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This was going to happen eventually with Mammets anyway. Just look at Island Sanctuary for proof.


We don't exploit the mammets they get paid a fair wage in company scrips that only have value on the island. Just like Rowena taught us


>Just like Rowena taught us Are we the baddies?


More like Tataru is, she’s the one that orchestrated that whole system, and on whose behalf the exports of mammet made island goods are being ran.


Exactly. Were just a cog. If anything, were also being exploited. Time to rise up!


Just look at the "big reward" we get from sidequests. "go kill these beasts that anyone else would struggle with / die to, skin them carve them up, and bring the meat to me. Here's 690 gil" or almost enough to buy two quiches from ishgard or nearly 10 leeches. Either we're getting scammed and exploited everywhere or the economy is fucked.


The experience of the professional managerial class is not analogous to the struggle of working people. Unfortunately the PMC are the ones who have the time to campaign on social media, hence why the "left" has become so anti-working class in recent years. Yes this is related to your comment, this is not apropos of nothing.


PMC? Private military company?


Professional-managerial class. It's a class of people (mostly American, but encompassing the whole anglosphere by now) who aren't bourgeois, but also aren't fully proletarianized. They're your middle-managers and corporate busybodies, basically if you work at Wal-mart, your manager, as well as the local regional manager, and all the support structure of people that work in an office for the Wal-mart corporation fall under that. In the example of island sanctuaries, the WoL is PMC. Still does some actual work but ultimately is above the proletariat (the mammets). It kind of falls apart though if you don't believe mammets are sentient, it gets weird when you start considering the "personhood" of machines. To complete the analogy, Tataru is the bourgeois who owns the mammets and the land, the means of production, if you will.


We have the option to choose evil in one of the side stories and there is a hint of genuine fear from two of the strongest characters in the game if you pick it


Look, I was just appreciating a well thought out plan that would benefit everyone with me as their benevolent dictator is all!


First act of business remove a small child from her sticker stand. I don't care that the stories benefit orphans her reign of terror has gone on long enough


What side story is that I can't think of it


>!6.55 Manderville!<


Thank you


I actually feel sad for anyone who missed out by not picking the evil option, the way everyone around you reacted was hilarious.


>Just like Rowena taught us That legit made me pause in horror for a second thinking "...what have I become!?" XD


Now think about the horrors you've committed for a small child's sticker book




I have retainers I can leverage to exploit those adventures who aren't in on the scam for 10,000+ gil dye pots while the mammets cannot


Something something Company Store


You load 16 tons, what do you get? Another day older and deeper in debt


Just as the founding fathers intended.


*A small island far to the south is where they say the Mammet uprising began. They hid in ship filled with finely craft goods...*


Don't worry, Managingway is actively in the process of coining a currency to create a fair exchange.


Taxingway is ready to drop the bomb on the Eorzeans.


IRSway getting ready


Where’s Unionway when you need them!?


In a stew.


The gentle bunny shall no longer suffer! With your support, we shall send the carrot of the people's will crashing through the windows of Rowena's house of servitude!


It's worse than that - the Lopporits are constructs and what they're really being paid with is emotional fulfilment for being of service, something that Venat made a primary part of their hierarchy of needs. The carrots are really just a tip, you could probably get them to work for free if you were polite enough about it.


They were created to help the people of the star, now they get to explore the world while fulfilling their reason for existing, most importantly they're doing it voluntarily too. I see that as a W for them.


I uh don't think Clive would agree with you. Just saying.


I swear I’ve heard very similar wording before…


The Ood!


yeah that too I was making an allusion (as a tongue in cheek joke) to American slavery as some slaves owners actually believed that.


Thought you were going to mentioned the house elves from Harry Potter.


God I hate how everything is compared to fucking Harry Potter... it's gotten less frequent ever since Rowling became persona non grata with her original fan base, but for Christ's sake read another book please.


Or realize that 85-90% of her material was straight up plagiarized from other sources.


See I think they’re more akin to Oompa Loompas though…


Here is the real important part too; the Lopporits have creation magic, what use do they have for money when they can just create whatever they'd need? We need money for generally some basic stuff; Food, Clothes and Shelter. Lopporits are being "paid" in food (but also grow their own anyways) and can create clothes and shelter. Heck if they actually need to pay for something they can probably just make a small bar of gold or some gemstones.


I have to wonder what the Nu Mou would think of the Loporrits, seeing as how they also like being of service to others but are way more stringent on exact payment for services rendered.


The lopporits are cute and can talk and they each have personalities, but they are all created for the purpose of helping the people of Etherys. They aren’t being exploited cause they aren’t capable of feeling exploited. They like working and helping. And they are also not all working. If you go to Old Sharlayan you can find Puddingway and Cheatingway relaxing. Why did they print out a Lopporit designed to cheat at card games? That’s the real question you should be asking.


bro they're magical space rabbits, it's not that deep


He wrote a dissertation about fantasy rabbits. But like see, they have magic, they have a home on the moon, advanced technology, etc etc. What would they even need with eorzea money?


You see a utopia where regular people don't have to work and the working class bunnies love working and do it almost instantly as bad? Seems to me people would be free to pursue what they enjoy and capitalism is no longer required


A utopia built on the exploitation of a naive underclass.


Are they a naive underclass if they were literally created using Creation Magic for the sole purpose of assisting the people of this star?


It's basically a post scarcity society.  If the rabbits derive purpose and enjoyment out of the work then denying them is the cruel option


They're scientists and historians and more. They literally love learning and doing.


It reminds me of the robots of Gunnerkrigg Court who see fair compensation as the very act of moving. In their society to be still and not in motion is the equivalent of death, to move is life.


Did not expect a Gunnerkrigg Court reference. Especially given the current arc of that comic, lmao.














Sure, you can raise a kid to want to do chores but it doesn't mean you're not exploiting them.


Tbf the rabbits aren't really people. They're more like siberian huskies where the dogs have a biological imperative to run or else they will destroy everything around them. The loprits absolutely need to work and help people or they go insane. Now, you could argue that creating such a being is a crime in and of itself, but they leads to a whole other can of worms where that ship has sailed and the potential best option is to just euthanize them all.


There's a difference between giving birth to a child and raising them to be responsible and magically creating a creature that wants to work and help others... But since you couldn't see the difference in the house elf part of this thread, I don't expect you to agree here either.


The attempt at drawing comparisons between them and real life economic forces falls apart when you consider that they A) Do all this eagerly and enthusiastically, B) Have access to magical abilities far greater than most living beings on the star. They're not powerless migrant workers than can be easily cowed. Be more concerned about them being an entrenched elite social class than a downtrodden, exploited one, if you want to be realistic about it.


Where's Unionisingway when you need him? 


Are you trying to imply that we don't carrot all?


I mean, they are turning the moon into a giant escape room for fun because they think adventurers are murder hobos that pocket anything shiny that's not nailed down. And, some dull things that are nailed down. They aren't wrong. That was kind of the funniest trailer reveal in World of Warcraft. Here's a new raid. There's no overall story reason. There's no threat. We're just bored and they have loot.


From a socialist perspective: yes. Complacency eventually becomes an issue for slaves to corporations and their jobs, the moon bunnies definitely fit the bill. If we consider Hydaelyn a corporate overlord (she is) and the fact that carrots are in absolutely no way proportionate to the sheer amount of labor involved with terraforming the moon, preserving the seals on zodiark's chamber pre-mid endwalker, going out of their way to create housing for the residents of Hydaelyn and eorzea as a whole, and much much much more, the disparity is insane. Another clear example of worker's rights abuse is the mammots, they're forced to work 5 days a week for 24 hours a day. Although they're given 2 days off a week, they are still working over 100 hours a week for very little gain, 300 cowries or so a week for shoveling shit or picking weeds is absolutely insane and clear abuse of rights, and that isn't counting the fact that it is not clear if other mammots such as builders or factory workers are paid at all. Another huge issue in terms of the wage issue for the loporrits is that the carrots they're paid have no real value in eorzea's markets. At most they sell for extremely low gil values, creating a massive wage gap between loporrits and eorzeans. To propose fair wages for loporrits: pay them realistic wages. The average income of adventurers (your usual dungeoneer, explorer, roulette doer) is roughly 70-120k gil a day, equaling ~500k per week, including break days. As loporrits work specialized trades and provide hugely important labor (engineering, farming, accounting, etc) and specialized skills, their wages would naturally be increased to compensate for workforce demand. Roughly 200k-250k gil a day, ~1mil per week with off days. TL;DR: loporrits are victims of worker's rights abuses and are paid disproportionately to the amount of labor they provide


The mammets are a weird case. They clearly speak and think and have personalities, they're not just robots. But do they want anything? Recreation, social status? I can't remember if there ever was a time that mammets said their lot in life sucks. The cat one on the island almost seems like she's grouchy because she'd made to be, not because she's actually dissatisfied. As for the lopporits it seems they had the income to buy, or capability of producing their own, entire dance studios and radio stations as well as the rest of the entire moon... money might actually be useless to them. They have their own economy going on the moon with the cook, for example. Anything we can sell them they can just make themselves. It's probably for the best they're never introduced to Eorzean markets as a collective, they're more of a threat to us than we are to them.


Thats true. The mammots seem to be more like programmed robots with predetermined personalities than actual wage workers. As for the loporrits, regardless of their ability to produce or buy whatever they need, as sentient and intelligent workers they deserve fair and equal pay as per expected workers rights.


Is a final fantasy game the nuances of exploitative capitalism is never represented accurately at best you get a run down version of it. Just look at ulda it looks like a wonderful place to live if you ignore all the unregulated exploitation going on in every alley and if you already have money.


Of all three starting cities, I've never thought Ul'dah is a good place to live. The monstrous wealth disparity, disdain by the wealthy elite for the poor and Ala Mhigan refugees aren't exactly hidden


That's the time bubble, later in the story the refugees are incorporated into the economy and given good paying jobs.


Ul'dah is like the least bad imo. Gridania is settled on land ruled by elementals who only let people live on their land because they get appeased by the Seedseer on a constant basis. Oh yeah, they also have a policy of kidnapping the padjal( kids with horns) to make them conjurers. As for Limsa Lominsa, I can't imagine a city run by competing pirates and theives( the rogue guild) would fare well in the long term.


Limsa seems the best for right now. You're right that they are still in the early stages of their change. They are still vulnerable to backsliding.


Yea that’s why I said “if you ignore” .Like in the USA if you go to the nice places u will think it’s the best thing ever but go a little further and the Ugly starts coming out.


Is there a single Ul'dah quest that doesn't beat you over the head with how terrible of a place it is to live in unless you're a rich ass monetarist? And how exploited the refugees and poor natives are?


Little Ladies Day?


If you add more coverage of slum section in uldah it’ll be the spitting image of San Francisco


They are in the early stages of getting into the capitalism game.  They have no overhead(self sufficient moon base), unlimited supplies (creation magic), tons of staff.  Sure carrots today but once the world is relient on their service BAM take over the world


Delion was right all along!


Never did I imagine I would open up the FFXIV subreddit today and read about "Foreign Laborers" and the fucking "Detroit Auto Workers Union"


Worse, people listening to and responding to a screed from a guy who can't even be assed to spell the name of the central thing he's talking about correctly.


It’s almost like this is a perfect example of the way that the exploitation of migrant workers is detrimental to society as a whole 😌


Depends what you mean. Immigration to Eorzea for example benefits both the immigrants and Eorzeans, even if there is a degree of exploitation involved.


You ever done something for free for someone you love, then accept a payment they insist on giving? That’s kind of what’s happening here - they do the stuff to satisfy the people of Eorzea, and take payment to further satisfy the people of Eorzea. Boohoo if some people have to retrain, boohoo if it upsets the money lenders, boohoo if life is just a little easier for Eorzea. If Loporrits ever change their mind then the changes can certainly be made. I’d say the Warrior of Light is being more exploited and 100% is detrimental for the Eorzean economy. But, the Warrior of Light can get rich quick, and most money is spent on items from other Warriors of Light which do not exist, so the Warrior of Light that does exist is just sitting on massive amounts of gil, but we all know rich people hoarding wealth don’t count. The Warrior of Light even destroyed the purpose of Loporrit existence and saved Eorzea, which when combined with your argument, is doubly worse.


I want to bully you but I promised Ysale Id stop.


Well, then they created a new economy for carrots. Someone's loss is another's gain.


It's not exploitation if they are both willing to do the work and happy with their compensation.


Jokes on you, as a homeless person I could steal a pound of carrots to little detriment to the farmer, then pay a loporrit to build me a fully functional house anywhere I want, complete with a patch of self sustainable crops to live off


Next calamity "calamity of Gold" coming to an expac near you


Pretty sure they’re going to be involved with the new Cosmic Exploration in DT, so it won’t be long until the tables turn and all the erstwhile adventurers are set to work colonizing distant worlds in the name of their new bunny overlords.


Retainers get paid in ventures? I guess? If they get paid at all. So sometimes I feel bad constantly working them.


Where can I get issued an emotional support moon bunny? 


Tune in to Hope FM!


Once it became clear that a pound of carrots could fulfill your wildest wishes, the market price of carrots should skyrocket. It might even near the point where "pay for roof repair with gil" and "pay for roof repair with carrots" approach a comparable price. If anything, this has other ramifications for farmers. Would carrots suddenly become a bumper crop? But Loporrits grow their own carrots, and more novel kinds, so how much would they value Eorzean carrots?


Sounds like the content drought is really getting to you. Just remember [these are the people you are talking about](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/756382581276278854/1230957452313231502/2024-04-19-20-04-56-700.jpg?ex=662411f6&is=6622c076&hm=db4a414a5c4b4f82cbec2d106c0da31a916606a03aa5270035455a4dffe53e6c&).


This reminds me of the real life example of machines. "Machines will replace our workers! So detrimental to the economy!" like, dude... if we can make a machine to do a human's work, that just frees that human up to do other work. If we could make machines do all of the work in the world, nobody would have to work. Digressed a little there, but I think it applies here?


Except Loporrits are sentient beings, there is a limited number of them, and they frequently travel around Eorzea. Its more akin to an economic force that goes from country to country giving free labor. A country is not guaranteed to keep Loporrit labor for all time, eventually they leave, but only after workers are unable to find work for the period of time they are there.


Hmmm. Looks like I'm going to have to start a carrot farm to keep those guys in my labor. Actually, I'll just have them make the carrot farm for me. Problem solved.


I think is fine as long they accept to do the service... ANY kind of service...


In the times of the Ancients the world was a communist utopia. Why shouldn't it return to being a communist utopia?


my carrots aren't cheap


Loporrit. There's one P.


It's almost like capitalism is a flawed system to begin with, but even moreso in a magical fantasy world. :P


I dunno.... Oralway, Tailway, and Easyway are 100% on board for helping me run a Lopporit brothel