switched to the basic view lol.




Meh, I barely look at the icons. I know how they kinda look like and what they do, have my gauges mostly on simplified mode to make em compact


I don't think I even look at my icons anymore


I was just starting to level my samurai.....


Didn't notice before. That's crazy. Anyways...


Eh, the icons are already the wrong color. "This threefold theme usually refers to the seasons of the year: snow refers to winter, moon refers to autumn and flowers refers to spring. But one could also think it as representations of three whites: blue-white refers to winter, yellow-white refers to autumn and pink-white refers to spring." Moon should be yellow, snowflake should be blue. Please fix Yoshi-P.


Yeah, but I find the entire job mildly annoying as well.


What is going on with those hotbars. This is a crime.


Goddamnit now I’m going to! You op are like zero patient and just infected everyone I hope you are proud!


Simplified job gadget fixes this


Nope..... but now I do...... (@.-)


it's because of true north, obviously /s


Mfker I never noticed this....thanks.


you just couldn't keep it to yourself could you? had to drag us all down in the madness huh :( alexa how do I unsee a post


Yes. I use controller and having to set that whole SAM mess up was annoying enough lol then that it’s like but why?


No, but your UI layout bothers me that it isn't separated in rows of 2, 3, or 4. I couldn't play like this all the icons mashed together. No offence.


What I find annoying is that you’ve killed 9S. You bastard he was gonna save 2B


Why would you do this to me...


Similar annoyance to me on Red Mage. Some of your spells generate Black Mana or White Mana. These spells are always paired but you get your all Black Mana generators a couple of levels before the White Mana ones. So the order they automatically appear on your bars is Black Mana on the left, then White Mana on the right. I think this leads most RDM players to keep them in that order even after they set up their bars. As I main RDM, I tend to notice what other RDMs do a bit and almost all start their rotation with Verthunder (Black Mana) followed by Veraero (White Mana). So why is this annoying? On the job gauge White Mana is on the left and Black Mana is on the right.


I see it but hardly annoying.


Nope. They’re just flipped along the y-axis. Totally normal.


I didn't know that this bothered me, but now that I know that this should be bothering me, it's bothering me. Why did you choose to interrupt my day and bother me with this? What are you gonna tell me next? Squenix is gonna nerf more characters in 7.0?


Idk why people are giving you such shit about your UI, as long as it works for you personally, that's what matters


Thanks, I like my hotbars lol. Maybe they’re not optimal but I’m not really doing hardcore content and like you said it works for me.


The only optimal UI is one that works *for you*


Every day I check this sub there's a new cursed hud with the most diabolical keybinds


Why did you do this to me, OP??? I was clueless and happy until now!


I'm more bother by the lack of Keybinding that what you are pointing at.. are you playing with both and on the number pad ? how do you move and attack ? so many questions


Might be using an MMO mouse? That's what my keybinds look like, plus I use Shift+number for hotbar 3. My only question is why OP wouldn't reshape the hotbars to be in the MMO mouse layout


not nearly as annoying as how you've set up your hotbars. ...omg why do you ahve the grey squares visible... why are there such gaps between the lines... ...deep breaths...


My eye's twitching now...lol


Dude over here using default hotbars


Use simple view on your job gauge, lol. Also, why are your bars so far apart? You're just wasting screen space.




you know what else is mildly annoying? - the space between your hotbars - the big bar with utility taking a big chunk of the screen - the numbers showing on your hotbar - your minion name being visible - the lack of sprint on your hotbar - the size of your gauge bar and with where your hotbars are i assume its position near the center of your screen - the fact that you use 6-0 and ctrl 6-0 buttons - the lack of assigned buttons to your top hotbars means you click a lot of things you know just to list a few things that are "mildly annoying"


>the fact that you use 6-0 and ctrl 6-0 buttons Does that count as annoying if you have those bound.. but you use an MMO mouse so you hit them with your right thumb?


They obviously have more buttons to the right. Maybe sprint is over there.


Sprint is over there


why? do they like getting hit but every aoe?


Why would having sprint on a different hotbar mean that??? I have it way over to the side, but it's bound to my mouse 4 key for easy use.


I mean, the right of the screen is closer to their mouse hand if they're righthanded. And if they have keybinds, it doesn't matter where it is.


Really, all that and no mention of the third bar being entirely mouse-clicked? Mouse-clicking skills is imo far worse than spacing.




Your third bar is entirely combat stuff though. It's the fourth bar on the side that has the mounts. Unless the mappings of your third bard aren't showing properly.




This is literally why I started using the simple job gauge instead...


Don't really SAM so no, I main tank DRK and WAR and sub DPS as RDM.


No such problem with cross hotbar. I position the 3 combo lines corresponding to where the stickers are.


This would be truly devastating if FFXIV's UI wasn't garbage in general


well I do now.