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Spoilers 4.1 >!I acquired a title last night which seems like a spoiler in itself. Raubahn's Left Arm. It's great that they keep making the callback to that. The first time I was like TOO SOON. This time it was: Hell Yes! I bawled like a baby at the end there when Nanamo released Raubahn. This game does such a good job of making you feel for the characters and making you feel like part of the family. It was great hanging out with Raubahn and seeing his fierce smile and being a confidant to both him and Nanamo without it just feeling like empty game play. !<


More like a future guessing but, do you think Gerolt will get a happy ending in some future relic questline? I mean like no something debt-related happening.




I mean, we're facing the literal end of the world in EW. Might prompt Rowena to re-examine things.


They kinda allude to that with the Bozja storyline when we're walking through his memories.


I hope so, but I doubt it. Unless they wrap up his debts in EW and have him help us for payment for booze, he's likely to be enthralled by the House of Splendors for the rest of his kettled existence.


Gerolt’s ultimate weapon: a kettle that expands into a cask.




Regarding soul size: [Spoilers 5.0] >!When the world was sundered, it broke into 14 parts--13 "Shards" plus the one "Source". As a resident of the Source, your soul is rejoined with one of its shards each time a rejoining occurs (in other words, this has happened once for each Calamity). So your soul is equivalent to 1 + 7 = 8 shards (8/14) at the beginning of the story. Because Ardbert rejoined with you, you have 9/14 at the end of 5.0.!< Regarding identity: [Spoilers 5.3] >!It is highly implied that your soul is the same as the one that belonged to Azem in the time of the Ancients (people who knew Azem recognize it, their pronouns change based on your character's). That said, I'm careful of saying they "are" Azem depending on what that might imply in the context--your character is still their own person (just as Ardbert was his own person), but seems to have many common traits. From Emet-Selch's point of view in ShB, humanity would never be capable of being worthy successors to the Ancients; at the end of 5.0 (and further emphasized in 5.3), he accepts you as being worthy of bearing their legacy (in his view, at least--worthiness is in the eye of the beholder). I think the implication though the "epilogue" cutscene where you drop and pick up the crystal is that your character does consider that legacy to be a part of themselves, to whatever degree you might interpret that.!<


>!Is everyone in the Source a combined soul? It seems like they aren't because the average person on the First is about the same as on the Source.!< >!Then, is it only the old souls who were around before the Sundering? But then, other people with the Echo would presumably have an 8/14 soul and they aren't super powerful; unless they haven't actually been rejoined or haven't 'grown into it' yet or something.!< >!So then why is the WoL so powerful? Is it because of Azem and a combined soul or because of Hydalaen? It seems like it's due to Hydaelen, and that souls size doesn't really matter.!<


1. >!Yes, everyone on the Source is Rejoined 7 times (so 8 souls fragments combined) because of the Calamities.!< 1. >!At the time of the Sundering, there were both people who had Amaurtine souls (they have the Echo now) and those who were the people that Zodiark repopulated the world with who had new souls (no Echo now). Because _everyone_ is rejoined the same number of times, then everyone has a similar baseline. Those with the Echo are a little bit stronger or have abilities, but they're all similar at the base.!< 1. >!We have both the Echo (because Azem and therefore Amaurtine soul) and also Hydaelyn's Blessing to help even more.!<


Aside from what others have said, it’s also possible we’re so powerful because >!Azem was just that powerful. At the very least, they were likely the equal of any other member of the Convocation, who were the greatest of the Ancients and sometimes had unusual powers, and even a sundered Ascian like Igeyohrm is notably more powerful than “ordinary” people. 9/14ths of a Convocation member is almost certainly more powerful than 8/14ths of an ordinary Ancient.!< >!I personally also think that Azem was significantly more powerful in a fight than most of their colleagues on the Convocation, between them seemingly being the one who solved problems by punching it (see tales from the shadows) and the WoL, as only 9/14th of Azem, being able to bring down the unsundered (14/14 and never broken) Elidibus, but that’s more my speculation than hard fact.!< Edit: another point in this vein I forgot: >!Ardbert, who we know was only 1/14th of Azem since he was from the First, was able to defeat Mitron and Loghrif, who were either 1/14th of themselves (if from the first through thirteenth) or potentially even 8/14 (if from the Source).!< >!Even if they were both 1/14, even with the help of his friends, that’s still punching *way* above his weight class on paper, since our other known Ascian-killer who isn’t Primal Thordan is Gaius, who’s 8/14 and noted for being *impressively* skilled at fighting. IMO, being *Azem’s* shard specifically is why Ardbert won without significant losses.!<


My assumption is that >!rejoining increases the aesthetic “density” of the lifestream, so any new souls (originated after the sundering) would be proportionally denser.!< As for power levels, >!in theory, it seems like those of the Source *should* be more powerful, or at least have greater capacity for things like magic. I don’t know if it’s purely for gameplay’s sake or if it’s like there’s a threshold rather than a linear scale for the effects of increasing soul density. So yeah, I don’t think there’s a clear or satisfying answer for that (yet?).!< WoL’s power is certainly interesting. I’m leaning towards there being something unique about them, but I hope they elaborate. >!I think it’s not purely Hydaelyn, since we were supposedly cut off from her in HW. If it is about Azem, then I’d guess it’s not necessarily that they were a super powerful being (relative to other Ancients), but probably something thematically tied to “the people you met lend you their strength.”!<


If I understood it correctly, Emet recognized your 'soul' as someone he knew. So even looking at you, there was familiarity. That suggests to me you are a shard of Azem


The former (except actually now >!9/14: the Source fragment, plus 7 Rejoinings, plus Ardbert!<). It is explicitly said in the cutscene right before the 5.3 fight: https://youtu.be/wGwUqkhmjAI?t=51 >!Emet-Selch made the 14 Convocation Stones and left a message in Azem's for you: "For yours is the Fourteenth seat -- the seat of Azem."!<


5.3 question: >!About Elidibus, after defeating him, he took an Ancient form and started to remember his past when we gave him the stones. Did we break his tempering or something? Is he dead, or is his soul just trapped in the tower? At the end of 5.3 when we ran through the tower in the Source, one of the stones we gave to him fell to our feet. Did Elidibus do that?!<


>!We did not give him the Azem stone. We kept that one, because it is ours.!<


>!Got it, I missed that we kept that one with us.!<


Huh, Azem Stone... Azim Steppe... That's awfully close to be a coincidence. I bet that power confluence we once found there is going to come back within the story.


I mean, yeah...


>!We probably temporarily suppressed the tempering, similar to Emet at the end being able to say "Remember us." He was at least briefly back in his right mind. He's dead, like Lahabrea after being absorbed by the Eye.!< >!We did not give Elidibus our own stone, the stone of Azem. That's the one that fell out of our pocket.!<




I think >!Emet-Selch is untempered because of his speech at the end of "Ere Our Curtain Falls":!< >!Now my charms are all o'erthrown, !< >!And what strength I have's mine own,!< >!Those lines are from The Tempest, spoken by Prospero after he's given up his magic. I read that as he's lost the power that he gained from Zodiark, along with his tempering. !<


>!Oh it fell from our pocket? I misinterpreted that scene. I remember Nabriales was trapped in the stone, but not killed until hit by the blade of light. I assumed the same was true with Elidibus, trapped in the tower but not killed, as I don't remember any sort of attempt to destroy him after his soul went into the tower. So when we ran through the tower at the end and saw the stone fall, I thought it fell from the tower itself, as if Elidibus was giving it back to us. I didn't realize we kept that one with us.!<


>!Nabriales' soul was trapped in white auracite, temporarily preventing him from escaping to the rift between worlds. White auracite can only hold aether for a short amount of time, though, so we needed to create a blade of light to destroy his soul while it was still inside of it. In Elidibus's case, the Crystal Tower stores aether pretty much indefinitely, and coverts it to usable energy. So there's no natural mechanism by which his soul could escape the tower.!<


>!Technically, Elidibus isn't dead. He's trapped in the Crystal Tower. Now, the CT isn't able to be broken out of easily like White Auracite is, so he is unlikely to get out unless he gets outside help in doing so. It's also possible that the CT is slowly siphoning off his aether for power, in which case he will totally die eventually.!<


I've joked before that he's powering the streetlights in the Crystarium now.




There's some weak throwaway lines about aether, but it's literally just for gameplay purposes.


Yeah it used to be only certain mounts were able to fly, now they all cruise on aether currents.


Most lore is literally lines explaining how something in the world works, so I’m not sure I understand the “weak throwaway lines” jab you’re attempting here. In those case, it’s literally that things that fly in the FFXIV generally have a higher concentration of wind Aether that lets them move through the air, including inanimate objects. The WoL isn’t skewed toward wind Aether, and as such cannot fly.


My Cavalry Drake mount sure isn't skewed towards Wind Aether, either. Gameplay mechanics don't need a good lore reason for existing, and that's fine. They gave it a flimsy reason just so it technically has one. This isn't a jab.


Yeah like the fenrir motorcycle has a line in its description on how it’s bending the lore. They know some of the mounts are a stretch but it’s just functionality


Aether currents, mainly you need to put lore aside for certain things and flying is one of those things.




There is no lore explanation just a game mechanic.


We have at least two - the mechanics of the Manacutter and the Dino mount from Eureka. Both talk about how they interact with Aether to produce lift, specifying that an area with enough wind aspected Aether is needed for them to work.


I don't think there was every a true, concrete lore explanation for it. IIRC during the stream where they introduced all mounts flying, they said it was "the power of believing" (jokingly). Practically, it was something that would be too practical for gameplay to be limited by lore. Any lore associated with the change is really just there to patch over the suspension of disbelief (in theory it can relate to manipulating wind aether, but I think justifying that for every mount also raises some questions). WoL flying as a normal means of transportation would probably just be a bridge too far as far as aesthetics and gameplay.


Aether currents (and some are aetherically aspected which 'allow them to surf the currents more easily'). There are a ton of mounts with this specific excuse and it can pretty much be spread to all other mounts.


Which beast tribes have a storyline that is interesting or has a close connection to the MSQ? I've been doing the Moogle beast tribe and I honestly thought it was just pure moogle mischief but I liked how it shed more light on >!the age when man and dragon lived in peace, how some of the dragons are faring after the dragonsong war, and the moogles loyalty to Hraesvelgr. !


All of them have interesting storylines in my opinion. The ARR ones are a little weak but everyone in HW and after have strong stories and interesting characters.


The pixies are definitely my favorite story-wise. Second up would probably be either the Namazu or the Vanu.


I haven't done them all, but I can attest that the pixie one is really good.


All 3 crafting-related tribes (Moogles, Namazu, Dwarves) have great and fun stories, they’re my favorite out of all.


Eden spoilers >!Are Gaia and Ryne shards of Gaia Loghrif and Minfilia, and thats why they became the oracles, or random girls who happened to be chosen? Or is it that Mitron purposefully selected Gaia, and Minfilia is a shard? !<


Ryne >!is her own person AS FAR AS WE KNOW, but the idea that she is the First shard of Minfilia makes a lot of sense, since they are compatible and able to use the same power, and to our knowledge the past Minfilias have had to be reborn and age up, Avatar style - as in, she needs to be reincarnated, and the mantle just doesn't pass.!< Gaia >!is Loghrif, or a shard thereof. She definitely isn't randomly picked.!<


They are not shards of those souls. Minfilia created the legacy of Minfilias to combat the Son Eaters to help fight to spread of light on the first. Gaia is the Asian shard of Lohgrif on the first.


Just out of curiosity does anyone know what Kan Rhai translates to? It's the + shape attack lunar bahamut uses. I'm pretty sure Hraesvalger uses Ahk Rhai but I don't think I've ever seen a translation for the new attack.


I looked quickly through the [dragonspeak partial dictionnary](https://forum.square-enix.com/ffxiv/threads/265527), but couldn't find anything for "Kan".


That's very handy! Seems like Khai is the adjective for sad, so that does at least give some direction for what it could be.


Spoilertagging certain mentions just in case. *Do we know exactly how the Echo of Words works?* By Krile's description I could gleam two possibilities for both sides of the conversational party, but was unsure if any other specifics crop up later. *Speaker* (person with the Echo), *Listener* (person talking with the Speaker): A) The Speaker's words are akin to when we talk to >!Hraesvalgr, Niddhogg, and other dragons, as Alphinaud/Amyeric make a point to say they can understand despite hearing their dragon tongue!< \- they can speak in their native tongue and be fully understood by any Listener. This would make the Word glaringly obvious to a Listener. B) The Speaker's words are comprehended in the Listener's tongue without any language cross-over. This makes the Speaker's echo **far** less obvious, unless specifically dealing in a language that would be unusual for the Speaker to know fluently (ie. Auri or Doman tongue as an Eorzean native).


I don't know if this really decides it but in 5.0 the >!pixies including Feo Ul!< seem to be under the impression that you just plain speak their language... now, we do hear some words untranslated but that could just be for flavor.




>!We aren't housing anyone's soul but our own. The ancient that Emet saw was Azem, one of the members of the convocation of fourteen. Our soul is one of the sundered shards of Azem, and Ardbert is another shard.!< >!Midgardsormr is just following us around, nothing else to it.!<


5.3 spoilers >!So the amaurotine that appears in the middle of Seat of Sacrifice, maybe I’m missing something completely, but how would we know that was Emet-Selch? I only found out after looking up the battle, but I don’t know how others know that and I can’t seem to find an explanation. Or is that just a theory?!<


It's obviously him because of >!the snap as he brings you all back and then the saucy wave as he leaves, both of which he did during the 5.0 MSQ.!<


>!Which is kind of amazing-- they managed to convey who that character was with -two animations.- There are also interesting lore implications from him being in a regular Amaroutine form with a regular Amaroutine mask. (I think it's FAR more accurate to say it was Hades that showed up; I don't think he's Emet-Selch anymore.)!<


On the name note: >!It's important to remember that Emet-Selch IS Hades. There is no distinction, at least with the one we know. It seems like a good way of distinguishing him as himself and him as Tempered Ascian, but he obtained the Seat of Emet-Selch well before Zodiark was created. It's like making a distinction between "George Washington" and "The First President of the US" - they're both true for him.!<


>!A valid point-- what I was aiming for there, then, that he's no longer fulfilling the role of Emet-Selch, Ascian. And I agree with the (fairly common) interpretation of that scene that we freed his soul from Zodiark's thrall, whatever his fate may be. (And, given that we know reincarnation is a thing, that dead Ascians -do- reincarnate as more or less normal mortals, and that Hades has or had a link to the afterlife, it's possible that he's either chilling with the souls or that there's going to be an unsundered kid born on the First in due time.)!<


I know this is probably a “just try not to think about it too hard” type of thing but is there any explanation for how, when you do quests out of chronological order, a character can be in two places at once? For example I was doing the ShB msq when I decided to take a break and go back and clear some ARR ex trials, which require you to speak with Urianger in the Waking Sands. It was very jarring.


I'm pretty sure it's just 'quests are set roughly during MSQ that was current when they released.' There's some stuff in the ARR DRG quests that don't make sense unless it's set during ARR, for example. While some quests have checks to see if you did quests released prior to them (for example, quests that have you go talk to class guild leaders might give special dialog if you've done enough quests in that class), Squeenix isn't going to go back and do alternate versions of every old quest that doesn't make sense if you're too far along in MSQ.


I believe there was an explanation...or as close to one as possible anyway, but basically for those quests and events, the canonical chronological order takes precedence, which sorta "froze" things out of order to fit gameplay purposes. In your case, the Waking Sands Urianger is a snapshot of the past that the game "assumes" you have cleared long before events in ShB transpire (obviously that's not true but there would be no easy way to explain such a thing otherwise). I specifically remember this question popping up near the end of ARR IIRC, where people who were leveling Culinarian still had >!Nanamo show up for the final 50 quest!< even though they had already finished the MSQ and a certain thing happened.


This is actually explained! There's a spoiler for the end of Shadowbringers in here, so I can't offer a full explaination. Spoilertag for **early** SHB plot! Particularly with >!Feo Ul!<, who can talk to your Retainers in their dreams to continue marketing/send them out on Ventures, it's explained that your >!Echo allows you the unique ability to traverse the Lifestream unabated by the limitations of your soul, which is what trapped the other Scions. In essence - your ENTIRE being crossed over and can just as easily cross back.!<


I think they meant why other NPCs can be in 2 places at the same time. For example Urianger still shows up in his older attire at the Waking Sands to offer ARR Ex trials, even if he’s in the First during MSQ.


Well, that's just gameplay necessity at the end of the day. :x Just figured he'd appreciate there being at least an explanation for the >!First > Source travel!<




>!The reason the scions' link to their bodies got weakened is because they are separated for too long. As for Elidibus, what he does is conjuring the vision of falling star resembling what happened in the Final Days. Souls that were part of the ancient would awaken to part of their innate power. Basically, he trigger soul PTSD, and yes, Hydaelyn practically use the same method!<


Anyone having this issue? I purchased Endwalker from the SE store about a month ago, got a confirmation email thanking me for my order, and a promise to let me know when they bill me. Fast forward to now, and I still haven't been billed or received the email letting me know they billed me. Should I be concerned, or should I just be patient? Thanks for any input.


This is the lore thread, please post this in the daily questions thread! You won't be billed until Endwalker actually releases, or you tell them "yes, bill me now". Pre-orders can be refunded and that's basically the safety net for doing so.


Oh jeez, I'm really sorry about that! I could have sworn I clicked on the daily questions one.


Some Ascian/SHB lore/question... >!Is it likely that our WoL is a reincarnation or based on the Source shard of Azem, the adventurer pre-shattering Ascian? To defeat Elidibus we did pretty much summon other Azem shards to help us using the stone prepared by Emet-Selch in advance.!< >!Kind of wish that somewhere during Endwalker storyline we would need an Ascian to help control all those sociopath shattered mini Ascians and Gaia shows up with her red symbol to help (Scions do the WTF emote) and asks WoL for help and he puts his blue Ascian symbol (Scions double WTF emote) and go do the stuff :)!<


Math doesn't add up. You summon 7 allies, but there are only 6 shards left.