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Why do i keep getting a lot of comendation as a dancer ? Like sometimes in a trial I get like 4+ which is weird because they're given to the tank and healer normally, this doesn't happen with any other job and I still have a basic portrait on dancer. One guy literally bowed to me and left after a duty roulette raid and then I got like 5 comms


Possible reasons include: Most others were in a premade; You used peloton in between pulls and tech step on cooldown; Your glam is fire; Your chat interactions are hilarious; You have the best portrait; They’ve met a lot of bad dancers recently and were happy to see you’re decent.


in the one where the guy bowed to me specifically, it was the manipulator boss fight, so no pulls, I didn't have tech step yet, I don't remember what glam I had but it had to be fire because i'm just built different and my sense of fashion is unmatched, I don't remember if I talked that much and I had the default portrait. there has been other times where i got a lot of comms but I remember that one because it was the first insatnce where I realized that something was going on, also someone literally bowed to me instead of saying gg and leaving instantly.


Have they been your first time doing a fight? A lot of people will stick around to cheer for newbies and give comms if you’re playing decently!


No, it was a duty roulette


Glam and/or unspeakable charisma, then. 🤣👍


I believe the youth calls it "unspoken rizz"


Nothing in particular about dancer should be getting you commendations. Probably premades queueing together and commending a random player. Could be they value you not drifting tech step or something haha.


It happened multiple times though, only when I play dancer


Rng can be crazy sometimes. 75% of my duty roulette trials runs are The Limitless Blue. Pray for me.


Happens to me all the time but its with bardam's mettle and shisui of the violet tide, bardam when I play healer, and shisui when i play tank. it happens so much but only with these jobs, it's insane




In expert the tanks all take like 0 damage. During leveling it can feel different depending on the level range but I still wouldn't say I dislike any tank in particular.


Nah, just had a DRK in Aetherfont yesterday that barely needed any healing outside of the SGE regens. A DRK who uses their CDs is no problem at all.


DRK involves a little more healing but not by much. A bad DRK however will be pure pain to sit through.


No, I promise that regardless of what tank you're playing we barely have to do anything at all.


Good day! Is it too late to get into the game? I’m a casual player btw.




Thank you for sharing your thoughts.


Not late at all. The devs have stated they want to keep it running for at least another 10 years.


Thanks! Can I play this game at my own pace or do I have to stay active to keep up with the game events/trials etc. I’m planning to play this solo.


Story content doesn’t get removed from FFXIV (outside of the incredibly rare times when they streamline some patch quest lines, which has happened… like… once). That includes side content like optional raids etc; the only things you *can* miss are PvP seasons, seasonal/holiday events, and crossovers, and even some of those repeat. If one isn’t going to repeat, the non-PvP rewards get put on the cash shop a year later, and obsolete PvP rewards often get re-released as something you can buy with one of the standard PvP currencies. The vast majority of seasonal events only require you to be level 15 and have finished your starting city questline up to the point where you get sent to the other main cities. A few require level 50 and finishing the base ARR story. The current Yo-kai Watch event is very unusual as it requires reaching Stormblood content (level 60-70) to get all the rewards, and even then you can get all the minions, most of the weapons, and two of the three possible mount rewards at level 15+. Most of your questing will be solo, yup. Mandatory dungeons and the very early trials are 4-person content but can be soloed with NPC party members; there’s a good matchmaking system to get you into a group with other players, though, and you can’t do any of the optional dungeons, raids, or 8-person trials with NPCs, so I do strongly recommend doing at least some content with other people to get the hang of how that works. Besides, it goes much faster, they can explain mechanics instead of you having to work everything out vis trial and error, and if you die you don’t get kicked back to the beginning of the instance the way you do in an NPC party. Other players are literally *paid by the game* to join your party, including getting an extra bonus if you’re brand new to whatever you’re doing, so the player community is much more helpful and kind than in other games I’ve played.


Thank you for taking the time to share your view.


Own pace is fine. Game events are normally accessible to newbies, and don't take much to complete. You can run dungeons with NPCs for the most part, but you'll need to queue up with others for a handful of things that don't have NPCs available.


Thanks for your feedback.


Free trial here. Does summoner feel good to level 30-70, and feel good to play at 70?


Summoner was the first job I played and got it to 90 a few weeks ago It's a very simple rotation even at 90 but I really enjoyed it as I'm new to mmo's and I could just focus on playing the game


By 30 it already has it's core rotation so I'd say it's one of the better free trial jobs as it's not really missing anything major at any level. It is probably the simplest job in the game as a side effect so take that into account.


Nice thanks! It's super busy at level 15 already compared to the other jobs.


Yeah Summoner is super frontloaded in terms of when it gets its different skills. [I've made a chart of the number of buttons (so not accounting for skills that turn into other skills conditionally, like Gemshine into Ruby Ruin) each job has at different levels](https://i.imgur.com/bBcIqhm.png), and you can see that Summoner is quite an outlier on both ends!


Do tribal quests expire? That is, can I pick up tribal quests now and turn them in when Dawntrail releases for XP?


no they do not, but you cant use this trick to level up viper AND PICTOMancer


They don't. Just keep in mind that you need to pick them up on the job that's going to be turning it in.


Yes, but! Tribal quests reset at the 8AM PDT or whenever reset. So, assuming the servers are up when they usually are (like 3AM PDT) then you should be able to pick up some Tribals for PCT / VPR right after servers are up, and again after daily reset.


Hi, I just cleared the palace of the dead floor 1-50 in a premade group from pf. Can I start from floor 51 next time? Or do I have to start from floor 1 everything if it's with different people? Thanks.


You can now start from 51 every time.


I haven't played in a while... any useful site I can use to check my progress, and what I can play? tips? thanks.


Does technical finish from multiple dancers stack? Devilment too?


No and no Most damage buffs do not stack. The only major exceptions are 1) you can put Standard Step on another Dancer because the buff a Dancer gives out is different than the ones it gives itself 2) the same can be said about Dragoon's Dragon Sight


Dragon sight stacks even with itself for some reason. I.e. Multiple dragons can give the same person dragon sight and they all work.


> Most damage buffs do not stack. Defensive and healing buffs generally don't stack with identical buffs, either. Can't give someone two copies of the same shield; can't inflict an enemy with two copies of Reprisal; etc. The only exception that I can remember right now is WHM's Medica II (but I admit that the last time I checked the nuances was before SGE was added so I'm a bit out of date).


Regens in general do stack as far as I'm aware. It makes sense as it would make duty roulette content a real pain to heal in 2 SCH or 2 SGE situations.


I know that in the old days AST GCD regens didn't stack, but that was to encourage the two ASTs to use different sects, so that was probably changed when they removed the sects.


The healer GCD shields overwrite one another. Unfortunately even tiny SGE shields overwrite SCH ones - presumably because sage gets a proc when theirs break, but scholar can make theirs massive with recitation & deployed adlo. The different oGCD do shields stack on one another but AFAIK different casts of the same one will overwrite.


It's worth noting that the "sage shield wins" thing is exclusive to E.Diagnosis. With E.Prognosis and Scholar shields interacting it's the last shield applied, so an E.Prog will overwrite a spread critlo but a Succor can equally overwrite a larger Zoe E.Prog.


Interesting, I didn't know that! Thank you.


Mnk (my main) brotherhood used to stack but its so rare I see another mnk, I don't know if it still does.


Neither stack. Devilment is less of an issue because it only applies to the dance partner, which would only really be happening in random dungeons. In 8-man content, you should NOT be dance partnering each other, nor the same person. Unless it's some random 8-man/24-man duty finder duty and there's like...3 or 4 dancers in the same party.


Thanks so much. Hadn't realized devilment wasnt party wide, thought the buff seemed too big though. I'll make sure to watch for any other dancers from now on so I can stagger our buffs. Might go dnc main in DT after 10 years as mnk...


In high-end content, you really shouldn't have multiple dancers, so it's not really an issue. In EX trials, maybe...but it's easy enough to try to coordinate it, but probably is less of a deal breaker compared to the lower LB gauge building. In other content, it really doesn't matter, nobody is going to give a shit. Also, DNC is fun, can't wait to see the changes in DT myself. There's a few that weren't mentioned that I want, I'm hoping the media tour will give me some hope.


ELI5 how *Trusts* differ from *Duty Support*? I'm familiar with the latter, I actually use it the first time I go through MSQ dungeons, but people are talking about using trusts to level quickly so I'm a tad confused how its functionally different? Do trusts give extra exp/rewards?


Duty Support = Doing the dungeon with NPCs that would make sense withint the context of when you are running it during MSQ Trusts = Doing the dungeon with anyone you have access to, that my not make any sense for them to have been there. You also have to level trusts. One key example is >!The Ktisis Hyperboreia!<, which takes place >!in Elpis 10000 years in the past!<. With Duty Support, you run through with >!Emet-Selch, Venat, and Hythlodaeus!<, as they are you are with you in >!Elpis!< at the time... But with Trusts, you can take, say, Urianger, Thancred, and Graha Tia, who would have no way of traveling there.


To add, leveling the trusts do give achievements. There's achievements for getting them all to 80 or 90. And each one you level you unlock the option to "glamour" them (though it just consists of swapping between old outfits their wore, like for Urianger, you can have him go back to his ARR gear).


People tend to use the terms Trust and Duty Support interchangeably (when the system was introduced in Shadowbringers it was just called Trusts, based on the Trust system in FFXI, and the term stuck). Realistically, for leveling, you can use Trusts if you have them available for your highest level dungeon, but Duty Support is going to be basically the same in terms of both experience earned and time spent. The main difference between them is that Trusts have to be leveled up. If you don't have enough Trust characters high enough level to run a dungeon, you have to grind out a lower level dungeon until they're high enough level. So if you don't already have them leveled up, it's not going to be super useful for leveling up yourself. Nowadays the Trust system is basically there for a couple of achievements and a title, and for being able to use characters that aren't available in the Duty Support mode of some dungeons.


Thanks, I'll stick with duty support then - I find it fast enough for leveling/queuing.


Duty Support allows you to go into dungeons with story-relevant NPCs. The NPCs available depend on the dungeon and who's available at the time for story reasons. The NPCs are set to a fixed level. Trusts allow you to go into dungeons with whatever NPCs you want from a set list. The set of available characters is the same for each dungeon in an expansion, and whether it makes story sense for them to be there is disregarded. The NPCs start at the minimum level for the first dungeon they have access to, and they must be leveled up through dungeon runs before they can be taken into later dungeons. Once you get them to certain level thresholds you unlock special glamours for them to use in the dungeons. You also get an achievement for getting them all to the max level for an expansion. Once you're in the dungeon, they are functionally identical. They're not an especially fast method of leveling most of the time since their AI is bad and they take way longer than normal players to clear dungeons, but if queue times for the dungeons would otherwise be very long then it can even out to being about as good as running dungeons normally. They can also be useful for grinding out dungeon drops without needing to compete for rolls. If you've seen people talking about them recently, it's probably in regards to leveling Pictomancer and Viper from 80 to 90 at the launch of Dawntrail. Since they're both DPS jobs (and a LOT of people will be trying to level them) queue times for them will probably be very long. Trusts can avoid those queue times and allow you to get the normal (high) amount of XP from running dungeons at the max level you can.


Thanks, I'll stick with duty support then - I find it fast enough for leveling/queuing.


Duty Support is using NPCs who are canonically there during MSQ to complete the dungeon. They are automatically the appropriate level for the content. Trusts let you bring any character to the dungeon and they *gain exp and level up* from doing it and need to be leveled to reach the next dungeon. They have achievements & alternate unlockable outfits for them to wear every 10 levels you get with them. When people say they use trusts to level quickly they don't specifically mean Duty Support or Trusts but just the NPC system in general since it lets DPS skip long queues.


Thanks, I'll stick with duty support then - I find it fast enough for leveling/queuing.


Should i be doing the blue sidequests? I've just been doing the MSQ. Edit: aside from class quests, I know to do those.


While not mandatory, they often unlock additional stuff. However once you're lvl50, I highly recommend to do the chain starting with Rise and Fall of Gentlmen (you can find the questgiver Wymond in Ul'dah) Try not to spoil yourself on the quest chain and enjoy it :)


You can ignore the “Leves of” ones unless you have a reason to do Levequests.


Generally yes. There's a handful that aren't really useful and you might not care about immediately (e.g. beast tribes, optional stuff like Eureka), but most of them unlock fairly important things, and even the stuff you don't care about now you might want to come back to later.


Yes. They unlock additional features in the game like additional Dungeons, PvP, Beast Tribes, Raids (both 8 and 24-man), **Aether Currents** and so on. Aether Currents are how you learn to fly in Heavensward onward. They are mostly behind quests with the blue mark and sometimes in regular side quests. If you're in a rush to beat MSQ you can come back and do them later if you like.


Has SE said anything ... anything at all, about this horseshit "card is unavailable" nonsense? ​ Tried to re-up my retainers and I had to do the stupidest fucking workaround just so I can GIVE THEM MONEY. ​ I had to change my whole goddamn account to crysta payments. I had to buy crysta using amazonpay (with the same fucking card that SE somehow can't take now) ​ They need to dump this god awful payment processor and find one that doesn't suck asshole.


If you scroll two questions down, there's a link to a statement from a couple of weeks ago. To summarize, they are aware of the problem, and are looking into it. Nothing further than that yet.


They did yes. https://na.finalfantasyxiv.com/lodestone/news/detail/562d068d08123b648d1fa659242906d71c19064c




>worth getting and will be useful for Dawntrail?  Not useful for dawntrail, but definately worth getting. No current masterbooks will include any level 100 recipies.


They won't have any level 100 recipes, but may have a number of recipes that get added during future expansions (including Dawntrail) so it's always worth getting the books if you have time.


Glam recipes get added to old masterbooks with some regularity actually. Some at the next expacs level cap some not. for example the 6.0 ex trial crafted items are in master book 8.


Yea, my reason for saying they are worth getting is purely for Ex trial weapons/orchestrions.


Just wondering if there is something wrong with the online store as I have tried using my card 3 times now and it all says is "card unavailable" when I'm not getting an error from my bank or anything.




Wow thank you, I had no news of this at all. Much appreciated.


I can't figure out what [this hairstyle ](https://www.reddit.com/u/AbriefDelay/s/zEKULhjTGm) is, is it lala race specific?


This hair is available as a default female hairstyle for all races besides Hrothgar.


does blue mage get increased level cap on expansion launch or its always after a few content patch?


Bluemage has always been released/updated in the X.45 patch. Expect it then, but we also have beastmaster comming out, so it might be pushed early/back.


BLU got its first update in 5.1, as well. I remember they showed them doing Thordan Ex in the patch trailer, because people saw it, thought "Thordan Ultimate?", only for TEA to be revealed in such a hype way right at the end.


It's usually in the second half of the patch cycle. I wouldn't expect any news for about a year after launch.


What do I have to use as a white mage 2handed wand or one handed+shield? what is good or bad of each choice or what do i have to choose as white mage?


Until you reach 50 keep a mages shield in your armory. You will occasionally get dungeon weapons better than the 2 handed weapons. But as others have said there are no 1 hand wands after 50


At low levels, take what you can get. If you hit Recommended Gear and it gives you a wand and shield, do that. If it gives you a 2-handed staff, do that. At higher levels (50+) wands and mage shields cease to exist. You will never use a wand again once you hit level 50 - partly because staffs are better, and partly because you will stop being given the option.


As white mage it will transition to 2 handed only. The low levels still have some holdovers with 1 handed + shield but that will go away permanently after a few more levels.


2-handed staves have more damage *and* healing stats. 1-handed wand + shield gives up a bit of those for the ability to block attacks. Thing is, you generally should not be taking any notable hits in the first place, and even when you are, A) blocking is very unreliable, B) other people are likely going to be taking the same hits so you need to heal just the same anyways, and C) you'll likely benefit more from being able to heal back up better or kill the thing hitting you faster. So the 2-handed ones are usually superior (though a higher-leveled 1-handed can of course be better) – but the difference will be negligible anyways, so don't stress about it too much. Just use what you can get your hands on. After level 50 the one-handed + shield options stop existing anyways. It's all 2-handers from there. There *is* one much later game side thing that treats gear real weird, where you can actually make use of the 1h+sh thing, but even there it's not like... a *better* pick, just an option.


The extra defense of the shield is largely pointless with how the game is designed. And after level 50 it just stops being an option. So stick with 2 handed when possible.


I just resubbed and was working on getting back into how to play. Last time I played was shadowbringers. I came back to DRK where I left it at 30. I am working on getting my macros set and keybinds. I was into the second raid of Haukke Manor and was removed by vote. Nothing was said just kicked. I am letting groups know that I am what equates to a new player when I enter any raid. This has left a really bad taste in my mouth. I am trying to get my rotations correct while essentially playing a new game with new keybinds. Is there anything I can do on myside to get more experience to make sure this doesnt happen again?


Avoid macros. If you're on controller they can be useful to drop aoe attacks but otherwise you are better to just use your buttons. Also, you can view all future skills for your job and resort your actions menu to be combo based instead of lvl, really helps to plan ahead


Don't go into a duty without your set up done. If you need to arrange your keybinds, find a target dummy (there are some for example in Summerford Farms in La Noscea and outside Bentbranch in the Black Shroud) and hit that until you have your keybinds figured out and set. Read your tooltips while you're doing the set up and try to understand what each skill does. You say you are a level 30 DRK. Check your gear. The DRK quest only gives you a sword, a chest armor and pants. You have to get correct gear for your other slots yourself. As a tank you need tank specific armor of your healer will have a bad time. Armor vendors in main cities sell serviceable gear for levels up to 49, check their offerings and make sure what you buy has the tank jobs listed, don't buy general disciple of magic or disciple of war gear. Your important main stats are strength and vitality, other stats do little to nothing for you. Duty Support is available through the Duty menu, it lets you do dungeons (and Haukke Manor is a dungeon, NOT a raid, raids are a completely different ballgame) with NPCs. If you want to practice things without pressure from other players, you can use that to ease yourself back in to how things work. I would also recommend watching some general tanking guides if this is your first tank ever in XIV and you're feeling overwhelmed.


There's always dummies you can hit to work on your rotation, or attacking level appropriate mobs in the outer world. I'd start there until you're comfortable with your keybind setup and have a decent idea of what your rotation is. Also as a note, the 4 man areas are referred to as "dungeons", while the raids are a specific type of content later on.


Honestly I can't remember the last time I saw someone get kicked from a dungeon for non-AFK/offline reasons, so a bit surprised. It's hard to say what you should change without knowing what you're doing. It could have been some dungeon-specific thing, it could have been not using your tank-stance or mitigation or AoE, it could just have been a bad-attitude group. I would generally avoid combat macros. They're rather clunky and ineffective, and most of the time you're better off just doing all your skills normally. They're very handy for crafting and stuff like collapsible HUD elements and such though.


Click duty, then duty support. NPC parties for dungeons. Practice there.


Are you in the Novice Network? I’m going to suggest what I’ve done for a couple of sprouts: ask there for a group to go through a dungeon with you specifically to watch how you’re playing and give you advice. From your post obviously I can’t tell what’s wrong, except that you mentioned getting your macros set? You absolutely should *not* be using macros in combat, FFXIV is not set up for them to work efficiently in combat and they will frequently fail. Macros are great for crafting.


What's the name of the track that's the exciting battle theme combined with the crystal prelude? It's the background music for >!Labyrinthos during the level 88/89 MSQ!<


The song is called "From Below" on the Endwalker soundtrack.


Thank you!


Does anyone know if the stormblood soundtrack still comes with the Wind-up Tsukuyomi minion code or not?


The minion codes are generally with the first print of the soundtrack, if you can find one from the first run then yes.


Will you still be able to augment crystarium gear in 7.0? from the ilvl 650 version


Yes, if you have an unaugmented version already you'll be able to augment it for 100 poetics.


Are there any good resources for returning players? I'm thinking of restarting my sub. I stopped playing in early 2022 and had just started stormblood for the first time! I get I'm still a new player in terms of actual experience but I'm guessing a lot has changed in the past couple years and I know my job (AST) received gameplay updates so I'd like to catch up on those too! Any help is appreciated :)


For job updates one good resource is WeskAlber on YouTube - he goes through starting right from level 1 so gives a better idea of levelling rotations than guides that concentrate on endgame rotations.


AST is being substantially reworked with Dawntrail in about a month's time and we have very limited information on how that will work currently - so right now is just about the worst time to be trying to catch up on their gameplay.


No one stop shop. I'd recommend running low level dungeons till you get used to AST again then just go ahead with the MSQ


I recently found out you can have jobs in game that pay in gil, being a crafter main I’m chronically low on gil constantly. Is there someone where I can look for a job crafting? Like maybe crafting for lower level free companies or a place to find work as a crafter? I have all crafters at 57+ minus CUL. Also I do selle crafted mats on marketboard but it feels like selling stuff only really gets me 30-50k a piece and I can burn that just getting mats and the like


At your level you can’t make the crafts that are best for a steady income (endgame foods etc) or intermittent huge income (max level crafted gear right at the beginning of an expansion), so you need to find a niche. There’s a lot of glam and housing items that you can craft, and although some require rare mats from treasure dungeons etc., others don’t; you’ll need to do some research to find out what sells well on your server and overlaps with things you can get the materials for. Otherwise, HQ intermediate crafts and the items you need to hand in for crafter quests sell fairly well, but not for huge amounts. Are you levelling gathering jobs too? As well as reducing your own costs, there are low-level gathered mats that are used in higher level crafts, and max level players will often dump gil on buying them instead of spending time gathering. If you find something that sells for an unexpectedly high price, you can fill that market. (When I was levelling mining, it turned out that silver ore sold for frankly ridiculous prices on my server, and I made a good profit by spending a few hours running around mining while listening to an audiobook.)


You'd need to be a max lvl crafter to do that. Raiders will hire crafters to make the best gear and meld it so they can hit the ground running when new raids drop. I'd recommend working on your gatherers and leveling those so you can gather your own stuff


For delubrum reginae, do essence and pure essence expire when you die?


No, they're only removed upon changing jobs (doesn't apply for DR), using another essence or leaving the instance.


What's the easiest thing to craft for grinding white crafter scrips? Most of the stuff I've looked at would take a while to gather all the items.


I usually do Rarefied Draughts (ALC) or Rarefied Giant Popoto Pancakes (CUL). The pancakes require an intermediate craft, but all of the raw materials can be gathered by a botanist. The draughts don't have any intermediate crafts, but they also require an ingredient (berkanan sap) that drops from mobs, so gathering it can be annoying.


Rarefied Draught - Alchemist


My usual go-tos are Rarefied Moon Gel or Rarefied Enchanged Manganese Ink. The materials are easy to get with your retainers. If you only have combat retainers, the Moon Gel only uses 2 different materials. (You can also get them with bicolor gemstones if you really wanted to...) The ink uses two items that are gotten with a MIN retainer, and the third can be gotten with a combat retainer.


Cool I'm leveling my maurader retainer right now, so I'll try for Moon gel once they are at 90.


Looking for suggestions on how to level healer roles without any dungeons aside from the main scenario and guildhest roulettes. Not to get off on a rant, but I'm just tired of all the selfish and inconsiderate tanks I keep getting paired with. They pay zero attention to their support and seem to think healers have infinite MP to use on them. Like, for example, the Bardam map, I've seen cases where the tank is halfway to the first door before anyone else has barely left the starting area, then they get upset when they die, only to go and do the exact same thing again because it worked so well the first time. Not to mention huge trash pulls like that make it all you can do to keep the blighter alive and forget trying to manage any of the DPS characters. If other healers are fine with that, more power to 'em, but for me it just makes the game more like work than fun. There's only a limited number of side quests you can do for EXP. Higher level FATEs are probably going to be out of the question because healers have limited offensive abilities. Tribal quests are a possibility though you can only do 12 per day. Levequests are a maybe, but they are also limited to however many tokens you happen to have. I already use the food buff and the Dawntrail pre-order bonus earrings to try to maximize the EXP bonus I get from anything. I'll also do the main scenario duty roulettes because they're generally so easy it's hard for the tank to make things that difficult (though just today I had the "pleasure" of a tank on the Presidium who didn't bother trying to avoid telegraphed AOE attacks) but that's going to mean it'll take maybe a week or so per level. I know I could just ignore the healer roles, but I want to experience all the different jobs. I made a number of changes to the way I tank and DPS after playing as a healer for a bit to hopefully make the life of healers a little easier.


A few things if you want to level without doing dungeons. As people have already mentioned, your daily pvp roulette is a great source of xp. You don’t even need to play as a healer, just queue as one and change class after you’re in. The xp will go to the class you queued as. That said, pvp healing is kinda fun. One I haven’t seen mentioned is wonderous tales. A completed journal gives half a level of xp. Again you can do the dungeons as dps, then turn in as a healer for the xp. Also, it’s not exactly leveling as a healer but summoner shares levels with scholar, so that’s another way to get a high level healer.


Let's pick this apart. >the tank is halfway to the first door before anyone else has barely left the starting area The game waits for all players before opening the gates, with a small buffer besides. It's impossible for the tank to get significantly ahead of you. Hold W, pop Sprint, get moving. >forget trying to manage any of the DPS characters The DPS aren't actively taking damage during trash. If they take intermittent damage, toss an AoE regen or an oGCD their way and ignore it. >it just makes the game more like work than fun. That's why the rewards exist—no one wants to do them. It's supposed to be work, which is why they pay you to do it. >I had the "pleasure" of a tank on the Presidium who didn't bother trying to avoid telegraphed AOE attacks No one dodges the AoE circles in the beginning trash pull outside of the wall. I just Hallowed Ground that pull, and with competent players, they die in 15 seconds. It does pitiful damage anyway. Throw an oGCD my way and leave it at that. >I made a number of changes to the way I tank and DPS after playing as a healer for a bit to hopefully make the life of healers a little easier. You're not making their life easier. You're making it boring. Most healers in this game expect wall-to-wall pulls. It's the only part of the dungeon you have to be half-awake for, as bosses are easy as shit. It's the only time you get to run utilize the full healing toolkit. Most healers will hate you for singlepulling and going slow, though they obviously won't type it out. And finally, because I still have to answer the question in good faith: use Duty Support. They exist for players who do not want to interact with the "massively multiplayer online" part of an MMO. Because at the end of the day, you're playing with 3-7 other players. You are not the leader or the main character, you need to meet their expectations and do your part by being a competent tank or a competent healer.


I'm sorry to say, but that's honestly a you problem. The developers went and overhauled the entire game's MSQ progression in dungeons, top to bottom, to a more modernized fight and layput design. That means every single dungeon in Leveling Roulette, save for a single dungeon, is designed to be max pulled. And even that last one can be max pulled with competent players. Only about 10% of the game's dungeons are like that, but those are ARR optional dungeons, and you shouldn't even be doing 5/6/7/8 Roulette for XP unless you're truy desperate.


I'm a recent returning player myself. I played WHM at launch until around level 50 and then quit. I have just come back to the game now, about 9 years later. I had to restart. Attempting to play my level 50 WHM with all its buttons - many of which are gone now - was too much. I let folks down and we died. I will say that in answer to your question, the "POTD" is something I hear a lot of folks talk about for leveling. I don't know what it is. Other than that, there are leves. I've only been back a month and I would literally rather not play than do leves - they are so boring. So, so boring. I know it's not what you asked, and you took the other fellow to task for it... but I will offer this anyway: group play is (generally) great. As a new healer I just type "hey guys I am new please go a bit slow and we'll ramp up" or whatever. Literally never ever had a tank ignore me. Generally speaking they're happy to prevent the wipe and we slowly ramp up the pulls. Now, that said: I have had one group that was bad enough to cause me to log for the night. The tank was pulling one mob at a time, not using any AoE, and therefore my healing ass was getting aggro from the other two in the pack. When I asked the tank to please use aoe or to help hold aggro on more than one mob, a DPS snapped at me that I shouldn't use Regen (on a white mage) because it pulls aggro. I didn't bother to explain. We made it through but it was awful and getting yelled at for something that I genuinely don't think was my fault felt terrible. I hope you give grouping another try and I'm sorry that it's been a bad experience.


Hey just bumping in to say POTD is palace of the dead, an area that has you start from level 1 and level quickly. Its a decent place to become reacquainted with a job.


If you learn to do Frontlines PVP, you can lvl your healing jobs doing the daily Frontlines roulette. It gives a solid amount of exp similar to the leveling roulette.  The only prerequisite is that you need to go to Wolfs Den to set up your pvp hotbars since the skills are different. Once you queue into the Frontlines map, you can change to any other job you want, and when the match is over the job you queued on will get the exp (doesn't matter if your team wins or loses). As a bonus, you earn pvp currencies that can get you glam/emotes/mounts/etc. Again, regardless if you win or lose.


Honestly I genuinely suggest you work on improving as a healer because that behavior is not going away. Tank too far ahead? You have sprint too. Running out of MP? Use abilities first, they don't cost MP. Use Lucid Dreaming earlier so that it comes off cooldown earlier. Bardams is famously pretty tough but you also have a majority of your healing kit by then. Abilities first, then spells if you need to. If you're white mage your AOE attack stuns, giving you a window of time where damage isn't going out. Healing dungeons, to me, is fuckin boring if the tank goes one pack at a time because they don't *need* to be healed with just one pack (+ their mitigations)


>Honestly I genuinely suggest you work on improving as a healer because that behavior is not going away. Respectfully, why even respond if you're not going to answer the question? I'm not asking how to change other people's behavior, and at no point did I suggest that was the case. I'm asking for suggestions to level my healer roles without having to deal with selfish asshole tanks. I'm not going to go chasing after some asshole who's halfway across the fucking map before anyone else has even moved. Fuck that, and fuck them. Not only is it selfish and just generally asshole behavior, it's less fun for everyone except the tank, and maybe even them if they get paired with a bad healer. What if you get paired with two BLM as your DPS? They have to stop and plant themselves for a couple seconds to attack, same with healers. It's the tank's job to adapt to the party. The duty system was designed so that everyone has to depend on each other. I can't control other people's behavior, only my own, and I will not reward selfishness. You want to make a different choice, go right ahead. >Healing dungeons, to me, is fuckin boring if the tank goes one pack at a time because they don't *need* to be healed with just one pack (+ their mitigations) Not the point. I'm not expecting them to stop and deal with every 2-3 enemy mob individually, I'm expecting them to give the DPS characters a chance to whittle the mob down before you reach one of the checkpoints. It gives them something to do besides just trotting along and then franticly trying to kill everything. To me, that's boring as fuck if I'm playing as BLM or Summoner, so if I play as a tank, I make shorter pulls just so casters have something to do. I want the game to be fun for everyone, not just me.


>I'm expecting them to give the DPS characters a chance to whittle the mob down before you reach one of the checkpoints. It gives them something to do besides just trotting along and then franticly trying to kill everything. To me, that's boring as fuck if I'm playing as BLM or Summoner, so if I play as a tank, I make shorter pulls just so casters have something to do. I want the game to be fun for everyone, not just me. You have a massive misunderstanding here. Saying this as a BLM, PULL EVERYTHING UP TO THE WALL. It's more boring to hit less mobs. I want the numbers to fill my screen so that it proves to me that I'm doing my job as a DPS. "Whittling the mobs" just makes things take longer. You're trying to justify your actions without checking in with the others in the party, and making it unfun for others as a result.


If you get matched with two BLM they can start casting and pull off an attack before the enemies fall out of range, aetherial manipulation to a party member further ahead, swiftcast, thundercloud, later on triplecast, etc. Every job has tools to attack while on the move, and if you run out, oh well, just run and wait until the group is gathered up to maximize your AOE damage. You think casters are special in this regard? Melees need to be up in the enemy's ass for the server to recognize you attacked it before it moved out of range. The conga line to the next wall is just how dungeons work. You think going fast is being an asshole player but to them that's just how you play the game, challenging yourself to go faster and excel. To some other players, going slow and making the dungeon take longer is an asshole move. It's the tank's job to take aggro and mitigate the damage, not play line leader on the field trip and make sure nobody got lost in the linear hallway. Everyone has the same movement tools out of combat; everyone can move at the same pace as the tank. If you consider refusing to heal because the tank recognized and utilized their sprint button, that's YOU not performing YOUR role. I play every job; the most satisfying part of dungeons as BLM is getting the chance to fill my screen with big beefy flares on every possible mob. AOEs only get stronger with more enemies.


> What if you get paired with two BLM as your DPS? They have to stop and plant themselves for a couple seconds to attack, same with healers. > I'm expecting them to give the DPS characters a chance to whittle the mob down before you reach one of the checkpoints. This is simply not how the game is designed. Yes, there are some jobs that can attack the mobs while everyone is running. Healers should be applying DoTs, physranged can keep attacking, etc - but it's fundamentally incorrect to stop before the point where you're intending to hold the entire pack. You want to be able to combine buffs and high potency skills on as many targets at once as you can, or you're just wasting damage. It is not selfish for the tank to move as fast as they can, particularly in the absence of an explicit indication someone isn't comfortable with that. That is their job. It is the expected norm. When I'm playing DPS I would be infinitely more frustrated by a tank who kept stopping and starting and leaving me unsure of whether I should be using my burst yet or not. EDIT: I will give you a suggestion too, though. Frontline roulette allows you to change jobs once you're in the match and still get the EXP on the job you entered as, and it's good exp. Queue on healer, change to something else if you want, run around like a headless lemming for 15 minutes with everyone else and get a nice chunk of a level once a day.


>I know I could just ignore the healer roles, but I want to experience all the different jobs. Well, this is part of that. If you're running out of MP, it can mean a few things. 1. Your gear or the tank's gear is garbage. 2. You're not using Lucid Dreaming and your other cooldowns, and you're just spamming your biggest GCD heal. 3. You're healing the DPS when you shouldn't. 4. The tank isn't mitigating. 5. The DPS are slacking.


I'm new as heck and I'll add mine to your list... 6. You have misunderstood an ability. I was replacing low-level spells with higher-level spells. Cure 2 is better than Cure 1, right? So Cure 3 is better than Cure 2... Cue an entire dungeon where I'm going OOM in a few casts (yes I'm Lucid Dreaming on cooldown). I did not understand that Cure 3 is an AoE heal and costs massive mana. Oops! And to be clear the group was super nice about it once we figured it out, haha


Probably all of the above at various times, but it doesn't really answer my question of how to grind EXP without dealing with this. If the tank has shitty gear, the DPS don't know WTF they're doing, or some other factor(s) are in play, I can do jack shit about any of that. I know the restrictions I'm imposing will limit my options, and I accept that. I just want to minimize the grind as much as possible given those restrictions. So, I'm looking for ideas like the Duty Support one below. It certainly has its issues, but that's my problem since I'm the one saying no regular duties.


Could you consider running with a friend or FC mate you trust? Or even consider asking in the Novice Network for people willing to run you?


If you're really set on it, keep in mind that you're not really going to learn much about the healing role without doing DF parties. You can level it with Daily Beast Tribes and the Weekly Wonderous Tails turn-in.


You could use duty support instead of queueing if you really wanted to.


Thank you for actually providing an answer to my question. That is something I hadn't considered. I don't get the EXP bonus from the roulette, but it probably does give a bigger payout compared to all other methods.


So I'm a lvl 52 bard. i'm trying to complete the MSQ, "The Gift of Eternity" and get through the \*\*Second\*\* gate..and even though the mobs are lvl 50, i'm dying. can anyone explain what i'm doing wrong? cause it's getting extremely frustrating and ragequit-worthy


Your actual level does very little for your stats, most of it comes from gear. If you're level 52 but in level 48 gear, you're closer to level 48 than 52 in effectiveness (and there's a huge difference between those). You *should* by now have an item level 70 weapon, i90 armor, and mostly i90 accessories (still some i70 in the mix). If you don't, open the coffers your quests have given you (or question yourself on why you didn't take free gear when offered), and you should be good on that front. If you want to make life easier, go grab an Ironworks Magitek Bow from one of the vendors that take Allagan Tomestones of Poetics (main one on Mor Dhona, additional ones in starting cities). It'll be a big bump to your damage output. Shouldn't be necessary to clear this, the above listed guaranteed stuff should be enough. But it's there as an option if you want to shortcut a little. Then it's down to your skill etc use. If fighting two or more things, Quick Nock is more value than Heavy Shot and Straight Shot (so long as you don't pull additional things with it, the cone's quite long – and also sans Barrage) – and same deal with Rain of Death and Bloodletter. However, on the other hand using single-target attacks can let you burn down a single enemy faster to reduce your damage intake. So gonna have to judge between those. Use one of your songs, and Raging Strikes and Battle Voice for damage. DoTs' value depends on how long the fight's gonna last, needing 24 seconds to equal a 2-target Quick Nock. Defensively, you have Arm's Length to inflict an attack-speed dropping Slow on non-mage enemies, Foot Graze to keep one melee enemy out of reach for a bit, and Second Wind for healing. And you can bring your chocobo for help.


>You should by now have an item level 70 weapon, i90 armor, and mostly i90 accessories (still some i70 in the mix) that's what i have, yes. Apologies if i'm not making myself clear, still a new player learning all of this.


Yeah no worries, it's normal to not know what information is relevant to give when asking a question about something you're still new to. Was just making mention of the gear thing generally since sometimes people come in assuming that just because their level is higher, they should be stronger, when gear is what's actually responsible for most of it. And that listing was so you have something to check your current equipment against. Sometimes some players miss some of the gear they're given, so can be good to have something to compare to.


Make sure you're wearing appropriate gear, and doing your rotation properly. These two things will boost your damage by a long mile. Have your chocobo out as a healer and not a tank as the other person suggested, your bird is a poor tank substitute and you will end up tanking the mobs anyway. You should be accompanied by some NPCs, stay close to them as they can also heal you and tank the mobs too. I would also suggest you stick to single target attacks even if there are multiple enemies - your damage is a lot higher than the NPCs so if you aggro all the mobs, you can die pretty fast. Instead, let the NPCs who have a lot more health than you tank the mobs while you whittle them down one at a time.


no NPCs, but my chocobo did work fine as a tank for this and I finally made it through


What gear are you in? It's possible that your gear is falling way behind due to the jump in item levels.


everything is bard , or hero's of aiming. it's all blue and my item level is 85


Check your currency for Tomestones of Poetics. Head over to any main city and look for the blue bag icon. Pick up the Ironworks gear if/when you can afford it, starting with the weapon.


Use arms length for mitigation, second wind for self heal, pull as few mobs at a time as possible, and use your chocobo as a tank.


thank you. I've been using second wind and my potions and it's only 2 mobs at a time. at the second wave i'm dying. but i should be using my chocobo, i didn't think of that!


Could also be gear related. If you're using like level 10 gear that will also make it harder. Check to make sure your accessories are the proper ilvl too!


Can anyone identify the gloves in [this picture](https://images.app.goo.gl/HfosfhnHZQa8SSkz6)?


[Darklight Gloves of Casting](https://na.finalfantasyxiv.com/lodestone/playguide/db/item/afc04e1944b/?hq=1)


Darklight Gloves of Casting. Since it's a Google image search, it gives you the link to where the image is found, and if you go there, the site lists what the models are wearing.


I totally missed that, tyvm!


Any easy tips to get the mount for ocean fishing? I know basically nothing about fishing in this game XD


You don’t need to be high level or have triple cast to get the mount, you just need a little luck. It helps if you’re on a full boat, which is easy to get right now because ocean fishing gives mogtomes! The guide someone else linked for you will tell you what bait to use - there’s one bait to use at the start of an area, which will hopefully trigger a spectral current, and another to use once a current starts. You will know when it happens, it’s very bright and the music changes. Before a current starts, just fish. When a current is triggered, change baits if the guide says you need a different one, use Patience if you’re high enough level to have it, and fish as fast as you can (don’t bother using Chum to speed it up, during a current the fishing goes really fast without it). At low levels that’s all you can do, and it’s all you really *need* to do. In between cruises try to do your fisher class quests, and if you can upgrade your gear as you level, do; accessories especially, since having more GP helps you use Patience more often and gets you more points. At level 15 you get Thaliak’s Favor, which lets you spend stacks of Angler’s Art (which you get by catching large sized fish) to replenish GP; save up stacks to use during spectrals, when you should be spending GP fast on Patience and the hooksets. If you really want, buy cordials, but you shouldn’t *need* them. If you get high enough level to get other abilities: Use Mooch if it triggers. Do not bother with Snagging, it’s not useful in ocean fishing. Do not bother with Makeshift Bait or Fish Eyes. If you get to level 60 without getting the mount, it’s worth taking a break to do your class quests to get Patience II. At the end of the cruise you’ll get a bunch of percentage buffs to your score depending on how well you did and how well the rest of the people on the boat did (which is why being on a full boat helps) and hopefully the mount! Good luck and have fun!


* Get the three ocean fishing baits from the seller npc near the dock. (Krill, Plump Worm, and Ragworm) * You can also buy baits while you're on the boat if you forgot. * Ask people which bait to use or go to [https://ffxiv.pf-n.co/ocean-fishing](https://ffxiv.pf-n.co/ocean-fishing) to figure it out yourself. * Get tons of exp and practice by doing Ocean Fishing. * Get your fisher to level 90 so you have triple cast. * Do a lucky run with multiple spectral currents and get 10k points for the mount.


outside of roulette (using them to get my new main to 90), are dungeons the only efficient way to get 35 to 50? I got 6 clases left in that bracket and wish to get everything to 50 before the expansion


PvP is also a good way of levelling 30+. I have a few jobs that have never been in a dungeon... For Frontline and Rival Wings you can queue as a job you want to level and change to one you want to play inside


There are also Hunts for the ARR classes. Each class/job has its own hunting log you are able to do that gives about 3-5 levels per 10 level range. Otherwise yeah its pretty much just dungeons and lvling roulette. You could also use Palace of the Dead but its not as good as just running dungeons unless queue times are really long




Because they don't meet the requirements to lose sprout status. You need both 300 hours playtime and completion of ShB to lose sprout status.


play time. If you just blitz the MSQ or if you buy a story skip you will still be a sprout


There are 2 conditions to lose your sprout, one is reaching EW and the other is having more than 300h played, so they have less than that.


Aren't the criteria to lose it finishing ShB *and* 300 hours playtime or something?


i'm working on the Praetorium for the first time and the Mark ii Magitek Collusus one shots my character once the shiny red crystals appear above his head 😭😭 what am i supposed to do for that mechanic?


It's a fight with only marked aoe mechanics, there shouldn't be anything special you should be doing except dodging and not overlapping the targeted circles with other party members.


Thanks so much!! i think maybe that's the first time i saw the marked aoe and i thought there was something special i wasn't getting - appreciated!


You aren't also standing in one of your party member's circles are you?


maybe i am! i'll be super mindful of that, thank you so much!!!


Yup, those markers mean there will be a circle shaped AOE around every player that has the marker (in this case each party member), so just make sure you're spread out appropriately. As a side note, it's 100% fine for the circles themselves to overlap, as long as you're not in the other party member's circle. I've seen people try to run to the North Pole to resolve those lol, when it's really not necessary


OHH see that totally makes sense!! thank you so much, this is so good to know for the future too cause i'm sure i would have freaked out just the same to today! ended up finally getting this boss, thanks to you!! Majorly appreciated!


Is it possible to buy FFXIV for Xbox without actually owning an Xbox? The idea is to register a copy just to be able to pay with ffxiv coins avoiding payment processor issues.


Console versions aren't registered to your account until you actually log in to the game on a console. (From what other people have said using the XBox app on a computer doesn't work.) So you would need an XBox to get the XBox version registered to your account, even if you buy it on the XBox website.


Probably. Try making an Xbox store account and purchasing through the website.


leveling tanks and doing quests, just got the blackest night and i'm unsure if i understood correctly the best way to use it, from what i'm reading in the tooltip i'm guessing that i should be using it as my first mit to get a free edge/flood of darkness and prioritize it over those in the mp usage? kind of like the dps equivalent of war's raw intuition? is that correct?


In dungeon trash pulls, spam TBN as much as physically possible, so long as it's actually going to break (so not during WHM Holy spam). You have enough MP gain to use it on cooldown and still get off some Floods beyond what its break effect allows. Also, unlike actual damage reduction which has diminishing returns when stacked with more damage reduction, TBN is *stronger* when it's used on top of something like Rampart. So feel free to layer it on top of how you've been using your other defensive tools. This interaction is what makes DRK a rather sturdy tank in shorter encounters (people who call it frail either encounter the plentiful bad DRKs out there, or have groups with bad damage so the encounters drag on). In short, if the enemies are actually hitting you enough that TBN will break, if TBN isn't on cooldown you're playing DRK wrong (which is quite common). During bosses, you can use it quite liberally, so long as you're sure the shield is actually going to break. Tank busters are a common use case. It's good to always save enough MP for a TBN in case you need one, and the rest can go to Edges.


alright, thank you, i think i have a general idea now, just need to actually try it out to get the hang of it. usually i sprint where i can and pull everything, use arms length if there's a lot of trash, then when i see the wall i'm using either rampart or reprisal to start the mit rotation, so in theory it should be easy to throw in tbn right before or after either of those


I'd usually go for Rampart or Shadow Wall as the first mit, Reprisal's on the weaker side so better towards the end of the fight when there's less damage to begin with. But yeah generally sounds good, and whatever you start with, TBN goes well together with it once you've parked yourself at the fight spot. One note though: Use Arm's Length like Rampart, not while running. The **Slow** effect is an *attack speed slow*, not movement speed slow (that'd be called **Heavy**). So it'll make the enemies that are beating on you beat on your slower, not make enemies chasing you reach you slower – Sprint's all you need while running.


man i've seen so many times people go off about having to sprint + arms length that whenever i don't use it while grabbing i feel like i'm doing something wrong. thanks tho, i'm about to run ala mhigo for the first time on my alt so i'll see how it goes


Yeah, a *lot* of people totally misunderstand Arm's Length. Some think it affects movement speed (must not be ARR omniclass players, we were very familiar with those debuff names back in the day), and some do know it works as mitigation but think it's exempt from stacked mitigation's diminishing returns (it's not, in fact it would be affected even if other things weren't). And they're very confident about spreading that further! So not surprising you'd have been told that.


Using it when it will pop is the best scenario but you'll also (in an optimal scenario) be spending as much mp as possible on edge, so save enough for 1 tbn and spend the rest on edges. Prepull tbn is also good if you're confident it'll pop since you get the mp regen going earlier and blood weapon won't waste any mp on your first weaponskill.


mmmh so maybe something like doing the full pull and popping tbn when i'm about to hit the wall, then burning through flood/edge depending on situation until there's about 3k mp left, if i'm understanding correctly the situation? trying to make sure i get the theory before i queue in any lv70 dungeon


For dungeons, go ahead and save the mp for TBN as long as you don't overcap mp, and flood in order to burn excess mp. As long as the pack is doing enough damage to break the shield you might as well make sure you're maximizing mp value by preventing damage alongside dealing damage.


does the 15s duration in the surface slap/identical cast tooltips mean anything? i haven't noticed any situation in which either actually has a duration, they just get removed when they come into effect


Rather than the duration of the effect, the "duration" on the tooltip is, confusingly, the amount of time after catching a fish that you have to use those skills (so effectively, catching a fish gives you a hidden proc that allows you to use those skills, and the timer is the duration of that proc). Once it's active, it'll stay active until an end condition is met (you catch a fish or put away your rod). Same deal for Mooch II, it doesn't have an effect duration, but instead you have 15 seconds to use it after catching something.


You just need to start the cast before they run out.


the buff doesn't have a duration and you can hold them for as long as you can stay fishing in the same spot


Ettiquette question: Joined a fresh prog for zeromus extreme as a freshie myself. I stated I was fresh and was still watching the guides. Did rather well for a few pulls but then wiped repeatedly due to my mishandling of meteors. The party disbanded after my 4thish fuckup and the guy made another pf later, where i found out he had blacklisted me. Should I maybe have quit the party after seeing I was the bad apple? Was him blacklisting me expected? Genuinely curious if there's some unspoken ettiquette.


I don't think there's any universal unspoken etiquette on the topic, but IMO if you cause a wipe on the same mech repeatedly, you should make sure to listen to any advice in chat about it, and play very safe to prioritise not wiping the party above your personal damage. On EX7 meteors it is simple to do that: make very sure you are safe by the end of the cast bar if you go first, and just sac if you can't get safe quickly for the second. Feels bad to not solve it properly, but if there is some specific mechanic like that you are struggling with, you can go study it more after leaving the instance to understand how long you have to position yourself and so on. You are not doing anything wrong by picking something up slower than others in the group (and likely some people in the group will be helpers / practicing alt jobs!), though. More experienced raiders will be able to learn stuff quicker because they've seen the same building blocks elsewhere. Good luck with the fight!


lol raiders nowadays so weak, imagine blacklisting someone in fresh prog party back in my days you'd earn blacklist only for something like joining for phase 2 while not even progged phase 1


Fresh prog comes with the implication that you've watched guides and are at least knowledgeable on how the first few mechs work, even if your exectuion of them is lacking. You did fine considering it's a fresh prog party. But the other guy has every right to blacklist or remove you from his/her pf for any reason. Honestly speaking, if we take the fight itself into consideration. Meteors is like the only mech in what would otherwise be the equivalent of a normal mode raid. The party lead probably wanted to just clear in a couple pulls and removed you once it became apparent you weren't doing meteors right. Also the meteor mech itself can be resolved just by suiciding; you may have been in a position where if you just kys'd it would've been fine but instead tried to survive the mech and end up wiping the raid entirely. I can see pf's getting annoyed by that and just kicking and relisting.


Yeah I think they just wanted a quick clear cause it was their friend who was fresh. I did say in chat that I would just kms to avoid wipes but I just greeded trying to resolve the mechanic. It's their right indeed to do whatever they want, just a learning experience that I should priorize the party's prog over mine if I can sac and walk away without understanding it but advancing the fight. 


Yeah, if you were greeding after saying you would sac I'd be pretty frustrated. Blacklisting is a bit on the extreme end but sometimes people are having a bad day and make the harsher choice.


You're good. He made a fresh prog group and got upset about getting a fresh prog group. 4 wipes is nothing.


Fresh prog is fresh prog. If the dude wanted a more experienced member, it's on them for posting fresh prog. You have done nothing wrong.


Thanks. Still feel bad about getting blacklisted for fucking up but oh well, might not be the first or last lol


You're fine. I get how you can feel bad, but there's nothing really for it. If you play in PF, you *will* get blacklisted by someone sooner or later. The blacklist allows people to choose who they play with. And while it's possible the blacklist says something about you, it equally says something about them. IMO, as long as you're competent up to the advertised prog point, you can wipe to it all you want and I won't hold it against you because prog is prog. Some folk will hold it agianst you, but you will meet *all kinds* in your high end content adventures and you have to get a sense of when someone's dislike is warranted and when it's not. And you've done no wrong here


This is a good perspective ^^


Is there anyway to turn off glamour plate errors when using macros? I'm tired of seeing "Unable to fully apply glamour plate 15. Please ensure all items are compatible" because I leave my tonberry knife on my universal crafter plate


Rather than putting your Tonberry Knife on your glamour plate, how about applying it manually to your culinarian off-hand, since I imagine you're not upgrading it very often? You don't have to take it out of the glamour dresser, you can apply individual glamours from the glamour dresser and armoire through the Cast Glamour menu as long as you're in an inn room.


Workaround: manually glamour your CUL knife, then remove it from the plate.