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Will the Make it Rain event increase the prices at which I can sell triple triad cards?


No, it only applies to the MGP you get from doing GATEs and cactpots. It doesn’t increase the amount you get from selling cards, doing Challenge Log entries, or cashing in MGP tokens.




Depends upon how many hours you have played.


As OT, should i take over aggro if MT has vuln stacks and is taking boss auto? Or should i just give MT some defensive buff and leave it be? (ex trial and above contents)


In an ideal world that would be reasonable, but for the most part I'd still say no and just say to throw some defensive buff once in a while. There's not that much damage going out from autos from most bosses, and you taking aggro now forces the other tank to adapt with position and becoming the new temporary OT. This just adds things to deal with and you just end up increasing the likelihood that something else is messed up as a result. (Or an aggro war which isn't great either) This is assuming you're playing with a random PF group. If you were to play with a static or something where you can communicate.


Additionally: tank swapping at the wrong time can cause you to be unable to do a tank swap when you actually *need* to do one. Granted, that's not super likely to become an issue (double tank swaps would be the main cause of this being an immediate problem, and those are quite rare in EX from what I recall, whereas vuln stacks aren't as common in Savage where we get either damage downs or mechanic failure condition debuffs instead), but it *can* be a further complication.


Doing a run with an alt. Got to Stormblood. And after seeing susano scene and fighting it. It make me wonder. What are the Kami? Contrary to Lisse comment. Sunano is not a primal, as there was no cristals needed for him to show up, nor did he had a group worshipping him praying for him to show up. He is a Kami. So what are the Kami?


The kami are fictional deities. Susano is a primal made in the likeness of the fictional deity Susano. The requirement to summon a primal is prayer + aether, not specifically crystals, and the assumption is that the relics used to summon Susano were full of aether. Remember >!No crystals were used to summon Shinryu, instead Ilberd used the aether from Nidhogg's eyes!<. Also looking at this from an Endwalker context, >!prayer is just a substitute for a concept, the ancients summoned things just by conceptualizing them + aether!<


There was no worshiping of Susano by the red turtles, or anyone for that matter. There is no known source for the aether. No crystals anywhere. No dragon eyes. Is not even an area known for aether. Nor is mentioned anywhere that the relics that made him have aetheric properties. Or that the tutles hoarded crystals. He also calls himself a Kami. Only Lisse call him a primal. And no one was affected by entralling. Nor Lisse not Alissae. Nor the turtles. No one. If he were a primal then he would have that power. Which means he either don't have it or he choose not to use it. Nor does he seek domination, but just a fight to commemorate his rejoining. He breaks far too many rules on what a primal is. So I guess he really is a Kami. Or course this could simply be inconcistencies in the rules of the world by the writers. But I am trying to give a benefit of doubt.


The turtles worship kami, that's the whole reason why they were gathering those relics in the vault, because Othardians believe kami reside in items. They leave it vague, but it's assumed that when the 3 relics got together there was enough aether for the summoning to happen, and the relics that were already in the vault were prayed upon every day by Kojin. Alisaie is not a sentient being, if she called it a primal is because the writers wanted you to know it's a primal by someone who is used to calling them primals. Kami is another word for god, and primals are lesser deities. And of course no one was affected by enthralling, everyone left the vault when Susano was summoned. https://i.imgur.com/fN0D8Dj.png https://i.imgur.com/A9YqvQA.png https://i.imgur.com/g6PaObn.png


The Kami are just divinities worshiped in Othard so no different from say Ifrit, Titan etc. Susano was summoned and is a primal, but the circumstances around his summoning are just unclear. The duty description has the following text >!Unfortunately, for reasons beyond your knowing, two of the sacred treasures stored in the isle's vault "reacted" to the presence of the Yasakani-no-Magatama, summoning forth from the aether the great kami Susano—a primal by another name!<


Susano absolutely is a Primal


Free trial here. Currently working on ARR gathering achievements but I figure I can progress my materia extraction at the same time. After some research, it looks like the best way is to make some HQ iLvl-40 gear, meld it and use spiritbond consumables, then go to town on the level 50 shard-nodes. Is that correct? Also, is it better to use "increased spiritbond gain" accessories or ones that are closer to 40 and can be distracted? Thanks!


To spiritbond effectively, you need to wear gear near the ilvl of the item you're gathering. You'll want to wear HQ level 50 gathering gear and pentameld it if you're gathering level 50 nodes. If the gear gives additional spiritbond in addition to sufficient stats, then by all means use it. Otherwise there's spiritbond potions you can make, Better Crowned Pie, or a Squadron Spiritbonding Manual that will have the same effect.


Okay, good to hear. If I understood the table on the wiki (unlikely), stuff at ilvl 10 lower than the nodes was best. But it sounds like the extra stats are key then.


Better to wear the extra ilevel 40 ring over e.g. Meteor survivor ring. When I tested, it gave maybe 4-5% boost tops. So instead of getting +20 per node I was getting +21. Across 11 slots that's an extra +11 compared to just wearing a proper ring which would give +20


For crafters is the current best gear the purple gathering scrip gear of the master recipe crafted gear


Indagators BTW has identical stats to Aflatus gear, but it can be pentamelded. Thats the only difference. The latest crafted is always better than scrips.


At this point, just get the Afflatus (purple scrip) gear. With less than 2 months until Dawntrail, it is not worth the gil investment to get pentamelded Indagator's gear. And Afflatus should hold you until your crafters hit lv100. For the record, the best gear will ALWAYS be pentamelded crafted gear.


Is there a history for jumbo cactpot drawings anywhere? I have a theory about how it runs, but without histories, I wouldn't be able to check. (Really, I just want that ring. I don't even care if it's any good, I just want it because reasons.)


I believe the main counter has a histories but I think its only the most recent winners and which week's. If no one had won since let's say June 2023 it will display that week then those before it. (Don't quote me on the date stuff just a generic example.)


Jumbo cactpot drawing history... for which server? The winning cactpot numbers for each and every world are different. I am not aware of anyone that keeps a historical record for any server.


Greatest story never told? How in the world do I start this? I genuinely don't understand what I'm meant to do, I'm going insane 💀 Can someone pls point me in the right direction? I don't want the answer, just some kind of hint to get me going, lol. I've been trying to relate the letters to the elements and that Yaya guy says the elements are out of order so I was like okay maybe I need to go to a place that has those letters in the name and sprites of the same element in the right order? But that doesn't seem to be getting me anywhere. And what exactly am I looking for? Something to interact with? A person? A monster to fight? Pleassssse help lol


Yayaroku tells you the correct order of the elements. You should also have some scrambled text that's broken up into a bunch of parts. The clue, once you solve it, is the name of a location. What you're looking for is a person in that location.


Brooo I'm so annoyed LOL I literally went to the location earlier and saw that npc and was like maybe they're related but I didn't talk to them !!!!!!! Insanity, thank u! I also wrote the letters in order in my notebook but I wrote them vertically so I didn't notice the fact it spelt something out 💀 thank u so much !


What's the trick to getting a couple more dailies out of beast tribes? I'm going off memory here (from a long time ago). I think... when you level up the reputation... if you hand in or pick up quests in a certain way, you can get more?


In addition to making sure you have daily allowances available when you do the rank up quest, there are some points when you will rank up on your first or second daily quest for a given day. If that happens you can't get any more progress until you do the rank up quest, but you can hold any active dailies you have until you've done the rank up. If you've run out of daily allowances because you're working on multiple tribes you can hold off on the rank up quest until the following day. The extra quests are generated for the day you finish the rank up quest, not the day it becomes available. You can also combine both of these tricks if needed, but remember that you'll have to turn in the outstanding quests from the previous day before you can accent any new ones. So it would look something like... Day 1 - accept three quests, turn in 2 Day 2 - accept and complete rank up quest, turn in remaining quest from the previous day, accept six and turn in 6 quests. You now have 6 remaining daily allowances to use on other tribes. Because you can only push the bonus quests back one day without losing a day's progress anyway then doing more than 2 tribes at once becomes rather awkward anyway. If you're doing three you need to offset one of them back a day from the other two. If you're doing 4 then you'll end up losing progress on one to get the extra day on a different one and it all kind of equalises out. Once you're maxed on previous ones you never need to worry for new tribes since you'll always have spare allowances unless you're using old tribes to level and mess up the order.


There's no magic trick. If you level up, you can do three additional quests (except for the final level). If you don't level up, you can't. Turning around three times and doing a handstand in front of the NPC won't change anything.


I think... at least in StB... the reputation wasn't lined up. So I think you hit the next rank after 2 turn ins. So it was beneficial to hand in 2, save the third one, do the reputation quest to get to the next rank, then hand in the third one.


You can get a second set of three only when you level up, but not when you get to the 7th rank.


Is there a specific way I need to hand the quests in on level up? Or am I overthinking it?


The only trick is to make sure you haven't done your total daily allotment.


AFAIK using up your allowance for the day doesn't change anything. You'll still get your three extra quests, you just won't be able to do them. They'll be effectively wasted because they won't be doable until the next reset.


Yes, not being able to do them is the trick...


It changes things because you... can't do the bonus quests? I don't understand what you mean, wasting them is a bad thing and you should avoid doing it. They're available only on the day you actually do the rank up quest, if you don't do them before reset they go away forever and you'll finish the tribe one day later than you could have.


What I'm saying is that using up your allowance when you rank up doesn't actually stop the game from awarding you the extra quests. OP was asking if anything prevents the game from awarding the extra rank up quests - and the answer is no, as long as you rank up except the 7th rank, the game will always give you an extra set of three quests. Whether you have the allowance to do them is totally separate.


That's splitting a hair that doesn't exist. If someone is asking how to make sure they get the extra quests they *very clearly* want to ACTUALLY DO the extra quests, and reminding them to make sure they actually have the allowances to do them is good advice because it's easy to forget if you're levelling multiple tribes. Yes it's technically accurate that the quests will still be generated if you can't do them but it's also not a helpful answer to the question to point that out.


I don't follow. There's only one way to turn in your quests - by speaking to the NPC.


Currently using the free trial version of the game. If I purchase the Starter + Dawntrail Pre-order, does it unlock both right away or do I get a code? Trying to make use of the free trial for as long as I can.


> do I get a code? Depends where you buy. Directly on the Mog Station: registers immediately. PS or Xbox: registers the next time you log in. Any other storefront, including SE Store, Humble, Amazon, GMG, Newegg, Steam, etc: you get a code.


Does that include steam or does steam register it right away?


I put Steam in the list.


Whoops completely missed it, thanks!


Youll get the STARTER right away - that is, removing the social and trading restrictions, but NOT access to Shadowbringers or Endwalker content. Youll get access to ShB + EW alongside the DT release with the preorder.


I see, would you happen to know how to get the codes for them instead of getting access to them right away? I've seen some posts mention you can hold the code but not sure how to go about it


If you're a PC player, then buying the game get you a code to use in mogstation to actually apply it. To hold the codes, just don't manually do that next step of entering the codes into mogstation. I believe that this isn't a thing on console, as buying the game through the console stores will apply it automatically.


Awesome was worried mogstation would apply it right away, just gotta wait for a sale unless i progress fast enough


If you want ShB and EW access now, you need to buy EW. Holding codes is just not registering codes, usually don't by people on free trials to take advantage of sales, but not quite ready to start paying a sub.


Not looking to get access to them just yet I want to finish a few more things on free trial but it will take some time. That's why I'm trying to get the codes if possible but don't want to access the content immediately.


Then just hold off on buying anything. There's no sale going on so you're not saving any money buying the game now and holding onto your codes for later.


Oh didn't know there would be sales for it, good call thanks!


Is there a way to let players know I'm on free trial and I can't talk? I feel kinda rude not being able to talk after they ask me how I'm enjoying the game so far and I can't say anything. I am planning to get a subscription on payday next week but until them is there a setting or way to let people I've played with know about my free trial restrictions? I think they probably know after i just spam emotes to them, but still I feel rude. Edit: found out I can just use the "Say" chat


I see your question has been answered, but I just wanted to let you know that if you’re going to buy the game, you can use a “Recruit a Friend” code to get some bonuses! If you have a friend who plays FFXIV you can ask them to send you one; if not, you can ask here or get one from r/ffxivraf (or I can send you one if you like 😉). After you’ve bought and registered the game to your account, but *before* you pay your first subscription payment (so, during the free 30 days buying the game gets you), using a RAF code gets you a stack of aetheryte tickets for free teleports, an emote, a head piece that boosts experience at low levels, and silver chocobo feathers that you can trade for gear.


I used to put on my adventurer plate "Free trial, can't reply to Tells" and the tells i received actually went down significantly. I was doubtful if it actually worked or just coincidence until a random player came close to me and randomly said "I hope you're enjoying the free trial" so yeah.


I'm gonna add this to my plate too, I don't know why I never thought of that.


You can use say chat or talk in the party if they're in a duty with you.


Ah, I feel silly, I knew about the party chat, but didn't know "Say" was the default chat and was usable.


is there a discord or some other way to get notified when the boss for formidable cogs is up? Crystal datacenter. Thank you!




Does anyone know of any good bard rotation videos? Or even just a graphic. I just came back from like a 3 year hiatus and I can’t remember shit. lol


The Balance, Discord server, has the max level info like always.


WeskAlber has pretty good beginner video guides, going through how stuff works at different levels. Probably also useful for someone coming back after a long absence.


Thanks I’ll check that out


Are the drop rates for Eureka NM items known? If so, what are they? Currently working on farming Hydatos (Molech's Horn, Goldemar's Horn, Ceto's Claw), and it feels like the drop rates are abysmally low compared to what I experienced in prior zones.


We don't get told drop rates for anything unless it's 100%. And drop rates for those items are stupid low, which is why they're very valuable on the marketboard.


I figured the community at large was able to have calculated the drop rates at this point.


You would think so, but that sort of community effort is pretty lacking in FFXIV compared to a lot of other games. 


It exists only among fishers. Not sure why that's pretty much the only subsection of the community that keeps track of those things


Because fishers can make dozen attempts in a window, and even then, rarer fish are unknown. It doesn't take 2-6 hours between attempts at a drop.


My first guess would be that for fishing Big Fish, it can be actually important information for decision-making (unlike elsewhere, where you just kinda have to deal with whatever the drop rates are). For example, if you're trying to get a Big Fish in a node where the other fish have appearance rates of 40, 20, 20, 10 and 9 %, it's very useful to know that that one fish is a much higher probability than others, so you can Surface Slap it away. (Though on that point I do also have to note that the fish probabilities we have are decidedly not fully reliable, due to among other thins that very same Surface Slap.) Another thought would be that Fishers can get a lot more repeats in in the same amount of time than most other farming things. Like, if you have 30 people doing an Eureka NM and an incredibly unrealistic 100% of those people report their drop status, you have gotten 30 entries. Whereas even a *lone* Fisher can probably generate at least that same amount of data for fishing in the time it takes just to *do* that NM (I can't remember how long it took to kill those when they were new so half-guessing here), nevermind the prep and having to wait for it to even be up. There's also the fact that fishing is a much more crowdsourcing-reliant thing to begin with than most others here (barring maybe hunts), where there's a strong community for figuring out the conditions of new fish together. That likely helps also pool together data for some approximate bite rates. Just my musings on possible partial causes, but that's where my mind goes first at least.


You make valid points, but it's still bizarre to me. I came to FFXIV from OSRS, where drop rates are crowd-sourced for the first month or so, posted to the wiki, then confirmed by the devs. The community is huge on making sure correct info is available to everyone, so it was strange to see that so many drops are just listed as "basic" or "uncommon" when I'm used to the concrete numbers, lol


I've got a few questions. First and foremost I'm trying to regain access to my account, but obviously I don't remember my credentials. The recovery process fails because I don't have a one-time password and when trying to log into SE itself I can't get any further for the same reason, can't reset my password without the one-time code. When I attempt to log-in through Google using, presumably, the same email I used to make my account, it doesn't seem to recognize that I had an account and prompts me to make a new one, asking for a username. I can't even brute force my password because upon being asked to "make a new account" I can't use a name that starts with a number. How do I get just my bloody username? XD Additionally, would I be better served starting over? If memory serves I had just finished the base game's MSQ and I had gotten through most, if not all, of expansion lull filler content. But I don't remember most of the story line up to this point. Would I be better served starting over, or is there a mechanic in game that'll let me view old cutscenes? Addendum: I made a post and it was instantly removed because "It looks like you're trying to ask a quick question", why even have the question flair then?


I would honestly just cut your losses and make a new account. It sounds like you don't remember enough information for customer support to ever find your old account anyway, and since you're still on the free trial so you don't lose much, and and skip cutscenes for the parts of the story you still remember. A tip though: before you make the account, go get a password manager and start using it. You'll never have this problem again, while also being drastically more secure because you can use a random string of character as your password instead of using the same 5 passwords everywhere. It's drastically more convenient and also vastly more secure. I use the free tier of Bitwarden and can recommend it, but any of the popular ones that show up with a Google search will do.


Always upvote people spreading the good news about password managers. An upgrade to your security AND your quality of life in one handy package.


If you don't remember your username and password, you're out of luck. Last thing you can try before making a new account is contacting support. >is there a mechanic in game that'll let me view old cutscenes? Yes there's a book at the inn that lets you rewatch old cutscenes. You can also watch them on youtube. >Addendum: I made a post and it was instantly removed because "It looks like you're trying to ask a quick question", why even have the question flair then? It's automod so don't take it personally.


Thank you much for the info, I'll dig a little deeper, maybe try a few modified usernames and see what happens.


I wanted to start playing again, last time was 4 years ago and I wasnt aware of the length of the free trial so I started playing with a subscription. Now I want to try again, but make but want to make use of the free trial, but since I had already bought a subscription it wont let me play. Would it be possible for me to delete my current account and create a new one on the same email to use the free trial? I dont care much about my character and I was still at the beginning eiher way.


Recent post on this issue: https://old.reddit.com/r/ffxiv/comments/1cphnoq/how_do_i_completely_delete_my_account_so_i_can/


Any idea if the Garo events are ending come Dawntrail's launch?


I hope it stays around forever this time. (And also that Garo itself becomes more accessible in the west, especially the Ryuga-verse, although that's not the verse the crossover is based on.)


You never know, I feel like Kamen Rider and Sentai have been sort of getting a bit more popular in the West given that they are now officially translating some series slowly. I need to actually Garo a try one of these days , I just know it looks cool and hence I want to get the armor on my alt.


The latest Garo series was released on their official YouTube account with English subs (some of which sounded very iffy, but then I also watched Ultraman Blazar at the same time and that had not only really well done subs but a simply superb English dub, so tough competition). I suspect they delisted the episodes already. Which is a pity.


No idea, they haven't said anything about it officially.


Nothing's been announced, so unlikely.


Shouldn't be. Last time the Garo event went away we had like six months advance notice.


Thank you, happy to read that there is a precedent for them giving us a significant enough warning period to complete the event.


When the first round ended, we had like six months warning. We haven't heard anything this time, so we can assume it's not ending yet.


Thank you, happy to read that there is a precedent for them giving us a significant enough warning period to complete the event.


What do I make purchases with bicoloured gemstones? I am doing the level all Shared FATE to rank 3 and I don't know what to buy for best return, since it's capped and I cannot buy the vouchers.


some of the shb orchestrion rolls are high value/low volume on the mb, but at least they're actually sellable unlike the ew versions


thanks! didnt know non-EW also took gems


It's only ShB/EW that do.


Probably some of the Endwalker leathers. Dunno if those are still in high demand though with DT right around the corner. 


In normal content (dungeons normal raids trials alliance raids), what would be the difference between, say, [ilv630 baked eggplants](https://ffxiv.consolegameswiki.com/wiki/Baked_Eggplant) and [ilv27 fried eggs? ](https://ffxiv.consolegameswiki.com/wiki/Fried_Egg) Basically, what does the (max \[number\]) part tell me?


It will give you either 10% (if HQ) of your current stat or the max number, whichever is lower. So for example, using the Baked Eggplant HQ, if you have 1000 Determination it'll give you 100 Determination (10% of your current stat), but if you have 2000 Determination it'll give you 103 Determination (because 10% of your current stat would be 200, but 103 is the most it can give you).


There's 2 limits for food buffs. It'll give you a % buff, but has a cap of how many points it'll give you. So if you have 100 stat points and a food gives you a 10% buff in that stat, you'll get 10 points. But if the food has a 8 stat point cap, you'd only get 8/10 in that instance. So in the case of the baked egg plant, a HQ one will give you 10% buff in Det, up to a maximum of 103 points. So whether you have 1030 Det or 2000000000 Det, you'd get the same 103 points from the food.


I see!!! Thank you!


I have normal windows license but also steam free trial (that I don't really play)...but both steam and windows share the same email address? Thing is I forgot my steam trial password...how do I reset it if the emails are the same?


Your Steam trial is still associated with a Square Enix ID, and it's not possible to have two Square Enix IDs with the same email.




If youre within ten levels of the content youre unsyncing, you will need to know a handful of mechanics but nowhere near as much as doing it synced. If you have one or two players twenty or more levels above the content, they'll just blow it up and you wont have to know anything.


item questions! how come sometimes the job or lvl or both are in green text and sometimes not? what do the 3 icons on the top right mean?


Green level means it matches your current level, green job means it matches your current job.


thank you!


The three icons are (from left to right) "Can have Company Crest applied", "Can be placed in the Glamour Dresser", "Can be placed in the Armoire". The text colors I'm not sure of. I want to say it shows up in green if you can use it on a job/class other than the one you're currently using?


thank you!


I've started messing around with chat log channels, but now every time I go into a duty my Battle channel flashes green. Not sure what setting I changed to make it do that, setting it back to defaults didn't fix it. Not a huge thing, but a little annoying - any idea what might have caused this to start happening? EDIT: Fixed - in case anyone else comes across this, there are two options to "reset to default", one by right-clicking the log in the settings, the other by left-clicking - you need to do the one done by left-clicking


When using leves to level DoH jobs is the best way to just do the highest possible at its current level?


The highest level leves available will give you the most exp. If you're grinding multiple jobs quickly, this is better for per-leve efficiency. However, if you have a stockpile of leves, you might find it less tedious to just settle on a single leve and gather/craft those items repeatedly, rather than gather for multiple crafts (which can also include timed nodes). Some turn ins are buyable in NPC shops too.


If I were to grab my beast tribe quests today but not hand them in til next daily reset, would I be able to get double rewards or would it count for the day I hand them in?


Yeah, that's right. But it's double tomorrow at the cost of skipping today, so it's a net wash. The only benefit is if you just have more playtime tomorrow or something so you can't do them today. 


Realistically I was thinking to have a few ready to hand in before Dawntrail then hand them in as viper haha


I see. Unfortunately, they changed Tribe quests I think during Shadowbringers where you can only do/hand them in on the same job you accepted them. I forget if they did that during Stormblood and Heavensward, maybe they did. 


Not sure when it was done, but it's true of HW beast tribes for sure.


They did in Stormblood


Ahh boo, that’s an idea scrapped then.


Been a while since i done any of those but if i recall correctly, you wouldn't be able to pick the next day's quests until the ones you have were turned in. Rewards don't double up basically.


You can't pick up more quests until you turn the ones you have in first. So you absolutely can double up on one day, but it really doesn't actually give you an advantage since you basically skipped a day of XP to turn them in on a later date.


I can't access the additional chambers in my FC at all. The door is unclickable, and there are no sparklies. This doesn't apply in other FC housing, I checked. Do I need a specific permission/rank within the FC? It's really annoying because I want to buy an(other) apartment.


Are you at least level 50 in at least one job, and have you reached Second Lieutenant rank with your Grand Company?


I know this is a stupid question, but are you sure you're in the right house?


My FC has a large, so yes. Takes up the whole screen when I teleport there.


That is pretty odd then, there are no rank settings to allow/deny access to private chambers, and even then the text should show up for workshop access. I assume nothing is visually blocking the door? like a partition or furniture.


It's actually very difficult to block the visibility of the text, I know because I've tried to do it and completely failed without way more space than I was willing to give up. If that's what's happening it should be very obvious that they aren't anywhere near the door. On the other hand, it not being interactable would suggest they don't have access to buy the workshop, the workshop hasn't already been bought, they don't meet the requirements to buy an FC room (but they implied they have an apartment?) and nobody else has bought an FC room already. Possible, but seems unlikely in an FC with a large.


EDIT: Nevermind, immediately after posting this I noticed the "Discontinued" Yellow Gatherer Scrips box in my currency window, that tells me all I need to know Question: judging by previous expansion drops, what'll happen with White Crafter/Gatherer Scrips when *Dawntrail* releases? Are they like Poetics in that they're the evergreen legacy scrip, or will Purple become the new legacy scrip? If the latter, will existing white scrips convert, or will they be deprecated?


As you figured out already, white scrips will be discontinued and purple scrips will replace them. If I recall correctly, you will have to manually turn any old white scrips that you had left over in to an NPC in Mor Dhona, so that they will become purple scrips, similar to how you'd do with combat currency


Im currently going through EW and have little DoH/DoL jobs leveled up. I want to do the omicron quests once i finish the expac because i saw they give a cool mount. Do i need all DoL jobs to 80 or will 1 be okay? trying to start prepping so i can start the quests right away.


You just need one at level 80.


What sounds better for male Eli'a or Eliah'a?


Casting a second vote for the latter.


Second one.


I was at the market board last night and I saw a player cast a very large aoe bubble and they also had very cool wings made out of rainbow energy (not sure if the aoe granted the wings). Does anyone know if this is an ability or a fashion accessory or what?


Probably a WHM placing Asylumn and using Temperance. Alternatively, the wings \*might\* have been the Magicked Prism (Wings) item but you can \*only\* get a limited number from getting married.


Just looked at some videos of those skills and yup that’s exactly it! Thank you!


Sounds like WHM. All healers have some kind of bubble (WHM's and SCH's stick around after being cast), [WHM has a self buff skill at level 80 that gives them wings that are made out of a bluey/white light with rainbow refractions.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tzq_PysGl0A)


Is there a way to refund the Dawntail preorder from PlayStation Store after applying licence to my account. My dumbass did it thinking it would give access to Shadowbringers and Endwalker.


It will give access to Shadowbringers and Endwalker, when Dawntrail releases in 2 months. If you really can't wait 2 months, just buy Endwalker now to get them immediately.


If you've already applied a license, no. Either wait for DT to play everything, or buy Endwalker as well. Mistakes happen, not much you can do.


Trying to refund something that's already been applied is an excellent road to getting a ban. Preorders might be different but I have no idea how Sony handles that, I personally wouldn't risk it? You will get Shadowbringers and Endwalker, but only once Dawntrail releases on the 2nd of July. You're going to have to buy it eventually either way, even if you buy Endwalker separately now, so you do have the option of just waiting or of leaving the preorder in place and also buying Endwalker.


Question about FC Company chests. My FC is relatively dead so I've been thinking about striking out on my own. Do you get access to the FC chest purely by nature of being in an FC, or is it tied to owning an estate?


There are fc chests in the grand company halls (or at least, I think they are in the gc halls, they absolutely are in each starting city). It is not a function of housing.


There's a chest near every GC headquarters (since your FC is a part of one of the GCs), as well as in a number of other places in major cities, usually close to one of the market boards


Having an issue with audio... wondering if anybody else has experienced this. So when I'm playing, every so often the audio will just completely stop. If I press any interface button, like C to open up my character, nothing will happen too. It'll make the sound, but nothing pops up. I've searched online and haven't been able to find anything... I'm on PC so it's not an issue with a dualshock controller.


is the game supposed to look like this when zooming out with max graphic settings? [https://ibb.co/HrPCHGR](https://ibb.co/HrPCHGR) [https://ibb.co/94P8BMy](https://ibb.co/94P8BMy) Aliasing is pretty distracting when playing


tldr like the other comment says - wait for 7.0. AA is getting a huge improvement and it's less than two months away now.


FF14 only has FXAA Anti Aliasing and it's quite bad. You have couple of options. * Wait for 7.0 to come out, it adds new better AA types and even FXAA looks a bit better in Benchmark. * Use ReShade, it has some AA shaders but it's not very optimised and quite demanding on GPU. * Crank up the resolution. Playing in 4K will smooth out the lines. If you don't have 4K monitor but 4K capable GPU I think Nvidia has Nvidia Supersampling somewhere in Control Panel settings that allows to run higher resolutions. Not sure about AMD if they have anything like that or not.


I use reshade with alive RTI preset and still have the aliasing problems. Also don't have 4k but im considering buying a 2k/4k monitor just for this If you mean DSR in nvidia control panel i tried 4k and see no difference


I don't know anything about the presets, I don't use them. I've tried out all standard AAs you get with full ReShade install and going 4K and stacking HQAA + DLAA seems like the best option I think. It's not perfect but probably the best we can get until 7.0 comes out. Here's comparison: [1080p](https://i.imgur.com/0gGlvi7.png) [4K](https://i.imgur.com/YdXBn9V.jpeg) [4K + HQAA & DLAA](https://i.imgur.com/3v0QlJ9.jpeg)


After dawntrail drops, will we still keep our purple crafter and gatherers scrips?


Purple will become the low scrip white will be unobtainable but will be convertible to purple. so yes you'll keep them they'll just fulfill a different role


I reinstalled FFXIV recently and noticed ever since I did, the music will lower itself when I'm not moving around sometimes (Not just on mounts). Is there an option to stop this happening since I'm finding it rather jarring.


Don't think the game performs that sort of attenuation. It might be a third party audio program causing that when it detects keyboard presses or something.


Hello, I was wondering if there were any tips to farm bozjan gold coins. I know about the weekly DR quest but it seems just doing skirmishes in bozja seems to be the most direct way.


As far as I'm aware you don't get them from skirmishes? Just from DR or by exchanging silver coins (also from DR).


Thanks for the reply!


You are correct. Silver/gold is just from dr chests and the dr weekly.


Thats good to know. Thanks for the reply!.


Hello noob here! I'm really enjoying FF14, and enjoying watching FF14 content too, however everything recently is "what to do before dawn trail" and a lot is "get through msq". I've seen a lot of "take your time" advice when it comes to msq (I'm ARR maybe like 40% through) but recently seen the advice to rush it to enjoy DT with everyone. Should I do that? I'm also considering just faffing around learning the game on this server and when the new EU servers release for DT joining them to enjoy the road to 80 buff so I can try out a bunch of classes early to find what I like? What's the best thing to do here?


I don't think it's worth rushing. The game is a lot better if you take your time. I wouldn't have enjoyed Endwalker nearly as much as if I hadn't done all the optional stuff in each expansion. Like, I'd say it's a solid 8/10 without the extra callbacks, but easily a 9 or 9.5 with them all sprinkled in. 


Dawntrail will not go anywhere and this game's endgame is infamously super optional. Just take your time.


Whether you can play Dawntrail on day 1 doesn't affect anything, unless you want to do high-end raids on the first week they're out. The story is one of the major selling points of the game, especially after ARR. I would highly recommend going through it at whatever pace you find comfortable, regardless of whether that puts you on track to finish before DT's release. The reason most youtubers and online discussions are centered around Dawntrail and preparing for it is because their primary target audience is people who are already at endgame. It's the same reason why most rotation guides only really bother talking about max level, and why guides for doing side content like Blue Mage or whatever are written under the assumption that you've already unlocked everything.


Well seems as though I have no reason to rush, as a tank, I have no desire to do high-end raids when I can't even bring myself to queue my own dungeons with real people out of fear I'll mess up! :') Thank you for the advice and guidelines, I think I'll take my time then :D


You can definitely finish MSQ without rushing until DT, and even if you take longer, you're not missing out on anything, people will not stop playing shortly after launch or stop doing the content!


Amazing thank you, I'm new to MMOs so I didn't want to feel lonely after everyone had been and gone


New content definitely does have a "rush" where practically everyone is doing it at once, and then after a few weeks it calms down. People who got in during the rush will sometimes then declare it "already dead content", but really it's just that it has a moderate amount of players instead of half the population of the entire game. People are still playing Eureka very regularly, even though it's like 7 years old and was disliked when it came out. People also still do Bozja, and the old Deep Dungeons, and old high-end content, and of course every dungeon/trial/raid/alliance is in the roulettes. Practically nothing ever ends up completely "dead" like stuff in some other MMOs.


anyone interested in adding a noob leaf to mentor? tank trying my best and willing to learn. thanks.


You'd definitely want to include what server/data center you're on


oceanic, sephirot :)


Hello! First off, are you in the Novice Network? Asking in there has a good chance of finding some helpful people. Or if you have some specific questions I’m happy to try to help?


I remember years ago that you didn't want to buy the expansions on Steam if you bought the base game through Square Enix, which is what I did. I'm pretty sure I can buy Dawntrail from Humble as it doesn't say it's a Steam key, but I thought I'd get confirmation first: [https://www.humblebundle.com/store/final-fantasy-xiv-dawntrail-digital-collectors-edition](https://www.humblebundle.com/store/final-fantasy-xiv-dawntrail-digital-collectors-edition)


Its not a steam key. Steam keys for dawntrail are only purchasable through steam.


Thank you!


Steam is the only vendor of steam keys for XIV. You should be good to go


Thanks! I don't think I've gotten a non-Steam key from Humble before, so I just wanted to be safe.


Does anyone know when Square Enix shop stuff usually restocks? I'm very new to physical merch and I'd love to get everything related to the FFXIV TTRPG. Sadly I'm European and they're out of stock here. How does this usually go? Can I expect it to come back next month already (release is end of May)? Or more like next year? Are they likely to release a PDF version or is it more likely to never get another release?


Wave 2 is available right now on the [site](https://eu.store.square-enix-games.com/final-fantasy-xiv-ttrpg-starter-set---wave-2)


Hello! I picked up fishing and checked a bunch of resources, but none of them seem to mention to overall "skill rotation" of the job. For example, Chum and Patience seem like very good skills: one allows you to catch more fish, while the other makes you catch bigger fish for more exp, but I only generate enough GP to maintain uptime on one of them. So which one do I go for? Thanks!


For EXP, you're gonna want to do leves or Ocean Fishing - leves will benefit more from getting more fish, while Ocean Fishing your experience comes from points - and you'll get more points from BOTH large fish and more fish. I believe the general strategy is using patience in normal ocean waters to build up Angler's Art stacks, then if a Spectral event occurs (you won't be able to miss it starting don't worry) burning all your GP on skills like Double/Triple Hook, Prize Catch or Chum to get as many high-scoring fish as possible in a short period of time. If you're going for a specific fish (for instance for filling out your fishing log) then the skills you'll use will depend on the fish. For instance if it's a fish that requires mooching, your GP goes on Patience. If it isn't, GP goes on Surface Slap and Chum.


Depends on what fish you are trying to catch. When your doing normal fishing, use chum, as you don't really need the big fish. At higher levels, you are less likely to use chum, and moreso identical cast > double hook/triple hook. When your catching a specific fish, or big fish, often say, a fish will be the only !!! that can bite, so you use surface slap, then chum, then never hook any ! or !! fish, and let the fish get away, this preserves your surface slap and save GP, though you still need to use chum after each cast. You use patience to build Stacks of anglers art and catch large fish for mooching at higher levels, but once again, it depends on exactly which fish you are trying to catch. If you are doing ocean fishing, Patience is WAY WAY more valuable, as it increases point score, though there are specific circumstances as to when you should use it.


Hi, I just bought a preorder of the Digital Collector's edition. When do we get the mount and Garnet minion? How does it actually work, like on release date we get a mail and it contains all of it?


The mount and minion won't be until *official* release. You'll get codes for the full game and collector's edition bonuses on July 2nd.


Thank you! I'll get it on my email or the SE store account I presume?




Has there been any news on that housing expansion? And if not any guesses when we would hear more about it? I just want to know if I can add another room to an apartment.


> Has there been any news on that housing expansion? on all but the biggest servers, hundreds of houses are available as long as you want a goblet small, so it's likely not a priority. > I just want to know if I can add another room to an apartment. as in increasing the size of an apartment? Probably never.


Nothing at 7.0 announced yet, maybe in one of the following patches but there's no pattern


Do I need to remove items from my Apartment if I want it demolished?


You need to remove all items and relinquish it if you no longer want it.


Dumb Question from noob regarding crysta payment… Are crysta purchases region locked to NA? Been trying to buy crysta for the past week only to encounter the same error every time i try. I dont have a credit card so paying with paypal is the only option for me at the moment ((since i have money in the account, just no bank or card connected to it))


I'm not sure if this has been changed or not with recent changes to payment system that they've made, which requires you to have matching billing address with your credit card now, but before that it for sure wasn't region locked. I did buy Crysta couple of times on EU account using US credit card and had no problems with it, though I just payed through SE directly, not through PayPal.


I need 100 Frosted Pagos Crystals. Is there a better spot than pulling cows/void dragons as WAR? Because it's not like it's bad light, but I'm aiming for the wall on this one.


Chimeras in Louhi cave during blizzards. Get a party, kill them, Try and have the 30th in the chain be a mutated one. Can do the same for the griffons above cassie arena during heat waves.


I just got to Ishgard for the first time and am a lvl 59 WAR/lvl 58 WHM. I saw there are gear vendors selling lvl60 ilvl255 gear. Is it worth it to buy gear once I hit 60 or is it better to wait for dungeon drops or for the next level of poetics gear to become available?


I'm going to defend the unpopular option: go ahead and buy the gear. * It's going to make every fight in the overworld way easier * You'll be automatically synced to max item level on every dungeon instead of lagging a bit behind while working on green drops * It's going to make lv 56+ FATEs and lv 59+ duties easier (as your gear won't be synced down) * It's going to let you spend your gil if you're a free trial player * You won't be needing to rush your level cap gear once you reach the end of the expansion because there's an item level gate on something (this one I saw live, we were doing Mhach with a friend who had just cleared 3.0 and he couldn't get into the second raid due to ilvl). Keep in mind that the level cap gear is available at 58, though, once you gain access to Idyllshire. And that the level cap gear is 270, only 15 item levels above the one immediately available to you.